ffi5wajK4fcEI& HS K. & S$?cc;a: UUatHKM1 PR ANNU5T, IN- ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, l&GSw VOL. VIII NO. C5. Hie ftg0& SBvWI'tHd'A I.D.O.F. Jacksonville Lotlgo n .,v tvniiiwrno'll'Dima . ajM . in? m rrnur vi uit nm 4 - lt "K r,k.lnc.vli moiilb. and on 3r-V4-VEf! J tetnlTCloclf liurnlne ifZK'i!S wl,attlioIa.alIlan,al ,,'u.clr x. lUvUirnJafKxItt!lntailiitltM uatX WM. KAY, x. u. Trwtr Jh. II. ?mura, Ilcnrj- Ptnltacrr anJ Warren Lod$o No, 10, A. F. & A. M. & HOLD tlifir recti) r communl Vcitlon the Wednesday Evening on ArXor preceding ibe full moon, In jack ,nvm, outonv. ALEX. MARTIN, W.M. H. Til-op. Sct'y. OREGON CIIAITEU NO. 1, ROYAL AUCII MASONS, JACKSOX V1U.E, OllKGOX, Wlhold It regular communication on the mil Saturday Eve. or Krcry Month. A.) MJourume Companion In good rolling arc cordially Invited to nttrml. . V.URUKR. II. I. L Sacih. tcc'y. drcgM" 6. jron. k. r. nrMKU- JACOBS, &. RUSSELL, ATTORNKYrf AND COUNSELORS V-T ZiAW, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, Jac:a'tiTiu.r, Oarcos. USri oiullr Ilia t'otu-t lion. .til bninen committed to tliclr care will trp-Jirplly rtt irlil lo. July '.'0. 'Ci. im. tvirnin-r. ixvi u. rv DOUTHITT &. FAY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT XjjOk.'W, AND SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY. .lACKJtnKTILLr. Oaroox, nil practice In the Supreme ami other (Vnirt of tfcUj State. March 4. 'f.3. R. B. MORFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksom-iu., Onroox, T7ILL practice In the acvrral Court ot ) the rlrt Judical DlMrict, a: d In the tuprrme Court. Ociolar 20. 'C2. B. F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, jAnuftKruxc, Ofinxix. 'lit practice In nil the Court of the Thin) JiiUial DUtrict, the Supremo Court oiOrv Pu, and lu Yrcka, C&L War Scrip prompt' coll-ctul Oct. 18. "j. GASTON, (SowwMr to I'.rtd i Gutos) ATTORNEY AT LAW. JACKtOKVIl.t.K, OfiKOO.'C, Enpeclal attention clvrn to collection tun. jane iv, iii.i. iu Q. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON O0W at hU IUaldciire on Orrgoii t. J xrKWKVUJ.r., Ounaus. n'brrc all thow knoIug tbciuoelvc In 4bted to him. on notn or Iwok account. villt.Ieuo vail and settle up, ur their OC' twit will fce placed fur collection iu the kvro or :ny attorney. My old lroi will tttll And me, otnxr, frady to attend to toy protMIoal dutn-r. Ma e. I6CX mavfiif DUG AN & WALL, rOBWAEDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, tci Building, Cor. Vout A PtrU. CRESCENT CITY, CAL 1TILL attend to the Receiving and For wantlnjt of all fio0 entrutd to lr care, with promiitDn and dUyilch. Cori.Icninriil foIicitcJ. MtrchaudlMt re- Hrtd on Horace Crefcent Cltr. April 1 1. IRC3. 15 N U.-No poodi dfllverti intll lb freight l eharir ate paid. I. a it. J. ROW, liKAUJi IX CIGARS. TOBACCO. FRESH FRUITS, STATIONERY, CONKKC TIONKRY. FIREWORKS, ETC, Sen aMMr to Uradbury t Wutle Ibaveju't opened n new ntore and rtoek cd it with a fhclev variety of (be alam Mentioned artlcVi" and onVr thrm for fl t the lourt llvlnsvrlcer. Tlio let of 'Rir &nd d.ewiur lohacco will bo kept (Otttt&ntJy on hand. Those deMrln any rtlcl lo mr line r.tt tore money ly jrlv- "K W U Cllll. J. I.UH. Jarkoiin,lit. July J, '03. JUtf TLLUSTRATKI) PAPERS- riuipfr 1 Wrtklt. Wruiik Ille. Yank.-e No- wn, etc , regubrly reivivnl anil fur Kile Mtiw Variety store. B EALTIt'UL rHOlOORAPH AI BUMS, Wr rate ty J. ROW. U. S.Tnx Notice. THKtrxirr.DPTATMTXVS f.ir IhewmillM vf JACKSON uiilJOJKrilMC biting lrfra. do uJ MrjMr. notkr It htrtt'jr (tlm Ut U Col lattor will lin atltiudsMkt Jxdrxmnltu JIvnJay Sf TvtuJay, Sq 28 -V 2, lurtyrMe. ri'iiy, Oct 2f, mxi ot Walh, Stttriiy, Oct. 3rf, 1853, U TtttUf Ihf tunt anl Uiun Ll nv. Tu-MTr lll f nMK th MIwlncrxtrcU fn-rn Iht V S. i.ixmt Ltw,; All Mrtati, who ,hll nttt la mr Vbt dutit aot tx,i, tc m affMit, .MI npM thm. lo th CollrOc witMii tli. Utrv. fMdOcd. tbiil U U bl lo tt tin 1T nnlura kJklhliHul ou tli unuuol thec 8rr. M Ami l II furthrr rnwtrd. Tnit If uir per.ia or rrtviH !iU ti.trlw nr attj rn ny tnUr or bnlmw hwrlsaftrr nDtkmJ, (. lh x. rrrl.la; or carrrlnc no of blfh tnl ir bmlnrt llftnMl. UTolrfby thlt art, wltlxmt taXIrw; at 1Kb lifo In Ibu Wblf r.julr--l, b. .he nr tUtj lull, Ik rtrr, .sell i.Kom rwpmlxlr ftf.lla ptiuitr f-nal l tbrK Unto Ihf abkianl of U,f duly or fun of mmi , iTujM f r turh llrrn.n, rpo molrly tbrra. f to Hm w of tli UnllrJ FUtr, Hi. ollitr m-.lip In tbe of tb itmi la,ir acvllocuv, hll nnt dlkinrr, uiJ If (br thin cIlortr. J.11 tint (;! Inf irmMlon of lb fwt vhtnbr 4l4 fjf fHtar ni Incnrrwl." II. Tb rmUTiw-irrKtlbN br Itw allltx HrHlr rntmtd on all lu fill taiurwltblnlli tlm xlltlmlbatiilk'4li. I.AV cor. u. p. utiiorter i c inf ?ui, 01 vricn. O.-Sr ofCvtlrOx a lull Iter. I fortUni, Oim, Au(. 12,lJC3.f ny.u MOTHERS MOTHERS MOTHERS DOXT fall to prooiM MIIR. WINS LOWS 800TII' ISO STni'CfjrClllLDIir-N TCETllI.sa. TliU TiltuM frrjrtloa 1 tbt prttctiptlw cf r of tbr twt fmtl jil-Jn, ami nnrwj In tbc I'nU tl Puiw, aaJ b ln awl fjr thlrtj ,ar with D.t.r faillnjc aafrly aaJ iccn't bjf tallllooi of m-jtb-tn aad tblklr.a, from tb. f..U Infant of on week oil tOtb Ml tit. It aA on); rtlleffi tb chQ J from p'n, but InTljcr- atn tb tlamck and bowl, comet acUll, nJ tltfi te an tn.rtr , U vbd j.ttm. It will almMt liuumly rrllx Uuriaa iv tii Iliwru. ffnt Couc. VrUUfll lb 11.U aul Siuttf nmrijla lb World, In all owl cf DYSEXTtnV and DIA1U KIIOJ.VU CUILtllU-?, wblir It ulari from t:h. luc or frvra acjr utbr tani. fall dilution for utloj lll aouupanr neb bottU. Noc O.ouln ualM the bMlnula vf CL'RTiai TCaiUXi", Kw Vork I m tb cxiull. r,Tr. Mi by all llrtlrla Vvlti. IMacil OOtt, II UtJ OUMl AW .OIK. I'aic (.mr U Cut n Donu. KIPIMITON1 1 CO, 414 and 411 Front 8U lUn Tran-I.M, ac21mll AKtnH Ur C-U'farnla. S-T-1COO--X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION BrJ7EBS, I hey purli'y, ireuctl.en and .1 .. 1 n h Tbry crealu a benltbr apno Tbcv are an autldotj to tine niter and dirt. Tliry otercome eflccti of dlulpatloa and late hour. They Mn-nslbcn the iytcm and cnllren tbc mind. Ther yrcreut mlatmlc and Intermittent feveti. Tbey purify the breath and acidity of tue Momacu. TlirT curr dtriM-noIaand cnnntli)atlr,n. they cure dlarrbwA, cbokra and cbokra murDu. Ther core liver complaint and nervoui bead ache. Tlier arc the bet bitter In the world they make the wrak nun rtrouir. and art alMutua uauat t mtai rtuortr. uiej r mad,) of puruSL Croix Rum. Iliecdil-ratnl CalMya Hark, root and hrrlx, and are taken wilti the proure of a bet rrajie. with out regard Ui ae or lime of (by. Particu larly recuuimrndrd to delicate pertom re quiring a Kvnlle fllinulant. Sold by all Grucir, Drui:lU, llottl and Saloon. 1. 11 Diiikb & Co.. New Vork. My Smith & fUvw. of Portland. Anenl. THE VEUY BEST LIQUOItS CaUaStilJJdtt 0$E.-BIT AGIASS, Of wbkb yon ca bo utbiSvl by LdlllCg kt U EXPRESS SALOON. WE keep constuntly on hand the U-tt tif Wises, Llquoi-s am Cig ar, olid int lie our frltu.lt uiul ilio public 10 call and ltt thtni. We haw reduced the '49 price heretofore pieviillliig.ond are ci'iifiJi nt of our ability in inuke a fair liv itijj by furnlfliifii: tin- Get uitivib) at ley it mule pnat for J8C3. LUNCH at 11 A.M, and 10 ', M. let tit ofru'icancr. R. K. MYERS & CO. JaclLnmi,Joly'.a.HB- augllf PETER BRITT. IMiotusrnpliic AitW, It prepatt-d to tuko p'clurnaln ctery tyl of the art, iwih all tbo late lnpro)yuiWJl. If Picture do net jjlve ratlfftptfin. uo charge lll U- wade. Call ut hi nu' Gl Icry, on the hlllrrxaralae bis picture, om ltYor;curlikcaM. - THE OREGON SENTINEL. lavto KTcnr wKDNwiur add satcrhat. I1E.1HY DKCT.I.IOUIl, PnVr anil Prop'r ScRscmrtiox One year. In advance, Five Dollar; Six month, Three Dollar. AnriiiTisiMi t)nc'qunre (10 linn or lc"), flrt nerilon. Three Dollara s each Milm-rjueiit Itifcrtlon. Ono Hollar. A d It count of (lfly rnrtviit will be aaJo to thote wno nutrruv ny me Trnr. ar U&l Trod.r rerlrJ atcarrtiil rat. advertTsers Rr arollcatlnn to I'oMinaitcn and Mall Crtrrlcrii. you can li-arn that the Seml-wrekly Okkwiv euvriNKi. haf by far n larger circu lation p lie ctmntiea oi souiurrn un-pou and Del Notta ctmnty. California, than nny o III it paptT. Tbt Tact rbould commend the Shxtimx to you a a tupcrlor medium for adrvrtltlni;. I.I4T nr Aotvti, who are authorized to tranct nny butinr concerulni; till pa per. In lli tiamo of the piilillhcr : Ij. I. Flthcr, San KranclKo; Wad-worth & Rnync, Vrrka; Dxt Kmry, Athland; S. C. Taylor. I'lnrnlx; V. V. Fowler. Apple catc; II. 8, Dtitil.xp, William-lmrp; John R. I'rlndle.KrtbTrlllciA.II.McIlHnln.Waldo; R.J. Foihe,' Waldo; Wj M. Eran. Alt bouc: Jio'l Thoru. Canvonvllle: A, R. f Flint, Rocburg; Ianc R Moorrti, Salim; J. 11. UnilcrwooU, tuptne Uily; l-. bimrmau, Orecon City; D. W. Wakefield, Albiny; P.cnjainln Cook, CorrnlK; J. II. Smith, Crescent City; Albert Doollttte, Happy Camp. BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. Tcuranimcn to vit ka vn tiik ckntim:!. Dates to August 31st. Wartilnglon, 20lh-lnrnrmallon ha been received of a klrrnMi ltteen a delnch Dientof the tti-cond Mnnchuetti colonJ rexim'-nt, and Moby' cavalry. 1 ho attack tin made by Muby. Our men. numbering but twentv-ilve. wer atturki'd' In front and reur at the nmt tlmf. They fought nobly. I.OM. two killed, three womidiii and uluu taken prhvtiirr. lon-ethcr wilb all their hore. Illtern of which ert afler)tAr,Kla captured. Thu vititny' lo ai two of- Ocer killitl and four mm wounded. Mo-1 by hlmnlf w wound"! In two place, It 1 lielieved mortally. I lie enemy wainiicr nardtcbotedlrusi Ccntvrrille to Sotcker't Gap. FortrcM Monroe, 20tb. Tho Richmond Dtrfrtch, of lo-day. ha tho following: Charleston, 27lh. The enemy' attack on our rifle pit Wedmaday night. 2Clh. m mode a!out nevtn o'clock. They were In orcrivhelmnlng force. OnThuixlay the tiring on both Idt wa flow, with no iiuum at Incident. Charleston, 28'h. The Iwinbardment of Fort Snmptir and Wagner proceid tlug. Wily. Tho enemy I working bard In the trriiche In front of Wagner. No further attempt hat been made to hvll the city. Philadelphia, 301b. Tho iteamerlhrmu da arrlted from Port Royal, on Wednesday roornins via Cbarleton. Tho Captain re port that Wagner l not jet taken, and cannot be taken at procnt. Reconfirm the report of Fort Snmpter having Iwen knocked to piece. Further naval opra- lion win iw carrieil on wunniit regnru wj Wairner, the capture of which will b Uft to Gllmorv. Hcndqunrlerf. Army of Potomac. 2!th Flted--rterwrriihut today, ThltUlhc liut rxecuilnn of that claM that hat takoit place In tbl array. Wahlncton. 50lh.There U no Informs Hon at either the War or Navy Department that our ting tvavta ore i oru humier una Waauer. Surgeon Gen. Ila-JjiAopj bo been direct ed to make hi headquarter In thu Depart ment of tho Gulf luiii'I further order. Additional rolN of the rrbeb taken at Vlck'burg have len received liy the War Department, which hyh'II thu Hit to 33,000, Stevenwin. Ala., 28th. The Army of tho Cumberland ha crowd Iho Tenntte riv er at four point to-dav. with Infantry and cavalry. The Second Ky., t-antuml thirty. unvuirj. ni'" . "pi"i "" v-jgiiy Airw wriK previuu. m live ulcket at point nppoIte nttenn.lir,fll.i. ,ievie.uof omcof tho moil mi Gen. Reynold captnriil u largo force al ,flr5p0UI Bd itileiil xjlltlclani. The Shed Mound, and took the cmnp on 'allaKioowforDMinejiiol'ludirt wm. by precon Water Creek. Anions tte captiireAace Urn I ..., ,. .w ,.,i n, ni-uinnor tho outbreak. notoriou guernllit May and. the Tenmawo rtbl Congrewman, Cannon. Llllle or no remittance wa made in our eroding. Tho rebel aro renortid to lw In (orce at Roma nnd Clomlaud, along the Georgia Statu railroad. Cincinnati!, 50. (it n. UunuM'j I In the region of Kiugnton, and, i-xpicl an attack to U inado ou (hat pUeu during the coming ck' Warrenton Junction. Va SOtb. A dl- patch lMJut Ui received fton) Falriax MY!" inn utv ,uhiiw v"ii""'Yi , Mwly w 'hot Ittloo fit tho bowelliand bfeatl Qaialrylbut biftujtlit. Iu mUoier llior-ireni'lnrnnnKl bvcitfZenU r tattt that DraiunJ'.U, tUrdy, that- MwVy dh'el iiioi piaiw uiw lo-iiiiuiiy .. '"7. ""ri,rf, in u,e tieople of KtiitucKji- rxpoij, nrar that place on Friday. The nrlroner" do not doubt report, a he wanproaauncrdi mortally wounded. While now couiniiuid Confedvralc force north of railroad, New York. 311. rntuar'i fpcelal dl- patch from ths Army of the Potomac baa the following, dated' the 30th: No ntove mrutit hate taken placa excetit among cav alry detachment, onu ot which,. from Kill pAlrlck command. chacd a few Riicrrlll, yetrnl.ty; dear Stalford' Court Houic. Itrrull not bcon.reportcd. Unit. Parker, of Meade' tff. Ii up-po-id tobavabeen captured, by Guerrilla, lilt left headquarter lo visit 3jd Manachu- H'tt, hla former regiment, receolly,' ojw dei parted thence on Ills return, anil naa not luce been heaid from. Vohluirton. 3IL Wednesday. Aiifint 12th, Lieut. Wotxl, Confediraio navy, left Richmond' with 71 men, and four boat londitl upon wagon, and about a down wnKoiKcoutainlnf; itorr, ammunition, etc. Kxnedltlou crorml Chlckahoinlny river. ami inking the route of the army of tbo renlnula. crootl I'nmunKy ami jinnajum river on Saturday, and reached Piimkulouk river. The Intention of Lieut. Wooil -at to rurprlro the gunboat ttntlontil nt thla point, kilt or capture the crew and then put to no. Every preparation mude for niece. The expedition wa n-med with rlllc nod rullawe. On Saturday the forco wa divided. C4 men to CO with I.leitt. Wood, and tho balnnco In remain with tho wason. On Saturday night the party ret nut In boat, and loon reached the nelch- bnrhood of the gunboat. Hut Initead of iirprMtifr tho cn-w the relwl were mrrrl ed ihemH'lvt. When within tlirro hulidrid yard the giinlmat wa InMunlly Illumin ated, and inch deadly discharge ourrd In to rebel boat, that only Lieut. Wood and four men ercaped. New Vork, 3lt. Timt't dlpalch from Wahingtou ay that Ilia cnl!tmrnt of col ond troop I progreralug finely In the low er countlei of Maryland. Negroe aro glad lo enllet In order to ecano avrvllude. Their owner are generally nbel or secea tlon rympathlzcri. Philadelphia, 31it Richmond paper of the. 29th announce tho death of John It. Floyd, at Addlngtou. XhlcAKO. 31LMIour) advfcfi by xtay ofCalroane recffved to the 13th. Very JmpoiiAht mlKtary inoemrnta am golni; mi. iml Iholr eiei nainro 1 mil lald We ore aerurrd. however, thai we oaii oon hear of event which will nuku u frjlce. ..... . ...... - .- .- . -- - . New Yrk, Slit. Money q-ilelj rterllug. flrmer, quiet J'J, Hotnn. Mlhr-Memorial diplomatique, nf dale AngiiU Iflth, ray hi lllghne. Arch Duke Maximilian accept, with the content pf hi augutt brntber, Kmperor of Auftrla, the crown of Ne Mexico. I, Coratimro MnTBaiicvr intTwuxji lUnri.s Sooth axd 'DrMociUTSNoiiTit. Daniel & Dicklnton, In a cbarocterlttlo rpvecli mad at Ulnghtinlon, New York, a!d : Tho recent conwrvallvo meeting In the rliv uf KVw York, called bv mimo radical Ill-iUturrd ptopld a riot ahd n mob, It will, be Men came oft about Die U of Lcu'a. movement Into Pvnurylvanla nod the raid. or Morgan ami otner Into Uino anu In diana, 'fbi-re are it thouiand evidence comblnUg to wove tlml lhe Kveral move mint hail an Intlinato relation to each oth er, and each one wai will undemtood by all othirr, or by thoe who helped plan the whole. Tb omlnoiu giving out which precetded them -Iho foreign recognition Ihermometer In England and France, where the mercury row a ttxcdlly at UiU Juuc lure and imuulianojly the confident and liimlent tone of tho Confederate prcM-tbu mlxloii of the rll Stephen to Wwhlug ton the Cpprla! cutnplAceney a tin iu,hwiiIji iu liuiieurattd and urotre- lug. wid It waUfiuJly on their failure tho muttering or Lee, In hi luglorloii retreat, ihat be hml not been ricelvid and tupport- td by bii Norrbirn friend a ho expected, and a whole cloud of wltnee beIdi. prove that tbo New York miivtmeut wa a part ofniid Intended to be dlrtclly In aid ol tlu? cauw of rtlcllloii. Tho drult wa nurely prttenre, and hvl really no more lo do with ttlmulatlng tbo action of tbo .il. lli. in tbt, Oimker mettllllf held III the cilv a few wetk prevlou. Tho whole wa j j, j waJ Uj,pd !y tho manager of 1 1)0 Bf(lIr ll)U tLvy cpuM at ltd tli;ie, and UpOII tbl QCCOlon, IK-lier eniouuy mm i,iitpverrwbeller Influence tbo pauion of thu Iguomut and prrjjidieed, and letter turn to political wcouil, and wheel In aid of tho rebellion, n rjot v'ominenced In in o tpntibli) ititinsc to tho draft than ottter vi I.e. ! 'I'liR LiUlaVllle7ulll7l UIMlMlUruIf Hot Mr. l!niiriult)ii. when ho fouud that lie l-utli :,., Y,y lU jj,,,, julive, made .up Ida I mind to iliclule n.oi;iiii ami rarovtv mc ing them o perfurni nil their, dullr W, iUuilvn wjJ lo.lLe.Uuiou in tbU.tcffli b! cria:. ,-i t ' Pbactioai. IirMONUN Nar.o Kquam-", tt. Suva the intubari; imuiit: Anvu the pawing event or thrttf trnngo an I troulilnu time, there In nothing mora ru nmrllnhle, iierli!i, tlian tho vuiMeii con rertion which linn laken plflcc In the mtntlt nf the Copperhrndu, In regard to Ihectjuai- lly between itirni and l lie negro race. j few wcrks ngn thwe lbilant trallotu or, b!uhtncly tleclarrd that n black man .wax " no licltrr limn n mule." uml " bail Up rights which n while man waa bound' lo rrpect," Now, however, Ihow nf thcta who hare been rlccifil to aervt'Unckfiom for. three jcar,.ln the mparllj of toMier. to fight for the Chnntltntlon n lt"ln;h and their deeply Intrrrdtrjl frlendi, Mo)yi Ing n limit tlie lreeli tilling I ho mot pro fotimj obedience lo Iheir colored "brtlh"' ren," and in tho mojt itninnatlng- nntl' li grntiatlng innnner begging thnt they would take tliclr pMre In the rank. What an omlnou rrvotntlon In the opinion o( three ' wliitr-kM'' genlrr, who former! were afraid of being pollnled. (IrgmdcAj and even tunc, by tbo touch of a colorfd, hand I An Incident occurred on Fourlli trel, yelenlny, hearing on thl aiihjrct, which we think dwcrvrn lo he reeorilrd'ln mrmo-. nam nt. A ilmflrd CoppcrliAad hailed colored man whom he nw oiuthe oppoalte iila of the atrret, nnd. having crowed oxer, nccoMcd him in the moil futmlUr anil, en dearing manner. He grnrl hi hand. nrmly, and aald 1 "Why dnim, Uon'l yon know mo J" See here. John. I havo been drafted now, and It don't mit mo to leave home nt prewnt. I don t Irel very well, and my family It in nrh n condition llmt it would nnt 'lie prudent for mo to leave them. If yon will fnle mv fiatt, I will give you two hundred dollars. " I couldn't, lr." ' Oh yr. John, you cbik Now do It for me. ih'a time." Yfbr, lw me, I am ilrafletl nivrelf: and I olTored a while man four dnndred dnllnm. thlimorrv. ng. tognai mr nnbtlliite, and ho woald not take It." The venom wni evidently taken out of the coppetlitnri'i fans i hla face wai as pal, ai death ; he licroWril fearfully nt the kneel, ond n he wan(houf to rwoon nway Into a plrninnl dream Mxiul draft and the equality of tho negrtj,1 rani,, our Informant Irfl. Ax Ikoidknt nr Soutiikrm LirK. .A correspondent of tl.o Mlajourl Deroocrol, writing from Yaton City, July 14tb, tt lale the following incident; " I wih relate an Incidrot wlilclt. necur red thl inonilnir, at Iho expense of a gal lant vouni: mildler. He wai nronctiPi around town, when hi nttrntinn wan at tracted to a Mab'o or very nne norae. While admiring their fine nolnti he-w urpricd by thetarin'oranco of a very lac, uniting young lady u iw emergen iron nnolhir part of the hnrre hnufo, and bow. wl lolite!y, and milled klllip'y upon him. lie itainincred nut tomflhln'lnVe an apol ogy for hi n-emliifr Inlrtwion, mixing up the word prnclanwtiim. nnd 'cVmflicatlmi, etc., and ciulcil by lulling who wai tha owner of the n'oce. ' Dr. Necly," repllfd the lady. "And ynu yon arc his wife?" aalJ the loldier, doublingly. " No," Mid the lady, "Then bl ikughttr ?" tbl wni ald imillngly. " No." "Ill niece, perhap t" endearingly, " No j no relation that I know of." "Then a lady friend on a villi J'pua ilngly. No, not that either." Will, then, may I bu permitted lo k who you are T" " Cvrtalnly," replied lite laily, who ImJ enjoyed tho roMier dicninQture . with . plituant rrllth, " I am lilt ihive." Tbo noldier gave one long, lott lingering look, onl wth a tow whittle, tkw)idled. But lie coiimdi hiui.'lf, by wring llmt ti would fool unloJy." PaoFiiKTio. Col, Moron, a illallnu'h. cil Virginia, a mepilier f I he Upnveollon wljlcli fnrniei! Iho Coimllullon, vajii pro phet I rally : ' Every mutter of tavrj I born a pet ty tyrant. They bring the judgmnt of heaven on u country, A nntjoit caiinot, bo rewurded or punMicil In iho next world, they mutt be la tlilf. II? o liievllabto elmlii of cuuria niuli (iect I'roviiVneu puuWic Datlunul Urn by national cultuil, tlci." The Naw York JI'piMJCoppirlieail) -tlnijtw tlml, Jetr. Davl' lait Unc(ipiiiin can not add lo hi arinle more than 9V QUO men. and that ll only about fi.OOO mora than Id hfjM nmouulcil to fof th$ mouth ending July 8tli. A Loyal paper, caUpjl !io fVrftqi,l'n olrinily been ilorted nt Port lludwrn, It wiy most of the paroled rekU' will net light Bgoluiblbt Uoion njfulu an'tr' forced. Iv. 4