Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 17, 1863, Image 7

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ft&GK WfiSKL
-tuwBtrtwa twn earn fa w
Dar Mr 9k.
Baaoo-rtr .Anar cf the rjjs;,,..! h fce war
Ort. !S Jtrnn e Is ntt-e-
W, Ul hrteat-awt ' a - ; j w
rtah-wfn-.fl-'tw an.VI-9fleU,mw ' .-. ,.,
jj-a-ntnwe. 0tewa
.yarftWrfrfA Vr tfcal th a,
ts Jl, Wt wrt irrraarf.
. . r ;
axa-Bal Ttlu KVrf rtcrB
til ttwnrear H t
. .
ewrtratlhe irteSrep TW9 ilh
, y-errV-i VaArt t dlf jnv
H3S h ia Wtct atMltaa " 'fepe ae-1
. IHr.'CthtUtStwo atrAt am
tfa-KCaCpwfcttwnfrrt m
t i'Tm rretiat atrif
kinst 'M'rsaHm. tVa nV5Wf
Jtlf 3taw raara
Fi. Jl thncrht that If tVt KHrr
'TM&& Chtlawca Aej vnaU ml '
ttiats MteJMhtt.
tarv ink-A Vhrr irrJ
WjaAta tS-rtVr A ?: Jw
JUW.rafeat tBitai. Xh5r(j. whh
ISjMl TrrfN Vm. mynwj tfrtya Wry
ywrertit iV w-jwJiw at W 'Sea. Knw
tSen. Sl .WW jrftO
rHJ fataSry narTMiin,f jaisrfeo itmnhrce 4 Sqi'naVr 30ih r linhn4
asytthrirtretJrT Hvtlt 'autiMthnraattjaartrrtoT the Nineteenth Anap j.
rrc4 Rnrren What reJjjaerwW trith a mirn vi the Thinmh Cwro.
TS tf.V.uJath.ta nnme ,
'hsiiwijiaa Caal.nig-t.ttT 1 -tVr 1
-vhraacWJI: awnpeanlm-vrS
' " 1
i T rVj
ewecv We
e TretV cf
liriitc ! :
Tbelttrt Chtttaie-aaSrieft aT that
aZitrsttitft There a t rajicatwo af
tsa aisH; Vr th- tttm t Sara a hrv
'n"o c-i Of trijVt eti taade aVwc
t Ta "aJ rXi le nrV to 1 .11 Mi lit
MUff 'un 1 c ' .! 1 .nataBtaa triB ht Vhe
Tt T srs- Taim ae iai ubtl t aa-
ynj-iy -ar 'caatjHtiBjoB(AK4.
c. V' 'Sth. Athaert. cmnaltf
jTt a" t thtt
vwk asa swtvtc.
It - r- wtti at XaM Mrnnc. en
"' --- -.-. r-y
' i'W.w 0 d mm llilaaT r llliaaTJi tLkMaaBBBBaa
; -o taler
t hrate t - eattnt tawatd JuKimw
" v rutHLMd ivieatU. Tke
-- r h4 aoaaaitetea aad atr
f: i. i1i 1.
a ' . j .v tr-ehil Jitpttat ta
"-; t. The OatwaLnut it ee
"" t mlieo tHah a. H-.
Wflwisr vm TtMf WBaWNff
15-r hit rata. Oaa-
- t atoat MatiatNtBM. Naooy-
C-cH nrrritt a ia'..
f. -.- . The XefiaVwaa w
-' " t?nuiuuK aw aaVaM
-rtv . NtkW
aa rf;wd oa tw riotlahtD
' ai a -f
ttwi in. 1 ina
tua'nty taa Htaaa aapt
W arteakaa.tfl
n mil mi
v rer attt two a4 hrre-'te
- t- .V dbaatth tena "ftoe-'
rt x -aa-rak 4tted aoh. aaa -Xt
at-te-trt erVrd Vy the ril VaUcriet
?"&- The fcifittttan to-rw the im
"f--.- ivwioaof W utaav There k
To.-dL-w J-a-'ii-.Waa ft tbe rebel ttttc-'dty.
,& V- iw tt rtaeavBt-v -pnteoa
trT -c
- the Teieee wtee CTrrW'Wrerarrt tWrTe,
i, , ti utftii, lVWi a. . V wamj cwtl
Mta.kila - - 1 .
V ..- x.. ...,.. , o
"- -' " - -'"
xtrwei jarw. oairtcra, Ansy if rotrasac tys for two " f- !"&& andGrefc held the being 60 oftbt Irt Xew Jeney.
t V U-fei fi W whiinTOjhit hw ww,.lw',.t " ritt.nd Vft tB Jo'cfeck. Xew York,l4th-GoM wt&d. ck
it"' rweh ci TVrnp. tJirfcjthbt7rorma'MadK-Coirt Hoate. hr-rt"'nC "" crdm,they fell b.AiEi:t 15S.
lie rrred l ewli-. Vcth tolhe Friday rtrtl aad Sataricy -anminc. they "" tht " ? The IVtuhiegton cerreptmdeat of the
irc f.i"Mri. iii-n-tua imctM at
rJ 'efle-o; thernrvtatirenVrrht
br tbr jr-Je e the Xrth, ptrrh-ttarb;
tatbtsoeew r Jeoetr Sewe- uXaba
rat3iheeceputrrr the Sorh hs
rsTjard te rcr-palwe aai the bhxiadr
flha-r-trito-arfc riW4rre 3esat'trRrrd a iiMmiiw m the eostb
Ujl laa-th-ed thoald tent it bVxA3r-1
4cTrfTit)ietrTievfb9txr.Mit woold j
Kjtr Vm tfE to Vni it. nether-ierd, and re-cUooed a boar, win oor roa meaty, 2jD00 mtjority; Colon bit and , befell cosrplete. 1.663, Jow, 236; Sari
d tla the GarA-a-eot had not anSwnt troir tt-9 hori on. their infantry npporU. I cooaty. 2.C00. Knox roonty, 500; Pota-1 hxaaaii ri-rn Csttia 1,700 majority a fain
arate-4 thAUbir to -dcito After another jewr Sht, the Jmtry'&,oO(; Uke. l00: Cbuk.C0Q; Rica-'of SA4.
her -em aftr hr ttV4, and rrrdtMi tbe
ttaeh llr tSrew a line of -dittinettnn
fir - " -
lui'n!Wwigliwt wfcrfiffli thtm 1
tvffcTar,,jr-nar4iatJACTaJarplktniyaoa wotwitngtr.
u., llra-crt that the rtr
ev - et ? Tadr tP da rrrrTtlriit? IM AMM
i - --
ef rratnlrty iHi-i3 gvitnltwir ht
it to a frVnr wakw. arJ wA a
.. , ...
wrr ww wi onoe to IB-imam, on
irraMnr(nlicmit la the tnoaer
v aaO .. f ..
txra twimuiwih ana gcaara ayo me
Mreex xWch th- ftt;0
" iwrwa. lie .VBanwuu tat t
bwe"" aacit tawrate treaMr
'TeB Atnrrwa ana Horwe. aaa hwHrtc
M"' '-"? IrirW. taw-
ATa-r. nr ni mi a m ibii.ii
anaH he tVmrd ta mHVn prae
im ef PThe -8w Hactar
)kiwj aM TTB'wMratra ajrrfaH t
. MMim thfel: UncWnJ ,iiM
C a m the tart. As rejank
M,,,,' W haHha IT the Mtraw
""'"" w l l"nC"W! "
phrThaValhwr4 ta 6!V
i Trertwu Wfc The Walt la lK Stale
; iW fmntvoe na the SOlh.
Nrr TnA. SiK Xr OrVam i-i-r
K at Camp r.KJtBl y nDet free, W-
ear C$rj. TVjJee t do rrrtsr yet.
Fegarwg rertit ralherr-a tm a l-?r aare-
br el isaV. hnrtni ana raHh The rf. '
tstins -ere r-raBr Urrte4 The
ef the amy . Wtrra hy the oh. .
roeSir.i nTrm Teehe. The rAtroe.
' - -" - "-
tatHaat Va- alBtHaA Tiaaa
te l3ffle of reWl.leH Cm rnffi..rf aTbbwISe h 4rci.
inyswrncmDeri.wa. .m ree-ierri 1 , . , ,..,, -- vai-.-.
im aT'f,T''WCM,ia7?u0,'"nrpT,r"
hoet tataisg any Tettew.
The rxprijiltm fmai TUtnq Jt
i Anntf mneari'aiTi aTnnnt?
orrt, aawng then Winy the nolorioot Cel
It h kaeT?B that th rrW Oen. Ivfaa
h . the ea te rf the rirrr. t-4-w Ma-
caaet. h twratr far borJM wra -i
4 prent tf sniaVry He it rtpf (d ta
he au-thiu- vmrtrd Uherty f Mh4. where
a reh4 force it coccfAraeiar.
1 Cairo, StL te. rfctnrn il(v.a
rmjt Ii 11 1 I 1 J iTi -'
. u......r ....- - c
Makrva "v T-rfcv w niiam; i t aaoi 1 a a treat
C Xlt CC HK TTTmI liWITlWIll ftfffH If
, , ., ... ...
headfaarten. Me orfU apea the
T'alW ITeM We KflfePWlBt Q TaftflpTT
ty titx-e wdiaiiiiuhr eaawtl he atittiiua.
PVmmt alurijittia. wh turi-wit n-e
lobe iroauhd etTthm tor ridibwy.
le Hack adncn rtpuwrt ratter
thereto be ta awrthttKacy niilMna.
5vat,t. lawrrntow rrrttard to-
day eatrct tbe report ahoat a btdtt-
ertrataaW ttaajhtie of dUxaw at Wttwa.
The wtnaber saw ta hi ta behVeditlS
oaay rrea hA tMt ea cxaaytf.iaa. i
it enp-wdhte yn la ohat a teae Mat-
art t thje the tm- h tr tbe praaMc
triwu-i tVta..U. - L
" 7 " "--- .- -m
h h p-abtiM Matt aay
Feat aawaat thMaaa-e tt wana. The la-
IJiuitttiearaamlhe-trboV ahaotU
teaVt lemn itytaeatr. a (he OaV Carap
road, wh-re M it terf-ew-d Shey re-
tp te-edrM. Thtar ewmber h Htnated
a lM. with S pajeet artMtry. Mtf.
Pcter tVarne4rd whth their rear faari to-
wmujdlia. Sand capHiri-y there. TV
taWtary aathnrHra at bmh; every tiraat
II.Im am k Ilia.
.. ......
WBShrertoa.lIUi. A Vttrr fron Head-
raored tart H tswa re a tOT-theattf-t-ty At
rrrtion. Iyrrwewrfhrry.larreboaic
f rt tarry and cccmderahV erjWcry arc
occaocct3t hctb by oar -ngnal turn. Tbe
obWtr't tawrrneM eoaU ttot beh
-ttrBri. a i-tart froa the front tart
f fa j tscei m nrahr brifade a
nit tf the Ktajhf . where bey weretart
by n k)f btdf of tnttj. A fight en- (
par way a c-ua-l.-itMe BaraVr hnnc
raj-tared. AilatoDltl earthy thrn
dOw-d npoo Jkiitaf. J nvaptarrd j
y aa the wiiLf Hfcrn. Our entire
KTCC PBwa,n;ii k. TOVxnts VBfpmivr.
aftfmi Matf Ut fe.sl a,
rcrcwru. nrKiram in-wpn
... -
TfcwwsWare Mfwitalw MJtvarly cat tS.
l the tatire party r?tiSTi-
t- i . -'S. . tV.
, T?. i ,
c "aa pin "'jl" "ct-ct j
that the mam hody f MI vrp paJ
a - - - - - - - k aw& v . .1 & 9
-nrt nmin naj k tokuit, mnq-
C Ociawgtrjlwi.l
yfctW tbe WW Him imtM henmplTt
nr to ram a jfttj tHtAw par fraat.
r arf firrrared, as croawa hit hrti dear-
ra aaj tmrtJHrs cakcW. HiTt a4-
mt m pnbir cuMwij ate tnarjq; oa
TIntnUt. frwca .V3ijra Cart Home, and
hr tlrx trow are fcetTeeajCm&KSTtllc
Fmi aaa Anhtera river.
y Yart lltb.-
iTjctpi' Wth-!
i-etapatA htf.
tma aa ef
UrHe Knck. Sept. 3mh. tjr tlat dert JUJf Jtmtt wy lVc' rietary U a
rr fiwn rnce'o amy trcfSSsn; lata ear iritiar tWraomWathn Ae UI,
hot hy liarx3reJ anl Whitnj la rnr'he netr pHey ef the .wfiVry. h
iannf. GoerHBm ftWTrwltrje rmtieni hHapag Hi foeeei tarert e a4raat f
bai wh tliiaiofhtJ rocerv SetrrtHewtny
pant htre aVraay threat! Wa their
arm ttal retartied t pctcrial TiarraHn.
AVahmrtMi. llth-Rnooi ram
n, ,vfct j.4 xrry 34
m xke wXft7t &&,&, MB IJT
Imim vkn m;aHi.lnr .. .'
n.t Ht.K.-n. U lSa k-sstl
..- .. .. .wr .-w r.V- W..H11,
TIm4?imJ latbn t
,000 ex-
w l- .j jBt0
r-allu. 4F
.QA 24. y it it rwaflertTtlal Kwhr
fv VTrrSV-Hlfc
thit tfirmona, a Ere Icoie tret In a Chica
twre.a it dnort below 11 md Hotel, aad
"--" - ' " - "" " (--
hi 1 t tbto aa bbt tbe trsoie knrtr pot'
,K " ". M"1 " . , , .
" " , Wp S
,""' r. ""lew w. rrppmy w.r
atrei Two fire -proof rmWmjrt were aht.
hara-d. The ap-rrjrate Ion by the 6-e
wpeoh,blyreehS33fU500. Orer CO
L,BBBBBBau taaaa 1 im I alilaa i 11.1.
oaawwpt tjee. ramea. lowooir i,Wfieia
1- Tk UrtHS. ItXlJUlttf atWtallBlBBf ta
- - . -
Tr FUafcfc, fb piwnKf CO aOC UTf liOOT,
and the Jtaraaf Priatti; Office oa the
tmmmitA fimtr. Tbr dxtivtxl nf ltt rffirr
,. . ..i .
Untra October 14th.
AVa)Macfa. 13th. General MHrey hat
b-ttt rxeaeaated frara aX charges prtfcrted
apm hha.
The iJemeac Wtwtajt Gen. Meade hat.
by a tUMM Bitnearer. and wtthoat Jot
H aay sett. pUerd hhseK on the otferr
tMe of AmH, and k a porition in which
he eta. and n nrrmred to. accept battle,
He mm m htre bothered the eneray eon-
aMcrabh;. asd they are not inaRned to
trV. wdett wh prett edrtnttte. The
J r . .l. .
omcw prni .w ia.iK m -wi u ij
trHhoat ht Mkhtert eeafetinn. Tbe lot
h e- (entar't etrah-r dtrhioa b taid to
hare been rery rerere. Tbe la. 14th!
Peoortrnt. and 10th Xew Yorh,m3er.
idmnM. Sanday rarht oar farces croned
the Kapaahaanock. Jdoodty tagraipg.
ttro earpt ircmsed and drere the eceaiy
t. Itmadr Stttion. wilh ferere hw is
I r
LiaM. wj-d and pritotiert on tbe ttW t cavalry, which hal a aererely contested
tMe. They then receired ordcrt to hlljS-rtloaMoodtyet White Salpher Sprfe-ri
bet whVh thee did ta rood order. Oen.
btei-. which they did ta rood order. Oen.
1 Word, with earalrr. was dat'toned on the
,.,. ... ..
Ml. Kiwpctrkk ia tbe crater and Greet;
,.-.J.L, ' ,.,...
'"Tt'n iue cnsicr aoa ttrejrc
ITinadeipVia. 1 3th. TUtler cooety
eicht drtrictt ptro rirrt the BtpehTi.
can State TkVet 400 majority; Crawford
eoaety 2,W0 rntjnrity foe CartiBJ Erie
Ohe.300 ntWilr: liirh eoonle. 200
tntioritr for Wood ward. Monroe rraatT
liOO for Woodward. "
Oiteaxo. 14tJx Tbe fcRorn: b frossa
lie flio tSmtoa: Fof Brooch, Cktto-
ptgoe Cooaty ear 1,000 rotwity; Ho-
laud, 300 etal-srity for YanSandtrbiBi.
large rtitj bw lti-p-ahSc-HK. Ti4rrria
froa Cioenioaii two o'clock lhTt icnran.
t Itroacb't u-h-'Kj io the State fa ri-
uii'Ky w tt State fa fHi-
rnttfj at .. Tke MWte'TtaB
XrTfc. 14tk GaH, tWi nwrnicg.
St Jafcn (X. F.), lath-fcTirafr AW
' r T: l .l II n t.
... . ., . , . .. ,.
,ia. t ai . i ( u
,4th. bat aniua la Hmr II nr of
- j.. .i , .11 . ,
. . , . . .v.
rrt!wd. aa4 K ilmJ at at prr era. -'
The Umirn Than Wm Kwtraw
rai utli'tlnl Itf afwrwr fralcy. mt ray f
n4 n;ib Jy ratfc ahaa heaton. fcetaea
pint im fnKvvil Wi fflpi jwnnw. Twy
wna Vi hee we a heanry arJ drtrr -
iTMfMiflMNi enni fvwcC nvC the Rirtff f
W " flWflJeSwff Jpp"jWfTP vT"
their hrm. m4 Me- a4tak I iiitl
' The ItrrtM hw mm Km Ac rwl
Oet-wre bateh- feagtt hi the Wrt.
rrR wytlf 9lrreMttrari
a Hfc cspeatiefii at jaatparh eeejratlita
nf aath. he wM retarn iMu j'wu J. Il
typ the time for that hat rai, if it em I
1 " te Mme fee h.t ha re4.
. ,te fc b-T Vf
thea rrtvttnce rxhoVeJ. MinwHtia
tnemj Mxiraa tWfatittoo. lie k
reaJy ta accept the theme. 00 a fcre. rpoa-
1 expre rt th- popaltthja. xrt
!ea P'rn,t I5.? "" TeJ-
earc aT the coaatry.
CaMitr1v. 18th. Iol,eet Meesttia
(ron aVteh Itrajr iJtieifJ to bctahard
nneraet, it tighteiu har4re4 feet bifher
tbto Chatttnee. thrre raflrt dotsat by
therr.a4thMtwoby.mOOTS & SJJOE&J,
rectkae. Mwtoatry rwjre, where rebeJr
Jicntrriet are ditaL it efie Ihocct&J tret 1
?,!ekvTia.-icJa .an tnruCk.ttt-oca hTiifJ-c
riti and to rafiet bra direct Ft, look."
oat JtMUh .-J Mwriooary Vt arly
eajjcfe Chattanco-a. which Rei ia a batia
! rroeJ hy tbe wMa raase artnod it
! P h" P tammaawatioo
,, Kraae, fortr . aad AtUata. eee
J aoa lMrtyix b, daUllU
Lkace he caa has jp the bearieU Mope
j tl lhf Tfcetfcl
, ap & .j jjj ofc, frola Chuuaoo.
. .
i g, art uo cparcmem &j nrea.
Xew York Wla A rperiii to the
"World," ra):i5 of taiHtary raattcr.
tart the rebvh are ebiodcaraj the appar
eat parpofe ef fiuila; ear army on the I
Pateeaac It leokt at thoe-h the late ,
narecaect was a caear to tcoe tnMtary ,
' deraocitntiea oa tbnr part cbewhere.
i AB oaiet in treat TrMcrdtr.
The foaawia); ta the -HeraM." todtettei
the pmitioc of the trmSet of Vrrpiaia: I
Headfearten. Army of Potomac. 13th . I
t The tra'o bare al eene ia tale aod iaex-i
ccftrot order.
KWpttriek tod Ilafcrd bare ateirHe -
' ed at the rim. and are hi Mae of batHe.
1 . I...U
vh hti t new n jinm t nTvi ice
j adraace of the e-astar, who arprart to be
' in IV trnk tAo r.
Vaetoa, 14h.-McrStri fraa
(the Iroat report that ycrterdty there wat
cetKHdcrable tWrawhW on the right.
while la the ctctrt aij en the left wat oo-
i car iooal pictet Knar;.
It iirrnorted thtt Oomtnli dititfon of
! wat compelled ta fall btek. io coweqoeDce
wat comndied ta fall btek. in romraoenee
' of not ltc proprrlr wppnrted hy Wn -
.... .
try, and lost a satnbrr of rnnamoog tiieia
,,?' ' t' .; ' ..'Mawta-atwata-m-tn".--.
-rj.aiw tost a oaraocroi men, aisoa; loea
.rrfiT rayt. freta tocretcs the War
' lcptrtinei)t rannaad iu eottrol om the
' telegraph, for the tratraiimoa of inttffi -
' penee brarnar oa the rebel or Federal poi -
lion ra Yhnaia.
Ettton. Pa, lSlh-Tbt fonoaiar are
t Woodward " tnayxitka ;
Wayne eoaaty, 5S0, lea, 3 1 ; CmVt.
Itod. 600. ka. 244 ; Berkt, 6400, Carp.
500, lot. 200 ; IJackt 400, kn. 300 ; Lp.
I PMbdrkbia. 14th. Fernn't Pmitr
area ap Cattm' iaVrity 21,700, vkh 41
i cnatirt to hr front, wbivb to 1S61 rtr-
j Ctrtia errr M.009 mjwhy.
Ctrtia em M.003 t-njxrlly.
naeim,,!. lJ,h- waalka f.
jBrOTsh 41J00 mriy.
Oriras 14lV-26 WMt'irt in Im
Jr-lerw, Uaioo. 5573.
1 11 I l it'll 1 V Ar M 1 Will I.'
IPtnllfflUll! r, tt n r. r ,
IwiUjI.llI IV Halluliit
muwu ?
410 ami 4I CUy M & FrlFXlm.
jlinportcrs and Dealers
I -w -
1 JJr'V ixOOUS,
'Carpels, Oilcloths, HaHings,
Far lale is qaantitief ta nrit.
UirUO I i lUIX
15 THE-
Liquors, and Cigars
Cheap Cash Store,
a Ttrnr Ann iwui.rtjtmnn to
Than anr oilier House
CaH and extoiae for yoomlre.
JtelmTr.JstielS.15Ci. Wt
i VflTIirnS
' Vi. .
MT Hf-rCTl.W13Batr JMftTH.
j- rTITTT ft rtTff TiT IT TBIBIWt
, tv. niM mi(N n...i(..
h - . rar-t. .M . Haw t
?? "-1 "7 T""-
mniMi.KiiM) ahuiM.-t
"t'f'tuTi !u biT
ti.iHiiijhiw iwttTM. tii
ilBtfw nm
w!!rM. i - n
rw twi wntm, n wotcp
tk Hm t ml ii.l mm-flm -
m r OTtriirisr ui mii
tmnu it citu
KMnu It CT1 Unrj. .WtWrW tttt'i tai fc -
, "J "V1!
-il- t-e
. ivmtM ni. rk i
-M lvt tnl Ito tta. rf aTKtrv
rrKl-4,tTrl.. t.t4.wwrr
' uiirZ.-r "- w"-
" tnm,LS.
j " f,-:. T t--t-,,,
I X Jli Jli JL4 XJ 1 D JS
! "m,'mrmjtt'TCMsZM'm
' We wilt pty the Illchrtt l.irkel
Price for
, ae--llta S tTAN, MORGAN 1 C'