R THE ORKUON SUNTlMiL. tcnn :vi.nr HiTVimvr mokninc. nnxiiv nr:M.j(ir.H, iMiiivnim Prn.iv ScracntiTtu.v For One venr, In ndvanoo,, ' I'nur l)ulliir : If paid wtlliln tho flint tlx' montlx. ot I hi' nr, live dollar, j If tint paid until thr expiration of I ! year, six dollar. AinKHWISil One niuaro till Hue or lew), llrtl Inccrtlnn, Three Dollars : rncli xulwripieut I'ifcTtliiii. Our Dollar. A dl untinl nf rtfiv rrriit will In- mills to those xtltn iiihiTtl' !) thevmr n-.UiITi.f ntttmt m nrrtat mti. ADVERTISERS. Ur HPpllntHon In i'ix(in(cri mid Mall Cnrrlt. wi rntt learn Hint the i-rnil-wci4.lv I (JitWioN MtrrwKii ihi ny tur n Mrprr eireu Inllon in lliu ctmiitl uf Niiitliitu OrrRon und Del Kortv enmity. Otillfiiriim. than miy nlhtrr prther. Thi 'lldt ,ill commend Hit .kxtlmu to ymi u 11 mptrior mtilitim for -admitting. I.W or Aurvw. who nre nntliorlxed In tniHMt miy lmiiie cnuermlnic thl im wr. In ikr name of tint puhlMier : 1 1. FUher, San Fmnciren; Wiul'worlh .t Unmet. Yrckn: Kbr Kmrv. Arhliinil: S (.'. Tuvloc, l'buml.x; W. W. Fowler. Appb - imtc: K. ri .. . . . 'tin i " ti iJiiniiMt, iuminimrx; .imhii u. 1'rlitdltt. K rhrvllln: A. II. JlcIUnln. Wnldn; II.J. FMbn, W'nldo; 'r.. M. V.van. Alt - lion: Jih.1 Thorn, Cunvonvllle; A. I! Flint, ttoMlriiric: Itmc U Miwrm, ?alem: J II. Undirwwxl, l.'iifrne CUv; I Clmrmnu. Orcfou City; D. W. V(M4. Allwny, Itcnjutnln Ciwik, Carvullln; J. It. Jsmltli Crwwnt City; Allxrt Duoliulu, Ilapp Cit nip. ttTWi ipwinBiiiJicirtrarM. iwiiiiw ASHLAND MILLS FLOUR 1-AGL.i: MILLS I-LOUIt! -ti: will icnii'""()N' iiaxd vm: nborw mll-knnvrn lmnd of Kxira Furallv Flour. fr Hilu.nt WlioNnlr m -lull. ' UYAX.MOItr.AN Cl. AkciiU Tur ll' MIIU Sept. e, OfS wpt'iml AVH1TE-OAK STAVES THY. vmngitt delrv to contract will. HMii'.' ietw)n. In rtinply him loviilurl) with icowl. Vlill.M)ak suw. for ulikh !. will jmy Seventy ilolhm ir lltouwwl. ile lltnmil itt Yroka. Fur iurtlou1.tr. mldrMi Ik MjlrilMr.ul Yrnlm.urJoffph Wtiturvr. nt JswkKimlll. JOHN' MOSEIt. JtkntivHI. Odt. B. '(13. imi lir MINER'S SALOON, IJY (flMW.Mr tt tJl WINES ANDUQUORS, W TIIK IIIWT QUALITY. AT ONE-BIT A DRINK. Ami Cigar nf tit Cho!t Yuriello. M Frlenit- In inrtlcular, nml the I'uhllc lu KiMumil, un Iniitttl to i;le m n ll. I.KWIS hKVY. Jatkim UK Sept. 0. 'OX vpU.niK Ailmliilstrntrlx'n IS'utlve. B.kTATi: or i. a. rticu, iikciiasdih t mi J Wm U mi; cuuton. Ymi rf lrrlr milttxl UMt lb u4.nlPi.i Um ltnHWNtnl .timiW.lr rUMula,il Ml trwtM iMtla 4msm4 HMtii.1 uU wt4M r Wi; miwirai tu rnarnl lM MUtf. MUll IHViPf )rU4)lr. 4l IU7 rr.Mirllu wn Umu Cim. U lfc Muattf jMkaMH.aa.1 Sul. of M4tjiM.wilkUi.ti mwtiiMiroM iiwiuievi mu ii. iKOtW biSl.tii4irllUiiltl. fivm Hit lint itk IriUitiML l'JIUIlU.NOI.l:lt),AauiiflMlrillll (Mpli.ll .I)iiilutlii f Cuiiurtiictniliiii. TilK e.iurtiirlilp lurelnrurD uxljtlu' be Iwnwn the iin.IiuluiK'il under tbw firm name of M'l.mtglilin A Kllpjwl. lut been IhU day nimiiveii ny mutual cnaient. All iuoo I.uohIii theuiHlvM luduUnl l.y nolo or umix ueeoiiul. nru rc.pinlril lo uliio wlloill ilhy, with either of id, nnd thora liavliiR tuiiiM Action tlio 11 r m thouhl precnl Ilium lur ttittluuivut. HKN'itY Ki.ii'i'r.r., JOHN M'LAUG1I1.IN. Jackfonvllle. Oct. 7th, 18.J.I, Notice to tlie Public. Till; Kdloii. from Iho Summit tu the Half-Way House, of tlio Cjuyon lin.nl, will Im open, ready fur travel, on tlio '.'Olh iluy of Sept. 1SC3, 1 rum niiicti time toll nill ntoolteM. ily order of Canyon Ituail Company. B. I". UHAWWIUK. Six-rotary. itoKilmrs. 8pt .'. 1803. ttpttti3 A (JOOl) SJIAUT HOY, Lwlweeu lhoni?o aiA. oi iHvim iiuu uitevii yvan, can nml rinployment und u ood home, by npidvlns In AhFJIKI) H. HANI.KY.oii Iho Jack'ou- Mile roau, iMtiiccii K (ioro'mind 0. 1). Hox liV, near I'bmiilx. Apply ItmnedUtoly. A.H.HANLEY. Hear Creek. Sept3(Mfiti3. rwt3ivl VIOT10IJ U hcrc.by given to all crsotn 1 Indebted to me by nolo or Hook uc count, to pay the wmu lo my uxetit, Jimki-h .facnw, ou or before tho 13lh February, IUG3: nllicrwito the eamo will bo placed In !ie haudi uf nu attorney for collection, JliidK ltOUINSON, IVr Jojkiii Jacoiw. Oslo Minn, January 23U, 18(13. TinLr!8 1J minnlr AND ThTAMKN'TS. A in vnrlou' t,1 v on Imnd, nnd i "!,," I d i it 1 i .ej ) ay LOVE & BILGER California Street, JneKsoinlllc, .nt.u.na ,, ,o , TIN SHEET IRON COPPER lilt, UHLIlJi IllUll, UU1 iUll, r- A t A urn r-.r A r r uunu ammu Dnnoo, HAVH Jnt rccclvctl from the Atlnntlcln lliiiiuhicoiiiitv, Stntpof On'iton. oiiPrtl - tlttl'M Itllll Snll rmtieUci). n Clllllllll'te linl.lv llm ?t iluv of t)ir.lillHr. Imlm-iMi Miwk nf evcrythlntr In their line, nnl u krupeniMtiinliy on Imnd nn uorlment the liet Tin. Hhret-lron ntnl Copperttrtry. Ilnil'lpe. Ilydrmtllc. Noxxlw, I'orce I'limit. t linin. l.rtui I'Ih. llnv. haudu'a::k, ohtm:uv; naii.s it nil "Ir.i: Il.ir. l'lttle unci nMorted Iron ; lnlnl. Oilti, Hlxe mid Glum All qiiitlllleii nf Ponder ; Shut of nil numlicr: llrii'hr of every vnrlety.ntc, etc. Stoves. AIo.nlnityioii Imnd n l.irae lot of Move nf iiMorlml 'l7w. ' lltick' l'nleiit Cooklne Stove," ntnl the ' New World Stove," Ihr ltwo ry lie! and nppmvrd pattcrus In the t ii jti. n.it.. .1. ; worm rurior. umc nun mum winw, liinrv nml ldtilu. coiinlriictnl on hileot liiul ' hvIiir iilnnn. Ilollem. Koltl- I'iiIh. l'an. ud eV,ry,l conneeteil with .!,, .lav,,. WiiPiMfiliirt iinri4liln mill lMipl-if i determlttiil tnH'llut l.ow riitcKx hih imhi. Call nnd exnmlne Ihelr tuek lirfnre pur. ctm'liiK eK-whrrr. f.lum 'J;t. lSi;t)..'j. AneiilK for IIiiIIIiIav A C'o'h Wire IIoh. ANIl -. .- . -. -. -r-r . -rr- --. tO I Ji lit V A JLv JlU. Something Euoryhxh wants. 'pill. nmWrideiied will Itrreafter keep on X Imml u vompWlu uiwtmnt of Jugs, ' Jars, Churns, Milch and Butter Crocks, Flower Pots, etc. etc. Tlienlnno worn U of Kxciillent Quality, nml lieliif iiuiilr in Ihli county, will be oiler. tl (Uiih nt wliolewle and retail) at Very Low l'nev JUtADIlUHY .tYADi:, Aimiik lor the Manufacturer. Jftoknonillle. May U. lfi.3. mn.:UI Oregon 3VZCH1- rpill. unduriiL'nul liaviiiK I'-iuinl the X ' NVbinittoii Mill." five nillr from Jaelonville. hai -lliorouidilr rewind It. nnilericlnl , nn crtcteil ,., mum . jitiitiutfii " which, from my cxpcrlenco in cnnttnicllnjr the wine, n well a In iri.innlncturlnjj Hour, ' warrant me in wyiiiR iiuu uie urefjon iiii onu nml will do heller work than uny other 31 III in mo vatiey j:vkrv sacic of my flouh WAIUtANTKI) " A NO. 1." AVM.J. ALLKN. Jackfonvllle, April 11. 18U3. 22:tf JliVAINRiVJ.J-i'ljJiiauxjx-Jiiij - . --, - -r ev t t r rttrir ; rniir.nlHivo hotel, tlluateil nt EYANS. X 'II,hr!, Jackon County. Oregon, near the Iloirae Ulvcr Company' bridgo ricros.il lloauo Hlver. with u Fine GardBn. mien dldly encloM.il, ami coino laud adjoining, will Iw for rent pn und nflcr the lit day of, October, lbC3. Thepretcut occupant will dltposo pf tome furniture to tho lutoinluf; tenant. This is n most favorable opportu nity for eomo good mail to get iuto a good paying biliinei". . AQ, Iho T'VmH Uancn mliolning mid nn i.. .,.. ....i.., ,..- k,.i ... liHII.iiuuwinui l.uu uiiwwn,. iim.i luu rauiu iiuu;. , Apply to Thoina Clmvcner. near tho nrcmW THOUAS CHAVCNHIl. Aitcuit U, 18fi3. nugHtf T?, A d-1 ,7?! TVTTT J iS ' THU undesigned, pre-nt owner or theo mills, would notify the publlo that ho lint eecnreil tin' serviced of an experienced . miller, and will furnliili tlio V....,r Iwu-rf nidlnln nf l.'lnill. . I All nrt4ile f.d.1 l.y them or mnnitruc- w" tht 1WM iky of AuwmtWr A. 1). 1H(!3. tiind. WAltltANTI.l). Tlielr work In mtnlo Ictwrcii the hont of 10 o'clock . m nml f tli"1nulerlnl.iiidnfchn,cetrwtlernii. -I r. tt. r mid day. t the t'mirt Hon. I "so-Orflem attcmli din with illKitcli, nml .ilnor In mid uonniy, nil lliu rlulit. llllonnil I nihil Bccordlnt: In illrectlonn. In every. 'nlr.t or VI I.I.I AM WIIJIOX to Ihr rul I thlnp. thulr Ktock I the InrxMt nml Imit IhuIiik il-criUil irii'ri , l.wlt: A err ' "ViT lirouaht to Jitekminvllle ntnl they nrv lulu nl.c of I .nil Uuliniiiitf nt n nnliit 1:1.1 tuij uiai tiittirivj ui fiuuijaonti,, IU UXCUUUtJ lur niicui, H two tviiuuiii; rates, to-wit : For t-acb buhel of good wbrat. ihlrlvlx iibut.dt of flour, two iyiii.u. u nutdlini t niKl Ol lit pound" of . v M !.l i I AUtMl VJI LEGAL NOTICES. Ailmiiiiti-utot-'i Sale. 7?stati; nf Cnrrick Hcott Maynnlt Jl dicta" d . v nrtIr r l County Court, In nnd :r-! Cnlir, A . !... .nrctltiis u in sell cim I ''" rrlll "llltl Of Hill IlltC ClIlTlck Prolt i Mnvimtt.ttu will ofler formic, nn thfjimn. 1 !. on Cow Crn'k. in Cnw Cr.-ck Prirtiiil. III i tin. limit- of ID o'ctook A. .M mid ! I'. M.. of( tli rultuwliitt iWrllnd lt"il lMittc liegln- nltiB nt the ipiiirlei frcllnn i i.it. on I he lino lMlnviiMeliim":niid '.'3. In louiihln 'IX MUttl, nuiw ft e.tt thence n.m.lnK north mi.uil cimiri"! tinnro eni -jimiii cimin: tlienef inirtli IU.IHI elnilii: tlirnco tttmtAU.Ui) clmln: Ih-ne nth ctt.lll) chnlin; thence;" Ivinmoi l il(e, on tlio wen muc ttirrrnt,, eul SO: 1 1 clniiii-. to the pUec or lH'tlnnlii;, coiiliiiiilnir .'117 M-lmi iion". inure or ler, to Ihr liluh'"! IhiM'T. forcadi. J. CJ. .M YNATT, W. K. MYNATT. Adiiilni'lnilnri'. lnillirr in imw .n'lOl IIV MunlW hulc. "DV virtue of hm i .xmitlon. In me directed, U iMiietl out nr lli' Irt'iill Court lor Ine Cimntym t.mj.i. m.d Smt" r Orrtfon, for Ilia wunl nf miilloliit iMrioul tirniMir :,' ,? ZCrZJT' ' cltulii ont of Ihr iinrllim.l corner of J. U. lleckworthV Piii.iitinn ltiid Cliilm Nn. .1(1, It, ,..., ..1.1.. U (..,1. .tl .ttt.. .1 t.u... t,tt. i It, ,.tt, , , . . l . vt Ft.,l tri it. l,(r,f tt-, .,. nine IhencL' tiorlh 'JKHI'l elmlin: lliener eimt 7:1111 clmlni; Iliritc iw.i h:()iiclmlii'; Ihunc" mutli liil.ll ol.nlii'i llielice ent 1 1 :K. clmlnn. In Hie pltiiw or Uyiniilu;;. conlaliiliu rtx I reiirnary. .. v mr.i. tu nnwer tlm com and fhiy nn.-hiimlrrilllK ncrv. AI-, the plaint of nt'd I'lnlntlir, nn tile In Mid ciiiiv. follimlu'ir il.erllr il ptrml'. tn-ull: IiVkIii- i ami that In iMault of m.d nppi-nr.inco nml i.iiiinii.iii: ,it iilinr nt I'm1 iicvrili'H"! iiiiiK nt I'M' norili'Ul corner or lli l.iunl 'CWnior J. XT. llki.nfih.Nn.!W,tnwn'MilIien nettlim v Tor the xuin or lour Mil, MMith ol ihii" Nn. I went; riiiitilni; lltiiidreil ami Miirl-vi'n nml nliK-ly-elphl I thwiev 27:.t link- Hiriicr xmtli 1 1:''A link: , nilu-lllllidrrilllni dullatv. Inuethur with inliT- I lhtHe.i'ai M7..V. link; tlmnc.. nortli llrfft'eit thrpHin.nt the rate cfU per aunt rmrnti. link, to tin- iletr li"irlniilnB.eoiiliiltilnK n from the Mrt (l.iy of s'ept. lm;'.'. mid j llilrt)-nin- himI iw. nly-niH' iiiir-liiimlrrilihn erM. nil ln'iin; nml llii)f lit the County of ! l).Mitt.rt mill Mm ol Orruon. nllh lie nl - uirieiwiuw II imtn Ulimuiuir. TIh-miiI, j propwiy lHkit mtiify nu cxeciilinn. Iwtril nut of .ahl Court In fttvornf I.KON - Altli STINUIJIt. and uimiiKl WII.M M WIW N for ike Mini ot (J2I1 2i)loii) IW4i litlL.itr.il fttill rMlrfi linn lllelilv nun- liumlMlla iltlUrn Juilgmeiit. and coIn und uceruliiK wmI I,. 1IOW1'. Hltirlll'of Dinul'i Cn.. Oitn. KomiMirir, ijci iit. i!. occiiwi TNT UK CIIlt'LMT COL III OF TU V. 1 .Stole JnekiHiu. i ii.. i' of Orifjon, lor the County nf Fnrnlmm l'luintlir, n. John It. ' lloml. J.Mui.h J,.e.u. Murray ll.im.il ami 1,1-Ku irdiait John llarrett. Jw IC.I.Imnu I ...a ..i... ...i.i i..i... ii.. , IM..I. .... ii... , relt I). Ii llarrett. Janie. Unroll uml itl ! wife I mix lia A lkirrett.Tlioin.il Ilurnetl, ruler Krilillj'aud hit wile (,'lllllerinu Ken lluj,', Jorepii (iaitou and W. II. K. llde, filierttr Dufe.Ml tilt. Iiijiinillon nml hiipplruiciilnl Hill In Cliiuicrr) . To the nlHive iininul defendautt: You nre litml.y tummoiiul urn) mpilrul to nppenr lu the mid Court, on the lint d.ty of Hie lie.xt term tlmruir, lulw U'iiii nml held lit the Court Hnii'O, in the limn nf Jaakon villc, In nld county, ou the Hth day of Feb. ruiiry lWil, nml uimuer the complaint of tlio t-aiit I'lalutiff. Illfd iigalixt you In tald uoitrt, or ni" fame will lm iukcii lor con fewKl, uml Hie Court "etiw cxect i iy me rani ald 1'eler Ue.in uml KellnK. for Iho Dnnatl bl or Ike wtlil John Ilarrctt and hi wile Jiurimret. lyliiK In Mid county, to mIiI iiom)f Mm jw Ueelareil fmiidulent mid voids Bli l0 judgment rendend In lira tnld Court, nn the lUlli day of June, 1803, In fa lor of Murray llarrett nnd John II. Jlond, Jlond, txtii -''jit-, " oftVec nL'itlmt Je.-fC Hob nton. for Iho turn thoiiMud three hundred Oollsir-t mid coi Iho mil, will bo diclnnd Irauilulent nml lffinSnmuWW?XL?$L T I it nil mid liit" (lirt iiajI titnl ittdl in jiitri.iii t l nf " V Jlltj,(IC tl MteMMia ' tviti m imi uiv wit inni iiiijiiibsiiivii ui tlio cult, and for tnli other nnd further re lief ni may npear to Iho Court equitable una jiiii. in uie premitcs, lly order of 1. 1'. Film. JiuIbc. II. F. IIUWKI.I Attorney for l'lalutllT. - Oclolicr28. lflf.3. ocl31ui3 County Treasurers Ollicu Al Uw Ofltrour JACOHS .t JtUSSI'IWi. HUtrfef Oreyoii fAriinly iif Jnrk)ii, TAVI'AYKIlM reicrtly iwlltlwl tlul tli&lnka nn- iw.w rcAilr All iMriiu liavli.e uiikia- hwiI lii.t I hem In Mbl luniily, urn irUnlnl tu w nidi lum lu tlm Trmxirirr uf nl'l ivumy on- 5nnMiijriinM wm m rf.n.iniuy, inr. in. BntiLiy of Jaunty next. Tlm Auiunl of Suit Tk ttll U W1W l gl 1 1 tlll nJn, L1 b 3IUIUIA..lruiiirer. I'rr 1 1 iUwuit, lr.uiy. JcVauattl.,Ut.'.!l,lHU. mIJImA Ailnlttrntor's Notice. It?STATE of Win. H. Jlowatt. deccntcil. whom It may concern, that Iho itudertlgncd hat been appointed Admlulrtrator of Iho citato of W. 11. lfownlt. deceased. Iato of Jncktou county, Oregon. All poraons Indcbteil to Mid i "1lo "0 mi.iii.. n tbetu for on Hear I JOHN WATSON Adralu'r. ( lliyjli 8l! 4.WU' vui.y, '" i u Wf notiiiou io pay up wttnin six . j -lTTOUL AM) I IIIiKS DOUUIII "; ; und all pen-ont having claims T)i;ilbU.NS occupying lutt in llio 'lon or. TtYAN MOItOAK & CO. L.I.I ...... ... ......o.lr.,1 I,? ...rontl I l,.L..,,lll lt..,,,,l,.rr In .tlulM Itll II. ' ' "" I'WIWftll IV w KIU vattU Ml V IWIUVlvw v iivEvi i , vnvniuui inw. mivitii5 . "- payment lo we, ut my rcthlciico Lob. nro notllled to npply to JAMKS T. TTriLI.QNY 1JAHY "WAGONS t 3rtek.ltliliitlicinonthB from date. GI.KNN. my mrcnt. who It outhorlred to VV HRADM'ltY .fc AVADK'rT LECf AL N OTICES. NOTICE OE INDIAN RESERVATION! IN ncc l.y J nccordntico with Itilntct loti. Iucil J. V. Twit Unnlinctnn, Superin tendent nf lntlinn Affalra fur the State of Urcpon Unit n trnct nr country lie ret' , npnrt na u Hnorviitlnn for Iliilliin. nlid nn-, , . . . i ! lice thereof jmhllOiciI. In the cml that i wliltn inlllnr tiinv l lirlfintiil Troiii lnx. W3lnff upon the Fame 1 hnve wlcctiil, for mieh lt-ervntlon. Hie fol ow ni? uV ' Mf, , rnc, ,,,,,. f ,,, (0.,vit. ,() ,. , ..!. ,i.. n.. .t.-:.i!.. ,' 'X1 ' " J'""' "' V - " " ""J ,r ,, r.i . r in wim irnminrnuticx. or inner cim.nt inw. .1 i- - .'. . I 1 t rnntiinp llicncc line nortti jixty milej thence due init twenlr-five mllw: thence tine unutlt I.Tly mile. In mtth Imiindnry nf Orrpniii tliencn due north Iwenlvflve mllo, uloiiir ,ild bnniiditrv llttr.lo iihirenfi il.nr.ln.tiur M.,. lr.lt. It.r. 1 r.iin ar.,tn..t licpinnliitr. oniinlnlmr Km Hinnrc tnllm. . .,. .. i , " r "" ," ", " ", '" ;r ."" i 'clurrd n ' :: :' r . .".. UTnlinn for Irnliuni, nml nil Iki.ll.iltA Mli.l Jill iwritfM. fltllr limn T.hImwui nrn liornln ..,,,i .i,. ira.mui n, ..-, imtsBwR ajios k. no(;r:ns. U. K Iiid'n Sul.-Aui'iit in O.'n. Ihlnrilihlllliih) ef NfirinUr, A. 1M0. Alis'iit J)cfeiiilaiiff. TN Iho Circuit Court of the Slnle of Ore- X i J. J. Illrvln. I'lnlnllir. r. .Tun. . (Jolllnt. nml John I.itley. Dufendnntii. Artlini n( l.iuv In Itrritirr Mnnry, To mill Jnnnw W. Collins nml John Ivu.ly, ilcfuml.inlii nforo'iild: You nre herehy rniif tnoiifd In In- nml nniHiir In (he ufnreinlil Court, nt the naxt ruktilug twin thereof, to i neiu in xiiu county, on tic bin tiny or iiiiiwr lo mild complaint, jii(ljmeut will lie the cnli nml didMim'tiiunU a' thlf iiell." ' to lituxtl 1 JACOIIS .V lf?HKf.I.. I'l.ilnilir Attnrnev. JackonvIlI.'. Dec 1. I8:.. ilecuH . v..ti.... t:.... it 11. ....... I """ " " "" cr tri'rw.'1 nuvmv STATI w..... .. v .,..,.. , Ltiitnlv nr liirliiun, t TO fJKOlKJi: V. .IOIINS0.V- Yoit are hvri'l.y iiotilled that n writ of nt- Uehmviit hii" Iwuit It-ii'il nuMinit you. nml ijoiir t.ri'iwriy nltncln.il. to railnly Hie de- titnticl or l,vtn.iu Ulinpri,nmouulliiK In the mini or llilriy-ouu ilulMrn nml iiinely-two criiU(j!l U2-1DH). N'iiuliiiiliMoufinll n)M'ar Ix'fore L". S. Hnjden.a Jiitloenf Hie I '.c; '" 9.1!'1 r"r ''?,,, c'.'!",,,r' nl 'i1' '"' '" ,I',I"!,""IIV,"'!' ".', "V0 ',",,"a4 !,r Jm!""rrT; ISul.nt one n clock, I. M.. imleinunt wll ,,,T,Vr.",1?r!.,.?Jsllinw yu" uud 3uur l,lruPrty rold lo Dated .ii thl 18th day of N'nvrmlier, 1SC3. ii. uiiii unni ii.iiii, nov28w I l'lnlntllT. 1 .t V" ill t I.lit.f r IN tlm Circuit Court, of thu Stnto or Ore gun, for tlio county of Jnckton. Aiifiitu Iu.m.u.!.. I'liilntln", K.A.I), Srnocr, Defer.daut, Action nl I.mv in refiner i.ii.nr)'. To A. II. fllroup, ilefendant: You are hereby uinnioin-d mid reiiuirird to nppenr in Mild Court on the 8th day of February, 1MH, beliii; Hid Unit day of the February Term, IRitl, nod nnsner Hie romplaiut of novel! oiio-buudmlthi ilnllam mid contit of ult. J. OAbTON, Att'y lor lTf. Nov, 111. lSi.J. noeliw Final Settlement. N TIIK COl'NTY COUItT, Jackfon Conn- nvclnlRrTermI 18ii. In the matter statu of John II. hhcldon. ilec'il. IUier Hmery, Iho AduiIiiUlrntor of Mid es- ". ta'lns l W MMt for .lual Mifl. menl, iiotlco lilidOMy given lo nil periionx InteretU'd, that Wtdncbdiiy, the. ll)h day of December, 1HII3, hat leen ct upart for the fliiiil fCtlH-ineut or Mid estate Willi Iho ttytl AduilulHtrntor. lly order of Hon. J. C. TOLMAN, Coun ty Judge. WM. HOFFMAN, Clerk. Nuveinlier 7th. 18U3 nor7Sll 8TATK OF OHF.UON, ) ,q County of Juckton. J i50 In Jiuticc't Court. TO J. D. imowN You arc hereby notllled that n writ of at tachment has been issued against you, nnd your propertr attached, to satisfy tho de mand ot William Splcer, amounting to elglity.tevcu dollars und tliirty-scvcu nnd ouo-linirc-'iilH .S87 37J-1U0, Now, iiulctu you shall appeur before X. S. l'crklni, a Jut Hco of iho 1'eaco in nml for Mid county, nt hit ofllce, ou tho 14th day of December, 1803, judgment will bo rendered ngulnst you, and your proporty told to pay tho debt. Dated this 18lh day of November, 1803, WILLIAM Sl'IOKU. nov2Swl l'laiutltr. lentu Mid lot" FU NK CIA'GAC.l., (. unidi.m nf Jiurs I'n uM. ...in .1 ........ ,i.. ...... Armor i.uuueii, nun uu.iiim yon in r.illl ..III I.CV1..U fti.u , inn ,. . ., ,ii . . . t' in f.Llll L.ouri. on iiih ii l I 1V I.I III, IIPXI IhtrnlU ....1 the ' . , " ' , " ; tnm .hereof, to be held ,,. Hio'Court Ilou.c. u.,"l.m,d Clil n No I W't i.rV....t of mi answer, iw Hie ' "' ,0Hn of J'' "'. I" l'l coituty, (inn ol iwiijiioiimiui iiuu uieutnmi imriy. ! i"i iuouunvi i'it ui uuij'U ri,ioin lVoticu to Tit'Hiiasaerti. LEGAL NOTICEg7 IN the Circuit Court, or the Slnto or Ore gnu. for tlm contHy of JnckMin, Fcbru- nrv ji-rni, a. it. mm. Jitnic K. Tool, riniiiliir. vu John Dig. Imin. Arthur Iingcll. Midi X H,i Frunk Drown, 0. 0, JUlinc. ,1. a. Jiriinncr, Jirrninu jirtinniT, .Miirr A, JIurrls, A. Unions, A.Ftrnop, jfc V, llrnwn. John AiiilctKon, .liuiui ('C. nw. John S. Drum, A. M Ilirrv.Thoj. Devln nnil J. 0. Kinry, Ifrfemlanig. l,,IM" ,:''nl' ,n ''",r n M..Mki.k 'Ik""''"1 tlio tdnlntlffln lite hliovo cntl Wbiiw im liliil lil ill In wpilty. In lU Urcillt Court, of the htnto of Orrcon. fnr I ", eonnty of Jaekran, nroylnit Jmlment ,.-...- r..., i.iumiir.t.i,iii jii K ln im. npmi'i ram neienimnix, .Minn jimii I... .. - Arthur Lnnwll, for tlm tint or riftet,, Tliourand nlno liuiidnd ihilliirn, uth IittT- ' ri, eotn nml nrcrnlnc chI. mid for Km ' forechnnre of n cerliiln inurlirnire fxreninf ! I'y "dd derenditiitK to Hie pluliitilf h"rtla ' mirnfil. on the following tfocrllxil reul en .v"1: '."" '". v' otitiiy or.imlwn unci , ' T.r" '''""i nijiricinr fie Shite of Orr. I (.on lz; lli'clnnliitf nt HicS 1. enrnrrof fl,e "" N.T.liT !I7K. It S W Wlllam ,etie mi'miun: rtltltlini llielice M'"I nu Ihr " nnlh iHitiiidary of claim No, II iiforfuld, ibii'ii ciwinn to n jxli tlirneo nortli 1C:7,' rlmliw lo n iM; thi'iice linrlli "h 4V. rust 7: IN chntin to ii piwl. Irntn whleh a white. onk 12 inchei In illamelir lenri mitli".'', it 'M link', n blnek oak. 12 linlii ImlU nmrter. lH.nr! roulh aft. uel 71 Hub; Hienee north In the north lioiitidiiri of claim !17 nf.irr.iild; thence nul iilimi; "llie tmrtli lioimdary of claim 7 nml 01), in the N 1 cnriier of claim Nn, Hi) nrnrenhl, Himicm went Itllt chain to n piwl nt the N L" cor ner of rhlin Nn H2; ihriipe couth nil the eflkl Ininmlary of claim VI 4l:U0 clmin, to they, II. corner of clallir No. il.'j lliencu wmt. on the S. Iroumlnrien of uln!ui VI ntnl v. laivii ciiniin. to n ihki rrr.m wlncli n hliivk-onk. 1:1 Indies Ir illiunelei , Irtirn i', can in iniice. n lilncKimk. li Inclii In l umcier, nvnrn iinrin n;iy. wein ii IiiiKi. n blaek-rmlr. 12 IncheK lu ilinmeler. In nr nortli 37, eot i'A Ilnhi; thence nortli Illl.n ehnlii", In it M..t, from which the corner or ilaim 01 mid i'.' liMim weft 2:(7 flmliix, thence uret 32:(i7 chain'. In n pn-t on the iat Uundary nr I'liiiin 37 thuiao routli -lilH) chain, tu the place or lej;liiimip Ami Hie philntlir herein Inn Ine 111. .1 hlxiilll.laiit Pet tin,; birth Hint Ihednfeiidiiulx I rank Drown, Arthur Umpill. C. C. IImIiiii' A Mronp, I. A. llriinuer, Hurmiin llritniier. V llrown, John Aiiderr-oii nmt Jnnni ('Inp'iso nre iiou-niklilent or t' iiiti. of Oreuoii, nnd iMtiunt be louiid He rein; mid Hint, itteiaid defendant claim lien lip-m mild inn tifii'tl preinle.j nml Unit Hie tiller dentaml'il hr the plalutill' hetulli. partlv coihkIh In ej eluding Mid ilifi'iiil.mi ir":n Hie l uerit uf rllcll Hem: Now. therefore .Mill Hie Mill Arthur IiiiiHI, Frnnk llrown. C C llo- illue, A. tilrinip, J. A. liruunrr, HeriiiAii llrtinner. W. Hromi, John Andermn nad Jnmii Cliifnje nro lieril.y ruiuuiuiied t nppenr lnmtho Court nlonvntd, ul the term thereof to 1 hth! nu Hie nei'oiul .Momliy, Ixdnp the Mth day of February, A 1). Iw.', nml minwcr the complaint II led in Hii'caiiK, orthe lainowlll Iw tahen (nr confewiLnnd llie pruicr llnircuf will bo grunUd by the Court. Wltnew Hon. 1'. I', l'ritn, Judge of tald Court. DOUTIIIT&FAY. decTmS Sollcitorn for 1'iiuiitln. SlllllllUlllh. IN tho Circuit Court, or the Ststo or Ore nou, for tlm County of Jiick-on. Mark Cnhonii nod Win. HolTiiinii I'lTf', r. liuruy .Morijnii, 1'rnnrU .Matliewr lnil MorrU nnd Jehu S. .Miller, Dcl'it Illll In t'lianrrr)- for l'nlrllouiro of JIorlKnm, To the nboic nimed ilefeudiint: You are hereby Mimmoiii d mid required to npM.-ur nnd mxwer the complaint of the tnld plaint llfii, tiled against you lu rnld Court, or ll. came will bo taken for coufefm). ami Hie plalnlill'. Murk Cuhoaii. will take judgment ngulnit the mid defendant, Morgan, lor Hie urn of One Thoni'nud Dollar, with filtered thereon nt tho rate of twelve percent per annum, from tho llllh day of February. lBoO, until Tiiid; and ngulnit Iho Mid de fend nit, Francis Mnthewt, tho turn of Nm IIuiHlri.il DoIIupi, with Interest thereon tt Hie rale of twelve per cent, per unnum, from tho Hth day of March. 18C0, ntilll paid; nnd tho plaintiff. Win. Hoirmau, will lake Judgment ngnlimt tho defendant, Mor gan, Mnthewt nml Low it Morrln, and tho plnlutitr, Mark Gaboon, for the turn ofThrro lluiidrul and Kishty-flve dollatt and twenty live ccntx, with Interest thereon nt tho rate of ten per cent, per annum, from the 2!lli day or March, 1801, until paid; and Iho land mortgaged l.y tlio said Morgan to Hit Mid Cahoon, on tho 13th day of February; 1800. will bo told lo pay tnld dents; nnd tho land mortgaged by the said Miitliew'. to thu tald Morrhi, on tho Hth day cf March. 1800, will bo told to pay Mid debti; mid tho plnlutl.niwllt tukejiidgmcnt agnln't Hit defendantg, Morgan and Mathews tr Iho coats nnd illsburtiemenU of thlttiiit. nod Iho iqilUyof redemption, of the -aiil de fendants lu' tho Mid inorlgaged premises, will bo foreclosed: except as on execution nt Inw, nnd for melt other nnd further re lief as may appear lo tho Court eijullahW lu tho premltva. lly urder of Hon. P. V I'rlra. Judgo of tnld Court II. F. DOWUM,. deoftwHl Att'y for Fllnlnllf. , 1 10TUUHAMI ALblM ii ui ii uib l--v n.v.!ti, uiiAum.ui n iuvft'