Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 28, 1863, Image 2

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0M mum,
" To tiik M-riciur ami irnu inkncv nr vntii
inti'vim.K.' niimngion.
'" jaukmonvilm:, iiiikuo.v.
Tiic iiiiHtun.
Tim hitnsinir of Tito. (Icorgc, nf (lie
KIjhi ttl)5, 1 ho urrcst and discharged .Tacit, '
it prominent Stimuli of the snmu trllw, nnil
tlie substipicni removal of nil tlo Indians
in ilio selllenit'iils lu tlio Khunnlli Luke
country, hate been for the past week tho
mihjrct of very general comment In our
community ami wo tlicrcforo hope to bo
imilonul for filling n small spare In our
jiiiir willi even no mean u subject ns
On lliv eve or going to press, on Friday
rtcnlng Inst, persons Just arrived from
Camp Ilakrr informed us tlmt "ficorgo"
Imil confessed tu Imvhtir participated In tlie
talum! massacre In 1850. This lius been
e-ontritdicled by a number of prions who
were present at tlio execution, and wo are
then fore led to believe tllut lie made no
rucli confession, lie received no trial
Mlmlever. Col. Drew having previously de
termined In hung Idni. On Thura
ilty evening the Colonel met (icorgc m
I lie slieeis of Jacksonville, and told him
thai 1k must go toKlamalli I-jUo within
three days. Uenrgo refund to say wlielh
if lie would gn or not, but said liu would
,. Iliy Indian Agent, and tidlc to
to llie Colonel on llm following day.
Shortjy uricr Iiiil. Underwood met Weorgc
and demanded an Immcdiato nnsttcr from
him, u to whether ho would go to Hie
Lakes ur not. Ueorga Insolently refund
10 talk with him on Ilia subject, und In
roiiHipience was urrtstiil. The next morn,
ing. Agent lingers inquired of Col. Drew
what hu Intended to do with Oeorgc, anil
iho Colonel repli-d that ho Intended to
-niakua good Iudian ol him btforo night."
On b'tlu;; usked by the Agent us lo wlulh.
r k'w pretence and testimony would be re
j'lircd, the Ooloiwl gave' ft negative un
mer.und further ukj, that .Jcorgo was lu
Id baud, and he would lake .'ho responsi
bility of dtposliig of him. At ubout 0
o'clcx-k (icorgc was Uken from th" guard.
house by u wicad of Co. 0 soldiers and
conveyed to Camp Maker. IU wns then
notlRvd of hii fate, but be appeared to
Ihink it iiniiwiiible Ihey woukl usim,' him.
Col. U'3, acting as Interpreter, utked if
he had uiiylhliig Icsay, rind Oeorgu com
menced his confession, which, we are told,
unwanted to nolliiug inoro than charge
ugjlutt i.lhcrs. lie especially insisted that
.lack wa n worse Indiail Ihafl ho was. A
party of soldiers and Indians were tlicii
.eiit after Jack, and proceedings were post
poned, wilh the design, profably, of hang
ing tbcm bolh at once. Four o'clock 1.
M., arriving and Jack not being found,
(ii-orj'e wxi" strung up," and when pro
i.ounced dead, (he assembled witnejsca dis
peited, the Cavalry returning to town with
lack in custody. '1'hus has perished
(itvirge, Tjec pf a faction of Ihe Klaiuallu.
J luring uo trial, he wat convicted of no
i-rlme, but Ike convictions of Iho people,
Itotli civil and military, wero strongly
ugaimt him, iu a "bad Iudian," He but
lately came in from Fort Klamath, evl
ileully soured und wililttered against old
Tyee I a L-iko und tlio wkliers. In con
versation wltli Agent Uogvr he was impu
dent and defiant, HiubKaent conduct
in driving settlers and ollr from the
Head liidiun country Indicated Hut he wns
in a mood for war and murder. The coun
try U well rid of trim no tintter how
taken of!"; but Il policy of hanging Mm
Appears to u n Utile doubtful. It wouul
Ihj in keeping wllh Indian cuitoui lor lliew
In retaliate by murdering an unsuiftKtod
white man whom chanco'inuy throw in
Hielr'power. hut ns'deorgo wai believed lo
Ui in u murdering m-wd the rlak U proba
bly not incrcttsed.
The Indians have all gone from Ihe 't.
Ilemcnls, and we shall probably bo" troub
led with them no more. They will bo
jralhcriri and comiiellol to remain on n
Uescrvntlon. the boundaries of which nro
drscrilKil In nn ndvertljemcnt In this per.
There may they hunt nnd llh, until Cod,
in Ills wlfdom, sew fit to people thu coun
try with n better race.
Ono day this week, Iho notetl Indian.
"Hkookum John," was killed nt I'orl
Klamath, by Caplnln Kelly, and other of
llcersof Comuny (J, under Iho following
circumstance: Karly on Saturday morn
ing last. Cl. Drew dispatched n cnurlrr
to Cupl. Kelly, comninmnng nt rnri
Klamath, with nn order to nrreit Skookum
John, should he Hnt,uro, about thu fort, ns
he had recently done. The courier' horse
failed him on the mountain, 'out, nothing
daunted. Ihe soldier wnaddkd his horse,
headed him for Jacksonville, nnd then con.
tinned his journey lo the fort on foot, with
nil pnolblo dlipalch, very fortunately ar
riving there before Ihe Indians In that vi
cinity had received any notice of Ihe hang
ing of (leorge, ut (Jump Walter. Captain
Kelly read the order, und rcilectlng that,
inairrmch as Hkookum John had, by his
very preposwiing exterior anil general
good and pleawnt Ulmvior, became n fa
vorite with the soldier, he determined to
lake Iho smallest possible chance of the
wllcy victim receiving tho least Intimation
of what was In tho wind, lie, therefore,
nt once called on Unit. White and several
non-commbuioncd oflicera to procure their
pistols, as he required their assistance
nlone in making tho arrest. They found
John In an Indian camp, close by tho fort,
lie was called to one side, and the Captain
addressing him, said: " I lime come tour-
rest you, sir." John nt once attempted lo
draw Ilia revolver, but, quick as n llaih,
the soldierly Captain sent u bullet through I n,0 0yul Ab. or Kongo Itiver should ie
his breast. Tho savage staggered, bill still fw l0 UW j0Ur uruiibacks, what then ?
i!cK-ratt-ly csayeil lo draw hi.s weapon,
when Sergeant Underwood gavo him u
shot In tho head .that brought him down,
and another shot from n third person
strctchrd him bleeding and dying upon the
ground, but even then nervously grasping
tlio death dealing revolver.
Skookum John was one of the limit
noble looking, intelligent und daring In
dlans on thU coast. lie has been a terror
lo his own tribe. While limy nil hated
him, ho had tlwm so cowed that thoy dared
not attempt to arrest or kill him. 1a
Lake, chief of the tribe, and Joha's uncle,
says he as tho chief Indian of the five
who murdered Iho Utlford p'irly, and all
Indians questioned on Iho subject corrobor
ate that testimony. He has always leen n
blood thirsty advocate of war, but had no
Influence wilh his tribe, because of his
murderous cruelly lo any one of them who
Incurred his displeasure. Ho would leave
hi own tribe nnd join the Modoc's when
ever emigrants were exacted. Old Mary
sayi he secured u buck-skin bag full iff
eokl nud silver watches, bowla knlees.J
razors, etc., by those murdering and thiev
ing expeditions.
Tho news of the killing of Skookum
John was rcccivcel wllh a general exclam
ation of joy by our people. Ho is tho
fourth Indian who has met n violent, retri
butive death, 'or the diabolical murder of
fivo confiding, helpless white men. The
flfth and list is still nt lurge. He Is un
know to the whites, but Indians ay he
has lately been wilh la kako's band, but
it is not likely that ho can at present bo
The trrcat " Konkerin hero," Jo. Lane,
at a Copperhead meeting lately held lo
Hoseburg, olilclated as botlle-uoiiier to me
' 1'ig-iuy Chief of Oregon Copperhead,"
.Tamers O'Mcara, whllo tho latter fprcau
himself throuiili Ihreo mortal lievura
of space ill denounclatlon of Abolitionist!,,
etc. The' Democracy of Uouglas county,"
(twenty persons) were there, in mass meet
ing assembled. Dy resolutions adopted,
and' endorsed by "Josef," It is evident that
ho thinks the " rights" of the South have
beep " Invaded," her " citizens oppressed,"
and, In conformity with Ihe promise made
In his North Carolina banquet speech, ,
. . .i.A .!..,..... ..,,.. ... .1...1 ir.r r
' , ",y "Vs I . y . , ,
n,s.aro ruciuonomc, to ,,, . er eonlrlbulcil 8130 for tho teller A tho
power of his urm and head (on!) in their de-. ...
L-I defense nf the Vigil., of .aveMlady. . . .
lioiith," The breezes from the north are Messrs. Olugage & Drum huvo dissolved
ttw braclntr In bo pleasant to foul blrdi copartnership. Mr. Drum will sutlln Ihe
inarcd to hp. feulcd ataiofpkerc of slavery,
' . . .
They should migrate.
8taiui.ini) iv I uuK. I lie last imiic oi
Iho Kiigemi lltvitw has the lollonlng Blurt
ling announcement :
" The Democrats of Douglas, like Ihclr
lirptlirvii in Jaclicon, Josephine, Iine, I.Inn,
nnd wi- hope every oilier connly in Ilio
Blntc. are resolved nut to longer brook the
npprcMlons nnd oiilraeM Kouglit to be put
upon them by Hie prolligitte, corrupl, tyr-
nnnlcnl party In power."
l-'rom this we presume that we may no
on Ihe lookout for " breakers." 1ing Tom
lm sent forth the hlmlng edict nnd trnwoir
Is nround. lint what on rnrlli nro they
gnlnj? tu slo T i'orfitiiil Time.
The fact that they nro In n hopeless mi
nority, nnd the fear that they would be
fpeeifily punished, nlone deters Hum from
nttemptlng In make ii diversion fnvornble
lo the- rcliels. by liiaiiijiiriillmj civil wnr In
our mtOsi. it. n what Imvpthey liecn doing,
nnd will continue In do for lln-lr Houlhern
brethren, isexplalnnl in the correspondence
of Observatory Maury, of the rebel ser
vice'. Here isiin e-xtmet:
There are divisions iu tin camp nf the
enemy, dissensions among the tcnple of the
North. 17iee ahauhj n rune jxnly
llnrt. All Ihe tmhtrmttmtntt with uhidi
thai parly tun turrouwl Mr. LnwAn, awl
all Ihe ilifficulliei that it Kin Ihmiv in the
tniyoflht War jmrlij of Iht AhiA, "'re
itirttlly oi to much aid and tomfoit lo
Ihe SoulliT
IIui.i.y von Itoimiw, The Indian Sub
Agent In Oregon ndvcrllse-s for Healed pro
posals for furnishing ten thousand pounds
of Hour und bids for the transportation of
thu same lo I'ort Klamnlh, Klamath lakc.
The Agent, wys : "These contracts will
be awarded lo ihe lowest responsible bid
ders, except Seeeflonii, wlio shall not
have them under any circumstance, and it
will le ueles for such characters to put
innnyhltbi." Dully for Itogers! Hut if
-.'itka Union.
The loyal men of our Vully never have
refused greenbacks, when ollercd ul their
ruling quolulions. Did you cur know a
Secessionist who would offer inoro fur them.
Iegitl Tenders, nt seventy-five cents on the
dollar, ure us acceptable us gold. Some of
our running "loyoiuts," coinpiuiii mm
they nrc not allowed lo compete with (
loytlJtfft, in furnishing supplies tu Iho
Government. If proposals had been ml
verlifcri for, nnd Secessionists hud secured
contracts by under-biding, therii would
have been no complaints. Such has not
been the case. Agent Hogers is right In
refusing to award contracts to Secessiouistr,
ns hu is conscientiously nppored In dis
bursing to Iliem what they term " unconsti
tutional rags."
We hnve received the first number of
Ihe Union Crutmler, of Kugeno city, most
ubly edited by Itev. A. 0. IMmund.
Judging by thu present number, It is, In
Jevd. nn " irrepressible Coperheui1 killer,"
and an untidate for Long Tom treason. It
logically criticises nnd thereby makes ridic
ulous Ihe original grammar of Ihe lleviac
editor's foppiih expressions, nnd leaves that
mighty personage only fit to indite flaming
posters for the " coming crlsl," and ' epl
taphs for dead monkeys" nnd learned pig1
Tho Cimmer Is deserving of tho most lib
eral encouragement from Union men. The
terms are 81 for lour months, ending March
1st, 18C1. Tlio Union causa needs Just
such n paper, and we hope clubs will be
made up for it at every posteffice in South
ern Oregon.
Go.ik to tub Statks. -Mr. James Clug
age, in company with his brother, Frank,
started for tho States n few days since, Mr.
Clugage is the pioneer settler of Jackson
ville, and his ubsenco will be sadly felt by
many friends. Ijast winter ho became af
flicted with neuralgia and ever since has
Jteen in feeble health, and his in I ml some
wlutt impaired. It Is fervently hoped the
trip wi.'l restore him to his former good
health am.' tplrlta.
A mannamed Wright, on the llllli inst.,
fell over board from n Willamette river
steamer, und was drowned. The deceuHid,
with his wife, had lately como overland
" '" '
from Iowa. The passengers on Iho slcnm
"' -'.
. accounts of the firm, nnd eoulinue tuc-ilr.
cry business iu bis own name.
rcmuilis in Iho Ootdtn Era. " What n good
thine It would be could wo establish an ns.
soy office for the proving of loyal sent!
men!. Vnuldn'l soma lollis Unit mem
selves lllllpped In tho farn of Hie Indignant
slurs by thu llynig up or their end uf tin'
beam I I should like) tu be there In iw.
Thero would be n good many spread nigh
on brnvs biillnns going up ulnng with the
rest, if the rule of birds of n fenlher IWI
together ' menus anything In sonic casec."
" Florence" talks ns If she had taken btr
observations nt Jacksonville-, within I In
past ten days.
Foot Jdnm Kaokh. First dny pur'enf
SliiO, single dash of one mile, lieiwicn
I'lnek, Kulo Dixie nud -phyr. which wns
won by I'lnek In 1:!1B. Second day, best
iwo In Ihreo for 8ln, belwefii I'lnek mid
Hones, nnd won by I'lnek In IrfiC, shutting
nut HurM on first hent. Third ilny, un
trained hnrses, for purse of 8101), won by
Tnwiiscnd's filly. Same day colt rare for
81 00, won by KmeryV coll. Fourth day
(yesterday.) trotting mutch between Abe
Lincoln nnd Keokuk, und nnll not ln-nnl
from up In gnlng In press. Yrtka J lurnal,
Mr. Churle-s Harry, lu charge (J. It. &
C. It. It. surveying parly. now in this val
ley, nks im in request through our paer,
Ihe ersnns who have sulwcrllM-d when! In
the survey, lo deliver it without delay to
Ihe mills. The work of the Surveyors for
Ihe preient Is crroimVlcil, nnd It Is necessa
ry I hat nil subscription shnnkl be jkiIiI,
tlmt the parly may bo discharged.
FonTUNATii llAiiici.nn. Dr. Orecr and
lailv. commiserating Iho unhnppy condition
of Hi rir baclielor friends, pivo Ihem n grand
dinner on Thanksgiving Dny. We wero
iiiimlKml among iho happy llenedicts who
partook of tlio Doctor's overflowing hospi
tality, und shall long remember the occa
sion. ItKunvKU. Mr. C. 0. Ilnkmnn hns ri'
moved tho Kxprers nflie,) Into his new
building, nn the rnruer of Union and Cal
ifornia streets. The new office wns creeled
especially lor the Kvprrs liiislnei's. und Is
extremely neat uul favorably located.
ptf Dr. llonrn. Purgeon-Di'iit'st, will li"
In town next swi-k. fi.-o ilvorllcmi-nt.
In lloi'l'urg. Nov. Illli. of icnrb't f.-vcr.
John fihtrli-v. son of h. V. nnil Wlnlfreil
Mother, ugeil 'J monllis and 1.1 days.
At Wilbur. Do-iglai cninilr. fippli"n
Dnualn. only son of V It- nud Dellna Dill,
ngeil G mouths nud l.':i days.
On Ilio 7lh lnt.. nf scarlet fever nnil
illnlherln. ut WlllKir, Dnuidas eoiiuly. On
iron. Mia iiiivn. iiaiiRiiiPrui .iiiiui uiiu
limit Kiivkeiulill, nei'il .'! years.
IN accordance with instructions, isued
by J. W. 1'erlt Hiinllmrlon, Superin.
H-nilent of Indian All'iirs for tlio State of
Oregon Hint n part or country be set
apart ns n Reservation for Indians, nnd no
tice thereof published, to the end that
white settlers may be prevented from Ires
passing upon tho same I have selected
fur such Reservation, Ihe following de
scrilied Irnct or body of hind, lo-wit: Com
mencing nt n point, on Hie lino dividing
tlie Stale of Oreaon from California, due
south from the outlot, or lower end, of Inw
er Klamath Lake, on tho went sido thereof,
running theneo due north sixty mites;
Ihence due cU (it en ty.fi vq inllesi Ihcnco
due south sixty miles, to south boundary
of Orriron: theneo duo north Iwenly-fivo
miles, nlong said bnuiulary line, to place nf
beginning, containing l.tiDi) square miles.
All lands included within (bcubavo men
tioned bounds nro hereby set apart nnd de
clared n Reservation for Indians, und all
person, other limn Indians, are hereby
warned against trespassing upon tlie same.
uov28w8 AMOti K. ROOKRS.
U. R. Ind'n Sub-Agent in Ogn.
Ptit llil, 'Jllli iliy ef NoTi-nilwr. A. )) 1603.
Noticu tu Geo. P. JohiiHon.
Oouulv nf Jnekson. f
Vou nro hereby notiiloil that a writ of nt
tachuiciit bits been issued against you, nnd
vmie tirooerlv iiltacheil. to satisfy tho do-
hnaud of livmaii Clianpell, iimountlng to tlio
sum or Tlilrty-onu dollars nun iiineiy-two
cools It'il tl'J-inn). Now. unless you shall
appear beroro U.8. Ilii)den,it Justlcuor Iho
I'L'iea in in l lor ru n eoiintr. ut n iniicu in
TnjL aniti'ltlo nn I tin
tth Uai or .inniiury.
n.l - - .vt,lJ. t tl '..i.l.tmttnl ufll
Win in nay iiiu iit-iii.
Dated this 1 Hlh day or November, 18C3.
not28n-l In-' -
iVntlce to Trespassers.
PIIItRON.S occupying lots In tlio Town or
Jacksonville, belonging to Jaiiks (Jan.
auk ure nntllli-il lo apply to JAJlM I.
(JliKS'N. mv ngenl. who Is niillinrlMd lo
bn.u stlil lot'. I'ltANK CI.UCAni:,
(limnl n-i or Jamks Uu'iiiiir.
Nuvi'inb. r 'Jiilh IHfin. nnv2Sttft
I)1ho1i ion of CNiimrtnerhliiii.
PUHMC N0T1CK Is hereby given that
the rupiiriiierthip herelnfnre existing
Is'tuei'ii Hi.- uii.lerlgiud In tlie I.lvrry busi-ii-m,
unil'M' Ihe lltm uiituii of ('U'lMllK A
IIiium. has Wn this iUv illi-solvi'd by niiilti
nl enii-iil. All p'rviiK imli-lited lo snld
linn un reipn-stnl to miki payment loJoliu
S Drum, xtlni Is uutlinriX'd to col tin tlio
Im-lii'-m; nnil nil persons having elabns
iigalut the llrm should present them lo him
jami:h cutoack.
johns. drum.
.Iiielesonvllle, NnvJH. :hfi:t uov2fllf
Coitiiticnciiig itliMieluy Next
Pit lli:.IIN' will U iu Jiiclcoiivillo ilur
iiit! I In- coining wi-i'k. pn iiured to operate In
all Is'iiiiclies or In prul'i'rslon
Tn'lli In-rrlril upon CoM. ulcaultc, Am-li-r.
('reiilite, SIIiit nnd Clieopiasly.
JaukMiiiville Nov. W, lMi!l.
Coiiuiv of Jiickson
in jiikiicu's Louri.
10 J. II. I11I0WN
You n ru hereby uollllnl tlmt a writ or at
tachment has Inn-it l-ii d nnlli't you, nnd
jour puis-rtv nttncliiil, tu sallsly tlio ile
uiit'id ot UIMIiiiii Spiyr, iwn.iunliug lo
cighty-sou-ii dollars nud thirly-tuveii nod
nii-lmir ifinls (diT :i7j-IH0. Now, iiiiIcm
you shall upjHiir Ufuru T.8. 1'i-rklns, n Jiik
t ci ol tin' I'eiiiv in ami fur t'd county, nt
hi ulllct, on Ihw Ilth day or Drct'inUt,
IHtill. judgment will lie n-uiTi rt tl ngulntt
sou, und your prnpjrly sold lo pay tldr
Dated lids IHIh day or N'oviiiihor, l8C:i.
nov.'Hwi Piiiimirr.
Snuff and Tobacco-
lis nnil IB (MuiiiiliiiiH St., N. V,
(Formi-riy 12 Clintham-licot,Nuw York.)
Would call the attt-nllon or il'olers lo lbs
urtlcle-H of Ills manufacture, rl. :
X3sro-X3rxa. JSlxaxxCfj
MunUir, Drnilsri". ,
flrn. IUipi . 1-im VI
fin Vlilllnl.i,
Ouar Harris. Nsrtil
. !- .. .. .
Mnrritan tltniicmsil, i...uiitn.
Yollow OaxiACrj
Health, lluusr llrw rssildi,
I Huh T,mI utli, I'ni lluitT Dsw tkotib,
1 1 Mi IIUli Tuui, 1'mli Htulili.
Attenllon is calls d In Hie largo reduction
In price of due-cut chewing iii.ri smoking
Tolriccos, whleh will bo fuuiiil of u superior
Tobnooo :
iMotisai rnc-cuT ciii-ixji nnoi
tMiC, P. A. I, or I'IjIii, S. Ji.rfo.
.' I, Uireivll.li, ur Sw-t, PiniiUh,
Ho. 'J, HMMt-tH-fntrll)ruiKtfn, CuiiiMter,
Niu, 1 It 3 uiUul, Tin I'uil CikiiJIjIi, Tuikl.li
N. II. A circular of prices will bo sent
on npjrijciilioii. ?Yl'"SL'''',:"2,-
lIKMir Jl-IKIB. Jllllll v. HWIKMUS,
Mannfaoturors and Deolers in
In Ryan's New Brick, Jacksonville.
rpiIU undersigned hate formed n copart
J. nerililp and leased one or tho line slon
rooms In Ryan's new brick building, for th
mnuulnoturo ana sale or Baddlery nnd llar-iit-ss.
TLev hnve now n largo nml
lino stock In storo, to which thuy will l"
constantly mnking nddliions, and to which
they Invito the Attention or fotuier patroot
nud (lie public, nt large.
Heavy Draught Harness
(long nnd short tug),
Concord Harness,
Duggy Harness, double and slcglet
Spanish Saddles,
with trees nnd ringing complctf,
Jjidies1 Raddles. Dridles.
Jockey Saddles, Saddle-bogs,
Surcingles, Iliilters,
Spurs, Curryeoinb'.
Whips, "Whlp-lasbes, cle.
The storo will always bo stocked wllh sj
iiru and lino nn AKsorlnient its can be fouw
on tho coast, oiilslilo or fan I-ninclco.
jCErARINa M """a
1 l'TJPU, und lu uiauuer to 8,W
I---,, ."
; Ulvo us cail- ,.....,.,.,...
,, ''!i lU3H 'V,'.,i- ''UiU
I .Isckionvllle, Nov. '.'d, 0J.