!" he re emffttei I s I I W1M liTt - " .T 1rtWrMlriiWHMfcflMB"tC"w mrrHS?"5rt,Ksiw'" 55 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2G, 1803. VOL. VIII NO. 71. wjwiittw! iwtwiwwt fqewirtfftjwwniiiwwiwwi.uTyyjf'faianriwMw I, (). O. P. .larUMinvllli Loilce ,-.v Nil. lulniliUiltTiilriprl v Jq "(wV Hw-k III rir It nmtilli, nii'l en liy iti"Si Jj Kilimlij,r.wliliilprfnliii v?-'f v Vrf JT" week, t li4 1 tannic Hull. t lv'rlk r. u, llnllirliiKooil.tii'llncnri'liiltrJ b.H'irJ MM. RAT, X. 0. Silk J int. II ( y. TrurtfM. .Im. M Hmton, Hnry IVnIUt;iir and (Iw. II. Iiurl. Wsirron LoQj No, 10, A. F. & A. M. ft IIOU tlii'lr ri'inilnr rnmmtinl rVciitlniis llio Wednf-dny Kvciilugnu Vor preceding the full moon, In jack iiNViUJi, oiiuinv. At.IIX. MARTIN. W. St. II. lll.nnM .' OKKUOft CII AI'TKU NO. 1, ROYAL AKC1I MASONS, javksos'viu.ii oi:i:nox, Will hold ltii!tiilarcnmmiinlcnllon on tin First Hiilunlny Its r ir Hvrry Month. All sojourning Cnmpnnlnn In good landing mo cordially Invited in attend. ;. W.OKKKH, II. I. I.. Sasjii. Hcc'y. (lcc8M" U. JACOIIri, : V. lll'SSICU.. JACOBS, fi. RUSSELL, ATTORN KYS AND COUNSELORS ANH SOLICITORS IN' HIANCKRY, .Jackrhnviu.i:, Oiikwiv. lllTlre opposite. I hn t'miit Home. All IhiIiiih 1'iiiiiinllli'il to lli"lr cnri' will l- iiniiiiptlf niti'iiili il i. Jnl.v 20. 'M. t. wm. nut mirr. jaiuk i. mv DOUTHITT &. FAY, ATTORN KYS AND COUNSKLORS AT 3Cj-Oi."mr. AND SOLICI TORS IN CllANCKRY, lArKfilSVILLK. OllKliO.V. Will practice In Iho tiupriiim und other Court of tliU Stun-. Hiircli -'Ji R. B. MORFORD, ATTORN KY AT LAW, Jai-uso.nvii.i.k, 0kok, ini.l practice In the wvi-ntl Court or M tlm Rrnt Judlcwl UNtrlct. mid In the AllrVnic'Cntif I Oolnber 20. '112. B. F. DOWELL, ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Jai'KXOM'UJ.K, Ollh'UOV. trill iirnotloo In nil tlio Court of tlic Third Jiiillcl.il District, thcHiipreumCimrlof th) goii.und In Yiultt,Jrtl. WurtSerlo pmm.pt ljr collected. (M'-'-L. J. QASTON, (rMicrwK'r to Iltsnt Jt (liton) ATTOHNKY AT LAW. JaCKiIONVIM.K, OllKOOK. l'pccl.tl attention given to collection urn, Jnne to. ifiu:i. id (I'.jf i'inlii.'it.l GEORGE B. DORRIS, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR JACKSON X)UNTY. Onicewltli II. IA Powell. K-ip "a'wrGR'EER. 1 II Y 8 I C I A N A"S I) SUItGVHIN. I OlIUc n lil tletUlenei'oii HrcKoii trt. JArMOMVII.I.R, OllKl.ON'. Whcro all tbo-Hi kunwlnj? thcmwlves In debti.il to him. on nolo in' bonk nccot.nl, olll plert'ii call and n'ttle up, or their nc fvunl will bo placid fur collection lu thu band of my nltnruev. My old ttom will ftlll find me, tttr, Tcnily to uitend to my profcuional dulli. Miiyfi. IKOII. 1".,yrii,JL DUGAN & WjVLL, IORWARDING AND GOHHISSIQN MERCHANTS, Ulck lliillilliig, Cor. Front A Fktivtt. CRKSOKNT CITY, OAI UriLt Mlend to tho Uccehlnf? nnd Tor- V wnrdlnc of nil Goods entrusted It "thi fr caro. with nroinntness and dlnpatch. Consignments toliclted. MercliandUe rc- lvcil on ?lone,e. Crefccnt City. April 1 1. 18fi3. 15 N. It.-No poods delivered until the freht nl ebnrireH urn paid. It it V. jTiiow, iikalkii in CK5ARS, T0UA0C0, FRKSU FRUITS, STATIONERY, CONFKC- T10NKRY, KIRKWORK8. KTO., 7rctltr4a Ilimlltiiry Wmlc. r i ,.... .. .i .!.!. 3 KrainiWTnfto rtovo I lu. I U nod' artlofe . and offer' them for" to i tho lowctt living iirlet Tho test of i.i. :.. -L "ii S ;i..Jn win i tnoi tonnantly on Imnfl. thowi uemriup: any article in mv lluo -will savo money liy glv tag mo (i call. J. HOW . Jakius, lllc, July 1, ',C8, jlj(f 1 Wtul lint Die In Winter. M'tlttuu iliithi' n ruUicr twl f (wll. I wnl kimlt iHf In winter. When Vlilflt ihiiicIiix Ho When ponly -i nrc ihutlug Our Held nf lei) ,t siio WheiifuMidgu inert I phrylng, k hickiirymit le thick; One! wlio kin think f diking, ir t'H'ii gutting tick. I winl knnlt dye In spring time, Anil ml tlic Slity tnnunV lf m, it lliu iiinli- Kinirn or lilt; little lroj;, Tin! kl link nlrly urninu When lilrilx Ik-Iii tlnlr wubldlnp, i .V tutuiH kIii to fpniut, When tut key o a unlilcilliiR, 1 wild not tint) prK out. I xv tul knott dyu In piimmiT, it Iwive tin- uiinlen mk Tin' riiiiktid Inmlj mid luitlermllk Tin- coiil pluco In llm i!Wnj I wnd kiinii dyi' In Hiiinnivr, When cu-rylliliiK if hoi. L leiitu the WllifkluJelV lil One, km), hlo rntliiT kiiult. I wnd knott dyi In ortiim. Wlieil penciled lit Tnr cnllll'i When tlir wnvy corn In I'tlln' w rljip, t cuiiilltlitUf lire tr-ulln'. J'lmr IIidm) mid ullier wiimonmi, Ida knutl dyu In the plinll; Si -eui-ii I i) tlmrl It nter, I wild knott dout nil. BY 0VE11LAND TELEGRAPH. TKtxmuriiKii to vm.KA nut tiik mkktim:u DntfRto tlieS2il. Chlcnso. 22d.-Tln iHittlu nr futurilnv. lOlli. rifillliil well for u. Wo hiitithild lour "ttii 'ntnlilllil on tin left, ilml con- ceiitrulnl our roiew. nmt on huininy morn- tup lie hi n Hue Willi our riunt reMiiiL' mi n rliiirn ill hllln mid our Hi nrnteclt d lV tuit eiiriliwnrl." thrown up during the nlisht. on the et i0ilit or lloceillo nun wiyiiiyttiH1 roiid. lour iinleH ninth r Komtville. In the II, .hi on Siilunluv w lo't nbont liHO killed mid'.' (lUU wniiuded.nnil wire ahead tlirie nl.viw of nrllllerv. Tlia lliiutnu rwiimcd nt P o'clock r-iuulny liuirniin:. sum, uy un iUtcnipt nf the rebel to utorin llioumn ami Itiint M'i'rnl llniff. iney wit" repiuimi with lienvy Iom, mill with lint lilllo In- to im. The lljiht htliil nil hour uid n lml f, mid ttioi the iuot terrlHoof lliouur, n contliiii on flu' ormii'ki'lry nnd nrilllery lieluckcpt up with ilemlly ellecl. Dnrlug tills time our iltfhtmid ceiiint not IwIiir ciiptisid. nklr mUlurnwro kvi'pliiK n rollliiB lire. The' eiieiiiy flndliiK llitlr huhhiIiw wuio lu vnln, ni.tniivereil to llm lell, ith the Intention of Ihrnwlnjr their foreu on Kok'vIIId ruud, nnd nituck Tliomni on llm left Hunk. At thin juncture Tlionm order d llrunduii, who. with ami litlpido In ri-K-rvo, uud two with lteyiinM,hii wn holding thu Key of the piHtl'iu. which wn on Tlimnmi' rllit, to tnoo to the. left of the linn, nnd protect tin) finnl; (ieii. Uiimwiuih' ot the Mima time nil Gen. IUvU unfl Vim Clinxo from rlpht to the cetiler to tnppart Ilriiiidon In hit ef fort to hold the line In llo-eville, while tklr inttliiT fiom the front of the dlvUIon moved from the rlfihl mid centre. Tie em my in.ule lgorn attwclcii on tliut piirt -of our liuu. Iileiotiii! tho center nnd cuttlnjf olf Davln mill MHllinp irul lliu leu.nnii uririnK centre Into tho mouiilalni', I no riRiii uiiu cyutrn were- miKh rcntlittil, without tiny mj iInH lu lu killed and woHndtd. Thu tlitht mid cenlif ViiiR itonc, '1iih.h' right I"-'-enmo cxpofdl In u mot 4trKio think ntlack UeynoVli nd UMU'UmV illvltliuin. compox. hit; llm rltrlit of Thonmi.' llnr. were -vvinK-iiiK tivonnfl. hln extreme lell VIui? n ut fiit't thl ixlo fell Uick on UciM-illlq ro.id i parti, of tho renier were- ?vluuutl up nud remirtcd to Thorn w, iitio Mu fcctoml Hundf, tul nan iiRnlilo o lick tho n-M di uncc tin itl iiio m rival ol reliifbrcrmeiiti'. At one I o'clock fien. Grunirer. -wllh olio AUInIo.l of reerM' camo UP and w thrin.il Into the centre. drlvliiR the enemy from lit poMtlon mi a rldKC with lienvy low. The Uro from (Jrnnger'it tiUleiie llttcrally mowed them down. Thl light only tinted one-hnlf hour, uiiii ktli'lit Initio lie. After riiU Uloody re- jiuli-c thoeminyifii ulmd quiet ustil four o'clock In tho Blteruooii, priiWinB,4JOWev. cr. lu mnnuverlng on ootii r.nK. j nun j.ii i .a.... 1nAn IiJiia ef llw niliilrv ,'n ..V, lo , o io with Pret fuclllty ', ","'. uimIll nn n. fiI...L:. the rcheU nirtdo i vlgowuH nttack which bi no parut el In hltory. Colonel Hawkliw' trlitnile, Wood'n nnd Uohnsoii'n dlvUlow. toMlii); the Ictt, covered tliemMlii's with glory, and on tho rl?ht and center, llrandon, llalul. Uley noldj untl l'.iliner, iltli parts of their ill vlnloan, fouirht wont inlUntlyi nndGruiiger. with tho Ufervet), diovo tho eoeisy at every point where they met. Tubman M ktlll triumphant, and on the left held amo posi tion lit In tho nuiriilut?. but wHltrli;bt ot en emy reftini? on lino nearly nt -I'lfjlit nufjles with tlut or tho morniui?. Tito lines of rc truivl v.cie open to hlni to Cbnttnuooga. on anon WHICH UO 10 1 uaCK 10 KltfUVIIlVi our- Inicflw night. Our IoM-h have been bwvv, "'t IM of killed sun.rl,nly llpht In ifo Iwo 0 enmKemenl wo .avo not mirerol more u loi nl men than tlm rebeh In tho charge made by I Iioiiiuh on the lrt day. we oi,t i'.s many Jdllid as during tlm balance, of tho day. What our loiu In material nnd prliuiier ii we cunuot now lay. Our killed wlllrracli 1 2.0UUS wounded 7,01)0. mnt of them fllnhtlv. AmmiK tho General ofllcer killed, nre Gen. Utile, Col, Key. Col. Klui; mid Col. IlartlelHim. of II) I ft Illinois Among tho wounded, Gen. Morion, ot Itoe craml, flull, and nevernl Cnloncln nnd Slnjors , msJorltyU'InRonly fllghtly wounded. Gen. John II. Klit! Is rrportMl wnnndtil nnd n prloner. Wo csptured Gen. Adnmi of Tex u, mid 12,00 of hl men. Chlcneo, 22d. The New York Trihunt'i ipcclnl Wnhlil:ton dl-pnlch fftyf crnernl Mimmlng up ct battle In Northern Georgia I. that nftir two dnyt' hard llgbtlDp, In which llom-crnns' forcen liore Iho fhock of 1 J li.UOO relnT. comprhlntt Ilrncif', John Ioii'h, hnlfiif I.ei'V armb. ".till nil of lViu IktIiuiV lliat could Iki gathered logclber. be devmetl It prudent to full tack to CliHa iinngn, hIiIcIi bo did In good order, nnd nt hna uccimiiiI" bad opened communication with lluriisiile'n cavalry. Ilurnrldo l K1 ii rely remmred for not arriving enrllcr. Tho of Ilo'ecl'itlm' dllhlon repnrled not to hnvolicbiivid will. ItUU'lli'Tttl Ito-ccrans' will Mion be In poltlou to rewime the orTeli- ire; minutime, bo Is thought to bo ublo to hold hU ground. There l reamn to Wllcvo that attention will foou be paid to what remain of Iii's army. The Army or urn rommoc im iK-gati to moiit. M) lar us to cerni loruaru iiuiorus rnvnly acro the ltaplduii. without any ole iriictlou. it in MippoH'ii imiiu uiiueiorcf of reliel llilerveuo leleeil Miiule nnd Richmond Thorn who bavo iloubliil ne eumtiltited "vldences of many detachment baling left Ijuu fur Muilhwaril. now Hfin inolluid to nilmlt the fact. lnco new from Chntlanooua buttle has provid that llutv- crium Is lli'lillutt the whole Coufidvrute force. New York IfrrahYi Wnthlnglon dtfpatchf .it It Is nruYlallv known that Itowcrnns lis fnlleii bai k to Chatlannogn to await tlie-nr- rlvnl of IIiini'ldi'D torce. which -ro wllli In !t0 miles on f-'uniliiy, am expected to be np with blm Monday, when forward move ment would ht promptly made on the line of the cue mv nt I'ldgeon mountain. Tho utmost confidence l felt hern that on tho junction of llurifMii with lloecran thu P'Ih'I wll to binlly btaten and compelled to full buck on Home or Uppalomn. Wniditngtnn. 22d. A peclnl wys corres pondent lu tho army uiu uot to uw telo graph Hurt for tninnnludon of niw to iieivfpaer. A gentleman fro'n Knlmnutli n few days ngo, fay uo rebel force lu that vicinity. Datea to tho 2!M. Xerr York, 22d. Tho enntruct for niniiiiructurlnc ami lay In? down a irnod mibmnrine -cable from Ireland to New. foiitiillanil. ne.xt fumntcr, was ilgird at London, September 2Sth. YasIlIngton, 2.'M. UIpatclie from RoM-crons, dated Cliattannoga, iiflcrnomi of the 22d,Tecelvrd by sUovernment this inornlnir.fl.iy the enemyii nttoek on Thorn as' corps, on Monday uflernoou, 2Ut, was linndwmiely repulwd. ond Thomas' force marched to tho jiosillon they were nbmit to take wber sManltrd, All ('flklul ill pateh, dnteil Monday tho'ilst, tuy Iwo ell virions of Longstreet'H corps made a re connnianco lownnU Rotecran. but no nt-tiu-k wns made. RoM-crain' order for con cenlratini? bis entire command, was accom plished on Monday night. Ho Is now In flrmii; defensive Jioaition, nnd can caslW wait until reluforceil. 4800 of our wound eil weio-femovril from the field after .Sun day's battle. In Iwo or three day Roc criitu will 'be able to resume the oQVuslve. Louisville. 53d. Special ilbtpatcbcs from Nmrtivllle to tho Joiirnnl, just re celvnl. av there was ulight tkirmMiIng TMlcrimy in front of Roeeronj olberwie ull n as quiet up to the afternoon of the 23d. Sandy Hook, 23d. The China, from Liverpool 1 2th and Quccnstown 13th lias nrrmd. London, I2th. TbeOovernment lias certainly resolved to stop the uteam rams on the Mirsey. The Florida is de tained nt Rrel to catlsfy French clalnu, It is ngain posithcly tuacrlcd that Mail mllllan nccejits. Fortress Monroe. ilSd. A Richmond dispatch of Hie 23d lias the followlogt Oliliknmnnga, Georgia, 2lt. After two days' bard fighting I have driven the ene my, after a desperate resistance, from sev eral portion, but lie still confronts im. The lofw-o ore heavy i both sides, rsiieci- nlly In officers. We Imvo taken 20 can - non. nnd 2.200 prisoners. Signed, llr.AGU. Ro-secrons lias been heavily reinforced from "Grant's army. The Confederate Government has effect ed ii lone of ono hundred million dollars from ipartiw in sTruucc, baivd t-a cotton uow In this counter. New York. 23d.Money steady Siw. ling lower, M ' J Gold lower, 0x.'illn? at -l(i5. elccllulnto 3G, ud cloilajr nt 'iT$i 35. linrkcr Tlio Young Patriot. nr inTrMra wahd. I 'No, William llarker, yott cannot baic my daughter's hand In murrlago until yon are her eipial In wealth nnd nc!al pnrlilun." Tho rienkrr wns n haughty old man of Mime flxty yeans and the perron whom h addren'd was a line looking young man of twenty-live. Wit'h a d arprct the young mnu with drew from the stately tnn.iit.lon. II Six month later tho young matt stood In the iref nee of the haughty old man. "What 1 you here again!" angrily cried tho old man, 'Ay. old man.'' proudly e.xclalmeil Wil liam lurktr. "I am here, your diiuhlir' eiiil and yours." Tho old man' lips rurliil with scorn, A drrhivc mlle lit up hi' cold feature; when catting violently iikui tho marble centre table an cnormou roll or greenback, Wil liam llniker crle-l "See! hook on this wealth. And I hare got tenfold more I Msteu, old man I Von tpttrnrd me from your nnor. . Hat I did not ileipalr. 1 ""Viired a contract' lor fuinUb lug the Army of Iho wllhheW ." 'Ye, yest" eugerly exclaluied the old man. ' and I bought up nil the dl.ullid cavalry hoines I could Ibid " '1 tec I I K'u!" cried thu old man. "And good beef they make too.'1 "They do! llieydul and the piollls lire Immni'e." "I should say so I" And now, sir. I clatm your daughter' fair hand I" "Hoy, hull your. Hut hold! look inn In thu eye. Thruugh all this bnvu you beon loyal J'1 "To the enrol" cried William llnrker. "And'' coiilinuid the old man.' uruyou In favor or n rigorous protecutiou of the war." "I am, I am I" "Then. boy. lake her I,. Maria, mv child. come hither. Your WlllUm claim I hie J Ho happy my children I ami whatever our lot In I lo may to, Ut m all tujyxirt Ihi dv tmmfht!" Ax laroiiTANT Kniitir. In oar tele gruihli! it-port of the I'retldeul's letter to I he Sprlnglleld Slas Conuntlou there wus an important error, upon which C'oiier bend JvurimU In duperule circiimttitucrs, Imve lagrrly seized to prove Abraham Lin coln n ilUunionlut, A portion of our dis patch which referred to the ways and iiicaus of nukimr tH-uee read us lollows.- "The second way Is, to uiie up the Union, lamugictdlotlin. If you ate,, you should say so plainly." Upon Inquiry, e leurn that tbU nan directly the reverse of what the I'rrsldent really said. The di.palcli should hair read: " The second way U to give up tho Union. urn iiutl tlm. Jf you are, iay so plainly." The President ! now. as ever, opposed toghitig up lie Union. He bus given abundant evidence that, no mutter what .may be the opinion of others, he consldrrs the preservation of the Union as of par umounl importance," und means lo strike down everything that stamU lu I lie way of that cnrnumation. Journals that eipKil our dispatch fhouM make this correction ut ona'. Sacramriilo Union. A geiillemaii, one iicnlii?, was wated nenralou'ly woman, when the company around were propodiig conundrums ta each other. Turning to bl companion. hunaiU: "Why Is a lady unlike u jiUrorT'' She nave It mi. "IJecauw" mid the 'rnfio fellow, " mir ror relied without speaking a lady pi.k without rifltctlng." "Very goud," mid she. "Now answer we. "Why Is a iaaM.'.ii)ke n mirror!" "1 cannot toll -you," "Ilicausu Iho minor Is vduM, tt'.fl man Uuot!" Twoikk ami SfiiouK. A few days rinco Geueal Jtfeado met tho Seerclsiyof tho Treasury la Wathlnglon. and ou shaking bands with him, arked, ''Weta you not hero lu 1K2S-S. and bad you a ktlcct school for boys? ' lie was aukwereu in too nnirma tlte by tho Secretary, wheu tho General uddid, "I was ono of tho Imys lu your reboot" In 1827-8-9, Mr. Chaw was a student In tt.o law olllco ot Mr. William 'Wirt. In Washington, and for tho puritoro of uvfisyli't' his cxpciuc opencu a ciauicai jtthool. At Hi'0.o l'osr.-Tluison lirownlow unnouncea in u letter to the Philadelphia Pun I hat he will soon Hart a weekly pa per at ICnoxvllle.Tenn.. lo o called town low's Knozviltt H'tig and Ktltl VtnUhlor, Huwiys the yearly subscription will bo two dollar;, " ami Ibe'first lsu shall bu worth the money loeiloynl man." A pious editor in Dixie writes orlem) tlon of hell. It reads like Iho Journal of ii tourist through the Sou titer n ,GW.xlcri-cy. William An Ki.oo.vr.NT Atokau lliru Is llm closing paragraph of the admirable ora tion delivered In Ilosteinon the-ttliof Jul;, by Oliver Wendell Holme: Cinr.eni of Huston nnd eliiugliteri of Vew KugUnd, men and women of tint North, brother ami shtrrs in the bond nf the American Union, yim hate uiiio? jnu the srarred and wiiflt-d soldier who hatu sbcil llielr blooil for your tettimrul salva tion. They tore your imtion' iinbli ru bravely tlitnugh the tiro and sinoki' id tlm h.illlr field J nay, their uwn Ixlii-s ntv star. nil wllli bullet wounds and striped with Iht cuts, as If to murk llnni a tielong lug lo Ihvlr coiinlry until Hair dust V conns n portion of the soil which they eh lendeil. In every Notlbern gniteynnl slumber tho tlcfims of ibis dislrojing struggle. .Many whom jnn nitinnher m children nmldst the clover blossiiins of our Northern fields, sleep under iiiimelr iiiounils wllli slrnnge Soiillien wild Hower blmuiilng over Ibem. liy tln-c wound of lltiiii; lieriHf, by tlme grates ed fallen nmrlyi, by tlio linpm of your children oul tltc clnlnii of your children' children Jrt imborii. In the name of nnlnigcd hon.ir, In Iho Interest or vlolalid oveielgnly, Inr IIm life of an Imperiled nation, lor the Mike vf lui'li I'trrywneiu nixi our common Humani ty, Inr the glory of (liil und the advanci' imnlof His Kingdom on i-nrlli, your i-oiin-trv calls n non vnu to stund by her thrnogli good report uml evil report. In triumph and eleleiil, imlil tho emerge from the great war of Westiru civilifcition, (JuiHtt nl llm broud ioiitineiit. urbilrens in too councils of 1'iirlliV emancipated M-oplrs; unlit thu llig Ihat fell from Ihe wull of l'l. Sumter itnats oniv inoro Inviolate, suiremi'. nor nil Inr niielent Inheritance, every fortrw. etery iiipilol, every ship, nnd ibis warrinj; land, once more u utilird nallou." One o( emr smart Ilmtlmi lawyers wn surpriwil llm oilier day, by nn old lady en tering his oflico leading u vicious I m 'kin voiitb. Kin rnld t " riepiire, I inllcd to soo If you ttouM like to lake tbli boy aud make u lawyer of Idm." "Tho lioy appear very younj, iiiadmu, ' replleil the lawyer. " lluv old U hu 1" "Heteiiyriirs.slr," " He 1 too young, Hecidedly loo youn. Have yem no oldrr Imysl" "Oh, j e-, sir, 1 ham several; hut wu have cmicludcil lo make farturrs if tberu, 1 told my biiibsud I lliouxht ihU lit I In leller would make u first rale biwter, ami so I call.il to sec if you would lulu blm.' " No madam, lie is tun young yet to commence Iho sludy of the profession Hut why do vou think this boy any butter oilcuuilcd for u lawyer than your other kous If ' " Whv. vnu see. s r. he w luit seven yes4 M today whin l was only live he'd lio like all nature, wnen no goi m iw ss. no was snKy and impudent a any erlller could be ; nnd now he'll steal everything hi Jean lay his bands on I And If tliwo ain't good trulls for a lawyer I am slccUv ed," Nothing can be gained In rip!cully, force, precision, dignity, rlevatiou or tin eitence, by departing from plain, simple, oalural, unstiltoil MoglUh. Tho most for cities und eloquent seukers, and tho ben undentooil, are they who leant dupnrt from such language. )vtd Urockeli, when lm came to tho Houe of H-prem-olallvtii in Wuihlngion. went Into the Berate to henr ono of Jtiule,! WeUtcr' great speeches', wu umaxed : .... " Why," said be, "I tliouclit Mr. Web ster wui such n great spuiker. Hat he simke plain I um!tirtood every won." Mr. Webster had not many lily her com p'.ImeilU In bis lib thun that. To I'nomoT Guajk rmia Rati. Ao In dividual of much practical exierieoeo In form! iw that grttu elde-r ikpositeil in ami about the mows of hay and grain will prove an iffcetual preventative agalnit the depredations of imco aod rats. Wo have long known that llw leuvo of tho common mullen will drlvo rat from their haunts. 'I hero Is somUliing in tlm Plor of Iho nlant that U disauittog to tho xtUi they cannot abide it. " Do you contldcr lager beer lotoxica ting T"' " Veil. nh for dat I pant My. I drinksli feepy or iscexty plasshr a day, and it never l.urtsh me ; put J don't know Ii6w it would bo If a wan vash to make a bog of hlssolf," fiK.-ATPn ic)ovnxu.. A frleud In thU city received u bmlness letter frora a cor respondent in New York eity. who closer hi letter thin : ' McPougall is bore. Iin i$ lumslly drunk about the hulfcli to tho Itumivif iwro "f Wwlf "j ' u' State.'1 r-Plawadti A'fifff'i StyfufoUB,