Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 23, 1864, Image 1

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Stye M0tt jQSeiitinei. 7
fcj- tfet)nitJnTTlvti,rrfMfkH "v"i
m "'wMwCTwwiuunwnfrj jwji n mim-.www'i
r , 1
VOL. IX. NO. 1.
t.i irrurr ll!!. WlNSUiVTS KOirtll-
I lurpvnll'jii It the prffrrlpllimof mm
frnuln ii1iyi.lrl.itit ami lirnnci In the Unl-
ivnj hm Lrtii llii! for thirty jritravrlth
KufcirdklfnccpM ly million of moth
Mrrn, fiviii Hit ttt bin InCiiit of utit, ck
rtll ttjt Hit tlill I from fu'ii, tint Intlxor
marli anl l'irl, nmrtH aeMlty, luvl
ItnJ rtifrity I" I" whole lyitcni. It will
nlly rrllrt
lJ l Tit ll.mri.ij, At Wixn Cuttc.
II Hit l!ft nifl Curoit ttcmnly In tin
nil rwi T IiYtfKNTCUY nml HI. Ml.
L'llll.llUi:N, whetlur It rlif from tf till-
i Ulj' I tlltT CillU.
lim for mlng will AiYi.uipi.ny ndi Mil.
itir wiii-m uif! iitiinii cr rummA
New Ymk It on llicinlttl.l- wmriHT.
all Mftlclno Dtalcri; rrlucliul unlet, 4$
,Vr York.
P'nicidui iiCtxTn rim llnm.
Ittlll.MlTON AfO.,
JlOamUtS Front St., Fin Kwiirltot.
Aivrnlt f'fCrtltr.niU.
3lcilltnl mill Mir-jltitl Illtlllutr,
itlhK-fr, lt I'ArlOc Mull 8. 8. Cu.'a
c flirt. Mn FrtnrlM .
llii lWi, fur IIm IVrmincit Cur or all
rrliilcanlClipitilo Hlvvi.fi.
nii; Fui'i'iiiMioN uv uiackkiiy.
ling iiivl llcl.Knt 1'lir.li-bn.
II II. .. J. CA ' i AY. M. ti
ll UllnriitlAii ltiuliilliijinrir War, CMtf
lit m liw jmii iiirimrniol ll"in-Hl Lhlrt
lull unitary llii.iiilrr 1'r.ih, Ilunex
He Icturrroii llp..i"rjliillriilti I'rl
1. mil IIm-a. of VUinnnnICIilllim,
lit)- Meinlwr vt Hit rblMtbliU lVllr
liriilarnttrtillmi utMtollio HratMtnt cf
mmim nin unwtfii.
n Iruiu ll a. m. l-i U i. m.
inniiiauit lit iincuy rvnlH.-nll.il. rornu-
iuntnlri.1 or nu l, OnftiulUIIjin. t-r
litrwl-, VV-rX. M-Urv.
III.. I-J.LV.Al'li.W.Sall I'ralidMU.
b trxo Afniotoa.
nil tlltt-f. Ili lint (ir.ll oil.-)
Iritis fttmi ntali-ct vt .lnr' hw.
MiTWHKN A llUlir. H (It'AIIATI'Kll
trcrtl lllttiiuul. vlf-iliU,", urMulK Utbll.
hull UilUi-. lilclniu. cli-et. iraicl
(Vruioikf Hhi kliliify- mi I I.UMir, uii-mi-
tixni. fiv('iii, uiiii in tii Uhhk mi J
ViMlftllU IlllltO. IlltiVlt. i MlilllVM.
Jllin llx r Unix, mm-cr, lriiijr, lqi
ilm' .Uikt. ainl ull illr.iM.t ittlilnit Irx'iii
tni vi i no nin ii rpiiH. m ii 1 i,vruu
!. f mcliMirr. lou cf lmr. nrneml
lUlime-x "1 1 Uloli, Willi ("-(utljr .,.u
rv uic ji, ! ri i'siii. uaKiiimi.4,
litrr illii", riupUwia iiixii llio fjcy.
Ui kanlliubl, l.mil.' Iir. inhrlllM, mil
r llKliin.'v f UjIIi totui. It nullor.
liil.'.UMK llif ilN-Mn' il,lii.il(tl, liiiHtivir
n.'iroUtlo.tln Ilm r. uwurr lt
iitxiorUr lima Hun tnTuiiiiTtil curr
l-l liyaiirillicrtl.utiuviit.ntriiiilicrtlit
I ull'-l tll lllll '! u.lutllt l.lil.ldulu.
I nil lli Ir mount of niru. 'I In innllonra
ro 'lr.tuiii anl wllUiail v-ur, rutirrlr
iiiiiiir n txhiiptt, aiH net. in.ui lutrrnr)
Harms Iwtnlr inn' ttjclUi In Ku-
iLmlic Htitm mil Culit n nu, I liu re..
Uf jh f iImIIi ifimivlli-MiMiKlt nli. In
1 1 lh Ui IIIHtlvfMM lllteiHt, I.M.I
U to J.al.y lli.lr 'lil.klM. hliirli r-
if .i.ii.ni to ilm i.mwi, Uiiiu iir
m.Wr Injr carv, ifrl ainl inl- one
'. 4rr Itjo rii4tt.t tRMillnl I'.litMltli.n
it hitttMxror tniiuipllwii, ttriifuUaiul
i,., ubii iMii iv it trrrtir liitlif
ll). Ai-fiutn.nl trurv It t.iut.ilv' tin
ni'J riiv tf thi niiH rtllliitf Inui tin
itrtf! ni irtitit, .li.i jt.it unlv 141 tti
im I 'ii mlii llntouiiillulliii. Illlliii llir
tuirittirr. ttlikli. 'Willi tliv iIumh. Iit.l-
nriub.i.i'.!ilc.ituuiptlvii, 'HiittltunM
t i tiriutrn. ii'.i tJiio uvtiii tMttiur.
i i iiuiikt. Ihe i1Im.u It rmuilol Um
i.nn.ai Inin illli rrolluruiittliiill.iiit.
. it nw. nurmi ml ly u tlru li Ii
firm i- .'iti. Ullcr, ulttrn. rrtiiitioiit,
It O. (). I' JuolcfioiivillR LotlKf
k'. ,". iuiioiiUlnrr(ttiltrnitH.
iii!ti mi FrLliv nf "lit flrt
,r hi t r 1m
W-S1 ri -". -.k wvk In rarli inonlli nml in
AJ''A,'S2r Jt KitnrtM rfni.li Iniirt tn nr
-HSTr ut-fk.nt tlu.Mrnmiklliilt.nt
7 nVlnck r. it. llMlhrrt In k"I tiii.llni:ti liulinl
totjtlcn.l. tlr.0,11. I)OIIIIIH,X. II.
lui. V. VviK, II, Pf'v.
TnntKt-Jm. M. Hnltmi, Ilniry llriilditr ami
Omi. II, U.rrlt.
Warron Lodtto No, id, A.xT&A.K.
Jk HOLD tliflr ri'ctilnr cfciimiinM
.mlHLaAnllii.. lit., llf .1...l.... T....it. .... I
JtT wi.iuin tlJ It t-!llirrtlliy J.ViyillKI.1111
riir prCPillng tlio full momi, iijack
If. Ui.onM. Sec'ij,
Will hold ItirnniiliirndininiiiilfjiitUil nn llie
I'litl Siitnrtlit)'i;tr. iiri:vvr)'iiii1li.
All inijoiiriilni; Ciimintiilnii ii ooi1
4tniiill:' iiru cnnlinlly lnvlli to iitl'inl.
W. U.S. IIVI)K,1.I.
h. Sauim. Si-c'y. tlciHMT
ii. jacoih. k. r. itrnKM,.
Jackkdnvim.i:. Oiikiiiis,
tllllro tiiiisllr llir 'iiiti' Hour.
All liiiflnoM fiiiiiniltti'il in ihi'lr ctri will
In nnnnptly itUmiiliil In. July 'li UVi.
II. Wll, HOimilTT. JAIII3I). KAY.
.Tai'Kihisvii.i.k, OnKtin.v,
Will (itiicik't In llio Kiipp'ino nml oilier
Con rln of tlili Sink'. Mnrcli 4 '...!.
J.i:khiinvim,k, Unkiiok.
Itiillslitl District, tlniHiiiiti'iiiL' CinirD'' ()n
ami. nml In Yrul.tt, Cut. Wtirfc'crlp jionipt.
ly onlltyliil OtftlH,
(Kurcr-ror ti l!. (It. Ion)
.Iackminvii.i.i:, Oih-ud.s-. '
Kiipi'Clitl utlentluii ulven tn rolrctlnii
ctroi). .Imiu 10, IHiiX HI
N O T A 3 1 Y P TJ B LI C
von JAUicsox coi:nt,y
OfficL nllli II. !'. D.will. 1:m. '
Jackd.nvim.i Oiihuo.v, t
IlcfMciice iiiir tltu Konlli cin ofMrppon
alrt'i't. Jiiini.iiy, -J. Mil
.liiat if IJit, tkln. vji-t, IlK.tit itn.l
illiu ti.iICii ttl'iltfRsltlrntuif uflvr.
imiiiiu' ijtou. in an turly m it e.
tlM. it n:Kili-r A-i uii.Ltj.lt piirniv tn
i ii ntl ., In i ilrowl C4taltiui ft ult.
mi.iiiu. Ilirniiilruln H'n llit tjtltni,
titvutcj i,f rlctliat, llit""j(ti n fiv y wrt
i " taiimtly uraiv. It tltulnut III)
tm Itfi'lly w.u. tw.tj' llio riK'rttN it
wii ii l ,uiK,-tn nit iiivif ult I l.o rvirr
nt llt ..jui. iliximliilo. fvr miriUv,
m m, au uii i jrllily k ji(iliitt, uml lr m
fk,4 u ut aailuiiiul, il.-Jl.it
aitiniittnuf anllt m.iru to k.i iln-vl.
IiIImU Huh llio full.'tt runfluV-in. I
uif-tuiuN iLllw uf t.'lf jI.uwi tbat n
in t(wl ruronn Nirfltitl,nii,'illi
i ii it if ruitout iruclUvt, iuv .tkint
I (olliriiUM anil ilKumiu litultli
I ",i.i t IJit.M.ttcf nialitii. fnatlft
I iii'tlnrijf,niijMiol liy twrnly )tut
I turii.iir.li.y tJutiuiiiiltur llimmtr(
I it Mii,h,iiIi full illitxll.il, wi
f llwMln Orcuu, .NmacLi ami liuli
' 'rltt,ty , iticata cuninunlmllin; Uulr
I' liilrr HutlitfttrurriuuvuiieiKoitriit
ll. A.tlw
I- J. Vt W'kAV, JI. II, Sjii Vrala.
, "ftof ur, i. frw iviitultiillvn, uil atU
; nun uok-.t ,i, ncl. u cure, frno3n
litSAN & WALL,
I'lliif,-, t'or. I'Varnl tb Ptlncli.
ijtt'nil to tliu Hvcelvliiff oml For
l ''iT ur ull L'oimI-i eiilriuUil to
i with jrnuiptiittu' nml ilifiintcb.
f ivnu elicited. Mctcbandlto re-
ptirage, 't"
ICity. Anrll II. IflC.'I. 15
Ii gowl'UellvurtinUI tUefrelht
leureptia. D.iW.
I'luitoRi'iiiihic Art tut,
Is prqmrt-tl to tiiko ploluien In cvi'tjatvlii
of lliu art, with ull tliu lulu Improv-tit-iite.
ir rietin-i'H no not (jimi .ui.iucii no
churfri will Ik iimiIo. Cull nl hW mi Gal
lery, on tho hill, t'.vuinliie hl piclint, nnil
Alt lor onr Ilki'iiiM.
No ono uvcil mllVr with llio Aiio then
ja.OXT3B 323XiX2C33Xt.
Ciiii ho I wil. wnrri'iitul in L-nru In iruy
c;uu when t.tKvii iiccokIIii;,' to
Tn lo hail only at hN nlllco likJuctaivlllc,
Ofi-Kiin. CiillfuriiU .Slrcnt. .jniitr
L. Sachs. iS. Sa-uj,
Jacki-onviu.k, ORerici.v.
A Smnclt In Sclinol.
A District Schonl nut Inr nny
JIM llcrkuhlro lillln, nno Winter' tiny,
Wn lmmmlng with Hit wontcil iinlD
Of three "euro mlnplfil glrln nml hoye
Sotno few upon their tnk Inlnnt,
Hut mnrc on fiirllvo mltclitef l-untj
Tim whllu the nink'r' ilownwnril look
Won linlcnctl on ii copy book
ltou loiul nml clrar n routing smack t
A n't wan n buttery or hlta
Let ii IT In duo IrcmeniliiiirlilMl
"Wlmt'd tlmt T" tho MnrtTrd imtntcr crlen;
"Tlmt, thlr,'' n lllth) Imp repllen,
'Wnth William Wlllltb, ir you plrnlho
I tnw htm kith Tliiithiiiuia I'eullio 1"
With frown to nmho n itittut) thrill
Tho muiti'i-llmmhriMl "Hither Willi"
Like wri'tch o'crluken tut lilt truck,
With atoleu chitttlva on liU ImcI;,
Will hunt; lili heiid In Tenr nml rhnmu,
Ami to llii! nwrul prrfcncu cumu
A print, priM.'n. Ininliful aluiplcliin,
Tliu hutt ol' nil poml tiiitureil fun.
With inilli luppreriit'il nml hlroh upmlteil,
Tho llircntt'iiur riiltcrril "I'liiiimii.cd
Tlmt you, my lilppent pupil, tliould
llo pnllty of nu net ro rmlo I
Ili'forc tho holo rot rolinol In hunt.
Wlintcvll KtMiliti put you to'll"
''TwiiB he. Iivrnulf, fir." nibbed the lnd,
'I illdu't niPiiii to Ih m Inil;
Hut when Siirnnun almnk her curl.
And wlilrpeml I una. Trulil or plrU,
Ami duriu'l klr n ImbyV doll,
I couldn't ntniiil It, air, ut nil f
Hut up nml klm'tl her on thorpnt,
I know boo boo I niiplit to not,
Hut riiiiio bow fro'n her IooI.h boo boo,
I lliouplitflie kind o' witbiit me tot"
Tliu Miser's UeiiitHt.
Tho hour liiiutl of 1'hlllip Acro'u old
fasliloned Hllvcr wntcli wn pointing to the
ll),'ure ciphl the ninf; rid curtiiins shut
nut the ruin utid ilutkneM of ilm March
ulplit, nml the lire unppcil mid crnclchtl
behind the nil-hut bur of the llttlu prule
in n most coxy nml coinfiirllthlo nort of
wuy, ciulliiK n ro.y hIiIiio into llio tiionplif
fill brown cyw tlmt were tr.idiiK custlcn
mid coronets In the biiriiinp couIk.
Tor I'lilllip Aero wu, for onci', Iiidulp-
In; hliihelf in
of it iliiydrenin,
" If 1 wcro only ricli !" bo pondered to
Iilmwlf. "Ah, If! Then good by to nl
tlioso inu'iy old luw bonl(H ; pooiMiy to
the mended bnols nml tliriec tunivil coal
mid ull tlm 'ways nnd mentis tlmt turns u
tium'ri lifo into wretched boud.ipe I VouM
not 1 revel in new liooli.i mid delieloiH
)nllitlnps mid hlph slqiplnj,' hnrfcs ? Would
not I buy n set of jewels fur Kditb not
pulo penrlH or sickly cmeritMi, but db.
iiinmlj, to blaze llku Ifulcat of flrti iiDon her
royul thrn.it? Wouldn't I what noineiiw,
"Ami ilrciimlnjj 7" bo innrnuiriil to ( limy lor name nml woulth.'but I would
lilmcll ns If In Iniiitn cnmpleln mC!i-.toti riilher tilt? tlinn suffer ti slnple ntnlii on my
of his ieiic5. " ISo, I'm wide nwuko nml honor n n Oliritbin pcntleinnn 1
in my ripht mind ; It is not (lcliiinii, no
purl or my wnklnir vlnlnn I Hut who would
cicrstippoie tlmt old 'I'hcroii Mortimer,
whom I linvn't seed since I was n boy of
You have done rl?bt, Phillip," said
Edith, with spurkllnir ryes. "Wc-will
wiilt noil hope nn, huppy In lovinjr one ntv
other more dearly than ever. Hut who la
sixteen, nml ptrked blin out of tho river "he? what is her name!"
half dead between cramp nnd JVipht,
would din und" leave me oil his mnnev.
Why, I'm not the shadow of n relation ;
but, then. I never beard tlmt the old mnn
had nny kith or kin. so 1 can't Imaplne
nny harm in tnkinjr ndvnntntro of lint odd
freak ! ltloh nm 1 rcnlly to be rich 7 Oil,
ivllili ! Edith 1"
He clasped bnth bands over his ryes.
sick nnd plilily with the tlmupiit ihat the
" That's just what 1 didn't stop to in
quire. I will write npnln tn my lawjer to
nk these questions und to direct thnt n
deed of convcynnco be instantly made out,
and then darling"
His lips quivered n moment yet bo
manfully eompletiil the bitter sentence :
"Then I will bipln the battle of life
over ngaln 7"
And Edith's lovlnjr ryes told liim what
loved, fur off star of his nilorntlon wbnld i she thought of his noble eelfnlnegutlon
the tluii'icrou) fuvcliutiuus
be brought nenr tn him by the maenct of
Cold. All thme yrnrs of patient wnltlng
were to lie bridged over by the stroupro old
mlser'rt bequest ; lie might claim Edith
iintv I
How full of Iieart-siinslilne were the
witks Unit Milled over tliu head nf the tic
replctl lover lirlKlitcned by Edith's smile,
ninilc bcniitlfiil by the soft radiance of
EdiltiV love. There was only one ulloyiuz
shailuwiiii; tbeiilmnst liiiperccitiblu toucli
of distrust and suspicion with which stern
old Dr. Wyllis regarded bis future son-in-law!
Ah ! he Toured to trint bis only child
to the keoplnj; of any man who hud wot
been proved by the fiery romance of trial!
It wiin nrrctsi'ly a week before the day
appointed for the wnlillnp, nml Ilm soft
IIjsl.lt vnllfd by shnilei of (.'round plusa
wcro jut lighted in Dr. Wyllis' drawing
room, where Edith sat ntnoii; lier while
rtwes nnd heliotropes, working; on it bit nf
cambrie rulllin';. und R.iiplmr to herself.
She was n slotider, beuutlful (,'irl, wltli vio
let prny eyes, n blue-veined forebead, nml
a sweet trstimoiilul !
" Hem 1" snld Dr. Wyllis. pollililnff Id.
eve-plopirs ninpisleriully wiili a crimson
sill; pocket liandkcrchief: "I didn't nip
pose the ypunp fellow had so much stamlo.x
nboiit blm n very honorable tliln,' to dti.
Edith, I have never felt cxnclly cerinln
about I'lill. Acru't being worthy of you before-"
" Tnpa I"
" Hut my mind Is made up now, When
is he coming again 7"
This cxeiilnir. sir," faltered Edith, tho .
violet eyes softly drooplnp.
" Toll him, Edith, tlmt be may hare ynu
next Wednesday, just lliu sumo at ever
And ns for the luw practicingwhy them
Is time enough for tlmt ufteruurds. Child
don't strangle me with your kince keep
em fur I'lill.
He looked after his daughter with cycj
tlmt weru strunpcly dim.
"Trlul nnd not found wanting!" he
niutteicd iudistiiielly.
The lierfumo nf ornnpe blossoms lud
gloy iibnml.int curls of that kind old ,i(Hi wny, i,0 glimmer of pearls mid satin
I'm talking though!" he cried, suddenly . .
painters love to portray
" 1 wonder If Mortimer l'laco Is so very
lovely," she mid to nsllcrhalred lady who
sat opposite. " f'hllli(i is going to luke
me there, when wo return from our wed
ding tour, nniily ; he civs it id tho sweet
est spot u puetV fancy tonic I devise, wltli
rounluins mid shrubberies, mid green dell
eloin copies ! Uh ! bludl vu nut, bo huppy
Shu started up, wltli n bright, sudden
lilii.b, fur, even while the words weie treui.
bling on her lip, I'hlllip Acre cumu into
the room, his Imnil-oun' faiv Inokinn liltlo
troubled, jet cheerful wllbul. Mrs. Wyllis,
witli nu itreh nod nt her iiIkv, disuppeared
into tliu perfumed perspective of the con
servatory, leaving tho lovers to theniH'lves.
"Ynu nrc looking gmve, Phillip," mid
Edith, us he dent over and k!ml her
nbnvo well-knot n brands ur Extra
Knmlly Flour, for U. nt Wlinles.il tt u0.
tall. UVAN.MOUUAiN .yui)
Sept. 8, 1803.
AgcuU tut- llio Jli'i,
rouiing liliuseir. " i'lill. Acre, bold your
coiifiiiiiided tnnguo! J did suppu.u you
were v follow of more senw I Here you tire,
neither rich, nor distinguished, but a Silin
plo law student, while Edith Wyllis is us
far above your moonstruck uspiratlons m.
Queen of Night hericlf! She loves me.
though situ will wait nnd the time may
nno day come ! If only Dr. Wyllis wero
nut so distrustful of n fellow ! However, 1
must learn tn prove myself worthy of tho
sweetest prize that ever Hullo! come in
there, whoever you ore."
It wtii only the serving-maid of llio es
tablishment carrying n letter in the corner
of her apron, between her finger ud
" Please, sir, the postman just left it
two cents, to pay." '
" Here nr your two coppers, then, Katy
a pretty fair equivalent for iny letter I
may receive. Nuw, then," he added, ns
the door closed behind Katy'iJ substantia!
back, " let's tee what my unknown corrcs.
pondent lias to say, A block seal, eh 7
Not having nny relation to lose, I tun not
ulurmed at the prognostic?"
He broke tho seal, unci glanced leisurely
over the (hurt, buslnessllko communica
thin contained within, with n face Unit va
rii.il trout incredulous surprise to sudden
" And I nm feeling so, darling. 1
were hidden in velvet caskets und travel.
big trunks and Mr. nnd Mrs. Acre, old
married people of full n mtk's durutlou,
were driven nlong the shores nf the Hud
sou in the umber glow of u glorious June
" Hullo ; which way is Thomas going ?"
suit) Phillip, leaning from the window, us
the carriage turned out of the kIioic load.
" I told him the (lirectiou to tuke, Phil !"
sjtld Edith, with bright sparkling e,U'.
" Ia'I mo have my own way, jft fur once.
We are going to our new hon.e."
"Ate we 7" said Phil., with a comical
grlmuce. " It in to bo love iu u cottuge, I
Wait until you tv, sir!" said Mrs,
Acre, pursing up her little roiiibu of u
mouth. And Phillip ;: wnlttd"' tlutinusly.
' Whore oru we J" be nskid In nutonish
went, when the carriage drew up In finnt
have of u stately pllhirJ portico, which fecund
n very unileasunl disckuure to mnko to
night our marriage must, bo postponed,
" Phillip I for what reason 7"
"Tn enable me by diligent labor nt my
profession to realize Mifficftnt meuns to
support you, aVarest, in n manner satisfac
tory to your father's expeotutlous a&d my
own wislici."
Hut, Phillip, I thought--"
You thought me the hoir of Theron
Mortimer's wealth 7 So I was, Edith, n
few hours since, but I huvc relinquished all
cluim to it now. When I accepted the be
qucit, I was under tha Impression that no
living heir existed. I learned to-day that
a distant .cousin a woman is alive, al
though, my lawyer tells me, in ignorance
of ber relationship to Thcrno Mortimer.
Of course, I shall transfer ll property to
her immediately."
" Hut, Phillip, the will has wade it le
gaily yours."
'Legally, it is; Edith, could I reconcile
it to my Ideas of truth uud honar to avail
oi) sell of okl Morltmer'3 Uael freak at
this woman's expense, I might take the
hoarded weulih. but I should never respect
myself again could Idroam.of legally de
fraudiug the rlghlful heir. Nay, dearest, t
not entirely unfamlliur to him. "8unly
tide is Mortimer Place."
"I shouldn't bo surprised If it was," ,
said Dr. Wyllis, emerging from the door
way, "Wulk In, my boy come Edith 1
Well, how dojou like the look of jour ,
new home 7"
" Our new home?" repented Phillip. " I
do not understand you, sir."
" Why, I mean thut your little wife yon
der is the solo surviving relntlve of Tbcrou
Mortimer, although she never knew of it
until this morning. Her mother was old
Mortimer's cousin, but some ubsurd quar
rel had caused n total cewution of inter
course between the two brunches of the
family. I was nwaro of tho faets ull alon?,
but Iwasn't sorry to avail myself of tlm
opportunity of seeing what kind of stuff
you were mndo of, Phil. Acre. Aud now,
us the deed of conveyance isn't made out;
yet, I don't suppose your lawyer will troub
le himscir about it. Tho heiress wou't
quarrel with you I'll be bound."
Phil. Acro'a cheek flushed and then
grew pale with strong, iiddeo emotion, ut
he looked at his fair wife, staadiag beside
hiss, the siiosct turning tier bright hair to
colls of shiniof gold, awl thought bow un
erringly theUod of ProvideDMcU4-"
stroigUtmd-wttU tatglcU web , of blVvw
fcrttoyt . , . . . . .
Oat of darkoen bad cone light.