Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 28, 1863, Image 3

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(from hilly riwr cf Cftllf.irnl. ApwcUlrJ I'itm.)
Dnti'H to tlio 2011i.
There In untlilnc new Irritn tliu Utinlilnti.
The rebels Imve nlhiwi-U the Oovcrnment
lo mill supplies lo our ieople wlm nre
irWoners ut Ulclimnnil. mid ulsn promise
that articles sent to individual shall be
dcllvmd to them. All these things nre
lo go to Oily Point, on the Jumes river,
tinder u Hue or truce, mill thence under
rebel guidance to Ulclimnnil. A dispatch
from (ihattnnongu snys: " Deserters fmm
the rclH'l iirmy nrc mure minivrniH llinn nt
nny time since Bragg retreuleil from Mid
tile Tennessee. Demoralization of the reb
el Incrciirea dally. On the other liiinil,
Omul's troops nrc all In excellent spirits.
Itc-cnllstments nre more numerous tlmn wc
rxpcclcd. 'I'hcre In good nnlhorlty fur say
ing tlmt not less tlmn four-fifths or the en
tire force will enter the iirmy fur n new
term.1'- A -dispatch from HuriiHtde suys:
"Al right yet. Our lino In pi III Inter
rupted between Knoxvillo mill Cumberland
Onp." Advice have been received liy tin
Vn.r Dipartmcul that lliinxiile says his
innlliiin in impregnable, ui,d he hint tin
feor fit fur u I lie rebels under Lmigstm-l
nrc concerned. A telegram tin ltd ut
Olinrli-Nion on the l"lh, nod published In
the Iticlimond paper uyi: Two of llie
Monitor rceenily engaged were not in be
sren tliiH mnnilug. 'I'liere Is n repuri from
Moultrie thai one Mircilnr In tin fight hud
Iter smiilm lncl nod turret perforated.
Advleeti from Sumter tule thnt it wnr
fniinil thnt the Monitor took pnj.lt Inn to
day nenr CummioK Point, nnd afterward
pawed up the channel. It in believed they
carried u heavy weight supcnilcd nt u it
tuln depth Mow the wnter. to nsccrluln If
there wu pas.ige for vessel of a cerlnln
Uft." A New Orlmuia letter, duleil
November 11 III. say our lns In llie Car
rion Grow (Iiuiiunj) ulfuir, wu not Ir8
than 5011 killed nnd wounded, nnd 1,000
prisoner. Our troo were caught nap
ping mid greatly oni numbered, but fought
bravely. Two 12-pouoiltr Purrnlt were
coplnred by the rebel, whoso force num
bered fi.VOO. Our wn Tint ovit 1,800,
tiring the rear guurd of Franklin' urniy.
Ucnerul Pricn was reported Alexandria
with 1.1,000 men, for which eem.un, us well
) on account of the Impossibility of gel
ting supplies, It was deemed beat to full
back. Our wsgon train were saved. Or
ders nre said to huve toccn received in send
1ho Thirteenth Aimy Corps to Memphis.
The rebcl have ream purolling prisoners.
Surgeon ieneral Hammond, who ha re
Kntly returned from a tour of inspection
in the Departments of tho Gulf tr.d Mis
icslppl, reports tho former lo bo m excel
lent condition. No cusca of yellow fever
had occurred among the troops on shore,
nnd but few in the fleet. Tho city of
New Orleans Is probably the cleanest city
In the country. Tlic Ilichmond .Inquirer
vomplulns of tho French journals, owing
to their repeated insertions that instruc
tions have "been -sent lo Slidcll to mako no
concessions and listen to no discussion rel
ative to tho subject of slavery. Tho Bn
iulrer dcclure that no tbch iustructious
have been sent, because they were unnec
essary. "Neither Slidcll nor tho Confed
trate Government has the -power to male
concessions of right to entertain any die
cumIoii of a (uestion relating to tho do
mestic Institution. Tlio Government has
not conferred any such power on tho Con
federate agency. Dolawuro lias elected
Hmiibers (Union), Governor Cannon's Sec
retary of State lo Congress. Tho Nation
l Ceinetary at Gettysburg was dedicated
jesterday. President Lincoln, Governor
Cortln, wid other Governors, were there.
A late London paper publishes a memorial
from tho Glafgew emancipation Society
lo Karl Russell, representing that a vesselJ
similar to the Alabama, built In that bar
bor, had been launched. .Munitions of
wnr were being rnpaldly placed on board
"ith a view to hurrying her off to sea.
Wio reported (o be destined for tho pur
pose of pirating under tho rdbel'fljg. She
'"w gnu ports am all other nppllunec ol
"wur vcs.el. ho Is dtsgulscd with palilt,
le. Muflltt. of tlso I'lorida. who Is In
lacgnw, has tul;en command of her. The
'lOorlnlNls hnphw Karl Kiheell to pre
nt her departure ,
Dales' to J"ov. Hist,
New York !!0th. Gold market excited
'o-djyby urf.vorilbIe rumors ns to Hum-
oltle. It Ii rcpirted tlmt n French wnr
vca i- lock out S27O.0I10 for Vera Cruz,
to-ihry, ntuf I lint In-mnrrow shipment to
Ktirnpc will k heavy. Ki-port snys tlmt
(,Yn. Mi-iiplicr lnt. been made Muj. (Jcncrul,
Inul l tnrommiiul old IiIkIi brigades, re-
emlllng to in i.xinmm standard. Tlic ltu-
(inn Admiriil and life I leave Mnnihiy fur
iMirlriTH MoiiriH', where tln-y expect lo
New Ynrk.SlM. TrMnt't WVhtng.
ton Kpi'cial cay ntlentlnii of President and
mnri' proinlnent member of Uubiiiet U
given hireely lo coiinidi'ratlnn nf Import
nut question connected wiih recall of tru
ant Southern SiuIi-m tn the Union, tcveriil
of which rimy soon be knocking ut the
door. Precise emir.1 not yd di-ti rmliied
Several thenriei claim the PresiilculV ear,
but he is engaged in maturing u practical
plan by which to m-cure reunion upon the
only practicable bais thnt nf freedom
and equally Ixfnre the law for all. He
cent utterance of the President and in
struction to recently comnii-siiiued repri
seiilntlvc of ijie Govirmn'iil, in Sniitheni
dixiricts now In iitir pieisliiii. leave no
doubt but t tin t the policy of l In- Admtn
tratioii i to permit uiie of the weeded
Stale to return with clave coiKlllutiniH
Tiie Iltrald tin the following fiimi llie
Armv of the Potoinae: Guerrilhis nroiiud
Wurrenlon having Tired on nur plckeit
qullo frequently, the cilielis have been no
tided that uimi:i the fir! reeiirrenei' of
picket bbooting, Wiirrentnii will be shelled
Army of tlio Potomac, !i(l The nov-
ment of tho enemy on Wedoefdjy, 18th.
hci in to have lnvn n concerted one ntnng
the whole front In nrcerliihi our position,
A lorce of infantry crowd u fhnrt dm
lance below Itaecoon Piird.nud utteiuptetl
to cut iIT the 1ft Michiunn cuvulry; but
Major lirnner dbcoveretl them before an
attack could be made. Kniiny crossed I la
river during tlic night, and expnfed them
(elves just ut dawn. After i-kirmliiliug an
hour or two, and flnd'ng their plans dis
covered, tlH'y returned lo the opposite
New York, 20lU. Blvumer Mnrnlng
Star, from New Orleami, Nov. Nth. bus
urrlved. KxH-dilou to Texas by water,
accompanied by General Hanks, met wiih
great success. Hrownrilk: mid Point Iu
bel were captured and lire now in our pos
session. The enemy threw away their
gnus nnd lied lo San Antnnta. Casualties
on cither side not mentioned. Reports
state heavy fighting In Western ImWnna
untrue. There has been slight skirmlrhlug
but nothing decisive. Our forces are still
lu the vicinity of Vcrmiliioiivlllc. Cor
respondent of the Herald thinks occupn
tlou of Itlo Grande, nnd btocV-udo thereto,
likely to lead to conflict with France. '
Cape Race, 20. City of Baltimore.
from Liverpool Nov. lllh.otid QueenMown
12th, paeeed here this morning. It was
reported tlmt the RrltiMi Admiral had or
dered Kcarrage from Qiieenstown. It wus
believed she was chipping men ostensible
as stokers, but they wero fcupposed to be
for more uotlve service.
Lord Puhncrston, in o ppcech at the
Ijrd Mayor's banquet, deplored tho Amer
ican war, and said England would have in
terfered but for tho belief that It would
have been lo vain. He would therefore
vleld neither to blandishment nor menace,
but would remain strictly neutral.
In regard to Poland, 1'almcrstoti raid
England had done her duty by renionslra.
ting, and although these rcmomtraiiccs
failed, he hoped Russia would cease to pur
sue her oflcnslvo course. Lord Palmers-1!
ton's reception was slgnlGcantly enthusias
tic. - ... a . -
Front Mlcliuel Muriiliy.
Piiiiaum.piiv, Pa., Sept. 25th, 18C3.
MtttiiKR ScNTiKKt,. Ue this and be
that but Judy has commenced to wear the
breeches, and whilst I was flattherlng my
self that J.-wm"b good correspondent, and
that tny letthers from tho Army ol the Po
tomlo was eouvartln the Jeff Davis lio-ya
ou Missouri flat and Williamsburg oreek
Into out-and-out Llnkum abolitionists, ii
'find, ou vlsittu home on a furlough of tblr-l
ty dirys, that Judy (to whom d dial! fent
ipy Oregon lettliorc to "bo carefully mailed)
had t)etain4l ivory one of them, on tho pio-
itext that tho first was Immodest mid nil of
Mliem horribly written and tho Bpullln"
; Fhamefiit. Tlierc'd for you I If that's pot pet-
j tycout guvcriimeut then me nauw Is not
Now, bir, as Judy Imi gone to spemj tho f
dsy with her uncleV cousin jnrmln, Teddy
RafR-rty' wife, nnd has tken young Mleky
with her, I take the ndviintitge of makln'
ynu acqumli-d with tho clretimtnnce, nud
that me brave Mlnurl buck might know
that I wait yet in the hind of the llvln' nnd
helpln the old ll.ii: nn to glory.
Wheiilnrriv.il in Pliiludelphy. In the
Augiit of hit year. Judy wnuU not mar
ry miles' I'd volunteer; mid lliniigh 1
thought It mighty hard to piy n dear, yet
It chimed In with my duly, iitnl n tranttr
iliiln'l l.ecr : and expi-ctiug thirty days of
crace, the hitiicymnon to puns. iK-fure snuldcr
in' n muket iii"CnrilnV " brave Resarves:
but Im cnthcrcd Peiinnylvunhi nnd sent in
to grim, etc Dve day of connubial bliss
hud pawd, like sweet cotinrves; and
here' what I wiote to you that shocked
Judy's modesty.
Suppose you were married and the In
fair over, und four or five mornlns ufther
wards, a you hud just finished a nice break"
fast of soft boiled eges. btilthercd tosM.
mid mo'liby coffee, nnd wus leanln bock In
jour rockln chair, sendin up the first whiff
rrom your ineeirhum, and tlnglin from the
nmiM iifyour hnlr to your toe noil with
iimiriinoniiil bliss, whili-t your Judy hud
L'omi up stulr In m.ike the bed und set the
limim In unlir. nn Inimy Midil-Mily comes
liehind mid mvh ynu up in a i II unlet !
ihiw uhiil uoiild 'iu think nf lliit.
if )'nii. Sir. bv reason of being mi old bach
elor chu'I answer, get a new inurrlil man's
opinion, nnd bavin it. then you will In-able
to sympathize with my feelins.ut tho wuy
In uliieh my old friend of l lie Southern
wing of the HiiMinycnitlo pirty broke In
on my honeymoon, by iuvadin Maryland,
nnd wnt me off to Cunip Curtln ut u 2:111
Turn eui jour limi," njt U iirgnA kl frill,
" Vli, lr," m). I, " ml Hut, ,r. I will."
"Throw lick j-wir iUuu.lrr n. ilrw In uur clilt.
t.yt la iii rl.-lit, nnd drvu on I'al. I'lijnn.
Hlcwl tjti front.".
U ell. Sir, you now have what shockrd
Judy's modesty, and when I tried lo ex.
plain to her tlmt most of tho lu lies of Jack,
sonvllle were broke into matrimonial har
ms, and those yet single were like
greyhounds In llie leush, strolnln for lite
start, it didn t molify her a bit, and the
long and short of It was I had lo tell her
lo throw all my letters into (he fire, and I'd
try to excuw myself t you the best way 1
could. Uedad, If It wag my ould Uume
now hvln on Missouri flat, and the mother
of four or five tow-heads jsit like steps of
stairs, and lierseir Uod bless ber beef to
tho heels like a Mulligan heifer, she would
jrt lauiMi ready to spilt, so you can soe for
yourself how good wlmwea differ about
idea of jiroprlely.
As y furlough expires In about ten
days, sad f feel certain tlmt " forward " Is
the word when the weuther cools, it Is pos
sible I may not have another opportunity
of wrllln for sohio lime, but you may be
anurcd bt twe " Peunsvlvau Ruarvcs"
will do their 4ly.
t received a letter a few days ago from
on old friend on he Applcgate, and he
tells rue ihere is report that that "gallant,
goy luttterian," the learned editor of the
CiuIImh is sluoMylng theology under fath
er Williams, for the purpose of cotherin
on the missionary field ol Wllliamkburg,
bud t y that If he succeeds in makln a
loyal man of Squire earhurt aud a truth
ful man of Dutch Rill, that bo'll desorvo to
be canonized just as much as Saint Patrick
wus for drlvio the snakes out of Ireluod.
Yours, forever, Michaki. Mi'iirur,
P. 6 WLeu you print this don't send
It to the old uddress, or Judy might get)
Into the tantrums ut the ullusioo to my
Missouri flame, but send It to the " JJfud
ipiartcru, Pennsylvania, Army of tbe Pole
mic, in the Cold," as I urn Orderly to .the
Gloeral. M. M.
SfK The ship AquilluThavinj,' on
board the iron !od Comanche, sunk at
San Francisco on the night of the 16th
Inst. Bho will bo saved, but it will Causo
6$voral luootlis .deteotiou iu nutting her
logclhor. Jt will bo recollected that tho
Comanche Is a first class vessel of tho
Monitor style; and was ordered by Gov.
ernment for tho purposo of defending tbe
uaroor of sod Francisco." Sho was biKi
tienr Now York, aud was tuken apart wii!
shlppiil around the Horn, and will lie fnt;
together iq Ban Fratwlseo. Hhe- will cost !
between bcvcd nnd eight Imndred thousaial
dol,U; when completed, which will not, bo
vxlthlu u year.
J.NrKiiKSTi.vuTutj uew
in litis pa-er,
Wliolonnlo 3 Xl.otn.ll
In addition to their usual Stock of
Havo Just Rccoivcd a Fino Assort
ment or
IMXo3lK.3RK.U- n(
Ladies' Felt Hats,
Merino anil Cashmere Vests
(jiillcr.s.Iliilnionils & Anklets
portland coal-oil
Coal-Oil Lamps,
In Jacksonville,
LOUIS IIOItNE, Proprietor of the U. S.
Hotel, designs giving a bull ou
Clirisliuuii Kve.
To attend w hlch be hereby extends a xcncral
niriiuiioii iu inu puouo. liVfry prepara
tion will Ut inadu lo conduce tn ilia t,!,..,, -..
of all In attendance.
JutIiwiiivIIIm K'nv 0Li lfir-1 r...i,.r
" ' - -
Will be given at
On Cirutma$ Iky, Vectmbtr 25, 1803.
A ccncral uttendauce of tuo puV.ioj
ia a,iv'VIIUll MJIIUIieu.
WH. S A VACB, Proprietor.
KcbjryJlb;. .NojjHWXiie.vZlwS
Jacksonvim.p, Oiikuox,
"lirooii axii wir.tmt' wakm"
"... - ll...ll 4)ltlf
JrO TURKS . 'i
1K1NT Ml l. utih Mltl. MIMSIaWH HOOTIt.
(Nil BYllt'f forCIIIMillKN TI'.KTIIIMI. '
Ttili Talu&Mp nrrmnttk'n It tlm wrtrtltttlon nr rti
I i.f tlii-Hl frnutn lij.lcl.iii mi't imrvM In llir fill
lut HIMi, nn.l liiw lTri nl fr Ihlrfy yi-urt will,
nr? rr filllnn frly rm twrr l.jr ntllll(i nf lihill,
I rr ml rlilMmn, from th filU Intuit if im rrk
el. I i mo xinll.
ltV.il ihiIjt rtllT lha clilVI Trun ln, till linlr'f
KtMlha itiHitMli unit lirt,'nrrmi ivlI.III.v, uvl
Rltri ,.iia an-l rhi'my tn lh Imi, jr,ttn. II villi
Klinixt Ih.Uiitljr rrtltm
(iBirmn ii tut Howmu, Ar M'nti Oaic
Y MIi-t It Dm llil rni.1 tliirr! llrmntjr In thp
Willi, In nil nun it HVCKSTIWtV nn.l HI All
Itllll.M IN CIIII.HIIK.S, nli.llii rll nil..-, rivm Irtll
Inn ir fnii iy i.llirr niu.,..
I'ull iJInrlliifK f.r ll-thj ltl n.rmiii rwh llllr
Nnni (Iniulni. milrt I In- filiU nt CI'ltTIf
I'KIIKI.N'i, Nfw Vink Lull lliriHilt,l vmi.wr
K.il.1 lit ll ilnlklni. lhwtrrp; I'lliitlml dflkf. 4
tit; l
Slrvrl New Vmk.
I'mCKIIitr SiCti ! IWnitiL
ItSKiiJIISI'runtMUtUn KnnHi,
jMHWmlt AKV.,'.f"!?Vu?Wi' t
Inimltablo JInlf- Rontorntlvo.
IT IS iVOr A dyi:.,
Hut restores Ktay hair tu its ordinal color,
liy supplying thu capillary luhc with nat
ill nl siiMcnanco, tmpsln-tl by ngn or ill
eae. All i'nioiMnuh ilin urn eoiiipo(i
of ttimir txiutlif, ilrntioyluir tliu vitality mill
Is'iiuly of tliu hair, nail nllind of lliiiiii'ln-,
no drcm-biK- Hi'lin-treelV inlinlliiblu (nt
orluir mil only ioIdum hair In Its iialuml
color by uu kiry proces, hut gives I lie
iinir a
XjiJi.3ti.x-ivixt Xlofvivty,
prouiolcs Its nriilli. priivriitN Itn tailing
nil', ifsiIlcAlrn iho daiidriiir, nud Impart"
hi'illb mini pIcUMiiiliiiH to llinbiiid. llha
tinxl Ihu It-tt ol tlini', belli): tho original
halr-eolorlntr. ami Is rmiManlly ucrenlii:
In fsvor, ifr-.l liy both Ki'ulb'iiii'ii nud la
dies. It lupoid by nil rcM"Ctublu ilcrtlcr'.
or can lie iincurel by them of I), ri. IIaiim,
rroprwwr. ev lorn.
Tio sixes, nOc. and $1. (enw'il)
Smith Ar linvm. of I'orlUml. Airent.
By Josoph Wottoror.
' O, biBcr, sweet larurr. IuiMIii' laKcrlx'T,
Now lis pralK's mu II sing us the t'IUvr
corset In
Bin pbci ind tin Lager Deer I"
TUB proprietor nunoiiiices thai U r
raii!ruii'lit f his llrcwujf itrr Hi rjlun
te nihl complete that be can defy nil com
pelitluu Jn Houllii-rn Orugmi In tsakiug tn
A Nn. I arllclu of Lager Uetr.
Ts Uri;e cellars or the etBlil.--Mi nl n
always MocWrit'Ullli kegs of lager auipbl for
the tlrgeftt wholealo or ivlnll ilemsud,
Oil at Ihu Saloon, on the iippr iA of
Oregon ttrect, lest Iho lieer, nnd leave nr
nrnrtii. Jnekwmvllle. Oct 'ii. Iflti;.
Cut U .rc,AlU fcJJ u
Of wlitcb ! ran U lliflxl If
WB keep constantly on bund Iho Inst
of AVincs, I.luiinr nud Clu-
ii m, and Invite our friemli whI the publin
to cull nnd (est them. We Imru riduceil
Ihu '49 prkes heritnfuroprwullug,niid urn
cuufldent of our ubilily loiiiiakii i fair liv
ing by furnishing I lie 'licit articles at legit
mate price for lPOX
U1MJII of 11 A.M., awl 10 V. M.
Ice m uOunduntt,
It. TC. MYKI.H& L'O.
JmIoi,tIII, JuItK, 11S. (U'ltr
IN thu (JlrcDlt Court, or Ihu .Statu of Ore
1 goo, for lliccoiuily of Jnokion,
Amm'iiN(KM, Plaliiilir.ii.A.II.BTiiorr,
AcUuiiI Iv lo itcottr iiiniit-,
To A. II. fitroun. ilcftmlanli Ynu r.i
hi-reby Mimmoncd und rrniilrcil lo nppettt
In ld C'niiit. op the Klh day of IM.niury,
1801, liuliig tl-j first day of tliu Vrbniury
Tcrm, IHlil, und answer the complaint nf
Arthur Lmgcll, lllu) ngaliwt yuu lnwM
Court, (if tliu samo will Ui tuken fur eon
ftsteO, and the plalntlll will lakejuilginenl'
aga .u,t you lor want nf all hiiv, Inf Ul'j
s in of Two Tttou.aiul and eign; und iLIrt)
v-vcu oue-uuudrexUiw iloilars jimt cn,iur
suit. J. (1ASTON, Alt'y fur PIT.
Nov. It). 18U.X IMIVI2W
Fluul tSolllc-iui'iK,
1 ly, JSv-vcmbcr Trrm, 1 KllX Iu the matter
or Iho estate i.f John II. Sheldon, ilcc'd.
Bluer thntry, Ihu Admlnlstniihr ol .aid o.
late, laving Illid his exhibit lor (biul net He
ment, uutlcu Is lirrcby given o alj pertons
Interested, that" Vi .linVduy . n Ifllh day of
liiccmUr, IKii;i,i.is lioen et Apart lor Iho
IliialKeltlciueiilblisldfttalOwtlh tho ah!
liy order or Won. J. 0, TOI.MAN. Ctuti.
ty Judge- .VM. HOFJTAN', t!krk.
i jMiivrmwr mil mit.i (.iiiijioji
I?NJ.Vj:ASut ' T
f5 ,., UH ADUUnV WAD.