Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 26, 1863, Image 4

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Jncliclor, Fnro.
Fanny and fr-c arc a llachclor's reveries,
Cheerily, mc-ity, pas.o hl life; i
Nothing kti3w lii of connubial devlltrle.
Trableinie cblldrrn and etom'rmi wife:
Trev from ati''ty, care ami anxiety.
Charm In variety fall to lite bare
lloecau' MMe nml Venn" kle
Tble. m v brave liny, I the llaebelorV fare.
j and wheu that monitor ul sluvery which ,
' haj divided us has been detrovrd, c slml' I
c.K.leec with n deeper fraternal feeling pomi trodily np through the Kyle, and
man we nanr ever ueiurc muiniraieu. ...
1". Evtning J'eif.
A Untwine Scene. 1'ackino Giuru. A correspondent New !
All through Nnwnbcr the Snntl. wind VH? xj f"'S In 1C ra'
New!! New! J I
Sliglitit- Acquainted.
Severn! years ago the tb ItegimcTit U.
IS. Itesuktrs ncrvquarlered at A , neur
I Niagara Full. Among the private uf
' that gallant regiment wan It , n tull.
I kink. rsddmlrnl YermtMHer, who wu nt-
A wtfe. (Ike a mmtWttr, chattering, clatter- way In some scrape or other. One ilay he
TWlhWK.frl.ltrvriitni.ddri.a-lUwCa,H,aM!1i,v.i j,,. ',. wiv ,, Jw. ! Jj1 P8;
AM hew.trl.,S. bNMMliw ml Mtofti.?. .,-. awi 1Mnte, . ,uv h wrv
jmof wnh. bite In the nltertHwti I
win slowly wemllnc lib way (Htm. Ill pie-
ed with hi pw sitee. when he aw rui
d oi r tree, within eay shftotitr; dnlitNci
. i a Jaw crow. To level hi pun ami fire
j was the impute ol a moment, ami down ,
Tfenotk folly .Vr.M4 rprMtbolM , ., . . ,. , .. " ,., , .
Soon at MiUlMml by wrl"S ami , " rry " " " " , I i.xi r vr f ihU ft i ll.iwf. niI it wn
. -- t " a pt of Gn. t . whi w nne of , ; , . . .
Wlw Mm Jriljr day. M mfc.olr dy.. wllhit teMHhoWf r in Canada, am) fw'lw niMfrv ,0 , ,H
All irptwhw a4 vlc oV Nfo W10W,f!,f Iw'-r "" kh J 'IV l of th .lr'.l f..a at tk- fir
CMMfNaf.ri.Um: Mm My at .h: Awl it . h.,. that the l.. wfc (
Ham,,, k. qui.. .. .U M. a l-ar: l wIim. T lh dth uf, r (ofV HwJv ,
A4 l'lly U Hmf aJ iMIy b Wawl- j k hrlte. Karaj: at m Urn. I d- tUm ,,, liwr wv
in irmrat to pannn w nixir in a imtu-
WlilW Iii h malllaf M IlaWr' far, wr that W mmld librlr rrnwnucr. So
llarri ntl wurriv him till h U ikwtl.
OM mm ar two illl. trtMbkU with Wuc
Ywmic own aw nw dcvlW rntlap ih
IhMtaw awl wir wmWbilar tlHr eor"
A4it to fell pin aad lkioimlor- fare.
MM Hi)nnldday with ni!t nnd plnnm.
Hut In the first wn-k in Deermlifr. when
the dny. were petting lnwcril their tlturt
et. the north wind came down, drove th
' mit awny. nnd liivclrd the iliiml with
a cold, cruel, incrcllws ljiity. Under nn
imrxiiratitc liraxewky, every emp mine out.
chriir uml jhurp u a wystul, every rata
ract wu tunwd Into n phieier, every little
yprnitins Intrn rm I he lillMnle into n beau
The I.tch were frnain
ihrre frvt thick ; hnt the carlltn? Iim
lay nrplrctat under the llhUFe. nml the
finhnl rllumte only ncved in remind the
young men of the nterry rlk lt ymr.
befiif the ptul rot lei! and left them all
tarvlntr. The old folk iM fitJU 'Ifwi '
wn a It yhmihi he. One couM not com
plain of tlwt : nn mlrhl envy them Imi
ime owjltl not compluln. Ttiey had had
';,::,i new stoke,
i IktMcen NVw Stale Saloon nnd Itrntltiurr
A Wade', Jiiik'uuv.llr,
I Best Cigars and Tobacco,
riir.811 FKUiTs.inr.CTc.
i orktr
I Ijwt fall I Injtlintcd n writs of expert'
menu to ncvrta!n the bet niclhnd nf keep
ing Imbelln prn- throuph the winte
the reult of which nn tlmilit would I
tnteret to that portion nf ynnr renders
who nrc lovi-rn nf this dehcioii fruit.
Tln'y were ull rwekinl In Imxes, cine font
sipiarv and six inch) deep, ndinittlup tlirce
, Liver of clusters, nnd kept In a cool, dry I
cellar; In fact, so cool that wnlemlandinp
inc ta a pall wnuld frwze one-lialf of nn I
!. L ,l.:l. !
Ih.xX.'.l wrrs pncke.1 with alternate ! NEW TOY S &. NOTIONS
layers nf prape nnd (rw-h prupc leaves.
Ifcix Xo. 2 Willi alternate layers nf prapc I
ami cnhired sheet wnddiiip. Ilox Xn. .1 j
with ntlcrnute layers or newspaper ami
prnpe. j
Now for the renlls. Xn. 1 kept frt-di ir. Krietwr Imvlnp t.iirelned the new
ami nice until bImhh the lat of DecemlkT, star one dimr fotiih of IlmliHiry A Wafc'i,
iu r...i ..!.. !.... ..!. i n ...... I calls the atlentiaii nf the imhllc lokkioai.
'".""" """"TV ...."."v "",,. MktffnHiUiis and ebrlnK mo.i.
i..tr.iirii tin-ins iijwurp i.. , iitii Aim 111 M Vr'll liralHH 01 tftt. ItlHB
mutt UWnl
the leavfn ami fruit beenn to mould lmi(p I tlw coinmtm half jmhIsU to the row! fr.
i.u --.l .....ii pram Havana. All miIU at lue i
I i uii cn lie iii riiinieu nn iiy ani'
Whaa lhr ar-r prawn, thtn tlwy are ! wmInP f0"""'1 ln B fww"y waiuier,
which (srea more
t on. ami lie
koMar jrrawn.
'Turning yur tiMapw aad iptirnias your
Olrt Uwmiph Ar4lrhnM. p-nhw, or owl
1'arry jrNr wIm awl matry a Ion!,
llojr will ntiiMte. hivlth aa4 dMnatc
All tlwi your tatty prtte hoanled with ear.
Than Ml m what iollttjr. fun. an4 frivulitr.
K)mU la iuallty IVidMlar's fur.
noiMed to It-
terrlliV a the winter
Uwk best. Tlirii the
'.uuBi n.- .1-. I .1.1. ... v,r,n-v eh-KRlHir ll IMiT and repncklt.p,
i .lilu. P.... tAt lu...l .IV liftrt r I I.J. li.ll.
I i fiw-flt1 nl.lntti nivl fr.li niul iniul tf
I n. 1 I -I I...L. .liitu. t. ti IliI ilntut 111
p atm. fnMli niul i.Min T
" Yau liave got a fine pun there," told ,
tbt Gtntrot. I
- Yua."aM It . Iwndlnp it to thv,
Gtrwal; " that's frm the neatnt double-1
barreM gua orouNil ih-j difrpinps."
The (ienerul tured the pub round
ibot made wreath of tlxwe infernal pita
lue (lower, itiwl called them the lllhrt of
hwven. litis would not do to think of
I To ne loektd tin Iwre in an hkHd in the
badly. Xo. '' k-pt tuleruble pcxnt until
o'.khiI the middle of Deoembcr, wlieti I
fmiixl th" ctition sticklnp to the crapes cle In his line, and tc mon-jr. by irtvnij
wliercthey came In cnlnct, nml the lirr-' m c-i. nmua-r . i-w.
ries rnttinp nml the the stenu mouWy. Xo, J ROW'S
.1 Kept tlie lKt nf the tlirw br all odds
i ei r-
kept prnp until the l.'illi of Mnrch, prr-1
know nut bow i
tmiuh loiirrr thfy would hare kept hud I '
,' -zZZir' .THYS! THYSI! THVfi'i
Uiw . .UIM . 1 v 1 U i
Oiscvi- Store !
Oppotlte I.ovc .V Ililpcr's. Cal.fornia it,
Juckaonvilte, Ortgoii.
" He Is only n priuter !" wa the snw-1
init kLl (tl luaila. ta anl..asa Tt'l.
. if in: immvil (' inic in rrtumi 111 mr nib mhmih in u irnircr 111 ti-iri nil
narnM l fi.!lr ik,n ,...,1. ,1,-1..., "" w " Attannc. wh nHionecwnce , w, ,c ,r. W M4I.IM.,; tie was oniyja
.,.,,, . ... . . ... ,. , of mufclap one voiec lieurd lilt tt wa too printer. Wlwl w I'mwi I-mlerlck U III
' riri. still loaiM at rail cwk. to hh ahoaUer. I , , .... ...,., .. . ,
, . . ., ..... lalf, awl lo sec w-1 own 1hhmii iMrluie ' kirn, who married the I'rinew Itovat of
awl point ioc it at It , roal: ,,, ., ., . , , . , ,. ... . ., .. . , ....
I . (. , i,r i. i . .i . . r 'lye before their face! IihIi: It wa' liivphiml? He loo. was a printer. Who
i ") oh Ure wilfully shot the pmiteit fa. ', , ,. ... ..,.., i ,..., ,. . '. , . ,
I t.ii. T. .. M for tb Mela vhi that llwwe inn ore wa illtam Haxtnn. one of llw fathers nf
vortie I bad. and now anu gtt (a tttt H. . . .ti .. . u , . . . ,, . , ,..,
,, ui-j Zu l 1 Seotehiwn. not IrishnMii ; It wui well for liicrature ? He wo only a pr in er. Who
ofOe-l . . .. .,",. . " tin pMHjr of the K incdotti that thi-v thinps are Oeorpc l. IVniice, Clmrk-s Hieken.
. mA lull tA nA nrtrfuw.. fl.A llrtfiml n... '
FWti il.... . ....... i... .. M. I" H-Hwidfihiy and I-ww. oihI , M. Thiers. Iliwt-hi. JerroM, It-yard T.iyor.
One VTay to Unite IT.
Ilwre wim a deal uf truth cxprexW in a
speech made at the Uofen rmotirc IwW nt
Utile Hack. Arkaimi. oo the 31 t
loiter. It wa swdien by am
an om jfetHwro m shiw i.i uwiwhim. i mMl , ,,. lim BlAr . , "
wfct was a member of tw) Coouiioi I . ..i..i .., .... ... . ... I Twos a
whhjfc voted Arkaaia out of tb Union in i ,. . . r.,.: , . . ,' ... sowW,
. i fc wft.. "pwih . . fc.iu,iviiiK unjfii; .rrrt
anmovetl by hi enireatiee. om tokl him In-
wt in
.Mawjlwuer nwl Iliruxnicbam. (Jeorpe I. Mofrk I.Ofnwf.nifJy, J. Gale,
weary Ilollowo for the poor (!. Ulclwrd.fin, X. I. Willis and Seiialors
The men wh ditr the prove no- Dlx. CHRitrnn. XiN ami Intin-,ier Gen-1
tiewl that day by iIjv tlte fro-t pot drejicr erul Kine ? Tlwy, too. nrc prltilen. What
t. ..... ....u ti... iji.1 ii r..A .it... ' . .. ... r ..., . , ..
.U.libnk.r.niC.fe.11. S .ill. n ' '"'" ,,TO "" -"--I. """. -......,. rranh.iu; wn.y a prmyr.
, , , . , , , , wire, the bfoem rufawd In run. the salts
PM.II Im. v.lrkwil .1., Ilu. An.r n.u. li,i..lnM '
ratber Blait. ami bonKdy talk to hi Mlow r .. ...... ' .'. ", were still o Itoard. nml the women ho
, ,, ... eyw. sotninrnevu om iimprecanie mtai.
Irill. awl who PrIO"D to lb, Utal j Ufr- ,)w ,;. J
meuvure of tt!on caartl him to le ilnv
en Itom the State. Ilk orpumenl or
J. HOW Informs the cll'rnn nf Jacl
vllle and the pubic pi'ii-rully that he i
jiil eeivd uml ulirs fur u'lc lm tupcr
lok of
very one cannot be a printer brains nrc I CA11D3.
1 tllIIL2
neeivurv. ' ' -
aiifMtn ..rfMle.1 anon tbla prmiml. that ibe I .. ' '. . . ." ....'wearily, with blue Qnear. Lneeked the
, , ' r ... ... !" worrKwl uown tlireeor rwir rmKlIiruH..!,, .".,....... , j The Duke of H. had a Nin. a student nt
.nwwm.i.ynoanio.iae common omlb,nJ , , unQ,)k) ,0 wt man rf' - - -- '"""""-' the Il,,na,K,rte !.,cum. Atlhedlslrll.al.on
d milmtM of the North, awl that If it Aupufn iH1 . BBd llie Geaeral fT "" T"'8,'. ," J '.?" ."hl ,,,W""n re.urncl home without
had no ben it cm.bl never l-ve commit fctofc- fer k lU "ater in tU IMll p,4s amonp the . ,,,.,, one M wJWl ,e dnke wM
...1 -. ...I.M.I . - .1 Ti.l " n r snawdfa umo lkTksaitiiu Irt twtA nml ffhir n n ...... . ... "
bim m T.4wUi do ; owl after oJving him
tJ :io tuteiilal an act a Keowtoo.
1MSK VOHI l. ! ba.a n,irfitl In fiilt.M ntur A. uluil
- A Mite of Ylrplnfa aad an ohl ml. . UuM Wm owJ toW h,m
defrtofthb.M.te.Ifc.wlnofyo. Tt ' . ajjmb gaU.Wguniu hi.
sn.uro-asaaiFnr-'-' " "'J l3' baad M turwd firmly upon the General
Hatew. i was taapru 10 neiievc. nwj i am i amj roi(j .
iHtileve. that everything nwmjfaetureil in '
X Kapkiwl wa mule to etieat with ;
that Ike relic Um of the ptopte wai hyixsri
You tat the remain-
sy ; that thuir toiwh wai cnntamiaatioii.
It' my turn now
der of the erow.M
la rata the Geaercl stamped ami swore,
and fiftaliy prayed to be let off II was
roenj was ii-rimnc to ireeze. ami mey , n. sir mm i, in i.i .. . .
came home and told the men. nml the men lE0 bnik youmelf up In your room,
I lint IhKirt. oihI went no more fMhinp. How and bring me the Lev."
coohl tby! I)!d vou ever sit liour nfier
hour 8,hinp. with fourteen deprees of front. , A iman ' "Jnnp the street nith a
' . , . ., ..... ...... i looklnc e1m under bis arm met a little bov.
i urn. in a ua.c o. amnion . 1 lie nic.i . - Tn..f ,;,.
siai.1 at home and laid in the l-d.nlace " .. . "."'" "" ' "l";"-,- ""l i-
Ami then tliey liep.in to die. Yes! The
ohlest of the able-badhHl men lpan to lie
down, nml to fall asleep in a strunpe
Stationery 6l School-BoebB
I'rlces to suit tlie times. Cull and nr
your money.
eonlantly on baud.
Jiev. 1, Jb6;t.
IIre!",ild he:-Juit come and luok lu
this plasr, and you'll see a monkey."" Alu
' " '" imletiJ!" said the boy. How did you dls
e.ipilet1 cover it!"
Choico Green Fruit
J. now
Patio oltkttiH. I have sen Xew Koekmd ..e .ili.1.....i..ji . - way. l'erfvcily hoppy. calm, rheywnuhl
... . . ' os ikiii ik7iiiiiiii iwu im-ii n iow milium ' ...... I
.nl u. ..1. T K.v. lu.. wj..,l li far n rl.r tr wa Aral nt Inat (lv nrw'
.... .v .7T...VIV. . u.,. uml nnminni ui ..... ., .., ..... .... h u.. . ... . ... ...n. h, .-.. ..... .....
.c. l ' 1, .... ,.,. , ...... . ; ""- -"-- " '. e mi .. . -. ,. . ,. ,.
i.cimumui me mil an rAiw. wiinoai a i lil., I,i il , n,l J,..i.i .. -i"".. ... .h .,, ..".. "-m . ., .uuimiui w ujiimiu,
deeeat toat to mv back, or nonev In mv'.. t... - . ... . . , , . . . . fowl nuletly dead, without the slpn of n I
. . ine wutnr m uui vsi wii, ami wuivn ue .... . . .
,Kei. i wve always met ine warmwt La,, ,0 ,lo Mote u, L1 of.
rvrifinuiis & iiardie.! holiday presents
lnHnltallty at the bouies nf their middle
ckiHes ; and, my fellow ciifzeui, in one
setw of the word, they h&ve no por. I
have walked with awe and a condemning
oorHoknee tlirooph the tchoobbouses found
at every corner of a crrH-rcoil. I iaw her
liarren liitls covered with plenty ; I raw
tier sturdy ions every one ol them oc ed
ucated man hasten to shoulder their mas-l.-et
and place tlim wives In the ranks of
the defenders of their country ; and I heard i
them make excuses for the South, much In
the spirit that a kind elder brother would
for bis wild younger brother ; and I dU
covereJ, u you have, that they are not
cowards. And, fellow citizens, Xew En
gland is a representative of the Xorlb."
He concluded by saying there was " no
power earth or below it that could destroy
this Government; for twenty railliocs of
people like those of Xew Kngland have
declared that this Union mwt and shall be
preserved." Xow, it seems to us that this
is much nearer the truth, nod likely to do
more good, than Ibe foul abuse which Bey
meur, Cox and Jlrooks are In the habit of
pouring upon Xew Kngland. An old
writer ovserts that no man thoroughly hates
another after he has once seen bim, which
is an exaggeration of the (ruth, that we are
more apt to like thoie we know than those
ht'CCt&iOlU TO
I The next day the General went to It 's
I Colonel and complained that he had been
j growly insulted by one of bis soldiers the
day previous.
The Colonel Inquired what one.
.. ny, sain me uenerai, lie was a
Qricx Marrmui:. We saw a letter this
morning from a gentleman in Austin, in
whleh he give an account of a tery extra-
tall. Iin. ilUfavored MInw. with re.1 imt,M ordinary marriage. A gentleman Hopping
. .... ........ .i.. r ...... .. f .. i at the International there, bad occasion to
- iiu i iuiuiiiev.uiiiiiei.--i snow mm;, . , ,, .. . .
, , , , , ' go up one morning to bis ruom after bis
he is alwoys in some serope. Orderly ?',,, and ,n nu ,uro,IgD tlie hl
bring II here immed.alely.' mtl ,e chamnu, Md M be vuttA her
In a few minutes the Orderly returned, I n-maritd. Are vou on the marrr!" to.
bringing It . who was wondering what l,ich the fair darnel of seventeen replied,
spm nn their faces. This Li nj novel
W, fancy ; the author ha, seen what he i, FRANK BAKER ,
describing. Ihnry Ainpiy m "AutUn .;
7fB." ' n"a w "ay Sat KrmicU.-o,
Importers and Dealers!
' I is." Whereupon the Probate Judge no,
immediately snt for, and the twain 3de
man and wife. A number of (ho boys who
got wind of the aRalr collected In the adjoin.
Ing room, and looking through a crack in
the partition, ultnosul the whole ceremony.
After it was concluded, the party atetnblJd
scrape he was in now.
"It ," said the Colonel, "do
know this gentleman T"
"What! met" said IJ , looking
amazttl as possible.
" Yes," said the Colonel, " do you know
' Yes, we are slightly acquainted," said
B (a happy thought striking him)i
- We dined together yesterday " I
'in.. t"7..,i ....i.u i.ni.i t i
v ... vUU.uiU.u .u UU ,u''Sr.;Br.(JKeptb),ruIimn,orni(.iWl.en hvf l0rj
butburst.ng into a bearly laugh he told' nil ,DWter Mme nIld t0ok her to parts uu
the Colonel to let him go, as be heartily' knov.. We have leu laying for Ju-t such
forgave him. a ehance as that hombre had -for tbo last
Ir) Goods,
Carpels, Oilcloths, Mattings,
For sale tn quantities to suit,
oct7 3m3p
iu the lar-room where chainpaguo and i J? Jji JyJ A L E SCHOOL!
wbltkey flowed freely. That night, while !m . .
,. , . .. ,. . nnlilo Khool will commence a Five
Ibe gentleman was celebrating bis marriage. X Months' Term on the 1st Monday In
inc jmrvui ui tut; uiiuc i'juk uuurgv ut ucr i iunurjr.
hnHitn uourse, $14 00 !
For 1 Young: Folk!
Can be bought at
On Oregon Street, next door to the Ti
Hock Ilakery,
Cheaper than at anyotfc!
Bouse in Jacksonville,
As be Is determined to sell his whole fW1
i of Toy at any price, lie will alio rrtl
lu a few days u
Lot of Fresh Candies, nrutf
.A.tic1 X'lxreox'A.olx.orsfe
The public are requested to fiaminl
stock wuetuer tuey witu to purctiue " '
Jacksonville, Dec. 19, 'G3. decl9tfl
Finn! Settlement.
J. ty. November Tenn, 1 bCS. In the m'
to come i
"Ipo.'Tee"ialdMrs.l,arllncton.aiilke Uen,yv yt-nr- The Rho llivcr girU
came home from Khool and threw bis book ! orc lightning. 1'iVgims City JlulMin.
Into one chair, and bis jacket Into another 1 Ala public meeting in a country town nn
at til lit. ii n Ifi fllVi-fl- KtvldAtlknll. .Ill 1. I .1 . ...i. m i. .
... ...... I atlV Ufie fjll lo il(i fcil. Ihtlr nprniiiilB nr nrtti4
getit1eineant-"iuou'tKe..lear,wl.y ,uu ihus delhcred himself: "Mr. President, , wi( toaHlrely be handed to n.r attorncvl
JI. 1U.U0M.
18. 'C3. lUcl'JIf
of the enta'.e of Jolin 11. Khnlilon. dcc'4-
VAtfr t-'mprr. tlin AilmlnKlr-.tlnr of sjldf
Lewons on l'iauo, )r month 10 00 ! late, having tiled bis exhibit for final Kl-
mho. j. ji. AicuuL.L.1 . meut, uoiice is uereuy given to all (""-
i...,-.., .nat Wtdncidar. the 3d il.T'
CltEENBACKS WANTED' February, HUt. has been set apart for Cj
ne mill i nuuw. . ire eauic .cumifc l'l'"c' d dn't cat the mtfls.1. for rlalnl n m,. I ,. i .,i , .,.,1 nm n. i-.t. l i ' f..r rJ.llw.ilnn
to the diflVrent parts of our country, 'Hie , meddlesome boy I never knew. lint no come forward in the ea.if ofedueailon : for ! Jacksonville. Dec,
m ire tlcy shall come to understand each, matter when the adversary comes round bad It not been for education I should be as'
otaer the more they will tike each other j i again you will get It '' inorant as you arc, Mr. President"
A LL liersons lodubk-d to ma liv Kato nr I Adnilnlntrntur.
XX Hook account, are earneolly reoueated i Hy order of Hon. J. 0. TOLMAN. C
iTJtiuee. n .m. iiupraiAn.u.t-
r ki r.rcirr
ennd liflv lhelr Inilclit'iInrM .n nrllrJndni. Vf. lini-'KM AN'. Clttt-
, ....;' . . . : . I . . . " . . ---'".'-- ,,.
uvioreine uiuar ouanuarylbbt. B hould Ueccmber ltn. IKC3.
OOice on the uorlh side of CulifornJ
between Oregon and Third sts.,
Pjc. 9th.