Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, September 30, 1863, Image 1

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(p. rejg0ii
- ' -'- T.
i t rTI'crt rr cs.-tM iim
JtitittHO.nvitlc Lodge
NO. lniiitiiHiturcciiiariiH'i't
Iiirm mi Friday or tlio niNt
wok In well monlli, ii ml on
SSIKVSS wi-cll, fti lll' Mi'Hcmlft IlftlJ, M
rf n-ii'X. fLr n (tfitiirii!iv nrnnm ititnrvMiitnf
8 o'clock p. ii. Druthers In goal ptniulIiijT uro Invltcil
tonttcml. NVM. IIA N. U.
Stus J. Pit, 11. Sec'y.
TtMJtcw. Jan. I. Mutton, Ttvm-y IfeMlnRcr and
flo.i. It, Duiili.
"Warron Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
A HOLD tliolr regular commttnl-
rcatlons tlio Wednesday Kvonlugson
Vor preceding the lull moon, in jack-
II. Hi.oom. Scc.'i.
- O F -
TV11I liolil tts regular communications on the
Flmt Snluitlny Ifivc. of K wry Month.
All Rejourning Companions In good
'lauding mu cordially Invited to attend.
G. W. GREER, H. V.
I Sakim. Rec'y. t1cc8:47
Jacksonvillk, Outran:.
Office iiiioalti tho Com-t House
All busbies cnmmitlcd to Ihelr cure will
"be promptly nlteudcd In. iTuly 'JD. '112.
- ! ! - ' "- ' ' " '
t. vm.'Diiirrurrr. jamimu. fay.
"Will practice In tlio tiaprcmn ftntl oilier
Court of this Stat.
Mnrdh 4. '3.
"XTTILL practice in the several Courts of
T f tho-First Judical District, ana In tnc
Cuprcme'Cotirl. Oi'tohor 20. '(12.
Jacksonvillk, Okkook.
Will practice In nil tins Courts of the Thlril
Jiidioiul District, the Supreme Court of Ore
pin, mid In Yroka, Cul. War Scrip prompt
fy culli-ctod. Out. IK.
(8nccc.tf.ir to IlecU X (lanton)
J ACKS0NVU.1.K, Olll'.OOK.
Hspcclal attention given to collection
. 'Juno 10, Mill. 40
fly niilrttinQiU.
Offlco with 11. F. Powell. Iv-q.
-Office nt lila lUmltUncc m Oregon HU
Jacksonville, Oukouw.
Whr-ro all thoHO knowing themselves In
debted to him. on note or book account,
will pleni call and nettle up, or tlii'Ir lie
eoiint will he placed lor collection in the
hands of my attorney.
My old patrons will Htlll (lnd mo, ax mr,
jcdV to attend to my professional dntlex.
Mv l, 1MX ina.vlilf
JBrlk nulldlnKt Cor. Front A PatreCCi.
Wl,i attend to the Receiving and For
warding of all Good entrusted to
their care, with promptness and dixp-itch.
Consignments elicited. MerehandiHOTe
clved on storage.
Crescent City. April 11. ISfiM. 15
N. U.-No good"dellveied 'intll the freight
ia I charges tiro paid. P. ft W.
Vvxi ilour to liinilticsiv it Waito,
I have Jiit opened a new store and stock
ed it with a choice vailety of tlio above
'Mentioned nrtlclus. and olfer them for sale
nt the lowest living nrtoos. Tlio best of
I. O. O. F.
u. :-
clgara and chewing tobawo wi" )M 1t,Pl
constantly on hand. Thoso desiring any
rtlcle. in mv line will wvo money by uiv
iiir'nm a calt. J. ROW.
VacluWillci July 1, 'C3. jlltf
Written for the Pcntlticl.
'Willi ghnotly mien, and eyes of tlery led,
lu Juclifonvllli! dnth coll u Copperhead;
Hear his lament, ly trnltoroti feelings led
That great nnd good man Stonewall. Tacit-
boii'h dead.''
Yes, great In his crime to slab his country's
Yea, good n wns toUilint In treason's art',
And thou, 'Oraiback,' who aimed tlio enven
omed dart,
May yet. for Justice, gruco the uangtnanV
Columbia, dear to Revolution' fire,
In civil war tlio traitor llghtR (iIh lire,
And where thy States in Freedom gran
denr thine,
The Press, eubornnd, aids In fhc horrid
Oh 1 dire dipgrace, oil ! Infamy most damned,
"Erin's" exilcH helped from a starving land;
And not gratitude nl pttfury ihotcn,
By those ex-editor, O'Meava and Mnlonc.
My muse, attuned, altAln a loftier flight,
And give to Ilahrr. liclfio States' delight.
The meed of praise a Senator loved at
A general brave at nails HIuITs fatal fljIit.
An orator, statesman. Foldier. each in turn,
iff memory lives in liberty' crystul urn;
He, the bright peer, did Benjamin's treason
Like "patriot Tell, or Bruce of Bannock-
Aiiplcgato, Sept. 17, 18fi.
"FrAycr l the soul's sincere desire,
Uttered or unexpressed;
The ntot inn of a hidden lir)
Tkat trembles lu the breast.
Prayer is the burden ol a sigh,
The lulling of a t ar,
The upward glancing of nn eye,
When nouu but God is near.
Prayer Is the Fimplett form of speech,
That Infant lips can try;
'Prayer the subliiiusi stratus that reach
Ills Majesty on hlli."
Dates to the tttttli.
Fortress Monroe. 2;"). Richmond Whig
of the. 2yd, claims u victory in Northern
Georgia fur Urugg, mid i-'nys : Wc sup
niifsoxullatinn at the buttle, at what yet
remains to be dune, and the possibility of
loosing all that has been gaiiii'd by u I'uil
ore to coiupleui the vnrlf. Situated ns
ftorserans is, victory tliat iliw not disperse
und ciiplure his whole at my is a lost oppor
tunity. If lie is permitted to hold Chaiui
nonc.ti our victory will be without profit,
mid wo havo only to mourn thut so many
brave men have died in vain, lioseciuus
must 'not oolv be beaten in battle, but must
be despoiled or driven iroin 1'Jast 1 innea-ei'.
otherwise Km battle litul ns well not been
fought. If thin Ptronglmhl is not wrenched
Irom him now, it will hardly bo donu here
ufler. If he holds it. lie holds a point fioui
which ho may at uny nioinent strike u blow
at the very itals of the Conredei ucy. I Ie
holds a region pestilent with disiifli-ction,
which needs only the pieseueo of u Yankee
army to ripen into full-blown treason. He
'holds a country tliut nnut produce wheal
for our unity, nitre for our powder-mills,
and iron for many of our iminufueturing
eslublishmenip. l'os?ession of thut country
is un indippensiblo necessity to us. It is n
prize for which we will contend until we
have won it. We can but rejoice, with
Sear und trembling, over what has been
done, and should our arm v win it, it
1;l the best ucliicvenwiit of the war.
New York, 2Cth, A special Wnshing
ton dispatch to the Times suys : It appears
now thut till tluec oi' Kosrcrans' grand (ii
visions wero engaged in the late battle, two
of which were driven back n considerable
distance. Rosicians in dispatches imputes
the, loss of the battle to disobedience: of or
ders by McCook, who lusted to occupy nn
important position unsigned him. Had he
done so, Uo.-sicraiis' opinion is, the battle
woald havo resulted in n uplendid Union
victory. 11 v extending his force too much
the rebels were enabled to polctrute out
lines. Ureal anxiety in the army is enter
taiued for thu safely of Iiiinwide. In or
t'er to reinforce ltoecrans, thu only mfe
plan would bo to cross thu Tennessee river
und niouiiluins or pclietratu to some of the
gaps, and move down behind tlio mono
'tuiiiR. The opinion of military nun seems
to lie if he nttejnpts to move down this
fi.de of the river ho will run greul rusk of
being cut oiT.
Washington, 26b. Gen. Hooker las
been assigned an important command in
the Held where his brilliant fighting quali
ties will find ample scope.
Washington, 25th. A telegram from
RnsrcraiiB last night, the 24th, says he
made a recounoisriincc in force along the
enemy's line, and found them in lorce. The
enemy tint not resist the advance of our re
counoiteriiig column, which returned to
quarters, alter having accomplished the ob
ject of the move, which proved important.
tfow York 2Glh. This evening'8 Wash
ington llcimliliain says the Government
litis received glorious news from Rosecruns.
A general spirit of cheerfulness prevails
in Washington. Tlio rebel iirmy has not
uinlc.-'lcd him In his present position.
Special dispatches to thu Pot from tlio
unity ol the t'otoinue, says tnc army is to
motion, transports leaving with great ac
tivity, und it is expected that a considera
ble body of forces will embark with us lit
tle delay us po-sible. Their destination
can only be conjectured. In the meantime
there is equal activity in forwurdiug troops
in unolher direction. The Government
has lake:) posessiou of the IJaltiinoic und
Ohio railroad, and no travel fur civil pur
poses is allowed.
The latest ndvice from the main body
of the army under HuriHidu was at Athens
in East Tennessee. J J is advance was at
Clcavflaud. 20 miles from Chattanooga,
on the E-tst Tcnnc&cc and Virginia Rail
roati. The Steamer ICahnwba, from New Or
leans, Sept. 17th, brings Intelligence that
the troops which wero engaged in the Sa
bine Puss e.sK'(lition hud been disembark
ed, ami were to compOM! n part of the ex
pedition overland toTe.xes. On the depar
ture of the steamer, troops were moving
towards Ilrnslieur City and Rerwlcks liny,
as fast us they could be forwurded. The
force that was originally to go by that
route will thus be so much stroimcr ns to
render thu expedition a formidable one.
The occupation of Texas by our troops Is
regarded in New Orleans us a fixed fact.
A Nahvill telegram says rebel prisoners
report Joe. Johnston killed tu tnc lino oat
He. Advlrr by the Kuhawba repnrlH the cap
ture of the blockade runners, Alabama and
.Mount Gregory, from llavanuali, oil' Ship
Island, also thu destruction of the steamer
Pox, all on thu 12th.
In regard to thu sinking of the rebel
steamer Slimier in the Charleston harbor
siimu time since, wu now learn from the
Bcrtnudu (7a:rte that she was mistaken for
a Feieral vessel and llr'il Into by Fort
Moultrie. Thu sumo authority says that
there were lillO persons on boaid nt thu
time, all of whom were saved but 20.
Boston, 2lilh. -Tlio steamer Attalla from
Galwciy lilth arrived. Tribunal of com
ineice at Bordeaux has tried the caso involv
ing tho question whether tho Florida is u
p rat o or privateer. It was decided that
ilui had not c.ceeded belligerent right or in
curred llie repioach of piracy. Application
has been made at the Matx'lb'es tribunal of
commerce by owners of part of thu cargo of
tho V B. Nu-h for an authorization losiezu
thu Florida at Brest until the claim of 101).
0011 iuinces was settled. Authorization
granted. Mr. Slldell had gonu to Brest lo
arrange the ulfiiir. The Parris of tho
lilth, believes Itself entitled to stale that
llm maritime Prelect, at Brest, has opposed
ihu seizuru of thu Florida, in concqiionou
of an uidor from Paris issued, as tho 1ijh
uteris, with tho object of preventing its. In
violability kh a military port.
Lovaltv. Theio is no law for loyalty
any moie than among the ancient, there
was no law against ingratitude. As the
latter was u crime so base thai to legislate
against it was deemed idle, so the former is
a virtue so grand that legislation can no
more compel its practice than Congress
can constrain men lo be Christians.
In timi s of peace, a man may be a good
citizen who abides by the constitution and
the laws, but in days like these, of public
peril and disaster, he is not a good citizen
who docs not go beyond all written codes,
come out from' behind tho pitiful shelter of
all legal enactment nnd provision, nnd
trampling all Fellishness und coweidico und
attributes of his meaner nature under his
feet, sav to the laud that necdo him, here
nm 1 ami the treasure that thou hast given
wiv' , , .
It is n sort of inspiration loyalty is
that lifts weak men, timid men, but baso
men never, up to the stature of giunls and
the spirit of martyrs, and makes of
nuiot uclfjfhbor. fcomutiini'S, the " Gi
" Great-
heart " of tho nge.
It requires a grand manhood to be loyal;
wo were about to f.ay loyal men, like Hue
poets, mo born, not made; nod so they
uro ; they have been born out of the dark
hour mid the cloud, and havo gore up in
chariots of lire.
SiMiuLAtt Fact. When u pretty girl re
turns tho love or uu Irithtnau, her heart lib
ways goes pity-Pat.
A Conscript's Epistle to Jeff
The following quaint epistle hos been
furnished for publication by a member of
the Mountain Rifles, who picked it up in u
deserted rebel camp on the Chowan river,
about thirty miles from Wintoii, N. C,
while out on a scouting expedition lust
spring. Tho letter was uddressctl in this
wise :
Read, if you want to, you thieving ca1p
hunter, wherever you ure, and forward,
post-paid, to thu lord high chancellor of
thu devil's exchequer ? on earth, Jeff.
Davis, Richmond, Vn.
Headquarters " Scalp Hunters,"
Ciiuip Chowan, N. C, Jan. 11.
Excellency Davis : It is with feelings of
undeveloped pleasure, thnt nn nUectionutc
conscript intrusts this sheet of confiscated
niiiicr to the tender mercies of Confederate
States mail enrriers, uddrcssed us It fIiuII be
lo yourself, 0 Jeff, Red Jacket of the Gull,
and Chief ol the Six Nations more or
less. He writes on a stump of n shivered
monarch of the forest, with the ' pine tree
wailing nroiuul him," und " Endymion's
plunet rising on the air." To you, 0 Cos
zar of all Chivalry und Khun or Cotton
Tui Inry, liu nppeals for the privilego of
seeking, on his own hook, a land less free a
home among tho hyenas of the North.
Will you not halt your bravo columns, und
stay your gorgeous career for u thin spuce
and while un udmiring world takes a
brief gaze ut your glorious und God-lor-silken
cause, pen for tho happy furlough
without end ? Do so, and mail it, if you
please to that city the windy, wandering,
Wigrall didn't winter in, culled, for short,
The Eltviun winds sweeping down the
defiles of tho Old Dominion, ami over the
swamps of Suffolk, come moaning through
the pines or tho old State laden with tho
music, und siirh themselves uwuy into sweet
Founds of silence to the fur off South.
Your happy conscript would go to the fur
away North whence the winds come, und
leave you tu reap tlio winriwino, wiiu no
mil! but your father, the devil, lo ruko und
bind after you. Ami he's going.
It is with intense und multifariously
proud satisfaction that he gazed for llie
last time upon our holy fl.ig thut symbol
und sign of un ndored triuiiy cotton, nig
gers nnd chivulry. Ho slill sees it in the
little camp on the Chowan, lied to the
peak of his palmetto pole, and floating out
over the boundless Confederacy, und reviv
ed relics of ages gone, banner of our king
of few days mid full of trouble. And that
polo in its tapering uprightness typifying
some of tho grand beauties of Its national
ity; its peak pointing hopefully Inward
tho high tropical stars, und its biggest cud
run into the giouud. Relic und pole
goodbye. Tis best the conscript gois;
hit claim to chivulry has gone before him.
Jk-hind, he leaves the legitimate chivalry
of this unbounded nation centered in the
illfoitimatusoii of u horse-thief.
Rut u lew words, illustrious President,
mid he is done done gone.
Elevated by their sufferings aiul suffra
ges to the highest office in the gill of a
grcut nnd exceedingly free people, you
have held position wilhou'. a change ol'
base, or purpose of any sort, through wea
ry mouths of want und woe ; uml though
every conscript would uniic with thu thou
sands or loyul men lu the South in u grand
old grief at your downfall, so too will they
sink under the calamity of nn exquisite
joy when you shall have reached thai emi
nent meridian whence all progress is per
peiidiculur. And now, bastard President of u politi
cal ubortion, farewell.
Scalphunler," relic, pole nnd chival
rous confederates in crime, good-bye. Ex
cept it bo in the army of the Uulon, you
will not again see thccouKcript.
Nouu. IIaiiuold, Aslio co., N. 0.
Ukb DKRTitovr.it. Mr. Nightwine, n
farmer residing neur Huntingdon, informs
tho "Monitor" thut he had noticed that bis
bees were doing no good for somu time,
und that both tlio honey und bees were be
ing destroyed by porno unknown cause.
A short time silica on of his little boys
saw a large, lizard going into one of tho
lilvts, nnd on examination it was discover
ed that it was tho lizztrd that was doing
tho damage. Tim lizznrd was killed, since
which lime his bees have thriven ns well as
ever. Persons having bees should make
u note of it. Emtcrn Ex.
Mi i ii ip ' " ' '
Prentice ns a reason lor saying that the
wind is feminine, that it is fickle nnd gen
erally has iv now shift each day.We have
seen 'men who would not be injured by a
little of thnt kind of fickleness.
Bawy"Talk. - Beauregard calling It In
human to shell (hut hell hole, Uharlestou.
UumbolJt UyiiUf,
" Dimocrisy" Now & Then.
Prom tho Hancock Jofl,armnilii.,J
Ciiuncn uv St. Valaniuoum, )
Wingerth's Cornel s, Orgust 1).
I hud a brother who It-It his palemal
roof in 18foiiy-iilne, for the perpus of muk
in his fortin u follerin the briny depe. He
didn't mala' u fortin. however, niukin for
tins bein n thing for which the Nasby fam
ily is not scllihratiil. He had bin nb-eot,
all uv tho lime, and had never u wurd from
his iinyliv land. He weul Irom this coun
ty, nnd when tin landed ut Noo York he
cum stralu 2 this place. I useiived linn
with opun units.
Josef," Biz I, " do yon still remain trim
in the dimmecratic laithV" '
Petroleum," si z he, " I do. Ex wuz
resolved in our Kouveiishuii lit; yerc U
fore I started, I heleevo that slnivry is nn
evil, nnd that the Dim:icrisy uv Ohio stiritul
use all eonstoosliiiiel incites to inillyguil
uud finally eiudyeatu it and "
" Hold," S'Z 1. " times is changed. The
Dimocrisy now looks on slnivry as it blefvs
in ; but go on."
' T In Ipm-i. riiinniid lie. " tlmt lbf M'l.
m. ..-vw, ...-. .... -
tlln uv ihu otieslion uv sluivrv bv the Mis-
sory Comperinifiu wuz rile, und"
" Hold on," hz 1, " wo icpccted toe
" 1 belceve" rciorted he ftcblv. "thut
slnivry is the crercher uv Inkle lejislusheo.
and sliooU bo exclooileu I rum tlio icrrtusf
rit-8, und "
" Stiddy', sir. I, " the Ditnocrisy is io-li-.
vor n v extcndiii it nil over llto territories"
Well," biz Josef, sez he, ' I'm for the
Union wiiii uud iudivizuble that's Ditno
crisy, uint it?"
' Yes." Fir. I, " with several iTs nnd mech
but. Wo ure jest now tz u parly inguygd
ill llie dementi worn uv siiniiio it i lie;
nn i in iii in-;
You see, jji-
Union in 2-4 purls ns per
Josef, vour b.-hint tho ime.
sef, we wuz for the Union wnn uud infli-
viz-ible jest eo long ez the Ditnocrisy, Yfluii
wuz mostly lokated Sowth. hud coiiUpuIu
uv said Union. In them days Noo Ho
gland wiir under. Then things i:liang.
Noo England sprcil over th's West aiyl
titer wuz danger uv Insin Ihecoiitrole. To,
check em wc uoiiunciist lejisluiiu ; fustly
leiueliii the Compel miso :!o they might
lake niggers liter if they cood git in lust
eiiuff. That wti n failyer. Then we tie
sWed that tho (Joint itonslmn perlecteil
blaivry, and that it cood go ther anyhow.
Slill Noo England beet us, elmlin a Abol
shun Piesiileiit. mill wo bolted so that wo
cood shet up Noo Einilaud. And that's
wnt's the war's ubiiiit."
Si. Josef, sez he, Petroleum, to mo. it
doth stem that all that's
left ii v tho Diina-
erisy to which I wtitwt
belonged is tho
"2 which I flcnleiwhiislv icplide, "It
Sez Josef, sez ho, "Polrnlcum,.l can't
git it Ihro me. El I hud stayed at linn
perhaps I mile hev took llte.-u ch.ingw
down wiiu at u lime, but nt wiiu dose it is
2 much. Therefoar, Petroleipi. consider
meowt. The old flair's uoTl ennlVfor oif. I
lhank you. und Audroo Jxn wuz ubitwjt
iho stylo uv a Dimekrut you mite bet ye.
bottom dollar on. 1 repondiate the hull
on't. 1 don't like egg shells, lies nulh'm
wut uiiit got no meet into it ; by which
slrikin inettylor I meen lo say that u par
ly that Ikk illspo4ei) uv its prii.sipples und
lives on nn empty name nint ih" usii'iti
shen fer anybody but u low irrahl uv jieiils,
mid n jiigh graid nv skoumlrels, suoh (
wipl ganote the Gnddis nv Iiberty for tho
white eotton nitu gowud s!ie is piekmrelly
represented ez wearin. Petroleum adoo."
Tho next day he inlistcd. T saw hini
depart wilh a iiloo koto on. E. he haddont
a dollar that I cood boner, I wuz rejolct
to see him go.
Respectfully, Pctuolkum V. N.isiiy.
Imaginu a venerublu coppeihead. when
this war is over, and these siiriti.' limes nru
forgotten, sitting ut h's home wnh Iks chil
dren around him. He in ty toll them of
llm iv:ir nnil llm P!iiri(ie!s that in. II niltdi.
"- "! r -
nnd bom people rejoiced when the n ws til
earh victory eaine from the iirmv. What
will lie sav of his own part in thnt strug
gle ? 4,.My children, in that sad tin when
tho country was in danger, I wa;s iiguinst
the country my heart was with the rcb-l
when he triumphed 1 vas glad when
ho was defeated my ln-art was soro uml
heavy. My children, when I um gone, du
not ciirso the traitor. Be silent. It iJ thu
only respect you can pay to your father's
Pompey, are you willing to bo iMnviol
I fit. should bo tin.' Lortl'u will!'' biqnlml
u plouti frle.id. Oh yes, ma-si. aid more
too; I tun willln' you be damned loo, nus
sa V veplh'd Pompey.
It Is said that Brigham Yowu's wlvr
uro puttliig on military airs. They call
him Briggy'doar.