Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 21, 1863, Image 2

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A. te3S5ix .
iMiHfKvuini.K " lli'AiNon
IW. v 0vH.,M.rsr HmT.ii. vrnou: . ,
.i,t'i:tivii.i.r:, nuncn.v.
' Collin nITVcts to not know nnytliinp !,
Stfi'lilltY MIH'iXIM;. MIVKIIIIKII 21. K'l.lnhut happened In the ndViiv.hiit the pen-
Lrtrm,,jm. . -, ., m.bm.mu, jllri, nl,)n0 , tiat thro wus too much ,
Nil Nr.ws. We arc obliged to po to
pros this week without a line nl telegraph
ic news, no dispatches liavlnp been trans
niltled ncroH the Plains, to the Asnclated
Press Tf California, since the 1-ih lint.
'IV k Ghiiwi: Akiikstkh. On Thursday
fU'iiing Ttmn-Murshal lljulis urrtwled
(ieorjje, of the ICIani.ilhs, at the instuuee,
wo unuVrstnml, of Col. Drew. Indian Sub
Aptnt liters h.id forwarded n fvetf t ton.
from the ciliams or the upper portion of the
valley, iwtlinjr forth that (Seorpe, with part
of Iih faction of tl c Klamath Indians, ImhI
taken wslon ol the Dead Indian vullry ;
lud driven off the Mttlers, threatened thir
llts, were dwlroyine tlwlr property, etc.,
mid tukinp that the Indians lie rsmnved
On reeuipt of the Mtltinn, the Colonel Ims
lonvd to this pluco, nml yMtcrtlay learning
that fJeorpc wis in town, secured bis nr
rest by the .Marshal. Yesterday niomlup
the prioiKT was taken to Camp ll.iktr by
n (,'iMrd of soldiers, where, we understand.
bo nun to Im tried by a court-martlal.
Gvnre for some time has been mpirinp
1o I ho wnr chieftaincy of the KlnmatlH,
mid iindoubttil'y has a commanding Inllu
ctice over lull us many Indians as nny oth
er npirant In the tribe. I-n Iil.c is cilM
by t Imb Imliuns the lace or Sipiaw Tie.
ulillc (Si.orpe numlitrs nmnup bis followers
the most insolent nml dauperous men of llw
tiilx. lie Init summer led bis party, In
connection with Iho Modoos, In no expedi
tion upalnst the I'itt river Indians, and
cipturvd a number rqunws and horses.
Tlwre appears to Ik? ngeasnil desire
In thU eomnmnity that thcr?!iult of the
tuilitiiry examination will be lumping or
fhooiliip of t.eorp, but we doubt wlutther
HifncUfiit cvhlsnee cm hi found npnint him
to Ii.iiik him. On"fwnrnl prlnoiplw" they
inlpht Iwnp lilm and try hint ufternard.
nr.d tltsre would be no complaint on the
ji.irt or our uitijwns, but we hardly think
that rNpnnslbility will be taken by the
military aullioillis.
N. II. Parties just returned from
Camp Maker, inform us that (Jeorpe was
Imnpid ubout four o'clock. lie Is said to
Lave cnnfe'seO to hnvtnp partlcipntid In
the miinler or the Lcdford party (llvo jw
tou), in tl.c spriup of 1859. lie al.o fuid
mi Indian known ns " Jack," was guilty of
the fuino crime. The cavalry forco huc
retiinitd from Camp llakcr to town, with
Jack In custody, lie will probably share
thu fato of (icorpe, The hideous walling
m.d inoaninp of the (liiconsolnto and terror
(trkkened Indians Is now helnp heard nil
nround us. (Jeorge evinced uono of the
btoicul iud.flerenco for vhlcli the " noble
ravapo " U to rcinarlublc. lie wept like
n child.
Siiootimi aVrKUAV. On last Mondiy.
IMck Collins, a gambler who has been loaf,
iug nround town for tiio last few weeks,
went Into the HI Dorado ealuon In a boiit
trous manner, upparently pretty well under
tlio liillienco of lirptor. After slapping
the bar keeper over the head with his hat,
nud making sundry other drunken manifes
tations, a msn by the name of I;mue'
l'ruott canu In, and Collins went mid
cuugbt hold of htm, when an apparently
friendly scutlle ensued. Colliiu wdb ob-Et-rved
t(i take u shcatli-kulfe from I'ruett'6
lull uud hide it in his coat sleeve. After
wards he caught hold of Pruett's Uiirt
bosom mid toro it off; whereupon Pruett
Btruck him two or three alight blows. At
this juncture, l'ruclt was warned lhat
Collins had u knife. Collins imuirdiatcly
drew his pistol, nod, before ho could be
prevented, fired at Pruett, the ball striking
his baud, tearing it badly, nud cuterln?
Ins rlpht proin. Collin fne up Ills pin- Kortlicrn Hciuh.
tol nnd left the saloon. An ombre who A little elilld of Mrs. O'Donnld. or So
stood nt the iloor ns lie wont out. wni wen cni( wu8 , ncterclyburnrd on the Bib lust,
to pivc lilm n pistol. Officer 1 Junks nnd ,y lg cntics ttikinr lire, ns to cause Its
Sutton nrrlvcd shortly nller the occurrence. I .i'.i. ., ,.- ,iaT. ulor
nml nftrr n short scnrcli found lilm liM
'away under bed In the City Hotel, lie A child of U. J. Pcngm, or L-.pcne
w. lodged In jull to uwnlt lilsr.vaml.rn. City, ntrc.1 i.bnnt rieht year,. vm, bud y
Hon. On Tue.dav.l,U examination enme buriw.1 on the WliHt.. y l.er dntliw Ink
up before lS."iij.li. .IihiIm i.f the ing Ore, while standing More the noplace.
Peace. After Inuring the testimony. I be The wife nf dipt. Tolin Smith, tr I.lnn
c.ie was continued Indefinitely, nod Collins , cmiuiy, bud her ricbt nrm broI.ni, by n
'committed to j.ill to nwuil tlic result tr fall from n wagon, Oct. 2ftlli.
Il'rnetfs wound. , , I A packer known m " French Louts"
, On yesterday, the cilc w called .nml ' , )M Xl,r M(
(oin, ,vn, committal, In ttvfUult of bull,
lC omrgc o ,, t0 comml: IMllr. j
? I It Is snpposeil 1'rtictt will rtenvor.nl j Peewit Charles Horn, or Co. II, Ore
thouch be Is yet Inn crilicul conditl pon Cmiilry. has oponcd n irrrnltiiiff nffiee
method In bis actions Tor n man so .trunk ,
as he seem tl. They lire said to hae hu.l
difl'iculty prcvlniMly.
A most distressing accident was related
to us one day this week, the clrcumstiince '
of which arc nbnnt ns follows. .Some two
wscks since, Mrs. Ilutnetl, wife or .Tumi
Harnett, liviup on the north side or Itopue
river, near Table Hock, wus thrown from u
horse, fullinp with such violence upon her
feet n to break her leg nbuvc Iho tinkle
and driving the bone throiipli the lies), and
into the ground about six inches. So firm
ly was the bone driven into the ground
that all the efforts of the unfortunate lady,
iinllrd with the assistance of her sister,
failed to release her. She nas compelled to
remain in that terribly painful poition m
til Iter sister went u quarter of u mile nud I
got Mr. llrity to hasten to her releae. At
last account she was sufforitip greatly, uml
fears were entertained she could not lonp
Correct ion.
Sintiiicl In my communication
on the Location of Kkimath Port, there
are several ivpopraphiual errors, and omto
kjiw.irlilclilirnateorrcetcd, pw it to
t.i...' p i.. T...1I.... i
jii we Keiiiciise-" oiippce "" iniimiwi
liviup on the upper lake, bstneen tlio fort
ami llie new- raid, s'ioiW tommente iltprafa
limit on traxtttrt on tht nrio load liow
would the news bo conveyed to the fort.'1
In this sentence the part that 1 Imvu itali.
cised is omitted.
"The roail by uvy of t ho Dulles is no
more circuitous," instead of "thu road
if) oil the Dillvu. Thu road from the
Dalles to John Day's river is straight
enough, but the road from here to John
Day, by woy of the Dalles is a very cir
cuitous one.
Iiwtead of " the men in Squaw valley,"
it should be " three men in Squaw valley."
Uy noting these corrections you will ob
lige. Yours, etc.,
Yrfka. 18th. A heavy wind storm pass
ed over Trinity valley, Scott's mountain,
and the upper portion of Scott's valley, last
Saturday, which did much d.imugo to the
telegraph line In those kections. Altogeth
er more than n mile ot the line and poles
were blown down. In many places huge
trees wcro felled ucross it. JJvery effort is
being made to get the line repaired, nud
It will probably bo working through to
morrow. The Oregon line Is now completed from
this place to the upper portion or Houga
Itlver valley. The work Is going on ut
the rate of ft miles per day.
l'MuciiiMJ. Iluv. V. M. Starr will preach ,
nt the M. 13. Church, of Jachtomllle, to
morrow, nt tbo usual hour. Alio, at Crox
ton Diggings, on tlio following Sabbath,
20th of Nov., at 11 o'clock, A. M.
ThanKjOIVImj Day. Uy proclamation
published in this paper, Governor Olbbs
has seccooded the proclumatiou of the
President, setting apart Thuriduy next ns
a day of public thanksgiving and prayer.
Owing to a rush of " Job-work," wo are
unable to givu our patrons the usual
uinount of editorial uud miscellaneous mat
ter in tlds issue.
Head Ryau, Morgan & Co.'s new adver-
ttiement. in this paper. Their promises
made U.ea-Iu will be kept. '
. ,
Wiscly'B Dbromte and Disolvlng Views
wcro cxldblted In our town this week,
The pictures arc excellent.
" ' , 'T,, "
t. it .... t- ..I.1..1. 1... I.... I
in hutrm. liy nnlerir me cninniaiiuiiis urn-
ivr nt 1 rt Viiiwmw. He Is rccrnltlnp
for Co. JJ. crniitiMtidrd by Cupt. Caldwell.
, AvjlH Swnlin-.f Plucerville.l. '!'..
,miri,,y Hlt hlnwlf In n wlmm on the
sl Om. Inteuiieriincu was the cnui".
A small child til Mr. .Tunies (Jonlon of
Wnllu Wullu valley, rcciiitly full frum u
wtienn, was run ovr nml killed.
("apt. Drake's company of Orcpon cav
alry nrrivtd jwlenlay. nud have taken up
winter ipmrtirs nt Port Dalles. This
compiny bus scon Imril tcrvlce on the
plnlrs during the past summer, mid after
their long nud tiresome journey look rather
the wore of the wear. In n few i!u)i Iho
men will brmb up nud then they will look
eery Inch like " brave soger boys."
Mmmtttiiirer of tht 7M.
Nine larpc elk have been shipped from
Portland fur Viutor Kiiunusl's park, Italy.
The iVduulrtuirer says thut the partial
return from the late Idaho election nre
sufTK-ieiu to warrant tlio ussurancc that
tinv. WnlluCf. the Union candidate for
Congressional Dehvutc, bus bcn elected
by n Immlwime majority.
... . ..... m. . . i... nt.tr
nr wnM' ' "" V a ' " ""'"
lirn,,S'" ,lmv l,,l evening the rleliest
tW tliat any imtr n the Columbia
river ever bore. Will. I'urgo hud 183 lbs.
(83fi.(IOn.l One narty ol six mlntrs had
6110 11m. lSl.10.not)) ; another party or hin
men lind 700 lbs.. ($131,100); tinothcr
party or two men hud 300 lbs., (SS7.G00) ;
while one man hud lftO lbs., (116.000).
Thus we have u total or 1050 lbs., (S3I7,--100)
In the hands or fifteen " honest min
ers," nml 180 lbs.. (535,000) in the hands
of Wells. Fnrgo & Co. All of these fif
teen ersous, our informant who mine
down in the Chief, sow nud coverscd with.
He also learned thut uwirly all tho passen
gors had plenty of money. So it is fair
to conclude thut rim foul of gold dust
came down on the Chief last evening.
Dalla Journal.
CAVjii.nv. The llxammtr is ashamed
of the rebel cavalry. It fajs : " Our cav
alry full back," is becoming too fumilliar in
the Army or Northern Virginia. Nobody
expects " our oivalry" now to do anything
but rail Iwels. The time was when Stuart's
cavalry dreamed that tho clumsy Yunkees,
unused to horseback, could not rival, much
less surpass it. Dot such is thu lamentable
fact. Sinco ICelley's Ford, nnd the great
review at Culpepper Court House for the
benefit of the ladies, our cavalry has gone
under, uml wo hove been forced to tho
ihuineful admission that Yankee tailors and
ihomakors on horseback are superior to the
cavaliers of the South. Certainly tho cav
ulry engagements of the last six months
have ended with the fame old song" Our
cutalry fell back."
Dhtk.stion. We nro requested to nn
nouuee that llcv. Pother Mucken, being
unavoidably detained In Portland for on
unlimited lime on account of important
business, bis appointment us Pastor of the
Church of St. Jceph, Jacksonville, bos
been revoked, nud that another priest has
,mi appointed in his stead, viz,
Father Francis Xawius Dlunchet, who
left for his mission by the stage on Satur
day morning. Orrgoiiinn, 1CA.
The indications oro that the next Ohio
State Senate will bo unanimously Onion,
Convcrso has been elected iu Franklin by a
small majority, on tho home vote ; but the
" "" vv. ."-.-- . -
B0,Jlcre vole "ll1 th '' enV n.&
that noisy and pestilent Copperhead out in
the cold. The result is, iu Ohio, unpreco-
dented. It has, Indeed, no precedent in
the West. Cine. Gusrff.
Mtt.tTAitv. The companies comprising
the 1st regiment Oregon Cuvalry nre now
stationed ns follows :
Co. A, Lieut. Appcrsoh, nt Fort With
Co. 11. dipt Culdwcll, nt Port Vancou
ver. W. T
Co. O, dipt. Kelly, nt Port Klamath,
Jacl.sou county, Oregon.
Co. 1. dipt. Drake, nt Fort Dalle.
Co. i:, dipt. Curry, nt Fort Wnlln
Co. P. dipt. Matthews, nt Fort L-ipwnl.
Co. O, Copt. Hmall, ut Fort Vancouver,
W. T.
A young fcllmv In Duller. Oregon, pot
mnrrleil. our night, nud rnrly next morning
fonml hlnrnlf In lw the reputed fiithcr of n
("trapping yntiiigsli-r. The doctor tried
hard to convince the fellow that It was nil j
ricbt, but after thinking the matter over n j
rnnple of days, Oregon conclndrd thut the i
physiological phcimm lion wn not sttseep-j
of scientific tluridution, eriwl "Snaixl"!
nml took to thu tall tlmbsr. &iiora(Cu.)
iiiwuuwMW.iw.iij.'jrmtaj5Mf w
Iu Altiany. Nov. ):th. nl nwrlfl fever,
Maiitiu C, diiujihtcr of Huron W. nml ?
rub Wiikelleld, lipid t ymrs. 7 months nut!
S" days.
"Suffer little chhllrtrrn to come unto me
and foibld tlit-m not, fur of such Is the
kingdom of hi'uvrn."
ghrTs't mas" ball
-at Tin;--
in mm hotel.
Zn Jacksonville,
I.OL'15 HOItNfi I'miirielnr of the U. S.
Ilotvl, iWhIkiis gi log ii hull nn
C'JiriHtiuiiK Ilvv.
To attend w Inch In- ln-reLy extiid n -enral
Invitation to the public I'.ctrr Hirn
tiim will m iimiln to conduce to the pleuun
ul'ull lu uttviitluiiev.
Jiib1h.uu III-. Nov 21st. 1KI1.1. nil
Will Ihi given nt
k i; it v v i h u v..
On Chridiiuu Day, Dtttmbcr L'5, 1803.
3J-A grneMl ntti'iiilancu of the public
Is itftntotfully Hiliciitil.
WM. SAVAGE, l'roprlelor.
Kerlivvllle. Nov. 17. 'I.J. novXlwO
L. Sachs, S. Sachs.
GixiiAL, iu;kcau.vdisi:,
1 N the Circuit Court, of the State of Ore
X con, for the couniy of Jackion.
AiiTiuu I.am.ci.i.. i'hilutltr, w. A. II. bTUOlT,
Action nt I.uw lu i.turr luonr)-.
To A. I). Stu.up, dvfumlant: Yuu nre
hcrvby FUininoiRd uud ugulnd to appear
iu Mltl Court, on the 8th day of Ft bruary,
IhUi. beinir tlio llrst duy ol the Kebruury
Ttnn, 1HU4, and uimnvr the complaint of
Arthur Laugull, tiled ogniust juu iu culd
Court, or tho sumo will Im tuU-uforcon-
leMitl, and the plalutllt will luku juugnicin
ngalust yuu lor want of mi answer, lor thu
Mini of Two Ihoiuund and eight and thirty
R'veu onu-huudri'dtli dollars and costs of
suit. J, GASTON, Att'y for 1'1'f.
Nov. II), lSOi). uovl2w
SKALKD 1'IlOrOSALS. to furnish
at Jacksonville. Oregon, nu or Uforo the
6th day of December, 18Ua, TUN THOU
SAND pounds of good, merchantable Hour
will bo received by tlio iimlen-lgned, till 10
o'clock, on Saturday, the '.'Hth lust.; ulo,
until aboo time, propoeuls will bo reculud
lor trBUiporlluK tho aboio Hour to Fort
Klamath, near Klamath Lake.
Tin contracts will bu awarded to the
loucst u'ipousblo bldilers, ocept Seccdslou
Ints, who thall not hau them under uuy
clrcumitancvs, und It will bo utelebs for
nny such characters to put in bids. Didders
aiu invited to bo present at tho opeulug of
tho b.ds.
Kight to reject all bids is reserved.
U. S. Indian Sub-Agent In Oregon.
TOU HUNTING neatly executed at the
ut lmADHUHY&WAliPri
i'. 3. UTAS. . .:. h. Moniuv. . r.iiwjir.n uisius
RUB, IffltfiU & CO.,
Two-story, Fire-proof Urick Store.
vr STAIllS.
All Classes or Mcrcliandisc,
Wills? ICIKS.
And IiriTIlUS,
In which we can offer
Inducements to Snloons.
Parties Going North.
At it slindo nlwvo Fan I'rancbco
tuiit auil Lhare.
"Wo exx'O ev
Permanent Institution
Ablo to Deal Liberally
With Oood nnd Prompt Customers,
And will mnH It for th interest or
tucb todenlwithus.
A.e:u.ta for tlio
Eagle Distillery & Flour Mill
An Bsperienced Agent
Enabling us to
Wo will pay tho Highest Market
l'ricu lor
For which wo can get a morlct.
Wo will keep rcplcnlshluj; our stock wit!"
Fresh Goods Every Monti'
Iu the year that tho roods arc p-wsoblt.
JACKSON VILLI:, Nov. 21, 18C3.