stimUiBtckhj 0cntinci.l;;w, J5J ;X'i',!:.; mMtitomjrmmnlmm ' ' . 1 'i MK LfzZrM'- im 3529' ! - " TOTMK KKKIt'AUV AXD rKUMAXIIM'V UK Yiil'll Union, a nuvnitNiKvr nut tiik wiioi.k is IS Wi! V". IIII.K.'' II Wlforffl. JACJCKOXVIMiK. ORRGO.V. WBifNKSIMY EVEXIXIJ, SEPT, 10, ISO. Plm-Yiuii nitty. Iluw e litiiiiw of mut ter, ii type fiir thin mw of our puper. wvn ncckl-nily knocked li flit flour him) pied " not ho iiimiy n fix type Iclt miekinjr tr KC,thcr. It ii ririiinati' fur Mr. Juli's rep iltnliou f'r piitienee tlmt lie d eil liefon tin discovery or i ln 'nrt prwrvnike." mill nn terinr In tin ilnys nf "Devil" pi.utive." M....., i ,m -- ! !lAti.untiiSntvi:r. Mr. O. Klllnt, enllid upon i- yi'Menhiy. lie InHn mr1 Unit the HiiTt-y wnn proptrccliijt finely, nnil thought the mrveyiujr p.trly would cnm plctu ,tic r work up to (hit? plncu liy to mnr row, Tin' jjnuli' over Hie .Shkiynu wan not fo cjciit it iiuticipuled, tint belnjr over vlglitj; feet to the mile. Wu note with plenum' lliu pmwiiiK dUpotfiliuti to liber ullyiyiil I In Mirvi'y. . "Wojctiik Hiii.T."--1 1 Ibti u.xnmluittlnii or tun liiw-ctuiluiitH ImlVirn tin) Supreme i'oiitt il' I'cou.otii' fellow Iowiimimii K. K. Uii'miII. lvi . won tin) lit Iitrnir-lii-tl lion or ol' Imviin; pm-Ml the Ih-kI exnmiiuitlnii. Mr. Kiho'II vun po juhihiiit over hi til' ttmpl) Unit In could not lm induced to May h Suleni ' eunuch to ullow Ills 'I'liei-p-kln"ln iliy, Iml Muileil poVhiitu toJutk Minville, u In re ho hitIviiI on Muiiduy evcn ln Iij"t. in lm iiivt hy lliu hciiriy ctiiinr.itti Litloun nl' hW iimiiy I'rieink Mr. KihmII'm lulentu cmii'dued with hU great energy ami industry, an ulmuct certain .to win J'or htm l'umo ami 101111110. Tiik. Sr.i.t.ii.v Vkkmo.nt." We are jjrntihVd In learn tlmt lliu wry vitluuble Hinek'lior-i) Veriiiiiiii," linmulii to this jilaci! lu-t i-riiii; by .Mers Join's & Mini fon, hii-i liei'ii piiicluift-il hy a joint cluck coinpaiiv of oil to mi ol' our Valley. " Ver inont" is a fulbhlnuiled Murium limne ; lias trolled a mile in 2:44 when lutlntir yenrH old, nnd now that lm is in Ids prime, it is conlilinily believed by experienced liorce. men, ilini if put 111 iiuiniiiir, heentilcl inuko u jniud. if not better, linii' tlmn has ever Ueen iiuhIc hy any ntullinn on tin coast. Wuhiv no lmkmI jmioof 11 hnr', bill wo do know that Yennoiil ran draw u heavy biiL'uy. wiih two men as if il were 11 iitrhl serrt.'-i TliofntH,llk'J Tut k, nock nnuiyijMrlvtM'to iret: .. - I Itf Jewed etnhrncoCriglinniftliiiir rowtdotW ..'.1 "in. And ifJ.'iitlleHf mlg'fl'i nfrtlm tiracIcc'rall. Ailti.UerniiHCrt',A,jvjldi'lnimBmrlallo'.Soit'iori Oirtl Gavn 1hwj lo mnn, and sealed them with hl blood Ard h" who doth trnn'jrrrM tho ChrlMinn litw In enemy to God. nnd piinlcliment will draw. Mr. Rdilor: Next In Iniquity tnthcflitve1 hold r's rebellion. Is Mormon jmtygamyx mid the im Ion that prides Itwlf on being found ed onClii'Mianlly. and yet pprmllsnny por lion of If people to prncllco these doc lilneii. and ulceratu our moral ptaliiM with Its virus, diwrw to be chasti'ited with lire nnd sword, until Ihrnuch its Qovernmi'til. (t nppliiw tin kulfe nf jMliee to Ihc cancer. When .Tnmen Iluchaiiitn undertook to purge the Mormons of rebellion nnd pnlyj? iimv. Hie nntfnn expectid he would perform his duty in thii premises, but the perform a nee only brings, to mind the old nurccry rhym- of "The King of Spain, with thirty thoiifntid men, Mnrehul up the. hill and then marched toirn itrniit. Oh ! Ihoit traitorous lenders -of Democ racy, when -the 'Iriunpet of the nrchaugel summon you to the bar of Giul, hnw will you aiiwer to the bleeding victim of Cal vary tor ynnr crimes? Behold in your hands lliu fair Hold-" of Kaiisnx. reddened with the'hlnod of freemen, nnd Hie mid night darkiie.-" illuminated by their burn lug dwelling! See tho distant Govern ment of Paraguay threulemd by our fleets, and yet guilder nf olTeuco towards ii"! lionk at trtiton pot mealing all parts of our Government, and a confiding people betray ed, by their (worn oflicers. to n clavu oil irarchy. and fofulgn dei-pnts invited in to aid ill thu downhill of American liberty and the rights of man! Oh! James Hue liaiiau, if your eyes can yd bear the light of day. examine, thu ell't-cts your perjury hn cuuml. See myriad" ! inyrlads of our brave, people rolling beneath thu sod of their adopted and fatherland, killed by wnuu s thu liiofl terrible, mid dlKensei the niiHt fliocklug. because you did nut per form your duly, nnd gnrrii-on thu Charles Ion torts, Llctcn to thu wail of thu wid ow and orphan, tuadu t-o by your allowing our di'hcual to bu stripped, our Ireasury b.tiikruptid. our lorts ceiz d. our uimy rcat tend and our navy dlHiuaulbd. Hear the cry urifiii from (lie clay cabins of Ireland, an the wild Kttn of thu mother slnrtlex the lark in its heavenward flight, for thu miii who down lilt life for Republican lib erty on thu batlle-lleliNof Columbia, Look at tho beautiful Collun, wan and broken hearted for the lover Hint '"Sleep" thu (deep that knows 110 walking" 'neath the M)d of lliu Uorder SlateH, willi Ills aoug of fare well t-t til ringing in In rears, "Muvoiirueeii, imivouruccn, my rnd tears lire falling, To think ihtt from Criu nnd thu I mut part; Muvouriieeii, niuvourncen, thy lover 1a call ing, Oh ! why art thousiknt, tbou joy of my heart." Oh ! wicked, wicked man,, hear the cry that comes trout thu fullering people of Free as our ocean breezes and pure ns our mountain air. Mialt thu spirit of couxti lutlonal liberty nnd the love of union till our. people. In' vUnrtricsl sparkss It cab-s tlnV snowy summits ofdNeWda.'!tlfthP through" the Hocky.;iiO)(ultVitis. nifcl oouree thi great plains of tlio 'Mlfaoiirl, telllnj;;onri.t"fe1low; citizens of thu older Slates, Mlmt't their brethren on tho l'aclflc enai-t arc true to the ConKtltittion, thu Union, nnd the laws. lilltKltSU. ApplegalP( Sept. 10. lfifil Skckhii- LiTKnAU'ttK.-NVu take the fol lowing, in ft body, from the lending edito rial in lntt Saturday's InttH'ujcnctr. We havo enclosed what grammar directs In brackets : "Hu incs in for gelling nnrrbd religious ly, nnd for muting divorcd r-l'irtoifly. .lust so. tne ualironiin Uhrtstmn Auvotalt nl belnre the lal) election in Califorula, C'Miiieled nnd iidvlnd llieir his chrlftlitu brelhreii to v m re and vole relgfou'iV. but under any and nil clrcuiiHnnceM to vote the UiiiniiAbolltlou tieket, and nys said Hie Hiljecl-nf the ilrclloii hhould he coiiMdei'i d prayerfully just now. and if the Democracy c'leceid (Mieeeeded. or lionld 'Uceeed Iheie wilt would be civil war in California, and every voter who does did not volo for lb" Abolition caud lutn. take lake", or would lake the rcpoo-ib!lity of bringing on war. for ut the present time (he Abnlitinuixti have control of all thu money null the of lice in lliu Slate, and they will not cm red der both, or either neither without retort ing to arms," Here are nine violation nf grammar In two sentences, to sny nothing of gramali- cal connection and couslruclinii. The ivh el in thu South generally make their mark when required to give their signature, and many sympathizers in thu Nnrlh cliowcon clufivcly that they belong to thu sameclas. A"lli''H'rirr'i the organ of thu so called Democrats in this cnuiily. of course, it W their standard of Intelligence. This is as ''dar" as thu noonday Mitt. ' l-g'nnce by their own LegMaturcs, where shall wu look for'thc Oonfedi racv? It will have vaiii-hi d'lirfithh nir. Th.Mliliig will b" noinirre wJ-nki thJnMHMJi to-day, IwtVll nitki'dneVwIH'lie VxWe'Uo vIl'w.'iiii'm deform'fy opi'ii to pillrllc.VHEe. . j The wilt k tif recnnjitrKciloii lsv going Diiiiiinjr un i niiy. ixeiiiiieKV atltl Alt(nu ri are ii peruiiim nllV fell.M d ' to the Union a before Hie rebellioii. and each Stale Is represent nl in Imih liiniiclie of ibe e'iil,i. al Congre. Th 1 work I progress ng In Tinueisew nnd liOiil-aiia. Tlieu IwoSiate will lake their old po-illons in lliu eoiir.'O of the present year. Next will come North Carolina. Aikuusu, and so 011 till the Union !!( stond and thu rebels left with out II I'llO! hllld. .V.N3 rr(. Mmmi BBADBDRY & WADE, i JA'CKSONVILLB, B, NEW TO-DAY TO THE PUBLIC! TTI(JK I hereby iriven. that Granville 1' Sear Is 110 longer my Agent or Attor- ''In power hereloloru glvin him for that purpose J, hereby revoked. JOHN 0. GllGES. t7la.'i-loii Alo c& lot All J - PK.UXIW IX- GltAl'iy axii Tlums. Wu have received from Mr. Sears several bunches of blue "Catawba" grapes, grown- in III vineyard. Mr. Jacob Wngurr sent to us a box nf, lucioiiH grapes. Wu judgo they nru thu "Isalu'lla" variety. And we are nho indebted to Mr. L. Ae plegate for large specimen hunches of grapes or Hie Fountain Ulew" variety, and for somu unu-ually large, yellow "ligg IMunM." sulky. For beauty, power, endurance. and hp'.-cd ip trotting, .we have never seen his P,,r,,Jw ,or a'"r r ,I,U ,',,K "'' "c" I'qimlj The slock holders uro to meet in "'I ''' w"ll curry to them. Uy your U,o (?n..rt ll,.. ,.r ,1.1. ,.iu. ., ncl wol(1 ,l,u P" ' Timplo of - ' I llltr.'tv lu, . nnil 1uu lii.vt ul.t t lin t.. ' "., h.r.-..w.. .w- djy next. Thu 9- cuivu wnew. Ummj of life. I scu yon now, 1 t . . ... victories reported within a wrk, ."'' '" n uruve, witn tbu put into such form that ll.ey may bo com-, ,mutu,cuo"3 0I our couutryinen i.n.ln.n.1...! .t . l,.nX. ar ,.u r..ll,vc . . tllC ttlf H .JOU Witlg JTIIIir flight to thftt Tin, evacuation or nil Morris Islam! 'kum Pwlbond. to which the justice of LiO(l. ttllll nil rnitrii't'l liiini'inllv rniiulim the rebi'lH. under Heikurcgard, putting into Bvm M f ,Cok, thu eastern sky is pos.on I'ort Wagner nnd .the Cum- Mlihi w,, 1C rWg H of LM.r guV Point batteries, which enables Gil- sboulder to shoulder, and foot to fJot. the our mir more to cover completely- with his, guns, cohorts of Freedom in their Llwriraton.cily ana harbor, .- thousands and tens of thousands, wllh tho Thf evacuation of (Ihattannoga ,by ' the glorious flag of tho. Republic shimmering in rebels on tho approach 1 of Roaecraus and its noonday beam?. There they, come, the Hurnside. long-limbed men of tho Wcst rudlaut with Tha'occnpatioD oj Krio'xvillc by' Burn thu-thought tlmt if Is fori homo aiidUulim BJde. I Keeping efep U) "Yaukco -Doodle,'? nnd Tho BttrrenoVrcf Cumlwland Gnp, with '.BW8 fP'" ' anihyflood, Henna; lv 2,000Ttbelsundl4 pieces t)f artillery, tn ,J,a; NT Jcr's,'y ft"a New Ymk Pour u,t,ir Wednesday, the OUT, to Burnside. IwartHomj to the field. The New Eng- The reported evacuation of Little Rock, n fT ? a,, t , i 7 i T T At , , . a . ..,..,. tho. cradle of American liberty, hunto to the capital Qf Arkansas, by K.rby Smith, met tlltir 00UlUry,B Joo a8 crt they in view of the swift approach of. Duvidso' -Concord. Leilngton and Bunker Hill, and. expedition,- 1 1 patriot amslc that fcwell the battli" 'lite capture,.(nfacB,lyC9mmqnicatcd).0ff gale, "Patrick's Dny" and "Garryowou" Fort Sin'ilii, nearttlio western boundary., ailugles, wllh Hail .Columbia" and. the lino of- Arkansas by GeO.BIuoLoB the 1st of September. Jlifttarepix nobleYesults frnih tb,e en tcrpriao of our arms tlw.leost of which U iuportunhithe-greateulf 0 which leads di rectly to the speedy reduction of Charles- An horwit man'a the nohleni; work of Go4-hutthe edlttoa U raull. 'Star' Spangled ,J3anncr," whilst thu. Ger man uongft of. '.'Kornw' vibrate to tbe.even ing breeze(.but all, as Amkuican' citizens, fighting for conbtittitlonal freedom ami thu purpttuabUiiiou'of tbu States. And you, traitorous leaders of the Democratic- party, who would have inaugurated civil war 011 this coast, "hunt your holes," for lo ! the Union legions are thundering your dcatb-kuell through Uiu ballot-box. - No Confederacy.' So much Ini" In en said and written nbnut Jell' Uavi' Confederacy, that tho people of lliu Uniti d Slates aluiiW reoogulzu such 11 government. Hut if wo reflect a moment, we will readily perceivu Hint tlieie is 110 such a government. Then is a sort of mil itary despotism established at the South, wlnine head i" said lo bu at Iticliuu lid. uud JeirDavl is thu Autocrat thereof. Those eu'ioulHt- call it a Confederacy, but ibe Government of thu United Slate lm" never r-cogn z d it, iiurhiuuny other Governm jut on earlli. In the le-cnurtructinn of the Union, Hi a so called Confederacy is of no more consid eration than thu man in thu moon. Wu know Jell' Davis a a cltlz-u of Mississippi, and we recognize Richmond as lliu capital of Hie Stale of Virginia. Wu also recog nize thu Wale of south Carolina, l.nuisiani. Virginia. Georgia. Missisr-ippi, Alali.nnii, Finikin. Texas. Arkansas, nnd North Caro lina, a" in a statu of rebellion, and as such, lo be reconstructed into the Union. A lata uumlHT of thu New York Ttntt hud nn nrti clu on thu subject, from which wu extract the billowing : ' The id-tt entertained by nttny that it il the Confederacy which must submit before thu rebellion closes, in completely wrontr. Our Government hai never expected any sued submls-ion ; nnd, indeed, could not ac cept even If it were olfered. except ns a sub mission of individual". It don't know thu Confederacy. Thu thing called by that iiiunu it ha never recognized ill it living days, uud most assuredly it would not in its dying. All the speculation about posni Me negotiation- with 'lliu Confederate uu thoritie'lor pencu and reconstruction is perfi clly idle. Weru thesu 'Authorities' ever so much disponed it treat for the end - dhpoitionlhey never had at all. and never will have, yet our own Government never could enter into any negotiations. In the lirst stagu of thu rebellion they sunt their accredited Commissioners to Washington, Mr. Forsyth nnd-Mr. Crawlord, to negotiate, a they expressed it, 'with ft view to a speedy udjusimeut of all questions, growing out of lliu political seperaiton.' " ' In consenting lo negotiate with this rebel conclave, ycleped a' Confederacy, thu Gov ernment at ouoe admits' its existence, hud at thu sauiu lime, also places itself-oua level along side of it. The rejection of commissioners Forsyth ami Crawlord, In thu inclplency of thu rebellion, established the fact that the Government would never acknowledge-any such thing as tho Coaled eiiicy, Uncle Sum 'don't know any such Government. Hu is aware of a military. junta at Richmond,' but hu ennuot consent to digiilly It into a uovernment uy consid ering thu simplest negotiations. it In thu work of reconstruction, which is steadily progressing, that nondescript of Jcfl'.K will bu entirely ignored, aud pasr-ed by with tho greutebt inditferencu aud un concern conceivable. Statu after Statu will be reconstructed and Toted back into the Union by thu people thereof, mid thu so calbd Confederate Government will bu left where thu autl-recoustructioiiiHts propo-'td to leave New England :'out In thu cold." Wheu tho Slfttti all return to their true al- List of Letters REMAINING IN TUB 1'CWT OFFICE at Jacksonville, Ogu., Sept. l, lb'iJJ. Hay liter 0 J 2 Ilnjln Jotin 3 ll.itriain .1 J.ilnnwn Put Iif ' llruwn MrP KitiluiJU II ' llrtrent .Mln Kink Kellrlmm I, V Oillioan M . A 0 v;nii 1111 .iin 11 - .illllr J I, Ctn irt J .1 Tweed llenrv Oonlultii JW TnllU Vln-ff I.ucjr TiiiiiiaiiMmD 3 liatrlila I 0 Woltb Ilci I'urt' 3 imi-w nr-n lViiidJit Mr J FI.w1111.M1a Wnlloitt Win A - Firg 1 tariyntto Vei Wlltlmu l!n-o.MiH M M'ulUor T (lirMin Liwtnnrn Wlnklr .f ( MI11 IMtx ' MYI1I111.-.U FreJ Uliilnc TIjoiuim WlillnnuW'm M - Letters will lay in thu olllce one mouth only, limn diito of iidverllseui'nt. I'ursoui c illiug for any nf the above let ter will plounc say thev are advertised. S. k. IIAIW1-M, P.M. Sttitiiiiona. IN TIIK CO UN IV l.'OUltT OF TIIK Slate of Oiegon lor the County ul Jack son. Thomas (,'ii.wknkr. Pluiniiir, vs. J. II. Kkku. O.-lendiiiit. Art Ion nt Inw fit It cover floury. To J. II. ltKKl). Drftwtant nf-ircivilit Yen nrohf r by tc( In Hip County Coiut of tho 8tMif Oifgiiif, fa- tlio Ceiintyvf Jwk'int, on thu 'J-liUyl-f Xi.rt-mlir, A. D. 18i"i, t nniucr a com jililnt on flic la Hip iiltou pntltlrd ciixe. Veil nro licrulty nutltlcU that, If ymi fill in nn'wi-r siM c implilnt, ntnlsive'riiqalre-l.thoimM I'IrIiiUiT will InknJnilRnient iifrilimt you, f ir' llinvrunt of an nn w'P,'fr the -mil i-funo Imtnlretl And flfl--.ew!n ilil-hi- iin-l llility-olx coal", with lntorcit tlicrcon nt thu nitooftw.tnuit oiu-lmlf por rent, ji-.-r tnontb, frem Hoi Il'lli il.iy of Aiipni, A. 1. lSiT.' nnil thu co4t nn-1 i-vfieii-K-x.'rtnil nccinliiR coiti nntl Mnhn "of U1I1 salt to la tiup-l. Ulvcn nndcr oUr hawl. thlt Sth uny of enttniber, A. I). iw:t. JAC0D3 & JiVSSKhh, Atlorn'yii forThlnlllT. , f)lZiO) DRY GOODS, OLOTPiiNG-, BOOTS & SHOES, FANCY GOODS, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, A'liniiitKtrntrix'a A'otic. lSTATJJ OF I,. A.U1CK. DBCKASKD: To nil mjl It in ly oncirni You nre heirliy notified tint the iin'lurlKiiul lm bren uiolnte. AdmlnUtia tilx i.fnil'lottutr, ninl nil peroni having Jomiml ojiliHt rild n-ttic iiiu Imrnby rcqaliml to precnt HiH-mmc, wllh propor v.mrhon, nt lay rcsldcnco on llrW Ciiflf. In tlm cnuiily of .Inclcon, nnd Htito of Oioi;iii, wlilihikl.v iii-inth'i f.-iiia llicdMiof thlt no llco, er ln-Uobiuroliifiill bcncni, fnuii llio flnt ill- trilmllon. l'ltUD.-.NUi; ItlUii, AdmlnNtmtrlx. epl'J'll Tobacco & Segai, PRODUCE, IIARDWAKK. GLA.SSWAUK. QUKKNSWATIK. WOODHNWAUK, MINERS' TOOLS, . All f which will he .ni!d ut low prices, for UASII.nrilivirublu lMtODUCU. BRADBURY & WADE AUK NOW WWKIVINU A Largo & Well-Selected STOCK OP Spring & Summer NEW STYLES DUESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staple Notice to the Public. T 111-2 M'ciiou, from tho Summit to the Hall-Way House, or tho Cauyiln llnnd. w II b" open, ready for travel, 011 tho 20ih day of 8-pt. I8b'3, irom wkich bfcolleetid Hy order of Canvon Road Company. UllAOWIUK, Secretary. Uoeebnrff. Sept. 2, lSiill. h plfJiU MINER'S SALOON, 1 BY kv:1.w" (SucMinor to N'olind. WINES AND LIQUORS, OP TUB 1IIWT QUAltlTV, AT ONE-BIT A DRINK. And Cijno of Hut Choicest Variolic. My KrleiidN in, nnd thuI'nbl!c In yvni-ral, uro invited to give m u call. MSWM LEW. Jncknn ville. Sept. 9. UvS. Mpt!mG NEW STORE; NEW GOODS. S AC II s "1b r O.'S ARR NOW Receiving una Opening ' AN SNTIUI NEW STOCK I OF Fall and Winter Goods, ' Direct IVoui Sun Fiuticisco, ut their ; BRANCH STORE. 1 AT CARPETING, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, MEN AND BOYS' Spring & Summer c:lothi:n-gk HATS AND CAPS! ANI ALSO A Fine Assortment of Ladies, Men and Boya' Boots and Shoes ! OUR PH(EM AD ASHLAJVD And nre determined to 1, SELL AS 'CHEAP AS 'ANY OTHER HOUSE IN 'JACKHON County, For Cash. SAOIIS'DRO.'S " Jackiouvlllc, Aug. 29, 1803.' auJ2!ir Willbe atipplied with a Good Assortment -OK- STAPLE 'MD-FAMV GOODS Which will be sold at f JACKSONVILLE P1UCES. FAMILY GROCKUIKS at IMAmiUUY'&WADE'S. d'l'ATIONRKV & BLAKIC BOOtcrf' u- ' 0 ut UUAJJHUUY & WAUB'S. FXB (HUAHS AND TO)JA(JCO lit ...BltAimUKY & WAplOS. WOOD' AND WILLOW WARH ' t 'HKA'DimitY WADK'S. F ifcETKAftut UliADRUKY ft WADE'S.' w I ObL AND IIIDBS TlOUQItT by-? ItYAN MOHOANCOV. .. PUOTOURA IMf ALRU.MS ut V 1 UUADiiUltY it 'WADS'lT. i i