"JWf" ' :$8w''W - "mFf SViirt,winil'iiMiiUyti(?CJV-WjT KgMBIW"". m 0cmi-U)cckhj, Sentinel. -jSya , " Ttk r.vvw.wr and fkkmaxkn-uy oh Toun U.f ION. A floVKItXMKST VOIt THK WUOI.K IS JACIfJSlO.NVlMiE, OttKtiOJV. i.. WiifpSDAY KVKMfl, . SEPT GO, 1S63, Tux Nkws InloIliiMico received from the, Army of the Uuiiiln'rlund, for the wife ly of .wliicli cmuridcnibic unxlcty linn lieeii felt, id pattafuctory. llnnecratK, on the 2!)d, was jtronjjly fortillcd on a ridge six mile? south. of Chattimoora, and tin attack was exivuled from tlio enemy. Former di? patches raid Hiiriijide laid been Fcvorely blnniql for nnt reinforcing Itosi-eran.1", but it u veiy evident that lie understood well v.liat lie wn iiliont, mid what was required of Jiim. Order rc.iehed him iit.!niid)orn, l.'O miles from Oultnnonga, on the 17th. to reinforce Uo.'ccrutw. Had lie ued all pouUde dtapaluli, and had the railrond been unbroken by ll rebel, he could not even liieu have reached (Jlult luminal in time to participate in the Im tiles of tiiu 10th nnd "Jftth. It can be situ by a l:mee at the map that the railroad jrnp at Dallou, though which tlie rebel lurces penetrated is con nected ly r.iilroad with Cleveland, and is n'uitit. tin; sttina distance from the latter dace us is (Jlmtinnooca. Meliuving tlint the reheN hod near 1 10,000 men. as report ed, we supposed they would fend 1)0,000 or 10.00() up-ii to take pn.Wiwion of Clevelund, on liie Teiinc-wc and Georgia Iiiilroad, and tli ii. ilU-eutally cut oil the main line or 1 fimmiiuicatioii between Unsccnm uud UurjHile, and compel the latter to cross to the north side of lias Tenniwe river, ut Kingston nr Decatur, and miirch over rough iimU down the river to Chattanooga. Hut it now appears that the rebels were afraid io send a detached Torch up the Tennessee Valley fiom Dalton ; for had they dono so, and the main body of the army met witli mici disaster us to compel them to retire, the detached forces would have found them selves M'euicly trapped, with Rosocrnns be hind, them, IJiirnsidu nheud, impassible mountains on the right', und the uufordable Temii'H.'-ee river und mnuutuins beyond on the left. The inuin body of Uurnside's nrtny, at latest accounts, was at Athens, nnd his advance at Cleveland, twenty miles I'tom Chattanooga. Tlio dispatch does not Male. wlieIkerttho rebels have interrupted the railroad communication between those phici'U or not, but from the location of tlieir force?, it is quite likely that they have. Itut it may be that Hurn?idu docs not now K'ek to unite his army with ltosecrans. Ills forces aro necessary in their present locality to protect the country through which he has just piiMcd. lie is no doubt vrorjcinj? understanding!)', and evidently coniideut that both Rosccrmis mid himself cun Mic.crs(ully cope with tlio enemy. Ititellijeuco from the Army of tlio Poto mac leads us to hope that Meade- will avail himself of tlio golden opportunity offered, by tlio depleted numbers of Leu's army, for tho iptiictlon of a triggering blow tp the now tottering rebellion. Wo will not lie likely to receive any news from that quar ter until ti battlo lmi been fought, with tri umph or disu-ter to our cuuk, but wc have no fear of the latter. TJuto hu been no important news from Charleston for poiiio weeks, There Is fctill heavy woik to lo before Charleston can bo raptured, hut Giltnoro is equal to tho task. Jlin luittcries on Cuminiiig'a Point nro not yet completed. Tlio country wjll bo gjod to learn that Oen. Hooker kai been assigned to active, t'ommnnd, in a position where his uat-fuluesH Mill not bo " impaired." By To-Nioiit'.i Staok. Tho good news received is interpreted to moan that Sher man, and M'l'hcrpou'a corps, 40,000, of Grant's army,, are ou their way to reinforce ftosecran. lie can;theu a.siinie the olfcu ive. , Otlqn(gp.odf but npt. IinporUint. TiiB WkathkiI.-CqoT siooul shower of rain. with .pfi ,ncca- Klamath Lake Couutry. 'Font Kmmatii, Sept. 24,-lW3l. (vyiter.v-Oiftarxlvlng aU-'ort Klhnmtkl wo wra very mtKh tv prked ito find Mich; a fdqte of iftflhlrm- All department of In dustry wwo, appartuUy oeutered- in and around this place. Tho ring of tho nhvll, the pound of tho carpenter's saw, the mal let of the fhhiBlcmcn, and the martial sound of Hit! bugle, wero echoed back from the ban saltic dill's in the. rear of this beautiful situ. Teams were continually arriving loaded with freight from Jacksonville, and others with hay, logs, wood und shingle. In ev ery direction tho woods seemed nlivo with choppers and loggers, to nay nothing of the Indian?, and bummers (like myself). In deed, Fort Klamath is rapidly assuming a ptaco among forts that be. A few days before our arrival here, there was eomo excitement in consequence of u little circumstance, which I (hall relate as follows: On the west side of Klanvith Lake 1m n place called Stony Point, by which runs tho new military road from Jacksonville to this place. At this point n native citizen, known and hniled by his white-skinned brothers as Tic Jack, has lo cated his headquarter.", where he rules and governs his little baud nccording to the ancient usuages of his nation. Well, Jack became Imbued with a spirit of enterprise, and ou inquiry found that the most popu lar investment in Southern Oregon, at pres ent, was road stock, and consequently con cluded to Invest in thu new military road. So he established a loll guto at the afore said Stony Point, and demanded a bonus or the passing traveler, for thu privilege of passing his Tieship's residence, lint, unfor tunately for Jack, the ucus of his enter prise readied tho ears of Col. Drew, who Immediately dispatched a messenger to Prince La Lake, with an order for his Maj esty to report to Captain Kelly, at Klam ath Fort, Immediately. In due timu La Lake and some Mxty of his Warriors came in, leaving their guns with thu i-quaws, o:i the outside. Col. Drew told him if he wa tho great chief of this couutry hu must bring in thu enterprising road ngent from Stony Point, and referred him to Captain Kelly to make thu arrangements. The Captain soon gave him to understand that nothing but thu delivering up of Jack would be coiHdeml MiPJcieul. After a reasnnablo lime, tho royal captive wai brought in, and to convince him and his followers of thu Insiguillcinco of Sitcath greatnes", ho was treated to a friih-tuntlal set of irons. This moved the sympathetic heart of his highness La Lake, who oll'erul himelf as mediator in behalf of thu way waul chief. La Lako promised if they would release Jack that henceforth for all time to come, no depredations of any de hcrlptlon should be committed throughout his broad domain. On these terms, and on the good faith of La Lake, Jack's fetters were cast oil', and with joy beaming from every feature, hu turned his buck to the quarters, and soon disappeared in thu tall grass to tho southward. It Kecms that thero is a strife for tho chieftaincy among a number of petty chiefs in this vicinity. Col. Drew, taking ndvau age of this feud, acknowledged La Lake as tho truo chief, for tho two-fold reaon that ho had tho most men, and was thu mni-t friendly to tho whites. Thus old La Lake has become an important ally to this com mand. He is very much impressed with tho great, good judgment displayed by tho Colonel In acknowledging the legitimacy of his reeptcr over Klamath "Inguns." nnd freely oxprc.sts his determination to livo in peac.) with his wldtu brothers. I midit mid another incentive to friendship a loaded twulvc-pouudcr pointing toward his quarters. A few days before our arrival an Indian came into camp with tho gun that had been taken from Capt. Joe Jtaily, who was mur dcicd by tho Indians, near Ooobe Lake, in lSfil. Tho guu was taken from thu Indian, notwlthsandiug bin furious protestations. It has been sent to tho Express Office iii Jacksonville, Mibjcct to tho order of the brother of Captain Daily, Captaiu Kelly 'a company is in fine health aud spirits, thero not having been a day's sickness slnco they arrived nt this post, and for every one to know that it is one of tho best behaved, as you know it is disciplined, companies in the Errvico, it is only necessary to say tmt there has not beon a man uuder arrest Muce tho 4th day of August. Mr, Linn will get his mill in operation on Monday. His X Makk. A. F. & A M. The Grand Lodge of Masons of this State, at its lato 6essiou at Sulem, elected the fallowing officers for the cnsuiRgyeir: J. MuCrukcu, Grand Master, S. F. Chudwiclc, Deputy Grand Muster ; A. A. Smith, Senior Grand Vnrdeu ; Jo siah Myriok, Junior Grand Warden ; A. M. Belt, Grand Treasurer ; . S. Cald well, Grund Secretary; O, II. Lewie, Chairman Hoard of Educational Fund. Queries for "Nella." Mr. Editor : t desire to uk a question or two about thu.communtcfttion of "Nella," of Klamath Meet Valley," ptiblMwl'in thd Skm-inm. of. tha i 2W lust Nella oys : "Klamath Luke VallJy; proper, had'-been almost entirely unexplored, until up' to'the timu that Col. Drew nnd his command. went there," etc. Shu then nave his Excellency. Gov. Glbb, a slight rub, for locating "live hundred thousand acrerf of land" for the "Slate" In u-lillle marsh." She goes on across "Fowler's Hlvcr, Prims Spring, Un derwood's and Whitu's beautiful dreams," and "Kelly's Prairie, to Fort Klamath." Sho Is llrst "struck with pleasing surprise" nt beholding these "clear, crystal stream bursting," etc. Then thu -red-top and wild rye." and the "gentle breeze" llnlsh It up, and she is "lost" poor Nulla "In admira tion" of hometliing Mie mys is "Indescrib able;" but is. in duo time, uwukened to "as tonishment, that a couutry o lavishly bless ed with Naturu's choicest gifts, should so long luivit remained unknown." Silo visits "Kdly's Uiver" ami "Glenn City." Hero lovely and beautiful fih are seen sporting in the crystal waters, and funny, uleiful. and "hllaroiis ducks nnd geese" are seen In thu dUtanco. Here it is die discovers that all these "lovely, crystal streams never in crease or dlmiubh in volume." Thu next dbcovery N that the valley will produce all kinds ol'-'yraln, fruit and vegetables oven wild plums and Oregon grapes." She be comes aware that her letter Is too long, "but rnniiot dne without a pa.lng notice of Col. Drew, and the command generally" aud dually concludes with tho avowal that "they am the right men in tlio right plncu." Now. Mr. Editor, I dcMre to know, if this country has never been hitherto "explored," by whit sort of reasoning "Nella" arrives at the coucludon. that these lovely streams of water "never increae or diuiiulrh in voluini'?" Have thu waters of "Fowler's l!l er." "Prim's Spring," "Underwood's and White's bcautilu! streams." and "Kelly's Uiver," some peculiar properties that pre vent them from mingling and mixing with melted snow, or thu torrents from heaven that sometimes descend llko an avalanche upon the mountains surrounding that coun try ? Or Is Hutu some magieal, subterra nean p.i-Kigu connected witli these streams, that immidiately swallow up and convey to China, or some other land, the common, vulgar aud unpoutlc ruin-drop, that must otherwise mingle with, and pollute, these enchanted waters? Or perhaps wu have at la-t found a country where water runs up hill. "Nella" forgets to mention, or does not know, that this lovely country according to her ideas just found by Col. Drew, has already been sulllclently explored to ascer tain that Its altitude is 1.130 feet above the ocean, while that or Fort Lane, in tlds val ley, is 1.202 foot above tho ocean, limiting enchanted country 2.028 feet higher than IJogiie River Valley. Sho evidently does not know, either, that in February, 18(10, when the "Emigrant Road" from this val ley to thu Klamath country wa not block aded by snow, enchanted country was cov ered with snow, uud the north end of upper Klamath Laku frozen over so as to admit ol traveling on tho Ice; and in August of Mimo year, snow was upon mountains hur rounding it, and frosts wero of frequent oc currence along IheJ-u lovely streams For altitude, sco Suunto Report, Thirty-sixth Congress Second Session Maps and Sur veys, Topographical Engineers, Vol. 11. One further question, and I am done for tho present. What Is the matter with Col. Drew that ho cannot hnvo onu of those pure, smooth-running "crystal streams" as well as each of the others of his party called alter his name? nis well-known modesty bus no doubt, prevented tho .suggestion by himself, but surely somu one of tho party ought to have been considerate enough to have left for him one of thoso magical, lovely and enchanted streams, in order that tho memory of this "right man in the right placu" might bu perpetuated. Yours, IxQumEU. Ashlaud, Ogn, Sept. 26, 1863. - Pkoyki ius Patiuotihm. C. L. Bird, Treasurer of Sacramento county, Califor nia has established his patriot!tm beyond all doubt, by taking S 14,(100 of tho county funds and skedaddling. He was one of tho "patriotic" kind who havo a holy horror of Copperhctulism. AUxiny Vtmocrat. The Sacramento Bu says be vas one of your "patriotic" kind, uud prints his record to Miow, that since tho rebellion broke out, he has bceu a Copperhead Democrat, liird, like A. S. Johnson, Judge Terry, Gwlu, Dunham, Horace II, Illgby, nnd a host of other ex-oOlcials of California, "Democrat!." all, will probably bo next heard of m the rebel army. Dlid was one of the gambling, chivalrous" kind, who consider it "con- fttitutionol" to steal, a lt Floyd, Itu? public funds of an "Auclitionizcd1! coraroonity, SutctDK. Alonzo Naylor, eldest son of Granville NayJjryC the upper portion of thli; ValIcy,;commU4 ''sulctdc yesterday ttnrninRYby.Miootlufc! iilntself tbroubfcHbe Ijead wijh' a riflef H wwbnly about four-, teen year oPfcircnnd Ihere was no apphjr-, out cause for thb'dwndlul not. On ihccven tug previous thu boy had been scolded oroth crwisi! lightly punished for going oil hunt ing and negbcted his work. This greatly in censed him. Shortly after he attracted the attention of his mother by dividing Ids money among his brotlu rs and sifters. On being told to keep his money, he said lie did not want It, nnd that he would never do an other day's work for his father. Ho went to bed as usual, and tho next morning be fore breakfast crawled out of tho window with tho rille and shot himself, by placing the muzzle of the rillo against his head and pushing the trigger with a toe of his foot. .t. Good Xoninatiox. Tim Snn Juan Press nominates Ahiuham Lincoln for tliu next President, uud Andrew Johnson lor Vice President. Just our men, says the Marysvilltj Appeal. Old Abe if he'll ac cept, aud Dunks if lie will not. The National Union Convention cannot fail to make a good nomination from the long list of brilliant names of patriotic statesmen, who have not been found want ing in those " days that try men's souls," but no name will shine brighter than that of Honest Old Abe" the noblest Roman of them nil." AxoTiir.ii Amomtio.v Outuaoi:. Horace II. Higby. Surveyor General of California, under the mlmiuistrutiunj of Weller und Downey, is now enjoying the companion ship of Guerrilla Morgan, be having been captured witli the groat horse-thief raid sler. Tlio " Abolitionists" incarcerated him in thu balilc (before the war called Penitentiary) of Ohio, for practicing the " Democracy" he preached. Saiiiivth Siiiioi. Pic NIC. The Sabbath Schools of JuokMUivillo. I'hicnix and Wugner creek, intci.d holding a plc-ulc in thu Over beck Grove, on Thumluy, October Sth, thu weather permitting. An address will bu made to thu children at 11 o'clock a. m,; ami one to the parents at 2 o'clock l. xi. Auction. Mr. Frederick Frank offers for sale, ut auction, to-morrow, at his resi dence in litis place, fine mahogany furni ture, cooking utensils, carpenter tools, etc. Sale at 2 o'clock. Send your child to bed happy. What ever can's press, give it u warm goodnight k'ss as it goes to its pillow. Memory of this in thu stormy years winch fain may have in store for'lhe little one, will be like Bethlehem's Mar to thu bewildered shep herds. (HaMMnMnmHmMMMMaHMMH NEW TO-DAY HOUSEHOLD PURMTUItE AT THE underdgned will dNpoo of his en tile lot of Household uud Kitchen Fur niture, at auction, on ThundiVj.thc tt ilty of October, 1803, at two o'clock r. m., at his reddence, in JuckMiuvillo. The furiilturo condstH of onu Mahogany liurcau, one Mnhogauy lied stead, with bedding complete; Mahogany Centre Tnblo. Stands, Lounges, etc.; Look-lug-glass, Pictures. Stove nnd Cooking Utensils; Gla-s and Porcelain Ware. Al"o, a lot of Carpenter and Mining tools. All will bu sold to the hiuhust bidder, for o.itm only. FREDERICK FRANK. Jacksonville, Sept. Siii, ?M. acpgHtd Slieriff'a Sale. IfJY vlrtuoof n Kxrcutlmi, rtuly Issued ly tlie MJf Olcik f Hid OJtc.lt Couit, of tho .Smtti of Ore gon, fir tli" cjiuity of .luck )!!, uud t mo illrcctuJ, Ritivup fii).w. jniurunT, Hid otfiimt j.uiia TATOM, for tlio rwinciy of tliu miu u( J-'Urt lluii itiiduaii Blxty-tUreo uml 40-oinj-l.unJi oJi1:h dollar.', ($5113 HKIDO), with Intercut, coU nnd iicciuli' cost. Ion ci'cnlit to thu amount of Thrt'j lluwlrcil ami flftooa dull.ii ($)!& I hnvo hivlcd iiimii unit Villi oiler for ml u, for c.u-.h, to tho highest bhlJor, on Satimln, tht '1-Uh day cf Octobtr, A. J)., 1SC3. nil tho rlslit, tltlo nnd Intr-iwt of tlto sild Jnmo T tom, or. In mul to, tho following ituwlbed UK Ah KSl'ATi:, unit animrtimuiico) thoioimto UIoisIiir, Mtuntcl in tli ii county of Juciiijii und Stuto of Oro Kon, to-wit: Dowrttoti Ctiiim No. 30. township art, houtli raiiso 1 at, beginning nt tlm N. W. corner, on WMLinicttu MorMInn, tlicnco koiiIIi 01:70 dmliit; tliuncd onu 'J9.5U ilniliis; thotico north 30:00 chains, thencu oast ia-5Q cluhn, thonco north illiTO thiiliH, thuiicu wait T3;i:!clnlin, to tho jilaco of hcglunhiK; cunti;liiliiKUlM 32-10U acies. Sftlu at tho OiUit Ilou'jo door of ntld county, ho. twoou the hours of nlno o'clock A. M. und four o'clock 1. M,, of n.ld day. W. II. 8. HYDK, Sheriff of Jaclwon Co., 0n. BBptimbor2Q,lSS1. mipUiwt AHSCHttor'H Notice. TVOTIOE in hereby glrcn to tho Titjc TayerH of i Jackson county, Oregon, that till purocin furling tliomsolms nggiievud by oriir-nsnuiisnieiit, or who lin.o Imon llleiilly av.oKaed, can incctm, it. coiijunc- tion with Ibu Ilonorftblo Uoard of Couuty t'omiuls- nlonorH, On Wednesday, the Uth day of Oct. 1662, at tho ol)lc of tho County Clerk, Jacksonrillt, and tbero baru their grlu"iiti adlmtcd aooonlitir to. taw. OIIAULKHAV.SAVAUK, At? Mor of JaskMu ouatr Orkcoa. JatkMWriUVfept,-'.!), 1SN. '1 tuLj4 mmx & wade, ,'j JAOlvBONVlLLK, -DKAI.KIW IN- DRY GOODS, CLOTI-IIjSTG , BOOTS & SHOES, ?AFGy GOODS, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, XLilC&'ULOX'Sy Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, IIAHUWA11K. ULA.SSWARK. (IUKKXSWAR14. WOODKNWAUK, MINBRS, TOOLS, All tif which will be pold at low prlcc.i for UArilJ, or desirable 1'JSODUCH. BRA9BM & WABE AUK NOW K13CKIVIXO A Largo & Well-Selected STOCK OV Spring & Summer NEW STYLES DKESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staple CARPETING, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, MEN AND BOYS' Spring & Summer CLOTI-IIjSTG, HATS AND CAPS! AND ALSO A Fine Assortment of Ladioo, Men and Boya' Boots and Shoes ! OUR PIKEtfIX AND ASIILAXD Will be supplied witli u Good ABSsorlnvrnt i)j- mm AND FAROY GOODS Which will bo sold at JACKSONVILLE PRICES. FAMILY" (JUOOKRIKS t IJRADUUUY Si WADK'S. ST, ATIONKIIY & ULANK BOOKS at nUADDUKY & W AUK'S. FINli CIGARS AND TOHACOO ut DUADDURYftWADKB. W OOD AND WILLOW WARM nt MHADIWUY&WADK'ri. FINE TKAS ut imAl)nURT& WADE'S. W OOLANDIIIDliS nOUUH'l' by RYAN MOROAN&OO. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS at mCADBUUY'il WA'DI'S. 1 9 f i .