Till: OKUOON SENTINEL. IMI'XII KVKItV HATlMtlHV MOIIMMI. IlKMtVnr.M.INOint, Ihili'rnmlPmii'r Scii'cnirnoN For One vc.tr. tit advance, Four lnll.ir5 If paid within the llrt i innntlM or the .eitr, live dollar 5 If not paid 1111III tin- etplnitlon of tin) year. lx dollar. Aihkuthinii One Kiimic (10 lines or lex), lint Insertion, Three Hollar" : cncli iil)(iiieiH Intcrllon, One 'Dollar. A dls count of fifty percent will lw nude to thoie who wlrcrllo by tho year. - Il TanJfrt rwaltM l currant ratat. ADVEtnTsERS. Ilv application to Potmatcn nml Mull Carrier?, vimcmilenrii that Iho Semi-weekly ( inmi. rfu.NTiNKt. linn by fur n larger circu lation In the cnnnllei of .Southern Orison nml Del Norte county, California, tli.in nny other or. ThH met f noiiui commend uie Hkntinw. to yon a n wperlor mcillum for lulwlifiiiK- 1.1-it nr Allium, who nro authorized to trnnmet aiy butlnc conecrnlujr. lhl pa per. In the name of the publisher : I.. 1', FMier, Sun Fmnolwo; Vadworth A Itnvne, Yroku; KUt Hmry, Arltlanil; S. C.Tuylor, Plurnlx; WWW Fowler. Applc IPite: II. 8. Duillup, VllllumlmrK; John It. PrlndiV. Kcrliy villa; A. 11. Mcllwaln.W'aldo; K.J. Foi!k, W'tildo; Wji. 11. Kvmi". Alt linuae: Joel Thorn, Cnnyonvllle: A. It. Flint. Itovlmrci Inaao It. Moore", Salcmj J. II. Underwood, Kiifteiio City; F. Chtrman, Oregon City; I). V. W'ukelleld, Allnnyj llenjamln Cook, Corrnlli'; J. II. Hniitli, Cmctnt City; Albert Doollltlc, Happy Camp. ASHLAND MILLS FLOUR eac.Iji: miLis flour s Wi: WILL ICIMll ON HANI) Till: nlno well-known brand or Lxliu F.unlly Flour, for mle. nt WIioIcmIo or Ite tull. UVAN.MOIMSAN.tCO. Asrcilti for the Mill. Sept. 9. 1803. Mpt9ml WHITE-OAK STAVES Till! nndrlRied dealrca to contract with onxt jwraon. to "iipply him regularly with Rood. Wlillu-Oak 8lite. for which lie will y Seventy dollar per Iboucinil. de livered t Ywlu. For jarticiilan. nddrcjn thenibcrllcr,ut Yrcko, or Joseph Wellerer, nt Jackiouvlllc. JOHN MOSUL JackonvlIle, Oct. 8. '03. ootlUtf Wo will pay tha IIIcltUAt Murket lricu lor v,nuiiHt"ivi!i.T.jJimi3iHir.i;i'iiiii:N aiiRiUlm RYAN, MOUGAN A CO. I1Y Mucciuoir t NoluiJ.J WINES AND LIQUORS, OP THK IIMT QUAI.ITV, AT ONE-BIT A DRINK. Ami Cigar or Iho CholcMt Vuriclln. My l'rl-iiil in lurllcul.ir, ami the Public in uvocnil, are invited to ulvo me u call. i.i:vi.s m:vy. Jackouvllle, Kept, 9, 'OX epl9iai PETER BFIITT. I'liotoRruiiliie Artist, l prepareil to take pictures In every style ff the nrt, with nil tho luto Improvement!!. 1( 1'lcturoH ilo not giro tatUfuctlou. no cliargeii nil) txi made. Call nt Ms new Gal lery, on tho hill, examine bin picture, uuil m for your llkcnem. Dissolution of Citirtiicr.slil. Tiik c(ip.irtniTlilpli(;retoforu cxiillng le tnefii the imilurMKiuil under tlio hrm iijiiiu urM'LauKlillii A Kllppel.ihas been HiIb il.vy Jlfwlvid by mutual couwut. All IIiomi knowiiiR tla'iu.clrc4 Imlebteil by nolo or book uccouut. aio rcquettcd to settle witout ilelay, with either of lis, ioil Ihooc having ulaluiK ngaliul the llrm tbouhl present llivtu for tettlvuK-nt, 1IGNIIY KUI'l'KIo JOHN M'LAUGHLIN. Jackfonvllle, Oot. 7lh, I8C3, Notice to the Public. rPHi: rectlou, from tho Summit to tho X Hall-Way House, of the Canyon lloail, will Ik) ojten, ready Tor travel, on tho 2Qtli il:iy or Sept. XSIj'J, (rum wlilch tiiao toll will xi collected. It y order oT Canyon Itotid Company. B. F. OHADWICK, Secretary. Hoburj,'. Kept. 2, !K(i:S. ?lll9i A (1001) SMAUT HOY, between tho ngo J. of twclvo und llftcen years, can dud sniplnviiiont nnd u t'ood home, by npplyliif; to AL'nti;i) II HAM.KY.oii tho Jucloon vllle road, Iwtwetn K Goro'Hund O. I). Hox leV, near l'liamlx. Apply Immediately. A.H.HANI.15Y. nntfCreelSepj. 30. 1B03, octSivl II All VEST IS OVElt A N wo wunt monoy to bay our Fnl! 1 doodJ, nnd hereby icipicit our frlendo, Volh In town nml country, to pay up with ot delay. UYAN, MOUGAN & CO Aug iO, 18C3. miir22t8 LOVE & BILGER rnllforiiin Strtcl, Jucboinlllc, DEALERS AND WORKERS IN Til SHEET IRON. COPPER, LEAD AND BRASS, HAVi: Junt received from the Atlantic Klulcs nnd San FmncUco, n compb'te tool; of overytlilns In their line, nnd will keepcoiwtnntly on Imnd nn iiMorlmcnt ofl the liet Tin, .Shertdrou nml Copperwure. Ilraw l'lte. Hydrnullo Noxclw. Force l'limii. Clmlin. Lead I'lpi. Ili' HAHIIWAIIK, OUTi.KUY j NAII.H of nil lr.ei; Dar, Plato nnd nMorteil Iron 5 1'nltil. Oils Sir.e nnd Gliw.i: All ipialltleii or Powder ; Shot of nil number: Ilrurtie or every vnrlty,olo.,ytc. Stoves. A1o, nlway on hand.n laruu lot nratnvc ofoMorll ulrif. " lluck'i Patent Cookluj; Stove," und Iho " Now World Slnve." the two very Ixtnnd npprovnl patlerui In Iho world. Parlor, Offlco nod Cabin Store, fancy nnd plain, coiulructed on latent lnul-i-vlns planp. ltollcrK. Ketll ', Pot, I'iiim. nnd ovrrythliiR connected with tluu iitovee, wiirrnntitl ilumbl'i nnd pcrfict. All nrucic kiii 1 ny 111cm or nmnuiac. tured. WAUUANI'i:i). Their work lntn.ule f th Iwnt material nnd of choicest patternn. teo-Onlcmnttcnilcil to with dlpntch, nnd niled accordlns to illn-ctloin. In every, thlni?. their utock i the lnrirel nnd Ik-dI ever brought tu Jnckronvllle.nud thoy nro determluetl to ii'll nt unr I'iiicm nm cun Call und exnmluu their Mock lieforu pur charliiR obwvhcro Junu'J.'!. IHiIU..'.':!, AitcnM forlalllday A Co'h Wlru ltoo. ANI STONEWARE. Something Evcryhody wants. rpHH umlertlpncil will hereafter keep on JL hand a complete- assortment of Ju lire CJJ Jars, Churns, Milch and Butter Crocks, Flower Pots, etc. etc. Tho above wnro li of Excellent Quality, nnd being made In Ihii county, will bonder t-d (both nt wholesale and retail) at Very Low Price. IIUADIIURYAWADK, Ai-enls for the Maiiufai'turi-r. Jacksonville. May 22. IHOIJ. may2il Oregon atlll. TIIK iindertlcned havliif; leaked Iho WoihliiKton Mill," five mllei from Jackfonvllle, has thoroughly repaired It. nml ertctcd Now & Improvoil IMacliliuirj', which, from my e.xperlenco in coiutructliiB tho Mine, na well a In inanulacturluf; Hour, wurranw mo In mylnp; that the Oregon Mill oan and will do better work than any other Mill in Iho Valley. KVKUV BACK OP MY PI.OUK WAKUANTKD " A NO. 1." WM. J. ALMW. Jackfonvlllo, April 11, 183: 22;lf EVANSVILLE HOTEL nw aic- :m3 mr rac r r THKnbove hotel, situated nt F.VAN3 VII, 1,1'., JackHin County, Oregon, near tho Iton'io Illver Company'ii brldgo acrowt Itoiie Itlver, with n Pino Qartlou. uplcn. dldly cucloH'd, und soinu land adjoining, will bo for rent on und after tho 1st day of October, 18i;:i. Tho present occupant will dUpom) of oiuo furnlturo to the incoming tenant. TMm U a most favorable opportu nity for come good man to get luto a good paying binlne!. AUo, the T'Vnult ltanch mljolnliig said town. 300 acres of line meadow, tor rent al tho fame lime. Apply to Thomas Clmvener. nrar the premise. TUOM.8 OUAVKNKIl. AusuftJJ. 18:t. iiukI llf EAGLE MILLS! THK nndersluned, present owner or theho Voodi, nor cull wo lio umleuoM, us imr eu mills, would nnllly the- publlo that ho Lruifniiniiis uro of tho most fuvorntilo natnr hat K'currd Iho wrvlcw of an experienced j muter, nun win iiiniwniim ory liesi iiruuio m nour In ).chani;o for wheat, ut tlm folluwln' rates, to-wtt i bur eaeb buthi'l of ood Ullll.lt HlIrlv.l.lV Hl.l.i.lK llf (1,11. H 111,. r 1 i. t..l.. c an limiiiiU of mlddlinca and elclit n.in'niU nfl bran ALLI.N K I'AUMLXM jagifioaTiitc, uer. ta, lues. if V. J.llYAN .K.N. MDII1IIK...KI1WAIIDIIINDK 'EYAN, MORGAN & CO., Two-stoi y, Fireproof JJrick Store, Next Doov to EiqircM Olllce, Arc now In leeeipl of 11 p.irt of their Spring hliuii'ii of New and Fashionable DM HOODS AM) CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS, Bonnets, Monitors, etc. Anil will bo o'tntiiiitly rrivlviiiff, tlirnuli nut lliujriir, utlihtliiiM to llieir diicK. We hnve now on Imuil an entirely new stock of FANCY AN'PKTAPI.B DRY GOODS, Millonery (iumls, Triniinlngs t;im5 and hoys' Hats, Caps and Monitors, CLOTHlN(r & J300TS. Slippers, Gaiters & Shoes, Hrinscl.4 Jl-ply nml Ingrain ALSO TOW-LINEN CARPET I'OU DINING ROOMS. IN KYKVX VAUIKI'V. Agricultural Implements, IRON AND STEEL, WUKKtUA IUIOWS, G-roceries9 OF ALL KINDS; LIQUORS or choicest quality Tobacco and Cigars, Crockery & Glassware, FINE JAPAN TEAS, DRUGS & MEDICINES Paints, Oils and Glass, Mining- Implements,. COOPKKS .t CAIU'I-JN'rUKS'TOOW Patent Tucklu lllouks, l'OWDUU, IN KHUS AND CANS CAPS, LKAD ANISUOTf KEROSINE LAMPS, MIHRORS, DUCKS from No. O to OOOO, AND, IN FACT, Almost Every Article Unnnlly Culleil for iu thin Place. Havine; eatabllslieil ourcelvca In Jack sonvillo fur n Urn term of years, it h our full determination to keep ui nt nil icasons lieiicefortli n No. 1 Block ot pooil.4, und so conduct our biHincts us tit tnako it for the interest nf the peoplo of this Volley to Irndo with us. Wo will not be outdo'o in tbu variety of our stock, the mialitv of our Cull and ecu our i;ood4 und leuru uur nrieed. UYAN, MORGAN & (10. N. II. COUNTRY BTORKrl will lo ntippltetl ot u nhajo over Sua Frnnclico I coat uuu courpi. u, tu. LEGAL NOTICES. .... r - ttexs : TTATKnFnitrnns,au COUNTY OV JACKSON, " CltllCIIITmtlliT.nfllio flute of OrrROii, for tho 'rounty ut JwkmHi. Lilly HlurwiHul, f. A. II. OverbecU, n. A. Ovcrlifck, Julin Anderson .t iliimm T, (llenu (partner), John Hllger, J. A, Hrunncr k II. A. Ilrunurr (partners), Wllluril Spencer, 0 0. Rickrmin, An ton llrunu, Mux Mullcr nnd Redlngton .t Co. lllll In Chnnrrry rur the torfclnsiirr ol Ulimii His tililntllT In tli lm rntltli raina ha, lllr.1 Iwr lilll In nnnrrry, In thi Clrtult IVmrt nf Ilia MiiM irilrfiuii, fiir llif ciniiilyuf JmWmxi. In f.iir il.MictMlu iikiiismic. "I '"" lli'rHa, iiiioti Hit r,ll'iwli il.Tlll Irwt nfltiiii: li-tlll Ijrlncr nnl Iji'hm In llii piimljr nf Jwkwn nml CUli, nl OirRuii, (iiiinriH-ln nt Ilia wmlliMH oiiiit ir rUlm N'u, 71, In t lumlilp N'n .17 smith, rnnm' N'n. i! tr,ti llitnrs Hn.till:il (ImIiki liieim. iHirlli '.Mnel cluilni. ton iwtwiri.rll M. Ili.ilnvk'i Imrt i.r I t.l: I irm tiit 111 Al flihl: llirnra .mill 'Met thllm, In tAn plan, bf liMluiilnx. otlnmlisl MmnlAln HU siul iIiIt.Ikii inr.iuiHltnllliarn- ktinnii iw Ihr 0lX I'nrin, al Mm trnfiiiAir Jkni,llli' ami Ilia fcikl ttnlnt- llf. I,v irr ntlornrr. Imlrnt Alrl an nfiUUill. Mltlne Ifitlli llitl Mm ilf-n.luil. A. II, OVI.IIIIKCIC, II. A. IIVH!MIM'K,.IIIIIN AMII.IiXIIN. J A. llllt'.'l.MUl, wii,i,iAiiiiHrK,M));i;niuiiii;iii.iiTii, i;u.,ar iwnrr.l.lfiili i.f Iho Hull) r lln-piii Tlnrtfort, jrii, IIm, Mkl A II IlirtUfk, II A. OTtrlik, John Amltrwii, J. A. Ilitiiiiitr, Wlltml fitmr ami llrtt. InutiHi A C.i.. ara lnrol.r rniulriHl Id m.iivar In IIm ihl Cjmilt CjiuiI, mi llii (wuiul Jl.in.LiT In Noi lr,A. I).. I'm, il amver ll rUlntlir'a Mil, err IU line lll im mint Ir nfllww, ana mo prajar lli rtot uraiilol l lhilinrt. lljr vnitr of tti l.itirt. 11. i'. iioni:i,t .rr rr Hit riaiutirr. V. IIOriM.fNM'I'ik. JackonllkJnly M, ltU anglUS l.V THK CIR0U1T COURT iif the 1 Htntu nf Orcijon, for the Ci'iiniy of ,liickou, John Aiiskkkanii AhiikuWaMh I'lain'IK f FitiiDKninc Rnp.irriiric and MAnoAmn RiMHNKTorK. DiTelidnnts. TollinMklilrnUnMlii.ililni:lloiilii M Court, juii am lifretijr iimniniipil to M an. Hpar In Hi aM Crniit r.irulilouiilr, at IIm next milling lrm llirrrof, nml liill lie" Vlh .l.iy uf .Noomlwr, lsr.1, IkIiie Hi llrt ilijr if Hit MM Itini, In atr Iho ruinpUInt of pUlntllli, fllol III alil eaiif agslnal )ou; ami Hut In ilrf-iiilt or an aninrr In uM cumpuliit, JiHlmMlt will It tnktn n.ihnt iii tot Ilia uni r linii liumltnl i.ill liliDHgn for Ilia Ylolallonorn cnnlrMl of Mairtnl; In a iUn mail ly jeu IomLI il.femliMti, fir rMl,ulp In mUI runniy, m prjcil (T III Mil Cuhllil ilnl J. 0 tTl)V. Atl'v fur VUla Allnt: Ww. Hartw 11, ClilU-J;'''. Noti. fJJO POSATIrtN CHIJIANTrt II liiwtfma an Jl lAjKt of niiiili Iiii.iUihv. hulli In tha Htttlrr ami lliallniarnniTUl, a. nail iu In Ilia iniblU" nr. all;, that Ilia liiiMamlTITI.Kii Iu DONATION L'lalma In tliHilUlrkl iIhhiI'I U rmanntl; alUI'llilml and In urJrr that thla UMlraMa ami tirtT ba aocinn lIIiIihI (villi na lltllo dl jr n r"lljl. " liarl r- ......( .1... all .I.i..i.... l.l...a.d Ih II.a f..ll.u 1.. ' U., iimi .... twiPitnni ..,.,,,.v ,, ,...,,,. Iiiil llllip, nml liavn mil yei niMia inrir nnai priwi, Ukan tha IHIIi nf AtlwUiW). ami intkl Ut Imilnz Ihdr final ctrtlllraUi, an hi iillhln nlntt; ilaja front dl, tu; T -ii $. runn 4, i, , 7. ami 0 t. T, 'Si J, Mligaa 7 aiul K "III. T.'JI b, lotiK-l,S,llani 7 writ. T. M f. ranr 4, ft, 0, 7 an 1 11 mm!. T. W K. ranara a,4, ft, 0, 7 ami 1.1 mnI, T '.T H, rmu 4, , 0. 7 ami 1 1 wH. T V . rii' 6, n. 7, , i:. 13 onJ 16 wi. Y. ii raiuvt a, 1, 6, 0, 7, ,, I'J anJ 1 awl. T.Ui M, r inx" ! 4, t, , 1J ami IS Hail. T, ar H. ranica I'intit. T. X! H. rin f', U, ami IS it. T. XI H raiitfn lfi wa,l. Aflar Mhlrh. Manlllmua on tu tha rantklarttloiv of othar limiuhlpt, 1111III tha wliola ,lia lima wan KonalhiiMiali vltlii prriianttory Iu reporting to tha CouimUilontr of tha tlcnardl lunl OHk. JOHN Ki:i.l.V, llasUlar. tlKOltll 1. 1:. IlltlllUS, tlMtliar. IjiiJ Office. llwUnir. July IJ, ItNU. W KliurllPa Sale. KY vlrtuaitf oiivxkuiIoii.Iii ma UlrrtlaJ, muJ nut uf tha County I'uutt, for Iba tounty of K)inl.unml Ht.iliif Oiigcn, I haialatirdupQiiaui! Mill proitod tu oil, to tin) hlgluul LiJJor, for cull, On Hie 28i (hi 0 Nuvembtr, A. J). 1803, Utwren llialiouraof 10 uclmk l.H.sml four r. Mi nlaililiUy, Ml IhaAnirt Uon.a iluor of uM cuiinlr, All tho tight, tatauml intvrnat uf KLl llOIIUAN.ta tho MIiimIiiu ileKrilwil pniually, lo-ltl Dorutloii lAintClolui No, lit, on rwvru at tho liinl OOlru; ot lluMhuri;, IKiuitlw ivuut), (.l, U-clnnlnj; atona. quirlor aoctluu potl, Ut,n ihxIioiii la aniwl, kHii,hli 'M, aouth runsa, A nmI; lhanco iuiiuIhk aouthUJUiu oli ilm, IhaiKo watt SUM (haliu; llitwa Dutth 4uuo (halnt; llinxowit 4&U0 clitlnt; llianca .)lh 'IDO tli.inm lliinco watt IvuO cluiiit, to tha plMe uf Imclnnlngr, uiiitalnlUK (HO) una humlrtd ami till acraa, with tho uppuiteuanovi theiaunln L lunnlng. Tho mlil propai tr It Wkon t ulltf f an v Kiilloniaurtluuto(atUCuiiit, In ftfur ufBTKI'll. KN li:n.NINll,ml m:.iliiil lilil UOItllAN'.fur tha turn uf (f HI 30.1WI) ivni huuJrail and frlf4wotuid thirty vnoliuiulroiMI Jjllnu Juilaionl, ewu aud actrulnr; cou. tt. ItOWK, hli.rlffof Dougltt Coumy, 0n. Kottluri;, Oclotar Jltl, IMjO. l?.31. AtliiilitbtiiitorV Halo of Ileal KAtutc. IN puriuancaof on urdor of lbs County Court of Jacktuiv county, tha uialartlxnail wlU cflar at public a4lo, at tho uw of Iho Court llouan.in Jack. out II l, 01 Saturday, the 21j thf 0 NatemUr uiuIiir, Iho fillovfli'tf dcwrlbo4 HH KiUtt, tllu atad In tha Unit if l'hiaati, cumuiaurioa; al Iba fcmlli linoof tho lUira-hoiito formally uwnnlbyt. It, Wulle, on lUIn Utraat, amliunnluc tli.nen auuUl on tha watt Una vf auld )Mn Blraat tiily foot; lhauoa nailoiiuhamlituuml iilntty laal. tutuca uutllitlX' ty fat; thonca a.wt una huuhmt and nliialy foal, lo Iho pljco uf hrglunliie.fruiithajiixty ftt on Main' Nlreet. ami rnnnliKr back Iho-aiauu width. lWfoat. Iba aumo width, IWfotl, kixathor wllh nil tho lmproi'niaaU tharaoui balng. tha lot and Uilliliiic thtrisin. helonzlne to tha atUla of Jot.0.1Xa,d.atoa. Tomu.cutil. JXtabartilXa. uctlw Notice to Holder Co. Ortlvi'H. tCTATKOPOIIKUON, COUNTY Ol- JACK80NJ k? 1'oraoiu liolihiig tl,o folluwinicCouuty OruVn ara herein nollutJ topiotant thakiiuo for mlamptlon 1 Noa WwiJ U, pluifiilfii (M. ltt, JSWt Uoa.117 ni.1 lilJ. I'lminlul His.. WI, Uoil N 17iaudl77, pretmlul Jan ulli, IDS7I flul. It anil n, prcaoniuu July 21.1, 1W 1 No. Ik,.', prvwntad April Both, ISM Not. &0 and MT. proMtutod liny 10th, 1KM No. 870. prmwM lluy lllli, I44 N.. ItViuid lal.picaant-i-.lK.pt. 8lh, Ik.Wi No.104, piatonttilBtiit. 13lli.lWS; Nut. (Ulniid I7l,iira.titnl tupl '.1111, iu.i no. ui, priuculnl Ovt illfi HJIi Noa. 4I auil7Al,rftanlad AprlUtb, I8ie. No InWrojt will I allowed on IIimo onltra altar Ihtt ilato, K U, IKIIItlAN', County Traot'r, Per i:. t. Iluuttt, Ieputy, Jackwn? Ilia AiiRiitt I), 1KW. J5B5l A(liiiluiBtratri.'4 Notice. IllU'ATi: OK L, A KICi:, llFOIiASliU : To all J whom II nny concern Vuu uro hereby uotlflad that tha nil Icrilguct) hu U-cii uppvlnlod AUmluUlia ti 11 of aold i.tjlo. and nil iiarauiu Imtiuc ilomaudt lUtmii .Uil wUlo uro livrcbjr roijuirod to pioaaat lua a.uiic, with prnpor rourbert. at my rwldiuc on llta. vie K.intua outityoi aihaun niui ouia ri Oraeon, vllliiiitlxiiiiinlbt fiom tbu data tf Ibit no- . I . .,.. ..-,l. A .......!.. Iln. .11.. JiLiuBa. llCf, ur lyffUVIMirt 1 Ol ail PIIICIII, IIUIII inn ill, mw I'llUPKNOU UlUli. AdcilnlilrUlx. l.ntsj RVonuittn CLOCKS, WATCHESJ JEWELRY, I -AND- A FANCY ARTICLES AT- NEW STORE I Next Dnor to SucIih Hroi. T Ni:Ulli:it li. tnckid lil new Hon fa with it lurco nail valimlilc iiMortincntc' l.itett "tylea nun pall'-ni' nr C5 UJMfTVil IVtlUMi'll'll'li ri CLOCKS. ((- B1LVKR WATCIIKH. D1A.MONP ilKW'KLKV, I'KARL. K.MKRALD, CA.MLO airra, Tni;ethor with n uplandldlnt 01 nlhcr Ua-ast-rinn. Ilrooclios, Kur-Rlnpa, Flngur Rlntju. Iicketn, Iluuklen. Olan, llraa'k't", Slccw llulion, Ncclilacc Wolcli-Ciinim, Clintelalni itini Healij AIo, rnmplrte net of incninpnruli'o mnnuliicltiml frnm tho ricla.t und m(u beautiful K.eiimiiJ nrUoId lllll nod Fow, ler (piurtx. In iiddi t tun tn tlio nliovc, may bo foam) nt Ills slure I lie Ik-sI qualilleii ol TAIJLK AND POCKET CUTLKUY, And, iu alinrt, u cuncrnl variety of Nick-NacUn & rancy Aitlcln All of which will be Hold ut i.ow mic uml warranted. RKPAlRINOCIocks. Wntclim inJ Jewelry repaired with promptm-M, ttud to a manner to pimriintee fiitixluctiou. MAUKAOTURKD In order, unjr arti cle of Jewelry, with neatness und d'upnttt nju Call itnir kc litii new jlock, nt hit new Rtnre. on California Htreet, next doar to SucIih liroi,, JuckfiHivllle, 6ri');oii, Jnrkwnville. Dec. 17. IRlil'. If S7IWkTjraJCWaT LIYEUYAXI) SALE STABLES. Corner of California nnd fourth itretU. 0LUGACJK& DRUM, Proprittos te. THE3IJ 8TAIIL13 ore WBl centrally located, mid con ivaulciit to tho Union Ho- tel. Hornet and nuilen will Ik) kep t byu day or weoK.m inoueniic ennr(:eii, l'hfi proprietor have ft number of Mm IIUUMIKS AND 0ARRIA0K8, Poronoor InolinrKi, to let on modertW term. Aho. trood ntddle hoi tea und inulft, which they will let to ro to any iart or Ik country, on rraaounble term". Horaea Droko to tbu addlo or harntM. Animals Sought and Sold. Tho proprietor" pUdgo theinmlve togltj satlrfMtion to all who may fitvor them wlii n cull. Jacksonville. Pun. Aiitr LJ8iL '0l a. brentano lSNOUr815LLINO j&jx1 cost Hit stock of rArniLT" GROCE3U238, etc, E:rc. All who wl lo obtain HA KG A INS " dn well to coll, its It i ivbmlulcly hia intr' lion to diipoao of lald'Stnck without dlJ BCkoilille. Maj l, iwa ITdTULNB & MO. Are novcr closing ont tlueir entire stock of Dry Goods, Groceries as& Provisions, at the VT Lowest Hates ' FOR CASH t Vsu Givo u u tall, tit the Post OfM nulldine, earner of California ami OieB Hrer,K AprHllKfia. 11 GREAT BARGAINS! IU. A. BKENTAiW Would rcapeotfully nnuouucu o bti old friend and emtoKTS, and aa publlo Kcucrully, tltat ho lift utoro mid now arriving, a large and Well-tcleeted Btoofc of Eood-, which liu will k-H than the OXJCElt.I'KJSaa'a All Ilrandj of TiibUCCO and Cli' .ir.ui'iTt.v nuriimiii I'UIOiy l" ::rr' :." intf UliU VaAIUtMlWt 7 nMnrammt M sM-i.'ii3 &