V jr I 1C 73caJ i v'CfiS L".J )i"l.l-l CJfn filial IMrlcIcnsrcdml llinolt exploded uuclcwnril mint put tho civil uuihorlty into the miU XICIIU-IULCUIU XJL1U111LI. :..,.. i.i, .l0(er. (ho b.ill naMlng through nf loynl and true clur.'m. Wu mint put Tiidi-h, ami lie fell tlcnd. without down their evil cimililnntlnn nml hrenthc speaking u word or making it pcMure. I Into their ntmospherc n brighter itnd purir Hoc in was titKcn lutu ciisiouy iiy iiivioir. Sheriff. Tho tlccciifnl win ft native of Vlnccnnc, , Inil., nml I. ml rw'ilil In this place for n NnTIf!K, TO I'ATntMOrTIIKSKNTINltr,. Uy t!io 1st of the coming month wo shall endeavor to notify every person owing the Stniintl. (flkf, by nibcrlptlnn or other wli, of the slute nf their 'iiccount, nml re- " To nm mir try ami mmrcm'V or vnni (Wli)N'. A iitTKIIN'MKNT Wit TtlK WII0U1 IS I tut-v,,4m.i!,,' Wmhi nrf'it. t number of your. lie wnt n butcher by trade, nml was .15 or -10 years nf ngc. 1'iwm tiii: Nnnrn. From the W. W. Stutsman nf the .1.1, the following Inttlll genco Ik gleaned. The report of rich dig gings ou the mlililln fork nf Ilolte.CO to 80 miles from II innock City, Is false. The nir was blue with curws of deceived min ers on their return trip, KtiiiKt. I'msdxkiu Takinci Tim Oath qUMt etllcineiit, In the mrmitlmc, those Among I he important evidences nf the now,g tirmH.rr4 fnilclitnl would grcnt. sinking nf the rrhvl nn, U Ilie earnest He- .... . , ,,. . , , ., .lwnmnIfwioUiywMpriii.inwwlHil.iito ly "I'Hsc ih by p.iyiug up without .lol.iy. f.illen Into our bands In lie re!mnl frmn Money wo must have In pny for winter tho necessity of returning to thn .Smith. (mock nf paper nml miscellaneous printing Th.'pri.niicrsnppljln r..rn.llcharKe,wcpm,crill Vay u. nlll u wi bu wcl nre tnld. nre having tlielr wlihe grnlllltd ., ' nt vn.iillltt I lut it wit a flirt am sit Attn a innrtlh J 1 '""" ' U'MU uminj iiumi mniiiuMinfruiMi mmm.i.ih itpi. The great overplus In our hnniNtn. nblc the Oovrrnmriit In meet nil demands t.. l. . . ...I .lilt I. ...... .. ..ifTt..li 5ESsKKSr?fft Prl IM,rnr i.lnmv .,ir. ll.n ll.illlmmi. """ ""' -""n'"-- " " "Hi The "innttcil fever" I) rnglng In f!chuy . m?.'. ler county, III, nml is very f.ilnl. Itisn kills BEADBDEY & WADE, Jacksonville, VWiiolomnlo tOs Xlatnil -im.u.Kiw is- .rAL'iLsii.vvii.i.i:, mr:io. The nunrtz lode which we soml me . r....lhrr.. urn .lllll Xnrll. i.,,.,,......--i "..- mmcii.i m ...nc nr n.ur . my-. since inenlloiieil as Imvliifl; been iliscnveriil it'll only to tnke the csitii nfiillifilutiei', but j The Conn-derato deht divided equally i. m. a ir..n,.- iui..nf ii.u Vniinr hIm hii'xIoih to enter our nrmy. In the nniniie the Hotitlitrn Stutv. nmouuts to ?m:iti).Yr.Yi:Mi;, wmnzTtrAxvmAMmia ProtiultliiK I" Kerliyvlllt;. Itiv. I. M. Htirr, of thn M. 1.'. (.'Inircli, IH prench (u Kerbyvlllu on Saturday ni'.'ht, 'Jdth of rfpt., on tlw Siimky mo tedlnnt 11 o'clovk A. M., ami ulra t cinJW-llfiht. .n... Ii.lj 4.. II llliiifl.l .!. .OA iitltX cmiimiN m propcci very r.cn.y.-.ro.n lltimWr w, ,lp,iri. , u!n tfce nn,, SEPT. 11) H). ' Sim( '" S5-00" Pr ion- II n " lr"" nml from iirlwn ntlwr qiiartern we Imre itiiKC, nun II ono'icnin pari bh pixwi ni rep- .iiuiiininnm iu wii-niiiirninji, j timim'--rcwnte.1. will yild more cnlil thnn (.'old 4"' '"" ,wn "prmlntcl by tin-Vnr lie ,,, i . .. i mi i n .iii. r iKirtiiKiit In examine nl cnew nf Ilio kinil, Mill has done. 'I ho hills in he vicinity of , J ,, wyff K. M(.nci, ,, fom, , (n the Inljfe have Iimii aliro with prospwlor. Vnr 1h net. tlte yt-ni will no dntiht 1 and n town has ben alakdl olK The tale exlendrd of prmlttlnt; them In have tlielr U nltmit ninetv tnilM from W.illa W'nll.i. I rlM", "Pn '"ki'W H" "nil" "f nllBl.inro The erection nf hiill.linM. which I SIGH tu each pern. KJ.AHATH Imkr. A friwti! lioi prnml el ui u communication d(cr!ptlve of tk THlloy In wlileb the ivlumnlli Fort Is ba in? built. A It It tnlil that In the v.itley the Horn all -ivim and the wmxl nil Miita, mm nuy cxpct u statement of facts piH strange. TTit innlwitiiinl lint Mr. Win. C;. liv ing at oW I-'ort I.aH4,met with nil neehUnt y-fiWnlay. which twilleit In the breaking oT his le?. A horn) upon rlikli lie w. rearal awl fsll over buckwanl upon bh lf. Uv.ikiii-; It. I lo win promptly eared for. Frcit. Mr. Iavd Ktwrn left nt mir r4Tioo thU morning n bikct nf lint asfnrl cil fruit RrtipM, penchet), jH'nr nectorlnw, etc. 'Tin frrnpei were f the " Fonntnln HKjw"nwl''rM AngtW varlrtlw. The buttehw were very kenvy, ami tho bcrrlw. lirje. Th fruit km ratal on Mr. Steam' farm. In the nppT port of tlie Vulky. V uwltMtnnd that hi vintage Inrc, nml that lie IntcniU to inaugurate the nun ufuoturc of wine in our wlley. NjOW TO DAY TO TH33 PUBLIC! NOTICE U hrrehy Blven. Hint Granville Swim Is no loiiRi-r my Agent nr Attor ny. The power lierctnl.in nlven him for I .... 1 ..t..t.... ...I.. .1.1.. .......t... f..m i.. ...... H.l llii.t nllrrtii.! Ik lmp.ihv PM.-fikml I iiihi L. lYiii'r villi ill iii- pm:iirui iiiriniiiri-uii'iii ni. ."..ivw.i-av.'i .'i.i. nrtvr . i . " , n e . .i . .. ......i I jnnv n. aiiVAix. . ... . . iHTimvinr. p p in nit iiriKiiiiiTH rniKiirL'ii i ---.... lor mnniiM Dcrn nct.veiy KuinK nu ... imii- ,Mir f!.llvj,lllri, llrn , ,, . wort' Kiiitsnniim. jN TIIK COUNTV CDUItT OF TUB J Htalunf Uregon for the CoutityufJiick- J. II. IIai.vahim Ot. There Is iww lmrlrarlnir In our cowtaiwltjr as mean, KHsikiiiK. onw nock City and Ontrcrille. i) imw nmrlv coin.- t.i it stand still. I.ittlo mure in llmi w ,. i, .." 'm' frlemi ,! clnmstn liuu will Ije ntleinnlul tlie nment tennn. nf n. nlltnr nf llrn MenutliU ihlUtm. tint items nave iwcreitscil in n iwrwpnmimc .rrnm riornla, ciimm.iulertiiM omu lnliirit-1 "',"' ., , ili-irree within the lt four neek. nml bus-'Ins rueUromnllnit Hi" me m" ll.e cnuti-, ' iiah liiAvrsiju. I litintilr, vi. inM ilaees iln not nnir comiimnd mi un try In tm Inlrrlornf tlMronrlmiiy. I.cu . Ukkii, llefcinuiit. nveruKe more lliiui n uiiMlvm'e fortuiH per bTt L'iiIuiiiImis on thn fith lii'tant, iiirI ha Aeiin.mi i.ntv to lUmtrr Jtmir)-. month's rent. Manv are nlrcAilv m.ikini; ") travlI extoiiMvely over (iwiruls. w. It liKi:n. it-frn-UnutmiMt Virrlirrv tirenarnllons for comfortable winter imar- . Mt.vv.imtliinif onii iiml llw nl.Jeot tor, curly ns It Is in tlte reeibin, rlmM iiliaiun- iik itv mi ijhj urn imiii, iiiry iiiivi? ,. ., i ... ..i...... ti:,nM .. u.. .. .. i . i .. t. i , III- i-llllll kill, ll.lt n II. .-iifii.u.inivi l . ii(.- imtbitur el t . Iiisiiwm is cmw-' ,m, ' , ,, 0i;w, ,in rM,nlM , ,1hMi inp eicillble duller. I In; towns hsrdly , ntlll mftg r n niS,, H,ly In that place. Imve us large cromli nf n .Suiiilny, ns wore i sbe Wt nimble l .In niiytliini? fur lu-r imn to It.' ftx'ii every diy in tho week thrniiKh j nipiorl. ami ib-pemlnl upon llieoxertlnnsof the mnnthi of June and July. Men uro four eons. Thro vnluuteerrd early in the daily leaving IlnVe fur the Imver enuiilry. war, Inixlnit only llw yniniK.vl nt linme. lilfHt nr tliem with the iWiL'll nl reinrnuie , '. ) iiiuunrjr nnu economy, mn.iaiu cnrlv in tlw Spring Hnmo of three ure , wipport his nmthf r until Hx w.-k Mne. merchants and other buibu-ss men. ' !" man-hniitiTs of Je If. Iay. came ,, ,, . . , ,,, , ,nloii!r. iitnU'r onli-rs. nml carrleil lilm nwny Horses that lait ycir tM for 820 would . t uiehiiumd. Thn old lady, left ulone. cnmmnud 8S0. Flour of Inferior quality ' was unald" In dn nnylhln fur hern-lf. nml from Salt Lnko met with dull sale i,!- Mnmmnm ami wwj. Her nami wis i.nwt irum ..an itiho niei wun nun km. itie p.-i,,... ti.i. l.nnl. ..m. ..r Hin.iMii.l...r accounts from tho pUirw confirm tho , chi of dally .H-curreiioe In rell.lom. I)- .'Ji,M";,,Vl7;l,(, port Unit tlw emigration is smtll. ;ntlin h.iii like Iho mill of death over tlm,i.M,i,uh pn-r vow iwn, i Mr rUmn '.he Cnlirorn.it Volumcers nt F, Wnlkt W. wp nlln polled 2D TOtrs for Low nml 0 for, plo will lihuileil from poner. The people Downey ; other oflloers about ilie samr. i nre ripe Tor p.ieli n muvi'iueut, nud It can. , not lxt mucli longer delayeil. A Ukvqmtiov of Iiihis. An oflkter, i ... . -""" I mm war orrentlllou has Uocii s.injiiln nry enough to fill the whnln Imnl with lit ff.nilrv.1 In MMMMr lit (li CiiiiiiIv Cmrt r lh. .I.ivrv .ir II... imlilonl. nf nil lln Sn.ilhrn ' 'T,.V'rf 'A'? )'" Tt Jadi-w.Mi llw Slates In Hi m-t uiimlllirateil ile-piillnm. Wm.waniiii..u...iiiiii..ii.. tx. Al. hrn-iiy lMllnl Hut. If ymi Ml l nn.ww .il r-mipUlnl, lIt tVuiml,lli mm I'IIhII(TmIII Hk JuJiwrnl iwi'ii'l J-ixi, f. twtnt (w. on. -r. ftr llw iww ofum- Iiuilrr. wl llll)-(m iM Uf vl Ihlrly-n cni, llli iHt.rnt llitinm nl Um llof twnnml wtUir r rrHl. pvr IHonlli, frmn lliltliaifAuiTml. A li. MCL.iwhrr.t nml rthmv-. ! lilllH( (MI4 aihI i. .!. uf IliU h'i In tul. Illrmi i.iJr wir li It, thli lli Jiy of FfitmlKT, A. I). I1 J ACOIM i Ill'.KI,!, Atlrn-ra fr I'W.ilKI. If') DRY GOODS, OLOTi-iiiSra, HOOTS & SIIOKS, PAKTCY GOODS, XCXTS j3l.3ST3D 0u0.2?, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, IIAHUWAKB. ULAHSWAIU:. (it'BBNHWAIU-:. WOODKN W'AKK, MINERS' TOOLS, All nf which will b sold nt low pricra, for CASH, or ilt-slrttlilu I'JtODUCI'.. AilmlnlHtratrl.v's Notice. Triwm. nr i.. a. iiuni hki-kahkii- t iii liiii It uty iwtii. wi an lKrtlir llllUI llul lh' HtimitHl Im' lwi H"II A4illtlr. II ! ii.oiiriili., nml yet llurc have been wars fir high In command In Itoocraii' deiarlmiul, who cuteretl the tcrvtoo tiro years rluoo . . .... . i ... . . I .. ..!. n, ...l.. .V. . nmiyaiu canwmpiiuie is wreieu ns ever w im mum -cginerTtivo moas. now e.x-i .,., .Injiniciivu of life. It nnm-jM frmn went iinhunx. 'Ixio reptile to whom were- pnww lilmtelf us follows. Ills cxperlenoe thn belt hlitoricaj leatlmnuy, tlint of one for. on VciInctUy ultit but, out the lul-. H that of tens of llionfmuls of others : iiiilllon nml two hundred thmunnil men cn- vard roiie from llw llbcrtv.iiole on llw cor-1 No candid, unprejudiced man can pend : rolleil in the uriniiM of I-rnnce, In 1810. on nerurthe wain hiuaro in ton u. anil car- " '" l !0.,'?1rmr " !,,?!,t vflly chanjtlnK ...... ... .. .. ... . ,. Ills Ideas nl "the inititutlon." Hew I.iiii- '."'""' iiii 4tii. .Jv "" H.viin.a fli.il lilinm. r nil nhll.klnv. rv nun . . ...HI. V- .!.. ..!:.... ... .1... ....- ........ ......-....."-'- - I." .'MI.WIVII l. .IVOIIIIIIf, ... ...V nany coiii.te.1 wim" no iiinuui ion- win , indon 7ibj. not less than ten mil rut-si nun l-iibiic. wii. nit' ran laiw in I which I have litened from the unhappy ! victims of nun' dr.ipollrm nml nation! Thsv KiiMen, idckcii the heart I Tales of families rupjrattd of wives nml daughters dvlMuohed -fathers ami mothers nud clill.l ren torn unity wcaper, cuplures ami pun bhmeiils, Ioiik years of longliiK for free dom I Tales that n mild III! volumes, and yet slavery has lis clcfi-mW nt the North tion of A'ftff'Kirutl who two valraiIllCt;,w,cl",r,,,,l ,l,eu,,,rc,", i1'0 ' All .Mi-rct-iwn oi si.i,. i.rut , who two jcnrsfinct. f(J, ni)l Jm1 gliauw wlwo . Mi1 , minlitereil lo tho Hock In rjoullwiii Oregon j mt the clouds are psrltnjr; dawn Is who ever slnco have been chrutcnlnjr their hrcakliiK, the day li near! 'Ihls Is not i..,.iiI.ii,..ij,jtii.i, ,,,. mono ii reroiunou oi arms, out it ruvoiu - ".. ."v .wm.v v -w. '...., m.n Ittr (.(fvk. In lb.i niHAly r JarkMai. KM.1 MUI f llriu, within lv Mbwllo fruul IIm illlr of IhU iu llw, nr U iMwrrr. . f II lament, fnw. Iho nm ill. UIMitluM ritlilillMJi: lllUILA.tiulnl.imrU. lj'iiii ASHLAND MILLS FLOUR! KAGLIl .MILLS FLOnt! WK WILL KKkT' ON HANI) TUB nlmve we. known hmmW of Kxlrn Family Flour, for fib', at Whnlcnto or Ho lull. UVAN, MOIIO AN A CO . ly niio luiinlrcil thouiaml werenliveln IH1IJ .. . Agents lor tho Mill. nml thai Iho Ion nf the allied miners in the N'I't. h, m.j. scpCiml .... ... . - nml re-erecleil lisrore the ''Flag of tho Free'' i it u nifslu Au.it from Its ionl;. It Is to be Imped that Hie perpetrator of tho iUtardly netoan be discovered, caught nud Urrcd ami featlnreil. A CMtnicir. Tiiaitor. Tho Plattr Courier publlihed In l'laccr county Ctl of Augu.t liOih. ni.tkci Iho following men- rcjjanl, I.ec, Hrcckinridj;c, Stonanall .Iuck ami .t Co. We nro Informed tlmt n preacher named Cruel, of the .McthndiU Church Kouth, In tlw town of Vankca Jim's, last Kuml.iy, on liwrln' of tho burning of tho city of Ltw. rwico, Knnias, and tho killing ol ono Imn drcd and ciu'hty men, women nml children, by tho rebels, in tho fullness of his traitor o n soul cxelnirncil : " The ford beprantil t Amen." Huch lansuasc, used by it minu ter of tho gospel, hero in n loyal communi ty, is ro niierly out of place, that language nlono it revolution of Hon of Ideas of principles. Minus nf men in the prime nf life." Frunee, in the , tamo period lost about six millions, . SK.vuoni'M Tiikaciikiiv. Tho treachery nml concealed trnlinrifm of (invemor Hoy innur, of .NVw York, are lioiug daily brought In light. Tho copperhead p.iperi of New York now charge that ho was pledged that no man ilin.iM Uvu Iho Minlo until the con stlliiliounlily of tho cnmcripllmi law is twt ed In Iho cnurts Hut It appearing tl.it rev crnl drafted men have gouo from l'Utts burg, tliiw-o jiapers nro now dcnouualng the ' Irivnd " of (lie rioters mid murderers or New York. Tertians tho lute Union vlclo- rii.s have morn to dn ill. rieymuur's cliaugo ufmliid, If not of heart, thau ho would like, U publicly uvow, Notice to tho Public. ! Till! recllnu, from tho Summit to tho Ilnlf-Way IIiiiim. of the Canyon ltoad, Willi", upeii, r ady fur travel, on tbn'.'Ulh day nr Sept. I8il3, from wiilch time toll will bo collected. Ily order of Canvnn Iln.i.1 Company. UIIADWIUK, Secretary. . Kofcburg, Sept. 2, 1HC.I. Kptllta MINER'S SALOON, I Isii'Isiaka ami) tub U.Ntn.sv (Jen. Shcp I Icy. Military (lovernor ol I.ouWuiia.latclv. it. . -. .. ... ... - ... .: ... . nuurcMcu n large meetiug oi mo citizens or Tim i'iiiatiuai. Uask. This morning J'ortland, Maine, and in tho coursa of his J Judge Field, in tho V. H, Circuit Court re-marks rpokons follows of the latitude of .decided that Iho offrnco chnrged againit Ijiisiana tnwnrd the National (Joverment : . Iho.-o impllcuteil In tho Chupman pirucy Tj.' jirccei-a of restoration did not eecm i case was bailable, and ll.xetl tho ball of difficult to him. Keject Ilie rebclCinvern-l (irenlhouse. Ilurnemlim' nml ltnbrv nt mem, inn uuiuu men in jimrcrumi lei tiirm 9l.,UUIJ eucil bring Ihlx tlie Hlntes into tho union. 'Hie rcci rdiels bail no part In the Government. 'Iho 000 first gun ags'nstl-ort Sumter soumled Iho nljheil Iho neccsiarv bondsmen. Messrs. BEADBISY & WADE AUK NOW KHrmVINU A Largo & Woll-Seloctod STOt'K OF Spring & Summer GOOUS, NEW STYLES DRESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staple 333737" CS-OOC3LS5 CARPETING, Oil Cloth, "Wall Paper, MEN AND BOYS' & Summer OLOTI-II3STG, HATS AND CAPS! Sprin r O AND AIO A Flnu AHSortiiicnt of Ladies, Men and Soys Boots and Shoes ! HEW STOEE, . Union men of ttio South to settle the elavc- curity, they will have to remain in durance M p hf QQftnq falls to tufikienlly hold tbla man nn to pub-1 ," of the iwtilutlo.. which cause.1 1 1.loyd. Tevla nud .Seal. As It Is probable lio execration nnil contempt. We leave ' '!) rcl'elllon' J ' wu9 willing to trust the the others cannot lurnUli tho necessary w I cry question. Ua (aid emphatically that ! on Alcatrns bland until Iho day of trial. nu uiu-r iiiui uwu jiiauo ny um oinio u. i -o, r, journal, Jln I Louisiana to return lo the Union. No nub-' --. ! lie meetings have beci' held to nuthorizon' NAimow Fscai-k. While Committco to apply tu tho President. The1 trick pony, " Wonder," yesterday in tho imisinutt lommtiKN nuifn ior n lew ricu uircus tent, v m. fraiiitiin wi training his as severely In- Tho Uovcrmncut bad done every- lured by Ilia beast reuriiiirandstrikiuzbiin :, , .... . . . - n .. j . i v imng in meir power to weiooini .Louisiana in him to the Judgment of tho public. That is tha hind of " political preach Ins" for which T'VauIt, O'Mearn and Ma lono LavQjimt n word of condemnation. Vi.wbst Josks Kirxitu. Wo copy the following from tho Walla Walla Slatttmau uf tho 5th lust. : A man named Vincent Jones was killed instantly on tho nflcrnoon of Sunday, Aug,, III in Itmnock city, by a mall named Clurles Hoclln. Tha killing occurred a short timo after the adjournment of an in. tlL'nuUaii meeliii1'. held by tho citizens rcb . -m-t-l --. -r.-.- l--ll ..... ll. .!..! i ..t...!..i. ,1 . - 1.... r .1 . 1..- r 11 atlVO 10 eomc ouiciai ucis ui viuv. iiu..u,i nur, nu WI3IU-U to vindicate tuo uovcrn-. " wo K" irum tliem, sieiiuig irom u.t nuny iieoplo being still in the vicinity oflment from tho usnerslon that anything but old into the new, and always leaving behind the place, where tho meetltig was held, iho most cordial band of welcome had been, m some baggage no longer servicablo on June! wac nut more than halfway across) held out In tho return of any Slate to the, tho march. Home Veep our childhood, tho street from the stand that bad been j Union, Louisiana would return tho Union, some our youth, and nil have something of oecunicd by the officem and sneakers ntund In the same moda wo could win back I oura which they will givo up for neither the meeting. The person who killed him all the rebel States. First put down tic bribo nor prnyer tha opinions cast nwny, nv Iltoee-'vwrjLft- nCieej-B-y. (t-'uevruor In Nolilid WINES AND LIQUORS, OF Till! lIRiT QUAI.1TV, AT ONE-BIT A DRINK. ' mill ,... ... .cit v And Cigars of tho Cholccit Varieties. My J "U" IIIUhMa Art JJ ABllIiAiiIl rtiviiun in iMrncuiar, nnu me in olio in Invited to k! o mo n call. i KHn-n fe:ffM Will be supplied with n Good Asssorlment -Of- STAPLE AND 'FANCY COOKS Which will bo sold nt JACKSONVILLE P1UCJ3S. 5,000 cuch. All others implicated were , f-'nernl, are Invited to glo mo n call, pilwd to give bull In Iho turn of 810,- , , , D , IJWIS MJVY. 0 each. .Mr. (Jrcatlionso ut onco lur- JckonviJle. Sept. 0. '(13. veptUinfi planters, the forehead with his foot. The bursa back into the arms of Iho union. Oen. hud become it littlu unruly and Franklin Duller for n long timo permitted the New was endeavorintr to mako liim return to his Orleans authorities to govern tho city until . " work" when ho became restive nnd hence all hopes wero lost of inducing them to re- the accident. Ills injuries nro not danger, turn to their ullegiancc. If Louisiana hail qus. Dalles Journal. chosen, she might have returned into thei - - - union ami never have known tho evils oP Iiik kaus. 'ihey Uo tint go from us, SAC MS BKO.'S AUK NOW Ittit'olvlng and Oitouiu? BStfSSPJS 3aTHW 8TOCSI -OF-- Fall and Winter Goods, Direct frpm Sun Frnnciico, nt their BRANCH STORE. AT And ure determined to SELL AS CHEAP had mi ultercatJnn with a third party, who rebel nrmy, then depose their self-couitltu- Ilio hopes that went with us uo further, the ah a.s v utiikii iiuumis i.v .tackhd.v was verv mucliintnxicateil.ond the two (1 nallv got into u light, in which Hoclln drew u revolver, struck his antagonist over Uio head with It and in drawing it back to ted Governments nml give timo for the cares lliat went with us no further, the ienplo to recover from the pressure to which j enres that have lind successor)!, nnd tlte 1 they have been subjected. Wo must siis-jfollicfl outgrown to bo rov(vl by memory. laiu iiieui uuiii uuio to iiuuu utone. eiauu cucu up ior evtuence sonio uuy, County, for. Gnsli. SA0II3 HUO.'S Jacksonville, Aug. 29, lacu. ing2'Jf TAMILV GnOOKUIES nt (JL1 UHADHUnV & WADK'S. STATIONARY k DLANK HOOKS nt MIADUUIIV k WADK'S. T?INK CIGARS AND TOUACCO l1 nt DUADHUltV k WADK'S. WOOD AND WILLOW WARM V nt DRADHURV& WADK'g I JUNK TEAS nt ) JRADI1URY k WADK'S. WQ0LANDHIDK8 UOUGHT by UyANMORGAN k CO. PUOTOGRAPIT ALDUAISnt n 1IUAUUUUY & WADK'S.