Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, December 12, 1863, Image 2

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    tug jmEawmwpL.i
J .'Jo SS5PB
" To Tim xrrn'Ai'r and pkumanenut ok rait
tMIHVIS'litll.K." IIVMlNW).
jacicsowii.t.k, our.uov.
trnion Central Committee.
The member of the Union Central Com-
-met tec nrc rcquvsled to meet In Salem, on
Arc1nelo.v, the filli dy of January next.
ijitestlnns in regard to the time ami place
of holding n State Convention, nnd other
nmtters of importance, will lie presented
lor the cnnniderntlon of tho Committee.
A full attendance Is desired.
Jmi.y II. Mooiika, Cbnlrman.
Salem, Oregon, Pec. .J, I8CII.
Stiiatwiv. A writer in the
Orgnn of this place, solicits tho editor to
withdraw tlic name of James K. Kelly,
Kq., for I'ougresi. lie confesses that the
Copperheads und Secessionists, combined
tinder the name of "Democracy" nro too
weak to elect any man nominated by them,
ind urges T'Vuult not to "cnuw hit
Kelly 'h?) martyrdom by proposing his
name rur nomination." The writer pro
poses, that the "radical" peace Democracy
rhull nuke no nomination, "but nrgo in all
Ihetralegy you Fl" Vault arc cajdiblo of
to bring about a dissension In the Union
Convention, nnd induce bolters there
from to nominate a candidate who is
neither an "Abolitionist" nor n "radical"
traitor and then ttll tho "Democracy"
4o unite oil htm.
There Is strategy that would no doubt
win for "X" a brigadier's commission in
the Confrderate army! Hut T'Vnult
' don't see It." Unfortunately for X'h bril
liant plan, the mass of tho people of Ore
t:n are intelligent readers, who can ills
tiugulih between the friends nod enemies
of the country, and wIk arc Inflexibly de.
lcnnincd that only scli men shall repre
sent them in Congress as are well-known
in have tieen fearlessly wt-iScfn,froBi the
firing npon Sumter, In their advocacy of
the wr, until every foot of U. K. soil
shall e reclaimed from rebel dominion,
und -faery subjugated rebel cry )tavi. ,
7rawi te your boles ye Copperheads:
Only such mm can be Oregon's next
Snow iv xttr. SesKirw;. ta Monday
saoilii lmt, snow osaaeeoJ (ailing fast
im the Slatlyon eiranUUes, on the line of
the stage road betwetti liiU place nnd
Yreku, and fey twelve o'clock of that night
.four or fivu feet of eopw Jay npou the road.
As n consequence, the stage !e here from
Yreka, on Tuesday evening.Jid not arrive
until tbe following night, Mr. Louis
Tucker, the driver, tells us that be was
eleven hoars struggling through the snow
on tlie wountaki. Sir. Jolm Anderson,
the energetic stage agent, has put an extra
driver and teams on the route, and it Is not
probable tliat the stages will sgain fall to
connect at this place UiJa winter. Tucker
drives to Coles' Mountain Ifoueo and back
cadi day, while Hell and Kiog drive to
and from Coles' and Yreka,
A genius wlw prides himself on bis
Southern birth and knowledge of Demo
cratic principles, was lately, at Ashland, lis
tening to a couple of Union men discussing
- the probabilities of a war with England,
One of the gentlemen concluded his re- j
marks by saying that lie thought " John
Dull bad arrived at tho conclusion that a
fight with Uncle Sam wouldn't
. . . . '' l
.. ,f .
'Ah ! you are
you are mistaken," exclaimed our
precocious hcro.Mr. Hull has been super-
ieilnl In the-Minlstry by Lord Palmers.on, I
nnd Knill order the blockade to bo broken ,
. pap-ias ,ie Derk.hlre.operatlvcs run out
offcot'in!" ,TI,e p.rl, dispersed to pre-
pare for foreign war.
' "
1'MtxT.v Water fo-' ml bad colds. (
Trip In the Motmtulm.
nonuR rtivKii and joiik hay hoad,
Mr. Editor.- In my hut, I promised
yourself and readers n brief statement in
regard to tho condition nnd claims of the
"Ilogue ltlvcr Wngnn Road."
A sufficient number of good roads to
open up nny section of country to market
nnd tmvcl, nro of llic first Importance.
It Is over time tli.it tlic products of the
farmer, the fabrics of the mechanic, nnd
the pood of the merchant find their wny
to the consumer. Nearness of locality
doe not nlivnys dctcrmlnn the point of
supply, or ccn of trade, its if Instanced in
the situation of this valley with reference
to the mnt western nnd southern portion
of that extensive frotil fiold, known ns the
Northern mines. Persons from this valley
nnd from California, wishing to go to the
Powder Hirer nnd John Day mines, mu
ally traversed the roundabout road to
rortland, thence by tho Colnmbln Hirer
rot, and thence overland south again, tin
til they hnvo nearly closed nil sides but
ono of nn cxtcnslre parallelogram. This
vnlley.cmlncntly stttiatct) for nn otit-flltiny
and cheap supply point, is entirely Ignored
nnd why? Are there Impassable bar
riers lying between iw and these mines?
'llic explorations of this summer hnvoconi
plctily and trlnmphnntly demonstrntcd
tlmt there nrc no such barriers. Yen,
, morel There explorations hate developed
the fact that nature has located nn rnsv
highway for wagons, horsemen nnd pedes
trians, nnd marked It out with distinguish
Ing land mnrks, supplied it with nnnbnnd
nncc of rich paiturogp, nnd ornamented It
with cnrlosltles nnd wonders nn accurate
description of which wnuld create n sensa
tion in the reading world. All that is
needed Is for n little 'number six' enterprise
to clear nwny tho brash, cut away tho tim
ber nnd logs, nod muke, now nnd then,
light grades for n short distance on some
or the side hllli. Is there not enough en
ergy, enterprise and public spirit In the
people of this valley to complete this road!
I think there is, If. tho advantages nnd sti
per lor claims of this ronto could Im fairly
presented to them. It is n standing eolum
nlntion npon onr pnblio spirit, that n clll
zen of this valley should be compelled to
go to Portland to get to the John Day
mines. Ho gets his out-fit nt the Dalles,
where flour Is from six to eight dnllurs per
hundred, and Is then nn nearer tho mines
than nt this point, where floor Is only two
dollars and .thirty cents; besides all the
loss of time ond money In tbe trip to
Portland. Mnrk you, we havo no objec
tions to the citizens of Portland, but be
llcvo they deserve nil tbe benefits resulting
from their situation nnd superior vnler
prise. Dut while this is trne, why should
we not make one general, united effort to
open up our beautiful and productlrc vol
ley to travel nnd to market ?
On our recent trip In the mountains, we
pawed over this new road to the western
base of Flounce Rock. 'Hie distance from
Jacksonville to the latter point Is nbont
forty-five miles. A better road for this
same distance I never passed over in Ore
gon. The grade Is easy, the ground hard
and solid. There nro no steep pitches, no
sideling places, no miry holes. Desldes,
the road Is direct and straight forward, not
winding and torturous. The traveler has
none of tlmt exquisite plensura nrlilng
from traveling all day, and at night camp
ing on the side, of a hill.nnd heaving stones
over to the place from whence ho started In
the morning.
This road, I am well convinced, Is from
fifteen to twenty mllea nearer Klamath
Fort than the present military road, and is
Incomparably better. It Is a pity that
this matter could not have been attended
to In time to hnve secured the co-operation
of the military, In the opening up of one
grand trunk rond to tbe great Klamath
Lnko Ilaslu.
I am Informed that the Rogue River
Vogon Road is completed beyond tho di
viding ridge. It has been put through,
thus far, by the commendablo energy of
but comparatively few of our citizens.
I T mill tAMiitrn lull n flinflll
additional out-
h Till, .viimm. -...-.-
ir. .nnnxl U wllk lllfl KllttenC ltOttll.
,'"J '"".. u .... t , ,!,,Mll(M11
"u,1 ,,w rui"u " , w m., n
Unne?rl f,, u lon a n
!'!, ,bo, 1.,!u0 M""ta " (0. an""
neorfe direct as possible to the John
tT"" , 2
annlbltau J( .lane, by en gy, a n d make
our valley the place of outfit and supply
by superior enterprise. "' " Jfmr bread
upon the witters, find It slmll return nflcr
many days' la figure (hat not only con
veys n bcnlltlflll truth of hopeful moral Im
port, but It rtlio embodies n principle of
great significance rtfid deep philosophy In
flnanclnl ccoifomy, nnd tho elements' ol
general prosperity. Kx.
Jacksonville, Dec. 10,1803.
Mason to- At tho regular meeting of
Oregon Chapter fro. -1, Royal Arch Ma
sons, held nUhelf (mil In Jacksonville, on
Satnrdayi tho nth Instant, tho following
named persons were elected officers for the
cnmtng Masonlo yrnr :
AV. II. H. Hyde. M. K. II. P.
J. Y Ross, V.. IC.
O. M. Harris. K. S.
Wm. llrycc. C. II.
K. . Sessions, P. fl.
II. lllooni, R. A. C.
A. Martin. Master of the 1st Veil.
P. McManus, Master of the 2d Yell.
Wm, Rnblnmn, Master of tho .'Id Yell.
L. Hach, Secretory.
J. T. Olenn, ' reasnrer.
A. M. Derry, Ouard.
I II ! I f - - ' I
A copy of Dancrofl's Dairy, for 18(51,
has Iwcn presented to in by Ilalnes Urns.
Ills nn extremely neat pocket book, nnd
contains n calender for the coming year,
rates nl postage, tabic of stamp duties, as
amended , March .7, JHfi.1; table ol stamp
duties on demand nnd time notes, valuo of
foreign gold nnd silver roln. weights and
measures, laws of California, Oregon,
Washington and Ncvndo, for tho collec
tion of debts ; time nnd trade tables, alma
nac for 1804, nml other useful memoranda.
Twelve blank lines nrc nllowcd for n mem
oranda for each day In the year ; nlso n
sufficient number nrc set apart for n dally
personal caih ncount. It U the most com
plete pocket diary we havo over seen. For
sale henpnt Haines Hro's., Post Office
The New York ,'tmuig 1'ml, a very
Influential orgnn of the Ailmlnlitrutlon. Is
about the boldest of nny we know of in the
cxpresssnn of its anti-Irish nnd anti-Ca-tholto
views. In n late issue it said;
" If slavery Is to bo continned In (his
country, we want the Irish and Catholics
to tuko the place of tho negroes, and let
the more intelligent and virtuons blacks lie
We clip tho nlwre from tho Kugene Rt
vitte. The expression said by the lUvmt
to have emenntcd from the Evening I'ott,
was manufactured by Rcrlah Drown, of
the San Francisco lhmetralit Pmi. from
from which latter paper thu Ittvietr editor
doubtless clipped It.
Mksshh. Harknew ic, Twogood, of In
land, In the fullness of their generous hearts,
carefully packed and sent to us by stage, a
large box ol the largest and finest of ent
Ing apples. May theli tribo Increase nnd
their crops never fall. Dy tho wny, onr
new " devil" Is exceedingly fond of apples,
as wo would infer from a remark ho made
with his head half-hid behind one ol the
largest In the box" Theso apples are too
good to last long In n printing offico I" He
still lives, but tbe apples have disappeared.
Wo are afraid we huve In times past
wronged tho Indians by attributing to
them nearly nil tho petty thefts that were
committed abont town, for since their ban
ishment somo pltablo thief has stolen ac
nx from our wood-yard. Can It be tlmt
we hare a white man In our midst so low
In the scale of moral degradation as to
steal from an editor ?
"WKATiirn. It has len raining in this
val.'oy, with occasional Intermissions of a
few hours, for the week past, nnd at the
present writing tho welcome, copious show
ers continue. The surrounding high hlls
and mountains are capped with snow, and
water In tho gulches nnd creeks Is fast la
creaslog, und honest miners are busy.
Tho recent heavy snow-storm on the Sis
kiyou mountain boa displaced and broko
In many places the wire lately stretched on
tho telegraph line between this placo and
Yreka. The wire had been stretched to
within about twenty miles of this place,
but the storm will probably delay tho work
a month or more.
Inuio Klkction. Tho OMtn Agi extra of
thc20h, has full returns of the Idaho elec
tion. Kxclmlvo of Fort Laramie, Canna-
dy's majority In tho precincts east of the
mountains, Is 2M. Lnrnmle gives Wallnco
a majority of 474 swelling bis total major
ity In tho Territory to 813. It Is thus that
Idaho, by her virgin oto vindicates her put
rlotlim, and proclaims her dovotlon to tho
I'nlon of theso States. Mowitjiutr, HA.
" Pnmmci Jor. IIooKr.n." This ntcrllng
nnd brilliant officer ilppcars to bo winning
new laurels In tho Southwest. A eorrcspon
dent of the New York World, a Journal which
camfot lio called partial toward him, rays;
" Fighting .Too Ilooxcr Is himself again,
nnd Is busy night nnd day attending to the
Imslncrs of his command. HU temporary
retirement from the rcrrlco hus caucsd him
to como hack with renewed ardor lor the con
flict. Hu has the cnnlldcnco of his men ns
well ns their respect and love. Wherever
ho lends they will follow nnd do their work
right imlily."
CAi.trnnNiA anii Oimnos IlAH.no.il). At ft
mcetiiiR of thu Dlrcotiirs In this city, yester
day, the following ufllcers were chnen for
the ensuing year : F. J. McGinn, nf Maris
vllle, President J. llnrry, of Yrekn, Vice
President ; Wm. fiwynn, of Marysvlllc, Sec.
J. II. Jcwett, or Mnrysvllle, Tlteasurcrjaiid
S. G. L'lllutt, Chler I'liglnecr,-.,';?!-, fiA'
Patriotism emanates from the heart, fills
the soul, Infiipf-n llrvlf Into the whaleman,
nml sienks and acts tho rattiolangungc. A
friend nf his conntry In war will feel, speak,
and net for his country ; torero his coum
try's cnuw, nnd hatu his country's enemies,
America wants no frlcml, acknowledges
tho fidelity ofno citizen who after war Is
declared, condemns the Justice of her caiirc,
and sympathise with tho enemy. Stnator
Tin: ocean steamer Orizaba left San Fran-
clfco nn thu third Instant for Panama with
only fin patcngcrs nnd tho slim of $1,031,
202 HO In treasure.
I. 0. O F. II. A. Cunningham of Albany
Is tho I)!t. Hep. 0. Him for Oregon I lie pres
ent year, by nnpotntment of the G. Sire of
tho United States.
Masonic Notice.
The Members of Wnrren IiJgn No. 10,
F. nnd A. M., Jacksonville, ore hereby no
tified that the election of officcis for the en
suing Mnsonlo yitir, will he held at their
Hall, on Wednesday evening, Dec. 2.TJ, at
the usual hour. All members are request
ed to bo present, lly order nf
II. Rrxo., Src'y.
Jacksonville Prices Cnrront.
lUiMirlrtl for the Hmilliicl Carneted
Jacmonviu.k, Saturday, Drc. 12, lfC3.
Flour, In or. racks, per 100.. . $ au
Corn mcul, per lul) $3 CO a 4 00
Wheat, per buihel -to a ii
Ilarley, do flO a
()U, do St a n?
Chickens, per doz $3 00 a 4 fio
liny, ilo ton IS UO
llacon, sliK-s, clear, per H. . . ICi
do hums 20 b
du rhoulilcrs 1
do hog round IK a
Beef, nctt, iwr lb., retail 12 a
Pork, do do I2i
Lard leaf, In tins lb'
Hotter, fresh, per lb 37 a
Cheene. per lt 33 a
Kb. fresh, per do. :r7ja
i iiuiiik'ii, M.-r hi..
Onions do do
Ileans, whltodo
Green apples, do
Pried apples ....
Dried peachut, do
Grinned sugar do
llrown sugar, do.
Iticu, du
Salt, do
Candles, do
In Portland, Nov. 19lh, bv Rev. T.J.
dinner, Mr. T. W. Crook, of CreeentClty,
California, to Mrs. C. A. Swkkt, of Denton
In Kugcno City, Nov. 23d. Mrs. Klmsn
N111.TNK11, wlfo of .Mr. A. Noltner, aged 22
years, 7 months nnd 2(1 days leaving an In
fant daughter of 9 days.
Connty or Jackson. f O0'
Vou nro hereby notliUil that a writ of at
tnehment has bean Isnuetl against you and
your property attached to satisfy the demand
of A. J. Doty, amounting to Two Hundred
and twelvo dollurs nnd ninety-two cents.
Now, uuleM you flmll appear before M. M,
Mclvln, a Justice of tho l'caco In and for
Mid county, nt his ofllco, on the 30ih day uf
January, a, i. 18GI, nt 10 o'clock, a.m.,
Judgment will bo rendered against you, aud
your property sold to pay the debt.
Dated this oth day of December, a. n. 1R63.
A. J. DOTY, PlalntlfT.
I'll Y8 1 01 AN AND SURGEON.
Onico on the north sldo of California
between Oregon and Third ',
Dec. Oth.
I l-lJgfel
r. 1. IITAN. . ,K. 8. MOIUIAN. . . KnWAHD HHljV
f.stadlisH1:d for ten ykahs,
- is Tiifcm -Two'rtory;
Firo'proof irlck Store.
Mai.krs IN
All Classes or Moi'diiiiidisc,
J h
ai ,, ti:rs,
In which wo can oflVi
Inducements to Saloons
Parties Going NortlL
At a shade abovn Ran Frnnclico
cunt nnd churgv.
Pormanant InstitiitioJ
X7tro jb.s.-. I
Able to Bpal Liberaiy
With Good and Prompt Custonen,
Ami will pmVi It for the Interest of
uci to deal with u.
Voxxtaw for ttao
Eagle Distillery & Flour MUI
sDlTo lifcXro
An Experiencod Agtntp
Enabling ns to J t
We will pay the llleliest Mark a
Price lor ' -'
For wbiou wo con get a market.
We will keep replenishing our stock wltn
Fresh Goods Every Month
In the year that the roads are posaauW.