Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, February 06, 1864, Image 1

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VOL. IX. NO. 8.
J;jLfl-ro!!lH'.k a-JMJ5gaiiaryiM"i iuw t&ttMWABuamiM'g?
I.O. O. ! Jacltaonvllle l.ortce
S3Li ine llUiy of the llrrt
'I 1JLJ J wrfc t enf u moiiut, una m
.v"TT2S-V"l Mutiny nfwrti IMMTf nil
ttVlxkr. K Crotlifn In cliiMlliitrtlntlll
iitftiL ota. ii. nonius, n. a.
nut. p. rr, n- .,
Tnnlw.-J'. M. Pttm, Hmry Denllnsrr ni
Am. a iktW
Warren Lodco No, 10. A. F. & A. M.
. HOLD tMr reirnlar commanl-
-ealimi Ihn Vtdnrdny Evening" nn
Arnr prwdlng tho full moon, In jacx-
thMttiX, OtIKCllX.
It llrrww Srt'ii.
-O F
WlllboM ttreinilrcomitmnle,ntlnn on tlie
Klmt sulnrrtny i: . of II"rr Momli.
All KOoirrnlne Companion In rood
"ttnjlng are cordially Invllod to attend.
W. U.S. II VI) K. U. l
I Srn. ecy. ik-cS:47
o. ucon. k. r. rtcrrxx.
A.T Tirt VrV,
TArKunxrRjLc, Onncox.
OflW lixn1lB the Court llouwt.
All lui'liie ciimmltWil to Ihrlr cart- will
1- iimniplty nltfinlixt In. J nly ill. NlS.
ii. wit. txKTiitTT. jamm n. kav.
A-T t v fryt
JrVwivviM.r. Ofirxwtv,
VIII practice In iliu Sttpn-atc and nihtr
...url nf llil Stair. Mmch 4. 'M.
.lAt-VKov'viixr, urtixio.x.
Will irrfirliri' In nil llm fViUl-U nf the Third
I Judicial UUlriot,th Sirprnne Court of Urc
I cn.nifl n VrvL,CuL War Scrip prompt-
i If fIlllTtrll.
(SumerY It )
JAi-KhONVXA.r, Or.eaoK.
&jccUI attention si ten In collection
ff. Jmit 1. IKi;x tu
(lly t'olatiurat.
onto wuh . v. Povcii. n
JjtciiovYilit Oueany,
r.f!dnco mar the South enj of OrcRo
ftfM-L I miuary. 2. 1KG1
Phatozrapttlc Artist.
Ik prrparrd lu lWj pVciurcn In crerjr ttyle
f Hie art, with all tk tl ItnprorrnitiKJi
If l'lcltirr do not give lall.fuctlon. no
eimrpi ill ! m(J. Crfll ut hl new"G.
Urj, on tli bill, xaluu LU ilcturet, and
)t for your likem-f.
H Vo one need niffi-r with I be Ague wbru
Can li bd, warrtiftfl.1 to euro In tTry
Om: bt-u ttfkvn nccotdliig to
To be bail onto nt lili itftrr In JspV-annvir
Orripn. California tSlrrrt. jviVtf
Is. Sach. 8. 8acu.
JwKWSiu.y., Okeook.
kagim jiili.s riouen
yi: will Kevos hand the
" abort) wt'll-kiimui bramU ofClxtni
amllr Kjour. f..r tu.l'tot WliMUA.or lte
, Afc-iuU for tbe Mill.
?i, I8C3. lil3m
AtttoKy to Cleotmlrn.
1 am Ojrlnp. Kpypi, dylnp;
Kliln the crlmon lire-tMe fat,
And the tbrk Plutonian thadnw
Rnlltrr on the ncnlng blact,
Let llilnc arm, O Queen, enfold me,
Hub thy o1n and Ikiiv llilnc car;
LlMrn to the prral hrart-Mtrcl
Tbon, and ilion atone mnt bear.
Though my rcarrcd and teleran legiont
Ib-ar ibclr cnglon high no more,
And my wrecked and cattenil palleya
Slretv dark ActlnmV fatal borr;
Though no glittering pmrds nirround me,
rrtimpt to do their matter' will,
I tniKt pvrlh like a Iloman
l)Io the great Triumvil ttlll.
Let not Cirar rerrlle minions
Mock the lion tliun laid Invr;
Twa no fortnaiiV linn that felbtl him,
Tai Ills own that dealt the blow.
Hear, then, pillowed on thy booin,
I!re yon Mar fit all low lu rnr,
Illm who, drunk with Iky caretcf,
Mitdly threw a wutld aray.
Should the bac plebtin rabble
Dare aaall roy fame at Itnnif,
Wlirro the noble rpnuK. Oclarla,
Vtrp4 within her widowed bone,
Sv-k Iiit; wy ike god have told mo
Altar, aupurn, circling wing
TtMt ber Mood, with mluu commingled,
Yet nball mount the throne of Ring.
An for thfe, lar-yed Egyptian,
Glnrloni orcere of the Nliel
Light the palk to Myglan bormr
Witb the fpkndor of thy f mile;
Give the Gcar crna-n and arcke,
Let hi brow the Uurrl twine;
I can Korn all Carar' trliiinak.
Triumphing lu lore like tklae.
I am dying, U;ypl, dying;
Hark! tb Intuiting foemin'n cry 1
Tby are coming; quick my fakbluul
Ijvt me face them ere I die.
Alt', no more amid the Imlllo
Shall iny voice cxuttlug twell;
Ifi and OnlrU guard the.
CleojiatraUome farewell 1
-GH. XTMflU.
Ilowu IUckii(l Hiiuncr wai
We Cod In nn Ivngiuh magailne the fol
lowing account of a tlirvnd trick by which
blockade-running flennirr wa lrni-t-J
tu ber voyage Iron Kutiau towurdi Cburlcv.
When do yo start V oVol tie writer
of tbe Captain.
Tie commander' voice iunk to 0 wlili-
per a bo told mo tbut at tuiiiet eery
iundsman mut come on board, tuklng
boat at aome ecludml jetty, to nrold pry
ing ej ; and uiin all feumuuble cauilon,
Inc N'uasau termed wiib Korlbern iirt.
Half en hner after toaduwn be wai to
bobrt a (Ignal, itttcli wu to be replii-d to,
atd then Ibe pilot would citne off, and ibe
ffleoroer would iland out to fea.
After dark," AMUtlered I'rltibaid, willi
aa oatb, " we taay Jiojie to get putt that
Vunkee thief lhat hang about tbe Uland.
The Governor Ude her levp ut tbe dU
tanccof C'DO marine league, Out bu 'a al'
way rn(aking ki--now fur coal, now for
bread, now becjuoe ber engine' out of or
der; end tbe 'United Sluiw Contul com
inunlrate with litr every Uy. I tell you,
fhipmate, tberv Un't one (f mi llmt Un't
dogged up oud down by ru-cjl in Feder
al hire Hcu Ibt-rel lhat '(wtto bound
has been ultcr inetber lour p1'" polDt.
ing to u dark-coBTpleziontd -fellow in tbe
dress of u ftevtdure, who, un fetlug blin
Kit oUcru-d, us he stood -under tbe ge
ranium hedge, Icy down with; wellfeigued
nonchalance, und lit. Ills p1e.
Before Jong Ibtj pafcngerd arrived. Sev
eral SoatuenrgeiitleiiiCii, u ftw Udies and
children, oil innklcg I lair way back fro;n
liurojM- to tk'Ir homm lu 'Carolina or Yir-
gmiu by Ih'wdangeroM route, uuj oil iu
pull of liurli Iinpritouiiiuni ut kt, in the
event of cjpiute. Ily the uncertain hgbt I
could sir ihultnoU 1 iIk-oj uere pale and
ucnoun; but tL?y talked 0 no utd.'rtonc
among themelvr., nnd did not appcflranx-i
urns to enter mm conrcraiuon wun siran-
"(Jet npiitenml''
Hy Ibe time the hoarM roar of lite es
caping vnpnr grew loud and menacing
there wns n frt-h litt'tlo on deck, nnd I
bran! Ihe Captain give orders to stand
by" for dipping from the mooring, nnd lu
linlxt the signal, as we only waited Tor tbe
"There they are, slick nnd right three
ml Uchta nnd a greni one!" murmured n
'all Virginian ut my elbow ; nnd looking
up, I v the colored lumps gllnvncr from
the mail licml. Instantly lliey were an
fncred by a similar signal from some win
dow on tlic shore.
" We'll soon kc tlie pilot now," said
I'ritehard, rnlitiing his hnmti In a cheery
nmnncr; "theflgnrtr made nnd rqteatrtl.
In ten ininulcsnur man will be with us.
Ililloa! linattthnyl what dy'c want?"
"IJnntijhcll ahoy!" was thn n-jilndcr.
Inn shrill, lonli olce, cauthily lowered
for the occaslun ; " pilot wants to conn
There - n stir and a start ol surprise
among thoc on deck, and as n rope was
thrown to the boatman, (Vpt. rrilchard
Ix-nt over tl side, exclaiming :
" You're oncommon quickj my hearty.
If yotj'ce come from shore since the lights
were hited you mujt be own couin to
Ihe Plying Putchman. Are you sure you
are our pilot J"
'I'm the pilot engaged by Ol. Jeremy
Carter, of Spottsylvanla, if that'll do,"
amweriJ a very tall, bony, bljck-halreJ
man. ai he actively osceudi-d Ihe side.
Zick Foster's my name, and I Uiow every
inch nbiNt Charleston, where I was raised."
M While the Captain rtasjtired by the
inentloaof Col. Carter' name gave hasty
orders tcot (T the cable and go ahead,
I. In cowmion with the rest of the passen
gers, oud the unoccupied jvtrtlon of tlie
crew, loiSkn! with much InU-rcst at the n?w
corner. The later was tbont forty year of
age, long and leun nf figure, with a hardy
sun browned face. There wm no mistaking
the rerohttc air and daring fi the man ;
his nmiilh was ni Arm as iron, thongh a
little dry humor smncd to lurt: about hU
lips. ai.d I hardly liked the rapiession of
his half-rhut eyes, which had a lasy cun
ning in their duik glance. Still, though
dresHtl In n black suit t shore going
rlolhi-, and a swallow-tnIM coat ol anti
quated cut, tliero was tontethio;; ubout Mr
jack Foster that bep&e tlie thorough
knil seaman. He took no i-liaTO In tlio
rroeecdiii)fs, for his duly did not egin uo.
til we wer" clear of Xnwnu roadteid ;
but ;et lie seemed impatient for the start,
gnawing viciously nt his quid, ad diuni
mlng on thu loffrnll wlih a linger that
seemed as hard and brown as brotiso.
The. run was M-nly and pleasant, over a
dimpling Summer , with no boisterous
Ixbavior 011 Ni-ptone'i part to nu1e even
the lady pawenger wneasy . We aw sev
eial vifH'l, but none of hostile character;
and the voyage was as ogree&ble and safe
hitherto as uny yachting excursion in holi
day waters. We were all disponed lo bo
pleased, ond Ihe pilot, although a sutur.
nii.c and msrose personage, viewed through
this roe colored haze of satisfaction nnd
hojie, Ucuito ti popular -mail on board.
Cuptoln J'r ilehard pronounced him worth
his weight In gold 5 for ir there were no
gales or rough seas to thwart our purpo
se, fogs were rother frequent, and here the
pilot Intimate siqualntance with the
rocks, shoals -and isltls mauy 01 wuicii
were not notsd down lu the chart more
than once mv1 tbe Uonoybell from an ug-
y Ihump, ujioo some IndJcn obstacle.
For an American, .wk Fwter was elugu
itj silent ; yd there was something e le.
.ohautinc ubout hi high fortliead ami imr
row dark eyes which suggested shrewdness
rather tbun vacuity. He did lib work,
unswiring when sooken tu, but ldom ud
drrmd uuy one.
" IaoJ ho!"suog wl tLc lookout raau
at Ihe mftsthcml, nnd I'ritchitnl and the
pilot, who were pouring loccllicr over I ho
mnp clac to the binnacle, lookitl up, while
the passengers edged nearer lo heur the
news, l'ritchnnl lilted his trlffcnpc, while
Foster went oloft for n better view.
- nilMo Island, as I snid, Cap I" hailed
tlie pilot; "nnd beyond It is the Cumtina
coiift. We're close to home, gentlemen
und ladies."
There was a cheer from Ihe liltle gronp
gathered near the helm, hut directly nfler
ward came two shrill cries ol " Sail ho !"
' Uncle Sam's baikers. We nni't put
out n few mites yet, Cup." rail the pilot,
as Iw leisnrely dcscendetl the rope ladder.
There were many good gtascs on hoard,
and we all gazed eagerly through them,
nnd with beating hearts we recognised the
Hrlholes. the grinning cannon, thu star
suinglftl fliigr, and warlike dlcplay of Ihe
Fcdenil blockading ripiadcvi. The steam.
er was put about, and wc Moid further out.
until shore and ship were alike lost to
view. The diapKiIntment of ike passen
ger, who had been granted a mere gl!mpe
of the land that to them was hoase. was
considerable; but none could dirndl the
prudence nf delaying our entrance tolo
Chailestoti harbor until night should as
sist if In eluding the hostile war vewcU,
There was no going lo bed on lioard of
tl Honnjbell tbt night 5 we oil kept lo
the deck, eagerly goring out over tlio
sparkling ami pltosphnrcfcent sen, glimmer
ing and gluitciog with St. Klmo's rlrea.
Tliere wss pule young moon a mere
sickle of silver lu the sky; nnd objecta
were so faintly dirceruable that the uliiiwt
caution w necesar'. The second mate
took the hehn, while the fiivt nale super
intruded the almost con lanl heaving of the
lead, ond lite Captain nnd pilot stood on
the forcctwlle noting Ihe Ti-pllwi of the
sailor, chanted as they were tu thrill mono
tone, in accordance Mill old cattom,
" Ten fathoms sheer I lly the 4eep,nlne I
Hy the mark, seven I" called out the Icadi-
man, from tlie i-halui.
" Water oilers doe shoal litre, Cop. I
know the channel, (hough, as well os I
know rjy parlor ashure nt Kuntntket at
Savannah, I mean," said the pilot, with
soino confusion,
" lly the tusrk, five !" was tho next call,
Cartin Frllchard here grew uneasy,
He did iot pretend to equal the pilot lu
jocnl linovvlctlge, but he was too goxl a sea
man not to takexlarm at the nbrnpt les
sening of the wotor. He gave order to
reduce the speid, and ns wo moved slowly
on, the lead going ns In-fore.
"Are you sure, Mr. Foster, you ore not
mlsluken'T It sccmc to me water shoals ut
the rote ol a Ullmm for every hundred
yards traversed. We .may have nil-vti Iliu
SwmIi, left Moultrie to Irewyrd, and got
into the net-work of sam. hanks near
Ililloa I what's that ahead of us I Iloals,
as I'm a sinner I"
At the same moeuent the pilot (brunt lib
handquickly tlo thehreaitof hi coat,
drew out something and flung It on thu
deck, whero it instantly began to putter
ami hiss and dirtctly oflrrwurdt the lurid
glare of a blue light flatbed through the
darkness, showkrg funnel and rigging, ll
pale faces of the .pawngcis, Ihe narrsw
channel U fretted water and the eu'idy
bleu on titherbow, Nor was this all,
for by Ibt ghastly light wa could dlttin
gulih daik objects 011 Ihe foamy sea ahead
of us boats full of men, pulling swiftly
but nolsek-ssly towards us, and no doubt
with muffled oars,
By Ihe mark, two I Shoal water we
are aground J" cried on Ill-boding volte,
that ol the sailor lu the cliains; mid tlio
Ilonybell came suddenly lo h cbrvk, throw
ing most of Ihe landsrutn froai tklr fct,
white tlie nmlnouK scrooping of tho dterl
told that Ihe Mteaintr 'M uground, A
loud clamor Instantly uki(, .many voices
Uhouting at once In tinea of Inquiry, dis
may, or command. 5 but tun nbove IliU
turuiuil arose the Lurrul) of tho. mIio
nuiincd the boats, ond who uiw cam?
d 11 lilng upYputlmg atid.cbeering like tinul
men.' - '
" Trcoclicry I trenclieryl" cried scvcrnl
of tlie pii'scngers 11 ml crew, pnlntlpg to
where the pilot stood beside tlie blue'' light
thnt hbnwii tetfidioiis hand hud kindled,
while nlreinly the mnn of-wnrV menrfor
such we eotiM not donbt them to lie, began
to scramble wi lnnl,
"The Yiinkec bloodhound, soreerionghl
hutynii slnill not Ike in share ibe'prlrj
nioiieyl"- r.xcUimitl lViicluird, snatchiii
up n himiNpiki1, nnd nlmttig a blow nt Mr.
Ziek FtMtrr that would have hern n.lellnl
strolo, liail not ihnt imtule Kison-swerv
uflile, receiving the wcnpo,fwlhb Klc
shnakler. Our will wl up u mint cheer,
nnd a shot was fired, luckily without effect.
Hut rrslrlance would Imvc Ikvii madnesw,
so thickly did the Ainerk-un huIIoi'k crowd
up our giingwiiy, their pljlolaiinl cutlnin,
rendy for the fi-ay. while unions; Hutu vrcw
ninor ten martuiv, well iitimd with intu
kels and biiyiwvt, aij who drove the llony
ImII's crew beW hslclnii wilhuiit any ic
rinu show of ighting. The Federal
Lleutriiunl In cuLunnud, to lo him Justin',
Kvmcd anxlnui I hut no ntcdlcf violence
slinald be, used ; and while proclaiming thu
vessel n prize to the boats of the Unitul
States war brig Dacolnh, he yet restrained
the lury of the precious guide, Mr. fuic
Foster, who had ncovrrtit from the uflcvl
of lib knock down blow, drawu u bawie
knili', and rii'lud ainiii IVitchard, who u
snuggling In the hands of his enptorn.
(Jrntly, sir," said the Lieutenant, " gw
lly, Qiiarlermaster Fitch, These eugol
blidsare under Uncle Horn' protect Ion,
und I cannot nlluw 017 UhiiMigc of 117
prboiu-rs. Do you hear 1111 sir T"
' Quartermaster I" cMlalnutl Jieor Cs"
tain Triicbard, aa lib wrbUwere llirii't"
t the haitdcuir. '-You don't mean jM
that double-dyed villain, lhat Judnorn
pilot, is n Yonkee petty oOlccr, ufir all,,
1 with I'd only huin4 the tmi' rv
hour back, and. If J swung forJli''! hnr
cbucketl eke sjy ourlicatd would a
mangy puppy."
Thu Lieutenant ia4fl no nner, but or
derid the captain and mates k aunt bo
low, oikI prnccctUd nt one " ! tho
lentucrV paper, to placo I1 pasnngers 1111
dernrreat.aiid to take, sled for getting Him
llounyWIoirthosumlbuk. He then com
pelled the engineer to the machinery t
wort:, and we run o.undiT the .slilllful
pilotage of Mr. Flick W0 J"1"'1' "'',
whlchniioboraeweme to our mooring
under the punf He Dacotah, and within
a short dbtnnce "f several oilier of the
blockading ninniTon.
Tiik STURM"'' ok MiMin.t ltioor.-
The slormliir of Mission lllilge.Jo tbe
piiiut buttle Iwforo Chattanooga .nn the
'JClh hy mi Iroopa Is thus tWrlLwl by ni
olTicrr In rrfKirt to Ihe Wur-Heparlmrnt !
m xihs storming ol Ihe UlMge by our .
trooji one r,Mhe grwttsst ,mlrneh in
inilltn ' history. Vo train ll.ut cllnilta llu
niCAit by any of the roudall.at wind 11I0111;
It tout, can bellevelhat '18,000 men wer
miMil upon lis brnkin.unil cmmbling fio,
uUm it wna lib lottuno to witness the deed,
It Menu as nwful as a visible lutcrpoiltloa
of God. Neither 'Ucu. Uruut nor ueo.
'lliomus intended It,
" Their onleri wero to carry Ihe rl8plt
along tlie 'bure of the iWgf, nnd cut off"
their occupants j but when this wusuu.o:u
plished, the- uoaccouiitftbhi spirit of thn
troops bore them odily up Ihe Impractica
ble slevpj over tlie brblllng rltle-plu on th
eresti, und the thirty ennnou looMing
every gully. Tho order to storm uppeurs
lo-have licen given simultaneously by Gens.
6bcriJn and Wood, because thu ineu wtr
not lo beheld back, liope'es a tbe attwut
upjieund to military prudence x.M, t'0
Generals caught tlio Inspiration of thu men,
aud wero icady (hcnuclrea to undcrluki)
.I. f-
James I), OJay.sou of Henry OJay, (lh-4
at Moutrenl 011 Ibe night of'Jauuwy ;Ula.
He was a Ihorgugk rc-UI In pplnlea aud y w
psthy. HIMirrlJog Vrpfben' susUlu tie