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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1863)
Scmi-tUtckh) Sentinel. Klaiuutlt Country. Jackson vii.i.k, October 10. 18(1.1. Mr. Editor i Hoping to lieublc men fliilu your render, I will fnrnii you n k nntce, tnUcii on a remit trip to Fort kuinmth. 1 do nnt propose to nrptie tlio montcil flint ulilcli liuvo uri'i'ii on llic rs'.ubliidi. atnt ol the military I'ost In tliu Klnmnlh rountry. hut merely give t Ilium m 1 fuw .hctn during n fnrliilglit In tlmt region. On tliu 21M nit., I started, with n rrntlcmiin nf this plucc, for the Khimuth ilin. At noon, the eecnnd ilny nut, vc irrlvnl nt Itunchnrlc I'mlrie, some forty )ilo? ililnnt front Tucl.'ioiivlllo. The llrt object nf Intercut tlmt preent- l lifclf on nrrlvlng lien- In n hciiiitllnl. Ittle clump of pine tlmhcr, nn tho North rtitcrn margin nf tho prnlrlc. Tills grove till ever retain n historical Intercut to the Opflplc of Southern Orison, It lielng nnc nf ikflM bloody landmark" which erect the jc In nlmot every inountnln anil vnlley of imjiuI. It wan in tliht'pnt tlmt the tin- "Hpectlng U'llfonl party met their bloody 'itcat the linmlsof tho Irenchcrotin nvn. .. On n gentle Ioh tienr by, nro the tjtm of the iindirtuimto iulvciilnrcr. wtkrtl with a rude linnrd, upon which is wcrlbcil Hint oft repented mid melancholy pilnph," Murdered by the Indintis," Ilnnclutriu Prairie contain two or three mi'lred ncreii of line, rich Intnl. The south nt, however, in murihy. .Muny line mnun vim dlrvums wend their wny through It i'f concealed by tho high grow nud wll. iwson their margins. To the snutheait rtlmvcn lino view of Ml. McLaughlin 'nmvy llutte) Well liear nliift lt foly bend j mm whencn ouch crystal fniintiilns feed, Tut gulii'K fnrth lllu ciurkllnzck"", .iiaisn tiie Han't, or neck tliu view. From thlii pmirlo the road passe through unpen wood to Four-bit creek, which, like II other mountain ftiranix, cud only be ncrlbed by n prolusion of poetical cpl- k; for lixtiuice, Ulpllnir. gurgling, murmuring, crystal In-nin. iithich tho MiniMiw-trout, mid frogs are eeii, From this Creole, tlio road continued iwagh open timber, oxer on utmost im- wptlblo grade, In tlio foot of the rniiln hlo, wliero Is seen the Inst trncc nf oak bcr. Tlic rldgo of mouutuins illri'ctly re us, stems lit some day to have been wnl with n thick growth of limber kith lias been killed out by lire, nud has wn over with a inns of buck brush. tfizuictn unci other ilwiiliruli shubliery. 'Hi hero nud there, a thick group of the ! trunks of nn ancient forest remaining. 1'nMing up over n somewhat stony roa.l, csrrivii nt Summit Lukes. I cuu Iioikj ' give hut a faint idea of tho wild gran- iir of this region. Quo Is lost in n sort of xilcul gloom ns they ride ulong.lhc wind. jroad, tlmt bad been cut through n wil- rnesfl of fallen timber, und over masse Hack basaltio rock, which had fallen m tho mountain ubovo und lodged nrouiul ibwe. Hero r dens grove of tnmcrnck Block and spruce, thrniigh which the al pues, hides nil else from view, and the next turn of tho road, tho whole' me is cimngeil, ns if by inugic. iMuiglit kvn but the limbless, backless and bleach- trunks of a once great forest, which, "in" undergone the tmrcatorlal test of (divesting it of all its outside show, now wliu pure und spotless fonst-ghojt, The 11 "Zuln turns : the scene chumies. A autiful crystal lake, whose mossy bcaoli 'rounded by tine shubbery, displaying all eolors of the rainbow, calls forth ntj of admiration. Ibrough dead timber standing and dead aWr fallen, through denso groves and over niture prairies, matted with u carpet of rJ nuckelberry, mountain moss and dh "ithe vlning oak, over rougii and rocky l and Vflirt liiwn. u nuMnl tn TjiK'a '(liantment. from which noint vou will " from mo In my next. X An absent minded juilgc out Wet mar J one Joe Dotvera und Nnucy Ilnrkens, 1 eonclmllng thus : It now rc-umlna for Wi-liero court to pronounco jou J.Joe , und, Nuney Ilnrkins, muu 1 Wife, oml (here tliu Juilue naused to je the perspiration from hi face) in-nmy lod Oriuitihtv hli-huve inerev on v-vour "! ! Sheriff remove tiie culprits !" . , I ,v. KANSAS Onnui! A Wratern nauer fclt 1 1lrlt nil A rlrniiQua nfntpu fYnlmnl r JJI hi men liy the following orders : 'it order Prenura fer ter trlt outo yer "Urs. Second ordcr-Uit. I Tim Kmiou.mknt. Prom the AtptH, of tho fith, we learn that dipt. J M. Keeler, 1'rovost Marshall, husnppoinled the fulhuv log Deputies who have tpialiftYil mid lni-n nmtgncd to their respective Sub Districts. to wit : .Inhn Fulierton. lt Sub-Ditilrl, Inclu ding .TucKkoii, JtHcphiuc, Curry, Coin, and Dnuglni enmities. A. A.' Skinner, 2d. Sub District, Inclu ding Ime, Linn, Denton, and Polk coun ties. iMiirhm F. Mnlkey, 2il SnbDiMrict, In eluding I'luckntniK, Ymnhill, Tillniiinnk Multnomah, Wiisliinglon, Columbia, and .IniitM A.Odcll. 4th Sub District, In. ClUUIll ttUM;uuiHI U Hlllllllll I.UUIIIIPS, The following is a lit of Unrolling OfTi- cers nlreudy uppninteil by the Ilnnnl of Kn rollmeut, who have filed'liieir oath nf office and entered iiion their duties in their res pective Sub-DistrieUi, to wit : Jueksnn county Clms. W.Snrage. Josephine couiiiv (Jen. ThrnOier. Lino enmity Vm. II. Haley. Jlcnlon county A. It. McConncll. 1'olk county Win. (Jmnt. Marlon county Win. Porter. Clnekiiiiias county Juu-iih 1!. llnfonl. Viimhlll county Henry wnrren. Tilhimnok county Chns. II. Davidson. Washington county II. W. Scott. I.lun county John Smith Clatsop county P. W. fJitlctte. Wneo county Kntlinii Olney. Multnomah county John S.'Xcwcll. The rebels boast nf their chivnlry. Do the fuels warrant it? D.ivIhIsu repudin tor. Floyd a thief. Van Dorn u profligate, lloimm a iinid iirnnlinnl. .Mnrtrun u Imrse thief. Qunutrel u murderer. Polk u drnnki'ii liirimp, Iliclinrdson n butchrr. und Mnhy n plunderer of tlie dead. The latter Nprov. en by n cony of u puss found upon Mo4iv's wrvnnt, who was enptured, ordering (tick els mid guards to pum him to the front, for the pnrpre nf w'lirehln the dead and wounded," und signed by Mushy himself. Quarterly meeting of the M. K. Church will bo held In Jacksonville, on the 17th nud 18th lnt. ltuv. G. Hincs, PriKidlng Mlilcr will be present (Deo rolante) und ofilclate. An old lady, wishing to kIiow her minis ter how smart her son was, introduced him: "This Is my sou John Juhn blow your nose " inew'stoae; NEW GOODS. SACHS BRO.S AUK .NOW Itttovivhig and Opening AS EBITmE MEW STOCK OK Fall and Winter Goods, Direct from Suu Fruucltco, at their BRANCH STORE. AT 3PJE3ICESISrXSZ, And are determined to SELL AS CHEAP AS AM'OTIIUIl IIOUSIJ I.V JACICSU.V ' County, For Cash. SACHS llltO.'S Jckonvllp. Aiiir. 29. lhua mu'Jliif ASHLAND MILLS FLOUR I KAGLi: 31 ILLS FLOUIl! WE WILL KKi:i ON' HAND TIIK nbou wcll-kiiuHit liramU of Ktra rmlly Flour, for .ale, at Wliolumlo or Ho tall. UVAN.MOIIGAN .VCO, Aguuu lor tho Mill. Sept. 8, 18G3. n-it!linl Notice to the Public. TIIK rectlou. from the Summit to tho Halt-Way Houo. of tlio Canyon Itoad, will Ui opeu, ready for trawl, on tliu J U 1 1 1 day of Sept. 16UU, Irom uiilcli tlmo toll will l collected. liy order or Canyon Kond Company. S. V. CHAOWICK, S.'Creiiy. Iloicburg, Kept, 2, lrtkU. rvpt'Jltt IfAUVJiST IS OVER A NDwo want money to b,iy our Fall Xi. uo Gooda. nud hereby reouet our trlvml. ooiu in town uun couuirv, to payupwiiu out delay. 11VAN, AOKGAN A CO. Aug. 20, 1803. niiici!2t8 PETER BRITT. Photogruitliic Artist, Is prepared to take pictures In every stvlu i of tliu art, wllli all the late Improvements. ' ; ii riciurcs uo not cue rntimactlou, no chareeit will 1n made, Call at hU new Gal- Il.rif fin tllA lllll HYIimlllfl Ilia nml , w.. .mw ..... v ...a lilbluiH, null for your llkcnr. -w . v.n.t., n . ......... . 1,1. VV SUOKMAKUUS and one TANNUK. Annly nt the 1'hojiits Tannerv. Jnoktou county, Orcuou. ' auir2l)tf wiGirniaN&HAKDie, MTCCSSOIW TO XKAIVK BAKER, 410 mill 41H ctrty St., Vnt. 1'rnlirltfo, Importers and Dealers -m- FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Dv Goods, ' Clirpcf S, f IllclfllllS, MllUIlIgS, UPIIOI.STJMIY GOODS, AXD PAPER HANGINGS, For sale In quantities to suit. o?t7 :im:rp OPPOSITION is Tin:- LIFE OF TRADE. BUY ALL YOUR DRY GOODS, ROOTS & SHOES, GEOCERIES, Liquors, and Cigars AT SACHS BRO.'S Cheap Cash Store, AHTIIISYAltlSmCTKUMIKKUTO Soil CDl3L3po3C, Than any other House HOUSE IN JACKSONVILLE. Cull nud examine fur yourselves. sachs imo.-s. Jacksonville. June 18. J8CJ. je'JOll MOTHERS 3IOTIIEKS MOTHERS DON'T Ml tu irurnrr tl:8. WI.NKMIW'ri hOOTII 1M1 HYllUi U CIIII.UItKN TKUTIII.MI. Hit valuable .rr.trKtAn U Ik .rwciIU.Q bf Mi rf ,b" '"', '""'" Hwkliw aial l.ur In lk till. Il biuim, uihI luu umi u.i-l it tinny ;ar. uiiu Iwr failluc mMf and hkcvm ky iiiIIUuim nf rnutk M olnl, fnm the frUa lufjnt vf wm hmW ukl tu llw u4ull. j It uut only rvllfCM Din eklli frum ln, Uil luTlr j alat tlio .tunauli hiI U.w.U, rwrtKl avidity, anil gitM tuna aim MwrHX tu 1110 wiwm .j.imii. ji will aliuu.1 lu.Unlly rllo . IUMaiTULll.twuuA!IVt"t!Cuuc. Wn lull... Ii H.. u.ut .iui K,,.,., II.., ...I. I., il,. I WolMlllt Iko UMt an.1 Mirt.t Kaunllu lk, Mori I, In all oum ot IllgK.NTKHV ami III All I KIUCA IN C'llll.llllV, wUtker It urUt. frui in or from any otlar mini. lull ikrMtluiu fr ualnK will aminiuny ruk butll. .Son (Jumllio nulw. Ik faclmllo of CI'ltTIH A I'Dlth'lNt1, Now Vork I. on Hid vut.kla niir Hold ky all Mi-lWiw UviU.rt; l"r1iorJmJ OlUcr, 48 Iy Mrutt Srv York. 1'nc 0i.t iS C(t rta lloittr. lil.Iil.NUTO.S A CXI. 410 and 41S Kruut M-, .n I rauMo, lu-'mO Agmu f (iillfnila. MINER'S 1 A T . O ii, Jul U O IN. ' n.. ill I JCm-vmr-JLt SuocvMor tu NnUnd. UIIMCC IMni milIDQ iratlkr,audMuictloiidky IkuUMbJaof WIIWCO AIU UI(UvJK,liuarUklcuru. Mi-didurt, wlik fuUdlrKtlou,ut OF TIIK IlKSI CJIAUTY, AT ' ONE-BIT A DRINK. And Cigar of the Choicest Varlctle. My ' j Krienda In iiarticulur, and the l'ubllo iu I I general, aro luvlted to gh me a i call. iL.n,in c.. n tr.' '..'.a...A liLWi laKW. ' - ' - - - - .mraiiinviiiM. .-ihiii ii ir.i ktoiii iriiti l- IV. H . Hl I I I I 1 l'iI J ! - '- - .-- --... . jjki yaxii.'-jajwvr'mszMm Wo will pay Ilia Ilitrltost Murkct I pay tha Highest I'i'Jce tor ijk VKMcinuuijKi:i'jiiDi:x mig291iu l'.VAN, MORGAN A CO. . ' ..... L " ' '" " ' i inn nun mmianii; CHEAP FOR OASH)'.J.nTA....i.ioioAK...i:nwAiioulKtifc MAX MTJILER, AT TIIK BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon ond Main Streets, .liicUsnnvillc, HAS Just received nn nddlllon to his former largo and well relictcd Stock of FANOY, STAPLE &. SUMMER DHYG-OOTOS OLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Mining Tools, All at Reduced Prices. OS'i: and AM. nre Invited to f.i. vor him w!lh u onll.ns It coots iinth 111); to hlimv bimmIs, iiiiiI It Is a ilei nrctoM'll Hum at iirlces to low that none cnu complain. IIIclH'M Pihe Pahl for lro iliicciu Krlinim forCooili. I)K. I,. J. CZAI'ICAY'S IrMiilr .llntlrnl ami Nmlm! ln.llllllr, VtOIIMDITal'TStCT, U.I.IW Mftntzouwrr, i.'i.ll IVHrio Mall 8. C. C.kV I'llirr Nth FmitrUfti. K.tMMiMln U, .r ll. I'HMural CurM.f .11 I' ihI IIipmiIc IHmnn, and Tin: MrriinoxioN or yuACiu:nv. AtlriMliicaixl HM-knl ri.rrlan. Ml. I.J.IV.ACK.W. St. II, Ia In Hi llimfuhaii llwfrliilkmarr VUriCl.l.f 1'hjr.M.H In Uh. JUIi IMiHrnl ut IfuiilHlai llikf furpun I.) Ik JlltlUrr fltltl IWIH, lluuxn rn Hi" htH lvtuirrull lli.Mrilllrlfii I'rt IMMT OrtlU. UH.I llu .if MltMl awl CMI4rMi, n.f Il.Hnoify JlMuUtf ir Ik l'l.llI.J.iU lVllrj( tr mmihw. ) l'iilKuUrllMill.i w. tu I Ik UmluiMit tf 1)1mmm if S uMftii and CklliUMi. OITtr liMir frum tt n. hi. It, V t. in. jSmt l'.nwii,oUMi. .irtelly iwiilVlvfiiUt. IVrnxw mil iiirr irtMnmin.1 ur im lf Ouu.uII.IImm, I l.lltrirlillnft., lliHH AiClr, UK. I. J.(Y..U'KAY,l4ll rnnrtwu. To tlxo Ainiotocl. Or all dl.wim. tli Hrt iinml nun h).rlm rntu iii(l.t t .lurv'. Um, ClTI'Kl: NOT III..N A ClltK ID (IDAIIATKCII J III all a.r.1 Imm4m4, N-lNunto. brrvtai. ikWI lly, ) 4.IIU In all II. laaM .IrMulni, ll, liiavrl, iImWi., iIImswi.i t)."l.l.liHy. auj l4IJr, ui.nti rUI rluiiMlHui, frfrurnli, Mln In ll.. Umn ai.l aiikltw, iw.m4 v t tli lltita., Iliimr, i.m atvlrtM, ul.i ujhi Uh. I.Kly itt limb., ratw.r ,lrfi., rjiil. tkftU,M. lllW' fUMti,ulalullUw4M MWlHt fl.'HI a ilfn(uint cf tlM .ximI nrpai. .urli a. iMrttm. It.luUlluf. Ink. nf IumIjuV I..A. ..f Bmlfral I umLi., iIIiuoioi uf Uhmi, Willi .culUr .I.4. i r dyll"K HW dkwaw, Hllilon. tiMl Ik tr, ialn lu Ik. I.u-k and IihmI, .iuIi IrrrnnUritlM. ai.l NMTUIK 1M-WT III ,!. u. 11 .11.1. W.K.IUIIH'M, I all Iwifuiwr UImImku of UMIi kim It umIIm. Ial irutfl Miial raUM 111 iu.w. (41sllUilr.f I,at.r luiiX tuiiiiiutc ur uiwilu.1. tli rM.( tvcuiuy u c.r Ulu, aiJ lna.4tr lliuv IImh a trriHbftt rur (4il U'uHWUkI by kitr utuvt tiMtmt-ttt truDrr the (lUwa.. ka. kaltlnl 11.0 ftkiu i 'i vwiiiiit hhyinM, and icUImI all Ikrlr inwui. of tur. Tk lntMliir. 4Manl ail nilkuut i.W, Mallraljr ia(akt,cat"iuK iwrkiHv..aii. fre lr4n inrrir and ImUmm. liaiinic larniy )ai.' i4a.llr In Kd tvf, lk AlUnlKMal. al.l Cllf'lii., 1 lwl tr cui frum IL. Jaw. . f ilatl man IkutMud. wIkj. Im tka Ut .tag. f tin alrt lunilliriM-il iIImwum, trtij Ua1iul'd( ty tlndr .ltjrlnf i wkfrfe war rant lu. lu iirufaUlnx l.i Ik uttiUitU vie inay dar tkUMtVM 11M.W lu, ra, a irfM4 aul .jawily ur Tribal dl.aifc.aiam ItHigmal.! .n.inl.. tuklik.a. tky ar lk flr wiw t (Hi.nmlun, attbiula ai.l lumiy utlivr UUaav., and alHrtild k a Irrrur lutk kumaii (.iHlly. A laiiiMbwul iui la auMtUjr t.r Aald, a majority cf tkv nun r.llliw lulu lk ' luiUil. i.r llimUlli.t.llt FMITMMI.. talrfl luif Cll til Wr Ik. ihw, Imt ruin Ik runalllulkin, tilling Ik )lwuilkuiinry. aklrk, llk lk.dlMWUr.JM.1. '-"inVfrT Into ra4.aaauui4iii. llul.l.Hild ,,,dia.altrlinvnt Iwt w Uatk .iUI, and Ika k-tlui marrln, tli. iUau I. vntaik.1 uiii tk. tklldrau. vkuar boni wllk feU nn.tllutlMU. i.l Ik.rurr.iit if llf. curruittl ky a tint, ukkk hlryt 1Im.II in MiufuU. tttr, ukwv, iutlor. audulk.r klftluiM A lii .kin, yiu, IkriMt and luui,'', entalllnx vlm tkrni a krl.f Jii.tmrorunr lug, and oun.Umiia Ik.ui k. an rly arat nKky-Aliunti I. anotk.r lini.uiU rnmiy lu kuajlk. Ix iwtkliia U iu Ik urad taUJoiru f ill inwvcmum nilMtrulli a drain ui.iii Ik ttriu. drawing lutk.UMnWif rktint. IkiMika rwyuar of lurT.rlnir. lu an nntlftw ly iiraf. It ikwlrvi. tk ii.nou .).tui, ra'Ully null, away Ik .nt-iptr. of in., uuumi. ni.nui in .ror urviriM(i.ui or inv, iur iiiarruji, tly.lHllaa,aiidallailLlypjaBM,attiara tka.ulf.rtr wrwkd lu kuJv ai.l niliMj. to un.uiiitlon and a train of vil. nior to ku drwoi- d Ikan iloulk itoulf Mltll tk fulk.t Mriilt'kdar. I I aMure tkv unfituuatu vk-tliu of M-lfakuM, lk.t a 'Wfjgg m r.m i Jniiani ill and turn iuu I rtfrtd, ui.1, allk -,a-- fi9 akauikinifturil of rulnou. nraLtki, niy itlut an i r"wru w rouu.t ai.i tiiruu. i.vojiu, JrrritulartUca,andalldUaM4rinalmatid fvuialr. aiv truttvd on .rlucijil. tlaklUkul ky Iwruty ) tr lu any lurt uf tk atat, OrK"n, ItcvaiU and Ytu.k. Ill .I..H 4 ...lli..!. I.w ... lu.... ... ...I, a. In.. l. HdlWR . . ..V. .. . UJ ,...... ...... 1 1. Ml. I. .... (U II , bitoawj ky Ultvr Uuuvm cum Kiidiic .trkl- L.J tV..UKAY. JI b.ktiiVruakjco. uu rnuuutr.Hoii uu1.m k irct. a ur. jjuuoiij XTOTIOK in herebv .-ivn "to'all '... ItXITliA iLaffiiP ijrrai fra-.t i.j.iiatiltalL.ii iulaalra xi .-.." . . ; -: todebtcd to me by noto or HiKik nc toiint, to pay the tame to my aueut, Jokkpii - com, on or ueiuro tliu ism Mkruvry, IKIIH! rilhprwliui llur f.nmn will lift tiliii,'.! In the haudi of un attorney lor collection. JISjSE HOItlNstjN, 1'er Jacoim. i;-ile Mill. January VKd. Ifek.l. T01J PRINTING neatly oxecuted at the J SKNTINtL Ol'TIOli , M OMAN & 00;, Two-ntory, Fireproof Urlck Store, Next Door to Express Offlco, Arc now In receipt of n part of their Spring shipment of Xew and Fashionable DRY GOODS AM) CLOTniKII HATS AND CAPS, Bonuots, Monitors, otc. Ami will lie constantly receiving, through, out the year, additions to their stock. Wo ImTC now on hand an entirely no-.? stock of FANOY" AND STAl'I.K DRY GOODS, i1IIIIciicry(iooiIs, Trimmings (II lira AND HOYS Hats, Caps and Monitors, CLOTHING &1300T.S. Sllppors, Gaiters &. Shoos, ItiUHscIs '.ill)' 11111I Ingrain ALSO TOW-LINEN CARPET I'OIl DINI.VO ROOMS. M Wis m. u-mErwp'a anB-k, i.v i;vi:hv VAimrrv. Agricultural Zmplomonts, IRON AND STEEL, VHKKMIAimOW8, Oroeeries9 OK ALL KINDS; LlUlOHSofcIioImlqiinllly Tobacco and Cigara, , . . - H, , u O. 1,.. JXOCtCOXY OC VJTlaBHWarO, FINE JAPAN TEAS, DRUGS 8c MEDICINES Pain(.s, Oils and (ilass, ' Mining Implements, COOI'KHS .t CAIM,KXTIHS"l,00ra l'atfiit Tacklu IIIocKb, lOWJ)IJH, I.V KKOB AND CANS, CAPS, LKAD AND HIIOTi KEROSINE LAMPS, MIRltOJt.S, DUCKS frum No. (I to OOOO, ANIVI.VI'AOT, AlmoHt Kvry Articlit (Iminlly Culled for lu tills Place. Ilavlni; C8tablihed ourfrln. In Jack ftonvllle for a long term of, it Uour full determination to keep up at ill icaona henceforth a No. 1 stock ! .-'At, and do conduct our limine a in main it for tl.o inUrwt of the iK-ople of ilna Volley to iruuo wiiii us. we win n-1 " iuIiIo'o in tho variety of our .tock, m,, ,( , good., nor can wo be uiule, "A gajic incnt8 are of the most fm Call aud sco our gooda t. ' price. lily of our .is our ei. Moiiutiin learu our RYAN. H0R0J. t CO. 'J IV. U. COUNTHV 'IKS iv.ll I bo euppl.ii ut u shade ovi l'runcmeo j cost und cuurgeg. U ( 'O. ,