0emi-tocckli! Sentinel. ' TO TIIK EKKICUOr AXI TORMAXKNCY OK YOUit Union, a Govkiixmunt kor tuk wiiolb is iMimi'KXimii.k." Washington. JfXCKHOSYlht.K, OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVEXIXfl, - SEPT, 21, 1S63. Important Skws. The tclcgrupli con voys intelligence of a great battle in pro gress close by Chnttanooga, Tenn., between the Fedcruls, under Bowcruns, and tbo com bined forces under IJrngg, A. P. Hill, Longstrect and Joo Johnson. The nc count a thus fur show Unit the bnttle hos been one of the most fierce nnd stubbornly contested or the war. It uppcurs Unit itose'eruns is iu n tight pluce, but no oill cer in the urmy is so well quulllkd to get out of a tight place, with glory to himself mill disaster to his enemies as is RoK-craus. At Corinth und Stone' River he wus near er defeat, but his brilliant strutegy snutcli t'd victory from the very jaws of disaster. Thank fortuno I " Old Rosy" is " the right man in the right pluce." As n rebel officer said of him ut Stono river, he is n Dutch mini who docs not know when he is whip ped." No fear but ho will hold his own until reinforced by Bnrnsido from Knox ville, distant from Chattanooga eighty or one bundled miles, and connected by rail road. v to-nioiit's stack. Louisville, 2Ut. Military authorities do not believe any disastrous results have nccrucd to tho Army of the Cumberland. Vurt of Bragg 's army reported rapidly moving to Chultanooga. Tho latest accounts from Chattanooga arc to 8 v. M., 20th. But two divisions of Hose crnns' nrmy had given way Iu a panic; from eight to tun thousand of those had rallied. The rof-t stood Una nud at latest ncoouuto went driving advanco of enemy back. Killed mid wouuded ou both sides not less than UO.OOO. New York, 21. Gold opened at 39J ; closed firm at 4-iJsj. Nothing Importunt from other quarters. i A meeting was held at Ply male's School House, Manr.anita precinct, on Saturday, for tho purpose of setting beforo thu people of our valley tlio merits of tho Ciilllornlan und Oregon Itailroad project, and to solicit nud racelvo subscriptions to defray in part tho coat of tho preliminary survey, now com pleted from Marysvillo to this place. Hon. .1. C. Tolinan, Chairman, and Silas Day, Secretary. Mr. Elliot, Knglnccr, rondo a very favorablo report of tho route, as far us surveyed, and Mr. Dcldcn, from familiar ity with tho country, expressed it as his opinion that the Cow Creek hills would be crossed with a good grudo, and named prominent cltir.cns of tho Willamette valley who would aid the enterprise. 0. Jucubs, Esq., then stated that tho mil lers of this valley had generously promls cd to receive wheat, in pay for subscriptions to defray In part tho cost of making a pre liminary survey for a railroad route, and that tho millers agreed to become responsi ble to Mr. Elliot for tho amount of wheat received at tbo mills for thoabovo purpose. Silas J. Day was appointed agent to can vass the county to receive subscriptions in money or wheat. John 0. Green, Enq., set forth the advantages that would accrue to Oregon by the completion of tbo road, and complimented the people on their growing public enterprise. Mr. Jacobs made a few remarks on the military necessity of the road in cas of a foreign war. Tho meet ing then adjourned to raoet in Jacksonville, ou tlra 224 (last night). T "tbo Arkotucne 'Jhtvtlcr presents In Its last issue woful bill of grievances against tho Administration of President Lincoln. Hum bug! All' who are acquainted with tho 'past history of the gray-back editor know that he bas most to fear from tho strict en forcement of tho civil law of the Bute. If commoa report speaks truly, he, w net from Arkauas to Oregon "exile aad ban inked without duo process of civil law." 'Xo rogue e're felt tk kalter draw with- good opinion of the law." Klamath Lake Country. 4?rf. StiUinel. Though in ,trry of busincM,'I.illtteapt tbglve you a prom ised short description oHbeiKfanatbiViil leyas seen bytfoiir correspondent in n re dent visit. Klumnth Lake Volley, proper, had been almost entirely uncxploded until up to the time that Col. Drew and his command went there, nnd nil information in regnrd to its extent, the character of its soil, its climate, etc., cunnot fail to bo of interest to tho people of Oregon, the majority of whom have supposed that Bogue River Valley contained ubottt all the land in Jackson county that was susceptible of cultivation. The traveler, after ascending the Cascade rnngc on tho cast side, n little southeast of Jacksonville, from the summit first comes in view of the Lake country, where the Governor of the State located tho five hundred thousand acres of lund nppropria by the General Government. This land is principally tulle marsh, but with compara tively trilling expense it can be drained and mndo valuable. It is cstimutcd that there is from twenty to twenty-five thou sand acres of this tulle land in the valley which can be reclaimed by nn expenditure of firtecn or twenty thousand dollars in draining. The rood, rnns mainly over level ground eloso to the marsh, but occasionally over n little ridgo which puts down to the marsh. The traveler is struck with pleasing sur prise ns he comes unexpectedly upon streams clear ns crystal bursting from un der the base of tho mountain, und then go Mowing gently nlong through tho tulic marsh, on their way to the lake, with scarce ly u rifllo to designate their course. The only streams on this sido which arc named arc Fowler's river, and Prim's Spring, which combining make a wide stream. They nro tho only streams to be crossed until arriving at n point where Col. Drew started almost due cast across the Valley Hero the command built bridges across Underwood and White rivers, which arc beautiful streams, only about one-half n mllcnpnrt. The road runs from White river over prairie land, six or seven miles, to Kelly's prairie, upon which there is nn occasional growth of timber. Thenco the vnlley extends north to tho foot of the mountains nnd south to thu tulle mursh. Tho road crosses about midway of tho vnl ley to Ft. Klamnth. Arriving near tho center of tho vulley, tho grandeur of tho country is spread out t view. Look south ward over the Lake and behold Mount Shasta's snow-capped summit towering to the heavens I west Mount M'Laughlin; north, Union, Boss and countless unnamed mounts raise up there aspiring peaks, liko tho panorama of Kgypt, towering high above the clouds. Then, ns you look over tho beautiful stream, and the gentle breeze wufts the tall red-top nnd wild ryo to and fro, nnd aro lost in admiration of the in describable beauties of Nuturo that every where surround you, you cannot fail to awoke to astonishment that a country so lavishly blessed with Nature's choicest gifts should so long have been unknown. Traveling eastward a few miles further, you arrivo ut Kelly's river, which is a nav igable stream for steamboats from the Lake to Glenn city. Thanks to Cost. Drew and Fowler, there is a most substantial bridge now across this river. A perfect Eden for sportsman is Kelly river. What can ex ceed tho pleasure to be derived from a suit from Kelly's Bridge to tho Lake, a dis tance of twelve miles, upon tho bosom of a placid stream whoso waters nro clear as crystal, with fish plainly seen darting in every direction, and geese, ducks, and other water-fowls, in countless thousands, scream ing in wild alarm in their flight through the air, or sporting in hilarious glee far be yond on the Lake. The location of tho Fort is u capital one. It is in plain view from the bridge, and is about one and one-fourth of a mile east of the river. Situated ou the edge of a beautiful srove of timber, it possesses all the advantage that eould possibly be desired abundance of fine grass, plenty or timber und the very best of water conven ient. About one mile east, there runs n beautiful stream called Fort Creek, which affords nbout ns much water as Applegate Creek does at this season of the year, but, like all the rest of the streams in the val ley aever increases or diminishes in volume. JUtlM bead it is about ten feet wide, spring- if n oae volume from directly under the base of utmnUlo, Three of r these, targe springs nake a body of water almoilequa to Bogue Biver, and empty into Kelly Biver about three miles below Glenn City. Quite number, of farms havo already been tnkenjnp. Most of ,tho " .soger boys" have staked off clulms ; but dajnot itnnglne that they are all gone, for there-.ore no many beautiful claims left that iljs almost im possible to make n choice. There arc from six to eight townships of excellent hind in this vnlley, and I think it will produce nil kinds of groin, vegetables and fruit, ns well as uny vnlley iu the State. Wild plums, gropes, berries, etc., aru plenty. Bed-top is nhundunt and wild rye in places is ten feet high, which, I take it, is pretty good evidence or the productiveness of the soil. Mr. Editor, I have made this letter long er than I had intended, but cannot close without n passing notlco of Col. Drew, Capt. Kelly and the command generally, for tho untiring energy displayed by Micm in building the road to Klamath Vnlley, for which they deserve tho hearty thanks of the State generally, nnd Southern Ore gon particularly. They are the right men in the right placp. Yours, Nki.i.a. Klamath Lake Vnlley, Sept., 20, 18G3. Tin: Kkxtvcky Ei.KcnoN. Tho Arhantax Traveler appears to have dbrovcrcil that the remit or tho late election in Kentucky was an " Abolition" triumph. The nrtlcles which tho grey-baek organ republishes, falsely charge that Uurnsldo had declared martial law in Kentucky, that ho might moro successfully prevent ' Democrats" from voting for W'lckllnV, Tor Governor, nnd tho balanco of tho Copperhead ticket. HurnMdo nnd his subordinates required nothing more tlmii that tho law of the State, which prohibited every man who wn disloyal from voting, should bo enforced. Every voter when challenged, was required by nn act of tho Legislature to tnko this oath : 11 1 do solemnly swear that I havo not been in tho service of the so-called Confed erate States, in either u civil or military ca pacity, or in thu servlco f tho so-called Provisional Government or Kentucky ; that I liaTO never given any aid. assistance or comfort to any person iu arms ngaliiht the United States; and that I have. In all things, demeaned myself as a loyal citizen slnco tho beginning of the present rebellion : so help mo God." It was this law of tho State nlouo which prevented so many concientlous ' Confed eral Democrats " from voting. They, liko T'Vnult. O'Mcara, Malono k Co., could not take that oath without perjury. Tho law was just, for it only disfranchised enemies or the State and Unlou, who have no right to complain. Tho constitutional peacc-whlners nfiect to bo terribly exercised because, perhaps, a few thousand men, whoso every thought Is a prayer for the destruction of our Gov ernment, and tho success of tho bastard Confederacy, should be deprived of a voice in political atlairs. Is It for tho rights of the peoplo, or their love for the rebels and their causo, that makes them thus whine nud tremble! Unquestionably tho luttcr ; for did ever one of them inako tho feeblest complaiut when Tennessee was Infamously forced out of tho Unlou T No, by their si lence they justified tho rebels in denying tho right of free sulTrago to Union men iu Tennessee a sacred right guaranteed to them by both their State and national Gov ernment. For the rebels to usurp power to destroy tho Union und liberty. It is all right; but for the Government to deny to a rebel any of tho rights of u law-abiding citizen, Is tyranny unparalleled In the history of the world, nud glaringly unconstitutional. So reason tho rebel expounders of our Consti tution, from Jeff Davis away down to the InHnltesslmnl Arkansas gray-back. BirrunNKD. Mr. Max Muller, and Mr. John Neuber, have returned from San Francisco. Mr. Muller has purchased a large lot of general merchandise to odd to his present stock, and Mr. Neuber bus mado additions to his valuable stock of watches, clocks and jewelry. J. Guston, Esq., got back to town on Monday evening front the Supremo Court, in scssiou at Salem, lie informs us that the mass meeting and Union jubilee at that place was tbo largest and most enthusiastic gathering ever seen in Oregon. A large and entbusiastio railroad meet ing was held at tho Coart Houso last night. Speeches were node by a nuuber of gen tlemen. H i ' " John Loudon was drown In the Soutk Fork or the Sautlam river on the 15th lust. r- : . reaches and potatoes sell at tbe.jamo rate in JaelMoavillc one dollar par bushel, Preparing for the Draft. C. W. Savafeieputy Assessor, has been appointed 1by).ho Provost Marshal jof Ore-, gon,nrolJng Olcer or Jackson conpty.' Tho iJjNinAiMr.has I ho following article', explaining tho .servlpo required c-f .n en rolling odlcer, .apd giving reasons which clearly show that the draft will bo enforced on this const only in the event or a war with a foreign power : The enrolling officer Is required to enroll all persons snlject to military duty, giving the name. njro on July 1st, 18U.'l. complex Ion, whether white or colored, and profess ion, occupation or trade. He Is In enroll all male persons between the ages of 20 nnd If). In cast! anv one claims exemption he is to note the fact, but nt the same time re turn the name. The enrolling oftlcor Is to judge thu nges of Individuals from tho best inrormntinn he can obtain, but in every case he is to make n decision as to whether the person in question Is between tho age of 20 and .". Widowers between 'M and !." years of at;o aro to 1ms enrolled in the llrst class Hint is to sny. those who arc linblo to llrst draO. Under tho law all males between the ages 20 and 45, nre to be divided in two chises. thu single men form ing clns 1. nnd the married class 2. In the event thu niimtier reqilin d can bo obtained from tho first cla, then the second clan will bo exempt. There nro various other rcaons for exemption?, sueli ns the only son of it widowed mother, and where tho moth er is dead nud infant children are depend ent on tho father for support. We trust that nothing contained in this announcement will have tho effect to alarm our young men. Thu enrolling the names is merely a preparatory rmwure, nnd It is possible that the draft may never bo made. Thu Government is evidently propnritg for tho contingency of a foreigh war. Sould an occasion of this kind arise, our young men will not require to tm drafted, nnd iu its nli-ence, it i.s scarcely likely the concrip tlon will bo enforced upon this coat. Were there no other reason, economic considera tions nlonu preclude tho Idea that tho Gov ernment will undertako to raise"1 troops on this coast for servico nt tho East. Every soldier thus obtained, when landed nt Nuw York or New Orleans ns tho case mlht be. would cost tbo Government not loss than $.100. At this rate, and for vastly less, m n can bo ncniittd nt the East, by h in dieds of thousand''. A proclamation offer ing one-half this sum ns n bounty would at tract (liuiiuinls and tens of thousands of trained soldiers from Kuropc, and bu thu means of filling np the ranks of tho army far beyond the number required. This ar gument effectually disposes of tho Idea that men nre to bu dial ted ou the Pacilio coast for service at the foist. Should, however, war ensun with either Franco or England, it Is fair to presume that California nud Or egon will becomo thu battle ground, nud then the Government will requlro the ser vices of every mnn who can shoulder u mus ket. When that day comes, the men of the Pacilio, will not wait for the draft, but liko one man they will spring to arms. Ax Earn ox tiik Shohkh. On the shores of thu Adriatic Sea thu wives of the ll.-her-men. whose husbands hnve gono far olfupon thu deep, aru iu tho habit at even tide of going down to tho Hen-thorn, nnd singing us female voices only can, tho first stanza of a beautiful hymn; after they hnve sung it they listen, until they hear borno by tho wind ncrosx thu desert sea tho second slanzn, snug by their gallant husbands ns they nro tossed by tho galu upon tho waves, and both are happy. Perhaps if wo could listen, wo too might hear on this desert world of ours koiiiu sound, somu whisper borno from afar, to remind iih that there is a heaven and a home; and when wo sing thu him up on tho shores of earth, perhaps wo shall hear its echo breaking iu music upon thu sands of timo, nud cheering tho hearts of them that nre pilgrims and strangers, and look for n city that hiith louiidutlons. Tho Oregonian learns that Col. Stein baser will bu in command of tho regiment nt Ft. Wulln Wulla during the winter ; Col. Maury nt Ft. Dalles, and dipt. B. S. Caldwell at Ft. Vancouver. Dr. Chase, Surgeon U. S. A., bus been ordered to Ft. Ilobkiim. S. D. Vandyke hus the thanks of the Sentinel printers for a choice lot of peaches. A portion of the lot, and largest sized, were grown on a two-year old seedling tree. Charles Forbes, of Portland, Maine, a year ago grafted n pear scion into n moun tain ash, and tho asb has borno an abuu dauco of pears this season. " ' A captain of a privateer, who had been in nn engagement, wrote to his owners that lie bad received but little damage, having only one of his hands wounded in the note. Preachiug iu Kerbyvllle. Bev. P. M. Starr, of tho M. E. Church, will preach in Kerbyvllle on Saturduy night, 2Gth of Sept., on the Sunday suc ceeding at 11 o'clock A. M., and also at candle-ligbt. WSHSSSffffBSBTffryS NEW TO-DAY Assessor's Notice. mjOTICK, li hereby given to tho Tm Payers of 11 Jackson foiitity, Oregon, that all pononi fueling tlienuoWei aggrlnvod Vy ovur-wuouinont, or who havo boon lllocully.wwivtd, can moot we, In conjunc lion wlimhu UpnraMo Hoard of County Pouiuli (lunurii, On Wednesday, the Uthday of. Oe(. 1862, at (ho onto of tho County Clork, JackionvJIU, and thfro Uvo thvlr grinaneen adlunted according tu law. CHAHM5Sy,8AVAaR, AmcHor of Jnckion county Oregon. Jackioiurilte, Sept. W, ISO. ftyZM Y & WADE, , JACKSONVILLE, -PKAI.KHS IN- DRY GOODS, CLOTHING BOOTS & SHOES, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, HABDWABK. GLASSWABK. QUEENHWABK. WOODEN W A BK, MINERS' TOOLS, All of which will be sold nt low prices, for CASH, or desiruble 1'llODUGK. BRADBURY & WADE ABE NOW RECEIVING A Large & "Well-Selected STOCK OF Spring & Summer NEW STYLES DHESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staple CARPETING, Oil Cloth, "Wall Paper, MEN AND BOYS Spring & Summer CLOTHI2STGK HATSANDCAPS! AND ALSO A Fine Assortment of Ladies, Men and Boys' Boots and Shoes ! OUR P1HEMX AM) ASH L AM) Will be supplied with a Good Asssortmcnt -OK- STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS Which will be sold nt JACKSONVILLE PRICES. FAMILY GROOKIUKS nt BRADBURY & WADE'S. STATIONERY & BLANK BOOKS at BRADBURY k WADK'b. FINE CIGARS AND TOBACCO at BRADBURY k WADK a. WOOD AND WILLOW WARlj at BRADBURY k WAUK FINE TEAS at BRADBURY k ADK'ft. WOOL AND HIDES BOUGHT by RYAN MORGAN A: CO. nnoTOGUArH albums t 1J BRADBURY k WADE'S. BRADBUB l-vv t