Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, November 07, 1863, Image 2

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    W W'l.ilinil.miMIIIHU'WW.HWWtWW
lWttXi,til-j m JAkiemJVn
. v.
Union, a Govhkkmunt rent thk wnot.V: th
IMifri'.iVMil.i:.1' W'athwtfton.
PrrnclilitpTil I he M. K. Gliurcli, in Jnck
ranvillp. to-morrow nt 11 o'clock, by Ilcv.
1. M. Slnrr.
Tlio pennlty for lefuairip: to niiRwcr tin?
questions of ilie Knrnllinrr Officer is two
ycurs Imjiiisnnmcnt nod 8500 fine.
The Yrrfcn Journal soys llic vork oT
streleliintr tlm telepriipli wire from thereto
this p'-ice is Mtont 1o he ninrnencctl.
A (lii' nt Auburn on Vim lStli nntl Ifitli
ull., ilrptrnyril the Court 1Iotic, the Cily
Brewery, two dwelling houses nnd a livery
On the lfith nil., near Wnllln Wnlln. nil
nflrny nnt'iirrcd between I wo (Joverntnent
tpani'ters. mimed Duly nnd I)nvi, in which
Ihp former s'tol nnd killed the kilter. Da
ly lo ennnned nt Pi. Walla Walla.
RnlnVrlt' nnd murder nro still of quite
frequent occurrence on the roads to nnd
from lit" North" mines. On the 10th nil.
four piron jwcd throimh thn Dalles, who
arcs ludiwd to have murdered and robbed
Lloyd Musrnd-T. Charlc Allen nnd a Mr.
Aaron, or forty or fifty thousand doling.
Thk l'litZK-t. Tho ltichinond Examiner,
cayo : ' It cannot Ik denied that the re
tilts of the b.tltlo of Chickahominy nrc not
all we lutl rear-on to anticipate from rue
ocxa in the nld. The enemy hold Chatta
nooga and Kal Tennessee, which were the
prizes or the battle."
, . DnnwNKtt. The dead body of u Cor-
, man, tmmed .Schatfler, wns found in the
Illinois river, below Kerhyville, on the
29th itlt. lie was by trade a boot and
nhoe maker, mid hud practiced thut occupa
tion iir Villiiiinburg nnd, more lately, in
Wuldn. Some lime previous to his death
he had started out from the latter place on
peddling trip, and is supposed to have
been accident ally drowned. The body,
when found, appeared to have luin in the
water tavern I weeks.
Thk Indians. Tiee George nnd JuckV
band of Jmliuns, came from their country
about two weeks ngn, und have established
their liendtjoarlcrs in Dead Indian Prairie.
On llic 27lh nit., while on their way out,
passing through the fields of larineN nnd
throwing down fence, five or Fix of I hem
went to the house of Mr. JJiinynnl, in the
vicinity of Adihuid, und mm caught him
by the arm and another by the foliar, nnd
drawing Icuivm threatened to kiJI him.
Parties who were out huntiinr havu been
ordered ta leave by the Indian, they claim
ing xnai country a tuoir own. nits car
casses of eat tie found attest that the Indiana
nrc bavin? plenty to cat at the expense of the
farmed, ft id also said that tliu Indian
havo taken pn-ie-wmi of a nuttier ranch
and cabin on the Prairie, during the own
er's ubencj. anl rj making free use of his
cooking-stove and supplies. The citizens
of the upper portion of our Valley, many
of whom have horsa und cittle running in
tbe IK'ad Indian country, intend presenting
their grievance and petitioning the remov
al of tliQ Indians. Sub-Agent Itozers in
forms us that lie will lo3e no time in forward
ing the petition, setting forth theso fact to
Col. Drew, who it is hoped, will compel
tbo Indians to leave that section, for the
citi;;;ns are not likely to submit to being
robbed nnd generully annoyed by the In
dians without retaliating on them, -and
may thus provoko them to a declaration of
war. If it is within the power, or means,
ol the authorities, the '-Indiana should be
sent to, or beyond Port Klamath, under
the eye of the military.
V HBiffl'fc .sL
Mr. 0. W. Savage Is a Irieud of ours.
Wc have indoubtah1c;cvidence of 'this fact
for lie called on us day or, two since, nnd
by bis enquiries und general manner evince
great interest in our welfare. After dis
cussing the prospects for A wet winter,
business, etc., he solicitously enquired our
heiillli. iiffP, nativity, etc. Our answers no
grcntly interested him that he nt once pro
ecoded lo note them on n blank bonk
bought especially for the porpo.p. Whilst
abstractedly wondering whether he intend
ed writing our biography or designed men
tioning our tiamo and overpowering merits
in connection with some responsible 'o'flleial
mission, to tHic powers that confer them,
wevrcre suddenly nwnken to dismay on
henTing nor friend address the same
enquiries to-ouclt nttneheof the office, (he
imp exceptea. A light broke in upon u.
Our friend is an Enrolling Officer, and he
desired to learn whether we me of the pro.
per ngp und condition in life lo t-ervc
' Uncle Sainue?," us a high private, should
he need n few hundred thousand more.
Well, we are enrolled. We nre one of
Uncle' Sam's reserves. If you want us
Father Abraham, why just "toot your
horn. Hut we nre not greatly exercised nt
I he posibilily of being drafted ; for even
if that should be our lot. wc would expect
to go into the ranks with some of our
.' Democratic'' friend, nnd the witness the
process by which that clas of patriots pre
moulded into horrid Abolitionists.
I'Ai'Kiw Consolidate) The Statesman
und I lie Arpm, of Salem, have been con
solidatid. Mr. Hush has no connection
whatever with Ilie pnper. Messrs. Wait
& Ciuig have charge of the michniiicnl de
partment of the paper, und Mr. 0. P. Crnu
dall is editor. It nuiiouncis the following
its its p'utform, tiding upon which we
know ull loyal Oregoiiinus will join with
us in wishing the Siatetnmn success :
"The Statesman will not In; the piirtizun
of any man or faction, bnt will labor un
tiringly to promote the paramount inter
ests of Ihu Union. That policy which
evideully'Fcrvcs In (rush the relH-llion, and
make it impossible for the damunlile trag
edy ever lo lw nirnin enacted on American
soil, npd which tends to restore the great
ness, glory, prosperity, nnd happiness of
the Union', will be 'the 'determined policy
of the Statesman. Thn Union nnd our
Government nbove all oilier consideration
lo secure their perpetuity, we must tram
pie under the feet of n loyal soldiery every
blade of grass in every rebel Stale. What
ever diversity of opinion there may be in
respect of minor politic, llic first great
duty of the people is to join unanimously
in rescuing the Government from the
clutches of armed treason. This duly we
recognize, und will perform lo the best of
our ubilily. ' Our rule of action, then, will
be to cooperate with nil Union men, in ull
Union measures, for the sake of the Union."
" Nevada1 nnd California process of Sil.
vcr and Gold Extraction, for general use,
nnd especially for the mining public of
California and Nevada, with full explana
tions nnd directions lor ull metallurgical
operations connected with silver nnd gold,
from u preliminary examination of the ore
to the final casting of the ingot. Also, n
description of the general metallurgy of
silver ores, by Guido 'Kuslcl, Mining En
gineer nnd Metallurgist, former manager of
the Ophir Works, etc. -Illustrated by ac
curate engraving, nnd published by Frnnk
0. C.irllnn, San Francisco, 18G3." This
is a book very highly commanded by scien
tific authorities, und Ihu press generully.
by stuo'yJog this work the miner and mill
man can readily lenrn mid practice such
methods of extracting silver nnd gold from
the different claws of ores n are practica
ble and adapted to circumstances.
. , . t -
The Yrcka Journal says two men lately
left Cottonwood to e3cnpu the Enrolling
Officer there, nnd wero enrolled in this place.
Mr. Savage, Enrolling- Officer for this coun
ty, suya he enrolls nil iton f the proper
ages, whether residents of the county or
not. If a person says he bus been enroll
ed in nnothcr county. 'Mr. Savaga enrolls
liini and then notes tho statement.
Siskiyou county, Cul ia exceedingly un
fortunate in apparently being the home of
ns desperate a parcel of villains ns ever
went unhung. Prom time to time the
Yrcka papers give ncconnts of incendia
rism, murders, jobberies, ele. The rascals
are rcmatknbly. fortunate in cauaplnff detection.
The Dog Law.
Mr. Editor: I e by the last issue of
the Skntinw, that nur oily fathers have
nascd a doi; law. As I nm the owner of n
poodle, nnd as my pocket-nerve is some
what senslllve these days, I propose to nsk
our Cily Leglslntors u question or two,
1st, Where, gentlemen, d d you tret your
power to levy n lax on dog? Sub-division
2d. of Hcction 2 of uriicle 4th of the
Act of Incorporation, rends thus: "To
levy nnd collect taxes, not to e.xct-ed one
mill per cent, per annum, upon ull propei.
ty mado taxable by law for County nnd
State purposes." Will yon plense inf.utn
nirt whether dogs nre " liixable by law for
County and State purposes?" If thvy re
not, how cm our City Father lax them f
The Cily Put hers, I uver, have no right to
levy n specific Inx upon nny nrtielc. The
tnxes levied by lliem must, like other luxes,
be based on n valuation regulated" by law,
ond then the rule per cent is llxrd by the
Act of Incorporation, nnd it is 'Mint to
exceed one mill per cent, per nnnuiii." It
takes four thousand dolhm valuation, nt
one mill per cent per milium, to produce
four dollars in tax. Is every lie pood e in
this town worth lour thousand dollars? No
wonder that dogs are plenty in u city
where they nre valued so hinh ! Hut the
strength of the legislative jke i that u
she poodle is worth one thousand dollars
more than n lie poodle I Where did l lies
Conscript! Pitrentci get their extraordinary
notions of dog valuation?
Mr. Editor, without any doumatic flour
ish or logical howl, suuVr me lo pass to the
collaring portion of this dog law. I have
an instinctive dread of Ihu collaring pro
cess, and lientv shall touch it lightly. I
Imve got a leather med.il fur my dog. with
the following embossed Mipciscriplioti.
spangled with gold coil, upon it. -Tne
properly of Peter Iliguins. Eq." Sat. No
baser collar aptly becomes Ihe howling
oymphouy of a lour thousand dollar dog i
Hut pray, Mr. Editor, had not the honored
City guardian, the power to have pre
scribed a gold collar as well us u leuther
or tin one ?
lastly. This profound specimen of leg
islatiou, chnste in its language, brilliant in
its expedients, nnd full of villainous salt
pelie. authorize the Marshal lo kill the
valuab'e animals found running at large
uncollared. Whether this will turn out to
be a sanitary regulation or not, depend'
on the validity of the law.
Tiik Ownkii ok a IIk Don.
Sheriff's Sale.
BY virtue of two executions, tlnlv Issued
by Ihu Clerk of the Circuit Court, of
Ihu Slate of Oregon lor Ihu county of
Jackson, on a mandate order and judg
ment of the Supreme Court of said State,
and lo tne directed; one in favor of Allen
F. Farnham, and ihu other in favor of
Smith A. Tnv-li, and both ugnlnst Jesse Unit
iusoii and others, for the recovery of the
aggregate sum of Ten Tlimi-anil Three
Hundred nnd fllty-lhreu and forty-six one
hundredths dollars, iutcrcM, costs and ac
cruing costs, 1 have levied upon, u the pro
perty of Jcsmj Itnhlii'oii, thn following
dci-crlbi-d real properly, to-wll: Donation
Laud Claim, known on the mapsaud plats of
the United States, m Donation Laud Claim
of Alonr.0 A.Sklnuer-nolillcatloii No. (i,:tliti,
claim No. titi, townMilp 117 hoiilh, ranu No.
2 west; nlso one tract of lain), containing
KiO acres, more or lees, the southwest quar
ter of section 31, in township Uli south,
range 1 west.
Abo, I havu levied upon, ns tho property
of nil tho defendants, to wit: Michael
Thomas, Tobias Thomas, Henry A. Broil
bnrth,. Joseph Jacob-', Anton Olx-it, J. C.
Weiss, W. Uittner. V. K. Margrnlf, Field
Lamle nnd Jesse Kobliihon, donation laud
claim known on the maps nnd pints of the
United States as Donation Laud Claim of
John Harrett,--notltluatlon number (i.200,
cluim No. 48 containing Wlti and (tf-lOO
acres township 88 south, range one east.
Also, Donation Land Claim known on the
mans and plats of the United States as Do
nation Land Claim of William Newhouso
notification 0,194, claim No. 41), township
38 south, range 1 east. Also, a pleco or
parcel of land, being a quarter section of
one hundred and sixty acres, ndjoiuing the
said donation land claims Nos, 48 nnd 40
nnd Win. Chase's land claim, it being the
tract of land purchased by Thomas Sf Ja
cobs from Thomas Barrett.
All of said property is situated in Jackson
county, Oregon, and will bo ofiered for sale,
together with tho improvements, heredita
ments and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing, for cash, to the highest bidder, to satis
fy Bald executions, on Saturday, December
fill), A. D. 18G3, between the hours of nine
o'clock A. M. and four o'clock 1. M. of said
day nt the Court Houso door, nt Jackson
ville, In said county. W. II. S. HYDE,
Shcriir ot Jackson comity, Oregon.
November nth, ISIiil. nov74w.
iMAJVt 1.Uj WAtiONft'ttt
Wlloloaialo c H.otJfll
In addition to their usual Stock of
staple ai nm GOODS
Have Just Received a Fine Assort
ment of
Ladies' Felt Hats,
Merino and Caslimerc Vests
Gnitcrs,VulmoraIs & Anklets
Coal-Oil Lamps,
Tho fvtt nnd Well-known Double-r.nglno Steamablp
Wilt bo iltipitclicit Ur PANAMA, from Mtton
Sttccl WLaiT, ut 0 utlotk, A. M., un
rillOAV NOVKMUKIt, 13 18C3,
Conncctlnj; tin Pannmn Itnllrowl, at Anpln
wall, with lliu aplc-mlid Steamalilii
I'nmcnrH nro Innilod nt l'annmft Initio
dintcly on unlvnl, Itv Hie rnimma Kail
root Company'ri htcambout.
Tliu Company also luwo wlmrf lagillllcM
nt Aspinwall. A Unggac Mrtstur will bo
Kent on end) etcninur.
For lurtliur inlonnallon npply to
I. K. noiJKUTtf. Agent,
407 Wubhington .St.. S.n Fruncbco,
oct21td Opposltu tlml'ost OAlon.
THE Stockliolilvra in llic California nnd
Columbia Hivvr Kailroatl Company, ure
lii-rcliy notilk'd to incut nt tho ollico of J.
(iiiHton, in Jacksonville,' Oregon, on llic 7th
day of November, IHG'.t, for the -.purpose of
electing iv Hoard of Director to servo lor
tho ciibuint? year. J. GASTON.
On behalf of tho Incornorutnr.
Jacksonville; Oct. 7, 1802. oct734
AflminlMratdi's Stile.
E3TATI5 of Cnrriclc Scott Mnynatt
ileccnVcil. .
Ily nn order of fee County Cortrt, In nnd
for tin' county of Donplno mid Shite of On
(ron.iniidi'iit Ilii'SepleinlicrlVriiior tlio haIu
Court. A. I). 1803, direction nx to cell cer
lain real etntu or lite Into Cnrrlck Scott
Mavnall. wo will ofler for tnv, on llic prem
ise, on Cow Creek. In Cow Creek l'recinct,
in Donaliix county, Sinlo of Orejjon. on St
nnln.v. tlio flOi tlay of Decemlie'r. Iietwecit
tin- lioni'i or i) o5lnck A. M. nnd -1 1. M.-,
tin- Inllowing defCrilied Heal Kitnle, Ijculn
iilng at tlio iimf ter cecllon post, on tiie linn
between Metionn 22 nnd 2!l, In township 23,
sontli rntin f west; llience fnnniiiK north
tl):IW cliaiii-; tliencu eat 20:00 chninr:
Ihi'iicu novili 40;00 clirtln- tltcirtJo west flOiOO
chains tlienci) couth 80:00 clmlii"; thence
enl 2lMl ttlialii". lo lliu placu of beginning
coiiialiiint; 317 i;4-ll)() ncres, tnoio or K-ps,
to lliu hluliest blildi'V, lor cash.
OclotHT Hi. 18(13. ontaMw
SlifrkfPs sake.
BY vlitiif or nn I'.xcciilloii. to nt" directed,
is-ntil out of the Ciicnlt Court, for h
County of Hottcliw nnd Slate of Oregon,
for i he want of eultlclent personnl proper
ly. I liaVi! levied upon nnd will proceed' to
dell, lo the highest bidder, ror cash,
On the 'iQttt day of Ptotcmlicr A. D. 18G3,
between lliu hours o! 10 o'clock a. m. nnd
1 1'. M. of said day. nt Hie Court llousn
door in said eouuly. nil the litilit. title nnd
interest of WH.MaM WILSON to Ilia fol
lowing d stribed proietiyt lo-vil: A cer
tain phce of liiinl it'giiiiiiug ai a point l:fl
chain- cml of the inntle a-l corner of J.
JieekwintliV Diiuatinii Laud Claim No. 39,
in Inwin-hlp ill), south of raugi' -I west; run
iiIiil' thenci uiirlh I'MHI elinlns; thence east
7:(!ll clialnsj tlience we.l H:(l() clniii; llieucn
souili li:l') uhiiins: Ibeiiee i-tit ll:S.t chains,
to the pliitv of iM'giiiuiui!, coulaiiiiug si.t
and si.My ouediiiiiilleilllis neres, Al-o, tin)
following ih-sutibi-il ju'euilsi's. to-wll: Itcgln
uliig at i'ii' uorth'-ast eorinrof the Land
(Jlalio nf .1. V. lleukwnrih.No. 3!), lowuMiip
30, smith of raiiu'i- Nn. 4 We.l; iiimiiug
t hence '.'7:2.' linl: ll e. M.utli 1 1:25 linkt
theueo ea-t a7:2.i liiiks tlciit'e north 11:24
link. to thi' placiMif beginning, nnutaiiiing
Ihnly.one und twiuly.i)ii oue-lniiiilreiltht
acico.iill being anil lyin,' in the County of
Doiiglnx nnd Slate of tlivgiui. u ill llienn
piiileiiauces thereunto IHougtiig. The said
jiroperty I fitkcn to salifl'y an ev-cutiou,
issti-d out of said Court, in fat or of LI!()N
Altl) STINGI-:it. mid agalu-l WILLIAM
WILS N for lliu sum of (d2M 20-10U)
I wo liuiulndnud elevi'ii mid twenty one
liunili'.'dls dollars JiidgiiK-iil uud cn-tttnud
accruing costs. L. IIOWlv
Sherirfof Doiigl.m Co.. Ogn.
IlOM'litirg. Oct. 2lt. I.i;:i. oei:tlw4
.Slate of Oregon, fur lliu County of
Jncksnii. i
Allen F. Fiii'iilinm rinliillff. v. John It.
Iloiid, .ToM-pli JiicoIh. .Murray Ihirnett nnd
his guardian John l)ainei,,leu ivnliliiwjn
mid the said John Harnett, Klcluird llnr
nut 1. 1), H. Ilaiuelt. Jiimes liaruetl nnd hi
wife Isabella A. Itaini.lt, T Immiiis Itnrnett,
I'utcr Keslingiiiid his wile ('nlherimj Kef
ling, Joeph Gasloii mid V. II. S. Hyde,
Slierilf Defendants.
Injunction noil Supplemental Hilt In
To the nlmvu nnmed defeiiilniils: Yon nro
hereby summoned mid rupilied to appear
In Ihu said Court, on Hid Hot day of Hit
ue.xt term thereof, to Imi beu'an nnd held at
tho Court Hoiimj, in tho town of Jackson
ville, in snitl county, on the 8ili djiy of Feb
ruary 181! I, uud answer tliu complaint of
thn said riaintilf. filed agaiut you in suld
Court, or the sniiiu will betaken for con
fuhsed, mid tho Court will decieu tin: four
deeds executed by the said llarnetts nnd tho
said Peter Kesliug nnd hi wife Catherine
Kcsling, for tliu Donation Land Cluim No.
18. or Ilie said Julm Harnett mid hn wifa
Margaret, lying in said county, to mid
Hood, will lie declared Irmiduleiit mid void;
nnd the judgment rendered in tliu said
Court, on the 1 Ut It day of June. 1803, in fa
vor of Mil I ray Harnett and John K Hond,
aguiust Jesst Holiiuson. for Ihu sum-of nix
thousand three hundred dollim mid costN of
thn suit, will liu (l eland Iraiiduleiit nnd
void mid perpetually enjoined;' mid the
riaintilf will take judgment ngiiijiflMho do
leiidiuitH for tliu cost mid disbursementt. of
the suit, und for such other mid' Vu'rther re
lief ii8 may appear to lliu Court equitably
and just, in tho premises. , -
liy order of 1. 1. l'rim, Juduo.
Attorney for l'laintllt
October 28, 18fi3. octlltwS
County Treasurers Office
At Law Ollico tt
Stiito of Ou-Ron Counly or JnrkJon.
TAX-l'AVKItH uro hereby uoiilluil that the book
am now ready. All pouwi linvini; inxnAtf
niea ni?a!nst Ilium in M county, nro rcuxsUd t
fiay nucIi titxvi to lliu Yreuurvr if miM cuiU (ur
ill l)imty), ut hta ollico in Juckiavlll,h6)io tli
first dny of Juiiuitry uoxt. Tlio Aiuuiuit of Stat
Tax UMessed ia pajublo in gohl or silver coin.
Per K. F. Kwnstu, Deputy.
Jacksonville, Oct. 21, 1803. bvfJIwi
Atlnifitintot'aNwticc, aj
ESTATE of Win. H. Mowatt, deceased.
Notice is hereby giTcn to nil whom it
may concern, that Ibc undersigned hag been
uppdnlcd Administrator of tho cutnto of
W. II. Mowatt, ueceaseu, invu oi jucksou
county, Orogon. All j;rsoii8 Indebted to said
estate nro notified to ay up within six
months; and hII pcmm having claimt
against said estate, nro requested to present
them for payment to me, nt my residenco
on Hear Creek, within six months from dat.
ncAU Cr.EKK, Jackson County. Oet.17. lb'C?,