m tf. 'ft'Tf. y ? t" 15 Stmi-toccldi) Sentindr 1 1-. . Euoknk City. 8rpt. 4. 1868. Ed. Sentinel : Our town was thrown Into'onltenn urni-unll exchtement, at dh eifr It hoar tliU morning, by lite nhooting of 'Wm. Shirly, by Slokcly Ellsworth, Esq., of this city. -'Shirty has been known In this 'county Vor nbnut six 'yinn.nnd w'Ks in the spring of i8f)0 fconvieted of 'file crime of forgery ami MUtcnccd to th year inv jTrinonment. On Ihe expiration of the term, he rctnmril to thl town, nnd linn con tttined to torment anil 'imrnM nil persons that hod nriy hnnd in 'his prosecution and convict ionby tiding dark thrcnts towards tfccm, nnd 'Mm In some circumfnnces ex torted mortfy'ffom come timid men, on con dithJn that'hc would do them no Injury. Ellsworth whs (tiimircd, on hehulf of the State, In the prosecution of Shirly, who tuiA ever since showed u disposition to have 'revenge on Mr. Ellsworth, and often told liim lie would have revenge if he had to be 'hung for it. About four weeks ngo he ut 'tempted to lake the life of Mr. Ellsworth with tut ax, hut was disarmed by a by ttandcr ; and ngnln on yestrrdny morning ho tnndc an owiult with n large club, but wns prevented from doing any injury by tltosc slacdinir by. 'I'liis morning, while Mr. Ellsworth was in the street, near his house, he saw Shirty coming toward him, and made an attempt to get into his house before Sliirly could reach him, but just as lie got to his gate Shirty came up and usk d him if he intended to have him arrested for what he had done. Mr. Ellsworth re plied that ho did. Shirly then said, " I will take my revenge first," and started to orcn the gate, to follow Mr. Ellsworth, when tio turned nnd fired at him with a . email pistol twice, both shots taking effect. Sliirly walked about fifteen feet and fell. Most of the day has been spent in hold ing nn inquest. The jury formed a ver dict in accordance with what I have stated above, and that the homicide was justifia ble, committed in self-defense. No blume is attached to Mr Ellsworth for doing as he has done, as Sliirly was a desperate character, and had been heard to suy he would as soon be hung ns not, and that he jvould have revenge on Ellsworth. Mr. Ellsworth has acted very honorably in the matter, and tried in every way to nvoid Shirty, and never carried any arms nbnut him until to-day, nnd would not have hud them even thin hud it not been ut the eurnest solicitation of his friends. Daniel O'Connell on South ern Slavery. The Cincinnati Catholic Telegraph of Aug., fth publishes the famous letter of Daniel O'Connell to a Committee of citi zens in thut place, who rebuked him Tor his anti-slavery opinions. The document was concealed for twenty years by a well-known Democrat, who nt length gave it to the Tel. egraph. The following is the conclusion of the letter : You tell us, indeed, that many clergy men, and especially the Catholic clergy, are ranged on the side of the slaveholders. We do not believe your accusation. Tho Catholic clergy may endure, but they assuredly do not encourage the slave owners. We have, indeed, heard it said that snmo Catholic clergymen have slaves of their own ; but, it is added, and wo are fissured positively, thut no Irish Cut hollo clergyman is a slaveowner. At all events, vvery Catholic knows now distinctly slave trading is condemned by the Cutl.nlio Church. Thut most eminent man, his lint Jinrss, the present Pope, has, by an Allo cution published throughout the world, condemned ull dealing and truffle in slaves. Nothing can be more distinct nor more powerful than the Pope's denunciation of that most abominable crime. Yet it sub sists in a more abominable form than his Holiness could possibly describe, in the vuflic which still exists in the sale of slaves -"from one State in America to another. .What, then, ore we to think of you, Irish Catholics, who send us nn elaborate vindi cation of slavery, without the slightest cen euro of thut hateful crime? a crime which the Pope has so completely condemned namely, tho diabolical raising of slaves for sale, nnd selling them to other States. If you be Cut holies, you should devote your time and best exertions to working out the pious intentions of his Holiuess. Yet you prefer O, sorrow and sliamn ! to volunteer your vindication of everything that belongs to the guilt of slavery. If you be Christians at ull, recollect that slavery is opposed to tho first, tho highest and the greatest principles of Christianity, which tench us " to love tho great and good God above ull things what soeve j and ihe next ' to love our fellow tinni ourselves :" which ooinmuniU us m do urn i. others as we would ho done bv Thcea Bucrejd principles ure inconsistent r with the horrors 'a'nd crimes of slavery ; snerf dVpririciples which have already ban Nhcd'dojhrstic bondage from civilto'd En rope,, Uhd 'which will also, in God's tinip, banish It fiom America, despite the advo cacy of such puny di-c'iiimers an you nre. Flow bitterly hove we been afflicted nt perceiving by the Atricrlcnn newspapers that recently In the city which you inhab it nn opportunity was given to the Irish to exhibit huicvntcnco nnd humanity to a colored fellow creature, and was g'Ven In vain 1 We allude to the ease of tho girl Iiiivinia, who was n stnvc in nnother Stub1 nnd brought by her owner into that ff Ohio. She by' that beenmn entitled to Iwr freedom, if sin1 had hut one friend to nsspil it for her. Shi' did find friend may the erent God of ffrnven b'ess them t Wore they Irish? Alnst nlns! not one. You sneer nt Ihe sectaries. Ri'hotd how liny here conquer you in goodness and charity. The owner's linniP, if swms. was Seanlan 5 unhappily n thoronirhly Irish mime. And ho, it appears, linn boasted that he took tils revengo by tho most fiendish cruelty, not upon Lnvinln or tier protectors, for they were not in hl power, lint upon tier unnfTendintr father, mother and family. And this is the system which yon, Irish men, through many folio paces "of w'eked declamation, seek at least to paliate, if not to jnllfy. Our checks burn with shnmo to think that such a monitor ns Scanlnn could trnco Ids pedigreo to Ireland. And yet yon, Irishmen, stand by rather In tho attitude of friend' nnd supporters, than of Impugners of tho monstrous cruelty. And yon prefer to string together pages of cru el nnd heartless sophistry in defensn of the source of Ids crime, ratlier thun take part against him. Perhaps It would ofF-nd your faitldlolts ness if such n man were compared to a pick-pocket or a felon. We respect your prejudices, nnd call him no reproachful name. It is. Indeed, nnnocosnry. We conclude hv enniuring von nnd nil nttier Irishmen In America, in the name of your fallierlnnd in tV name of humanity we conjure yon, Irishmen nnd descend nnts of Irishmen, to abandon forever nil defense of the hideous negro slavery sys tem. Let it no more lie said that your feeling nre made so obtue hv the ail of America that you cannot feel ns Cut holies nnd Chrhstinns ought to feel this truth this plain truth that one man cannot have any property in nnother man. There is not one of yon' who does not reeotrniw that princip'e In his own person. Yet we perceive and this nion'i!"fl us almost to madness that vou. boasting nn Irish de scent, should without the instigation of any jieenninry or interest inir motive, but out of the sheer nnd slnirle love of wicked ness nnd crime, come forward as the vnliin teer defenders of the most decrrnding spe cies of human slavery. Woe J Woe 1 Woe! There is one cnnnlntion still nmid the pulsations of our hearts. There nre, there mut be. cennino Irishmen in America m"ii of sound heads and Irish hearts, who will assist us to wipe ofT the foul stain Lord Morpeth's proven charge Iio-j inflict ed nn the Irish character who will liold out the hnnd of fellowship with a heart in that hand, to every honest man of every caste and color who will sustain tho cnue of humanity nnd honor, and scorn the pal try advocates of slavery who will show that the Irish heart is in America as be nevnicnt nnd as replete with charitable emotions ns in any other clime on the face of the earth. We conclude. The spirit of Democrat ic liberty is defiled by the. continuance of neero slavery in the United States. The United States, themselves, are degraded lie low the most uncivilized nations by thu atrocious inconsistency of talking of lib erly nnd practicing tyranny in its worst shape. The Americans attempt to pnliate their Iniquity by the futile excuse of per sonal interest ; but tho Irish, who have not even that futile excuse, nnd yet justify slavery, ore utterly indefensible. Once again nnd for tho last time we call upon you to come out of tho councils of the slave owners, nnd at all events to free yourselves from participating iu their guilt. Irishmen, I call yon to join in crushing slavery, and In giving liberty to every man of every caste, creed or color. Signed by order. Danim, O'Connkm., Chairman of the Committee. A soldier, dying of lung-disease in one of tho Washington hospitals, hud a blister applied between his shoulders by the sur geon. The poor fellow looked waggishly at the doctor, and grimly asked if a man had to have a stnmp put ou him before he could be ullowcd to die. BEEF HIDES Wo will pay tho Highest Market Price tor O.OOUDRYWBliXCUnBODBBFIIIDBti aug2!)lm It VAN. MORGAN & CO. HARVEST IS OVEIl AND wo want money to h.iy our Fall Goods, and heruby request our friends, both in town mid coimtrv. to pay up with out delay. ItVAN, MORGAN & CO. Aug. 20, 18(iU. ang'2218 WANTED.---Two good HOOT AND SlIOKMAKKItS ami onu TANXtill. ou nty, Oregon. Apply nt the rhtuiilx Tannery, Jackson wiSZ'Jtf frJBW TO-DAY. Pimple's O5300ltion STEAMSHIP LINE, ron NEW YORK vin NICARAGUA. GUEA1 REDUC'llON IN RATES: 780 miles shorter than Panama route. The Cut and Well-known Doublt-Knglno Stoimlilp MOSES TAYLOR, J. II. HLKTIIEN COMMANDER, Will be HNptxtclird for Han Jimn Del Bur, from Mission Street Wlurf, at 0 o'clock, A. M., uu SATUIIOAY , OCT. 3o, 18G3, Connecting nt Ornytowa with the Farorlto unl Unluiullil Sto.iiimlilp ILLINOIS, 250 TONS. Thu Moses Taylor, since her last trip, has undergone the most extensive repairs. Her decks have beeu extended forward and aft; cabins enlarged, iclllted and repainted throughout making her accommodations equal to any Kteiltlter on the ocean. Kvcry arrangement has been made by tho Central American Transit Co. for tratiKport iug pU4cugcra aero? Nicaragua in u few hout-H. For further Information, apply to scpUitd I. K. UODKItTrf. Agent, 107 Wnfhiuutnii St.. Sin FrniieNoo. WICIrTMM&IIAIlIHE, BUCCESSOltH TO FRANK BAKER, 410 and 418 Clay St., Ma.. Fraitclace, Importers and Dealers FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Drj Goods, Carpets, Oilcloths, Mattings, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, AND- PAPER HANGINGS, For sale in quantities to suit. june24 id OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE. BUY ALL YOUR DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, Liquors, and Cigars AT SACHS BRO.'S Cheap Cash Store, Alt THEY ARE DETERMINED TO Than any other House HOUSE IN JACKSONVILLE. Call and examine for yourselves. SAOnS BRO.'S. Jacksonville, June 18, I8GU. je20tf BIBLES AND TEfi'AMRNTS. A supply, in various styles, on hand, and for miIu at costs and charoR. t the deposi tory of the .Tachion ('oinitv Uililo Society. W.M. HOFFMAN, Duposlto-y. CHEAP FOR CASH MAX MTJLLER AT TUB BRICK STORE, Corner of Oregon and Main Streets, Jacksonville, HAS jllftt received nn addition to hid former large and well selected Stock of FANOY STAPLE fit SUMMER DRYGOODS OIiOTIIING, BOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Mining Tools,- All at Reduced Prices. ONB nnd ALL arc Invited to fa vor him with a call, an It cost noth ing to hIiow trend, and It Ih a pleas ure to rell them nt prices so low that none can complain. Higlicftt Price Paid for Pro duce in RxclinnRC for Goods 1)K. L.. J. CZAPKAY'S Private Medical anil Mut-Rlcal IiialUute, 8CnAMl!.NTOHflirtT, ndow Montgomery, inilti I'nclflo Mull 8. S. Co.'i ultlcr, liui VnitirlwA). EiUMIihfld In 18.M, for tlin IVrmnititit Cnreof all I'llviitn uml Chronic Dirr.ucx, AND TIIK SUl'l'KKt&lON UK QUACKERY. Attending and ltrMcnl t'liyxlrlnn. lilt. I..J.t'7,AI'KAY.M.I., Lntp In tho llunprulnn IluvulntloiMry W'nt; Clifof rii)lcl:iu to thu -Jlth llrcimimt if ItonvnU: Ciller Suwoii to tint .Military Ifiwjillnl of IVxIli, IIuiieo r.Vi thu l.il LiTtiiriTcia I)lcni.("of llm (lenllo Uri nary Oripini), nml lllmxvir of 'tnun nml Children, ami llnnorury Mumticr of thu 1'lilkulclphla Uollvga ir Mctllclnr. 43 I'.irtli-utnrntli'htlmi mld to the treatment cf IlUi'inr of Wuimii uml Chllilmi. onico liminj iVimi 0 n. in. to ll p, tn. a-(Uimiiinnlciitl(pnn Ktrlclly roiittiliirtfal. Perma nent cure RUiiriiiiti't-il or no imy. Coniullatlom, by letter or othcru It, KKKK. Ail.lrivt, lilt. L. J. C.AI'KA Y, rinn Franctoo. To tlxo Affliotodi or nil iIUoihu, Hit tint prwit rmiMt hjuinpi Hum m-ijK'ci nr Miiuru h inwu. 8 UFI'KIIMITWIIKN A CDUK 18 (UJAUATKKD In nil hrcrut IINriuti-ii. PulHUiiikn. ncivimn dolill- Ity, iyililll In nil Iih laui. Milcturc. elect, gravel, dml'.lc, (IImvwch of tint Kliltiu. m iiimI lilmldvr, inrreu rlnl rlivumiitlmn, HcroOilii, aIii in tho Ixineit mid nnkles llnai:K nf tlio lanpi, tlirtxit, ikmo nnd rye, nlii'iH iiiniii thu Ixwly or IIiiiIk. cancer, itropty, epllop tlc II t, bt. Vlliu' ilnneo, iind nil illii'ium riUIiik from n lemiiRi'iiiont of tho xcximl nrKiiii, mich nn iicrvoim tri'liihlliiK. l,WH f ini'inory, liwn of miu(T, pniientl wrnknoiiK, iIIiiiiii'H of vilun, with iicullnr cMitn iit peiirlnu tiuforu tlin cycH, lo of hIkIiI, w.ikt fnlneM, (lynim)l.i, liver illiiuwe. vruptloiu iikiii tlio fiieu. puii i In tlio luuk nml liciui, feiuidn irri'Kulmlilm, mid II Improper uelmrKe of txitli kcxt'M. It niittrrj not from lmt cuumi tlio illKeiwa originated, lmvtoer longitiuidiiiKoroUtiimtu. tlio ctuv, recovery l cer tain, mid in a uliorter tlmo thun u pernmnent euro can ho effected ly iiny other trrutmoiit, evenuner tlio ill-miMi lnu liullttil tho kklll of eminent phylclan, nnd revlktinl nil their meant of cure. Tlio medicine prencrlbi'il nro pleiuant uml without odor, entirely venetuulo,cuiliiKHilcknoM, mid free from mercury nnd taliani. Dnrlns twenty vemV imictlco in Ku rope, tho Atlantic State jmd Callfiirnla, I linvo res cued from the Jaw of ilrath many thouuitnl who. in tlio last DtJigui of tlio ulnivo mentloiiml ilUii.ii'n, had been given up to illo by their phynlclum : whlcli war riuit mo In pruinltln to tho nllllcted, who may place thouiielvuit under my cure, a perfect and peily cure. l'rlftte dlicnuii nro the Klealet iinttnlivi to health, M they aro tho flrnt c.uiki of coioiumptiou, Rcrofulii nnd many other dlbvtwo, und uliunld Ixi a terror to tho human family. A permanent euro U kcorcely ever etrected, n in.ijorlty of ihe canes falllne; Into tho hand of luuxiipelent ierni, who not only fail to euro tlio illaemtt, but ruin tho constitution, tilling tlio nytem with uiercuiy, which, with tlio dUeano, luut en tliumilferor iutuu nipldcjiiimnpllun. lluWhould tho dle;ue and troatmeut uot cause denth upevtUly, und tlio victim marrlen, the lUteou, 1 vntullod upon the children, who nro bom with feeble constitution!, nnd the eiirrout of life coiruptod by n lru which betrny ltielf in scrofula, tetter, ulcer, oruptloiv und other affection of tlio nkln, oyos, thnvit nnd lungs, eiitailiug uHin them u brief existence of auffer hiK. and consigning thorn to un eurly gruve. SKI.K-AIIDSH I nnother formUhblo enemy to health, fur nothing rise in tho dread catalogue of din ruse causes hj destructive u drain upon the system, drawing It tliousunds of victim, through n few years of suffering, to nil untimely giave. It dentroyn tho nervous nystom, rapidly waste away the energle of life, cause mental deiungement, jiroventa tlio pioper development of the system, dU'juulilloa fur marriage, koclely, business, und nil earthly happiness, and leaven the sufferer wrecked In body and mind, predisposed ta consumption and n train of evil more to le dread ed than death lUelf, 'With the fullest confidence, I assure the unfortunate victim of Keif-abuse that a permanent and speedy cure can be effected, and, with ihe abandonment of ruinous practice, my patlont can bo restored to robust und vigorous health. irregulailtles, and all disease of mule nnd female ure treated on principle established by twenty year pructlce, und fcuuetionud by thousand of the most ro inurkablo curu. Medicines, with full direction, sent to any part of the State, Oregon, Nevada and Wash ington Territories, by tmtlont communicating their Hymptoma by letter. Uuslues corresjKMidunco utiict ly confidential. Address, I.. J. CZAl'KAY, M. II., Ban Francisco. 4v The Doctor olfei free rousultntluu, nnd ask no leniuneratlon uulcsb lio effect a cine. Ju'JOnillp NOTICK is hereby given to ull persons indebted to me by note or Honk tic count, to pay thu same to my aent, Joski'H Jacobs, ou or bulbro thu lfith February, 18(J3; otherwittu thu cunio will bu placed in the haitdi of au atlonioy lor collection. Jl&SE UOIIINSON, I'er Jo.Ki'it Jacoiih, Eagle Mill'. Jununrv 23d, 18(i3. OU riUNTING neatly icnliil at the I SENTINEL OFFICE. IV J.-UTAH. ,'iK.f. M0MANt. . UhWtim '? tfi RYAN, I0MAN I CO, TwO'Btory', Fire-proof Brick StOrf Kext'Doorto ExprettOflM, Are now in receipt of i pari4 of their Spring BblpmeDt of" New and Fashionable ' DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS. Bonnets, Monitors, otc. And will be constantly roceiYing, through out the year, additions to tbetr efdek. Wc have now on band a entirely tW stock of FANCY AND STAPLE' DRY GOODS, Millcncry Goods; Trimninp GIRLS AND BOYS' ' Hftts, Gaps id Monitor; CLOTHINGr & BOOT8. Slippers. Gaiters A hoc, llrutiscls 3-pIy and Ingrain ALSO TOW-LINEN CARPET FOH DINING ROOMS. IN EVERY VARIETY. Agricultural XmplaaMBts, IRON AND STCKL,' WHEELBARROWS, Groceries OF ALL KINDS LiqiORS of choicest quality Tobacco and Cigars, Crockery St Glassware. FINE JAPAN TEAS, DRUGS & MEDICINES Faints, Oils and Glass Mining Implemants, ' COOPERS & CARPENTERS' TOOllff Patent Tnckle Illockn, POWDER j IN-KEGS AND CANT CAPS, LEAD AND SUOTj KEROSINE LAMPS, MIRRORS, DUCKS from Nn. G to OOOO, ANDi IN-FACT, Almost EVcry Article Ustiklly Called for In this Place. Having 'established ourselves in Jack sonville lor a long term of years, it is o-ir full determination to keep up at ull reasons henceforth a No. 1 stock oi goods, nud h conduct our business aa to mako it for tin) interest of tho people of this Valley to trade with us. We will not he outdone in the variety of our stock, the quality of our goods, nor can wo be undersold, ns our cu gaeinents are of the most fuvoruhle nuturr. Cull and bco out goods und leurn our prices. II IE MORGAN & CO. N. B.-COUNTBY STORES will bu supplied nt u sliudo ov.er .S:in Fimiic'ifcu cost and charges. R. At. & CO ..