r f iwwf'uvmniccimawmMnw THE OKU MTINEL. BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. TIl.KOIUNIKll TO VttKKA Will TIIK HKNTINP.. DntcMo tlic29ih. It is known tlmt our prisoners in Rich mond were inv.r so badly Ircntid us nl present. They mm' Iteing starved by the rebel author'Hic, uml more or less of llii'Mi arc ocluiilly dying fiom their exposure 10 coltl in their iiukidw. The, excuse fur 'this treat incut if that the. rebel ?owrtitiMnt doe nil it cull their troop in llio field .faring neatly no hudly. Tins War Depart ment is straining every ihtvu tn relieve our 'bravo unfortunates. Lt'k ln.iU'tl cam paign has degenerated inin ruiil-i iihmi iltt milroml for the purpose of interrupliiu tlic reconstruction of the line. Accntmiii agree iih to flu ii l r itaiiltitimi which pre 'vails tit tlic .Sfttith. .Hoine skirmishing ' watt occui rinu dui'y npon tin tlippuhuit tioclc. Agivul UmImii inwtitiir wm hvjd ' 'in Baltimore liifi n'gbt. One ol' the bun t ncra bore tin inscription, ' Union nrnl t Emancipation" A Clinrh-Mini ilinptitcli ! the Hii'liiiioinl limitVei says : The cue- my'a butteries. Wngucr and (Ireirv. opened thin morning. (Oet. 26ib) the I'ornn.T Imv. Ing sevtu emit nnd the hitter four. The fire win piiucipuHy directed uiruinst Sum ter ami Johnson. Two Monitor were til n cngiti.Mil. The firing censed nt dusk. One hundred fliotH were thrown from Mor ris Island, nnil one hnudred mil) nixty from Monitors. No damage was ilone. Our butteries replied vigorously." The enemy'H . action seem to indicate that Bruirg in mov ing a largo form upon Cleveland Tcnn.. witli the evid'-nt purpose of breaking through our liii'.-s in tlmt dirertion. It is generally believed here tlmt thi movement it co-operated in by Ia'c'h lorecs from Vir ginia, which are moving down by way f Lynchburg ami Bristol, with the intention of driving Burnsidc from Eapt Tennessee and turning the flink of thia army, tlum compelling its retirement from Chutlanoo ga. The rebel on Lookout Mountain were flanked and forced to evacuate it. Grunt, Bnrnside, Thomas and Sherman, are co-op-fritting with each other. Deserters who have come into our liner, Btute that one day last week a full brigade of Tcnncsuc ana attempted to come into our lines, und a division or rebel: was called nut to prevent them. A fight of the roost sanguinary character nMied, in which artillery and muskets went used. It lasted three or fonr hours, resulting in the overpowering of the discontented Tenncsscun. ufler somo eight hundred hud been slaughtered on both sides. The sound of canon was distinctly heard in oar camps at the time, but nobody could rxpluiu the phenomenon of a brisk Arc so close to (ho enemy's rear. The. officer say the, mutter t;as hashed up, mid all Inn since been so juict tlmt the most of Bragg' army know nothing definite uboul it. Rragg'u distrust of his Teuueseu and Georgia troops is, perhaps, tliec.lanution of lib delay in uttacking us. The official vote of Ohio gives Drnuu'h Gl,72 majori ty. The total vole is 43.M37. Thin doe not include the soldiers' vote. Hie Brit ish Admirality had decided to construct a mw fqundron of iron gunboat, armor plated, witli double screw propellers, ami to be armed with two heavy Armstrong grins. The Alabama and Georgia, and the Tuscorora, continue to cruise around the coast of the Capo oft Good Hope. The Vandcrbilt had arrived at the Cape in pursuit of the Alabama, and was repair ing in St. Simon's Bay. Dates October 30th. All quiet on the Rappahannock. Noth jng from Chattanooga or Charleston, Ilenry Ward Becchcr addressed an im mense audience at Exeter flail, London, October 26l h, npon American affuirs. A few expression of dissent were drowned in the general plaudits of tlic vast assem blage. The Daily News says this was one of the most enthusiastic meetings ever held in London, and must huve convinced Beech- r of the truln of Karl Russell's assertion, that the great body of the Knglish people were with the North, und cause hint to re turn home as a messenger of peace and good will between the two countries. The Timti combats Bocehtr's arguments, and declares that he is not the man to convert the British public to the Federut cause. Dates to November 2d. Morris Island, 27th. Three heavy guns tare been turned on Oharleston,oach throw tog bell with Greek fire into the heart of thecity. this afternoon. Our batteries are nlso firing on Johnson, Sumter and Moul trie, and enemy replies reservedly. Washington 30th. General Thonws re ports that' Lookout Mountain was taken on the 28lh by troops under Hooker. He was ntlneked at midnight, and n severe fight ensued, continued for two heurs. The enemy were reputed and driven back. The river is now open to Chattanooga, and the army relieved from danger of interrupted communication. New Orleans, 22d. A column under General Franklin entered (pelouUH yiMier day. Troops n good health and spirits. Nigrn recruits rapidly filling up regiments. It has cotnrt to light in New York that vessels have been fitted out there to run the bliK'kndi' with supplies lor tlic rebels. Cincinnati, Nov. '2d. An extraordinary cuee of treason has recently been revealed here, implicating a number of persons in tff city. 'Hie plot was to release the relic prisoners tit Camp Lhnse and overthrow the Sintc Government. Chailnrioogii.'Jflili.Sinci) the fight on 28 111 the eiiemv haw not disturbed us. Gin. Ifmiki r took many prisoners, and cap tured nearly ten iIhiihiiiiiI rifles. His loss in killed ninl wniiiuleil it 3.10. New York. 2d. Maj. Gen. Butler hn bt'cn assigned to the coiiiumtiil of the lSili army corps department of Virginia and North Can-linn, in plaeu of Gen. Foster, who, it in suppixi-il. i-t to take command of the defences of Washington. LATEST. Latkst. Itehi-I papers say the bom biiitlmenl of Sumter has recommenced with greater severity than ever before. Their loss is severe. To prevent rebels from erecting u battery similar to Wagner on the ruins of Sumter, Gilmoic has determ ined to reduce Sumter in the water's edge. llnilroad Meeting. Pursuant to notice, l lie citizens of Eu gene. City and vicinity met at the Court House on Thursday evening. Oct. 29, 18(53. for the purpnw of further considering the project of CVIifnrniii and Oregoi Il.iilioad. On motion, B. J. lYngrn win elected Chairman, aid M. W. Mitchell K-q., Sec retary r.f the meeting. Mr. S. Ellsworth slated the object of the meeting. Col. Chapman offered the following pre amble and resolution-) : Wiirkkas, We learn that the surveying parly on the contemplated route for the California and Oregon llnilroad has arriv ed in the Willamette Valley, and the Chiel Engineer, Mr. Elliott, is now on u lour through the lower counties for the purpose of learning facts respecting the route und the mentis to he obtained in aid of the sur vey nnd improvement ; therefore, Retailed, 'Ilmt wo will heartily unite in support of the proji-ct, with the following restrictions und conditions : 1. That all grants of land and other aid by the Government of the United States nnd meuns to be appropriated, shall be expended in equal portion in Oregon and California, commencing the work nt Cortland, in Oregon, and progressing south wardly; and ul , in California, and northwardly, so that each State and sec tion may derive equal advantages there from while the road bhiill be in procos of completion. 2. Tlmt it shall be distinctly under stood that the const ruction of the said roud or the grants and aid of the Government of the United States, in contemplation thereof, nnd not to iuterfcro witli or sup plant the project of tho great Northern Branch of the Pacific Railroad from Salt Lake or some suitable point on tho roud lust mentioned, to Portland. The meeting was then uddrcssed by Jesse Applegute, of Youcalla ; A. J. Thayer, of Corvallis; Col. Chapman, of Portland; S. Ellsworth, M. W. Mitchell, J, 1. Hen derson, and others of Etigcno City, all in support of the forgoing resolutions, when the sumo were unanimously udopted. On motion of Mr. Ellsworth, it was Resolved, That we do licrcby recommcud that several organizations be effected in Oregon for the purpose of receiving the aid of the Government und execcutiug the work within this State. On motion, . Resolved, That the Committees hereto fore appointed, bo requested to prosecute their labors in obtaining means for defray ing the expenses of the survey. Resolved. That the proceedings of this meeting be pub ished in the Oregon news papers, antl a copy be forwarded to each of our Senators and Representative in Con gress. On motion, the meeting adjourned. B. J. Pkmiim, Chairman. M. W. MiTCiiKi.t,, Secretary. An Itkm Evkkv Max Siiokmi Hkad. We havu probably all nl" us met with in stances in which n word heedlessly spoken against the reputation ol u female has lie come (lurk enough to overshadow her whole existence. T- those who art! accus tomed lint necessarily from had motives, but from thoughtlessness to speak lightly of females, we recommend these hints iw worthy of consideration: "Never use u lady's name in no improper place, nt an improper linn, or in mixed company. Never make uterinum about her that you think uie untrue, or allusions that 'you feel she herself would blush to hear. When you meet with men who du not scruple to make ihc of a woman's ninne in n reckless and unprincipled maimer, slum them, for they arc tho veiy worst members of the community men Iimi in every sene 'of honor every feeling of humanity. Many a good und worthy woman's character has been forever ruin- d. ami her heart brokm by ti lie, inuiiitliiftiircd by some villain, and repeattil where it should not have been. anil in presence of thine whine little judg ment could not deter them from c renin ting the felt I ami brajging report. A slander is soon propagated, ami the small est tiling derogatory to a woman's charac tor will fly on the wings of the wind, und magnify as it circulates, until its mnustroiii weight crushes its poor. iiiicoucious victim, llcspccl the name of wi'inin ; for your mothers mill sisters are women ; ns you would have their fair name untarnished and their lives utiimbitlered by the slanderer's bitter tongue, heed the ill that your own words may tiring upon llw mother, the sister or tlic wife of hoiii" fellow creature. EKKKtrr OK ElIIIOPKAN TltAVKt. ON A Cl.KitovMAX. Ilemy Wind Iheeheris Ih ing iiliieuliil by foteigu travel, and thus aiinoiuices, in a late letter from Europe to the N. V. hidcpendet t, the dissipation of one of his Puritanical pvdjudices : I am bound lo say that I have betn agreeably disappointed in ilu appearance of the monks and priests in Unman Catho lic countries. As u general rule, thev have appeared to bit clear-faced, intelligent and sincere men. Only once or twice did we meet the legendary tye of monk round, fat und worldlv. In Switzerland and in Northern Italy the general impres sion product d upon mo by the priests litis been highly favorable lo them. Rosccritus said mouths ago of General Thomas : George IF. Thomas is n man of extraordinary cliuructtr. Years ago, at the Military Academy, I conceived there were points of Mroug resemblance between his character and I hat of Washington. I was in the habit of culling him General Washington." The real ol.jecl of education i to give children reourceii that will enduro aa long an life endures ; ImliiU that time will nine- liorat8, not di-Hiroy , occupatinm that will rentier aii-knew tolerable, solitude pleasant, ago venerable, WW more dignified and use ful, and death Icfs terrible. The handsome young ladies who" recently attended tho tablea at the Crystal Palate Fair, near London, foM choice rlgara to their admirer?, und ohtained an cnormotn advance on tho common -price by simply biting oft", first, the cud to be placed in the smokers mouth. The rebels nt Lawrence, took Gen. LaneV aword, which was presented to him by IiTh regiment after their return from tho Mexi can war. During the pursuit, the (ieucrul "killed the rebel who had it, and recovered it. Drmochatic Thu King of Holland in the editor of a monthly magazine, in which ho discusses, with littlo reserve, his views as to the policy adapted to his country, the progress it is making, and his own wishes and purposes us a sovereign with the best intentions. An exebungo culls young men who stand around church doors to wutcli young ladies aa the congregation is going out, "Ac Devil's picktU." 9 It O. O. F. Jacksonville Lodge au. lunoiui iii rfRiniw mi-et-Ins on Friday of tli firit wtelc la eacli'immtli, And on gittunb? of nch IntcrTtnliiR wtk, at the Masonic Halt, at Brotlieri In good standlncnro Incited Vl, IIAI, a, u. Sutton, llenrjr Dcntlnger nd War,. an Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. H. HOLD their regular communi cations the Wednesday Evenings on or preceding the full moon, in jack- SONVIU.K, OKKOOX. ALEX. MARTIN, W.M. II. Bloom. Scc'i. pit KG ON CIIAPTI3II NO. 4, ROYAL AllGII MASONS, J A Ok'SO ,V V1I.LK, OllEG&y, Will hold Uh regular communications on the Pit-Hi Mntttnlny Kve. of Kvery Month. All sojourning Companions In good fending arc curdiallv invited to attend. G. W.GltEEIt, II. P. L. Sachs. Sec'y. dec8:47 n. JAfOltS. K. P. RVSSKI.I.. JACOBS, & RUSSELL, ATTOIIXKYS AND COUNSELORS AT IjATC, AM) SOLICITOUS IN CHANCERY, Jai.'KSONVIM.K, OrtKOOM. ORtr ipM)ilt (lie Com-t Homm. AH btislnes enmtnitted to their care will Wo tn-pniplly nllended to. July 2 P. 'V2. II. WM. IKILTIIITT. JAMI.H l. KAY. DOUTHITT & FAY, ATTOIINKYS AND COUNSELORS AND SOLICITOUS IN CHANCEUY, Jackso.svim.k, Oiikoo.v, Will practice, in Ihu Supreme nnd other Courts of lhi-4 State. March 4. 'IS3. R. B. MORFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jackson vii.i.k, Oiikoon, 7 ILL priieticu in the several Courts of 1 I the Hist Judical District, nnd in the Supreme Court. October 'H. 'H2. B. F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jai'Ksonvh.i.k, Orkiion. -VIII practice in all the Courts of the Third adiulal District, the Supreme Court of Ore icon, nnd in YrUka, Cal. War Scrip prompt ly collected. Oct. 18. J. QASTON, (lucccMor to llred A flMton) ATTORNEY AT LAW. .1 ACKMISYIl.t.K, OrKOOK. Kspecial attention given to collection cases. Jiini; 10. lflM. 40 Vj Appoliitnit nt.) GEORQE B. DORRIS, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR JACKSON COUNTY. Office with II. V. Powell, E-q J. ROW, OKAI.KIt CM? A US. TOUACCO. FUESII KUUII'S, STATIONBUY. CONEEC- TIONKKY. FIUEWOUKS, ETC., Krsi tloor to IlrnUUury ik Wnile . I have Just opened a new xtnro and flock ed it with a cholc.it Variety of the ahove mctilioued articles, and oiler them for rale t Ihu lowct livliiL' prices. The ln-t of cigars anil chnwiiiK tolmceo will be kept coimlantly on hand. TIioho deNli-iug uy article in my lino will lavu money lv iv- ias me a call.. J. Hinv. JurkMiivrile.Julv 1. ':. .PI if DUGAN & WALL, FORWARDING 1HD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Brick UultillHK, Cor. Front b FatrMta CUESCENT CITY, CAL. WILL attend to the Receiving and For warding of all Good entrusted to thoir care, with promptness and dispatch. uonignin!iitK noucitcu. NerouaiulMe re ceived on utoritgo. Crerccnt City. April 11, 18G3. IS N. n.-NogoodNdelivercntil the freight an.I cunrufH are paid. l. i w. '49 '3 TIIK VERY BEST LK "RS Can be profltablj told at ONE-BIT A GLASS, Of which you can be eatUSed by calling at the EXPRESS SALOON. WE keep constantly on haml the beat of Wines. Liaiiors and Cig ars, and invito our IriewM und the public I 10 can nna icsi ineni. ve nave reuueca the '49 price3 heretofore prevailing, and are coufldent of our ability to mako a fuir liv ing by furnishing the best articled at leg it mate prices for 1 citiS. LUNCH at 11 A.HI., and 10 P. M. let in abundance. R. K. MYERS 1- CO. ' Jacksonville, July 22, 1903. augltf 8.'lKkj. tUI ji ',tT. n. etc' Trnitr Jw. M. Wen. II. J,B,rli. L I m t XX KENDALL & BOLT;? 80COK880M TO M.B. MORRIS AND WM.NANCKK, Kcrbrvlllc Josephine Cownly, Ogn. TUB ONDEIBIflNF.D HAVING POnCttABtt the rntlr latermfof M.B.M0RM8,andiilt6 the Intorent of WILLIAM NANCKK, of the firm If NANCItl'. A 1IOLT. wnntd tnott rwrjitctfullj In for tlm citl;ns of Kerhyvllle nnd Tidnltv that tiny hav merKil the two firnn Into on, tuidsr l)i unmi f "KKNDAI.L k HOLT," doing btnlniM In tho Imlld hk formerly occupied by Nuncke A nolt, hr they nteud to kp a gentrM aawrtqieqt ol DUY GOODS. GUOCEUIES. yUQVISIONS. MINERS' TOOLS. ETC., WTO. WewonMmMt refpcctftilly reqnMt ttia cltlpM of Kerlivrllle nnd tlcinlty to gtv ni a call btfcr DsrcliMtns rlwhcrc. All good delivered In the rlrinlt? free of chore. DAT 11) KKNDAlX, ' JOHN DOLT. KerbyTltte, Jane 24, 1SC3. i,mi Assessor's Notice. mjOTICn hereby gtren to the Tax Purer of Iw JwUfon county, Oregon, thnt nil pci-mmi 'reeling themeWcii ngKrleved by over-ntfCMmetit, or who liiwe been lllegAlly MKied, can meetnie, In conjunc tion lth the lloiwrable Uoard of County Comrali--Ktonir, Oi IVtdnesdatf, tfie Uthday of Oct. 1863, at the office of the County Clerk, JocVwmrillr', and Uirre have their grlernnrcn n(Jufl iierDrdlns' to law. CIIAni.EB W. 8AVAOK Aottnnr nf .Tnikeon county Orrcnc JitckionTllte. Sept. 23. ISfsl. wpStK Ordinance No. . IN ItELA'no?TTO DOGS. THE PEOPLrfoivpilE TOWN OF Jacksonville do nrd.iiu us lollows r Skc 1. Th.t each and every dop owned nnd kept within the corporation of the town of Jacksonville, shall he taxed inch, to tho owner nt- keeper thereof, two dollar for ev ery nix 111611111. (excepting sluts, which hall lw taxed two dollars nnd lifty cents for eve ry six month, to the owner or keeper there of.; Pit. 2. And every doer kept or harbored within the corporation of Jackson vlMo-hall wear nt alt limes a leather or metallic collar nrntmil the neck, with tho name of the owner or keeper in plain nnd legihlu letters, written, printed or en graved thereon, lint no slut clirtll ha al lowed to run nt large when in heat. Skc. 21. And if nny dog be found running nt lat-Ku within lha corrKiration. without a collar as aforesaid, and any slut when In heat as aforesaid, bo found running at htrg" within thu corporation, It shall he thu duty of the Mar.-huf. and lawful for any person. In kill every snch animal. And thu Marshal shall receive, for each dog so kllkd by him, the sum of two dollar to he paid out of tho Town Treasury, npon his account being pre sented and audited by ihu Hoard of Trus tees. Sko. -1. It shall bo the duly of the Marshal to co'ieci nil taxe as arorvMihl, arid no tax (hall bo collected for less Ihun six month) and the Marshal shall give hU receipt t'w said tax when paid, in the following form, ti-.vit : Reeeived. or A D, dollars. tax for six mouths (as thu case niuv be) upon his, tho said A. 1J.', dog, or slut, called . Man-Bal. Jacksonville, Oregon, 180-. J . Skc. 4. Any person owning or keeplnfc any dog or slut within this corporation, re fusing or ncKicctiuK to pay said ta. i aforesaid, shall be liable to a Hue of net more than five nor less than lltreo dollars, u liich may be on tho complaint of thu auirMiai uetoru uie town ii cower, Bee. 4. All tnxen collected bv virtue of tho provision of this ordinance, (tlic mar-, hlml deducting therefrom twenty-ilvo per C6nt. of tho amount forhis Tees), sliaH.wiinin thirty day after lint receipt tliereof, be paid over to tho town Treasurer, fur thu use of th" town. TIiIh ordinance Miall bo In. fovco ten days from and alter it piitUioatimi, Paed Octolw-r 29th. I8(i:t. Attest: 1. S. H.Yll-:.V.necoriler. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. SACHS BUCK'S ARK NOW Receiving and Opening BZf TXUfi NEW ftTOOX OF Full and Winttr GQQds, Direct from San Francisco, at their BRANCH STORE AT And ure determined to SELL AS CHEAP AW ANY OTHER HOU8B IN JACKHO County, For Cash. SACHS IIUO.'S Jacksonville, Aug. 29, 18113. aiu29tf STATIONERY & BLANK BOOK8 nt BRADBURY & WADE'S. T?IN1 J? at r?INE CIGARS AND TOBACCO BRADBURY & WADE'S. w OOD AND WILLOW WARH ut BUADBURY ft WADE'S. T?INKTEASat r BRADBURY k WADE1.