Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 28, 1863, Image 7

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    i( .
hit-lit h.ii nn (in.....rrnn.))l
iCniinn tit tin- column of jour truly patriot-
A taraBBmlcMliuiilirtlo Union mfcllnsoJnnriiiil.ilimiK1i Imi n l.rlcf period lm
u held nt Cooper Institute, October IGlli, i elupnl events n the most uuplclnus clinr-
tt'm. Allen Holler presiding. Speeches ne'er. Imve i1t-vi-liinil Ihemn-lves In real-
re tna.li! hv Senator Wlhan. Henrv .T.
IUvmonil nnd Attorney General Dickinson.
IHcklnson "poke in n very linppy nnd for
ciblo vein. Ho reviewed tlic history of
tbc true Pomorrutic party :
IVIiert: l tlic Democratic parly to-ilny!
Ills litre; ll Is In tlic nrmy, fiplitlng die
Utiles ill" tlic Union nml sustaining Hie
Administration; llmt Is tlic Pctnneratlo
parly. Tlic Democratic parly Is n parly
of principles nml not of men. It Is n
party of glorious traditions. It linn n
treat nml prom! rworil. Hut llui Demo-
fierauc pariy was inuuo up or mow men
Rrho opposed tlic Institution", of tlic conn-
try. It wns not n cume-liy-clinncc. It lie
rime IIIihUIoiis because It took lid tlicory
front Jefferson that all men were created
rmial. Tliat was lis. corner stone. There
was Its nrijrn. It wn conservative. It
lock restitutions, us It fouml thorn, hut its
theories weru based on prnprrM. It lie
amc illustrious in the war of 1612, not by
ipiinjiiif Ihu Atlnilnttt nitKm of Mndisnu,
iltbouli Madison in that wur made ten
mistakes where Abruhuni Lincoln has
aide ono. (treat applause. Hut he
was HHtiilnol, mid whyf Pecuusu there
pras a Di'inoerntlc puny who wcroiletcrm-
led tn go with the country and stay np
thelmnil or flic Administration, and say
io U, m the British peer Mid, With all
thy fault 1 love the still. The Democrat-
e parly rallied "around Tompkins, Modi-
Won and Vnn Bnrcn, and came out crowned
jwllli success nnd villi glnrj'. When .lock
on declared that tho Union must nnd
liould bo imstniMsl, by the l.tcrnnl, the
K'mocriitio party relrcd upon that nsn
art or its 'Creed. Tlml I what pave it
ts great name, and brought u round it the
iloodsiikers of the present day. Sensa
ion. Suppose tlmt .Tcrfersnn hud laid
own the platform or tho Copperheads,
jbunpose that the Democrats had opposed
iiu war oi lot:, nun ii.ne.1 a pusiuuu
ejulnst tlic country In the d.iysof .fock.on
pud nulllflcatioii. Who Imagines tlml tlic
lll.'mocriitlc parly would Imye hud u name
lo-iluy, except wr cxercratlooT suppose.
;that tlm Democratic purty bad been made
Up of u few Know .Nothing tuken out of
tho Day Hook I irreat' luujjittcr j nnd of dl-
lipidatcd politlcuuu generally, of soldiers
fnf fortune uud mitt like 1'eter llrnsli, wlto
wautctl Koiuulliiiif; to liuvc- mid nothing to
W. Suniiose they. Instead of supportinc
te, we nre for u most vigorous proeecu
Ion of the wur,1 but bad declured at the
ami! time that It should be conducted with
fiion Uberul propositions fur peace.
;I laughter Suppose tlmt every victory
I the Federal arms had been belittled,
"d that they had rejoiced at every succms
if the rebel urms.
"Suppose they had opposed negro
Iroopj, because It was beneath the d'gnlty
of tho'white soldier lo figlit bfRide them.
Hoyou believe that the Democratic parly
would Jmve acquired a namu except for
execration? Hut now gentlemen come
forward nnd trade upon the uuine of the
Democratic parly, llecliould like to see
the "Northern mid Sdulbern wings of the
rebels, Hutternuts mid Copperhead?, to
Wther, nnd Governor Seymour called to
ruMre them. Ho might well adopt the
language of Milton's devil, "Friends and
Confederate, welcome." Great Laugh
ter. Dickinson hud said 'Constitution'
ilongus tho South bud said 'Constitu
tion, but when tiiey sold 'arms' he said
4ms.' Applause. Wo might ns well
expect to preserve the frosts .of winter
"rough tho dog-days as to preserve slavery
linger. He was as much in favor of thor
oughly nnd completely abolishing sluvery
m ho had been for prcwrviog it. He had
wen In fuvor of wuiting tho Almighty's
r . i nii v nriiinui..
Ii4 war in reality, had suidi'ief, '"'".
,i .... . . """" ' , ,6 ' Li,i .innntion land claims Nos. 48 and 4P
tae. Tho rebels preferred to take the dev-. w","n ctoi-d land claim, it being the
""time; nnd there was now no saving it. j tract of land purchased by Thomas ft Ja
JIU only pbjectlon to ll.nmncW
roclanmtlpii was thijl it should bavo been cou,,,, oreggp.and will 1m offered for sale,
relurnuM,, r,..if..i;j.. " ......i... ...m, iim Imnruvements. heredlta-
" "'""-v
Qo.v. Wallace, or Idaho,
legato to Cumrrrca tram
U re urncu o
returned o!
a i
Jwgatolo Uongresa lroi(i tlmt Territory.
Kbb A t t tl
ty ft raalorlly of C-Vs in tlio
coun cs lienrti
. ...
t ,t'. . '- .11
'foin, One
ll telult.
frgui i but It cannot chunge
From the Coqiilllc.
Cxjuiu.r. Kivkii, Nov. 20, 18C3.
..... orm,,.c. .-o.iio-my i..si cnrnmuni.
W"W ",0 ' pre.nci.o.is, me mini
ilhiiliislle fiinilcs, of the Corpiillc l'i
Tlirnncli tle praiseworthy nnd Inderal
Ipnlile exertions of several enterprising
cltfz-iisi. Nntiirv Ims nt length yielded np.
as un ample reward for their uasldiotis toils
mi Immvifv copper nealih of unknown ex
tent. Such is the quantity of tills vast miner
al nc(iiiiiliiii, that all who hare went
thither, have iliscuvcrcil and seciirnl tint
mnut ..iiUfnctiiry prospects, returning with
rich ypci-lmep taken from the ledge, origi
nally funnd on Iiu; hdid-waters of this
river, adjacent lo whut in known us" John
iirti'd Dlfglnus."
New iiikI valunbh difciivirlcs on various
portions ol tin- moiitituin raugi' contiguous
to, nml bonlvriog un ihu muln river, are
tiuiliiiually In-iiij? made, i-ITcrlng renew til
t'lieourugemiiit for other adventurers lo
seek Tor this rnucetiliil wealth. A prosjiccl
which bids fair to rival any of the prei-o-ding,
has recently been rcMuleil nloni the
contcmplateil Wugnu road to the Umpqua
Valley, neur lo tidc-walcr tiuvigutiou,
which consideration ulomt inhunces Its val
ue to a degree Inestimable.
Such Is the excitement, the stimulated,
animated hopes, iervadiiig ull clan-n( tlmt
clulms hltlierlo, apparently ol trlviul value,
are wlily iccordeil ninl "guanleil with
jealous care." Auriciiliurat lunds partly
Improved, upon the fertile myrtle bottoms,
which, but u few months prior to tills lm
Mrtant dUcovcry could have been purchas
ed (or K vi nil hundred dollarc, tliu sniiie
ibs cannot now bt oblainetl for so inuiiy
thousands. Wo cannot overi'Stlmulu the
numerous ndvanlnces to accrue In ihU val
ley from tho rich mid extensive c-ojiH-r
k-dges Jut unfolded lu the creillt of Indus
try, fuicrpriM, and perseverance.
" Honor In whom honor is due." In
this spirit, I linuld justly coiulder my con
uuct liigiitr ciiiMiiierani 1 omit In clojinir
lo say, tlmt ilinuld tnm mineral pohwi-sioii
prOve as beneOeial tn tho future uvgrau-din-ment
of tho Coauille Volley, in It
luct liigiitr ciiiMiilerdiil 1 omit In clojinir
. i . . . -.. r. . '
promises to be, wc must without u disiu-n-lary
voice, ncconl the endit to Hon. I. I).
Haines, through whose laudublc ruler
prise nnd persistent exertions, wu are in
debted for this mcccMfut nchievincnt.
" Hero then we restj tho univerwil cause
Acts to one end, but acts by various laws."
Union Advooatk.
Tiianksoivixu. Hellglous services were
held In tho M. K. Church of Jackonvlllc ;
... . ,...,...,
SlicrifPa Salu.
n V virtue of two executions, duly IwimI
D by the Clerk of tho Ciicult Court, of
the State of Oregon for the county of
juck.on, on a mandate order mid judg
ment of tb Supremo Court of said State,
nnd to mo directed! one In favor or Alien
V, Karnlimu. and tho oilier In favor of
Smllu & Trah, and both against Jew Holt
lusoii and others, for the recovery of the
nsuregalo mm of Ten Tlionind Three
Hundred and fifty-three and forly-rtx oue
hundredlhs dollars, luterest, cost and no
crning cos'., I havn levied upon, ns Hie pro
perty of Je"Q llobtnvon, Ihu following
H-rllMil riu! nrouerlv. to-wltl Donation
Land Claim, known on the maps mid ulals of
the United Slates, m Donation uriiu i.iium
of Aloimo ASklnner-nollHcatlon Np. C.Sfiil,
claim No. C8, township 37 wulh, ranjre No.
gwettt aUo one tract of land, containing
Hit) acres, moraor lew, the soathwut quar
ter of section 31, lu towuihlp- 30 louiu,
range 1 west.
Abo, I hnvo levied upon, ns tho property
of all tuo iicienuanie, . wu i isum-i
Thomas. Tobias Thomas, Henry A. Ureit
Iwrlh. JoH-nh Jncol-. Anton OUrt, J. 0.
Weiss, W. llittner. V. K. Margraff, Held
Lamlo nnd Jewo HohInon, donation land
.i..i... i,.in nn tlin niniM and olatx of tho
United States os Donation Land Claim of
Johu Ilarrelt. notification number wm.
elaltn No. 48 containing a;u aim oa-iuu
,o .iruvn.lilii !t8 soutb. ran co ono east.
AUo. Donatiou Land Claim known on Iho
maiii and plats or the United Slates as Do
nat ou Land Claim or 'William Newhourc
notification 0,101. claim No. 4tf, township
d ,...,. ,a I nut. Also, rt rm-Co or
paicel of land, being ft quarter section or
ono nunurm uuu .....j. y--'i-' p.-vr
wjfv i'v '"" :r " Vii... lu.i,,,.,.
ib. v, -;- v, . nmh.pi
tiv said exeeuii0,1,,i wu o,i,,,,u,,ji ..v.m.--.
VV A ,)( jsc.l. lwtwjeiHho bouw uf nliw '
-. fix - 1 A...U A-ntjinl' II f III k.tlj
:..b' .J .iiv. nn K.iiiinlav. )ereuibcr
o'clock A. n. apu !oui u v ; rj V" . . ,
i.iav nt Hie Ouurt Iloux) door.ilJaoUou-i
i .1... ''..lift IliltlhS-t II
.S. I1VDK,
jjlierltf ' Jackson coi
county. Orejron.
r. 1. RYAN'. . ,K. ft. MOROAK. . .EDWJUD UIK1
TwoHtory, Fircproof Urick Store
All Classes or .llcrclinndisc,
In li!eli wo can ofTer
Imliiccmeiils lo Saloons.
Parties Going Nortli.
At a Miado above Kail I'ranclkco
cost and charge.
"Wo xo a.
Permanent Institution
IN this VAI.I.FV
Wo ni'o
Able to Deal Liberally
With Good and Prompt Customers,
And will mal." It for the InUrett of
such to deal with ue.
ja.Con.ta fox tlo
Eaglo Distillery & Flour Mill
7C"o Xxcvxro
An Experienced Agent
EnaMIng ns to
Wo will pay
tho Highest
Price lor
We will take KVKKY DliSCIUFriON
For which we can get u market.
Me will keep replenishing our stock with
Fresh Goods Every Month
In thu yvar that the roads nro patsable,
ryan. mwm & CO.
II . Bloom
Is Now Receiving
A Inrgc nml UVII-ScIcctctl
33373?" CSrOOCaLS,
ETC., E1C, ETC.,
All Tor Salu nt Kxtrcmcly
3LjiOA77- IPrioo,
For Cash.
f.O' Grateful for put favorr, lie Invites
a gvnorul call.
Store on Oregon Street, lu
JM'CiiIIj'k HriiK.
Jackkonvllle, Oct. 21, IBC3.
Corner of Oregon ou! Malu Streets,
HAS Just rrcelvdl an addition to Ms
former largo aud w ell Klected Htock of
Groceries, Liquors,
Crockery, Mining Tools,
All at Reduced Prices.
ONE and AM. are Invited to fa
vor lilm wllli a cull, as It costs nolle
lug to show L'oods, and It Is a pleas
uru to sell tlietn at price to low
tbal none can couplalu.
lIlirliL'tit Irlco Paid for Pro
duce lu Excliunge for (Jooiln
,T' r t
H'rtlWP! TO
puxmc iiikin.
lit Mhil IIH UlnJ- (,, nn,. rrKlirre,
Xmjii6tiir and Dealers
Carpels, Ollelollis, MnUliigK,
l'or wle In ijuanllllrt tosnll.
oct7 aninpj
I)il. V.. J. CZAPKAV'S
I'rlT.lc Mrtlltnl and NurKlfia 1iiIHhI
lltlow Uonlt"Uiflj, l-tlinil. -KII HJ1 H. t. f.'
inkv, o Fr JTtri.ru,
KUtll.li. In IVil, (..r- Ih I'.rmMirnl Our v( ill
lrlt .11.I rttnitlv ihMMi.
Allrn-lliiK n I llnl.lml llif-HJr,
Hit. UJ.rMI-K.tr. M.l,
Ul In Hi. Il-inr.ilii It-ufiill-r WM(Mr
I'h'.lcUn la ll dull llryliurill i II-TmUi Oil.'
ryi lli.Ul. lylulrriHllllwurxuf lLN.l.lm III
ulrnll i.i hi. iiiiiu.jr ii..ii.-. rtn, iiiinr.
hr 1 1 lrmi. nivl III. u if mm n mH (1.11 lrri
ii r
ml lliMHii.rjrXuuUrvr Ik. I'lilLulihUaOilliru
If Mnllrln.
0-I'jMt-iit'r lltill..ii illlalli. tntrtu-M r
IIUum uf itnirii .ml CMMrrik
tinir Imkii lrn u .. m. lu V i. in,
0-Uiuiiuuulnllin tlrlcll' nmnilriilUl. frrin..
ni-nlcuivirii.iiinl.-r-l nr m. a. UhhuIuMiu, I-i
lUrrvrulhll'. HiKK. i.Ullru,
IIIL I. J. C7.AIK A V, (Un t'r.m(Ku
TO tl3LO i.miotoci.
Or .11 illMwr., Ilia fil't iirnt cm.
fluliiiP fniai nrclrxl uf NIiii' U.
ll,j.tilll. la all ii .Uci. .nkluiri. irliii, nrx..
.7 ill .11 prctTI lltouM. Prl-I.M-. nrlTiiuadrbl
uiaiH-wM.uiM-.-... in. r.i.injt Mia i4Mcr. in.ni.
lUI llirlllll.llain, M-niTuU, -lii In Hi I-uu i
i.llc,ill.i II,. lunfi, llirixl, hum .mlrtH.
iilo-i. ui.i Hi. U.ljr ur llBiU, iK4j-, lin-f), , j.ll.r
IW-fll. rl. Vllua'iUm., .ml all ilUnwn .ilalnx fivi.
. -iiuiHint vt II,. -tiil -rr;vm. tnrl, m hm..'
tr.liltllnC, luu t-f m.lnnrf, l nf urr, lirl-'
Mt-NltlUlM, ttlUllHW. Ir fUl-MI, ltb MMUlMr .tf
iuuiuK i"r-n iim r)r, i.m irii,i, k.rMii-f.
l)r-U, llll-r dins..!, .ll,llun UkHI Im Uf
-.In lu Id. lavk tvinl liJ, r.iixl. lrrfiiUrlll.. ..
.11 lmiiniT lilur(M lull. i.im. II null.
IH'I flulll KlMtl.u. III. il!M.il MljlMlrJ, Iwo.llr
l.-uftUn-llnK-Ullnii. ih. ou., t.mi.rjr him
lli, .11 lh.lixl. r llm. Hun ini-u nt ml.
ran I.- cITiclnl by nj iU. r liMiiniit(.irii.nrr ll'
U1-.-4. I.4 li.tfir-1 lit. kill uf .mlui-fit .li).lrU.w
.ikI irl.lwl rJI Umlr uimiii i.f tui. 1 1i. iu.lirlii.ai
1-inwltwlwo i-lraunl an. I wllluHit ilur, nilllil,
irrtitlW.rim.lm; u-i kkn-, nn-l 1m finn mrrnn;
.lyl ..lt. lw-u , , i .. i.w.... w. v
cncl Irwiii Hi. Jt. ir tl-tiit. mtn; UiuumivU it Ink I
ltu (lrni-i luill.l' tlirlr liiiciiul t. it It It wai-
ii m
ro.il ihi. immiitins ininr amirirti, niioinj in
llitniMlrrt uudtr iu r.rt, a llf..l u.l f-lr tuir
I'.liat. IImu.iu Hi. ain.lr.1 .ntinlx. tulir.llli,w
tli.y ar. Hi. nrtl iiau. i.r rontuinhtlon, acrufuU aru
wuijrnllirrilU'Mra.ai.l alwukl U it l.rrr lu Hit
hiUH.1. rtinlljr. A Htinairii cur. It afttrctrly att
rlfr-li-l, . uwijurlljr tr Hid cut. (tlllun lulu lb
l.tirlt -f li.t...i.-lnt 14-rti.i. Imi nit bill" fill In
rum III. iUh4MI, IhiI IUl.1 III. (uoillluUuli, Dllliiif Ikv
aytiiM whii miiiarjr, ttukj., wiu. u.. uiM.tt, vi
MitlliutunVf.rlnlunrai-l-l&'.itunijjIli'ii. llultl.iuUl
Hi. ilitMiM. nihI liraliiiiHil nC r.u. Urtttlitfjt.
airj lb. tkllui luatilM, Hi. illKtu. U tuullxl Un
Ih. flilUun, itlriiai. Umu lUi lvU4 0iMtllulWi.-.
n4 lli.ttiiienlKr lifn cvrrui'l"! y tliuilil-h
Uliat lit. If In scrurula. Iillrr, uU.it, nu.llu..,
iuk! iHlirr arrrllnnt f llm tkm. ntt, llir.l ,l
liiHt,Kil'illlMiiiNitliriii . Lil'I'lltlrii'. i-rtullrr
(M. aixl rui-'idili'C llitw luan tailr (ik
ar.l.r-Alllr. It ai.ilir irmM4tii. ri..uir it
IimIU.. fr iwllilai rlt. in lit. illul (r.lti.. i( Ji
i.oiut4 wtiltttriu.tiv..iialii ii.iii Um .jtlrtt.
drawluf lit tlwuMirlt ut ll'-llm. tliiwiuli a rw jtui
if tiitlrilnr. luiuinilliiirly iriai.. ll ikwimy. II.
u.rvut )lrm, r.i'ily .tti aa.y iim tir. i. t.i
lf, otutr. lutuul Utr.rHlw.Ml, if ult IIm rw-
1kvtl141111t.1l i.r IL. t)ttrruliUt-iU4liri.fjr iu.riitt
K Irly, l-uttuw, aii-l all .nllily lui-iniaa. ami Ir.tta
liaautfiirr virr-kwl In 11 il ul4lifrllti..l
U rHHimiilluii awl a Iraln ,! .tilt iwk. I-i I ilfM
nllliaUilutlllUMir. Willi lliti lullt.l a.ill.Wur,
atura Ih. U'lfHlaatlr. ilolin tf arlfatUKi lUI a
ivruMiwAt nn-l ti""') cur. nn l nuUJ, aiw. mi
lli. kUu.Uwuj.nl tT runwu nituK. wy iIUul
oui to n-l.ll I. t-4n.il aivl tinriMit l.tt-vi III.
IrrrK-itaiilrW, aal all dlxuMt I mairt aiKi Kimlit
ar. Iiotlitl 1.1 -ili.f.lM lal4UhMl If Urnly )Htr
hi lit., anJ tawllouwl by ll.-iil t lit. inutl .
luilktl.lt ru.M. lJlu, lk full llrullnii.iriii
iuuimiI.1 IbrHlal.. llirm. S.tfeU al Watli
jatoiiTrritl'-rir., ly lulrial. fu.uiui.Wjln IU4r
vni.lu.iK li Ulltr
ly oii.n4.iilW. AiUi-w,
.UIIMMCfJIrMIMftlt. iirnv
J. L-AI-KAIT. M. It. Kan fraMltra.
g-Tli. Iur nv. I"" NriunlwiM., u4a.k.
no r.w.liiali.ll.lWli.mtMtnMl jJ'iiI
Tln-y purify, rtrVuiiilii-u anil -it i
Tliey crtratu A licallhy r.ppi-
luuyaru an uuimuiu iu tirij- i
and diet.
Tliuy nverconio effects of dlislpatlou and
lutL- luiur.
Tiny s-trt'iigtbcn tlio system and erillrrii
the nil ml.
Tliey prevent mlatinio and iutermllUnt
luvei s.
They purify tho Ireatli and acidity of
Hie rtcillllllll.
Tliey euro dyrpepsla and comllpallr.ii
Thoy curu dlarrhcvi, cholera uiul clioltrn
They euro liver complaint and nervous.
head actio.
They aru the Ixist Utters In the worltf
They make tho weak man stronu. ant bit
ahotutid nature' ureal rutortr. Tlii-y ar
rnailu ol' puru SL Croix Hum. Ihu cell l-rstix)
Cill.aya Hark, routs uud IiviIh, uud uro
taken with thu plioturo or a tuvrmiii vvillir.
out regard to oru pr time, or day. TarHou
lurly rccouiuu-udeil to lU-lleatu piitniisr
quirlng.u geiitlo i-tliiulaul. hold by ull
Grocers, J)ruanistr, Ilgtels nnd .Saloons.
! ,1'. H Diukk 4 Co.. Ntw York.
2,Sy SHTii i IYjpnvUiiiidAKWt. '
W" ANTKI). -Two pnoil (1001' AN'I
Apply at thu 1'huinix
Tannery, Jackson
county .Oregon,
November Mb. DM