Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 07, 1863, Image 7

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Mnimiiinw ii'ii i n' i TTrnnjumaaii
Ivlnm nth Lake.
TArKMiNVii.f.K, November V. t$63.
Mr. Editor: Klamath t.aVc Valley, a
point" which has ticcupiefl the ntitiitlnn of
the, people fo nmeh of late, w iwrtilcd;
nhout eijhly'Rve milnfl east r sHacksonville,
Wrl ncrtr ibe &m tlistnrtce "from YrtHta
vniniiiting the latter fnWi the wtfeth ttfVbl
the valhy null inclkdtofc Gio'lftkc It sointi
fifty or sixty mill in lettgt It, Worth niut
oulli,'hy an uvefafce width r 'r. om Itvi-nly '
tillep..bn the wtt'n8 edr.tli it is tumid
til by a'-lilgli, broke range of mountains,
f who- summits ttcral Eric peaks pierce
the 'tftiwil. Var Hi the tstnttfe to thej
.nArtti. jVt fioow'rrg &ovu,thu iivNnr.pmn-l
tnins, is tlw 'cotii'-Oke iemniit of ttwteti
Vca'k'; while ton We jrjjjuccot f nttps one win.
many peaks (if letter KiagtiiKuto. Attrmg
llie latter frtcrRftft tofmufcnVilc felen-s1
S'cak. Vlihi'mofctiteia is ii iltect vol.
'rtuio, and contains, laTge craXw, vfeilite
from the "valuy, Hrch stands r. Icgihle
pege ihe pr'mwul htetory i" tr pn.
et. TV Trijrkl HkI Hf Wi. 1i
plainly T.ie in ?r.ilite agentst the mull
,';rn eky, funning r. lively oftniist uriih the
Sow, miNfy niif:iftk tltut seero ritiking la;
'hinil the lako.
'Fort Kluir.iiith "hi local et -afomit fiftH'ii
Wilcc'frorti t!t 1rii! of toe vnlhy, mill ten
miles above iheieart rT She InVf. Tlie lo
cation U vh'vntcl! rfbinu sixty Tret above
rhe lirfrlWf iJlte tlwkis kk4 4ttoG above the
' Tmtiti tide at SiiiMrnc toy, CJ.il.; making
Port Klamath 528 feet Wilier limn Ihi
..River; IOR ft litclwr .than Fort Jnms;
lir7-f.fl i.is'.nT llwti Yrekn: 2.9."i4 fwl
liiqlrcr rium Fori L-imc, ami 708 kvl lower
.than r.ppcrV.liuiwlh Liku marsh.
Xnw, ?r. JMimr, having pi veil yon a
wy?.vRinl rfccicti of lhit npion, I Muill
ottema r. f.nire detuileil iiccoiinl o tin
country., in:i iiieMciitu wliieli neenripil lnr
Hr try tny, in tlie Older in wliieli tiny
Tippwtrwi -fsy jmiriiiil.
On t'iif xxt morning lifter our arrival
'(Sept. 21l li). the found of l lie lu!t. lln
conimtMts of I lie )erliefl. ami Hie iiiiliin-
ryjpJep of tlie men on their way to roll
-M wneil iih at an early hour, ami I was
" -m)or Afloat aiii'inp the Imsiy thrnmr. to
observe the noveliies of the iiiorninjr ilii-ei-
iplme. I niiplit lure remark, that afieiu
fev days in eamp, the Hound of llie Im-jle,
i the heavy trend of the men. anil Ihu rattle-
cng of Hinall arms entirely loo their poien-
cy. lint there wan one other means which
jjovfr failed to fhnkn oif my plnmlier, to-
,it: 'The' small, still voice" of the conk
behind my tent, ntterimr those imipic
wonte. hrciiklnst in rady.",
After lircakfinl. wc Btarled out in com
pnny wilh Col. Drew unri others, to look
nt tin! country nhove. About lf0 ynrdi
bade of tlie po.i rnna Fort Creek, twenty
five yards wide und two feet deep on nn
nvcrnpe. It. runs over n bed of white,
' funken pumice Ftone, which gives to the
water n remarkable clear appearance.
Owing to the light nature of the pumice
Rtone; which ia constantly being washed
down the current, the bed of this'Rtrcam.
ni is the cuc with all others in the valley,
in almost a uniform grade, tlio water run
.iiinR with tho regularity, of an artificial
Following this dtronm up about three-
fourths of n mile, we came to the head.
One cannot imncinc n fairer, pight than to
we Btich n body of water rollinir nut from
' '-'a mountain of broken basallic rock Im
agjne a mountain, feteep nnd rnscod, whose
''"'every sfolhdwR tlie- 'Hnmtstakab'e I flfl ct
I of fire, nnd from under henps of gignntic
boulders, which had tumbled from pummit
to base, a river burpting out in n volume
fivo feet def p, nnd' you have a picture of this
.. pring. From hero wo passed along the
4 baso of a ranifc of b;is?nlUc cliffs' throiisrti
a forest of p'no timber, until we enme tb(
the head of Kelly's Itiver, To describe
tliis would only be n repetition, on an ex
tended scale, of what ba" been said of the
' bead of Fort Creek. IJeyond this, a level
prairie, rich land, tall grapa. and line springs
''are the clmracteristica of tho country,
through which runs White's and Undei
wood '8 River?, cncli rising in n spring slmi-
. lar to the one already described, There
wems to. bo no channels lending from
tho mountains into any of these streams.
Tho banks of all tho' Btreams in tho alley
are low, seldom being mora than two feet
high. It is evident that these streams ney
rf rr rise above a few inches. Many trees
ore cecu where they fell in tho stream7, de
cayed and grown over with grars v-hich a
rise of 'nix incites would. cvMctitiy- have
washcrl atony.
We rcltirhell'th 'ramp ifon the hank
nf Kelly's nvtV pnsis Uinrngh many
beautiful groves of arpen, p'ue and tain-
'l notiteh on tfoo viver, in p!ae.. larire
irecs 'rUnnlftff ncrirs tin' hanncl of the
river nnfl ,ilo tke bank on either side
which wcrewiAeirtly there before the nwr
had catitsclmimel. tt would hjlnfernd
from hK lhat the whole valley at some
period Tmfl (ern a fonft, which fiom -ome
ejfn!e Iwt lii MM and covered up be.
TiCftlh llie fitdl, similar to the celebrated
hogs of trekmi.
On the way home wc saw many notices
pnsted, informing all whom it miuht eon-
'Ccm that "I, the undfrsh.'iicd, do claim l(i()
irerps of land for farming purposes," etc.
We nn'ivvd nt camp still retaining our
health ami nppvtibs, of wliieli latter the
cook will be ever ready to itear us wiimi.
Toward evening we had mmiio iuilieatioiif
of rain, nnd about eight o'clock that night
we witnessed a turc phi'iionomeii--a rain
bow by moonlight, distinctly showing ihc
colors seen by sunuliidit. On the fth,
quite a number of unlive viited iheemnp
with fidi. fealhers, buekdiin, etc. for sale.
and we hud it good opportunity ofstmly
ing Indian nature und Indian cikiouh.
They seem to have no traditions among
them as to their oriiriu or history beyond a
few years. The mot of them are inter
lopers from other tribe, and are or I he
most trenchernu and mi'.'nvernableeh.irac
ters. Old George confesses to having
Imh-ii concerned in an niriir some years ago.
near Orepon City, and luul to leave.
Srooknm John was concerned in the mur
der of the Tvdford party accord in? to the
tntement of the other Indian. One In
dian by the name of Toha-ln quia, who
had quite a heard, on hejinr al-d why he
did not pull it nut, replied that God had
Iviird. and he wanted to be lilo Ood, so
that whn hf died he would tro up when'
th y?oon eo. and pet so'h1 ntHchtmnrk,
and not go down below with the Sitcm'tci
nnd he eat up by thn snakes. This wn
the only specimen of Indian theologv I
wns nb!e to put her. This wa ndnrkv day
for H'rll nhnot every one knows "Inaliu
IJill." who sawed wood nround town lat
winter. Well. Hill took it into hi head
to pet him n wife. Anion? oilier Tndinn
who came in that day wa a certain .9miv'i
Doctor, who brought' hi own mother in
for sale. Bill, it seein. had been watch
in? the market for some timn to pet n wife
within his means, nnd sivin? the old lady,
determined to try for the prize. After
joekeyin? for some time, n hurpniu was
struck. Bill civin? his hnri blanket, and
everythin? ho poseed, ami reeeivin? to
Ills arms in return tho object of his nffec
tlons. When I left tlie fort. Bill was in
the midt of a jnyon linnnymnnn, nnd Ids
wife chopping wood, packing wafer, build
in? fires nnd making herself ueliil eener
ally, for tho purpose of replenishing his
wardrobe. The treatment of tlio?e Indians
to their captives is most revolting. One
of their captives, n young Pitt Itiver
squaw of quito a prepossessing mien, whom
they hud lutely captured, was really an ob
ject nf pity. During the day sho was com
pelled to do nil the drudgery she was able
to endure, and nt night she was bound with
thongs nnd never allowed to leave the pres
ence of her captors farther than tho length
of -a rope, which was f.istcncd frecurciy
around Iter waist. This cruel treatment
brought on spasam?, which added greatly
to her suffl'rings and the nmuscment of her
captors. They also had another squaw
whom they had lately captured from the
Pitt River's. She had a child Fome six
months old. This woman was driven
around, ond her child beat over the face
nntil tho blood came, by a cruel old hog
who delighted to exhibit n kinky-hended
half-breed us a mark of her own civiliza
tion and refinement. In fact, tho treat
ment of these captives is too revolting for
tho columns of public print. Old George
is a. stout, robust Indian, rather above
the ordinary size, lie speaks good Eng
lish and seems to bo well verged in Indiun
diplomaoy. He affects tin utmost unap
proachablo dignity, scarcely deigning to
speak to a citizeu when in the presence
of an officer. I frequently attempted to
gel into conversation with him, hoping to
obtain some information regarding tho tra
ditions and customs of his people,' but was
as often repulsed by his haughty demeanor.
As a diplom'st, he 'undertook to gain the
good graces of Col. Drew, hoping thereby
to obtain the scepter over nil the Indian
in tlint vicinity. He cnmtttencid by in
forming tlie Colonel of the .misdeeds .CQtn
milled at various times by his fellow aspi
rants; next, by returning property which
the rascally subjects of his opponents hud
didinnestly and adroitly tukeii from his
white friends. He returned one revolver,
four stolen mules und one liois-cj the te
volver und one mule being t. S. propeity.
But Old George, like other mortals,
must have his dflippollitments. (J rent
was his indignation when he found llmt his
disinterested honesty was not lo be reward
ed by ''niimerouo" flour, href and ottnr
icltii suitable lo the dignity of an umpiring
prince. X.
PntNTKii's Talk Kvery profession ha
Its leelciieal term', and, of course, the prin
ters have a mint lei ing," which is only
intelligible lo the craft. The following is
a specimen. It don't mean, however, its
much as it would seem to tin1 'uninitiated :
' Jim. put Gin. Bcuiireciird on I lie galley,
and then finish tlie murder of that ne
gro yon eoimnetici'd yesterday. Sel up the
ruin o Guyaudolle ; distribute lite small
pox ; you need not fiuMi that mutiny ;
put the mump in the p.ipcr this week.
Pilch lhat file into hell, and then go lo the
devil, ai.d lie will tell you how lo dispose
of the dead matter."
Ci.un.s arc open nt the I'o-l Onice for all
Ihu various I-'nteru inaga. in'" a d period
leal. ' Godey's Lady Hook '' anil f.es
I'u's Lady's Magazine " am lh favorites :
but wu Ihtuk lhat the ' California Magn
zinc." of San Kr.mcVsco, I o:iu of Ihu best
mid chrap'i-t migtzliic now publhhcd.
Single Milecriptinii. $250.
Tklkoiiai'II Wiiik. Yrcku. Nov. IM.
Wire for the completion of the telegrnph
from this place lo Portland has nrrivtd,
ami it is the intention of the Company to
have the line completed by the (list of J.in
ury, 18(5-1. Tki. Oi'Kiiatoii.
A si range. in a priniiugoulcc asked the
youngest apprentice what bis ru'eof punct
uation wa. ' I set up us long as I can
hold my breath, iheu I put in u comma;
when I gape I inert a si mi-colon; and
win n 1 want ii chow of tobacco. I muke a
The latest style of hoop i-kirls is the
self udjui-t ing double buck action, bustle
etrii-cnn. lace expansion, Pieeolymini . at-'
taelimeiit, gosimer iinhsiturtible, ooc
licrmnrama. It i n very sweet thing.
Ai'i'ttoi'iitATK. The home organ of Vul
hunligham. the Daylou Kmpiie, I edited
by one George Barber, who wa editor of
the Nicdivillc Republican thinner, vn infa
niou rebel paper, until that place was oc
cupied by our forces.
A seccdi prisoner in juil in St. Louis
expresses an anient desire to patch his
pantaloons with the scalp of Union sol
diers. Me is one of the men whom the
Coppei heads wanted lo "conciliate!"
A fellow, who has some '' music in his
soul," says lhat the moot cht-erfu1 and sooth
ing of all fireside melodies mo l ho blended
tones of a cricket, a tea kettle, a loving
wife, and tlie crowing of a baby.
Gerritt Smith has contributed $500. .in,
aid of widows, orphans, mid nthrj; sufferers
by the murderoii raid of Quauticll's bund
ut Lawrence, Kansas. '
As it is man's destiny to lie ruled bV a
woman, he should, for his own sake, render
her as lit for thumsk as possibly. i
Labor is the parent , of all tlie( lasting
wonders of this world, whether in verse or
stone whetlicr.poetry or pyramid. , s
What valor for n bald headed person
to talk of " not yielding n hair."
Labor lost an organ grinder playing nt
tlie door of a deaf am) dumb usylum.
Justice consists in doing no injury to
man ; decency in giving them no offense.
New Fall & Winter Goods.
To our friends and patrons; Wo wish to
announce that wo shnll soon ho receiving an
cntiro mid varied Mock of all descriptions
of goods suitublo to tho seasons, and wo
desire them not to puichao before examin
ing our good, as wo tlmll bo able to oiler
inducements. . Ryan. Moriiax & Co.
Jacksonville, October 15th, 1803.
At thn resldeuco.of Mr. Newton Mai)ml,
by the Row P. M. Starr, on tho 5th in.t
Mr. John Sutton, to Mrs. Lauiu?sa Ingham,
nil of Jackson county,
Jacksonville Prioei Current.
Reported Tor lite Hentlnel Corrected
Jacksdsvim.k. Saturday. Nov. 7, 18G3.
Flour, in qr. sacks, per 100,. $2 CO
Corn meal, pur 100 '. $3 flO a 4 00
Wheat, per bm-hcl 40 a 45
Hurley, do fiO a
Out, do 'Ma 37
Chickens, per do $3 00 a 4 fiO
llnv. do ton lfl 00 a
Uacon. sides, clear, per lb... 10 a 20
do ham.. w '20 a 22
do shoulders 10 n
.do hog round 18 a
liecf. nett. wr lb., retail 12 a
Pork, do dt 12 a
Laid leaf, in tin 10 a 20
Under, fresh, peril) 37 a fiO
Cliucs-c. per lb 2ft a
Kggs. Iresh, per doz 25 a
Potatoes, per lb 1 it 2
Onions dodo 5a 0
Heuus. white do On
Green apples, do 4 n G
Pried apples 25 a
Dried peaches, dt 30 a 37
Coll'ee. do Hrm 40 a
Cruhed sugar do 25 a 28
Brown sugar, do 22 a 25
Rice, do 20 a
Salt, do 10 a
Candles, do 60 a
I WILL OFFKIl I-'OU SALE, to the high
est bidder, on
.Siimuy. November 14, A. D. 18G3,
at my farm, on Hear Creek, near I'liumix, nt
I o'clock I'. M., the following describi'd pro
perly, to-wil: One Farm, containing liiO
acre's, alt under cultivation, with a liousu
and good well of water; ubo n lot of milk
cows, beck'terrs and young stock. Some
Mares mid Colls, and a lot of about thirty
store and bacon hogs, hrlniigiug to tho di
lute of F. Jones, decenMil.
My own farm is to lei on very reasonable
term. O. I). 1 1 OX IK.
Oct. 21. fi?. Evecutor o caiil IMate.
By Joseph Wettoror.
" O. lager, sweet larger. butiii' lager beer.
Now its pr.ilcos'W'll iug us the MiclUer
comes in
Kin pheif und eiu Lager Heir!"
THE proprietor announces lhat Ihu ar
raugi'iiii'iits of his Hmwery uic mi exlen
fivu mid complete that he can defy all com
petition la Southern Oregon in making an
A No. 1 article of Lager Heir.
The lurgn cellars of the ci-tahliHhnieiit are
always Mucktd with kegs of lager auiplu for
the largest wholci-alc or ret ail demand.
Call at' Ihu Saloon, on the upper cud ol
Oregon struct, tot Ihu b'er, mid leave your
orders. .Tiiuknmville. Oct 24, ISiUI)
H Bloom
Is Now Receiving
A Large and Well-Selected
All for Sale at Extremely,
For Cash.
pSr Grateful for past favors, he invites
a general call,
Store on Oregon Street, In
M'Ctilly'g llrick.
Jacksonville, Oot.2 1,1803.
NOTICE i3 hereby givento all persons
indebted to mo by noto or Rook uc
count, to pay tho famo to my agent, Joskimi
Jacoiw, on or Iwforo the 15th February,
18U3; othcrwiso the canto will be placed lit
tho bauds of an attorney for collectiou.
'l'cr Joski'h Jacobs.
Eugle Mills, January 23d; 1803.
Liquors, and Cigars
Cheap Cash Store,
Than any other House
Call mid examine for yourselves.
SACHS imo.'s.
Jacksonville. June 18. IRK.1. je'JOlf
Inimitable Hair Restorative.
Hut restores gray hair to its original color,
by supply ing the capillary tubes with, nat
ural sustenance, impaired by age or-dis-eae.
All iiNmitiiiicoiis iha are composed
of fKniir cattrtic. destroying the vitality and
beauty of the hair, anil ntl'oitlof theinsclvcH
nn dressing. IIeimlrcctrs inimitable, col
nriiiK not only restores hair to its natural
color by an easy .process, but gives tb
hair a
Ziuxurlant S0M.1x.t3r,
promotes its growth, prevents Us fatting
ol)', eradicates ihu duiidrull'. and impart
health and uYaaiitin.'m to the head. It han
stood the test ot time, being the original
hnii'.colorini!. mid is constantly increasing
in favor. Used by both gentlemen Atu .
dies. It is sold by all rcsp-clublc dealer,
or can be procured by them of 1). JS. Dahxm,
Proprietor. New York.
Two sizes, Uc. and SI, cnw24y
Smith Si Davis, of Portland. Aiceuts.
.Comer of Oregon and Main Streets,
HAS just received an addition to hi
former largo mid well selected Stock of
Groceries, Liquors,
Crockery, Mining Tools,
All at Reduced Pricta.
ONi: and AM- nr. invited to fa
vor him with a call, as it costs noth
ing to show uoods, and it is a pleas
ure to tell them at prices so low
that none can complain.
Highest Price Paid for Pro
duce in Exchange for Goods.
supply; io various styles, on hand, and
for sale atcosts and charges, at Jthe depoW
lory oi me, uuckwim miuhiy ijioiu nociuvj .
'f i WM". IjiOVFAIAif , Uuposllu :y.