m HECK SBMIXEL! A Onppcrltrttdl Prayer. ArVia the tha8 of battle lower With tr-TOT and JlItt Trot-el tn- AS tKp-Jwaj: Pewer. la Iki di-irrw dty. A In tb- ewKp tbe olir-r lwi T riot, ewroj and awrwr. 4 VAfiU itl- atf pOBt -OB". eUjJCLlJl T hare lay boyt rw there. Tb- Mk ny trashher and IV awa Ar- eaS-d o war and Brim. Ort that isy tarra. cart trwa rtts, Xar catlrralt nj f anns. AM hB wtth tar, and etpeuas Mr kindred are dMnred. Ob iM that all m bard earned pence Mir tlntnVr Ib tbe cheat. And brH the T'W rwla Ik day. And nil tbrtr foe tuJ"VJ Tka mat I n4 mj bjiial Ht Y If Vr Tfcy lifir BL Sly c y ti ib c mi TTimr I tW b Tirhr tsWI la be iirfslfrnl Utl A4 AeM di1-.i'i H5J- irnra, Kt I wpne tbrr rmM T rtBr 1 Vr4rm5JTirrd Or ttri B BB at bX. For linn from fr7Hr bi4 aHtxVe ' cbtiwI niati h frro. 1 wa m Belrrc rt 1 Ukt. Hat Jrrr the vtrttte ta Tare. Thn faa)w Krai a Ibt ma Obt iT!OmBt (iip irwJl, Yft fcH .r frH tt i . TW ! rWradc tbc nl. 71m 1-t Iht tVnS iT hartir rave, M J-orfH t1t ka atac Ab4 mrB. cvcb. bb4 bN 1 liarc FaM vbSet Ux-ir rl Xainf. O. may my lanA twM twenty Md, Tk nmrr ta rpplr; Kay tat natnutarv Trasfbt whi jnji, Ky tqwii tnrrntt boy t VT FtATal Tr no inwic lBrp tbe plaer rf own; ISat crnwii ja rirt and my tore Wrtb Wr tap from tbe mute. Irui tvM..i. 11. ..k.n j ii. X.: Ztli l.'-j:. " " . Or OTTB T tbr vtatl; Tint tbffwc h V Tby nrbtj doom Tbal hair tarr rrU tbaN tall Yet tf TkM arRt Tby arrrant Vle- And ar pnrrHy. r jey la my tTWBrijbtrriiir. T p-rpetBTty. "--mmmmmmmmm-""""""""-. i c .. r " J .J. .! Z.C. 71 : -w.- b. a -..n. wu. ' -a-1 n v a,TV-U I M aaffr-r-w hi rart ho-phaK tber wnhri p-MHetf Otb. Vee for therr rrlrwe ip-a h -rarth rrctewit. and it at laJhora- wva-rar.4n-Btlt tweuon- er-AtwoThtdnbrrl l t-niAt wdrMn the Xhntm Hwra and aVart -Sr-rSl ---- " ,. .. atBaawi . w ...-.. ntw eouabnU tM m atT torXawal.- - --" a pinj.- 1 aa, aa j-waaw arr-r -aitaaWAa-a-f-a- wa-a-tfaw - tn aaar woui-H and wit ta t4MBftrra anwB apt Mb-wani the Ve-h f laV in.BBn tli.ii Imxi t uuinaiit f re-' !.- aMtaW aatWa-MW BiA uj " -wrrttttahertaw..HaV..r.e.otrtlTt rI ' r- rf fcartwn aoMrh !Wlh--iaal1.ti1i...ulajajak, am aa-k-asiaataaBBl taaaaABaa. "-- - - " "- I. .TJ": .rrrr? IT. , tli!V.iwl.nBTCtaapetoaartBt larT OwiBtalwawi Ml intn aaar hand. Ba are tram. Bretew beta a. pn naat ft Ti V atfiday awnn. that , v ..,. . birw--n.ffC Hit SaU-ktavrr Oiiiuiiil.-iiia m Vt-eteaaedleeaaTe-aralBinlr-roMt. w t,wr nwf, and r-da-JHaall- - IKU flXalHIII1. ) aiirwar) tl"-tf vI riMT--oB were eBjwrd at tb - f Mrf. sf . u4Ui.. i. G-imr-Vrt .d a-nt V. l-? trrw. Web m",- f r-T J rfr.,8if' T i TV,r-w3-nttMtwVr,,.,br 7! Iwte 1 -- raVrea..Trdt?trti( 1faa;tIf wrj tbertrtort; and r-ne k it p-.ef thereM araf and addre-ard Ujpj j ,, dr.tmeSea td" merehant ! tt-oH bf OH thf the Ahea-nt. raw fanaaaut. rat-fa, The K ?- I rKmahBiMlearicjhtUe.Sute,M,,Wrl'r ri -',,, 1" '" retire ; ! pt lufal tbe arorbl ra the pnaiHnnt ef h S ivoticrd that wiVrr-tr the j-aper ' tTrlatt tereiy thai the Onpp-Thrwdt arri hed Ahaa. that wW-rrrr WeH-r X Ca patittSear-brti M tbe nc re whtwilR-jtel AHev that Aeftder w) local euMatt T---ly he Hetaitral twrt-ashrhVwtrtnr A- w that rrerr tma ct the Ucarc tieirt ' -,. , , ri-ija. iViin-nmlmj,T JlVJl. it -aaft" ran aWnl t Vac iLlat ' - I SreVtJBnry. Mtarr f lrW3 tar We VaatnT tte Hi enectn- at the1 Tate r let thc-scsd K taeoh Sprerhur Srnator Snmnrr. r-rM Bar-aa-rat-tari-a. , .rowiram.o .impch. who , m CJa"nn of il Cotnreittre to - F-otrn UrktKm-ratKSrolr WiTrTrdi.rcb( I U New Ye. NUklDiktS i.i-rhi,, is wnw k aocewM at prem wn mn Iflftirn rrlatttnj5.Inc'rlj h K?iM. iiwi iirrc in a nan rtrr- n w -r mx b TWA rfrrrat itnitd and p-ww ;UpnotiSoejn;litiTrf.HriliMt BtrBBcm. ratkitT tl VnHriral Maora- a.p.rrftor wrmJtrra a a rtatcman. M Jrtiroid.inittprrraral.nn hr 1li-lwqnrcallktl j, jj ,Ka! rr 1.r or t -r, fcarc tn Vrpt a Ktlle ranre frre Jmn. , , fc e, ,, ,,,,, ,, Ibe ahra rsprrwom r! Ibe anhrr rm ... lWl , , , . ,. Wn . . . , tlalTTT. x. He mnia Ihat brt nr-, ibr rradT "arr in rana and ml of kiwi Hot kit Brraxnrot Bid antberitin aratntt , the act rtT tbt Wild RnrrrBtnrnt wbid, ricratro ibe rrbrh to wran bHr.rA.- are mBrraVV-Bre abatdr mnda V,re..totbeIIiry-tnr.litTortfce.ct iUodrr ibeBradoT-pCTth froa RitUnd,- , Smatrr 5orowrr nid : j Tbtre t wie act K Ike llritMi CVi- j txl vVidi Randt forrmmt an orara of I tJI fcrrmrt in llcir. forcmot alo In . I Tinrnj hit iiiv'it au wig wrrw wiiKiii- hbe tnacn5t.de rf it, cnnTKnm. Tbon-b 1 lfce rf . - Wl- , (r&nan.Vinrom.h bnnr tbek-. fajjtw, Conrt pmnnonoM Wm cwJNr . , ytiE.ble. Of cr I rrfer t - ,j, .. , -pw lb.1 inmmLWlr tviwlamilum in it .... ... ... . j nanw ik ine iittu. w ranr at May, 4 cui . bicK after rairin; trbei lare-nwtjerf tn aa rqnabty witb Ibe Natinnal (o 1 1 niiwiit in beWj-rrnt rirbu. nolrninly detdarr nruiramT nr.wpm .wwrqwa. panwB. ailfc- ,;, . ,. fnr Vw,? mndirmt t if Ibe tWaratinn of rqnabty not an j .- . .. rf .. KH wV, JimnHto tbe National Gorrnunent. nndl.t, , pir,,e BnVf ,b- K-itit-, m: v-.. ncniraB.T w,, m a , ,JW Iftbrrare not pTa'w. tbrr .r w moral .Vraity . ctfrawre tn rrawa. J ' crndne. f ibe . wV rant c-n-lbeprrdentt wbki in.Wlbe Cbwr m rfc)n rf AwliW w W. 1 Tt-i.: i V :r .L. l irci.mr.nn.air. r.vm h we pironi limirwiWbe otbenrV than hnprnprr at bct atari of f-nch a rrbrrlWrn. it aret wwr 1 .. .. 1 . .. . i . .. m ' "n,B B m"nrl l ,I CTr,r aw w r parent rrtat'xim hetwren tbe two iwertjerpt tbownf Kn;Ul; tbrr are. tbr f- . were an-r tnan inenaiy. " ivwd jfmtforirfreionalTewwBBtSK;, wfcW ,, ,5,,, j . rredericl: Tbmrer, now an n-ChanceUor j wnl wm fMfr, ,Bfr ity ,,. w tad fbra arflw) llfi uttr in flu. Tl.aian nf! ... .1 f . . ... - v . . . . " ;iwd: tf ibx gy-l.-. l,UAmr A t .....(''- mwjr n,Aw hT S,T.,,, i.,1, to tb - ?m,a "1' " nhV ,nd "1d '"" ! j"l J Tl -.!.. .! Ut a.atL. .. ' ,w ,",PrB ?",r m1 ' "rra 'rS be wtraM rf pawty e pwacr The Srnitor rhnwa from tbe hicbet Rn 1 rdMiawboHtytbat,'iTthfSoBlirii Oon leraef had not tmnraW at a bet Kfrrr r-er.Wpt .-tntae, tn mtW , Mt,, ra y MCTC wsM haee been de- -l.-. iV,.iii1i, I l.i-lt.n. " -'-" .-vr "'v ""- 't -- 1 - Wmath-a. rned in the name the Qa-en. ; Wi Teeoswr-iJ twe taia..liTi.tn at t-t MrerrnH and raia-d them ta aw eafaaMly he-1 hare the law nl rattnnt -li H tJaerern- J ment i Bhe UnaW Saate. Thk S-nator . r-amui'! treat at an Bet tnnay uajaHHa U. - i.. iL. t.. m -' " .. ,,. Thchttfory nf the rat pret n. w ,-, , , ce-aal a paeee - ,s lf)0, ,. SajiatM- ahnw,. . irep'n ?. . IM,,,tj --hu,. M-,. nommerea. mar ah wai'twd nrdlher wry. BnannfreB. nae rwMehVe-a-dd eommarA lie ah.!. ivH, Oarmt l.M ..Me an f! . , .... ,J. .. w...-.,.-.. .-.... .. t--aBrrtlheew-nnntlwifnr B r-rl e rartwr. R tnH bt Ttrpw-rtV' cwrtiiaw OoBrt and emiered ta he fce theVrn rd the CBpHwa. Tbe rapht raptare de tow earry wfc H th Irlpht ta. hwru nnd drtteay iiHirbant Mrt. "!,, Xbc Oewtederare R. n taa-trary '... . .. . lv We nante fnrm tbe p-eeh lVe-s the Teatoii rf the caaa. tbere can f110 Wrr-ral we-rt a port into hichll tan taVeHa pnx-a. Any nther ,rr1 Vri It rM V " '" ,l " rt"Be : nwmB CenK miH h ,M to ,n,dl " ,,b4- 9l Uid H " Ttw prweerdt tta the idea tf tarw - t T,T- ', nirHne; moee baB t Vajl loree h p-etial tethe uuajlatwm acirtwrp" tV Senater oi-raara-Crhrrclh - lermuia hup it wn.'W.ttv' Captain Kill who wat ti cmd-tan-d aad'te : rated . b rinlr ih-wch be tVro-d in h - sljn.ttnjBm-1U0. 01 tiara-tbr tB. .pVer to u ,,, rtbrr lluB ,!,, ,J, f, KtA vdrimmt ph nCT j, ,, , jM? pij , p cirma in jrOiSntWrt Hat it w at .j,, h .j v h- mo . TV lH ChT tltrwi h.i .t MJ tb,t tf hf kai arlH rr. l 14. ui ., i t , . .. . i.ia , vVwwrf Ve.-ic.n-Jatt-1mlre.fc:Bfi:,,-t hi ir saWin- cntT rf ,. nr . . . v , , ,. ,-, ,t.. ,i t. . a- ..... .w.. -..j '" -" - gMrnf tbat 1 tntrmW to bnrc tbtt4 , j..!., , j,.,. ,!' cnniVtnnra it h, ,riJ ,u lbs1Ml ,4,,, ' . . nd jU wfcaf j. lWf f,,,.; W , lw. jjfr,,; ,m, . 4 ,u ,ui . -. ..ik..1 aim tbrr At tbmft not aqtbnr xd rr failroW by tbrra. it wal at if tbrr bd r C"liittjitiai Kidd cantmrd ibip" and cl and ! T11W ttir rimrrrdt bri'wi; Ih cr artHpi' . (.onlrrimle ahtnta.war. At.'-i ! Flnrida, eaptnre abtpt and rl. 'ali wbat tbran ne.Bnl d-irny lb- It - wit b tbr birc brr finw tbe frerl-t -1 br Ktdl. and. at tb Hi n ik- pmrfamatHW T tb- lin;K-b Qn T- j,.,,, , Atn-ncwn rnrTv wrrr a. ..:l I ..-I . t'-t.l. a t 1 1 I ibrr bar r rm.in r-wi f rrfaw et U - mr. u it- .. r KnUh ! ',, t trtrvral in ctamarea. i la acl nj rr- Crnilns the rrbrla l-Wrrnntt. i;rrren,Trt of rt- Unhrd Si.'et, lr lha. ' . .. ..r ak. ItMtf tllM Inr.k.l "..n-tM" .."- . ....... i-.-. . .... - int-jw Holland raty yrt r ralb-d np-01 lo atone. lnrradntheapHtA otlbrS-n atnr it it irn-M4V lo am the j-wiea - lB,t ib KrKb Mwr.'. -n h..t. m In reenrn x lh rrMt a Kf-m4. rcnMrd an ibat wat ah j, , rmJ .rrrrn'ton. wbH, woiM jl,,,,,, , dHaraHon f w,r Tn w 1 w- inn b ar aat ' a --a -- aj-" - VnwVlfm-rt T t mdW f tb- rchl OonW-raey at that t me w-ojl n aa..-l..i -- - - - - iw "a.anniii"! tn--:.TPic'' 'u areWi rmeatoal'y rare it a reaee " the Vwer nf h-rarth. A t r"trrti' wTwfc c,vor Ptmrnrr n h- rwwJwinn 'ha the tf nf rtforn'tmr tbe f-Hl-n. (Vnf.,1 r ,tj. ., iwr ntiatwerwatanimnhm a. wen at an o,h,8. nnon. tb- ij.;"'!"?;"" "' . . .1 - 1.t . 1 .1 ,.,4 hrtr,, t. two nathmt at we .. j emmra! ntathant nf tb mo-l intimate j cJrttBCrr; liVnd prn(r-ed to he lb Wetn. the Unwed S.atrshat the nw - - - -- - - " ...... mt thr Trli"a in the Soatb hrok naU I "". ., . . . . . rm larm-pn-,. m ''" - I rrt waab. and rr-.-a.iml tb-n. ahntt at fM hi Irt lxl mt4 on tw Mff'i . .JaL tV- i:oaaoM, rJ ib 1'olaed Stale. The prt. ea tb.t nation were m.de a. fr-r ,. rrM pTfraterra at they were for Am-r j feu, rmr-nrt. Inr aaf rntn aapp-tte Ihw irmrae wotdd lee lam dnted hr the1 , HnfiWi OeaCTment had it bren the State? j the tp-T Mttnaippi VBtVy wMeh , d T They raV bo ceiten nor win . . ........ they poaaras no porti into whieh linhdi ati awn mold he ran in Hite nf tbe hVade..d hrnee wnald tytharebeea taVennnderthe prNrctinn nf the IlrlMah . 1A. Had the Snath prodotrd no eettoo -he wowbj nem bare h-ei, rreopdM by ; larland and TraMw. land has hern in ' """" " rnoMav lotl HarUBw j mawoWt. M aVpntitfen lo dreUre Inland j tata-d Vn lniCTrrnt rifhtt. roiandNt, ) hdand: he p-tfa no pott intoahwdii ' Bnptrh cd can lie wnnesw-l. ad he rfjBBtW nor-vtoa Aiimx t-a-V an 1 le la tbeir fate h p-opap and I5ahin.l. SacH.tno. woatd hart hem the fattof lie Sbi1ict-i Statca ibadth bora located k the iotrxSorof ' (tin mnTmret. The Karfcb Riimsant wonld wirr hare trmtbloj itwtf la h ; W5rry at ib ike propria cf m rebeKioo s,IIHl ,1,, lmlrd .ttn' national atthor. ' r Twvti and Carried no, by Slates wateh i r -rd no porr and did cot pmdoe r-n. TV rrttry of IJzlani! in Vr hv It- flh rwKrr iwtSoin n Vi -M rrrtM "bt fcctJoo cf oi-1 kt4 smts-fU. - litPrTrt. Tkrr rcTBtirwaST harp ,,UM"- :,:w " v- W i J ar. T rr. anJ x wrrV. B-.mrJ, ran .y Jri ibr r. .-1 hn.H nj bff l-1 UiJin lfctwri. wW.Ir rrtrr Wr,?.. Vat J4 trlrrJ frna I'-w roantrr ; " , , , , , rrb iihi CTtT I i-rT iiMn r nan wnm t Kli I -"d I- y-nz We. ll imw rbat U ma-eb lw, Mr and Jw. f - . . nmawar .-. an-l . that Mr. C, .- bnrd S Mtlb.n rMbrn.. r-aw bk Jrmn Ilr and find C. awar away hm Iwnw J Hptmrnt i jimMy em nwntMtrd. Tbr f 'p'ng rartirt are wn- J n '1 baTr cnn 1 Iloie nrrrland. Tbe 1 r in Vabtnd wa ra tbit rtij but nlrbl. - j bm.W ... lfnt JpjJ. , .. "V c L . ' A ' ,","1",T".I, " '"" "1 T TV nmHl wfcl wi- Hnxrtnpbe Wl tBTTHUf T rr nrnrt wwl wr hnnnr be Wat. a rikr f-.w, wrtfc a cl l-al rl nerre d Rrc. Iiat wilb nwnptralirelT Ihtle rr nvr fmi 1 to f iMrk i : and the birb ' NtftleTn KtWff. wb anwirUly paonck, aI AWy nmtpVt. awl ft toetrni1 lonrt, I ibt la. wt in "! to bit Vnrr tbe firtl Wm. bat, after a mirr. iVal nf ta eitinf, and wkxn(;. and I arl Trral Vwk rlowin. tall twi tbr fiarl rt fcirrcf., trradaaKy d' ntw. brmH rt r mroflaowt fat, art) , tal In-Wr tbe world a lra iwft.rr.nt.. c lie beHowf.' , mar- and bne, wilb hwc la tm Hn? . tbfb fomrabat dlfotel J r-ontenancr. and a pair nf fitt that lerel 1 a fwt rrM at errrT Vnw. Ti( Nctt Srrir,7 -The" "nam- nf sj,,, (.j ajr. t lr errrTwbrre ! nvntwrn in em'loii wjih the SPaliT- Wntd' Ibe nejl wirt. wyt tbe SL I . JfMrt At ih we are not mcfc ' '.u.. I ra 1 X. 1.. .i.L.1 ..I .OT.nT-.4 ww . r .. vir.ni ntliwu in 1 tb- man. and of all VtTn llrprewnta- 1 tewrt mnitarmg in rbr Unton rank, m! ! imre.. ,Vt. .. ppaAir man than ' j S-tVt ON.I em b- find We bare! ! J rMirt-n wfch llTrrntitTa : fcwi ihtt Satr. wb a rVw nf aterttlin . 1 jK rMr r-te-a. hn we tMnk w j w wM nman )r- btilr in pVdtinr Mm 1 - as -aai a 1 I, in a anr-a-i Twvwaar- aa-a irwriw ini ihiti 'rVatika W-M fnW, Twtenf .dr-A we haw ren-wi o laHrre wtR rm- brweerb - eV.mttyetl.mern - Iafwo, A Nrw lri- Hal Cw'fllMl II PW til 411 all im iJUfiniaiC 1 , "",r , ? "" Wni iUiirriT. t rrtT tdr rPcmTTy "'" or w--o rT, avl .... 1 1 a. 1-U.. IT "TL -1 - .- al.. I I n lay the here lb Amerhjan liar- ",,,,,C ''"" w P" p"wd:' '' ' ""' alnrd frwn j " -& ,hwM anywhere whhnajt rtan. -at- . auBVa.aa- a-aw aa.ak - - taAAiV aavailka ' .V 77 Tr ITvLT 1! ' , l-nnt: -. m half an, Wr "" t.w material mm j r,wd-r It ew h--fd in a.hrt whbo-rt ;w. w-d I. M to nrr eent. i ! '"u'",,. -M OT 10 JW per eeM. ' . . ... . " " "" " r"- " " I"'-"" - - - - - Kaa-aaBl tatVaa aaaah I Blt. toiaa.aB--.Ba aaa-tBBBJ , , T" " TVV h " " a waTS'Ow'BPar lnlBT"rt. aTaadBtaa-aBt 4 aBaaaaaaJtataa, BaiaiaaB jaami. aaaaaail . - ...J .V- - J. 1. rm-.. ; , . prrp,,, w,, m. t) . 1 Drm,. lfcc bi fc,t ,w, Wlerjoorn d-d - o--ar. A me-er. Vwtrrr. Iwtwrlit .. Wf m Xm xWt nithK j ,,, he had 1 been w-afted ht New York, and enH not The rrply nf the to Udy w,. 'STAr11??Xmttal.H:a?..5OKS rf oTL J. Wuh tear dmna, rt . .nnAimiTIM WAHI-h worthj w wic ivfCAWMij, With tear drepa in hw ttrt. aawl her heart rradr lo hortt .j, ,,e ttifr-rf to the company and , y .. j j Vw , 4 . lBCTr)1 pjj. , nvr te , ,,, ..jhow:- The ffiHt). a,,.,J. - - A maertrd haiy rjanl her lm jii en (rated In itamrifcip and hi hope nf atop- ru. ana nw; -racra m iiimu. ano ra nopea m atop iae. her pine; thlar Jhpna. ahe eMhhdrwrrly raid tn ' V hy h- llnp ' them : Yaw yewac ra-oak. if j-a donl brhare jowjettw II tr t-f " mf atim'" Pi) ATlPTTBY . 'Q71 TkT? CmJUJIj Uu I & II AUlJ. JACKSOXYIIAK. VVJiol oanlo cte ZlotAU -ihuuw u- f V iB 1 i 1 O W VWI'' CLOTI-IITG, BOOTS & SHOES, TTAT3 A?7Z) OLXS. GROCERIES. . t-i a t-rtitv-i nrr n nx a e-t 'riUllXO.UUJO. U'JJZVSO, j ' j T .1 fy rT; ' TO I)aCC0 & SCSarS. DDrniirC PRODUCE. HAnDWAHrl ULASSWAIIK. QUKKX-SWAKK WOODKXWAnR. MINERS' TOOLS, AH U which wiR be wi! at low pHeet. U CAdll.ordrr.raMe I'RUHUCK. BRADBDBT I WADE AUK NOVT HKCKIYIXIJ A rto.n.icrn.n,nt.iIi & WeU-Selected in. and nrrch lamrn . STOCK OF pi-inn; & Slimmer J GOODS, NEW STYLES DRESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staple t J ly C3-OOc3LiS CARPETING, Oil Clotll. 7"all PaDCr. 1 ' ' MEN AND BOYS' Mta-rl.SpriIlIt: & OUlllllier i OliOTT-TTXO, 'HiVTSAiNDUar.S! A Xl A 150 A Klttc Aorf rtirnt of 1 W a) aaa. vat A1 aaan aW a 1 Wmbh' """. -" " -wuo JJOOIS tllHl OIlOCS I OUR TIKEMX AXD ASHLHD lal '. JamiJtB I -r- "". "iM.II Ijli 4II1II t-.llMl llUUllS WVich wffi U teld at JACKSONVlM.i: I'ltlCHS. t 17 ?AMH.Y OnOCKHIRS at lUtAIUIL'KV i WADF.-S , . T71NK CIRAIW AND TOHAn'O r . at ilRAimUKY A!KH 100I AND VTIMjOW WAHK II il ItP.ADIHIUYAWADK-' i;iXKTK.St r miAnnnnYJtwAnr. rooi.AN'iiimiKs ttorniiT b UVAX MUrtitAX CXt ' T-lHOTOOnAPII AUU'MSat L HUAMltltY A WADB3