0cYni-ulccklii 0"cntmcl. Mk y, a. KaTAk rlflsvBBBBBBBBBBBBMiJfiIiiA4 w J Gssmba" JB' a T&cTiMffitr' There wss, on the Afternoon of Saturday last. iV the toonrt House, a convcWstkm of Coppcihcsdsi cullefl, by wahf. jojeej Dcrii-,' ocrat," There were fronrflftjr to, seventy flvo nV Ibo (genus' 'breitent, andJthis'l after n " To THK KKKICAOT AND rERMANKNOT Of TOUIt Union, a Govkunmknt for tub wuolm is inwrKNAB,K." Wkthiitgton. lAt'KMONVnXK, OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING, . SEPT. 8, 18G3. Geo. I). Horrid, Eq., has been commls tinned Notary Public for Jackson county, by Governor Gibb?. A Rood appointment. Tbo Times of tho 5th, records that the steamer of tho evening previous brought down eight hundred pounds of gold dust. A Goon AiToivriiKNT. Mmllson 13. Mor ris, Eq., has been appointed Postmnntcr at Kcrbyvlllo, Orcgou, tie J. 11. Priudlc, re-Higiicd. Croutdkd Out. A letter by Scnntor Hurding denying the reported us.crtion ihat lie would vote for Vnllundiglmm it in Oliio at tho pending election. It will appear on Suttirduy. MonKsr. T'Vault says ho Is tho only ed itor of a newspaper in Southern Oregon, mid tho bent ncpnper man on the const. Malone should secure his fccrvlccs to con duct tbo forty column daily paper ho has In ufa "luind'a eye." "111! I ! DnowNKn. The body of n man known m Spanish John," was found in Kogue Hirer on Tuesday last, and after examina tion by the Coroner. Dr. L. 8. Thompson, the remains were buried upon the bank of ilio river. The deceased, it is supposed committed suicide. Ilumuu roil Dki, Noktk. Uy partial re turn?, received from friends In Waldo and vicinity, vu learn that Del Norlo county, Cal.Jms given handsono majorities for the Union Statu nml County ticket. Wo con Kratuluto tho Union men of Del Norto on (heir Hrt triumph over tho Scceeslonlbts and Copperheads. m i JnisiiMKM, read "1)1111101 O'Connoll's opinion or American Slavery," published in another column of this paper. He held tho idea that s'nvery, not alone in the Southern Slutes, but throughout the world, would eventually dfo out, and that it was the duty or Irishman to help kill itthe idea that Malonc said brought on the pres ent war. Tho creed of Mulonoand O'Mea- ru, atiimpa Daniel O'Gonnell a radidal Ab olitionist. Tho cle gymon Qf tho Methodist Chruch South preach a doctrlno very uccnptablc to t.oppernead Democrats, namely: that slave ry in a "tlivino institution." In Williams- burg, tbo banner precinct of Jeff. Davis Do mocraey, in tho only county In tho Stato ihut had a majority for tho sccesh ticket at tho last election, twenty converts have been uuaea to that church. Wo do not imaglno the religion of somo of Uiomj converts will deprive them of tbo Innocent recreation of singing "we'll hang Abe Lincoln to a sour apple-tree," or d g Abolitionists. It must bo a very small business, saving the bouIs of Mich men. Malone, in his -'Irish talk" to tho little squad or Copperheads that answered tho Jeff. Davis call for a "rousing mat meeting of tho Democracy or Jackson county," said that in every country in Europo tbo people enjoyed greater freedom than tho people oi America navo been allowed under tho admlulstnitlon of A. Lincoln. Tho fact that ho was allowed to inako such a speech as ho did was Hufflcicnt ovidenco of tho fals ity of that statement. Under what Govern ment in Europo would a speaker bo allowed to counsel resistance to the laws, us he did? In England or Franco, thn mlMmt nmi most tolerant of tho nations or Europo? No! Even there, imprisonment and flues would learn him to distinguish between tho liberty and tho licentiousness of speech. Our o.iuntry is engaged in a gigantic civil war, but tho unanimity or its patriotic people has made it so powerful, that it can afford to lot such f-mnll-fry abettors of treason us ALilono wag their slimy 'tongues without restraint. call' of near two weekrf. This conYocMlnn'hourned. ... . .. i was called a mass convention ot tnc uemoc racy! Wo looked anxiously through tho half filled scats In the Court House, among tho motley crowd, for a single individual who bore In bis countcnanco the linaments of the Democracy thai rendered a Jackson Immortal, but wo looked In vain. We lis tened Tor accents that might Indicate tho existence or that glorious, old and popular essence in tbcsonl or some one present, but we listened in vain. There is too much sym pathy for trcMon in what is dubbed Democ racy now-a-days, for tho indwelling of that spirit which prompted tho immortal words. 'Uy tho Eternal the Union mKit and thill be preserved." Tho convocation was duly organized by tho election of Capt. Smith, Chairman. The Chairman seemed to have an ovcr-abid-tng and lively remembrance or the fact that one Asahol Bush possesses a rare power for annihilating political charlatans. It fa said of the honorable Chairman, that ho was once n member of the Oregon Legislature, and rumor has it that ho desired to wear his blushing honors again, but somehow the pcoplo or this county refused to second the motion. After the election or a secretary, a Committee on Resolutions was appointed. During the ab.vnco or tint committee, Pat Malonc was called for. He responded to the call and addressed the convocation Tor two mortal hours. Ho denounced tho Gov ernment, ns administered by Father Abra ham, as more intolerant and despotic than tho iron despotism or Uussin. And tho motley crowd or so-called Democrats ap plauded tho Infamous sentiment. This, too, from an Irithman, who, wo presume, lias taken tho oath or nllcglanco to tbo Gov ernment or tho United States. Wo respect the noble daring and cbivnlry or the Irish character, but when wu hear nn Irishman, who has been admitted to tho rights and privileges or American citizcnsliip.revilo and denounce the Government which has receiv ed him, and thrown around him tho protect ing regis or its Constitution and laws, we are ready to exclaim, baseness how profound! ingratitude bow bare! Wo received him as an exile, warmed him into lire by tho gon ial power or our institutions he revives and strikes his venomous Tangs deep into the heart of his benefactor ! Malone said it pained bim to sco bis countrymen enlist ed In the scrvico of the Abolition Govern' meiit, meaning thereby tho Government or the United States. We should tuppost it would puin such a patriot at he it. Americans, think or n raw Irishman denouncing your Gov ernment, purchased by the patriot blood or tho revolutionary sires; thiuk of an exllo, whom the generosity or your Government has warmed into life, reviling the nation's generosity; think of tho man who has reg istered a solemn oath in Heaven to bear true allegiance to this Government, publicly announcing tho dcslru for a dlsmembei incut that shall leave "New England out in tho cold !" Malone went further, and in certain contingencies counseled resistance to the laws of Congress, and tbo officers or the Government, uud Democrats applauded the treasonable udvice. Malone attempted to bo awfully severe on Wesley and Will bcrforce, but wo don't think his puny mal ice will disturb their peaceful rest, or seri ously affect their noblo renown. This rene gade Irishman spirted his puny mallco at New England, with her arts and sciences, her noblo history and godlike statesmen, for full three-quarters of au hour. He lauded tho Democratlo statesmen oi the South, now in rebellion against the Gov ernment repeated the stereotyped false hood about the Republicans defeating tho Crittenden Compromise, and dually squat ted, very much to the satisfaction of all present. Tho Committee on Resolutions read their report, which was unanimously adopted (more of this anon). Theu caino tho tug of war. uoi. T'vauu ouercu a resolution on organization. Fay proposed an amendment. T, Vault accepted it. A central committee was to bo elected. Several were nominated and elected, when Mr. Fay politely notified them that they bad forgotten the objcot of tbo committee. T'Vault remarked that this resulted from Fay's interference with his original proposition. Hot words passed, and tho peace Democracy showed their wur like qualities. Tho amiable Chairman poured oil on tho troubled wuters,nnd quiet was refetored. Mr. Johnson oflured a reso lution indorsing tho Oregon Intelligencer Wi the organ of tho Democruey. Fay opposed the resolution in a lengthy uud bitter tho ground sissMBMisjiMsiSMSJaMMttsMBisiiiMsiii gross. T'Vault rejoined, and was loud, ex cited and sarcastic. Fay replied more bit ter than ever, and freely talked and other pearie emblems'.' Othcrt'pltched In and it was"! rielouW rowV Final resolution passed' and tho WarnwniaW ad- mm tt When President Lincoln Issued tho'ftmnn clpation Proclamation, it was received with howls of indignant wrath by Secessionists and Copperheads. They said it was putting tho dagger into the bands bf the slave to murder his master; servile Insurrections and horrid massacres of the whites of nil aces, sexes nnd conditions In tho South would be tho result. Time has rolled on, and tho only massacres and murders we hear or have been committed by that clas or their ''Southern brethren" who murdered the citizens or Lawrence, Kansas, and then burned the town. The Proclamation hns hod the effect to greatly strengthen the Union forces, and in a corresponding degree weakened the rebel armies. Now Jeff Davis has determined to arm flvo hundred thousand negroes to Up lit against Northern whito men. and docs the Democracy again urge their vehement pro tests ngnlust such "barbarity ?" No! They are silent as tho grave. The case is differ ent. Lincoln's proclamation enticed ne groes from their masters and placed them in the armies Tor tbo defence or the Union, nnd thus "greatly exasperated their South ern brethren." That was horrible! atro cious! Hut Jeff. Davis is acting strictly constitutionallythe rebels own the slaves, and they have a right to do whatever they please with their own property. None but an Abolitionist would question their right to arm their " property" to fight against the Union. And thus It is, day by day, tho stern logic or tho events of " gritn-visaged war " tears to tatters the fine-spun arguments aud soph istries or Oopperhcad lenders. Fatal Accioknt. Wc receive tidings from Mr. Jus. Sheridan, of Gnlire Cretk, or "puts" that his mlniafrVtWhMr. John M'Lcan, rtp!tched' WktaeoHnfiuturdjfyl Attoinst., byhg inalty tnV: Aslied & burial anifer 'Wiling banker hisclnlnY." Mr. Sheridah' was nonrhe tin fort utmfe'rnhn whwnhe' Occident occtfrfed, nnd used his utmost efforts to relieve him, but it wur full half nn hour before lie could dbencummr the body from the weight of dirt thut WnH upon it, nnd then that the life of his partner had flown. The deceased was from Cape Breton, Canada Nvhere he hns a sister residing. Tiiic California Election has resulted n a irrand triumph for the Unton pnrty. Tins Sacramento tfmon of the 4th hns tho fol lowing : We puhllsn election returns from nhoiint thrcp-fourlhA of the counties In thn State. Tim rnlnrtm torn nulv iVirllnl nml tlin inn. jorltles iii sonic or tho counties ar estima ted which may be somewhat varied bv the pfflcinl returns. These lliiuro glvo F F. Low ii majority of 15.14(1. Tho untns re- Jiortrd justify nn cstimnto ihat thn full ma nrity for tho Union Slate ticket will reach between 20.0(10 and 25.000. A com plete Union administration for thctatc. nnd thf co Inj al Member of Congress arc utnong the results of this triumph. .. i CoAt, in Siskivou. Mr. l'lliott of the mi I mud survey, bus discovered cropping of coal mlues. on the Siskiyou Mountain near Cole's. It is of n suiK-iior duality. nnd if a lend is found would he of grcut Vulue in this section. YieUa Journal- BRADBURY & WADE, JA'OkfeONVlLLK, SMttlOCfblEl. W fofj&il t4tll -WSVt.KlW IN- DRY GOODS, OLOTtttiSTG, Boots & shoes, 3PANTGY GOODS, XX.A.ttj JL1&X3 iOAFi, GROCERIES, PAINTS, GitS, GLASS, Lvcomk Tax The per rent. or Hie En glish income tux is three times greater than nurs. This too. Tor the support or that Government in times of peace. Tobacco & Segars) PRODUCE, HARDWARE. (I LASS WARE. QUKK.WSWARE. WOODKXWAllK) MINERS TOOLS, All of which will be sold nt low prices, for OASII, or desirublc PRODUCE. MAtfrlodt Oil speech, based, apparently, tliut Col. Kelly's name stood at tho bead of ilmt pupjr us T'Vuult's candidate for Con- Thk Waoo.v Roao. Last evening, Mr. II. Bloom returned to town from a trip out on tho Wagon Road. Ho reports Ihat the work on the road Is progressing finely, it being opened and graded to within fifteen miles of the summit, bvyond which Nature has provided a high, dry and open rond clear through to the Eugene road, The heaviest and most c.xpcnsivo parts or the road have been finished, nnd but little grad ing will be required to complcto tho road to tho summit. A new and substantial bridge hns been built over the north fork of Rogue river. Mr. Dloom overtook his pack- train at the bridge. Nineteen well-armed men were with the train, who were hopeful that they would get safely through to the Uolso mines in twenty-two days from the time of starting. A Mr. Clindwick, or Cot tonwood, was overtaken at Elk Creek, with seven men, an ox-wagon, loaded with pro visions, and seventy-five head or cattle, bound for Doisc. Ho will get over our road with but little trouble, although It is not quite complete. When these pioneer trains demonstrate, as we bellnvc they will, that tho distance from Jacksonville to Unnnock City and Placer villo is no greater than it fa from Ummatll- la Landing, a brisk trade will no doubt spring up between our valley and that rich mining region. Sr-KKcn or a CorTKniiiCAD. "Yon nre promised liberty by the leaders of your af fairs, but in there un individual in the en joyment of it, save your oppressors ? Who utnong you dare speak or write what he thinks nguinst tho tyranny which bus rob bed you of your property, imprisoned your sons, dragged you to the field of battle, nnd is daily deluging your country with blood?" Now, any ono of tho "mighty few" who heard Malone's speech at tho Court House, on Saturday last, will at once jump nt tho conclusion that tbo above Is quoted from that speech. Hut, no I the above "Demo cratic" argument was written, in a circular letter, by Benedict Arnold, the Revolution ary traitor, to dissuade the Colonists from continuing their noble efforts iu behalf of that holy cause he bad sought to betray, It Ih a remarkablo fact, tliut the Identical arguments used by the Copperheads of tho present day against our Government, wcro urged by tho torics and traitors of '76 against tho Continental Congress. At Canyoiiville, Doiiu'lus couhty, by Rev. T. I. Royal, Mr. F. G. Haiit to Mt-H Isaiiki. Tiioiin, all of said place. We have received tho compliments or the wedded couple, with the above notice. May Heaven bless their every hope I NEW TO-DAY Uy Appointment. GEORGE B. DORRIS, NOTARY PUBLIC FOR JACKSON COUNTY. Office with B. F. Dowell, Eq. BRADBURY t WADE ARE NOW RECEIVING A Large A Well-delected STOCK OP Spring & Summer Notice to the Public. THE section, from the Summit to the Hair-Wny Hoiim!. or tho Canyon Rood, will let open, ready Tor travel, on tho 20ih day of Sept. 18(53, from wkick time toll Will be collected. By order or Canyon Rond Company. CIIADWICK, Secretary. Roscburg, Sept. 2, 18UU. seplOtS ASHLAND MILLS FLOUR! EAGLE MILLS FLOUR! NEW STYLES DRESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staple WE WILL v f above KEEP ON nAND TnE well-known brands nt Extra Family Flour, Tor sale, at Wholesale or Re tail. 11YAN, MORGAN A CO , Agents lor the Mills. Sept. 8, 18(i3. septfiml MINER'S SALOON, BY iM SucccMor to Nolatul. WINES AND LIQUORS, OK TIIK BKSI QUALITY, AT ONE-BIT A DRINK. And Cigars or the Choicest Varieties. My Friends in particular, and the Public iu general, are invited to give inn n call. LEWIS LEVY. Jacksonville Sept. 9. '03. seplOmU NoRTiiF.nN Itkms. Tho Mountaineer bus tho following : A colony or Germuns, who crossed tho plains this season, are now on their way down to tho Willamette Val ley, where they design settling in a body. Welles, Fargo & Co., havo bought out Rockafellow's Express, and will cury ex piesa matter to ull partu of the Boise mines. Three thousand peoplo havo already left tho Bnteo country with a view to find u milder climate lor winter, and it is estima ted that six thousand muio will leave soon for the same purpose. NEW STORE, NEW GOODS. SACHS BRO.'S ARK NOW RticeivlMg aud AN Opening CARPETING, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, MEN AND BOYS' Spring & Summer CLOTHING HAT$ AND CAPS! AND ALSO A Fine Assortment of Ladies, Men and Boy" Boots and Shoes ! OUR PIKEMX AND ASH LA IV I Will be supplied with a Good Asssortmcul -w- STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS Which will be sold At JACKSONVILLE PRICES. r BTiTimn IfSW STOCK OF Fall and Winter Goods, Direct from San Francisco, at their BRANCH STORE. AT And arc determined to SELL AS CHEAP AS ANY OTHER 1IOU313 IX JACKSON County, For Cash. saciis imo.'s Jacksonville, Aug. 29, ltsuy. uu'iUtf FAMILY GROCERIES at DRADBURV Si WADFS. STATIONERY & BLANK BOOK at BRADBURY & WADE'S. FINE at CIGARS AND TOBACCO BRADBURY & WADKS. WOOD AND WILLOW WARE nt BRADBURY & WADE'S. F INK TEAS ut BRADBURY & WADE'S. W OOL AND HIDES BOUGnT by ) IM AN MUlMiAJN X t!U. PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS nt BUADBUUY & WADE'S,