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About Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1863)
riiL'-JU-J-!!!" ettftnel fi rwn mwhf.iiw - j rt mr - wf "'if t-nwmwr-mL wtr-iii wtrtwtwtT 55 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, OCIOBEll 10, 1SC3. VOL. VIII NO. 7.j. I a aa yaa Otoe wrepm I. (). O. R--,TucitMiivillc LoIc JZ Iiim .... I !.!.. ..r ... ). ' mw -- iiih- i-'i iumi i me iirpi 4 rt Jl' v wwU In i-ti-li in. .mil. mill mi Moiimljr i rHi Itilif trull M-k, nt Hi- Miiik Hull, nt trier, M, Hmtlipni In kI lnn-llwntf IiitIiv.1 "" '' . . WJ1. It AY, ;.. II. n i .1. Ilir. II Hfc'r Tm.ln" -.!., , Hiiilmi, Hriiry 1-Iillitr ml t,n II IsitIj TiEt? Warrou Lodu'o No, 10, A. F. & A. M. A HOLD their rpmilnr cninmuul vjrrntlmi tint Wrducwlny Kuitltiu nti Vnr preceding tliu full moon, In jack sowimj:, wiiiiion. A LILK. MARTIN, W.M. IF. Itl.nnu. Sn'i. oiirAios en a vtvaCxo.4 KOYAL AHCII MASONS, ..ICVr.W.V 17., A.', ORKGOX, Will hold ltretulnrcommiiuh!ntlouon tlio 1'Iit.I Nntimlny I'.vtr)-Mouth. All sojournim; ('oniMiili)iin In iood tlsudlng urc cordially hulled to uttotxl. J. W. GRKKR. II. V. I,. S.UMH. Hw'y. dec8:I7 o. jai'iiim. k. r. iii'MKM.. JACOBS, & RUSSELL, ATTOU.NT.YS AND COtfXSKLORS ,v T 7T v t-,t7 , AXD SOLICITORS IX CHAXCKRY, .Iackkonviu.k, Orwion. Oftlrr. iiii(illr thn Cunt-I Ilrnitr. All liii'liiost committed lo ihi'lr ciuii nil) m promptly ntl'ii(i'd to. Mtll. liotrilITT DOUTIIITT & attornlyk axd V rlllt n for I l,i tv-nlln,l ..r "llllrnil)." Cori'Chiioiidi'iiVL'. rmii'MUHNTii iiwkivkii. "Willi mnriiir. cniiiinii mid ivlnrd. We'll send old Abe niir Hen u regard." J kit. I)am, April, I6C1. roMn.iMKNTH iitm'tiMm. Willi gun-l-onl, rirwk-lliv nm! lirntiry fat, Wu'll send old J til'. Ollinnrn mid Grant. Am:'iiuv, Oct. Ibi;:i. BY 0VEnLANDTELEORArH. TKLKtlltAI'IIKIl TO Vltt.KA JOtt TIIK SBXTLSKI. Dntt'H to the filli. AVnlilnjliii. filh, ltlchinniiil fremiti- "it. of tin 'JOtli, rnrn Captain Ilrll. who lliTi Richmond ii lew tlnyn since, fur the lion lor n few liouni, lint wo huve not only fiuco enoueh In drive lilm buck, but In de feat mi linmeiinly heavier force. UnV" tlic iiuiiiy I very desperate, he will mil M'.'ilnrc to tittuck Chuttonongu. IT lit' Miniihl do so, there U every probability t lut t lie will In- defeated. The present rnid N not mi imexp-clcd one: wo linvc bin n looking fur it. The cavalry movement do mil fiirpilfo in, im il lii only when liruvy IiikIIhi of Inrnntry mnvo mi our lin of comiiintilrntlon, or fliiidcii, tlmt nu pripuru for cvrliitH (.iitfiiirnni'iil. I?t mo nimurc loynl, jicgjiti; tlmt fitirt fur Kiwcrniu rvar, nml for pnletv of Murfrn (mm. niftl not be entprtnlneif, iinloi the enemy hiw moved mi our llniiK nml renr Hi lull Inrcc. WnOilnetnn. fitli. I'nll orfiulnl ndvlecu of n lulu ilnip, ImvM Imtii recvlvcJ Irmn I- , ,, ., . ' , , I'l II IHIU IIIIU, IIIMW IHTll ll-wntll lll'll nMHi.lin; nil i cxunlljiini in open ; ltT,trr(.l,. ,lt the Xnvy Ilennrtmint. Al irm U up I ho CliwiiiiMikp liny. Iiim, ; tl()ll. rmn, xr MUm,' ,wr ,m,ou, iii.v.iip nn neviii n n -ii iinoii, n iiirrni. ,(, ,mll ,e MMy ,iiUcrt nt ihln Ilcwccmlcd In f.Jiikii.K7mikifVriNi ,(,,., yet ihcvuli-.w neither Ilaliljrren m.r ,J,,",,"' " " iii-i i.iimnreiK Idle, lint nro puHilnj; rorximl l er.ible pniK-rly. Ilo run mm limit Iimlm for a rt.llcWu 0r uclivo ullj irfl. nihoie nml Nived from Iht n luriru (inniiil ty of clnvi!. llln prisiiuera uru on llielr wny to Hleliiiiond. Xejv York, fith. A Wnlilnirlnn cnr. clent operations. Xeve York, fith A l-'ortrew Monroe letter to the Herald, ilnteil I lie 4tlt. Ktnttf Hint nn expedition, on u large f cale. ron J&.TP TiA'W, AM) SOLUM lOHS IX lArK'O.NVII.I.K Will prnelicu In tliu Suprniio and other iiuri in lliw Mate. .Miiif n 4. i.ii pnmli'iit ol the Jniimuf vf Commrrre, .t,ii ,,r nriinrv. mvnlrv nml inrmrv mw iipprcliciiMon-i limine quartern m I, i,wn oncuiihw.1, nml, In conjunction Ni.rlli. iMNilim teirraiiw riom Atlniiin,' w,, Mvern cunlioaln. tnne. from here (.eorgln. to tins Rlrlnmiml tmH-m. In rein-, ywierdny nfienioon. Ill deMlnntlon l on Uon to lbi.rrnn. huve n; fiinndiitlon. It bowii even by thoe tmrticipatlng. The in well imileniloiHl Hint "lWy" Ik uble in trnoi left under itlI onlem. wlilcli will In nil I :liiitliiliMni,n llinm id tun nil llttitl. .1 t. ., 1.1 1..1..VH tiv, i - """". - nm ih oiiniiii nn n eiTiuiiiiioiui mrincniii. .,-... .... , mlcm ,,,, Plll(, ,,.,(. ,,, MrrnatLen pun-1 A ,,!. of nhzvom bun lieiiinppolnieil. jaukhii. rxv.. Ilc-ponfiilener -In tlie b.dl. filial the new or. llt wlic, rom)1,n.lerii nre lo meet and FAY, cnniwiliKi of I he Army of tlm fNinilit-r. H(i0pi onfh nn.uiiirtK nn will lnnre tlie fwe- COUNSELORS I ml" wmi i rcimowmcnm. wmi r-non lean C,Y ( ,(m e.MiUon. Major (Jenerul p- iii iiivcihuuihv n-niiP, .n.- inu in.i.riii , j.-(B,.r m ,u , a onAVri-'UY l!"".not.u c,mru",r '"'I'Wier for pub-' c,,nil plan" I" n uu,i..Mvi,Hi , jcll,on- The ort'iinlxit Imi of I lit iirmy.i tnniworlhv olTicerii I a e.iiniiulL'ii, ninl ill. lew voiuiK'leut nml i.. .. i i. .......... , I : . ' ii niniii in, iMiivrin. in n iium iiu niiwi.. UiiKi().s, rntlnit it rllieiney may Innuro icci" nn '...,.,.. .,,iu,,n, ni,Ui ir dm i.tnnll. the rwnnplliin of ll.. eamiinisn, will 11- tion i tit utrike n wvero blow In vital part nnlre Imt little more lime. Qjinrlermiudrr, ,nli.t mmv. tr nrmwrlv rarrlnl mil MORFORD, ilJrn. MelpMiowwith that urmy, ileclurea 1 1, w mvu tt ihIIiir iffict. nml maybe conducive lo Imileuiiijr, ou full campaign on bulli niileii. R. B ATXUiLNJ'jl AX JLiAW, iT.m.'umd.nviu.k, Oi;mnx, TVflLL ptactleu In the poyitaI CnurU or t) tlm rir-nfJiulIcal Dlmilct. and In (he 5iirnu' Court. Oeliilx-r "JO. 'C2. B. F. DO WELL, ATTOKNKY AT LAW, JACKKO.NVIU.K, UllKIION. K'ill practice in all the CourtN of the Third Judicial Dmtrlut, tlm .Supremo Court of Ore pin, and in Yrcli,Cnt. War SJcriii prompt J cnlleclml. (kt. . J. GASTON, (furCLxw fi IUI A (li)liin) ATTOKN33Y AT LAW. il ACRONVIM.K, OlIKllo.V. K'peclnl attention ulven lo colK-ciIon w. Jium 10. I8n:i. 40 jlly (bifttiiwn1. GEORGE B. DORRIS, NOTARY PUBLIC TOR JAl'KSOX COUXTY. it to be In r.NCcllent condition, cijuul lo nny tmerpency. Winhlucton, Sih. Our Iroopi utrnnsly fiickrt Itnpldun lo ltd mmilii. thi'iiee down tappnliaimnek to Fulmmtth. A rebel lirlifinlt) occniili-n n iilrong position no the north Mde of the Riipiiliu, near the R. IL, Btcnnvr l'lillnn, from Chnr!elon Ibir on tlie Jtd. him arrived. Hhc bringK nn new. Rebel ttruim-r Ilhimnnd wan cuh lureil by ptinboat Kleltin(?) and luken lo I'ort Roynl. She hnd a valuable curiro of (iiiFrrillns aaltprtfr'iiuJ Ihitiom, 1 I'filntmif. I I a fihort dialiiiiei1 from our line til Inl'i'Wl tin' ton 111 lili nr tlm I'nlntniifV I Borne or their rnlila miirlit bi prevented If!, A Xewberu Mler of the 3d, tayn: Gun our troops were mure wnlchlul. M Hoiiilnlifll left hero it few dayn uk" ,, ,,,,,, , IuihIit peiili-d orderc. and made n rrtxnnnni I-orliw Monroe, ntli. Itlclimoml .'Mnw ,0 iuKiiiHiiink river, which einptiw percoMm .'I'l. have the f..llmIi.t,' from (nto Albermirle Sound. She luiulAl a Uioriiftmij Chnrlenton. Sent, .lilili.I'.n-1 i,nni ,., Kii,.iti, ri,.. ,.i.i,.i, ... eniy finil Mn-po.inder I'nrrolln all dny, at I m.ttum iy nt wn ,ie u0ib,iel InlervulBof flfiifu inlmjiw, ullernal My 0JM.wJ a vigorous Croon the cily, doinj; at Sumter, .Jidunon nml Uattery Simjkm. J,,, dutmi"e. i, u riitini Yi);iiriiivv. 123 killed nml wonmleil. Our force nt Inckcil nil captured d(ll) rebel, wlui were up I So Irnek, near Chiintliiu. Hnmll lurce nl rebel nttuckeJ UIu-cow, nt piinri', Tiics diiy morning, surprising the force there. X'cw York, fith. (lold Irrcgalur, open Ing at 4flitf, advancing to l",B,aiid cluj Ingiil4n4. Wudhlnglon, fith A bund of guerril la cult-red Kairfux Court House, und relx ed come iturcr, nmmunitloii and rupplle. Iiuivllle. Clli. "Whaler, with 8,000 carnlry nod inouuteil Infantry, iiiecceileil In getting in ivur of UoH-crmu, nml ullucked hiinmmunilmn trnlm. X" eu'iinliii or danmue of importance on our Mde. Verv heavy firlnc is going on between hostile tmttvrieH tliN morning, (marlralnn, lt. Firing duriiiL' day linn lvn In-nvii-r tlmn for wfi-kn. Kuemy l cteadilv pounding nl ruin 01 humiiT iroin lulli-rieii on OCIce with 11. V. Dowell. I. I IMand. b-yoml WiiL'iier lie nUn flielk-d Ji Ft. Jolmsion with UrLIc mnl Mendy lire. G, W. GREER. I PlitliwUiil.fn. .Mil A k'nnrilli . 'IVnn.. 1MIY8ICIAX AXD SUUGKOX. 'letter, mv. Col. Carter l luken p.Hw. (Illirt) nl hu llKlili-mion OrrBiiii bl. Jelon of llilll'H (Jap. lMifU hold (Jrwn- fAncmi.NVit.i.K. Onwoi;. ' ville with hnivv furee. Itaynrd mid Wind. Where all tliuno Knowlnu' tlieiaselv.-ii In. ford lire Mill in advance, below Loudon, i'luid In him. on nolo or bunk account, Miirinuditng relwl cavalry. Ill nlenii all mid H'tilo nn. or their ae-' mi McMinnville Indicate fimt will lio pliceil for colli-ction lit the I Hank movement to cut ofl" Roecrnns nml lud of my ntturuev. icolate Uurnslde. Tlie n bel attacked our wynw iiiiiis will (till find mp,onfr, right on Sept. 28th. nml ero repulsed wly In attend lo my professional iluUi. Iuy (., lSna. iimylHf DUG AN & WA1-L, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, c'ltU lliillillng, cor. Trout A t'umti, CRESOKXT CITY, OAL. riLL attend to tho Ilecelvlng and For ' wardini; of nil (loodn Riiini'teil to "Wf care, with pi'omtitneM and dirp.ilch. Ciindgnini'iits solicited. Merchundiso ic- inii on floruge. Cn-cent City. April II. lfifis. 15 K-1). NogoiiiUdHllviti.'Jiitil tlio freight iJ cliai bp8 nr ) ild. 1). & W. "" J. KOW, nKi.i.n i.s ,IOAKS, TOHAOCO. FRF.SII rHL-ITS, STATIOXIJUY. COXFKC- TIOXKRY, FIRI-JWOUKS. HTC, Aiixt limn' (u Urnilliurj- & AVmlr. after a li.'lil of two bourn. A large mini ber or rebel were luken prioi)fri, I hey expn'.M mort ideal ion ut the rcunlt of CliIcL niimnsu fi'lil. Rebel cavalry made uti ut. lemiit to cross the TennwM) Mver, nt liar. ritinn'H Landing, on the 30th, bill were re pulsed. Omaha, Xelimrica Territory, 5lh Tlie 82,n00.0() stock riHpiind by charter of Union rncillo 1(. It. Unniimiiv, IH-Iore or- Steamer OmoK)!itnn from Hilton Head oo the morning of the 3d, Iiim iir riuil. Tlie Yacht Tnrlueni nrriveil nt Hilton Heud Irom Key Went, Tortncim nnd Fermidiiia, Florhln. Slie reiwirtii no i .. . i Morrlo 'enow i' ever at nny ru ttieo (winti, iteaiiii or too troops good. Cincinnati, Ctli. Dollll'g bureau and chair (uctory, on o'lh street, wiu dwlroed by fire Init night. The timber junl uml Ihiec biiildingi adjoining were damaged. Is, S50.00U, partly Inaurul. dlrinitpli. ilalnl K'nrvTvIIU .ML. ii.i.i ......!. -,- -, ....-.- ,.-.-. "w mj uur lorcw Uelnw Imvu penetruted -ft fiirinldabM in the lluvifiu rivi-r. vinmv ri'llrlm. HcIh'Is lmte iiIm fallen buck above Col. Curler, beyond Greenville, tonltrhl. Jit ter dated Iialtnn, Ga., Sept. 25th, pub lUhed in the Richmond Dispatch, rays that the ruiiguiuc multitude are f-omewhut ills ni)ointed to kuow that the tafk of ukir.g ltojt'crani I not so easy. Although hi lavtes have been heavy, he yet ha u very fiirmiilithle urmy. Itichmnnd Exatnmtr ayt: Telegram from lrrcj)rinslli!e neisoui would have u bellotc thai Jirngg lias cut ltoserrnn communications, holding I)ok out Mouulnlu. the rond to X'asliville, etc. onizailon. bus been MibcnlieJ und paid to ' U 1'" RP(?' fullins lo retuine the of- ieuiite, nn uur inui mere ig ion inueu truth In Rosecrans ilUpatcliea to Iii gov ernment, (lut he Iinld.4 mi impregnable posi tion. Tlie into urnnos are still confronting each other ut C'lialiunooja. Kosecrum, it U fuiil, ha established three llnu In Iront of the town. It U reported that Urugg is fortifying Missionary Ridge. the ircuimriT, A ineclim: of Mncklmtderd has been culled lo convene, in X'w York, oil tin S')ili of Oeinber. The Mwimpid mid Mii'ourl Ruilnud hit been H'lecleil u$ the ooinineiicemeiit of (tie l'ueific route. Tlie wwiurn ttrmliiin of that iwd ! di rectly oppoito lli is city. A survey of l'n cilio Vmtte fi-oni (Jimiha to Flutte river will be coutructed lor ill a few il.ivs. under di- motion of englueei tuuri milriMil. Duleti October OHi. Xew York, Mi.Utmld hat a difpatch from Xukiiville, duted the 5ih, whiuh mijui An iimiHial ilegieo of cxeiiemeiit hus been canted by the rebel Geuenil Forrtwt, with Cliioucro. fi ill. Tliu c.nnlrv li.'lit. of of iJiMitiiii & Mm- j Fridiiy, look pluen ut AddU'on'd Crrv itiwiki. i iini., mil Ky., us reported In yes. tenUy'ri dUpultli. Louisville, fith. A Naidiville di.'pulcli snys rcneiB burneii uringe at tcw arts creek, nml nnoiher over Stone Kivir. I, vuiimi uf tnu ikuui uBiu-riu i-orrtvi, wiiu i iiutr m uupuiro in jie.iiiiiuviiie, natur- n.ivejujt openeil u new jitorc nml Muck- tt orcc or nbout 4,000 muuntul men. bin-1 dny, the 3d. by rebels under Wheeler, they iilltvvlllni elioloc arlelyiifllH.aUiu'Mnj,inil(iea ruj,t ou ollr ,w nf railroad burned u locomotive, teji cars, and took u n luueil nrlicli'. and olk-r tlmn for sale . p(,1m1tioii. betivM n I.hp.. ,,.,,1 lln.u. ' nmi, ,.r rilr,v.,l ,,. mimn.n i port ir Cluttannogii. ,1 Hit ut this tmw ' McCook. with u brigade of Federal cavul no trains am riiiining In tho dirpctmu of i rr. nttuckel Iheeiiemv, uml scatteied tliem the luiiit yi-t this eircumstance need give in every dirccnou. Itcbeli lelt nil their ogfiucnt of n great war to him. Hut, it no pirtimiir cnusc for nlurui. 'I in enemy I pi i-miier und l"0 head of horse. N uie'y-1 fuit s un exactly. It convinces me thul the m.n -mcecd iu interrupt iig commuiiiea ue of the rcbiwi wete token prsoucrj and , Almighty ramus we shall be free." 1 ti.l luui'tt livhiL' nriciii. TIm- ImsI of ''Km mid elmwiUK lolMreo will be !. t "iHnnttj on Jiand. Those ilemuin nnv IllClt fll Inv lirwi tvtll tnt'ii mniiiiv In tn.- '"x in" n cull JI.i'W "oavllle.Jnl; 1 '63, J ltf CouviTRittloii with a Itclii'l I'riminvr. The ntitbor of " Among the FIbm," givis the following nrcoiiut or u coiivnwitiiiii he had with Col, lire wit, n priMimr nl N'usli v 1 1 lo, TtmieiiN.v, and formerly n hading law. yer of thul cily. The Colonel, il mini, did tint hcMtatu tn declare that ' Republi can iiiMitiitlnnsaivu failure," mid ihat he, nt leuM, hud belli llghlhig (or n litlu of no bility to be ' tieriieluiiled in his onu fum ily." The writer, nfter showing how he chanced to viMt the Colonel, nml describing the room he occupied, gws on : lis then occupunt was u man of nbout thirty-five, nml of decidedly pripiwHwing iipiearatice. Ilu had u One, lutellectuul face, und long, brown hair, iik roll und glos sy un n woman's; lull dark eye, wide, strong Jaw, mid u flrqijy cut mouth, Miow cd him ponm-cd of n manly, ileteriulned clmracler. 1 saw nl u gluiieu lie .us no comuion man. lie wus ilresMil In the Conlt-drrutc iiiilloriu. and as he lay on the oulxiile or his col, iu Imlf reettmbeiil utti tude, he every now ami then moved uneusi ly, us if iu pain. Seeing this, I said : "Are you wounded T" " Ycs.'Jour bojs gate me n pill when they captured me. The ball entered here," om-nliii; Ills shirt, mid showing u lurire r-ear Jmt below his hiurt. " The Mesh bus In-ul- eil. but the ribs oro not yet well knit to gether. Jt bothers rne some to keep uu i-n. sy poMtiou, lint, tell me, whut is jour name and where do you lite" 1 told him. " And du yon know n gentleman of your mime let me see, wuui tsuisurtl nuuio J , I think." " I cnu't say that I know htm, but I oughUo. lm the man hlmv-If." " Van uie !" nnd miilm; Iiiiiim-! on Ids elbow lie shook me again warmly by the mitiii. " t m iiellgliteil (u Know you. 1 ve heard Dick fw-uk often of you." "Iknow him vttll ; tto were Intimate friends fur twenty )euri." "So lie's told me. We're beeo nil thro' the war together. He's n prince of u fel low. Davis lias lust made him nGcntrul. Hut he Buys you have turned Ab"litioint.'' " Xol tiuelly thul ; but I go lor puttmi.' yon nbeladiiHii, nml I think it cun'i be done without taking uwuy your slui'i. " Hut you cuu'l (ut us down," hu reiillnl, gooi huiuomlly ; you'll have to criisii our mililury wwer lielore you cun reach the darkies, and you ought to knowjou can't do thul." " 1 don't know it. It's a mere iimllon of time ami number ; three uuulnsl one are sure in compter iu tliu long run." " When ilo three hute brains ; but, jou see, your three haven't." ' 1 knowymir Generals huve tlms far shown more ability than cure; but occa sions uru sure to develop men, though it limy luke time. How long wus It before the Knglish Revolution produced Cromwell, nnd the French Xapoleon ?" 11 A long time, I know. Hut General are not what jon wunt. You lime theui now. You have Horcernns, Hunks, Grunt, und little i'lul. Sheridan down there ut Murficesboro, Kitherofthem Is u match for nny leader we have, and Ko'icrans, is u heud und shoulders above any (j.oeral on litis continent. Jli has a great orgumxing, mililury miml. He net er makes uny mis lake. He check-mated fx'eso IninuVmiely in Western Virginia that U-a liim.elf isn't ashamed to own it. Hue had hun we'd whip you in ninety dajs; but you Miut hUn up without supplies or liorfes, where he can do nothing, and whero our cavalry can walk around iiiin, us a clown walks round n pole ut u circus. It is not Geuer uln you want. You wunt uu Administra tion." ' Hut wo think we have one." I an swered, laughing, " slow ft buy be, but sure ; nod ' us honest us the times w ill ul low.' " It's true, it's Mow ; but honest ! Talk of its being toittit, with a Stunlon in it! n man ns corrupt as siu, und us veil u I us u Toombs lawyer Why, sir, he's in ignor ant us a lUrKey, and yet you trust tlm man " Hut vim ntc tmt, nml iievir lll be Iru. Your Govt rnmeiit I u denpoiiui ulteuiK, und whuteter muy be of nuis, uur bberini are Nile with it " " Liberties I There Is nn an fill nnintint rf cant nbout that word. Uur tK-oplu iiiu ih free ns jKiiple should be. The lilin ol uiit versal mfl'mgo tusking n umill sotereigit out of iHiy ignorant tlinl lnpHr wi, comeii Into the country, 1 .l.i)nl nut. u huve Irieil it tnitii-r the old Government nnd had enough of it. Reliublicnn liililulloi." ureu fulluro, nnd you'll be cunvlnud of It before many jeurs." A two hour's corivrrwitlou, ranging ovr then nml kindred subjei-ts, i-imuril belwetn the Colonel mid myself, nml iu tho course of il he slated that it Is I ho purpoM! of tlm rvlK'l lemlirs lo form uu elective monarch), and thul llu-y had thul design ut the Incrji tiou id the rebellion. " 1 liwn tin Miivtf." hu s.iiil, und nm thertfme not perninall iiitrn-xtnl Iu siKlnlulug tlie institution. I nm lighting lorsomethilig that 1 can Iravu to my dcH-emlanls a title that cun be per pctuateil In my Inimly ; uml know, uhclh tr 1 live or die, 1 shall be successful j for if I am kilhd, my country will do Justice to my ciiiiiiiui. He spoke freely nnd oiciily nf litis. I nm willing," lie raid, " Hint nil should know it. The time has gone by when it Huspolicv to conceal il Irom onr poorer clases. Vu havu them now wheiu i hey mul submit, nml with Hie rent of the world Jinglnnd, France, Spain, uml etui Russia, which so entlors to tin) North, il will lastly htlp ui." He expressed the oplonlon tlmt n ruptnrn I rmiiienl iK'tneeu Kugland und the United Sialei'. ' Ktiglnnd, until now, has covertly played Into our hand. She will food throw olf the mask nml do overt nets tlmt will muLe war ineviiuble, if Hie Northern jieiiplii huve u spurkof manhood or Klf res- KCl lelt." If Yirksbiirg had not fallen; If L'e had not brio deleutiil ; if the copjicrht-iid lead ers had not been foiled In their attempt li force Xew York Into tlie rebellion, whnt tliu rrbel colonel preilicled might ere lomr prove true. Hut as those events Imve oc currcd, it may mur rensimubly lie cxihtiI Ihut the roar of I ho Hrilisli lion ili sab side Into u sound us soft us the plaintive voice of n sorrowing culf, A M micas Roma xi'k, The Furls cor- rcionleiii of the lmdon 7'imn relate that uuiong I he Mexican prisoners re ceiiily brought to Frunco is n young Indian wnmaii, only (welly-three ) ears of ut,'e, who wus Lieut. Colonel ol the legiment ol Carsticas, uml who, Iu seien jeurs, roe sti n by step from Hie ranks by her courage und tub uts, Originally she 'followed her husbui'd to iho aimy, uml was soon pro. muled to the rnnk of second Llimtennnt lor her bravery. The death of her hiubuml, killixj in action, uir.irded her nil opporlu nily of atenging him and of rising uuotlitr step. The I'uncli defeat at Guudaloupe,0!i the Hlli of May, lfc:', obtulned for her the rank of Lieut. Colonel, in which poxftiou she uguiu greatly distinguished herself ilu rlu the siegn of I'urblu. This singular woman is said to bundle ihe sword like u first lulu ftueiug master, uml she made her self respecteil but feared by her soldiers, who looked njMin her a u mjiernaturul being. After Ortega surrendered ol du crrtion, ut 1'ia-blu, she was brought lo Vera Cruz und was lodged nn board I ho Rhone until that vessel sailed for Franco, Her order of embarkation mrulloucd her rank, und gave her u right lo set ul the field ofUars' I a hie. 8 lie. is sal.l lo Ut lit agretublu ra-rsoiial upjieurunci,ulllioiij;h, ns might be cxjiecled, rather mascullno iu her ways. A Caviiio l.'iinn.v. " What did vour mother say, my little man T Did you give her my card?" uked nn Incxnigiuiict-d young giiitleinau of a little boy whose mouier iiai given nun nn invitation to can on htr, und who street door wus accord ingly opened to his uuliuiely summons by the urehiii. " Yes. sir." said ll.c urchin, duilo inna- centlv. "uml mother said if ton were not u natural born fool, you vwmldn't come on atomtay mormu,u time wlmiu every oooy Mas wushlu'i" A, llilj tnnlitr iii-iiiiiiin U'llli n cvpiVit smile of weleome, rnaiU hr nppearutien nt uie nun, wntui, iu iwr wirprisr, iiir. vn sophl. tlie vUltor, bolted. ' What in Hie world does tho mm main ?" inipilred (he mother. ' I daiinu." renlied lha urchin i " irucss he's forgot suthin'." - -.- - A M110I1 ciutumer. ivlin wui unnllticisn. nttended a Methoiiiit m-euog and fell ni!i cm. Tlie nrcachcr with uiunhasls. con. jnreil Ids iollowers lo think or tho future stute. 'Jlio rough mnu heard ft urn id his dreaming, nud starting up cried out " Thunder' it s gone Itepublicaii by lo,000 major ty .' ' I