g i iilTjjfmia.iUiJMilMilU1 tl. LJJl .'-WHIPS'".! I II WIT" .- lA.-'-.v vViMiri'XXRiiiw iMWIii-'WitiMnnTiymi m -zE!!3S ugHMwM'UMi'y Till: PRECOX JGjffiEL. am - r'siiuv rmi a P'ii Wi i iii a f ' - mcwA fMlltl W-BBW.WMiaaM PJK " To Tiir Krricicr axd mnxANtNcr ok tocu Uvinv. x GovxiiNMr.vT rnn Tin: whom: is IMiHrtiXMIlLK.'' WatSinjton. j.l'khoxviij.k, onruuN. SATURDAY MOB.MXC, rEBBUAEV 6, li. The News, by Telegraph. The telegraph having tiecn in pool work Ing order tile entire week, we arc enabled to give ndr.rradcr considerable interesting news, undsjf Males reaching from Jutiuury JTlh Io'fX 3.1. White the armies oppenr to be Ijrlnir Mnnis UorrnR, From Mrssr. ,T. and AwfHl Calamity at Santiago, W K Gaston, who hure recently returned Clilili from a trip to the copper mine on Illinois Our renders have Ken the telegraphic River, we Itnrn (tint a very extensive cop- announcement f the awful cnlaMtnpbe per mining diitrict has been discovered which occurred on the night of the 8th of near tlic junction of Illinois nnd Rogue Drcemticr, ht b'nnlhign. Chill. river. The Champion cotnpary has hern Wi- cite i more detailed arennnt ol the J prospicling In that district lor nbout one icrribte affair, gathering nnr fact from the yenr, ami linn finally struck a rlili lend or Knglinh columns of the lttituno Menu. copper. They have already run two tun- roi? neb one seventy, nnd the other about On the ercnlnir of the 8lh of December i.i.,. e. i I-....11. .i i.. . l .... . . .... ..... 1CT;. ..I iiiigui, uihj iibtc Botuii one (aduu women nml several immireu men nrrr hundred ton nf (hipping ore nearly reidy crammed within the wi.lls nl the Jesuit for market. There are fire other compn- Church, at Santiago, celebrating the rile nies who l-ave located clnlnn, viz: The of the Immaculate roncrtilino of Mary. ..... nonccr. the irgin. the Hunchback, the Still the niitside crowd foucht to ret In Moore & Chlld'i. nnd a company from this that they might hear their favorite priest, place. A large amount of prospecting Is Ugarta, a passionate and vienrnus declaim eipected to be dune there nest season, er. Eiiaeuirre. the Apostolic Nuncio and This district possesses n great advantage favorite of 1'iun IX., also founder of the over the mines of .Trephine nnd Del Norte Amerirnn College at Home, was likewise cnnuiics, a sirnnmool can lie navignted announced to preach. I-.i&iguirrc hnving on Itogne river to within about el ml'r ' wounded the pride of Ugnrlu. by declaring oi the Champion mine, throughout the that the Illuminations in the Santiago year, and connecting with the schooner church were nothing to compare with the ni me rnoutn ot the river, will nlTord chcup umlnnl!nn nt Home. Ugnrta determined trnrwporlatlon to San I-'rancicn. to make, on this occinioii. the grandent dis- ., ., I play ever wltneweil upon the continent. Mww ConnK.rr):n.-Ily n mutoke of Mk )f ,ie ,, .,, ,,,, ,,,, hewrilertbeLn,on,nenofJ-ckwc..nn. ,,, finbhn, w,n ,e iqlj p, . ty ;were culled, by authority of K F. Hu-. .,,' ,lfl lhe ,,,.,,, Ju.Mm fire A lady named Orella, having In vain Im plortd some bystanders, on her knees, to ave her mother, rushed In nnd nhnrlly af terwards mlracnloiMty Lvueil forth, tvnrlng her glorinut load ! A young tody nf the K. It. lowing, for many years at tl head nf the Nahvi!e bar, ami snbrqtimi. ly an active nnd InfluentUI orator in lit rebellion, hits written n letter to a rtlatire In NaOivllle, rtprrssing n desir1 to return Idle, they arc at lean holding the ground ll, to convene in precinct meeting on the (ll .)e WIH)j.wof( , which they have won. which Itself would i 20tli of Fi-bru.iry, und In County Cmmii ,a knjnf ,K.fac( tventualty be the destruction of rebel! hn on the 27th of the wme m-mth. TlieM,.. lm,i ally hnpts. Hut we have still more hnpeful in dication uf the decline of the relxil cSute in the vmt intml)ers of deserteni who are dully fursnkiiig the rebel crew and pen. ilentiv rcluruiug to the proteclluti ot the I.U1 fljg which Is held out to a'l. Through much suffering they are fcnrtilti wimlnm. The cold nnd cheerless winter of inactivity l undoubtedly mojt demoruliKlng to thi rvbel armies. Men with empty stomachs nml shoeless feet, if unemployed, are apt to cntldcr irhere they best can secure food nnd clothing, and the consequence is that that they follow the fumes of the coffee they scent nfur off from the Union armies. The President has ordered that n draft of five hundred thoutuud men, to serve for three years, or during tin! war, to be made n the lOlh of March nml wropd in Ihimri lK-macle wholly cunitMXcil ol lun... .. al..l(nM1 ...! itn.l It. I cull I, corrected in tins .,.w to conrur.n ,,, ,M0 lnlmilr., ,hc ,lllar, ., ,n,r with the rtrommvmla.U of the Union ,irvc vor,,s hi,:!. nd ten bro-d, ... an In- oiuic viuuicuinin, irecinci meet lies w estingitishnhle bonllre. ' Hie advance of the Ore was perhaps, even more rapid than the panic of the audience be held on the fith of March vuutng, und the County Convention on the 12ih. IUkcwo ArwiiKjit. IVof. K. II. Jones. When the Bre hail flown from the altnr to the root, Die wimie iiuck oi uevoiees rusneu to the prlucipul door. IIiimc near the tut erol doors were able to escape at the firnt alarm ; others, and particularly the men, gained the little door of the sacristy, and lastly, thofc near the chief outlet forced their way through the throng, even still struggling to gel in, and. intkt-d, did get In, even In the face of the fire, stimulated by the desire of pttling a gonlplatt. which on this occasion meant a good plure to dit to. Then, the flumes having crept along notoGes the public that he is located at the U. S. Hotel for the purpotc nl instructing pupils in the nrt of graceful dancing. Prof. .Tones has the reputation of being a xerj accomplished teacher, and those with ing to learn how to ueutly trip the light fautajtic toe" or " thread the (riddy luby. rinlh or the waltz," should nvull them selves of this fine opportunity. See Ad. vertiaement. W it is nrnbable Hint one-half will pay 'l'V S.1U0 exemption, and the balance trc;tlieii the armies lieyond precnlcnt and mble them to complete the jb of sunjuUng the rebels during the coming Kpringw,d Summer. The Pacific Stale nod 'JVrrorle will probably each le call hi on to tn!ih their ciuota. M e arc ready. Futr Abraham." Tlcit momoubtful authority, the New 1 orK -nrt ww beworil Is certain we are on the eve i n war with France, nnd tlmt tie tliereforeliiilj France deduce. We rsjwt news coutiulicliujr this report io u day or to. ov. ffjmtiJe. ofllsouriis dead. lie UsuctvrdeJ by Lieut (Jov. Hall. It Is hot known wither haidbere to either the lladicjl or Couservativi factioni of that filute, hut we judge fromdie tone of the extract from his uiceiagc,Jiat he Is a good Union ixilriot. Tm. II. Clay, the bVgeoeriie son or nn ry Clay, died in Csnadi on tin SGtb ult. Afl.iirs at Charleston remain uiielmngnl. The city is steadily shelled by tur bstle-ru-s. C-llmore is expected North. Among other reports of minor interest is one tltat Imboden has crossed the Poto mac ami had reached as far as Cban)yrs burg on his way to Harrisburg. The number of his force is not stated, but let it l-c great or small, he can find no Northern Democratic friend that lie can depend on.j The fate of Morgan awaili him AcockXT. A few days since. Gabriel Out of this num- Jones, an old uml rtspectrd citizen of this the whole roof, nml cnnH-auenlly relraed county, while going through lhe woods the lamps of oil und lirjuld gas from the near his liouw was taken fur a deer, by his I cornier In which lliev strung, n rain of son, who was out hunting, and shot. The liquid blue fire poured down upon the en- uan weu uirecny across inc lureheail. i tnngled throngs lelow. A new and more fracturing the skull slightly. Surgical aid I horrible cnnfligrotinn bioke out in that wus soon procured and nt last nccouuts he! dense living ma, appalling the ofTrlghieil was doing well. Uurlaml Prtu. goze wilh pictnirs tenfold more awful than " thoc wherein the Catholic inm;inutiui has 11.eSouiheru Oregon Uater Ditch and . Illll0rri, l0 ,w B ,dm n, . ,, , Mining Company will commence the con- ,e ,,,,, jn lrM ,, wrer 0, on struction of a water ditch from Applegate ! bonr n,mtll lln lB,iml hmmtt k.in, i, Creek to Sterling us soon as the snows on the Crescent Oily road melt sufficiently to enable them to get their euw-mlll over the mnuntulns to Applegate. All work pre liminary to that has been done. Qcabtz. We have been shown some bcouiilul specimens of quartz rink this perished, including many children, but very few men. Although many heroic men performed prodigies of darin: und strength, In tear ing some from the death gru'p of the pliul anx of death that choked the door, in some coses literally tearing fT tlielr arms with- week by Mr. A. 0. llockufellow 4 Co.fl nul ,'''"1-' M,,,e ,0 Ml"cule litem, the num taken from ledge discovered by tbem in hlr r lienvl by this means full short nf the Willow Spring vicinity. The rock re. i ""? M0,e ,I,0D " P"0158 0 our '"Pb' sembles that of the richlv-poying Swiulen ' ,ncetJ ,mTC l"'i'"'. "'C Rreotcr part noartz lend. young ciils of fifteen to twenty year. One ' mother h perished wilh her Ge daughters. Ficicr.M We ro indebted to our I Two-lhinls of the victims were servoni. i friend. Mr.Jas. Twogood, of Leland.fora and tlwrc arc msny homes in which not collection of war pictores, in colurs, ond , 0M h Wcnped. Several Iioujcs have Immc of Solur. just before the smoke sufT.r to hi allegiance under the PresldrtnV en ted her. hud the presence ol mind to I proposition, nnd nilvMng all his friends to knot her ho-idkerchis f around her leg, so pursue the same ennrse. tlmt ln-rcorHe nilcht lierecosnlzeil. --- - - Alter the c!e id the awful scene, im.b ' The Wlowlne prenmbte ami re n1nlh while the smouldering ho.ps were vet send-; rc'necllng Jmtv K.fJnT. deceased, were ing up the smoke nnd iflluvla tn heaven. "nlnw...ly ad..pte.ny the Quarterly Ca. .i . t i . r -.! 1. 1 ... .t ...i Terence, of the M. K. Church, on Jacksni). the people became rrnnlic with wrath nnd ..,,,-. . ,, . , , , ., , ., ... it reClrcnlt. at Its last Sciilon, held Jin., demanded the demolition ol the remaining i . ..... ... . -o. lent. walls of that huge temple of hunwn sneri- .,.,,,. tl hn, ..i... ,,,,,- , fice, so that a mnnnment could be rrrclnl on o remove from thl world of Irlni, nml froa the pot to the martyrs. The municipal I Jje Chunh on ..arlh. our woriliv l.mtlirr, . , i . .. i . .i ,,, Ifev. JoilS F. f.nT. ntt'efill mliiMerorthe body seconded the people, and on thr lUih B(Wp., lf oiirlot. d-vot.-d Christlun. a p.. of Den-mbvr n etltion to tlmt rITect was trlntic clltt'-n and true msn; Iberrfnre, presented In llie President of lhe Hepublic, fit.-olrtl. l!v the Qrwrtrrlv Meeting Cm. il..n .t it.. n.nli..l A Ann. In itrenr. frreiiCr or Ja:kiiivlll Circiilt. That wn then at be oipilal. A decree In nenr. ,IW wh ,,,., , ,M, araiciKlm ilnint with tlie pi-llllnn was nrdenil. I he m,.aii,in nf pivltw rrnvldenee, which tits priests nrc bitterly opposed to what they l deprived lhe Cliurch or the hIkj cnnneif ii . i .-. !... 1. .i. ....i .i l..i -r- I nne of hi-r inlu!ier. the cnmmimlly of on. call the sacrih-glom work, and. at last nc-J,,, M,trfl ,,.,., n, hUfsmllr tf ; eounts. threatened rrsistuncr to the decree n nnMe-lir-nrted and moct excellent liu-lua.) The Oovcminent is weak nnd vacllhtlne nnd father. j but the people are stnmg, nnd doubtless! .Wrnf. Thyl we tender to the bereH , , , ,;, , ' , , ' family of Irrolher Oray our sincere syfnw. ) their will bos triumphed. .hr, i.r devont prayers, and tender recanli. I " - anil may the cloiing nonr with us anil Ibr Tlic AdniiniKtration ana the penwrnt nsnis. Ainen. nnvi-i-niMi-nf. I .'MoriYf. Tlmt lliev reolnllin b e . ml on the minute" of the Onsrierlv Cnnfrr- The Msnlinnt of J'resident Uncoln and ei.ee. and tlmt a eopr ' sent to tli l'ottft his Cabinet, Dmtlnue to muhc a distinction rhnivm Adnxatt mid Omnov fiiTi.Mti.fgf tielween the Administration nml the Unv-," ' Jxwm I'i-mminos, ernment. When lhes: jvi!e Imve had the' C lvr.Miirr experiuicv in civil wars thut the jwople of'-.". " i "" Kngland have had, llrey will see "llie error j XXorTOL. uf their way." ljtriencc is a hard lencher. Hie English jvople ft'C too fa miliar wilh that disiliictiiHi trrtween lhe Government and the men who uilmlniii-r it, fur it ever to be pussible for any set of demngngues to use it as it is now being used here for their deinstall and disenmfii. ute. They have rnsl throngh several crises such us this ol ours, and, however carefully thry may, in times of profoond eoce. dwell upon it In lU-ir speeches umi writings, they aie loo wite to alliw it to paralyze the public fiKre In times of ire inrndnu puhlir peril. That dilinrlKin i in free Government one that slWmld rure- fully be kept in mind; but, like many other distinctions in the roiMiitntiunol system, and, in fact, like the whole system itself, it depend fur its vnloe or its hurra em the kunwledge, temper and discretion if those who have it in charge. It is the right nnd duty of the majority, to decide when it snail im ouvrveti, ami wnrn u snuu in ovrrlookeil. To allow every knave, or clinrlatun, or trultor, or other niiniiral who may mount a slump to intrench himself la ) " hind it. wnuld inaugurate anarchy. We HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE! should have thieves arming themselves for I their protection ngainst the police, nnd de claring that while they reverenced the law, January in. IM.I. to lhe wife iifl.U-uU. iMUCK, m-ur I'liunilx, a daughter. NEW TO'DAY. JPistul is(-$10 Jlfivarri, ON lh evening of the Id lnl lhe siiV crllT lost a pistol ls-weeii Jsckms villennd llnmliu'n m'leti. Tlw pltol lis vcrv line NavvTcl foil's lletnlver irmy stock. 1 will pay k-u didlar fur Its n-cui. erv. The pi-lM can be left it the .Sentinel Oltlcf. f-bfiwl J. A. AHCIJEU. J1io.-nlx. Keli. -Mflij SEW rilOTOGRAFH K(K)MS ST Pboealz, Orcgoa, tVnere nrlNtlc and I.tfo-1'ke Plctnres are b j intr taken. nnnna."ed for t-aitiy of owJ. Ilii4 and Inucli of flni'h, nm) In tlic latrVt ami most Improver? styM nf tire art. 1 lilil plclnre enpleil, iruprovru, anu rt- ; deretl imperltiiuoie. Jlircnlx. Jnn. 30. 'fit. ORVIL IODOF. fllMiH ulo wliat we take to be a genuine photo. gradi likeness of a utned. The present was yttj acceptable. Hncsni rnn Salk. Mr. J. E. Clark and Dr. 0. W. Greer, offer their desirable homestead for sale. .Persons desiring to invest in town pi operty, should give them Tall. According to Mr. Meraotinger, who pro fesses to lie Secretary of the Treasury for the bnbli'e called the " Confederacy " that concern has nied "Treasury Notes" to the amount of eight hundred millions of dol lars, and seven hundred millions of these j Issues ure now In circulation! Io keep the machine running to the end of 16C-1, 1m atks for appropriation to the amount of 81I27.OII0.00O! We suppose the bo gus Congress will duly comply with his demand), ami what U more, furnish the money in good bard coin ! If they don't, Memminger ay the "Cnnftderacy mujt tuccumb." been noted by the police as empty, be cause ull their inhabitant have periib rd. Never had such pyroltchny been seen before 20.000 lights, mostly cumphene, in long fcatoon of colored globes, blazed the church into a Hall of Fire. Iiul the per formance had not yet begun, wlien the errs- cent of fire at the gigunlic image of the We hare had beautiful spring weather j Virgin over the high ollar overflowed, nnd. this week, nnd with the change ha come a i climbing up the muslin draperies and pMle great improvement in the gvueral heultli of board device to the wooden roor, rolled our community. , forlu 0 torrent of flume. The suddeuness I of the fire was awful. The dene muss of fn . n . a . j iib in mne iroi over tuc i-mnecr race . r.ji,,.,i , e ,!.:, nn.,m V1UUIVMllij,IIIViu WHt "I ttrwi rvsevts' ssmii- course, San I- rancisco, between tlic Iionwi , k, flInltn nmi Bn ,niBn,.iH,l I. il.eir was won 00 8Wf jng drenca rushed, us Ihoso who I know that death is at their heels, to the they held the Judge and Sheriff in nbW rence. We should have soldiers declaring that while they ndnred the Constitution they contemned nnd repudiated, and wonld not olx-y, either the President or their com manding officer. Tlic illuntrioos J'orkrr AIRfKATtLi: DWKLMNR. wim Stable and Out-hou- and n fine ent- lecliou of Shrubbery, with Fruit Trees, etc lorrale no llie Mot JLItieral Terms. Title Warranted. They are situated on the corner of Ore con and C Streets. For farther pnrtlenlsrs t-n(nire rrf Dr. G. VT, Grvr, nt his rttke on Ciilifonda street, or nl bis residence oa has furnished a striking example ol what . Oreson slm-t the views of his school ore as to the nntnrel t Jnek'onvnie. Feh. 3. 't'f of this "distinction," by solemnly nnd pnb- FASIIIOIS'AIILE licly releasing the whole army from obedi ence to its officers, after the issue or the frWtf DANCING Jk.c emSl&tyi y. (.mancipation rrociamaiinii. Anu ii me, -. - Kr.. JOJTKS. Profesw of the srl nubile were only insane eunuch to let him ' IV J. of eh-suut ond crntrful dancluc. (.t H.un f..r..H ll... u.n..r.. F ll.ta IaM. . .. ... aula iiiuiv. iii.ui nr. ...a in.uiii an aum . ai- "'' C llr 1 1.-. I l,m T,n l,lliii-l rta. nml (III , yj' :- ;. .- - -- ' --- r , and his confiiltrule havu their should have millions of private expounders ' r(,ch this art m all who apply nl theWH or the Constitution scattered over the, or the u,a. iioiei. Tneriaw win .' ... TsisMil.tv skitiY CilnrsTnv vsiiliiiu fM ntf conniry. ilisi.nguisu.ng oeiweei. ...e wwk -. .cliek;r. M .,cbFatur.ll. Government and those who administer i, class of ladies will received InslrncMM inrsa. tltrma, wilh such lie Ightrul clearness os to enable free of charge. Terin-S x l-sons for .i . n .i i . . in- i. ,i. fPr vale Jcmous, ether Isdy or giitltn them to follow their own awect will in the 8. . ' felCwS commission of every species of crime and folly. Jacksonville. Feb. n. IBM. Notice to Holders ef County Order. titt rr -Trsi--V ' dj A i iu vr wi.nuw Fee ' George" and " Oregon John,' by the former. Time. 31:30, Wi.es a criminal U to suffer the death i one door wI'lcb ,00 became choked up. penalty in Utah Territory, he U allowed I Fire WM everywhere. Stienmiug along the choice of three modes of execution : I tl wooden eeiliog.it flung the poraffine beheading, longing or shooting. llamP. ''""S "" lh. amonS - I struggling women. Jn a moment the gor. The attention of the people of Fhrenlx ' ceous church wos a sea of' Rame. Michael and vicinity U called tq the advertisement I Angelo'a fearful picture of Hell was there, but fur exceeded. Act of sublime heroism were pet formed, Itememlier there is to he a Wagon mnd amoni? the noblest were the tfforls of 500 Kkwaru. Slicriff Pinkhnm, of; II ii- county, off.-r the ubovn reward for one Hugh Donohue. f,r murdering n nun,nf ftf!l rifLlm. Plmiofranhi by the name ol G. F. Miller, at IWrville. r fT" lmf!: '.' W Unite county, on the 2-ith ult. Doimhut- a nbout ?3 Vt-iiri nr Mi.- iti.L ininn'ii.l(. gruy eyes, & fe,-t 8 inehes high, slim built,! ""1 Meeting at the Court House this j Mr. Nebon, U. S. Minister to Chili, nnd M'J qiiictc spoKen. tiX.u iljr. A Tankkk. During tliesleceof Ticks.) litirs Avssraf mi11t!slnnit nlf-srl tlfMlH fall. . R,-'. . .1... I ,-ltr hn,.l nnllli.n.t m,.l. UmtJ f JCksH r. wi .ii. i.fi e .... T EKSONS holdhig the following count; ters. Geagal Grunt ll-tcned to them fur a orJeM nty uotllkd to prcK-nt tU lew momew, nml men interrupieu iiiem tume tor pay men i: yig: ..There is no use of tnlking HXW tlcatome. I knnw nothing nliout thnt1M9. No 215 prew.lltrti ;or, u, li; subject, nnd rurthermore, I don't know or J No, 327, 5W,o30, Ml.. la:.', presented Ajtil any person among my ncqo.minnce. .q does. But there is one subject with which Jjl7t urcM-mtU j(ny 111. JHRti; Nos. aK.3l. I am perfectly acquainted. Talk of that , .. 40, 41, 42. prweuted July 12. 6ct); N and I nmyourm.." "Wh.tUthat.Gen. "?$ Jj-fsft !& ttftK eralt" asked the politician in surprise. ' anc, presented Pec 11. ISt'.O; No.MT,p" . ... , i.i 1-1 .1.. , l .....iul .'..!. VII till-.! Km H .Ml. nrcKlllfl "tannng leaincr, reiiueii inc vicnvrui. """'!"" 'r ., .1 N . . .. ' .... March V. lUCl: No. 629. KM. prcseat? Uen. uranta miner was a weauny tanner, ... , ..,, Vli ,. ,i72. cis. on ... .. ..v.. .... . , -. .- . . afternoon. Attend it. his cnnnt't-nirn. Mr Mi"r. out West, and before the rebellion, the General himself iwlated io conducting the business. Tlie work of "tannlnz" rebel is u fc- 1 p."- to Gea" " nl AiSrll e. tw.l. No interest will be allowed on these or ders after this date. E. 8. MORGAN, Co. Trra r. Per E. F. Hlmklu Deputy. ksonvllle, Feb. C, '64. ftWO , r . f.l.T - mm