Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, October 03, 1863, Image 1

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    he regim
jSrfJRiEmii unKniMir;
). (). O. P. lut'ltMiiivillc Lodge-
p nil. iuniMiiiirrBUMrmni
O Kftf VV I" cntli inniilli, and on
nQV'VjrvSNiV' J ftitnnUr attach Inltrftnlng
nr.takL injn mi rniiiv 14 in urn
tS "S lIonle Hull, (
IVcJeck r. u. Ilrullirri In good tnmlliisiire IiitIM
ustttnil. Wtl. llAV, N. 0.
Siu J. JMv, II, Fey,
TiuttM-Ju, M. Kulton, II fury Penllngtr and
0. II. Iiurrlt.
Warrou Lodco Mo, 10, A. F. & A. M.
HUM) their reculnr communi
cation the Wednesday Evening nn
or precedlnc tins full moon, in jack-
II. Itl.nnvi. Set' ii.
OKI2UON CllAITi:il NO. -1,
jACjisoxvir.r.K. oiihgox,
Will hold ititrpgttlurcommiinlcntlons on the
Vint Hntlirtlijy V. r. nflCvrry Month.
All sojourning Companions In Rood
lauding lire cordially Invited in attend.
L. SAotm, Scc'y. J'!:8!i"
0. JiCniH. K. f. HUSHKt.l..
Jackhonviu.r, OitKRoy,
niDre oiijiixllr (lie Court llnnic.
AH btislnew cotimilttid to their can will
Wprnmpllr ritteinl.il to. J Illy 2fJ. '02.
JACKcnsrii.t.K. Ormkiv,
W practlcu In lliu Buprwiic and other
Courta nf llila State. Murcli J.J&
Jmmqnvim.k, Oimany,
Trrilili practice In the several CourU of
T-the Unit Judical iJimrict, ana m we
tnprme Owrt. October SO. Vi2.
Javki.viu,k, Oiikiiok.
(Till practlcola nil the Court of tho Third
Judicial District, the Supreme Court nf Ore
iron, uud In Yroha, Cal. War Scrip prompt
ly eoldwled. Oct. iti.
(Successor to lloed 'U JltOD)
Iiipeclal uttoutlon given to collection
. Junti 10, 18i::i. 40
Ily appointment.
Onice with 11. V. Dowcll, K-q.
OnVce Mt lit! lleslilciice oil Oregon Ut.
Where all those knowing thomiclvcs In
debted to lilm, on note or book account,
'III nleac cull and futile up, or their oc-
ount will bo placed for collection In the
lands or my attorney.
My oltl trons will still And mo, at tier,
ready'to attend to my professional duties.
May C, 1C3. mayfilf
rttU llulldlHg, Cor. Front ii FatrccU.
riM' attend (o the Receiving and For
M irnrdlnir of ull Goodi cutiuled to
their care, with promptness and ilUjmtcli.
voniignmciiiii eoucucu. flieieimnuitc iv
'find on toragc.
Credent City. April U, 18C3. 15
N. Il.-NoBOodMlellurcd'intll thcfreltjht
'""l clmrpec ro pild. I). A W.
kutUoai-ta Hradlmry di WmIc
Ibvcjust opened a now toro nnd stock
ed it wltli ii -luIco TQrlntv of tho above
"Mloncd arlloliw.ttud olfte them for sale
M tlio lowest living prices. Tim bei-t of
nnr nnu chewing tnuacjep win uo Kepi
ntnntly on hand. Tln lleflrhtg any
'rt'l In my lino will save money by civ-"it-mo
a call. J ROW.
lkWvlle))luly)l, l3. ,JUf
Dates to the 28th.
W'nulilncton, 28th. Oen. Hooker left
Wn-liiiifjton ihi morning for active tcrvicu.
Porlrew Monroe, S'tli. Dtwrtcn opntn
my Kicliniomi l iieinir uvncuatcti; itntt
reiwl nrmy la ileerllnjr v, Homo oi our
men who 'have, urrlved nt Williamsburg,
Imvliif; rntprd from Iklli IjIc, rciort tho
tame thing.
Wau'liluclnn, 28lh Up to 2 o'clock to-
tiny, nnthinir wh rfceived from Clintla-
tiuoi-a. t lit I'lnitiY nnii ntvie no nuueK
since tho 21ft. (len. Mclw. who arrWnl
nt Chottunixiirn.Saiiinluy. 20tlt, upon invi-
tntlon, cxninliiHl tt'incrnna UelenafH. anil
vaya nolhliii! but u niece cuti diloi!pQ him,
nnii I lie enemy ure nuking no move in tool
New Yotk, 28lh. Gold Grmcr at 40V
MrmphtH, i!Cth. Mobile Kcici of Sept.
16th, Ciiiiloini mm iiliiorlul from the Allan
ta (On.) Appeal, nf the 16th, tion militury
mutteri. hiiymp the real of war would he
removed Irmn Vu., In Tennewe mid (tear
giu.und thill IS-(.'renter portioim of MendrV
mid (iruiit'ri nrnuea Imd been tent to rciti'
force Ri)M.'i'riitii.
Chlcmro, 28ih. TelrBrom. ilntul Int
nlirht, anyinir llurtiitlde wm ut ICnnxville,
Hrjit. 'Jfilh. prolmlilv true. A Kmaville
letter, (luted lliu 'illi. mokiit no mention
of any movement there. Vuruc rumor
throuj:li rebel Mitircett nun reucneti unit
place of di'uater l KoH-crnn. Recruit-
W'j wa uniii! on rtipuliy, beven new retf-
TnicntH neiirly lull. A regiment or nrtii
ery hud COO men. Troorw ure bring urined
im rnnuiiv m rumra. roiwiiiiMunaim;
Iiurniide'R Klrlnuent order, outrneei were
cnnntuntlv beim; cnmmlttrtl by Trnnewve
UntoniHtH. ts lio reirutd onerutkin in ten
uewco b mi opportunity tit rclallute lor
their own rievuner.
K(w York, 18ih. Steamer Ilercul',
while lylnp on Virginia elioro of OlieM
penkc 'liny, wna iitlacked by Ruerrilkta.
After nn eniriiu'ement of SO minute, the
rebels were driven oIT.
The Sanltury condition of the Army of
the 1'oloumc ti tery ralliifactory. There
Is good reason to believe that Iee Ii not
unxioua to preM nn engagement, and If ho
nliould uttempt u flank movement, bis la
4ur would be iu vuln.
A New Orlenno K-iter, of tlw 10th,"ar
mill lory ninttern are active. r The J-xkiII-lion
of en. Her run hua cleamd the emin
try between Red River and I'ort JIihImiii.
from cuerrilhif, who had been foiuiMiuron
trunpiiirl. mid "drove Gen. Uru-u wwt of
CluilTitu, with cotmrdcritblu loss. Among
the i-nptured was nu agent of robcls, with
ruluable papers.
New York, 27th. A Memphis letter of
the 2rd, mys: tjlicrinan corps M nn lis
way tn Rmecruiu; nUo Mci'heri-nn'd in
the i-ume direction. Tho two cvr uuin
ber 40,000 men.
New Yortr. 28lli. America, from Rer
mudu viu Suuthumplon, with dated to the
ICth, liux urrlved. Steamer Stur tailed
rom Clyde to run I ho blockade. Two
others were readv to 'follow. Confederate
loan wus 2ft per cnt. discount, I'ifly nfJ
'the (Florida crew had urrlved at UuruiU,
uud proceeded to Liverpool.
TJae Orlgliinl Aiuerlcau
tJVrc is not one man living who wishes
more sincerely tliuii I do to mo a plan
udopti-d for the abolition ot Slavery. Uco.
Washington, April 12, 178C.
The scheme, my dear Marquis, which you
propose ua a precedent to incouruge the
emancipation ot tho black people in this
country from the Statu of bondage in which
tl.ey ore held Is a striking evidence of the
benevolenco of your heart. Wushiugton
to Lafayette, 1783.
It is the modt earnest wish of America
to see on entire stop put forever to the
wicked, cruel and iinatural trudo in slaves.
Meeting ot Fairfax, Vu.,July 18,1774,
presided over uy wujtiingiou.
I tremble for my country when I reflect
that God i just. His justice cunuut sleep
Virginia. 1782.
The King of Great Britain hus waged
cruel war against human nature Itself, vio
lating tho most sucrtd rlgliU of life and
liberty- In the persons of fl distant piople
wiio never ouenaeu nun; capturing iticiii
uud currvlnir them Into slavery in another
I hemisphere, or to Incnrn miserable death in
their transportation hltlier. Jvirerson'
iOru!innl'Dr(tQl' the De,claruyoii of lode-lpepdvr,$e-
Afier 1600 of Ihe Christian era. there
Miall bo neither ulitvcry nor Involuntary
pervltudc In any of the State fall f the
Tcrritnrlci then btlonping to the United
State). iTtflrrron'f Ordinance or 1787,
unanimnuiily approved by CongrcM and
tignetl by Washington.
Wc have reen the mere distinction nf
color made io tho most enlightened period
of time a ground of tho most opprraslvc.
dominion ever exercised by niau over man.
0 antes Madison.
We nave found that tins evil liaj preyed
upon the very vltaU of tho Union, and hat
been prejudicial tn oil the Slutes in which
It has existed. James Monroe.
Tho tariff was only the pretext, and a
disunion and n Southern Confederacy the
real object. Tho next pretext will be the
negro or alavery quesliou, Andrew Jack.
son, May, 1633.
Sir, I envy neither the heart nor the
hvud of that man from the North who rlaei
here to di-rcnd alavrry on principle. John
Randolph of Roanoke.
The people of Carolina form two clause,
tho rich and the poor. The poor arc very
poor; the rich, who have sluvea to do all
their work, give them no employment.
The little they get is laid out In brandy.
not iu books and newspapers; hence they
know nothing of the comparative hlcnlnps
of our country, or of the danger which
thrcutcn It: therefore they care nothing
about It. Gen. Francis Muriou to Baron
lie Kalb.
So long as Ood allows tho vital currrnt
to flow through pry veins. I will never, nev
er, never, by word or thought, by mind or
will, aid In admitting one rood of territory
to Ihe everlaiting curio of human booduge.
Henry Clay.
Alluding tn the tlmo the above seoti
ineul wus uttered, Thomas 11. llrntou rays:
That was n proud day. 1 rould have
wished that I had spoken the same words;
I nirenk them now, tellimr you they are hl,
and adopting them np my own.
A. Pasueua luatltHtloH to Irt.
We wish some genuine orthodox who
has mude the subject his study, and profes
ses to understand it, would inform us what
such matttrs very deeply ; but we hud al
ways been u firm believtr iu a hell a liter
al place or burning und howling as des
cribed in Holy Writ. We took a secret
pleasure in the thought thut there was such
u place, for the benefit of villains whose
ca.s could not be suQlcltnlly reached by
all the punishment ntid torture that could
be ItiOlicied in this world. In our younger
days we imugiiied tho pluco wus reserved
exclusively for Democrats, eeciully those
who did not vote fur Henry Cluy for Pres
ident. Then us we grew older uud listened
to the urguinents of " Unhcrsuliaus," and
other anll-liellloRS, wc began to think it
might not be so bad alter all. In fuel, we
didn't now whul to believe about it, .and
regretted there was uny room lor dostt 4
for it was like waking out of a pleasant
dreum. Rut every calami'y brings won)
useful leasou ; und "lien this rebellion
broke out, amid our sorrow for the ruin it
would produce, we hud oito ray of pleaaure.
Jt firmly ic-establishid our belief in a reg
ular, good, old fashioned, Hard Shell Bap
tist hell, where the inmates get up aud yelp,
and the devil, with horns on his head, it
speur on the end of his tuil, and cloven
feet, piles the hot brimstone around them
with a big hook such u place as John
Culvin endeavored to convince Micheal
Servelusof the existence of, by giving him
a slight touch of its quality. Having con
fessed our laith, and giving our idea of Ihe
character and uso of the institution, we
would now bo pleased if Henry Wurd
Lieeciur or some other fire and briuutone
champlou would tell ui what hell ia for.
Tlie present rebellion la tho greatest aud
most unpauIoBablo crime thut has been
committed smce the rebillicm In heaven ;
yet, when prime mover and master spirit,
to this crime meet their just fate meet i
in the very act of murdering Ihe nation
and Its ueieouers tueir virtue unu enns
tianily are extolled by such men us liwcli
er, ODd they ure straightway suit to heaven.
There never were barbanuus more brutal
and devilUh than the soutl.eru rebel, yet
northern men oro constantly mdeovoring
to smuggle them into Paradise. Stonewall
Jackson, Zollicoffer, aud even Ran McCul -
lough huve been s.nt up there, and Gen.
lieu has all his papers made out in regular
sjylo, ready to start on short notice. Then
what is hell for ! II Southern and North
ern traitors do not go there, nobody else
will? aud thero m a famous institution
with flies in evwy room to let cheap. For
particulars inquire nt the premise. Sol
Miller in Me Knmns Chief.
Ilonr.inu:. It ianiurlid that from six
hundred to que tliQUf.r.d lives ture luat In
the New York riots.
Oi.n Ans'a Last Josr. A friend hus
rclatetl In us the following excellent joke,
and vouches for Its truthfullnos t A few
weeks since u Colonel wai dismissed from
tho service by order of the 1'rvsidenl, upon
charges of disloyalty. The Colonel feeling
crossly misrepresented by malicious tne.
mles. secured papers from e, number of
Generals and other Influential! rvluling the
charge, and requesting his reinstatement,
and repaired to Washington to submit Ida
caso to Uh President. Afttr the tuual
cerewony, an Interrlew was granted, and
the rrealjent received hia papers, rcn,uit
Ing him to call In the course of a few hours,
during which time he would give the re
quired attention to the case. The Colonel
called at the appointed lime, and was cor
dially received by tho President and In
formed that his paper had lern carefully
examined, that the tvidrnec they contained
was satisfactory, and Injustice had evident
ly leen done In dismissing him. 'Hie Col.
wa thereupon relustated. The Pnntdent
then put tho following interrogatories to
the Colonel :
' Now, Colonel. I have ncted upon yonr
case, and I knnw you to be one of my moat
bitter political opponents. I desire tn ask
mi) II ru nre convinced in your own mind
that I am honest, ami desire to do Juatlce
to all parties regardless of their political
froclivitles, ami whether you believe that
havo octcd impartially throughout my
administration T"
Tho Colonel replied j " I am prore to
acknowledge ihityou have done me junllee,
that you are honest, und have always done
what you deemed right and just In all such
" Well, Colonel." replied the President,
" you arc etldenily satisfied with my loyal
ty and Integrity, and you have, H'iha3.
been wronged. I now propose, to iirmnule
you to a ltrlgadler General, provtdW nu
will allow mo to fully lest your lnyalty lx
voud what papers you have pnxlawd. II
you are a loyal man and a war Democrat,
you can surely nave no onjecuon.
The Colonel, as a matter nf roars-, felt
highly elated at this unexpected favor, und
earnestly stated that he wus prriiaml to
submit lo any requirements cutcahitt-d to
"' '" ,7,,,''VltTi ih
test lits loyutiy ; una e.xprrrseo ins uciigm
iiemann, since nis
xcelleiicy had shown such confidence in
dim as to honor him with such an envia
ble position.
Well, Colonel," replied Old Abe. as a
merry twinkle danced In his eye,"I pro
mote you to Ihe command of a negro bug
aile, and I hope you will prove jourselfus
loyal as you are represented, and do lienor
(o the high trust to which you are as
signed." Tho Democracy of the Colonel was vio
lently jarred at this announcement, and
straightening himself up to his full length,
lie replied :
" Mr. President. I thank jou for the I
temporary iteaiiure yon have conferred up
on me in building np an air castle of soch
extraordinary dimensions, and thus sweep
ing it down whh one stroVe, Wlilla I aa"-
nlro the loke.l must respectfully beg leave
to decline serving In any cu d n a-
laclty. Louitville JournM.
This IfRArr. Tho Kenuebeo JourmJ
eavs that a drafted man of that district
preented himself to Dr. Wilbur for exam
ination, who was so deaf that it required
the utmost power nf thu Doctor's lungs lo
make him bear. The Doctor stooped down
and commenced 11 critical examination of
one of the drafted men's knees, remarking
in a low lone t " That Is sufficle.rt to ex.
emptanyman." "Glad to hear you say
60," said the deaf man, who had suddenly
recovered his hearing , " what did you say
was the trouble of my knee, Dr. Wilbur!"
" It Is perfectly sound uud good," replied
Ihe Doctor, " I was only examining your
ears." The man paid bis $300 aud wus
Patiot"h HkaiV Ym, sir, we've got
a wafi tt,i tiie troo I'atrit has to nuke
McrifuBi, you bet. 1 have ulreddy given
' lw0 cousins to the war & stand reddy to
' ...n , wife's brother ruther'n not Ke
Ihe rebelvin krusht. If wu cum tn wus
wuss. I'll shed drop of bud my able bodld
relations has got to prosekoot the war. I
think sumbody ouahter b proskootcd, nnd
it may us well be tho war us any uouyeise.
. wlicl j ,,t a gi;akiug tit onto mo it a no
I M ,0 (ry t0 nop me A. Ward (Stcu-
1 man
When I'm Fuglltli papers thought Oen
iinnW.T 10 bo "He coming man." thev
claimed him for CornMiinaiij now that
Gen. Meade has proved himself so good u
coldler, they try to make him a "Maid
unit) mau. whoso relalivts still tlourUU
Clilororbrin I lecommonto) ascxccllcut
for wolibng w.yc. A tpisbjwl vho has
tried U ,), "DU IWlll? 'bould be w.td
out it."
Tho Happy Typo,
A cheerful temper U a natural gift,
the desirability of which cannot be qurs
lloned, but seldom do we meet wltli a spirit
so thoroughly saturated with good naturr
thal no disupiKilntmcnt, no po't'ly, depti-
vat 011 or cotnbinatlou 01 a
.. -
uvrrsti circara-
stances can break it down
or overcome
Iu grnlallly.
A few days ego a man made his appear,
and! beferWoMlce Brennan who eeiwesf
to have a perfect fountain of IhhUIbM
contentment somewhere In his cnmpoallhjii,
which no depressing Influence of ea'ni'or
accldrut had been able to cxhamt or adul
terate. Ho was arrested fur being intox
icated. He gave his name us Getrphat
Take, raid he was a printer, and lialfd
from the MGrm of Science" eflleej Is u
short man of beer cask figure, ami u face
as rubicund as if ho slept In u room with
ml curtalii. His answer lollu: questions
of the authorities showed his roiilinlment
under all shades of fortune. The Jutttrr
being also In a good humor, was Inclined to
hunter tho disciple of llni Fniiikliu.aod
accordingly addressed him iu (ollnws J
Judge 'Well, Mr. Tuke.lt seems yoo,
havo thrown asldo the 'composing stick '
and gone to getting drunk for a llvlflp.
I nm afraid yiair'u a 'bad case,' ami stand
In nerd of 'correcting.' I think 1 shall
send you lo 'quod ' "
Thrne tcchnlcallllea wlitcli were ntUrrd
In a sort of yoa sec-I-know-your-lrade-ns-wcllasjou
do-sir air, seemed lo give Mr.
Take Ihe assurance which prluiea kMob
lack, but of which the solemnities of a
Police Court might have temporarily de
priveil hltn, and ho answercil t
Prisoner "Well, ol any rate, I am glad'
re have no 'galleys' In Una country, P I
suppum you would 'empty me there, aiat
well leuded' ot that. Rut hies oil, sir,
going to jail's nothing; the lal lime I wan
there I lamed a 'rat' and (aught him to
chew tobacco, besides Inventing Uirre new
steps for a hornpipe It's u good deal bet
ter tjian seating 'solid inliiio-i,' more th
time quarters 'flguro work,' and gHllng
onlvu 'price and a hall' for It, ldil bleea
you, Squire, I'd tv grcut deal rather go to
Jul fur ten days than nol. I've gut nick
or woik jusi now, nnu 111 nuvo u casino
lo get the bllo oil my stomach."
Judco "You seem to take It eay; Imw
do ynu prooed lo employ your time tbu
trip I'
Prisoner "Well, Corporal, I'm iiudeeul
ed whether I'll learn to whittle lliu ourra
of the 'lloheinlan Girl.' praetlco Maiiillug
uu lay head, or iniderlaku lo aeipiiru the el
egant Bccomplldimeiit of balancing straws
011 my note. If 1 could get a eat, I'd teach
her to play tho fiddle, If I thought the'
striae wouldn't remind her uubliuMintly
ifluU-itlnalditcnrd. after ber lo'iou bod
Iim ueeu ntuo times slain,"
Judge "Mr. Take, you seeiu partlrularly
happy under tho circimntaimo, have yoa
got a wife I"
Prisoner "Not now, Lieutenant. I had
one, but she ran ntf with a buw-leggid cob
bkr. 1 was so glad of it 1 tvut her ilrt'nx
ami a quit claim deed of her p"roii sigued
In capital letters. She left ia ono Ixiy, but
hewiis'foul proof ' nt a Lit like me. I
bound hi 111 'preutlco to Lliu typoi-ticklnir
iroip ; nut mu urai uay u ijuurruiecj wnu
tho regular 'duvll.' He dropK'd th 'hoot
ing stick' Into the 'alligator pre,,' amliu
lliu evening him and auother hopeful hoy
ueroreluartlug a broadsword combat wild
a counle of 'coluiati rule.' The foreman
battered' him with a 'watUt,' uud when hi
got home he had a 'fancy bead,' If su
there was one."
Clerk "Where la bo nowt"
I'ruoutr ''Ilorau away with a clrcu,
and tha last I saw of him he was in the mid
dle of a sawdust ring, trying to I'.o his leg
in a bow knot round lU neck I've tmeu
Jollier since then than yr Uforu."
JUUgu "lou seem m iw aitiuysjiuiy.
Prisoner ''80 I am. I laughed when my
father turned mu out of door ut elevtu
year old - laughed when I broke my aria,
and made tunny taaes at fiu d ctor whllr
ho was telling it. The happiest day I ever
sneut via one tlmo wliwi 1 hadn't but one
shirt und a pair l'1111' to put u. and had
pent all I hi money I had, ami none hungry
forty hours. 1 nuver wiu ruully unhappy
but once la my life, and that m when I
fell down stairs, fractured my callar bono,
uud skinned my leg so badly that I couldn't
get on my kuecs to thank God that I badu't
broken my neck."
Tho Judge relented and Ut Mr. Take go,
and that piolouud Individual left tha room
trying lo whittle and slug ut the same lime,
and also to dance an Independent jig with
eocb leg to a different tune.
A Stcvepson I Alabama) correspondent
of the Cincinnati Gazette writes, upon uu
thoriiy of Union citizens of Alabama und
Tennessee, thai Vnllandigham, whilo In the
South, repeatedly (xhortui tho rcbeU lo
hgld uu to Vlclsburg, declaring that tha
suceesa of bis party To 6hlo dependei nlto
gether on ihe ability of the rebel Govern
incut to baiUo the Union armies besioring
tluil.phtcc. Tho evidence of this fact lias
GattUt writer dsc'ares to b.C luillyutablv,