V THE OREGON SENTINEL. I89CRD EVtltr HATtmDAr MOKNIKO. IIKNRY DENLINUER, Pnb'r mid Prop'r Suiwciuptiox For One year, in ndvancc, Four Dollars ; ir paid within tho first six months of Hit! year, live dollars ; if not mill uulil the expiration of the year, six dollars, AnvKHTi.si.sii One square (10 lines or less), first insertion, Three Dollars ; cacli ,mbscqncnt insertion, One Dollar. A 1Ih- oount of (Ifly percent will be made to those rho advertise ly the year. 4V Legal Tcmlcrii received nt current rate. advertisers. Jly application to Postmaters and Mail Curriers, yon can learn that the Semi-weekly Outfox Skntinki, has hy fur a larger circu lation in tho counties or Southern Oregon anil Del llorte comity, California, than any other p-ipcr. This fact should commend the Suntim:i. to you as a Hiiperior medium for advertising. List op Aiiknth, who are authorized to transact any business concerning this pa per, in tho muni! of the publisher : L, V. Fisher, Sau' Francisco; Wadsworth A Raynos, Yreka; EImt Emry, Ashland; S. C. Taylor. Phasnlx; W. W. Fowler, Apple gate; it. 8. Dunlnp, Williamsburg; John It. Priudle, Kcrbyvlllo; A. II. Mcllwnin, Wuldo; 11. J. Forbes, Waldo; Wj.. M. Evans, Alt house: Joel Thorn, Canyonvillc; A. It. Flint, Rocburg; Isaac K. Moores, Salem; .1. B. Underwood, Kugciio City; F. Gliarman, Oregon City; D. W. Wakelield, Albany; llenjninln Cook, Corvallls; .1. II. Smith, Crescent City; Albert Doollttle, Happy Camp. LOVE & BILGER Califimi Stmt, Jnckwrnillt, DEALERS AND WOKKER9IN TIN. SHEET IRON. COPPER. LEAD AND BRASS, HAVE just received from the Atlantic rilates and Sau Francisco, a complete suick oi everything in tneir line, ami will keep constantly on hand an assortment, of tin; best Tin, Sheet-iron and Cnpperware. Urus Pipes. Hydraulic Nozzles, Force Pump". Chains. Lead Pipe. Hose. IIARDWARK, CHTLERV ; NAILS of all sizes: liar, Plate and assorted Iron ; Paints. Oils. Sizes and Glass: All qualities of Powder ; Miotoi all number": Brushes of every varicty.ctc, etc. LEGAL, NOTICES, Also, always on hand, a large lot of stoves of assorted sizes. " Duck's Patent Cooking ASHLAND MILLS FLOUR EAGLE MILLS FLOUll! 1713 WILL KEKP ON HAND THE v V nliovu well-known brands of Extra Family Flour, for sale, at Wholesale or Re tail. RYAN, MORGAN A CO., Agents for the Mills. Sept. 8, 18:i. septilml Slove," mid tho " New World Stove." the two very best and approved patterns In the world. Parlor, Office and Cabin' Stoves, fancy and plain, constructed on latest fuel L.ving plans. Hollers. Keiths, Pots, Pans, and everything connected with these stoves, wan-ant wl durable and perfect. AP articles sold by them or manufac tured. WARRANTED. Their work is made f the best material and of choicest patterns. tjuOrdcrs attended to with dispatch, and lllled according to directions, In every thing, their stock is tho largest and best ever brought to Jacksonville, and they are determined to sell at low rmcKs kou cash. Call and examine their stock before pur chasing elsewhere. June 'ill. lHfi0.-2:i. Agents for Hulliday & Co's Wire Rope. Adnfctntatrator's Sale ESTATE 'of Carrick Scott MnyhiM Owcnwd. ' T.y an oidef of the County Couri, In mifl for 'ip county if Douglas nnd State n'i Ore gon, mndci't theSeumhcr'i.Vrin of 'Fro mIJ court, A. U. I stid, directing v. to .-! i ivr laln real estate of the Into Can 'eft &ol I Maynut xtJ will ofiVr Tor sale, on tha prem ise on Cow Creel;, in Cow Creek Precinct, in Douglas county, G ,lo of Oiegon. on Sat iirdav. the rtth u-'V or I loinlm li. ween the hours of 1(1 o'clock A. II. re.J 4 P. M.. the ftillnw'nff described Peal K-u.iltt, Si. ii ning at the quarter ccsl'nn ,n;i., on '( line between sections "1 and " 'ii township ;. south range f west; tliuncu riiniiiii;; i or!! 40:11(1 chains: Ihencc east, ?:0l) clmi'i thence north -10:110 chains thent-e wo ? .ilMHl cliains; thence sontli til):!)!) el .,!.i:-" lienr.f east 2!): 1 1 chain, to tlc plant of boji miug. containing lilVdMOO acre, more or lc.. to the highest. i''dd"r, for c.v-ii. J. G. MYNATT, W. K. MYNATT. Auiniuislrrtors. October Hi. 18:. ' nol'Jl-iw T UEGAL NOTICES. Sheriff's Sale. WHITE-OAK STAVES AND THE undersigned desires to contract with some person, to supply him regularly with good, Wliltc-Onk Staves, for which he will pay Seventy dollars per IhniiHiiiid. de livered at Yreka. For particulars, nddrcs the subscriber, at Yreka, or Joseph Wetterer, at Jacksonville. JOHN MOSER. Jacksonville, "ct. 8. :. octlOlf MINER'S SALOON, DY STONEWARE. Something Evcryloily wants. SiicccMor to Nut.uiil. WINES AND LIQUORS, OK TIIK HKST QUALITY, AT ONE-BIT A DRINK. And Cigars of Ihu Choicest Vnrieties. My I j'TieiiilH in pariiculur, anil inu runiio in general, are invited to give mo n call. LEW 3 LEVY. Jacksonville, Sept. !. 'O.'l. sopt'Jmfi Till' undersigned will hereafter keep on baud u complete assortment of Jugs, Jars, Churns, Milch and Butter Crocks, Flower Pots, etc. etc. PETER BRITT, Photographic Artist, Is prepared to tako pictures in every style of the art, with all the late Improvements. If Pictures do not givo satisfaction, no charges will be made. Call at his new Gal lery, on the hill, examine his pictures, and nit for your likeness. Dissolution of Copartnership. Tun copartnership heretofore cxis.'ng be tween the uiitlcn-lgned under the firm name of .M'Luughlin t Klippel, Iiiih been this day dissolved by mutual consent. All those knowing themselves Indebted by nolo or book account, ore requested to settle wltout tiolivy, with cither of us, and lhoc limine IiiIiih uKaiust tho (Inn tlioulil present them for sctUcmcut. HENRY KLIPPEL, JOHN M'LAUGHLIN. JndiSflnvlUc. Oct. 7th. KSiiil. Notice to the Public. Till:! section, from the Summit to the llall'-Way Houw. f tho Canyon Road, will bo open, ready for travel, on the :20th day of Kqit. JStJlI, Jiwn which tlmu toll will 1st col lee t"d. By ord'.T of Can von Roml Company. H. F. CIIADWICK, Secrulary. Hoscbiirg. Sept. 2, 18(iil. srpt !l t ) A GOOD SilAUT HOY, between tho ae of twvo and llfteen yenis, can lind Liuployineiit and a good home, by aptilyiug to ALFRED II. HANLEY.on the .Jackson vlllo road, between E. Gore's and O. D. Hox JeV, near l'luuul.v. Apply iniinediatelv. A. II.HANLEY. Dear Creek. Sept. .'10. WX octawl "VrOTIOK s hereby given to all persons .1.1 iiiueuied to me by eoto or jjook ac count, to pay tho sainu to my agent, Josui'ii Jaioi..h, on or before tho loth February, lrifi.l, otlienviso tho same will be placed hi the h uxIb of an atlornev for collection. JESSE IIOUINSON, Per Johki'ii Jacoii.s. Ea,'. Vills, .January 'Jlid, 18:i. The above ware Is of Excellent Quality, and being madu in this county, will buoll'er ed (both tit wholesalu and retail) at Very Low Prices. JIRADM7RY& WADK, Agents for the Mannfar Hirer. Jacksonville. .Mav '1'i. lKlilt. mav'.'Hil 3VE111- THE undersigned having leased the Washington Mill," llvo miles from Jacksonville, has thoroughly repaired It. and erected New & Improved Machinery, which, from my (iNperience in constructing the same, as well as in manufacturing Hour, warrant- me in saying that the Oregon Mill can mid will do better work than any other Mill in Uio Valley. KVKKY SACK OP MY FIX) UK WARRANTED "A NO. 1." WM. J. ALLtiX. Jacksonville, April II, lxiill. '.:tf EVANSVILLE HOTEL KOU mr'apsr BY vif'.-'b n'PVi'n esechllon. fo niedlrcclnl l-simtl 't ('): thcCircnit Court, for thr County op I'Don'glaS nnd Statu iif Cx-goii. for ihe want, of sulicient ihtj .m:iT proper ty. I have leviul upon nnd w'll jii-ouc'i) to rill, to the liigliest ladder, for ens i, On I lie Wli tiny of Novetoher All IBfi.l. between the hours of 1(1 o'clcj't a. m. nml 4 i. m. of said day, nt the Co.irt I'o.ne door in sa'd county, all Hid ri-.'if, tllic nnd inter -st o' WJLLtAM W'LtJOi: In tlm fol lowill'X i? 'ftvilied proneriy, tu-w't: Aed lain p' -co of laud beinn'i j nt a po'i.t. J:C'! chalueasl o." the norlli'.v..- eo'iier c.1. W. Beckwortti's Doua'ou Land Claim No. !!), in township .'111, toulli n" run;i I v,T.t; run ning Ihence norl i 2f!:0l) ctnur ; t ei j ivt 7:.i(l chains; Ihence west 8:00 ctnius 1'icice south (i:li(( chains; 1'i'n ce eiet 1 1: .." cliabis. to the place of iK'gi'inlnj;. 'ontr.fiiiig si:,' and sl.v.y oue-liiind-ed.hs acies. Alo, I'io iollotvlng ilescritieil premlsi's. to-wl'.; !kId ning at l he northeast corner of the Laud Claim of J. W. Beckworth.No. :;'), lowuliip till, south of range No. -I we. ; nnnln.-c thence 2:2' links; thence south 11:. .V't h;: Ihence eat :t7:2."t links; thence uotili 1 l:io links, to the place of begin'ilir' r.oniabi'ii.1; Ihirtv-one and Iwentv-ono onii-l oiiilicilt!in ueres.all being and lying in tlu County in Douglas and .State of Or-gon, w'tb tin; up purieiiauces thereunto beloiigiu:;. Tin- said property is taken to satisfy an execel on, issued out of said Court, in favor of LEON AIM) STINGER, and, u nilnst WILLIAM WILS N. Tor the sum of (Sill ?iMoi) two hundred and eleven and Iwerly one huiidrt'dtd dollars Judgment, and oh and accruing cosls. , L.HOWE. Sheriff of Douglas Co., Ogn. Iloseburg, flcU '-'1st. IMi.'l. octlllwt tt TIIK CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIK of Oregon, for the County of Jackson. Allen F. Farnlmin Plaintiff, r. John It. lioud. Jo-epli Jacobs. Murray Barrett and his guardian John Barrett, Jese Itobinsou nml Ihe said John Barret, Kichaul Bar rett. I). E. Barrett. James Barrett mid his wifelsabe' nA. Barrett, Thomas Burnett, Peter Keying arid his wife Callierine Kes ling. JoM'ph Gasloii and W. 11. S. Hyde, Sherilf Defeiidauts. Iiijuiii'lloii ant! MuiplifiiriiMl Illll In Chancer'. To the nbove nauinl defendants: You nre hereby summoned and reipilred to appear in tho said Court, i;u the Hist day of the next term thereof, to be begun nml held at the Court Houi-e, in the town of Jackson ville, in said county, on the Nth day of Feb ruary IPlil, and answer the complaint of Ihe said Plaintiff, tiled again"! you in said Court, or the same will bo taken iV con-fes-ed, and Ihe Court will decree the four deeds executed by lliu sa'd Barretts, nml the said Peter Kesliug and h's wife Callierine Keeling, for tho Dnuriiun Laud CInim No. Is. o Ihe said John Itimelt nml his wi'o IN Till Slate COUNTY OF JACKSON, SS' CHlCVtT CWfIT, of titer 8tnt of 0rgcrfi, r the tVllllf of Jnckimil, Lilly ainrwnoil. vi. A. B.Ovcrberk, H.A. trnwrnt. inn Anderson A Jiimvs T. Wh'im (partners), John Bilger, S, A. lirminer II. A. Brnnner (partners), Tviunni spencer, u u. JHeKinnw, An ton Mruns, Max Muller and Rcdington A Co. Dili In Chaffcrr? flir ft frrelonre ol a itfnrfMtfc. wlirwu.' tho I'liifillirbi lfi nliofr nilhlnl cam Jtcflltlln-i'l.flllnClinrirny.fn the Ctrrnfl Cmirt of lif tffiitf if Otrgmt. for tlir niniity i f.1 nk-tn, Ut )rt i"trn rtrlntn tiKriipi:r, crt firth ttiivr'n, mm the JiHowIms ileHTlrr.1 tract of Inml. to-wttj Iff h nnd UiUl'ii the comity of .liirlcm mtil S.'rle urOieiiii, Ciimtiirifrfrunt the firlitlniil ro.'i.t-ori-lnhrlNo. 71. In lmniIif No,.T7 witilli, imtjj? I.o.'Jwr-tt: tlieticw mv Hull iimhi.; Ibetit iAl-IIi i.'.T clmiin, toil "'.in nril, ft. OferttkV tfrtrt offiimt; lliciicpifnt fit.'.. I ('ri'inf Ihiiii-r itnlh U'.'JV ttmfix, tolhejilncej tin--,1iMftn -, r-Hiimlnl tofttdii'il ll'.'J itmlitllf.tWii oiir-fiir t!i f..jf4 mi iin, klhtftn tulUv Otcrfwrk I'nrtn, nt itie'.io 'iMi(ff.liffl'Mtt;ili" imf tfte unfit ifitfrtt- Itr Iit" itrirmv, litltftf llfcil m HllMitlt.nr1fftit K, i'i frit tin. ii...-..i.,i,n. i. a. it-iivi.'i!tirri:.if. a. it',iTi.,KH..iofrv .uunv rrt. .f. a. r.iwtsav.n, WH,uU:Ull.W'llt'vt nrvmiVVS ACO-iire wne.i-ii.t-i h of tint Elrtit of Orcini: TiirrvKire, ...n.ili' ,rifil A. tl.lheilic-':. It. A. Oft-rott-h. .loin .(MffTirr..r.,t. liiiitmrr, HUI.tnl SjnriT iitiil Ilnl fittfii.tA I'liiur litieft.v rir(VciV to iiictr In the "1 li Cltl'ttlt ClOllt. Oil tflC Htl'OlMl lllMlllllV III NflVI'tll. Iif ..I. !.. iHtt, slid iinK-tr the rtimtlfr'ii Mil. or tlitf ct'. .to "l . fnhni fur oiiiR.wnl(nrnl the ltijer iin'iiiif i.iiuiu (iv rieciinrt. IT.V ortrr c tint ' tfti r. K. I'. IK Mi' :i,f,, Sul'r ftr the Phlntttr. trt.iroKr"t.',cie k. J.irkonfUfp .m Pi JM.1 B(lSS lll'l CIRCUIT COURT of the ."jtiite of Uri'gfm, lor the Ufonty of .1 icImhi. John Auzskk ad Asiikr Wa.u llaWfo. VkMWWK KNrTHSTOTK AMD M,1FHUnKT U'WRNivrtwic. I iffeiiilunts. T,ilht'f'(ih vtnfmrtidiiMitilrrttoii In snM Cmt, Tixinri'lmrln Nmiiliinliiil to (nr mul niiimir (a tUr mm i.oit.t ior mm iwiiiijr. iir nir iin."l iiKiiin term HiMiir, mnl irfnii Hie Oilr iliry of NurriiiliiT, 1KM, MiigtlrMrlil:iyir tli' "1l term, to ini.wei' tho r.iiii tliri of iir.rintffli, llltil fit unM iioi.e nilnil yw, WM lluit In il'-l'ifff! ofim niiiWrr to ifl Miiiitithit, iti'tgiiirnt nlll t to.tcrt itRtitfuf yu fir lti nm of Kflrni )irrrlnI triflitr itinmp- Sr f lie rloliitfuri of n i-iinlntc. ipT v.nniinly In n ilinl mnile y yon tomM ili't'iiilmitJ, fiir iviil fTtuli! In iM riinnly, m pmyeil fur Iiik::' rnm:iiirit. .. C!A!T(f.V, Alfy for IMinTf. .Mrt ; ihi. innvMU, i;iert(fj'JJ-i:w. do? ' TO WtSAYtm ChAlXAUJHi-U tin. l.frtHnenii oImiI iifnnftfi iiifMrlitiicc. f h t Ti tollnt Srttli-r mnl ll fi:otn'iitnirt,n3 well in to tin- imM'e "i-rffT-n(y, II itt the h'iiviir d'i ITI.'iK to Ix W.lVll.V f.liilms hi .tMlMi't etmftlil l.t iniinni.fvll.r cslnMMiril; r.iiil 'no iVr l.'uit llffi iln-li'nldc rncf iinty It nconn VlMinl llfi iw TTftle .Irlity nt ni"P.'V,ie Iteri-ti.v re-iiii-Ht Mint nn tliiiuttoii cli'iiiiinU In the Mlim'Iiir tiittii-tii,t uli.ilmtc not jrt m.iJo tlirlr tbril pnxif, fnhni llirl;:l!i of .4 Hi stance, iiimI ii 'ir IikiiIiik llic!r!enil(nlilSiitrf,il.;i wflliln ninety (tun frow V. :'- , naif- ', S, , 7, 8 msl a wwt. T. "Jl S mugM 7 mftl R wi-t. T. 'J I .". rmrjn ittt,n met 7 wr-f. T..!5 .. rmjr- -t, fi, 11,7 nisi i:i went. T. 'Jl S. niiifjet .1,, ft, fi, 7 neil J:i wet. t. '.7 S. r.TirKH t, ft, II. 7 hi::I 1 tci-tt. T. 'JH K. riimn-t k, II. 7,S, 12, l.'l en. 1ft wnt. V. ai i. minfe .1, 4, ft, il, 7, S, t. 12 nml IS , T.ni .. nuiRiN :;, 4, :,c li nml IS went. T..1I S. nitiue ttfei.. CLOCKS, WITCHES, JEWELEY, FANCY -AXD- ARTICLES -at"- NEW STORE Next Door to Snch Bros JNKJDEfl has stocked his nctr stove w'lli a larr.0 and vnlnaWo ussortment of .' ti 'ii rrd pntt't.'us of aiT.IlNG AM) WKIGHT G'JOVKH. 8ILVKTI WATCHES. .5 1MAMUNW JEWKJiUY, PEARL, EMERALD, CAMEO 8ET3f Together with a splendid lot. of other it- ?a IN: j T. XI .. niiiM A, II. nnd 75 west. T. .'i:i S. iiinj.' 1ftsf, Anrr wliIWi, Awlll" i In the corwIdiTnttorr of ullifT lnwinlifn, mitll the wlnili) hliall Imvo licrn pilot llimnsli ltlr; iiriNiintoo' t rextli)(f to the Commfofuiivr of the ileneint jirsl Ofllce. JOHN KIII.I.V. lleKlnler. IH:iIIIIH i:. UltllidS, llecelrer. T.init O.tlcc. Ron-Mirctlnlv T.', (. . til Ccapt-Pins, Brooches, Etr-Rings, Finger Rins, LorrietB, Buckle. Clnspit, Bracelets, Sleerc Buttons, Necklaces, . , ,, Wntch-ChalnB. Chatelalrm and Seals Also, cnrnplrle n ts of incomparable MAirtm Jowolrr manufactured from tho riclirnt and most beautiful specimens of Cold JLill urn Fow ler oinriz. In ndditSon to Ific bdotp, mnt be found nt his store the best qualities of VAUI.Y. AS It POCKET CUTLERY, And, in short, a cenerul variety of IVIck-Xackn h. Fancy Arficl'co All ol which will be sold ut M)W yicK. nntT wnrniotwl. KKFAlKIiVR.-Clorfcs, Watches nnJ Jewelry rrpnired with promptness, ant In u manner to guarantee snlislaetion. MAUPACTUREIlo order, tny artf cle of Jewelry, with neatness und Hispotehv iu Call am? see bis new slock, at hi new store, on Culiforniii street, neat dor to Sachs Bros., Jacksonville, Oregon. JaeK'i.invillt', Dec. 17. I8o2. ff ,. WLJimmmanMr , LIVERY AD SALE STABLES; Corner or CaliiVrnila nnd Fourth streets. GLUGAGKDRirto, Proprietors 111; JEBL t by tber Slieiiirn Sale. VV vlrliniof iiiirMTiillcni,ti inn illrrttcH, lncI MM out nl tint Comity Court, fr lliu inuiilv of I lLh.S AND 'I'KhTA.MKNTS. A M supply, in vurioua at vies, on iumd, and lor .silo nt en-is and eliaigcs. at the depn.si.' tUVy Oi' iJv Jnf k.im Cii'l"' '"!' (!. 'eiy. M1 JJ'V 1 IA I , ' TITRabovo hotel, situated at KVANS VILM'l, Jackson County. Oregon, near tho Rootju River Company's bridge-, across llogtie River, with a Fine Garden, unci d'dly enclosed, and sumo hind adio'iitng, will bo for rent on and alter the 1st day of Octolcr, 18HX 'J'lio present occupant will dispose of soiuo Jgnjituru to Ihu incoming tenant, 11iisini iti.w. luvorablo ulty for fiomo good man to get paying business Also, tho T'Vanlt Ranch adjoining said town, ,i00 I'crcH of lino meadow, lor rent at the fdiiiu time. Apply to Tlioinns Cliavpiirj'. near tho premises. THOMAS CI1A-VK.VKR. AiiLMist 1 1. IfUiit. aiiglMf EAGLE MILLS ! TIIK undersigned, present owner of these mills, would notify tlu public that ho has secured tho services of an experienced miller, and will liiiniHli lliu Very focst article of Flour in exclmngo for wheat, at lliu following rates, to-wit : For oncb bushel of good wheat, Ihirtv-siv puii.d.s of (lour, two pounds of middling! nnd eiidit pound'' of lav i. Margaret, lying in said county, o said noun, win lie declared iriitululciit and void; and thu judgment rendered in thu said Conn, on the lUlli dry of .lune. lCliU, in fa vor of Miinay !airo t ami John K. I'.ond, against .le.-Mt Robiiisuu for thu sum of six thotoand three huudr-d dollars and coets of tho suit, will be, declared iiaiiduleut mid void aed H'iicliiiilly enjoined; and the 1'lalutilf wil1 tako judgment against the de Icuduiits. for thu eo.-t and dislMrscmcutt, of tie suit, and for such other and i'uvl her re lief as may appear to thu Court equitable and Just, in thu premises, liy older of 1'. 1'. I'riir. Judge. ii. f. DowKrx - rjj Attorney for 1'lainiiiT. October 28, 18fi!I. ootUlmil County Treasurers OlUce At l.iiw Olllooof JACOI1S & RUSSELL. Rtateot' Oiiihiiii Cuillitv of IX.I'.WllllS iiivlii'icliy notllk' IllL-lvHOll. I mlV.iiii'iino i I :.iii...i .I.......... . OnnOrfU" I 1rt -i.ili.on iiiuoririi iiiHioi'ii linn iiiii oouAif , .. ' ..nil i i-.inj . ii ii)iinii), im,oiK iii.wi op inio a ,00(1 1 t.s.,.i ;.iiii.st t Itt-iii lii nli iniiiii.v, mo iriiu"ti'ii n o.iy kiiiii i.iM'1 iii inv iruiiiuer ol n.un tiniuiy (or IiIm J)i'nity), nt liH olDcu In .liu Ua'onvlltu, hefoiu Inu tit nt ilny of .l.imiary nc't. Tlio Amount of Btatu Tux Ui,dui'il is li.tyulilo In piM or nIIyit colli. i;.H..MOi:(JA.N,Tit'ii-.iiror, 1'it K. V. ItUiisULl, Deputy. JiU'l;M)iillli", Oct. 'J I, ltu:i. otl'.'tu.'i Aduistrntoi's Notice. E STATU of Win. 11. Mowait, deceased. Notice Is hereby ; 'veil to all whom it may concern, that lliu undersigned has been 'nppdnted Aduiintrator of lliu estato of W. II. Mowatt. deceased, Into of Jackion i county, Oregon. All persons indebted to said tutu are notilh-d to pay up wilhiu h'x 1 months; and all per.-ou.s having claims against said estato, urn requested to present them for payment to me, at my residence on Rear Cruel;, witldu six nioiitjis from date. JOHN WATSON. Admin U.hikIih mill .Sliilo of Orcpii, I li.iro Ictlnl nitin'iiii( win riK-rcii loHfii, in nut ihkiimi iMilcr, rorclmli, (h the 28i ihty of November, A. J). 18G.1, iM-tnrrii tlm lioiirHor 10 o cluck .. miiihI Cmr l. X. or mill ilny, nt thuConrl lloixo iloor of k.iM count v, nlHIiorlclil.lt leiirnl Inlcrmt ir KI.I MOIUIA.V.to lint (ill. ihIii iltNcrilxil ininicrty, to-wll: fioiivil'iit l.iinl C'lnlni tJo. fll.nii rniinl lit llin l.uinl Olllcc, n IloTlmr;,', lioii,';l.t comity, Oku-, lio'tliiiilni; flt ons. imirttT Hfcllon l, hrtweni lortlooN 1.1 nwl'H, Iiovii1iIi "n, Honlh riiiiKi', ! y', llicnce rnmillii; Nimtli 'Jvhi c'iulii; llo'iiio w't U.1SHI i lilii; llinuo noitli4.i.iHironlio,' lliciiroiiixt 4'i.iKi rlmtiir; tinner smith 'jn.tN)rliiiln; litiirc Mc.it Mas l ilmliw, to Ihr lil.iri'iif Ii' tIiii'Iii:, (.i.niiirit.m f It.fti trfif fimuli il untl iKty mi i ', 'ii lite loiiiiirlciriim'i) tlicicmito Ik-Ioiii-'ii;;. 'ai-iim'iI i,'hjh-i i- hliiken loKilUr.v Hiir. nnti'mf, U mil oft iifiiM Com t. In l.svor of STKI'll- kx in:.:. inii.iiihI hiIiim i:m ;o:ii,tx, for tio siini or (---'U iitMisi) tMoiiiiniiitil nml I 'ty-twonml lliirly oiic-liiiistutulii ilollm juilgiimi , coUiiinl luvroln;, cots. . i.'OW'i;, ghr-rlirnf IWik1iii t'omitv, 0-n. jtiwrinirg, OiIoImt 'Jliit, ISiia, iKiillwt Administrator' Sale or Ileal Estate. IN ptirtuMnr of nil onlcr of Hip Comily Conrt of .liu'koii Ciiunt.y, I (in iiihIcikIkiiciI will olli'i' ut iiilillcNiIc,nt the ikAiruf tlftr Comt KoatfJii.lucU Honvllle, on Saturday, the 2st Any of November mining, tlio fullowlr-; iIiMi.'dnt f!it ll.its, ultii utcil In the town if! I'liicirlx. oililincbrln:; nt t (if miiiiIi lliionf tlio bi.'e-lmii'io ; i-iiii'ily owncil ly S, M. Wii Iti', on Main 8trco , nn I rinui'i'tf l.'n'iicv xo'uili on tlio nest Hint 1 1 rt.ililItit''tL'vrtii,Niy feci: tlicfico SCit Olio IllllKllVll Itllll lll.ll'l.V uc: tlicocv Inn III l ty toot; llii'iico cn-t nno lininl il n-il nltm'y fcut, to lliu il.icu of lii";liiiiln:r,fioiitlii';sl.'.t.t f.-ct (ii JIi.ln Stlcct.iiml iiiiniln Inc.: Hie Bt.no iv'iltli, 1 5 feet, lonciiiur nun nn ino inipi o ciiiftiiM tnmvn: iicin tlio In. nml Inillillii;; tlicicoii, lielnr ;lli;; tu tlif Cs't.ilo of .lot. (I, l)lc, ilcccuioil. 'iVriiix, eis't. K. 1'. VAYI.OII, Ailm'r. October 2' WO. octhf Notice to Holder Co. Oadors. f7' 'ATllOKOltlMlOX, COIIXTV OK JACKSON : -3 I'l'inoiii IiiiIiMii;; tliu liillowiii;; (?iuiiity Oiiten urn lieru'ov i' li'.'lcil to in'0-unl ti o s.u. u lo. .eili'iiiiu'on : X i. J nml i J, . ienteil Oct. J f, 1E0; .' ". 17 ninlli':.'. e-iciii ! I'ce. tfM, liiilj 4,ri. Iidi.inl li7. jiicuiutil. i, loli, T f i ; No-i. 11 nml 'i, inen'iiteil .Inly .:,l, : No, ,0-, juv cntiil Aiml , jtli, 1 ."isj Nos. ;o :i ill , ti. v. en eil May Ititli, ' '"-, No.U70, neii'iil(ini 'J 1 ii;,! Njw, 1 "J nml u I, )i.'c,cii. eilSeet.fi i,l ..,; o.lii , iU'-oiitvillJo' '.1 !, IW.s'j Noi.ltiSnml 171, ini'ici . u t'ciit.'.'itl', 1 "8; i.o.O. iu iteil Oct. L'ili lS5i; ; Z.'iw. -Ill un17., nicieutfii A'ilNlli,lS.Vl, .n inlfU'Jt will Ho nllnweii on hipmi orilcrn niter thU ibte. II. s. .MOIUIAN, Ooinity Tic.h'c, I'l'l' I!. I1. ItUiisLU, leilltV. . luck -oin 'lie Aiisnit F. inci. nn;;Str AdiniaiiUiati-i.v's Notice. ESTATi: Ol' I,. A. UlCi:. 11I:0I:ASKI): To nil A mIiuih it nniy cniicerii. Yon mu hcidiy niitllleil th.it thu uiiiK'i'HlL'iieil (lll'l lici'iiupiiuliitfilAilmliil-itlii- tll ol .ilil iwt.ite, ami nil liits.'iix Inu Inu i uiiiiiiiiIh , nt t K'llil itiitn mo heioliy iiqiilicil to inodmit llin mime, with iiionor voiuIiuih, m my u'.ilileiieo on , Heir Creel;, In lint county of .1 ii!inn, nml St ito of t'li'lton. willillMlx iiimitlii lini'i llin ilito of IliN no. tii rat: bTAUiiKH arc centrally located, mid con venient to the Union Jto- el. Horses nnd rmrfen will bo kept u.-y or wecR. at inotleratc charges. The proprietors have a number of line ISI'MGIKS AM) CARRIAGES, For one or two horses, to 'ut on moderate? terms. Aro. good nv " hoires nnd mules, which they will let to jo to niry part of thu country, on reawjiiHMo .erms. Horses broke to tho saddle or harness. Aifmals Bought and Sold. The proprietors pledge themselves to give sntisfaclion to all vl:o tit v favor them with n.JI. J il.jotiv'lli). O'. Anu'. .'tr.-l8tf M. A. BRENTANO IS NOW SKLLING His slock of famxl7 axocsmzss, ETC., ETC, All wlio wish to oK:.iin BARGAINS wirl do well to cull, ns it is nbsolulely his inten- Iron to droso of paid stock without delay. .) J; i V. T", ii, Ififiif. I. il. IllliS & BRO. Are now closing out their entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries and" Provisions, nt the Very Lowest Hates, FOR CASH ! su Give us a call, nt tho Port Ofllce Ruildiiig, earner of California and Oregon i .jts. An '1 H. lPh'2. Ug GREAT BARGAINS! M. A. BRENTANO Would respectfully nnnounco to his old friends and customers, and tho public generell, that ho has lu store and now arriving, a Large and Well-solcoted Stock of goods, which ho will sell Z3 K3C3EQ .Sk. mJM2 MW. than tho t 11 n i. n rm i i . u nrnuiis oi THuncco aim uigni'H Ja.iso.nIl' D .'-'' ALUKN I'.VAR.SIIAM. IV.ui Ckkkk. Juckaou Uoimty, O.it.17. ls3. Iliiur'TliuNl n RKATI.Y Rlil UCEl) I'KICKS. Call II roif-'-lwl I'ti-V-'-il nnd examine, JiWlf ,' ' t i