vtUK3tdSPM HBH Scim-iUccklii v Sentinel. "- TF v- M li 1 r-' i-' "Tctnir: nrru'iur Axn rximxKMir m- men Un'iun. a OnvKn.NMr.vr ii)ii tiik wiiod: ih i.nm-KXPinD:.,' Washington, jAcicsii.vvir.r.i:, onuuov. WED TODAY EVENING, OCT. 7, ISG1. The telegraphic dlfpatch rccelv&l by to- night' ln(,'o contalni iiowm of but little In Icreit. On the fith, In Xew York, gold f rm nt -IS. I'lrxia The picnic from Jackjon vlllc, Thicnls nni Wagner Creek, will un doiibtedly Im7e n plcaiuot time ut the Uverbcck Orore tomorrow. A. 1). 1815 1. Wo have reccWftl copies of "M'Cormlclc'a Almaonc for 18(51," com piled by S. .T. M'Cormlck. or Portland, for the Htute of Oregon and Washington and Idaho Territories. It Is n useful book. (Icorgc Cammon, In the U. S. District Court, September HOHi, was found guilty of deUluhig letters while acting its Post mister, nnd fined one hundreil and fifty dol lars, b'o pays the Portland 7tmri. liicutenant I.. 0. Itontl, who Imx for .V I 4 I .V ; VM .,1 . 1 ..ii -.l I - ' ruiwu company of volunteers from the 11)1111173 ui Jiiiiu, mariuii uuu iuiiiiuumii. the most populous In the State, despairing of success, resigned his commission. Since tbo ovcrwhelmning defeat or the Copperhead Democracy of California, nt the late election, quite a numbcf of their newspapers have ceased publication, while others have "camo Into our lines,' taken tlio ojth.n-jd are now battling for tbo Uulon cause. 11v. A. (1. lMmiimlt. nf l'lni'pnn t'Atv . will commence tho nublicntion of n newj'l paper at th.it placo on the 1st. of Xovcm 1 1 ber. It will be" devoted to thu interests of tho AmsrlcJii people, and the HTXtuilyof tho American Union." It will be publish ed four months, only. Subscription 81 AO. Mr. Kdmuuds is a forcible writer, and will uuke un interesting nnd useful paper. lleans nre freely olTeml In our town nt $G per 100 pouuds, while ut I lie Mine lime the beans consumed by company "(J" ore pliippcd from San Francisco at a cost of not Icm than 811 per hundred pounds. Pork Is sent from the Atlantic Stateu to Mipply the company, while u better article could be procured hero for about one-half the cost. Thus thousands of dollars are fnuandercil by n ridiculous "red tape", poli cy, over which the company officers has no control. Minimi Kxvitkmkxtii. There arc now (wo points of Interest to mining adventurer Iloise, to the northeont, and Arlsona, far nwny to tho southwest, l-'rora both of theso places como glowing acconuts of Iho rich ness In gold and great extent or their placer diggings. The two extremes or hot and cold clhiato distinguish tlicto mines ut Holee you can luxuriate on Icicles In June, and lu Arizona protest, without avail, against tlio presentation or small bills (of tuOMpiltoes) on tho 1st of Juuuury. De lightful climates, both of themt take your choice. IjAXonAVA or tiik Wab, A rare enter tainment is to bo oflered our citizens on Saturday evening next. Wo rclcr to Pen der Si Co.'s great, original DIorainie Pano rama, said to bo ono of tlio finest ever ex hibited iu the United States. It U made up of , life-like and stirring pictures of the great battles nnd events or tho war, on land and sea. Excellent muslo is appro, priatcly arranged for each scene; and, in addition, Miss Alicia Tims will entertain tho audience with new and popular songs. Wo have no hesitation In predicting that It will be one of tho most interesting ex hibition ever seen in our town. many mon.us oeen van. y ?SiXmnnunA from ,IC wreCk of the Gold- Uask. -rfcclsco, Oct., U fiWjSk' jarjirji. lUCnWmifsorATaS a t vday, lljf name Is VM'J t'.fB ciuuiMwai, ItllbJDS Tho otiljMMinp?8 cxinllneHorilic!pri.si.g- it . - ; j.v i.iin..i .-. .::.. -i:r-., iiuiiJonurjiH i,uiiuni-v.'. imvi, i.iihiiiii.iii nOi utflH V. um-L'. 11W. lilliiaill-ON the schooner. Vrho turned Slates evidence. , iuui.isuiii-.ir.ii.il vum: w, Uui....i. "' , ; 1 . Tiik Kvidrxck ix tiik Chapman the oliktf of the c.ipcdillo... It ummira ' 7. -I " J -,,.. ., ' 1.lln1,b,.vL. It is "nt " "'' "'P. r ' w '" J " ,ln ' "J0 '" that Hurpending was elder or the cuter- "T. 'T " " nt.r ,!wn m,yclv ,hu K oil w lar with nnmii iw.wn i nmeii nc prise. Aubrey wm second, iind Uraathouw 1 iimfi ffi.Sa'o iS oJL I 'T1'111'"1 ,v"1'' ' Vou ,,n" l maul t0 '"' was the last of the three engaged In the .7?,3t ? 1, Xb.. number of ll I ,'ml 70Ur l"wh',ml WM '" mucl1 .r.n ?'rnn,i coo.plr.icy. Hnrpemling lirt nppro.iehul ' J 8"" W , , ' "Jnr, g,, . I per ifinl you .lu not llko In po with h in ? Unpinlnf.nwwill'.n propwiilon In rnier J? "$ ,IX cle yeno ll.fro N 'iV"'1, d,' l l,ml " u mnrrinl to upon n privntccrlng cnlrrprbe about Hint- M07nffi ,,ln u,,ou,1 ,.B J, nnd wnyn I piliw to aiiilnluW n.onthq before Iho capture of ?", C Innrnnv lin " Ih, Khoonrr nod crow by our UiHton lloaw ' J &3 luSJr ?o ZCl ' """! ,I.,'i,,."'l1 l(mAr Tn I1'0"1, " W,,ul oBer When Hnr,ll becnni, ..,., $$ tSi, SX . RC' , Cl,U,,, ,,,! ,! L,lt "'"'' ''" 7 fleil int lie coiifi! trust Uiw. lie rxlillmnl ,. .i. . ....... ' h,..i. .i,,!...v i' to I. m a b ink letter or n.arnne 1k..c.1 by fc ..Kon.or, ihe mcnnnil Ihnv hund .rtflirwin lhivlj, PrMident of the Southern . .. ;. ,lt .... Vl,n lm nnnVP(1 i.uni'iicruey aim ur cuiicr niu accreiurv ..' u ...... -r .... x -r.l... ui , ur ur avtitMtrjr ui iim iiuv ui inv avis uoTcrnrnnu. 1 nere wa, u r . n ,. ler of Instructions, wraps of which were !.Lr" ftAi,1 "S SSI :,.' :. . . r ..;:"1::. ::r Z muerio.uHrnoruwrojTCMeni inucr iuu iiiir in mi ij 11 1 sill iiuii'A iirin-iiiiiiiv iiiformct) wltneM that he had been for n long time trying to get up an expedition for the purpose slated. Aubrey was pres ent at omo of the intcvlcws between liar, pending nnd Law. Ilarpcdlng and (inut house told witness that they had advlced with A. P.Crlltcnden on Ihosublect. Crit tenden (aid it was unlawful. The schoon er wus to proceed to 11 small islam and i..i .1.. .1 '!.. it n.. .vu iu I. biiiu.i iiiumi uuu T", .' 71 "Jr . '. "" ."".l, three ulh n " 'o ' M tlan disc some about uro from ut n certain iolnt. iiner miiHuruiif 111c iA ...,. .... iirui uer uiry nuuiu return 111 iuu miiinii, 111 llm . turner out n,n r.rlvnlr..r nn.l cr .t.n .. .. 11 .. .1 ... 1.1 ' n. In llu. Rmilb Piiellta In ll.n tilth of fr.ll' S"i ..?". 1 In 1 ' .. L" ft ,0' lu," r "..... i .1 " 1 ..:. .1 l",'i 1110 Han. nn inn iiiu, nnii in ine .J. r. ..., n .,... ii. 1...... than nny dlnsiniis I over ww. .iw .....v ii.tvi. .. ri villi. k. ..nil iivua- ,.... ,..-. , .. ..ll., r .!...- Sail I-'runclsco would bu duo B"Jf """I ' "?c "". ?"."', - ". if.... ...! ... iiannocii cuy is niiuimu mi .1 inK in that n-Kionns Ions us .ouKht pru.'VlVfl.'?11?. M..fr,?J ""'t1",' U.l. "V de.,1. they would proceed to the coast d? fl.lA..-i flllil .k -.! Ithl IflUdAld llAniAlllrlhl ItAltBl.l vim i. U.K. vuiuuiu ,v..o iiviin.niii uuuiiii UI tlicir operations were to bo directed OL'almt vessels belonaii States. A part or their 1 .. il. -.!..- tItlr Ure UK sTUUUUIJxT II IIHUII1 cl, (;atC( Tills very brielly wns the sub- : suu- stance or the lengthy examination. Court adjourned till to morn when the witness will be subjecteil to n "crosi-csomlnatlon. Something 0 n tensatlon was created In Court by the fierce ulancc levelctl by liar pending at the witness. (Jreathouso and ubrc? irave their earnest nttentlon 'to eueh question aud timwcred, but muuilesl' -. . ... .. . i no imposition 10 upeur iieiiant. Srinu or tiik Rkiiklmox. Tlia Port laud Chruliim Advocate relates the follow, ing: A man went from Oregon In 1802 to his Wei,d. ln Arkansas. A ayniiulhiwr wlh Hfsnilnii. I111 ivitnl In !oln llm riMif. mm 1 aid their schemes. On reaching his father's XH. (IW -..- -- J-f... ... .,.. ..-. house, ho found his parents nnd brothers Union-laving olid loyal, a brother of Ills an officer in the Union army. On the first night of his arrival, and ivlillo conversing with that brother, n band or guerrillas rode up, recognized the soldier and shot liim dead at his brother's tide, nnd iuqulred of the stranger who be was nnd whence ho balld, He answered that he was n mem ber of that family and recently from Ore gon. The, leader of tho band, declaring thai no was irom a u 11 unoiiiion mine, ordered bis men lo shoot him. Ho fell, pierced by three balls, one of which broke ids urin, They thcu took his uged parents aud scourged them severely, and while plundering the premto they were sur rounded by Federal soldiers nnd captured. That stranga sou is recovering from bis wounds, nnd he writes to his friends in Or eiron that that first night's experience of what reliellion Is. ciiml him of his seccs- I sio.1 proclivities, and that his J'Cd shall I henceforth be at tho service of Ills coun try ngainst rebellion. Thus was un Oregou Democrat aboli tiouiiced, and similar causes have produced (he same effects In thousands of cases. Onroo.v TKi.KniiATii. Mr. J. K. Strong, tho most energetic of telegraph builders, passed through our town n day or two since, from California to bis homo in Salem. Tho following Item of gratifying news, which we obtain from tho Yreka Union of the Sd Inst., gives auuranca that tho un tiring efforts of Mr. Strong liavo met with at least partial success in procuring wiro for tho Oregon Hue 1 " Tho wire for tho Yreku aud Jacksonville division is on the way from Itetl HlulT. It will be stretched on tho poles as fust as circumstanced will admit, und in lew than six weeks Jackson, villc, Oregon, will have telegraphic conimn nidations with San l'runcisco nud the At lantic States." DO.VATIOSS TO TIIR S.VXlTAnV FUND. From J. Uaum, Portland, 85 ; A loyul man, 82 5 "W. D. Hare, HHUboro. 85 ; 0. C. Jleektniiii, Treasurer of Jackson coun ty, 8C0 In coin and 810 in currency con tributed as follows 1 lly citizens of Hunt er's Ferrv,8l9 Collection, Thanksgiving Day ut services of Key. M. A. Williams, 8-JO1 lly cltlzeus ol Jacksonville, 811. Ortgonmn, Oct., 3J. Hiuiuock City, Idaho. General Thomas J. ll-ltar. mites from iMnnncK aiwiOM loaraiwiiuu.umrrjiMut' .i( n lonir nbil Intercstloi: letter, under date 'jV. . .v" . . of Hcntember f)th : . . .-., ---. - . S.. 1...-.1 .r -..i..f,l.. -- r. nm, CVCn cowilrlw, Unit have,, sprung up , f ,v mnu C ! Illlt hcn'.llt myTH't.-IH I (-.. i- .....t... n, ..11 .i.it... t ,f to'. lint when llm trip li mmle nnd lliwc ,,, rt.IlcCll , , m in m,0llMlU , ,,.,, wh, ,, , ! orrnrty m.K Is ell ...nbered, nnd thuimr in the rconoii mo ciimnte 11 nol 1)npra!,lrnt. though It l generally be not mi ilcasant. though t 1 generallv be- 11 11 1... i... ..111 i..M ''.. .... It not for want of water, of which, in n paiwrs nm as dumb .m death alio. 1 such these camps there Is a great deficiency. Ihf J '"ft1 " caes, but still lake delight In would iK-.nnd even will, this drawback 1 1 '"' ' '" nP ,0 "ecru inn the much less re klleve I, the bet mining nninlry I ever ' l- -. M f, ' r... .. , ..... . .... ..-..... ........... itu. I, I. Iinw.it...- AVnfflliltvl.lt. tvilli .M-.U nle. nnd a new.eomer Iiuh a poor chatica tn get a claim that can bo worked tit this sea son of tlio year. The water that runs in 1 ., . ,.. -.. ...,. 1. ' inc crcTK-mnii uncurl n neing iMcti nay and nlflhl. In order lo savo It all. The ' Wmnm.triier.lto jrywlm In rnvlnes, HioiikIi 1 places, iinnniicit wuy ,. ,. n.... - , n..t. -i.. ...... cni"K. 11 irniiiiurv in iiiiiik inn. ruuii; f.m ior - . . ., ., . . ..., 1. 1 -1 .i,, .nM y miles above lis nioull. and eighty tnleS r iiiiira .11 from the COnllliencn or 1110 HllllKO nun Holm- rivers, and not more than fnnr hun.lml ...id Ifom the continence of Iho H.mke nn'd Hob- - 7- - ' " S " " M t i.n ,ii,,..i!Porllaiiil, nnd three hiimlwl milts In any 5 0 So s ! k l ;r "st zrih x lr 4an was to capt-1 , f n',,v.1'Crn "J ZTl ,?!, "" i? I " ..' "- ..-.. .. .. . ..v . ii.,,!-,,.. nn,l ,, I.,,,..!,,,! ,ll, In Icnrinus minim? life. Tlio nveraiin "mount . r.i : r..:i. 1 ....." .. 1. ', "' ""3' ,'V "" " "" -" "' 1 throwing llm owner nut nt the rish or hii 1,nc" n':,i",JT'lrZ, I,, ljrv;,iru- Sew" wn"' "n,',, ' '"'' '"! ' "" ' ' T7f JH. JXJ... Lr rust w,,e U"iun bjyoneta uro around. .TJZZTnvnnn. "0,n '" tlieo mines for want or water, ami ; . ,J1 ,n "" ftfffl Wll!, I i '"'l by the Orwoiiiaii that Capt. W'V- Wh ' $"V"y nr"c'c Mcilorum Crawford's e.nfurnnt escort ir- in i.in.1 vn unvi inn, nun Hint 1. wnrui. ... ... ....- ...... ...... ..... . nine cents on f;ot. on. wlls at retail 11 the sunns lor iweniv nun iwrniy-iira cenis l"r I IMJ111111. r.vcfyiiiiu vinu ii.'. tu inj uiiiiiirii nr packed from tlio Columbia, nnd freight is worm irom twenty 10 iniriy cents. I ("osTitACrww. Much has been paid nf,ntSn'em. j Into nbout Uncle Abo' contractors, nnd "fii mum m.i the cnormnus sums Ibey innkeout of llm (lovcrnmcnt, but 11 case occurred in llio Dalles n few days since, whirh may Ihrnw some light on the nrilhmcllcul rule iweil by contractors. Tin contraclnr was n " sable pi,m . nml wn ntbnl hv Mr. (!. In n.rurn "! ' - " "- V ' - ui. r .i.it .i.t .h ......... .Wf "!. 7 '.. ' . 1111111L iiiii tir ail-. 11 iit-r iiiiinuii' 11 1 1 ! work to bo done, he said tn Mr. C.. " l'o does that job Massa C. for one hundred dolliirs." Mr. 0. being something of n wag, repli ed: " I am nfrald that l too chean. I don't want ynu In lose, nnd I will give you nn- ollT clinnec in llgurenn 11." John rolled up his eyes nnd looked n lit tie perplexed, done a litllo more figuring, and finally ruid : " Wcll.'Mosw i, I'so does it for one hundred and fifty dollars, make nr lose." " How is it you 'chop' so John," said Mr. (J. Well the fact is, Mtusa 0., when I fig urrs it one hundred dollars, I mikrti no ac count fordesn in ih lime," Mountaineer, A. 1$. 0. 1). Header, can you cipher out tho enigma to bo found in the first four letters of the alphabet ? Did it ever occur to you that the letters A, II, C, D, consti tute the cnitinls of the surnames or four of tho biggest traitors that ever edited? I)ok nt them. A, for Arnold j II, for Ilurr; 0, for Calhoun; 1), for Davis. Thero in another peculiarity 1 Koch of theso villainous traitors followed pro-! clsely in the order that tho letters follow each other first. Arnold 1 second, llurr ; 'third, Cnlhouu ; fourth, Dnvls. Tho In!-! tials of tho first trnitor werell.A.; those ol those of tho second A. II. Hereafter, In printing primers lor the lien nf inmmnii cpltnnla. llm rnmr.lLra will .doubtless do away with tho old style, and , I instead of saying, "A was an orciier, 11 wos, a Dull, 0 was u cat, I) was n dog," they ."iT..;.. 1"' : ":..:,' .r. , ' :v. 'V, 1 will stir that A stuuds for Arnold, the first trflltor In tlio Innil It tnnil for Ilurr. tlio second traitor to his Government ; 0 stnndi IUI V.UU1UUII, iic lllliu UUUUI , uuu ir stands for Davl3, tho fourth traitor, nnd the HI Yu Muck Muclc or tho rebel con - spirators. Following on down to F, ho mlrrlil anvfl Ti1 atnnrla Tim ltndtl Ihrt Ittsr. KWt .-b... v, ..." .w. .WjH,,. , tiller the world ever produced, it strikes us that sucli a primer wouiu rimer wouiu "" yet unborn, It remembruueo of I,- useful to the Generations would ken tho children In the ucts of these wretches, and teach them tho lesson of tho present day. Shu J"uai JPiw. . The Knnsas Journal relates lle follow. RMjrafflff vA:,.,tii.un, iirlV,v. ... nvi,irUnr llcffo.vrt klmcs) '."v,vr.,T",rf., vwr'.tT':-. :: ii'yp.K' her lov&liv (hut ihil (mil b?enklll rt In iH lliq)h I liiirtfewilmcnt .' Whim ...i .I . - i if . . --., ,... , . .1 iuu your 11 mum 11 llii'in minim ( aimhii tllTO! VllP( OLMI. ""Thin wm lienor1 tin war, wu il not?' ' V..' Why tin) you V fcmiila slave recently sold In Itlch mond fur .'1,080. She mi tutirthj while litnce tht ltntaikiible price tommmuM." Thl is one of the Ixwillrul feiitureR of that "divine, peculiar lixtltullnu," which niut not be iliscuunt. This wretched fe male slave is probably tlio half sller of some elegant ludv who moves in the bi-sl . .. . i ... . .. 1 . 7")' ,i . .1 . , . ""', "'I I Unl. UW strnnge that Hie ' concrvutlve" .- "" "' ... ...w .. M.M.v. Xnitiville Union, Tiiky wiu. I'miit.-Mnjnr (lencrnl Illuiit in his official report of the battle nf Money Spring, Arkansas, pays that the ICanius colored regiment imrlicularly dis tinguished thcmseiviil. They fought liku velcriins nnd preserved their lino unbroken Ihri.iigliuut the cmrnircmcnt. Their cool- 1 . l..o.-lm" "ii nnivery 1 nnra never peen pur inores ,., .,... ' , ... ,..,, .. ... ri-.3-.u. nrv ciu 111 iuu 1111111-M 111 ine 1,,.1 1 1 ... .,. , Hunt. 111111 ui.,MHvu ill 1 r.iwi iruupi in . 1 ....! .... .i .. ....... Zi.WZZ2.?. i?"!..". ? . . H ."Y 1 1 1 uiiiiii. 1 iiu 1 tiiniiLMi r.11111 1 rir iiiii-iii. which Tought iiu'nin.n them, went into thu light willi three hundred men, and came out with only sixty, wv, ,,f. , n-n, -- - & " howcil their fear nf Unl IIkt Ox.Whllesldes' fa. nnd ItVunreirnrd, nloii muskets vester- becoming frlghleneil r. "V " ""' " "T.i" "". ? .. - "' "JIi itf llii.li tiiHis nitiipktifli sin r i is lint ilctll 1111111111U .'.I. .....viiiiiu ii.u .tiiuuv iiiiii nvcii ni iinnnocK uiiy nn 1110 tin insi.. W1 hc ,lilblimlill b com.wny tulj l0d ..... . ... .. m.i . . 1 his slocl' llKTUiiNKit. I). !'. Dowell, lq., has re turned to his home from tho Supreme court, I n?vv rpf vi .-.r , IN Jii W X lJ-iJj. , , ., , . l)llutlon of CoimrtnoMlilp, . Tiik copartnership heretofore existing Ik- I IWCCIHH0 llllllcrsilrneil llllllcr IHO linn IllllnO ,or.iri.miBiiiiiiiiiiniei, lias been thin day sent. All those "'"llpsolviil by mutual consent, . . - knowing themselves Indebted by nolo or bonk account, are nquested to pvitluwltout delay, with either nf us, and those having claim npilnst tho linn should present them for Kttlemcnt. IinNllVKMITiH,, JOHN M'l.ANGUI.IN. Jacksonville. Oct, 7th. lHia It All.ltO AD KOTJCU. TllV, Slockhnblers in the Cnlirnrnla and Columbia ISlver llallroad Company, nre hereby notified to meet at the ofllco nf J. (astun. In Jacksonville. Oregon, on Hie 7th day of Novemlr, 18(i:i, for the purposo of electing n Hoard of Directors lo serve lor Iho tusuiui; year. J. (MSTON'. On U'hnlf of the Iiicornoritlorp, Jacksonville. Oct. 7. 1M2. oc!7St WIUHTI.IAN& IIARDIE bCCCtSOILi TO FRANK RAICFR, 410 anil IIU Clny HI., Uni. IVnncHco, Importers ana .Dealers IN 1 1- UKfclUN & DOMESTIC Tp. -v, -, JJl'V lxOO(lS ClU'liCtS, OUclOtllS, MattlllgS, -i 7 or UPIIOLSTUItY GOODS, AND PAPER HANGMNGS, , l tor sale in quantities to suit. Sl! 3m3p 1 rxrjm.TminMi,myrmw I . RnnnsiiAiiTtinvi-,!., ,1.,. n A "f" -,:"", :'."' .vf.T - . ...v m i.i.vmi ji, .!... mm employment nnd a good home, by applying1 ' to AIiVUUD 11. 1IANI.KV, 011 the Jackson-1 vllle road, betwceuK. Gore's nnd O.D.lIox-, le'e, near rha-nlx. Aimly Immeillatelv. A. lt.UANI.KY. Bear Creek. Sept. 30, 1803. ootUwl BRADJORY & WADE, '' ' P'AOjCSONril.t.K, -IIKAI.KM IX- DRY GOODS, OLOTI-IIaSTG, BOOTS & SHOES, PANTSY GOODS, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, XjilotuLoarsy . Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, - IIAHDWAKK. OLASSWAItn. (iUKKSHWAUK. WOODKKWAltK, MINERS' TOOLS, All nf which will be sold nt low prices, fur OAtUI.urdcsirublo I'ltOJ)UOl.. BRADBURY & WADE auk now itnowviNa A Largo 8c Well-Selected STOCK of Spring & Summer GOODS, NEW STYLES DRESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staplo IDjr.y CSrOocaLs CARPETING, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, MEN AND BOYS' Sprin r & Summer O CLOTI-IIISra, HATS AND CAPS! AND ALSO A Fluu Assortment of Ladies, Mon and Boys' Boots and Shoes ! OURPIKEMXAIVDASHMD ZHJCo-WMjss?ttt Will bo nupplled with n Good AeieortmeBt -OK- STffiE AND MM GOODS Which will be sold at JACKSONVILLE PltlCES.. IPAM1LY GROOKRinS at l1 1IUAD11UHY & WADK'8. STATIONKItY & ULANK DOOKB nt UUADDUKY & WADK'8-- TJMNi: CIGARS AND TOUACCO V nt UUADDL'UY & WADK'8. i WOOD AN,) WJI'W WAW V tit muDBUKY .t WAD1V8U TWNK TKA8 ot n. J nUADnUDY & WAPFS- TTrnnI vn iihifq 11(11X0111' lv W0 tIva v limir A V fc CO. ' ' u'A;s .MO''Ajjc w;. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS t BRADDUUY i WADE'S-