Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 31, 1863, Image 7

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'- ' - 'look upon fonieol tin many minimi camp
Tiik Urw.-The men over the n.vbee(0f t)lf mk (Uy$ pf piM Umll llKlll
tr.ck. thotich the weather wa cxcmlinjly hfrc ,, , ovcr n vt rtpiin r
rWnt, were but rtlnVr attended. The ronrr Mch mW fl,r yi,,r, Bniljnilr
rrotwt. on me mi nay lor n unr nimnlo, t .,npnirt,illf nilti ,init. v
f ii. lor mbiiici.. innr mm rrin-iu nvir
were three enlrie mHe. ami two ptntctnl I (
-the well known - I'lnck." of Yr.hr,. ami.
Mr. John Heron (Sltnciw. ' " I'ltick
won the firrl licat entity in 2:0l. Ulen
rV' wa then withdrawn, ami " I'luek"
wt galloped round, atiduttiti the puree.
To day' fpirt (?) chwtd with n decidedly
ninterctln rare lcttivn uMJrhorM
Tex" und onoiycd lldry." Won by
'TtX" Neither Imrw were in condition
Ut running
Srrenti Ihvj. Stnpl d.-th of n mile for
to year-old. !. Wnlkcr rntcrtd hi
1. firman dill. "J'm Crack." ami Ad.
lldlm hi b.iy Kidman filly - Mi." Thi
it Hid m have Ixvn it vry prriiy race.
tb Hart evn, Ida" on ll ind.le. and
I tke race dear round wa chcly cnnictiil.
Won ly "dim Crack" liy lwlfa leitijth.ln
1W. J loth cot-. In the o-ott-n. won ma
ty friend.
A trotttn? race f r 7"i, lictwvn .T. L
While" - riytiy.Hhrhi.H nod J. SmHcyV
- Mytery," wa won bv the latter hi 3:16
7Hrt Day !! Ikn.1. le-rt two In
three. Tor a mrrv of Sl.Vl. entrant tut per
rent, adJrd. Ail ll-' tn entered fitmim
i-ld racer " Xvbnitka lldl. and IIm. .1. C.
T.'lmun uitercd In thrce-vnrnM Il.fli nrnti
Ely, "Minnie IMIe." " Minnie" wan tlt
ftrorlte, nnd Imt few could ! TimuM with
inj to In-t saint her. ' It'll friend"
Tured he vM not carry the wrsht pnv
pirlloneil to III nsi'. 117 poin"!', while
Minnie" carried. n prr imifoiiii raeinu
rale, but '3 intinil. On thr firt IhmI
ibfy cot u pr-lndid Mart, " Hill" on the In
K Imt before iIm-t made the firt turn.
-Minnie" f hot abend and took the truck,
iw thence to Hk half mile pot kept well
M hand by lier rider. " Hill" chie on her
naarlrni ; thence to tk iMnnMirvtcli the
rrlatire xiili(iii nf the lret In each
4tirr Trleil bat bltle ; roinln home Min
lie" palmij niwl won by feveml lenjrih,
WtliitniinaU nndi-e ehi-ek. Time. I At.
On the trt for tliete4nd limt " Minnlf"
fX an adranlae of leu or fifteen frel. nnd
ttnu;h niiotT. at limen, a pretty Miimw
VdH. waiMaiil Iht ndtantnci' H the way
nmr.1, aim won the heal In l:fiS.
The miivemenl of Minnie" tn thl
ree creuteil a general iinpnrion In the
crowd that, without uceldeiit. if puthrd.
We could have made cucli heul in I'M or
Tlie ra caeh djy vent offiju'etly, nixl
but little, moiM-y clunged har.ik
.M I ii ii iu Hide.
H'tut (U-yur UdnUKii Ua nrt tumu-
Minnie Itltk. of lid county, l the winner
f .lr jrarwoue t Spring awl 'ur "'
Vt ; and liotwilh.taBd,ua the vary Mow
time Ue ha mle in Kime of Itnr.c cimltM.
Wr trlnd prnpo to mutch hr ngalwt
tT burte tn tbi State, or nidfiM any olt
f Lir on the 1'aelrk nat. fur two or
titm thnuunj dolUrx u Mil mile luiU. to
t , ortr tbu Ilyliw travk, lu the month ol
Mr. leU.
Tn Aierno Citizk.Ni. Here folfon.
Irom tlio Cbarkctim (S. C.) Mtrtuuj.u ,1a.!
tie crumb of comfot t fur all cittern by
-option, who ut the lata c'fcltan. hijijwM
d the &m(U Curo1intt-.Srtiun Drmoorat
It p-arty:
We ore ilie most orUtr-crotie iipl In
tie world. Anl of i-elute, of twlor. uirI
irilege, maku wry imsti on arUloerat
fcclms. Aritrraey ii the oIy m6c
Ward of litjerty. the only power wntehlul
d strong; tNOugli to cxcluJe niooareliiwl
'VapotiMu. At the North, the progrea
d tendency of opinion U to puru )m9C
rey, leu joverBmeiit unorchy, anl ugrarl
ui.ni, juQidelity, and free low.
"Hotter, a thowand tlmw Utttr, to
ouw under the duuiiuion of free uegroej,
cr of fypief, tbuu of VankeM, or low
'Jtfinam, or Canadiani. Uypiiw and free
ej-'rot have many umisble, and noble
'riU; tue. Yankee, fourkrout (jtriwn,
IBiby, whikydriukiujj Jrlub obd Caoudi
tia Lave none."
Tltotcul our KubH.-tiber uho wWi to
ry for tbtir paper in alove troi.l, ihoukl
'"1112 It lu without tJeniy, lor if
r coiuritllejl to oay cub for ttootl, we,m UjImiii comity, 'i't.in.. a Itw ilut a,il' i-luinice lor ,Mefcbuinlx'. ut
H'Jit Lare ca.b for oilr jwper.
llj-cone Tlmca.
Whsl Mrnnjrc frt-Iliif come nvrr os as we
occanie entirely dcttrlitl. n the mini re-'
vh f)
irmer proline nbiintl-
ncc or aiinl.-rt.iw purticir to mc ivivtn.
.i ,
tnrotn miner Murdy Uroke ami unaliate.1 1
demand. l'Vtlinn c( clooinincM creep ,
over nS S wc pa among the worked out,
deerted ravines, cretkt and gnlehen. where
the rocki lie heaped on the bank, reinnv.
, , i i . .i i
CM irnui lueir uuviviii ii'tuu iuii: nun ,
origin.il deposit. The enrlh waluil away,
to other parli expos the now ghatlly akel
etoiiiofoncc Ix-uuliful, immndering ttrt-um,
lh.it cnuoed thrir nuy down the mouiituili
fide, thrimifli evrrgieen
crovci of tower
Itt.f ftirT tin.l Lifir tttmtftliri,itiri ill. imI.
.-.M ....-. ...... ...,.,, ...... ........f.. .. ...
Icy lu the Urgtr trmm Mow. A we
pai uhHc.ttf look in throujsh the half
njKn diNir of empty cibin, und figh n
kc think of the many probably disappoint
ed Ihk imlolgiil by thne who here liihub
ilnlj hope that ot bet are uncertain, ond.
u mineri well-know, ton often iliMpjx.lntnl.
In thoM craiiiblin. drciyit i-jbm how
tuuiiy nilrr hate bttrii built in the air on
the Imp ol f.irlunc.fo !h to be wrecked
in the bilk-My ikvuii of iifi-jlteiidilii; i)lap.
poiiiiiii.nl! Upuii the enrtheru II mr lie
K-atleml ubont remaining fragnienU nf
the pioneerV fwniy houehokl ami kitchen
furniture. 'Ilie door win jjmlly tit und
fro on lu nooden hingef, in coinplalaul
iilimiflon to the wliidj crmki, and mnan
a if lu-jing to the louel.neo o( the cne
u dirge lu it lore gone occupant' depart
ed hepe. Hy the wall, in the corutr,
fimiiN ihernngli, cobnebb bunk, wheronj
Ibe miner (hi ureumeil ni home au.l
friend far uwuy in the old Atlantic Stole,
or hi ome dUinnt, foreign luiul; kt-j
elwtnv, of one mure dear u fair tine for
whom lie "u then eiHlurinj the toll und :
prirnlhiiit of a miner' life. I
Surrimiidiil by many trying hardship.
the wiaje. warlike nburigone, firrce, wild .
Iieai, lUt nightly roam nt htrge inteorrli !
ol prey tramping nud hunting over high j
mouatahi to imue tvwly worked p'neer i
ute feeble attempt at enutnerallnn of the
m.inr il.infr un.1 iliflleulllM ofirlvdjv'
In the mine, cncounti-rcd by the adventur-;
(Hid, noble npiritf who forAOok the oclely
nf eodyariiig friend, and umid rod parting
leui of loved one, rt their face to the J
wt'.Hvunl. Ala! how few hui fori line!
allotted to return to comole and make hap-,
py the huxUmi loveil onw ut home. Strug-'
gllng oguiii't Kule, how many n iroble on
und brother, the pride ami lmie of u ha-',
py family far uwuy, Iki tut-cumln-d to
overUtlitd onergh. the ravngM of dlcaK',
or by accident or tlw hand of violence, J
lrn hurriol to tlw ' bourne from whence
no trateler return!'' They now !umberl
in u uli now 11 und unumrkwd grutw, In the
jim-eM.uri mc MHWie.ou ii-- m, u, ,
the cabin, where moi ktull ro-t your
Nos lvT Minku.
School Kxiiibitio.v. The present term
ol Mr, il'dilly' Female Hthool qIomh
on Friday evening next. On the Saturday
evtniu follow ing ilie liiln.il glvlog a
wliool eAbibllbm. at tliC Court lluue.
The parent und friends of the scltolaw und
public gentrally are invited to attend,
Urauiumy & W'ajik are now rocelvlnjr
a line oMrlirteiit of 01 Ury cowi, bonnet,
Imtf, bawl, cloaki, clolhinif, a.l fancy)
f,'Oodofall kind.
I'r.tMin.YAMA The U
In Pennsylvania, hud the (nUkn leen ol
lowiJ to vote, ould have been, ut it low
wtinrate, 150.000. Next yeur, by u Isw
tobefrumed thi winter, the whller will
be iuritetl to vote.
Uriau wr DtRBKiw. We do not die who!-
lyatour death: have laiwWerwl aay
longlielort, Fueully after fuctdty. litem!
after InfNil. .ttutBWt aftr attachment
,lbi,n..i.nei VI'. nra torn frf,m tUirUilVM
lHMfJ(at(v) v - . - .-..--
while llvlus; year after year mm u uo
longer Ibe taine.and deuth only eoiln;
tlielait fnigrueutsof what we trtro to Ihe
A Wtlrn editor tta lately bot la an
nfl'ray. Luckily, tho Inll came agalutt a
buudlo of uupahl actum. I 111 hi pocket.
Guupottder could cot go through that!
AsoTiir.rMotttts.- I.leut. 1T.II. Morgan,
eL m.DK.,, ofijBrtt Morgan ,ttacpliinl
j wbih lu cwtuuiaud cf n tsouting vywpa-.y.j
By Joso-TlTWdttol-or.. MOTHERS MOTHERS
' O. laeer. tweet larger. Imtln' lager Wer, ' MOTHERS
Now lt prale we II fltlR 'he ncltier IhINT till to rmn MltK. WINJmwa NWTIt-comi-ln
Kin plielf Uod eln I,!RCr Uecrr' , Thin tIiiM fmrlln In llir iTTcrlHl.m i.f one
rpm; proprietor nnncmncM thsl the ar-,
l. rnnp-ineiiiiar lilMirvwrry arc hi rxim
1. rnnK-ineiilir hl llrvwrry nre hi exleu-
.it'i. Aim riimiiiHip mm lie cm uriv mi cum
- .-.- s, ,- n,n , ' Vnp nn
A .-, rtic..or Urii-r lleer. .
The Urci ci-lUr ol the eUatitWiment are
J ft Xlh u? WallKSSr "
j Cll at the Habxm. on the upiier end nf
, Oregon ircvl, tot the Iji-er. and leo jour
lorili'if. Jitrkxmvlllc. Oct SI. ISiltt.
Ii Blooin
lo iT.nNiv Ecnnm vnicr I
. H a a, I
A LnrRC anil Wcll-Selcclcd
3D3737" CSrOOCflS,
inc., L'7c, nre,
All for Sale at j:troiui-l)'
Low Prices,
For Cash.
- r.r.tr r,,r ,. ..1 rvor.. I.o Imlie.
. .....H. .v. .-. . , ..- -
"r1 w"
Store 011 Oregon Struct, In
M'Ctill)' ItricK.
Jukonvillf, Oct. 21, lfcOU.
stj:a:hsiiii' lim:,
nilEAl llKUVVllUS S lUTl'.S!
tu. WJIkia iMiUt-tnclM ttouMf
Will L- dtafMlJbJ U I'ANASIA. fiwa MlMba
Mrwl tt t-uf, (U V u'tlvtJi, X. ilH vu
mlOtV JtOVUMHUU, 13 liCS,
UvniMctlac ! 1'b llUriM4. at A)Jt
H, 1Ui Uta H1 MMOufcl
C; Ofl JiyiVC!
T3, ..ity r. .1 ,J)
1 " - '
I'a.ear. ar haded at l'unam lini.e-
umfiy on uiinui, ut iuu 1 iiuuiiia vii
I lusil IrflllllLLHv'rf ktUUrilUO-tl.
, , ' , , ' 'I j, (.itiiioaiiv nlui li'ivo wharfafuellltiet
Jllioll mojTllyi.. V7.i ii T A lWrt'ae lluteV rill U
KMil oil vcu Mtuir
1 or further liilon.iatlnii upply to
I. K. HOHKUTs. Ajjuiit,
1117 Wubiuuton HU. San I'ranelteo,
oeUJtd Oppiwle the 1'o.t Olltoe.
Auction Sale!
nvwvn vnv sai t' to th0hl.-!i
T' "',K 1,0U8AU" ,ho,1,SJ
J .
m . 1 fit f
l fl.i(tllk ,.. 'Mj , (0ortUpa-wril.d .ru.SIS tb?nuiiZMZltul
,wfiy, lo-vilt: One I'arw, tonUlniuj; ICO VniMi.ijrenUiiWiiiJ.v.iU
uerw, un umir cultivation, huh iiuow
usd kouiI well of naters aboa lot of mills
cow. Il-teers nod youinr ttoek. Koine
Mar ni.d Coll, and o lot of about thirty
1 1 11 n
lote and bacou lio, UlouSiUj; 10 tbu e-
talc of I', Jone, ilfeeael.
JJy owu farm U to let on tery reaionulle
1-., tl ll lliiYII"
ltf,'",. u .'.,'..
O-l. 2). '02. Kxteulor In Mini -ltc.
' - -- . . .
t nLOLK AMI I'ltQDl tT.lukfii ui.V
July It). UT MAX ML'M.UR'S.
IT Ih N-t f nl iliylrMn M nnri In lli 1'nl. I
im ki uw, n.l l. Un l fur il.iri) jrii!i
i,rrrfAlll:itmi''t) - ""'l,",TfitTit.illl. ,f imih
.. h.i i.ii.ih fnn in. r j. niih if i. k..i
tn,.ii.nlr trllcrn the thin rn.m Min, twt inticr
M1, , ,llMllw), arK is rmrtit notJitr, inl
pit l.mr Aixl t nrtfj lu Ilie Iri ijilfui. It will
lm.t hiiUnll rrllrto
(Uma in tin luitruji, xn WixnOnuc
Ullrto II tlio IU-,1 rik! liirvtt UiHiwIy In llif
Null, In nil nun it HYJKNTI'.I'.V mi.l HIAtt
lllii:AI.Sl'lltl.HUi:N,lirllirltiirl,rrvinlrlli. Injt or fnM any llif r uui.
t'ntl lln-rti.m f T u.llic III iwihii nj rti ltll.
Nvii. llrnulni unlr tin. fic,lmit vf CIUITIJA
I'KUKIN.'', Nr Yiik !'ii ll.o tniiM r4fr.
H..I I ..r nil Mf.lrln lv!rf l'rliidt (l(Hi. it
ivKimiXrw vuk,
I'aie ( 0ir 2ft Ctiu r Itnttx
I iirniMiniN AW,
4I0nihl 41S KnHit IM, Uii I'ranrlvn,
uiAiinO AiilifrClir.'tul.
3 T--1000-- 3C.
' They purify, lmiutliiii and ) .( i u i
They create a hcnltky nppe
j They are an antidote lu clrtg .Mater
and diet.
1 They overcome effect of tlMpatlon nnd
lute hour.
I They livngtucii the lyitem and enliven
I Ilie mind.
'They prutetit mlnmiilo und Intermittent
I Thry jmrlfy tlio breath nnd aal.llly of
I the Mourned.
, They cure dyrpeitn nnd conMlpatlrn
I Tln'y cure dlarrlitiM, cholvru uud chulvra
I morbus
They curu liver complaint nnd ncrvou
I lu-ad ache.
Tln-v uie the ln-t bitter In the world.
'Thry make I ho weak in.ni Urons. iifiirr
tjltmitlfl Mturt't iirtiU tuhotr. llwy im
I nmilu of pure St. Urol.x liiiiu, Ilie ceh'liruli d
Cnlhnyn ll.irk, rnnt ami ln-rli, mm nrr
' UKi'ii wlin tne picnuire in n nevirap'. wiih
I out regard tu iikc or lime of ilny, I'nrtloii
1 lurly recoiniiifiiileil to dIIciitn peronie
ipiirilig n p-utle rllmtil.iut. Pold by till
(iroevr, Driiggbtii Iluti-I and .Sh1ihiu.
i IMI Diukk .V Co.. .NVw York.
S.'iy Smith k luvw. nfl'iirtlitml. AkiiI.
1)11. L. J. CZAIMCAV'S
1iIhU .lli.llrnl iin.l NlllKllill llitltllllr,
lUWw Jli.iitg.mwrr. . llr lMIBc Mill F. fi.C'
4H., fMB I'fiiurl iii.
F.UUU1m.I Iii 1M. it lb IVihuiwiiI Cur. r lt
1'rlv.tr miM llinntlr Iiwm.,
AltM4lrml II l-Unl I'lintrtM,
lilt. i..iV'.lin..li J. '
l.iti, Iii ll IIiiimiwimi ll.r.4iiltMwry tturi (IikI
' i;i.uh r;WfflM.i.
pwriMiH w lit. aiinwrj n".ii wi iv.111. ii'ttivw
ry; ll wl" llwr.rmi IM n-r ih umiiu 1 ri
luwvlnt. ""J l.w.ir .iil.ll1tllilrili,
NttlllviHVuyJtiuiWrudlw l'l.llrfl-UU U4lgu
J MhIMiui.
Cj-l'aMkiiUrltrtill.i aOllutlM IrMtHMiit f
I)il.vT II dtifn .11 1 IHIWMt.
I lM.i.r.-lr.HU 111. inn p. in.
0-(Viwuiiio.lUtlru.llcJl.n4lll. IVtiu
hnit FUI tTWMUlwl or IN HJ. 0MlltlulM, l
' hllwurtf Ut . tUVM AiMii'M,
IUI, I. J.lV.MK.t,4il irnaruco.
To tlxo .lTllotocl.
or it oiMiteM, iii. riii k"i
t( rl fiHW uralwl vf .Nuiuir'a Uw.
III all aVer U Mmm. HrUHlMw, kMUMi. llrWI
' 11 . .r4,iU In nil II. . MtVlutw. rl.rt, tTl,
' 4UUIr4, U.M. il III. kHIIM-X UHI UlaUOvr. 1HM1
iktl ilifHiiiAlliw, nnU, Hf In ll Uiim. mhI
I.LIm. llaw, lit III. UH1. Ilirt. ! kil..M.
hIm. u"ii ill. Il; lli.it. KMr, .lnr, ''
Ilk UK. M. Mu,iUhm,h.I1I.H"W uWheIiMi
II 4,UMEH.I '' II" "-""I riIM, Uclt M IMfMW
lr.mUiXi !' "I !"" ! ( ff'T, rtWl
akii4, iHmnf tA tlli, wltli iwulUr wA
MI IHK 11 llul fj. ItVa llf mill. liKUfHtlMM,
Jf..M4. till llMMMM. WUitlull Ufl I '1
I ia.li! Iii lit. Ivk mI If ..L f-w.l lin.ultiliu.. nJ
, ll linumwr olnliargM 'I lutli II Mu.lt.ni
I iwl (rttn .h( uuw Oil iIUi.m. ntfaiiMl.!, lHii,.r
luu(UwllHKirl'Hlblv llut k, iraitwyi.
uih, uJ Iii -hi iiu. iImi it imw.jt ui.
run l.iltul ur ainr uitr liliit.il, i.v.iiiiw
n U niiMlnl by ny Mltrtliwliit.nl, inlillif
u i. liu lnirr.1 ik. tkiu m immHwhi iiijhu,
o-J inUlul nil tli.ir luw.' "I 1 U. WMluitu.
a1Ud l'i .lntMAt i.l witluiut i'iur, .nllirl;
,aaUU,riu.lii(ivihl.iiri,-l Tim Irum nmti;
.uiUlai'a. Il4ili I.Hilr fan' I4VIU. In i:
nui, lh AIUiiIk tittln il llif ifiiti, I l.nu im
uihI 'jwu IU J.".f iImiIi iMiiy lltuw-nuU mlto. hi
lb. lb I UjPl Ik. kU.I IIIWlUwi'-l llhKKf, I.H.I
UiilCifMiujiloilUtliy ili.ir libyakltUK, ulmli '
HmvI uUr my , Mf.t Kbl wJjr -i-
I (,!,,,! diuomr. lli.rrMiiwlMHriHlMitl4lik,w
' iWyw. Id. 0l otttwf iwwuiiielMi. m.fiil iul
' uwuy i-llnl-ul, ml .U-il.1 l . Imtw Ullm
UI Rt. Ill 4VliMll2 Ml IH. Mtwiw, ,wi mj y
ii.uuinL.iuHv. 1 iauuui tm u kwi k,i
Jtet1Jil.?K.fc2ar w.'
- icyrirtdijunritiiilliliiiMi.Kili'
...1.1.1 ullh Itit-iLUir. ulilfli. Willi ll. JlMitlti. 11.1
mIWiuJhIiUiiihIiIi.i"iiIIii. ItaliliMaU
lU di .M lriul rl ci- awil. irll.
L tiiiljrui, Hluu. ImukIIIi fv-U. i-lluJl,
tui4 tit. u--iit nf lif i..iiiiini Ir liui wlmti
llnty iuir III wwm, imir, uhic, iwfii.iw..
.iMltrftnr kirwIiulM .( lb. .'ill,, WM lltOMt aluJ
litbUt, ibUUlu Hfi lUw UUt kjIVIoik. vt Mitfw
1l tu nurfntJiiif iLrut tt, au uilr vr.1..
I tH.UY-AUlfti U .iMitlirr t.rnUJ.1. K-my tu
' Wilt, Ul iMtiiiitiC rU. Ill Ik. ilrw.1 u.UUi. vf tli
I .Auamud ij jMlruilli.iJriiJil UI.1J1 tl.. ilatitt
I itnwliiic IU Iln.uv.h4, i.r iHirai, IikmIi Ivw tur
1 ultknu. tii.lt uttlLiulV trr.T.. It lltMlriJT III
INMUUI nf-l.ul, r.mlljr HiutM uy III. .IMI. '(
I lif. rum iti.ui.1 iWMkMkinaiii, inaiviiK m. u.iwi
I d.tMtiinnt tit IIk yiui,dUfU4lirU4 it lu.irtKf,
1 xl4tr, lutiuut, 'Kl .11 iJllil hacjauu., .1. 1 1 jm
! Ik. (UuVivr Mmkul lu Ij1 tut uU il, ivllul
1 IO OIUAUIIIIIIMIII .1.1 liatllK, fll tWV VW m.v-'
;-.,- rlL v,,. tlh,L,.iii Lrur-u. LVnu.
i ir,iU.iiiiniit.uli.lluiu.i.fiuiliii'lfMut)n
r. ir-.tr.lwi.rlwlpl"iil.lUlii i umiyyt.r
' l"; ,w"??,r'llrri1iV-. .""!:
' lllikaVI4V CUIaal. llIM4IHMi MM IUItHIvir'tWT
' MJ j,, f lu, MuUs, o,un, .l. wJ MaJi-
jlmUMiTirritorli, 1) talltuu txuuniiiikitluc Hir
, yui4ui i-y Kiur tuiuMewrwjnW'.iiu-
olnlm.lUI. AoliU
IJ t7.Al'KAV,M.U,rol'riRlwi.
g-TW Dxi-.r "Ar. fc ruuluiM, m.I
iqii,rtkiiiiiiiluMhBWeiu'.. JpJ'm.1(i
TOO MINTING neatly cucutcd at Ihe
J bK.sriNi;iiOFrii;c
is Tin:
Liquors, and Cigars
Cheap Cash Store,
AHTIir.V A HI". l)l'.Ti:it.tIM-.IITO
Than any oilier House
Call nnd examine for youm-lte.
.Iniknnvllle. June IH. Ipfi:!. jf'Jdll
VTO'nt'K I lit n by ghen tu all roti
ll Imblm-d to me by note or llonk in-
count, to pty the .nine In tnv ngent. Jimiil 11
Jxiiih, on or ln-fore the Villi I-Vlirunr ,
lHii:t; olIieritlMi Ilie nihio will U iiliiettl tu
the h.iud of un nitiirniy lor colli chou.
JIH.ii: llOlllNKiiN'.
IVr Jokiii Jaioii.
litnleMIII. January 21. InWI.
Inimitable Hair llontorativo.
'' IS SOT .1 l)YK.
llul rwlnriM gmy b.ilr to It, nrlnliml cotor.
liy (upplylng the cupilhtiy tulnei tilth iml
untl uli'lianee, liiiMilr.. ly iij(.' or dl
mw, All ihmiimmmimii tign nre eonpi,i
ol lunar phihIm. ilitii.ylii! I In- vllnlily au.l
immiy or ine imir. uu.i niimu or uniiiMit.
110 ilruHng. ll. ini'lri'il'i. iulinli'ililo col
mlng nut only retnni li.tlr In It riatur.it
color by an uuy procom, but given thv
Imir 11 ,
prmnoii It gr.m Hi. prft-vul It lulling
nir, cmilleal'- I In- dniidrulf. mi' I liniirl
liiltli mid iU-n.ntiuM to the U-ud. Ii h 1-
IixhI the let ol time, being Ihe nrl14l11.1l
liulrrolurinu, and I onnvlniiily lneri-ali.K
In fnvur. I'ml by bulb gmilb-muii uud l
1II1. It I mid by all rrHuUlileiliib-ir
or mu liepivenridby tiemof l. ii. Iltni
I'ropiUtur. New Vork.
Tun flrw, W. and $1. wiwZly
Kniriut Davik. of I'ortUu.l. Au.m-
11. 1 11 ii in 11 1 r, 1 II II I Ii1
1 II I II II I 11 ,1 ll IV, II il II II Iii.
...- ......... .. ,
4 15 mill IIML'lay HI., Ar. I'luutUru,
Importera and Dcaloru
Drj Goods,
Carpets, Oilcloths, 'ilulliiis,
Forralo In iiuanlltltM louil.
rpiinHtockholdimlu thn California and
X ColumliUt Itlvir llullrnad ('uiii.iiiy. un
In 1 1 by liollllul lo inel lit the oltlcttorj.
(lakton, In Juckkouville. Oregon, 011 lliu 7 It
duy of November. Ib'i.l, fur Ibu puipowot
eliCtluK Hoard of Dlrietor lo wrteltf
t(iu tiMuliiff year. J. (iAfiTllS.
On IxImK of Ihn liaiiKJMl t:
JnckinvlUe,J)ct. 7 lhOa. iKt7rlt
nupply, hi varloii tl)!--, 011 iiand, and
Ivr a.ic at con and vliarh'v- Jl hu deu.l.
lory of lb' Jiiiikmiu i'oiinly ltilileHuoiui
VJl. IIOHV1A.N, Uepoulu ;.