mMwmnnMnmBbr ,m wpvynp-' VM - W etitfuel MM) !1' WMEfMUMnr' ifflxriiuini EWi $4 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 18C3. VOL. VIII NO. 82. Che fM0ti 0 A3iuiinu.iaiiaiwMwiinwwiuwiwwiwwwMJiMiwwiiiMiii'naMii(juM!a lumcvnwrf v r r---r- m Tnrinnriumiwiiii w u?w I.O. O. I' Jticlonnvillc Lodge v t iu niti in n cuiAr rof t- b'iHtH' " "" r,"3, "' ' "" . -vvi. in mrn mniiin, nnfi vn II flllllKlM l.riMtrli Inli-rvetilhir '4, M tlie MmmiiIc tlnlt. nt l'ilxk r. u, llnillmn In kI ttitmlliigiuo liitllnl wtiil VOL n a v. N. a. dm J Jut II Fm'jt. Tniit- .tat. It Fiittim tli.n,v TIaM!. ....1 C II. tMrh, Warren Loduo No. 10, A. F. & A. M. A IIOMl llu'lr nctilrtr rnmmuiil HVenllm Hi" Wiiliwilny Kvcuiiiii'oii Vvir irvrfilli! tin- full union, In jaw hxuux. nnwnif AI.KX. MAKTIN. W.M. II, llU-OM. '(, OKI-WON CIIAITi:U NO. 4, O P ROYAL. AUCII MASONS, JACKSOlf VII.I.K. onwotf, Will bold UvrcKtilitrciKTiinmitcnllmiii on the nt NMliinln' ICrr, nrKrrrjr Motitlt. All cnjoitrnlni: Outtiiintilniin In cood tending an cordially Invltiil In titlrnd. . W.URKER. II. 1'. LKai-iir, ficcY Ill,:47 o. jaciiiia. r, r nuMKtx. JACOBS, L RUSSELL, ATTORNEYS AMI COUNSELORS .A37 Ti.A."717. AND SOLICITORS IN niANCEttY, Jackmikvii.i.k, Okkimx. Ofllrc iiM)llr llir Cuuil IIoum. All tnlncH cninniHli-d Iu tln-lr enn will WDroniptlj- nlletnlnl In. July 2D. '(ij. . wu. IKIITIIITT. JAUI.ll u, rAV. DOUTHITT &. FAY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS ,w Ti vzr. AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. Jackminvii.i.1!. OxKnnx. Will practice Iu llit: tiiin-mi and oilier Court uf III In Klute. Murcli 4. 'I'.U. R. B. MORFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jai'Kkonvim.k, Oiir.aoi, WILL practice In ike several Courts of llio l-'lr.t Judical District, and In the Fupreme Court. October '20, 'uZ. B. F. DOWELL," ATTORNEY AT LAW, jAX'KKO.NVIl.t.K, UllkXION. Hill nraatlct- in all llic Court uf Ilia Third 'Jicliil District, tiio Huin-rmu Court of Ore- (un.uimin iicKa,t;ai. war &cnp prompt- ijeoneeicti, uct. ih. J. GASTON, (SuccuKwr to Ileal Qxtoa) ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jackkunvii.i.k, OnKcox. Especial attention itlvcn la collection tws. Junu li, IHCX 40 Uy ai'puiiauieiit. GEORGE B. DORRIG, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR JACKSON' COUNTY. JMco with 11. V. Dotti-ll. JH J. ROW, WKAI.KU IS CIIJARS, T0HA0CO, FRKSII HIUITH. 8TATI0NBRY, CONFKO- TJONKRY, FI REWORKS. KTO., Nai ituur tu Hi adliury d; Watte. Ibavcjuft opcni'il a now tUoro mid Mock t(l it tvllli n eliolcu variiily of lliu uliov fiitlon(Hl urltcluf, ntnt otter lliriu fnvsalo W (h'j loui'xt living prict-i. Tliv Unt of ''( and ciiowlni; tolucco will bo kept "vtantly uti hand. Ttvo ikirint nny 'liclo in my lluo will wvo money liy ! l nv) n cull. J.nuw. JKkngnvllle. July .J6X JIUf DUOAN & AVALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MKROHANTS, U UoIIiIIiik, Cujt. J-'ront Si KiUu CRESCENT 01TY,0AL. uTILTj atitud o the Itccelvlnp and For ' vurdiR of ull Goodi entrusted to jjr caw, with prointitneiis and ilipnkb. Conliiiuoiilii olidlcd. Mcrctunaiie ro Uil on tloniRO. kfcvuI City. Arii 1 1, 1803. 13 1).Nm iriimlftuL.llvi.i.f' until lliAfroloht llclmrKei. aro id. 1). V. Ci. W. fiRFFR pnY81CIAN AND SURGEON. lce nt (U MtuiiiciMe on Oimi Ht. Jai'Kdomviu.r, Orkuok. , --.iuitM IUIIM3 KIIUI1 tllCIMBVIVWl tli- ii'0' ulm. u or UooJt account, "hI UlLiit. ..nil anA btittti. mi. nr Art. lUUI IU bo placed for collntlou lu the '"f or wy attorney, lL??vs. '.5-r .. e2?' ,y old: mtrou will tlll 8u4 nu-, awi-, "wtufcttcniUo. toj btaAMlanat dutlM. '', 6, 18M. wsyOlT Noi'cmlicr. TOM 110(111. No lnnp Tocationn now No plcnln on tlie lirccry inountalnV brow- No Social Scicnco people tilklug pltl- tmUn No nice, brown batted girls lu cay alti tude No linukfinllnp at noon No rwect nlrlalionii by the lmrrect moon No clurtt ai tlio kliort lout p-.1' No devil the next day No I'xlblllnn erurlicK No Tilled, musically lueloun No SpMil'li beau lie wllk ciKiiettlkb feet 8nllIiiC down Ilecent.rlrvel No Umtliig on lucid Windermere No breatlileM rtitlkluj; after anllervd deer No tnoorlmid e.intetaon unbroken fillle No wliUky Hlli llie bIII1i No wnuderiiij; on tbu beach witli acinar No nil lip ktMcd beneath tlio evening tur No plenpunt cllffr lo clamber No runtel nilh n comet ret lu Amber No Mtiglu lltlnir ho ever need rciiembcr No wit, no poclry, no Idle drcaiui No bcuuly ou the woodn aud wold and lrroi Novtutirul Iomlvn Punch. " ICIICC. llie Richmond Knqmrtr of Oct. lClli contalim tlio folloivltiy editorlul, entilli-d " I'mce," which imiit profoundly lutcwl aliko the fricndi and envmU of ilia coun try : Save on our own ttrnn we can occvpl no peace whalever, and tnunt fij;ht till doomsday rather than yield au iola or lliemi and our term are : Kcunjinlilun by the enemy of the inde pendence of the Confederate Staler. Willidruwul of i ho Yankee soldiers from Maryland, until that Slate shall decide by n fret vole whether sho shall rvtuain In the old Union or ak udmifku into tlio Coir fedemcy. Consent ou the part of lite Federal Guv erameut to give up to the Confederacy its proportion of the navy us it stood at the lime nl secession, or lo pay for the fume. Yielding up of all pretension on the pari of I ho Federal Covcrniieiit to that pr tlon of the old Territories which lies wist of llie Confederate Slates. An equitable settlement on tlie basis of our absolute ludfpendence and equal right of all accounts of the public debt uud public Kindt, and tho advantages uccruing from foreign treaties. These provisions, we apprehend, com prisa the minimum of what wc must re quire before we lay down our arms. That Is to say, the North must yield all we nothing. Tito whole pretention of that country to prevent by force the separation of the States must be abandoned, which will be equivalent to an avownl that onr enemies were wrong Irom the first, and, of course us they waged a causeless and wick ed war upon us. they ought In strict jus tice to be required, according to tuage In such cased, to reimburse to us tho whole of our expenses and losses In tho course of that war. Whether this last proviso Is to bo insisted upon or not, certain we arc that we cannot have any peace at all until we shall bo la a position not only to demand and exact, but also to enforco aud collect treasure for our own reimbursement out of the wealthy cities In the enemy's country. In other words, uulesa we cm destroy or scatter their arnica and break up their Cot ernniciit we con have do peace ; and if we can do (hat, then we ought not only to ex tort from them our own fuJI terms aud am ple acknowledgment of their wrong, but also a handsome Indemnity for the (rouble and expense caused to ua by their crime. Now, we ore twi In a position to- dic tate thaw terms to our ueii, with Kom crans' army MiUia the heart of our ouo try,0Bd Meade-still on tho Virginia soil; but though it la too. soen to. propose sucu coniEltomi H thBi ? U I important that wc should keep pMuly before our ovi ijv n only iii1iii!miIi!c buns ol tiny ei'tieeivitblt' vhci'. This well fixed in the ('nfil nili- mind, tlw will be no iiimii' l-nrlul ikio;r fur ik-ws from Europe, ih il ilut lili-Hxnl penov were to dine lo u over i In h-ii. hikI ni lo bn conquered on our own urniitht. Tin re will bu no more L'llpHIR fur ll'lltlMir tlt'OgtlltlOtl lltlil filling ol Ihf Iw-llv with the El nd: ntrc tlirumlon ir Oivcndtin frt-itt 1 1n initio mo twtitiMi Iiimihii pfJwaeliTg iiprvety nervo titid ("iiii-w t,f tlirciintry fur li.tille. Il U fKfliilly now. nt tht moment when emit und ht!miH tln-iitv buttle are im pending tit two r llirei p'niiN, that we llilnk it m hi cJiMillul lu iititli upon llie iwtnd itinl t'lilirc nMitnlflecnet1 of the slnke and rim-i-. Onri' iii'in- e say it nil ir nothing. Tills Cn'itl"ritry or Ihc Yiinkm imlion, oim1 or ihemliiT. pM- ilnwn. down to per dition. Thai U to iiv. tt'ii" or the nlher mutt forfi-it It iinttoniil txl'litirc and lie at llie merey nf It m'trtnt t m-my. Wc nil know by lh liui" th fate In store for ns it wi- Miretimb Tlie other party hits no fmntler slake. Ah siiirly hs wi- completely ruin their armies and without that there Is no peace or Irnee nt nil so surely shall we make them pny our wor debt, thouch we wring Until nf their hearts. And they know II well, and tlieieforc lliey ainnot mske peace exeepl through Ihelrntlcr rxhauKtion and iilnotute Inability in strike a-xitlier blow. Tlie stake they Imve lo forfeit, then, If they lose thin dreitiHul cntr, it U a vital na nurs. So Is the stake to It? won if they win anylhtttL'. Il is no h-M than the en lire pn'silnii o onr whole country, wlili us In It, nd eviryihlm that Is ourp.Jfpro lite Ohio to lite Rio Grande, to hnrc und hold, In Ihent ntxl their heirs forever. Rut, on the oilier huml. what we mean In win is niter separation from them for all lime. We dn not want lo govern llicir country, but nflcr levying upon It what secmcth goo4 lo u by way of Indemnity we leave it to commence its political life naln front the begit ning. hoping that the lesson nifty have made them sadder und wiser Yankees. We shut them out forever, with all their unclean and scoundrelly ways, Intending to lead our lives here in our own Confederate way, within our own well guarded bounds, and without, us St. John says, are dogs. And let no Confederate feeble knees and tremulous backbone sny to in. this com plete triumph Is Impossible; fay that wo must be content with some kind of com promise, und give and take ; on the con Irary, we mut gain all or lom all; and that the Confederate will Indeed win the giant gumo we tuko to be as certain as any future event in this uncertain world. Mead's army uud Rosecruns once scat tered, Lincoln can get no more armies The draft turns out manifestly fruitless' Roih the German and Irish elemeut aro now for peace. The Yankees bve lo beur the brunt ol (he war themselves ; but in the meantime their inevitable bankruptcy Is advancing like an armed man. Hungry ruin has them in the wind. It canuot be long before the Cabinet of WatbIngtoa will have indeed to consider seriously pro posals for peace, under uuspiees and cir cumstances very different from tlie present. For the present the war rolls and thunders on ; and may God defeud the right. " My opponent, Mr. Speuker, persists in saying that ho is entitled to the floor. Whether this is so, or not, I shall not in quire. All I have got to say Is, that whether he Is entitled to tho floor or not, he'll get floored If ho interrupts me- ogaiu." Hero the gentleman from Bloody Creek pulled up bis sleeves and took. IiU neck tie oft John. T. O. McUQrvjr, frwu Knoxville, Tennessee, served thrco mouths under Gen eral Jackboo, thirty-two. months In the Mcx Icau war, twelve months In the prescut war, and unt eleven sous to tho Union army, four of whom were killed before Yicksburg. How lie ticcamu a Volunteer. " You are n soldier, ihen ?" "I served In the Third Artillery under tho Republic, and itfternatdi In the Guard, through nil the commotions. I was at Jemappesnnd Waterloo; so I was nt the chrlnknlng and the burial or our glory, as one may say." 1 look at him with astonishment. , 'VAitd bow old were you then at Jtman pent" Somewhere ubont llflccn," said ho. " I low enmo you to think of being a sol dier so early 1"' ' I did nnt really think about It. I then worked nt toy making, and never dreamt that France could uidc me for any thing elfc than to make her draught-board, shultle-cocks, and cur atnl balls. Hut I had nit old uncle at Vlncenncs whom I went lo scu from time to lime a Fontenoy veteran, in lite same rank of life as mysell, but with ability enough lo have rltvn to that of u marshal, Unluckily, In those days there wus no way for common people to gel on, My uncle whose services would have cot, him mudu n prince under Me oilier, hud then retired with tho mere rank of sob-licutcnant. Hut you should have seen him in lilt uniform, tils cros of St. 1mls, his wooden leg, his while mustache, and his noble countenance. You would have said Ik- was a portrait of one of iIiomi old heriKK in pondered hair which aro ot the Versailles! " Every lime I visited him, he said some thing which remained fired hi my memory. Rut one day I found hint qulto grave. " Jerome," rakl he, ' do you know what is going on on the frontier I' - Nn,-Nententnf replied 1. ' Well,' resumed he, our counlry Is In danger.' " I did not writ understand lilm,ond yet It stemed something to me. " Perhaps you have never thought what your country means,' continued he, placing his hand on my shoulder; 'ills all that surround you, all that has brought you up und fed you, all that you have loved 1 This counlry llmt you see; these houfcs, Iheto tries, those girls -.ho go along there laugh lug IliU Is your country I Tlio laws which protect you, the bread which puys for your work, the words you interchange with oth ers, the Joy and grief which come to you from llie men und things among which you live this is your country I The Utile room where you used to nee your mother, lite re membrance she has left you, tho earth where she rests this Is your country 2 You see It, you breathe It, everywhere! Think to son, of your rights and your dulitv, your affections and your wants, your past und you present blessings wrilu iheoi all under a single name aud that name will bu your country !' " I was trembling with emotion, and great tears were in my ryes. "'Ah! I understand,' cried I; 'it is our home iu large ; it Is that part of the world where God has placed our body and our soul.' " ' You are rigkt, Jerome,' concluded tlio ol J soldier, 'so you comprehend ulso what we owe, It T' " Truly,' resumed I, ' we owe It all that we are t it Is a qnestlon of love.' " 'And of honesty, my sou,' continued he ; ' the member of family who does net contribute his sharo of wcrk and of happl. ness fails in his duty, sod is a bad kins man ; the member of a partnership who does not enrich It with JI his heart, defrauds It of what belongs to it, uud is a, di&hoaest mco ; it is the same with Wm who cujoys tho advantages of having country, and does not accept the burdens of it ; he for feits his honor, and is a bud citizen ' "And what must ooe do, bu a good citizen V uked I, " ' Do for yous couulry wb&t you would do for your father and uiotbsr,' said he. " I did cot DjMiwer jt the moment ; my heart was swelling, aod the blood boiling lo ray veins t but, on returning along tJie road, ey uuclea words were, to to tpealr, written up before my cyis. I rrjNiitnl. Do for your country nhnt ynu would do for your father and mother.' And my country N In danger; on enemy attacks It, whilst I I turn cups and balls ! " Thta thought tormented tne so much all nighthnt the next day I relnrmil in VIih cenneS nnnouclo tl.t '"'jili-nuiit that I Jin.i; -..7i,n.l 'jltimxojri iU frontiers, Thebraro man pmwrt nntf!f on his cross of St. Louts, nml I wmlnway as proud as an emhiiMntlor. "That Is how, neighbor, I Itecmwit vol unteer under the Republic before f had cat my wlw tecih."' Attic Philowphy, oy F.milt Souvotir. Dit. Vi.HHtf. Dr. George Winshlp. the strong man of Boston, now raises dully tho cxlraordluiry weight uf twetity-six liundrcil Kiniidi. Ills npcrutlng room, un der tho old Park Street Church. Riiitoo, daily thrnngcil will) tho curious os well ns thoiK) who are desirous of Iritrning the art of how lo be strong, In one corner of (he room stands his famous lifting machine This conslMs of n franio work uf wood about seven feet in height, with u platform about half way up, upon which the Doctor stands to go through wills his dully exer cise. A shoulder bar and n quantity of leather strapi mxl bands form the harness with which the feat Is performed, Under the platform tho weights uro sunpc.ided. TIkms are composed nf broad Iron plates of a circular form, resting one uion llie oilier, and held together by means of a stout iron rod i u unlay through tlio center uf racb. Surrouuding these plates are long, slim, bars uf lion running Iraversely, and made to bo detuelied or Joined to tlie main body. They arc urrunjrnl lu this maimer so as to graduute the weight one being added as uften ns Is required by tho increuslnf; (trrngth of tho practitioner. They are each of twenty-fivu pound weight. Tim whole body nf Iron suspended In this man iter, and which Is raUil dully by Dr. Win shlp, is 2.G00 pounds. Dr. Winshlp thinks lie tJmll conl nitiu hi experiment until ho can raisu 3.000. This ho believes is th practical limit for one of his organization and constitution; bat ho is of the opinion that nun superior to him in Ihereluit men Honed points may In trained lo raise far greater weights. In another corner of the room u small horaethou nmguel, sus pended by a cord, attracts lite attention of ull visitors. Curiosity centers upon this trifle, from thu following circumstances i Dr, Wimltlp began his experiments by sus pending an mdinary horse-shoe magnet and lidding u li I lie weight every day to the small piece uf Iron attached to tho poles. Tho sustaining power I acr tines In previse ratio lo tho weight added. At first It would suiluln twelve ounces moro than this would cause tho Iron lu detach. In twenty-four hours another ounce was will ed acd sustained, and this cxtfrlouut wa repealed dally until the magnet now sus tains nearly eleven pound), tho attracting, power Increasing much moro rapidly than at first. It wus this magnet which first gave Dr. Winshlp tho idea, of Increasing his own strength by gradual development.. lie began adding little by little to Ibo weights raised, nml raised tho amount daily, until he has practically and in u wou drfl tnauncr demonstrated the truth of hit theory. An extensive practice now re-, wards him for tho time and trouble con sumed In his researches In this direction New Xork Heralds A wag wu) lately, asked to contribute to foreign inlsslous. ' Not on any ncoonnt," suid be. Why not?' asked the collector,)' lbs object is laudable." No it, isn't," was tbo r.eply; "nol. half so mny people go to the devil, now oaoughi to." Ileury Ward Ikecher says; Uf would be a. perpetnal a bunt it' a Hi&u, was obliged to run down all tho btuendoes, iuvrracities, ijisiuuatloM nod cuspUiaM sthjch are uttered, ugajwt lik," .-rsa-crmi4i