E2S9 & bV-'ii BBaas'SJsiBSJ"1 5aU4.H.iflIwWMWvIMwljiPv.(iu iggiwsjiMggBaewy HMyffgSiKSl rss7Cs5nwwT J'JBm?.',.' Illlim""1 flEOREGONSEKTHEL .- at; TI1C ATL.ANTJC NKWS. BY CALIFORNIA AND OREGON STATE TELEGRATH. JUrjTtpMnm Vrtia to Jatkimviltt tzprtuly ur Me tvnlintl. Frvm tl StnUml lUlra, lib. 1. Dates to Fcbrunry 2. Washington, let. Trumbull's report (rum Judicial Committee r furl connect .H wiili ti'ttivc iT Juima II. Hum, faun Irnm o.d Capital l'riiii, invutiy, exoin,r.talo ifiat which luxe, what lays on hand ates Senator Rule Irnm bin me m Hivritin nficr Jan. 12th. Thev increase tax nnwhl. he for serwee lu acting us couiifcl Ufore I ly after the fimt or July, and prior lit. Inn judicial budies. ' next, 7S ct i after Jan, 1 t 7," to 80 cl. .. , , ,, .. !! ! Diitv un Imported wlnskv aritr Jnlv 1st, New 1 ork, 2.Kl.-WfV special dis- ,,-. nf ,',, ., fn , ,; 4(. ptili.fM. that e . .re. iu the ejuol war ,l(, ,,Q ntKi ,f.r .!. ,xl, ,0 f(0 ct. with France. Semirrl la mtiu to lute oJoptnl null a course towurd the French Uuvernment, cuuewning Florida und Rup luhaunock to elicit u riply from French t.-rvitt Mimatir, In urcurduuee with uhicli I'mtrd Stutes must cither abandon lll pre tentious, or go to wur to inuiiitHin them. Minister Day Ion u, H la staled, instruct td in demand of France retraction of belbg rictit rights acceded to rebel. It is crrtaili there la some ktiuuk dilCeiilty with French Cabinet, which ulultu all but Scurd. lie In icw or the certainly of war with liu rope, lakes holiest piwaiblcgrouud. Caleb Lynn, of Lyotisville. N. has betn appointed Uiirernnr or I Julio. Contractor nn tlie Ironclad Dictator ntid Puritan dure heeu ruiuested tu expe dite work upon llicui. lticlnnoiHl pipcra ennlain an order from irn. Iv to hi army, whirh my that he onldrr it due In lila urniy to ftatc that the temporary redncthNi of ration UcukihiI by cirenmstaiicef lit-yiHid In cimtrol. It hiirnl that cxerlioiiit ihiiv ln-injr waile will render the neci-r-pily nf but almrt daiatlon. Vew York, Fell. d.-The n u ii. . I... r. in ilini i in- r..r,uC or inwrrupt ...m. i. . ii. llie riiilaiinpiita Knqnlree My 1.200 ' rebcN who took thr oath nf alteclanre or rlvrd yealerday from lln wert. Moat of lurm put In jervice at Ktiioe. Iiifurmation baa been rerelved that Gen. I Uilmore will cowie north In two wreka. He U nnw nt Hilton Head. Kvervthinc in Ihixlrpnrlnienl ha willed down Into the old rniitlne. Rerral of th al ntlmenl 1i Iwn wit ..W.l.rf,. M rtl.Hf. kireparlng to follow. Ilnmors are In circulation or raid In. wanli Marllnthure. Vn., hnt Iratn on llil-1 tlmore nndOhin It. 11. nre runnlne recu-, rir. tiiiii inr iriHim win nTTwiinie in i llillonal approprlutlnn or $200.000.000. 1 ' ' Forlre Monroe, 2nd. Hlehmond tn. r lu th rnllnwlnp from Mobile 2.'ith. rwrlve trannort lmve pa'anl down tlie ' li1mn1 within the pat 2 dav. (Jn. Sherman and i.off nrrlved at Iulvllle. ! Court 4. pecia mv repwt nreralls that Im. r '7 . i V ' 1 laalnlcnawd-ihe l',!taae three ,ilra t l '! t.ruvi.lon. and M.p- I..w l!.nok. Mil.. n,.d advance.) to Cham-' l,,M ,U ' ,,in fl'u " n t "l.l Iwibinr. Ihnmri, Cumberland Valley.a.Hl 7""e" fo"- ' ' ' will reach II.rrial.un:. If fxwail.te. He baa - V otf "f,ll,7 nd, ' ' r 1 Lrv t artillery rxrrpl two witIM nf C-p..und JfteW1I,8t Mk lnf"rn"4 In(n., cf ,BJI. cannon. Tliere I m adenu.to force to I ,m. itvn tl"? ""' VI,L?,'1H.1 ' or Inquiry In en.e or Crlllnden!u" tl,e ""'' l,,f,W,,TrM i ? ' r :ooVeomtnenee,lTt.er.Uy. Majorlw .mk' f1 U? ATr ' f T ntrr. Frealdenl or Court. J I "remen- ,v u b(llinp on. I... arrive. . nnd MeCnnV firn. Iluntrr, ... n i.pik rii u nirTr,nniiii-ni n V '-.-t. Y-..I. . . -. fhf Ibwlnn -Journal." wrltlnptmn 8lilp I-1 inu.jnn.ZMIII.rar: IJIt nltlit n man a?t TiTm ?u Ml,i.vPrM "" i "e" hat tlie ri-lx-lanl hort Morgan had revolted. ' m,l the L-unUmt t Mol1 attempted to ar-' rei carrinnu, inn rori oiwnifl wltti en-rv kun and roceeded In drlvlag Ihe boat off. Ur?&!MKTIfliV"rn t:.mt.l. m.i. will t.v. ..w. .'..; which will taVe nlaea In.innrrnw ll.leut. Gov Hall' ra-iiir tn the Ix-cMa- lure, announcing the death orGov. Gamble. niiciiine a iiniowr; Mr Ciller ami coil' ant rfTirl hatni'lo eo-nrx-rnte will, lti iVederal C"viTnmnt In alt effort lo mo-t (reM1roii. In dnlngrtiKI clmll not 'ollcltnu to find fanlt with Conerew oe rtvnt (Jenrrat In IIih flMil. I lill r,.ll.. I .".; -- - -...., &$?' ?n" '" w,i,CTcr mr eon ' :'""'r.r:.".T """. .,"r rrl":iM.illm drove the reWla umler Roddv to1 " " " " " "'I1'" " " " """"""'"i in uniieflbtate. mm eofleawr to con - nito to the Telorathmr peace. Iro. FeU zd -Tlie Litlle ItoeV Demo. I Fhelby, were AeTeMM on Jaa. 19th. 20 I Wlmv Pine Wnrr. by Federal under I Clayton! flehtUrteda hatf hour-, rrfi. IU (JBI1. Xatl. Ml TIT null rfIHIB. nnilatP badly beaten nnd driven aeven wilea. , JJates to Febrearr 0. I r ' c ... , .r, r, ,, lr. ocnun wr. rn. .j New 1 ork. 2nd. Special erflMV di- icuiiaieu iiemiipiarters vtt Virginia, ', "i mat coi. Niitiigun tuts morn- . uiutc me enemy ironi meir pohnion. Iteoccuplerl Ilurlinclon mid MoorDeldlof tllon, la Patterson Cnrk Yalley. At n j0 of iiW rell euvulry ntlt mptwl uurii or III llrunc I ullil I'ulteixin IC UrlflFI'A. ,lhlltl f III tf.,H,Pliril '1'liAt. redrivwuffwnhout doinjfikriuusduni. I Headnaarbn lmif I'lilnuuK n.1 Mera-pieil kiirni nf rebvl ludiea i-how' R- - vulley rl"g recent cold weuther, iot over 000 . sunt fit r fifal Hii. uny ' VtlljlvM. Knllrrt nwiVHiiuHit wm n fa. ' OT j . ..-- -. -.. . ... . ..,... .- f 'W -- 1 iwre. At bt fcocouuts, fcarly s roooc , as was rrstlnjr on Middle river, near Mount Crawford, having abandoned the enterprise. Deserters continue to an Ire Irnm front, and rrmrt irrral scarcity l provision und rlotlilntft nlo larpe numbers are waiting lor pri-r opportunity to avail themselves of the President's Amnesty Proclamation. KnrollnN-nl of civilian, white awl col ored, within linrt or the army, ii nearly competed. Vlilnpton. 2ml. Amendment of llio Senate Committee In House bill In Increase intrrnal rctcniir, reported tivdiiy by Fes-cndi-u. strike out provision Tor lax of twenlv cl. additional on rectified spirits, It If nitllctirin!lv n-cirtiiinil tluit lite report ol rtltel lmlxiden croming the l'o-' lotnae, U neiiriiard. Chlcneo. 3d. Tlie Nat rlii Intelll?encer of Jan. 2.1d, mi a that ilcsiTtrr who en tered the Fedrral liura a few day previ ously, r-porlcd that n ri-bel Genual, with two lirlgadi-a of Inniijna and Texa IriMips wn marching from lite intrrior of wrotirn Ioumimia. intending to blockade tlie rivrr ttniKrartly, in ordre rn cd arm and ammunition, It aim mya that Ilragg and ataff wrre exravliil to cfr ihn and BMume command orntn-l forci-a wct of the river. The enemy rrneceith-d wwk be- tore lout In erring n QiihmiI caitftining 1000 aland ol arm and a large quantity of ammnnitlun, near (J reenville. A company nf the 29th Illitmi innunttil infantrv, re ported to have been captured 1000 nillra in the Interior, by rebel cavalry, it few day Ince. Fnrtrcr- Monroe, 2d. Sli-amer Union caplurrd the ri-lxd fleutner .Mayftnwer In Saracie l'uiw. lia. Un '.lie att .lan. an expedition went up .lumen rhcr and Iagan Ureek to hmltliliM; lierc n force under 'Captain It landeil. tn iimrih to Choea . ...... ..., ....... , IHMll ipr an arnni irniiriiiiri . . ,. , ,., . . u .Momlay. Feb. 1M, tno enemy. wi stron; with 4 piece of artillery, attacked Capt. Lee. who wua Intrenched ut Smiihtleld, und held out ncint revrral lurinui charge from the enemy unlit the armed transport. Smith Ilrlgg. orrivnl. 'Hie enemy loat heavily In ench ntUck. 'i'hey tent three Our of truce drmunding u mrruiiler, which Jx n-fuvil. On arrival of Iran. IH - rt they retreat (d on Miard. when the en Iy ora-mM . t.eavy tire or nniierv ai liivni. I'liiri r.iiiuni wui nwuiiuii, iiu the seeond niiwing. Thl prevente.1 Ihe boat from working off. nnd die wa finally doubled bv a ball linking the boiler. . , , . ., , ,, WP,B ? 0,M1 "" " m T ecaieu by goaigucrom the river. Aiiiiwl' tlitm Cupl. te, who wo wounded. Our low n killed wmiiMled and iniwiw.' wo fit); the eiKwe' hw win 150. It wu beavlrr nwimr to iheir mi lienor numlxrr uud mukinir the attack. Boon afti r cat- Tlicrelel loan w 'M and 44 discount. ! ... .. ..... tl it it. f I it. I. rurii Aniiiirdi I ihiiiiiii ia ii-nti. ill Italy llio JhuHt wa aiwd for publldilng in.rll,..l.1IV ...l.lru Minmiiirlni. ll,p fnri.ia.l turn of a committee to promotv the Italian ,.,. ... iih tA.,...ul. ..it il.,.i H"10"' . ' '" l f j iour,m17 ? ,l.'" Ilmmark wua reudv In riurticnule in Ihe nmfirtnee uruvitej by Kuclund, provided J. - - MII., with bU staff ..d 32.000 I'm- Fraoce will. Twice UharleJ leavea iwiln ! troop. ' hey will be diputclird to lliikteiu via Hunorer, and will ero the Rlba without halting. In Auitria troop fur Schlesiiwig were rewurde on ite 2Uih br sneial truiiu eurrvinir IOSaI men each via Merlin. Fiaoee nJerlf that Irnla und Aa-trina Drt net will be I o order I'nrw-,. A ..ii.ii,n..ii H,.l.iln ., .., ., i y. . ,. .1... taMiviiie, .11. $vm. ijoul'c mi'ina inai 1 on the 24lh ull. our force, under Colonel , e, , !., ... .,,i ..11 ,1(,i. ', ," ; "' T '.. . . 1 1 ruing, eeualut ing ur over 20 mule team. muIeT ... ..- 1 n Ju,m Hwt" l,M bWa "PPolmw , 1GTir"rAriCJnV ii 1 .! W ahlnglon, 34-500 rebel prisoners at Ira .-.... a . M Iv"kout have been enluted in the ,U .I Ar1'i' ,no,,Bye tVllwnwto e lod to tafce oath under the amuwty DrOcIttmutlOII. 0. K, Dodge, the rnmoua humorUl, and K. Haywood Ihe bullad singer, left for Calitornia today, vatiinifton, 3il. Irarto reslrlcllOM West Yn.. have been remorati. New York. 3d. 'eleru Metropolis arrlied from New Orlean. Fifty ile! from r.irtUL'a. thn runlun-d u hlnej.-a.li! ,nnHM IIajiIu .l iri.w.Ml. .... .ir.t. ft.;. 4a t Key West. I Local 1'apkiu. The Ronloii vni4mi remark s Not a tenth nart tA Ihu local ,w, which lr.nanirW In cnuntryt... finds Us way iato o city paper, wis lie who . .. . . . ... CCmttV IkliV-. JosM Hul fulfill hU tlalfpi ' 0 I "I f - -- . --.- . a cllUeu. wiircii iiwiiiu 1 NEW Fllim fc NEW STOKE. iicxnr JiTHjr. JOHII r. UMMKMUV. JUDGE & ZIMMERMAN, Manufacturers and Benlcrt in IMU MD WEI1Y, In Ryan's Now Brick, Jacksonville THE undrndened have formed a copart nership and leaml one of the Une More room In Ilyan'a new brick building, Tor the mnnufnctnrc and rale nf Saddlrrv and liar IH They liavu now n urge and line ftivk In More, to which they will lw constantly making nddtlnn. and lo which they Invito the attenllou of former patron anil the public nt large. NOW HKADY FOR 0UST0MKRS: Heovy Draught HarneJi (long and fliort tug), Goneonl IIarnes, Hueer llnrocn.'. double nnd alnsle: Spanbh S.Mv. with trees and rbglng complete, Ladlen' Suddlen. llrldle. Jockey .Saddle, Saddle-bagx, Surcingla, Ilullrra, Spur. Currycomb, Whip., Whlp-loihw, etc. The More will alwaya be Mocked with Inrpe ami line an norltnent a can be found on the cox"!, niitnlde of San Kranclxo. REPAIRING endrd to with proinptnrM, aud lu a manner to guarantee aalMaetlon. Give u call. J1JIICK k ZIMMKUMAN. Jaekonville. Nov. 1R. '6X J. ROW'S Cigar Store 2 Oppoille fove .V flilgerV, California tt, JackMinville, Oreguu. TOYS! TOTS!! TOYS! HOLIDAY GIFTS ! J. KOW Inform the ctt'znn or Jarkron vllle and the publo generally that he ha jut ecelti'd aud oQvra for kale IU tupcrlor utock of HAVANA Jt IMITATION CHEWINU AND SMOKING c:ai-A.c;c;w CARDS. MATCIIKS, FII'KS, CUTLERY, Stationory 6l School-Books FIGS. RAISINS, CANDY. NUTS, SUGARS. TOVS, ALI1UMS. EIO. 1'rleet to Milt the tiuiei. Call and tare jour money. Choice CrooH Frait cantlautly on hand. Dee.19.I6C3. J. ROW. 'M6W I w Nevg ! ! New ! ! KREUZER'S NJ2-W STOKE, UvtHucn New State Saloon and Ilradbury .t W'adu', Jacktouvllle, IS STOCKKD COMPLKTKLY WITH Bost Cigars and Tobacco, FRKSII CANDIliS AND NUTS, NEW TOYS & NOTIONS m ,-C-JLt3ia.J 3ay" FRESH FRUITS, KTC, J-n'O. . ....... ,.., ,. g(on e door wuUj J;f vUndiAtTJ & ade'., clli the ultenllou or Ihe publlo tohUeom- viHe ttocic of rlnoklni and cbewinir toUcco. Alk- tr, 1,1. V-irin.n iVralul l,f eltfur. ffuin , uncommon Lalf-paiilh to Ihe mot lr- grant Havana. All told at the wo.t liberal ; Isrlee. Vou can be bet supplied with any artl. dea In liU Hue, aud 4ie mouey. by kIvIuj him a call. December 18, IH3. rnt'M" COL'NTi' OK JACKSON, I eg BTATJSUr UKMi'Jn. I Ao''c l0 ""' lox-P'iJfOi , rnilEdelluouent Tax-lltt ol IMi ituinz1 J tillliv llliv tuj lliuiui, i nin, vri miki wi- Ur Monday, the 1Mb Imuni, tw erwjmiul ' VJ&&X" lMluiueuli will tave wlleagv by pjylug i " .- .. . ..: ' .. . r fo-L ,. ,.,. i .- nr..,.,.n i V Wft,f-WM WMM ft " Couuly. Joekioavllle, Jan, lC,'(it. jultiwt .1' II. Bloom Is Now Receiving DIItKCT FROM SAN FRANCISCO, A Iinr-go nnd Wcll-Sclccteil stock: of CONSISTING OF 3337" CSiVoocajs, cXtOTi-nra, GROCERIES, KTC, E-IC, ETC., All for Sale ut Kxtrcnicly OCjotct Prices. For Cash. C Grateful for put favor, h lovlle a gvlirral call. Store mi Orc'soa Street, In H'Cully'H Jlrlck. JackMurllle, Oct. 21, 18C3. CHEAP FOR CASH MAX MULLER, AT TIJIt BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon and Main Streets, Jacksonville, HAS Jut received an addition to Ida foriurr large nnd well Klecled Stock or FAMOY, STAPLE lu SUMMER Tiiyr goods OXi OTHIKrCe, BOOTS AND SHOES, GroccricH, LiquorH, Cutlery, Crockery, JliniugToolB, All at Reduced Prices. VE au4 ALL sra Invited to fa. uir him with a cull, a It coat noth ing to i-how uood, and It Is a pliaK nre lu Mill them at prices to low that none can coinpUlu. Highest Price PuM far Pro duce iu Exchange for tieei!. I. O. O. F.-sIackMnvllle 1.94 , -. gQ,' - y.l0lwW.trilviM. ylV.iJSJ tap on rrldar of lh itrtl Sfv 5ijiJc v! la ti wonlh, an.1 ii AJ,V Titf K Satanlar of cli Intrrttnlnc S'T "VVftZS? wr,UUiUwnlllll, t aVIirk r, M. Pfivthf t In (?! limllnf at lnltil nti m-i. am n. txmuir', .. u. OM.P.rni. lt.S, TrntltM. M. tntlofl, Hr nrjr tVn1ln r tvl . II. I.rlt. Warren Loda No, 10, A. F. & A. M. At HOLD thtilr' resutar communi cation the Wednesday I'vcnlntia oil or preceding Ihe full moon, In jack- honvii.u:, OIIKOOV. A LU.Y. MARTIN, W.M. H. llt.noM. Sft'i. OIlKCJOiV'CIIAPTKU NO. i, norAij Aiicir niAsoxs, JACKSOVVIUK, OIUXOX, Will hold Itaregiitarcommunlcatloii on tho Flint fnlonlny Kye. orKrryltonlli. All Kijonrnlnir Compnnlon In Rood landing ure conllnlly Invlleil to ntlcnd. V. U.S. hydi:. It. I'. I. Saimi. Sce'y. decrt;7 o. jjirnna. k. r. nrxiin.i.. JACOBS, & RUSSELL, A'lTORNKYS AND COUNSELORS AT XjJXTOV, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCKRY, Jackomiu.k, Okfiiok, flflffi npiHMlla Ilia I'nnrl llonw, All buttncM cuniinltted to Ihelr rare will be promptly attended to. July 29, 'l!2. n. wm. nocniirr. UMrn n. fir. DOUTHITT &. FATy, ATTORNKYS AND C0UN8KWR8 AND SOLICITORS IN OIIANOKRY, JarusoNVit.t.K, Obmm.v, Will practice In the guprrwu nnd other Court of till State. March t. 'UX B. F. DOWELL, ATTOllNBY AT LAW. JaCKSONVIU.K, OlIKtlOK. (VIII practice In nil llio Court or tlio Thlnl Judhlal Dlrlrlct, tlicSiipn-ine Court or Ore- f;on, and In Yrcka, Cal. Wariicrlp prompt y colleeleil. Oct. IK. J. QASTON, (Hiiotw to IU1 S Unlni) ATTORNEY AT LAAV. JArKsoNviu.K, Onsanx, Kpcclal attenllou clven to collection eae. June 10, IHliX ID (11 M"lnnu,nl.) QEORQE P. DORFII3, NOT All Y PUBLIC FOR JACKSON COUNTY. Office with II. K. DowcIL l). J. 8. HOWARD, BURYKYOR Sc CIVIL BNOINKKR, Jxcksonviuj: Ouruoy, Ileldrnce sear the Boulli end ur Oregon treet, Jauuary, l, U4( PETER 0RITT. Pliotasraphlc Artist, ( prepared tn lake picture In itirty tylo or Ilia art, with all the. late Improvement. ir Picture do not cite lallrfartlnn. iw chargea will be made. Call at hi new Cil lery, on thu hill, esamlue his plclurn, and lit for your llkene. TOtHE" AFFLICTED. No one need iufTer with the Ague wlmu DR..G. W. QUEER'S AOtT33 jlXiXaCBXl Can Imj hail, warrented to cum In every cue when taken nccordlog Ut direct lour. To be bod only at bis office lu Jarttonvllle, (ire con, uatiroruu hiree. j inzu It. Sachs. K. Saliii, SACHS BRO.'S VHOLKSALi: AND IIHTAIL DEALERS IN OKNKRAfj MKIlCAIINDlHi:, JAcesoxritiji, Ohkoox. BRANCTTSTORE. ASHLAND MILLS FLOUR' KAGLK BIIW.S PLOIMII ' TXfK WILL KKKI ON HANI) Till: above well-known braudi of Kutsi Family Flour, for le, at M'hol(alo or Ru' (all. UYAN.MOUOAaf A; CO, AKi'UUtor llj" Aim. BepLH. IBM. Kpl!)ml "OS TIIIJ iiHd FUllllUAUV" 1 A GRAN! BILL $J Will be given at I ho ' UNITED 8TATE8 HOTEL, In Jackaiilll, (IrtgJiii. TUB underiUnc4 delK giving nn Ann' ycrwiry Hall on Ihu iU February, an I reDeatlullv Invites all lu Attend. Y.V'ti care will be taken to render the occmlwi pi aam oia. Tickets fa. V Jani L0UJ3 HOUXE.