fye Bxt emttiel. rrsJtiLirnii3ri"E3Eirnrrr'Tr-T rrrac-'jnrarzirsarncfi.-wrsc rstnsjrsjrvTx: 5 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1803. VOL. VIII $0. 64. fflu mMBl mww g fl tjj I. C). O. I--Jacksonville Lodge NO. Ill liuM It reRiiHr meet- t.4 WL Cy TSsi wi'uk In each month, mid on ii xw i iai nil vriun.v in urn ium i7. C."r7VV' .'! i i ...,1. l..i........l..M -Jr ' VtCS?7 wet, nl the Mimonle Hull, nt f.oclnclc i m. llruthi'rit In boihI Ktitatlliijcmo tnvlftnl Uttcu.l. WSI. HAY, N. U. Him .1. Day, It. Scc'y. Tiintoet. ,l;u. . Snt1 cy. Sntton, Hunry PoiilInjriT nm! (. II. IWrU. Warren Lod?o No, 10, A. F. & A. 21. A HOLD their regular cominunl- xwctitloiiB tliu W'tlni'iliiy Kvoniiigou Vor preceding tltu full moon, in jack- tONVU.LK, OUKOOX. ALKX. MARTIN, W. M. II. Rl.nnv. Scr'i. OREGON CHAPTER NO. 1, - O F KOYAL AKCII MASONS, JACKSONVILLE. Ollk'GOA', "Will Itoltl it regular communications on tlic PI rut Nntimlny Kvc. nrKvrry Month. All Fojournlng Companions lit good vtuiming uve coulinlly invited to attend. g. w.grhur, u. p. I.. SaH3. Pee'v. dvcS'A't V. WM. POLTIIITT. JAJtKsS I). KAY. DOUTHITT & FAY, ATTORNEYS AM) COUNSKLORS AND SOLICITOUS IX Oil ANClttlY, .TaCKWO.NVIM.K. OuiHJON, Will practice In tliu Supremo mid oilier Cptirlx of this Slnto. March 4. 'lis. R. B. MORFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jackkonvii.i.k, Okkcon, TT7ILL prnct'co in the hcvit.iI Courts of llio First Judical District, nnd in tlm itprom Com t. October 'JO. '02. B"F DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JaCICSONVILLK, OltCMOH. Will practice in alt the Court of the Thtrd Judical District, the Supreme Court of Ore eon, mid In Vrclcu, Cul. War Scrip prompt ly colluded. Out. IH. J. GASTON, (Sncctwor to Itccil .1 flntuli) ATTOltNKY AT LAW. Jacksonville Okkuon. IJspeeiul nttciition crl vein to collection -eaHV. Jtniu 10, X(i:i. 40 Q. W. GREER, rIYSlOIAN AN!) SURGEON. Office nMilt Ri-iliti-iicc on Ore-gun St. .1 ACKSONVII.LK, OltKntlK. Where nil thou knowing themselves lr (iiilittd to him. on note or book ticciv.int, will plonoo. villi mid settle tip, or their tic coiiiit will he plum! lor collection in the bands of my attorney. My old j-u'roiiH will still find mc, aetvr, ready to attend to my professional duties. Miiy IS. 18U:I. umvlitf PETER BRITT. Photographic Artist, la prepared to tuku pictures in every style of the iirt, with nil the late improvement!!. Jf 1'ictures do not give satisfaction, no charges will he minlc. Cull nt his new Gnl ery, on the Mil. examine his pictures, mid It for your llkene-H. PUGAN & WALL, FOEWABDIHa AND COMMISSION MBROHAITTS, Rrlt-k IJulliHup, Cor. Front & V MtPtcU. CKKSOKNT CITY, GAL. W! J attend to the llefielvliiR nnd For- wividini: of nil Good culructed to their euro, with prniuptiicft? nnd dii-p:toh. CoiW;iiin)!tits ollcIlv(. 'letehuudibe re ceived on floni(;e. Credent City. April 11. ISfi.'t. 15 K. D.-N'o ond delivered until tliofrclt?lil Mil cIiui'kch urn pnld. I), .t W. j. now, IIIUI.KU I.N ClfiARS, TODACCO, FRESn FRUITS, STA'I'lONKRY, (JONF13C- TJONKRY, FIRFAVORKS. KTC, Ntxi ilour to Iliiulliiuy A AV'adc. T have just opened a new storo nnd ptoclc J. cd it with n choice vurlnly of the nbovc mentioned nrticlcN, mid oiler them for sale nt the lowest living prices. The hcot of clgnr.s mid chcwltiir tnlmccn will bo Kept coiiRtuntly on limid. Those desiring n'iy ijrliolo in my Hkc will tavu money bv trlv lg me n c-.. J. U()V. v .laeltsonvillc. July 1, ,C.1. .ilUf IIJ.USTUATKI) PAlMiKS Ilnrpci? Wi'dclj, Fiuuk I.cslio'H, Ynnkcc No tions, etc., rogiiluilv received and lor cile nt tlm VAUIKTY HTORK. 1)A0K-8Ai)DI.rcS cnnstuntly on linml my Harness nnd Knihllcrv'csiulilish ieot. 15 HENRY ,IUI(JE. THE OKEtiON SENTINEL. I.Ui:i KVKKV Wi:HXK9IIAV AND katimiday. IIISMIY 11RKMNGCR, Pub'r unci Prop'r SfitsciitiTiov One year. In advance. Five Dollars; Six monthc, three Dollars. Aivi:i:ti.si.vi Uue initnre (10 lines or lt"-), Hivt Insertion, Tnm Dollars ; each Hubseqiicnt iiiHcrtioii. One Dollar. A die count of llfly percent will bo made to those who ndvci li-e hy the vear. A& I-'cat Tender tecolvcd at current rate. ADVERTISERS. By application In lVluin'ler nnd Mnil CarrieiH. you can lenrn Hint theSetui-weckly OitKiiox Sknti.nhi. has by fur u larger circu lutioii in the cntmticH of Southern Oregon mid Del N'ortu county. Californin, than any other paper. Thin fact Hhutild eoininend Ih'e Scntinki. to you tin a superior medium for advertising. Lt:rr oi AonxTrf. who nre tiutliorizcd to transact tiny bunine? concerning tliin pa per. In the uaniii of Hid publisher : i, P. Fisher, fiiui Frauoifco; Vndworth .t Itiiyiivx, Yieka; Kber Hinrv, Anhland: S. C. Taylor, I'limnix; W. W. Fowler. Apple gale; It. S. Diinlnp. Wlllinni'burg; John It. I'rlmllp. Kerbyvlllo: A. M. MclUnlu. Waldo: It. J. Forbes, Waldo; Wr,. M. Kvnn, Alt house: Joel Thorn, Cauyonvlllc; A. It. Flint. UoMiburg: Nanc It. MooreH, Salem; J. I!. Underwood, Mugeiie City; F. Cliarman. Oregon City; D. V. Wakelleld, Albany; llenjnmln Conk, Corvallin; .1. II. Smith. Crc-ceut Cily; Albeit Doollttle, Ihippy Camp. BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. TKLKOiurm:!) to yhkk i ran tiik hektini:!. DntcRto AtiL;nstS!)t!i. ForlrcsH Monroe, 'J8th. . Major Sloven Hon, with fnriy men ul the lid iviriincnl of Pa. artillery, made a rcconnoitmu:e in armed sicauur .Siuilli up (!liickahomitiy. Monday. !Mihv lie went 10 miles up mill dcitroyi'd u uii''il).'r of small boalH. When ulinui nine miles fiom the mouth of the river ihcy werti n'.liicknl by 400 of Roliliwmfo cav airy, mid rctiuli-'eil thein. They deHiroveil the liuililiug iikI by Robinson n licuil (jnnrti rs. The expedition iclurneil with out Iu.-h sifler ubtuitiing ull inforuiution de Hind. ThnSavanrAji A'ut't of I81I1 Hny it is estimated llmt the mimher of Holdicr now in the Confedeiute servitu rcudv fur the field, is fi7.'J.C()(). It mliln tlmt'tliiH liu iiuclieil neatly liulf our lighting pop iilution. New Yorlf,U8tIt.-(Jnid 21. Washintrtnii, 2Sllt. Xavy Depnrlmrnt Ims information of tin ritptuie of the Km;, lisli kcii'w steamer Croustadl, for violating thu blockadu nt Willminfjtiiii, by Hlemiiir Rhode Island, with her augo of cotton, to bacco nnd tuipenliiiK'. Rear Adnrral e'iniiiiinicates ivi-ulin of the expedition up WIiiic river, which adds iiolliimr to rcsitlls already known. lie confiinn reports tlml tln rebels are fnililying bayou Mel'M. I'riei! and Kirby Siniih urcutLiillo Rock. Marmaduke ia also near that pluce. n.iltimore, 28lh. The iunbont Satclilc nnd lug Reliiiuco, .willi the ciews of both voxels-, were capture on b'aiind.iy. 22d, by the rebfl.1, near the mouth of I hi Rajipa hnunock. The Ciptnin of tliu iajteltto If iqim led killed. Xnaii, 18th. Reports say (piito r. riol look place nt G'laylown, heiuccii peop'e undMildieis. Two liuiwltctl ami three on both tdiTcs killid. Seicrnl bloekado run ni'irt hull returned to Nnssnii. One per Savannah. Miy? old walls of that city laid been demolished. Memphis, 2filli. Advicca from New Oi leans to the 2(lih have been received. The sleumer Oniyicr, with tliu 49ih Illi noi.s on board, collided with the Hlcinur Dos Arc, ten miles below Memphis, pink ing the former neur tliu shore. Some lives were lot. Stunt say forty, but it is nol beliowd. Five thousand rations, bag-jajje mid fiO.'OOO rounds of umniuuiiion lot. Fortress Monroe, 28ih. Tho Mobile TiiLniic ol 18th say, there are now sixteen vcsels in the harbor of I'ctisneola, some of which ure vessels of war nnd Iraniorls. The Yankees are building two iinuieiisu bos' pitals nt llio navy yard. All iho negroes are being sent to New Orleans to be placed in Yankee tcgimtnts. Memphis. Aug. 2flih. Information has been received Irom Aikansas to thu effect that Kirby Kniilh had been itivostcil ns Provincial Secretary of War, will) full power to net ns he deemed best, without nwaiig general orders from the nbel War D'parinient. Ili'i head quarters tire at gillie Rock, which is now thu grand cen ter of ('onfcdcrulii military operation in the traiis-Missippi depurtmc'iit. Headquarters1 Army of Foloatac, 28th At noon to d.iy n party of guerrillas nt tacked n paity who iuu cnnylng mad from u cavalrv division stulioned at llaj' wood chinch, killing ono and cnpturini; lour. They took tliu mad, mid made their escape curly this morning. Threu rebel Hurgennt were captured on ill's side of the Rappahannock by our troops. They will bu Healed us spies. 'ew Ymk. 20th. A spceinl dispatch to the IForA snvs, the icbels made u dm inir raid on thu Rappahannock, on Thurs day, capturiiu: two gunboats of the Iilo mne (lolilln, mid the revenue cutler I'm man. The rebels came oil" with small boats. They dashed on lyslie, which they succeeded in lukiuir. mid u signal was then made to the I'uiiimn which also caun into their clutches. Rich gunboat carried one Dalgren gun. The iiiouth of thu Rappa hannock i blockaded. It is not believid thul llic icbels will be able to get bouts out of the river, otherwise they tniulit come up the Potomac mid do much damage. Advices from the tinny of the Potomac say that it is quite plain that Ivu low no intention of criHuiug the Rupidati. Deser ters report that hu will soon fall back. (Jincinimtti. 2ith. Lain infornintion from Vickwbunr report the dculli of (Jen. IVmbi'i ton, killed by Tcvm sohliers. No pailiculnrs eiven. A nuinoroii-dy at tended meeting held nt Phtlin, Tenu., passed reso lutions cxpiesiii'' n desiie to rcluin to the Union, mid rcpudiatinir I be act of srcfisioti paxs-ed in I8(!l. The Mth tinny cop; bus been transferred by general (Irani to the army of the (Jnlf. I'rcparnliniM were be itiir made nt New Orleans, on thu lOlh, lor a movement in some direction. Forlrc.ea Mnnroe, 28lh Thrt luu' boat We-iiern World, juit arrived from tin fled off Wiliuini'ion, reports that on Tuesday afternoon, 2fih. one hour before she left tin steamer Florida uriivnl from off I'linrlcMon. with positive news that Fort Slimier nnd Wagcnor had fallen und were ocupicd by Union troops. Thu stars and s'ripcq triumphantly wave over both forts. The Union troops were in tin best spirits, nnd certain of tliu speedy reduction of Fl. Moultrie. New York. 2f)lh. The following f ml dilional by flibrnia : Tin London Nrm. referinir to Mexic. says that it is useless to deny Ihnt the feeling is that the Kniper or Nnpoleon has donu great service, both to the political nnd commercial world, in extinifiiishing the Monroe doctrine and re slorintr Intercourse with n nation of micIi vast iiniinrlanco of tcrritoty. The Poles hml defeated the Russians at Luzzjut, und captured 20,000 ruplcs. San Fnnclpo. .Iflth. DNpalcho- stnle thai should. Charlevlnu bo taken, General ISutlcr will be placed In command. Soma Ihree hundred of White's cuerrlllns r.rns.cd the Votonuic at WhlleV find. yester day, nnd cobbled up nout forty of our men. nnd n number of tenuis belonging to tho Ohio und Chesapeake Lminnl Company. Fortress Monroe. 2!)th. A dNpalch from Newborn ny-. on Ihu morning of Iho 1 Vt It n lurire sloop of war. of ten gnn. liv ing the UrilMi flag, swept pat Iho blnckad-er-. and Immediatelv lioM d the rebel II ig and ptised into Wilmington, Tills is the lourtli relict vcssti ol war lual linn uiu tlilH blockade within six weeks. U'bl paper8, received nt Wonlthrnd Cily. say thatJeir Davis has deolded. after a con ference with thu (lovcrnors of Iho Coufed-c-nto States, to call out half n million of black troop, who are to rcoelvn their free dom and lll'y acres of laud, at Ihu closu of thu war. Trenton, N. J., sntb. Volunteering in this Slain proccedhur briskly. It is llioiightlhat the tpiola will be lille'd In a few days, thus doing away with thu nccewlly of ad ra It. New York, 2!Hb. llcrmnda advices to Iho 2flh have been received. Tho rebel steam er Ghidlnlor had arrived thete. The rebel steamer Robert Leu repot ts having 'been chased by a Federal cruiser for five hours, and compelled to throw ovcrlr'itrd threu hundred bales of cotton to ("cape. Thu Florida was seen on the 2d(h with u ship in tow, in latitude 25 nnd loullndu (17. Tho Xtttional Intelli.'tnccr publishes n let ter from n gentleman who has traveled through Virginia, Georgia. Not lb Carolina and Alabama, who says should a proclama tion be published offering pirdiin to llnwi laying down their arms, great good would co'mu of it. I'aymastkks i.vtiik Aiimv. Maj. Geo. Mtirstou, Paymaster U. S. Army, uriived by the last Fieamer from the East, und has been directed to pay the tioops stationed nt Wallu Walla, Lapwai mid Rolse. Mnj. Frnneis will pav thein nt(he Dalles, ritl at Colville, while Maj. V.'inMon will, ns heietofuie, disburse gold and greenbacks to the biave defendeis of our rights who ore located wct of tH Cascade tuoimtcius -'Ortsuniun28l. ult. Alleged Important Discovery in Smelting Copper. From tho S. Y. llultettn of Aiir. VUtli.) We Inn u been shown u sneolinen ol clay like subtmice which Is called tin hydratid sillicate of cadmium. This substance. If It po?-esnn Ire peculiar properties for fluxing metals which are claimed for It by lt dis cover, bids fair to create a revolution in Ihu art of copper-smelting, nnd will enable Cal ifornia to export the puru metal Instead of tliu ores. This slllicalc of cadmium was discovered on n ranch In Contra Costa county by James T. McDoitgall, who brought sdinn of It to this cily to experi ment on for I lie purpose of exlractliig Hie Cadmium, but found great dllllcully In do hit: so without going to Ion great cxpeicc to makii it prolltablu lo work. William Nlel, a copper-smilli. (who Is nlo n, practical chemist and mlnerologlst,) on who- preml res Mr. MoDougall was experiiueiitiuir. was impressed with tlm Men that thu substance might bu useful for fluxing metals, and on thu ultempts to extract cadmium failing, he. at the solicitation of Mr. McDougrill, made various trials with it lit ennectlou with other nnteilals. In these trials Mr. Kiel succeeded in making what he claims to b ihu best llux known for smelting copper. The great value of tlilu discoveiv, lie says, lies in the fact that in one smelling with llux. copper can bu obtiitteil of fiom UK to D!) per cent, purity, while the icsMiim, com posed of other tn"lals und impurities, con tains but a lucre trace of copper in it. Thee tests have been made with every de scription of copper ore. ovides, sulphates, or whatever form in which copper has In cu found In California, Nevada, or Colorado. In over two bundled nssays made by Mr. Nlel, It Is stated llmt every one has been successful in extracting thu etitiru copper which was in thu ore. When thi" process Is compared with the mot approved processes In use eK'whero to fiip'H and purify cupper, the value of the alleged discovery can hardly bo over-estimated. Ity tlin'Swainseii (Wales) process tho richest of copper ores have to be smelt ed four times, while tho poorer grades of ore hiivu to undergo from eight to twelve diftVreut smelting and other processes, be fore It becomes puru enough for commer cial uses. The high freights, sincltln,'. nnd other charges upon shipments of copper ore to foreign ports; the long delay In receiv ing relurns, H)),i t lie blub rates of Interest charged upon ndvanccs, combined, form a large sum which Is in favor of smelting here; mill this new (lux. If It in cxtcnMvu practice proves nil that W claimed for it, will soon cauo all our copp'T ores to bo smelted before exportation. This in tinu will stimulate mauufacliircis of copner for cummcic'ul iims. and tlm whole will open an extensive mid new fluid for prolltablu la bor for our people. Then.' Is another ndvuiitngn claimed for this dUrovcry, which It is said will almost pay ull tho expenses of smeltlnc. The slag arising from thu llux Is ol u hard, tenacious and glassy nature, but of beaittilul colors, according to thu combination of minerals In the ore sue'lted. This slag can be made In to water pipes, floor tiles, dour knobs nod many articles for which it Is well adapted, and be sold nt remunerative prices. Jtcau also bo UM'd for receptacles for cold chemi cal processes, as It Is said to be untiU'ected by nohR Tho supply ol ore cadmium is said lo ho inexhaustible, Ihu vein being Oil feet thick, and has been traced on the sur face over l.OOU feet in length. The mine Is owned jointly by Ihu discoverer, Mr. Mc Doitgall, mid thu ranch proptletor, but u sale Is now pending to u company, most of Ihu shareholdeis In which are interested in the various copper mines ol this Stale and Colorado Territory. Tho sum of SlfiOl) is being cxp1 ndfd to make trial of this fluv on u large scale, mid If thu result proves ull that Is claimed, extensive smelting worki will be erected on thu shores of thu bay, somewhere in llm vicinity of this city. Al though experiments have only been mndu with copper ores, it Is believed that this llux. Willi some few changes. Is erjually well adapted for gold and silver smelling, I'n vise roit Gkxkiivi. (VitvNr.Thn Mo bllu Kveniny A'vca of July UUt says editori al ly : Gen. Grant's conduct In paroling thu Viclc-burg prNoners Is to bu investigated, and we hop1) that his head will bu cut nil', for ho could not have struck a heavier blow to Iho Confideracy. Peiijhri ton's army Is dispersed, mid Texas mid Louisiana regi ments cro-sed tliu Missis-ippi river nnd nre lost beyond recall. Thu whole mas of them were precipitated upon Johnston's camp to cat up Ids stores mid discourngu ilenliniite lilu ranks und now thev are or dered to report to llm mine ofllcer a-i fast as tney mo exchanged, wiucii uiey win not io. as ihcy halo him. We put upon record, if Gen. l'emberton is aligned to the command of that army, it will bo c(,ulvolunt to nn edict consigning that army to annihilation. Not a tithe of it will ever bu gathered to gether again. There could be nn hiiihcr pralso bestowed upon General Grant. The following appeared on tho outside of n letter Irom a soldier, nddresu'd to a young lady, "soltlion's litter, r.nd i.a' n red. Ifard lack lu-tend i.f bivnd. Postmaster, shove this letter through, 1 ' vc wi' u stump, b.lt icv.'U moiitlrs' dac." Patriotic Kepovt. The Oitgon Conforebcu of tho M. K. Chtiicb. forlSG.I, adopted the following, which we copy from the Christian Advo cate : The Stars nnd Stripes flout peacefully over thu pluce in which we meet. To us, ' nt thu present moment, this is ti fact of gient siunilieiinee. We accept it ns the chosen diet ished emblem of our nutioual ' liberty, more dear to us than tiny other, save t'he precious cross of Ghrist. A ter rible und uncalled fur-rebellion, gigmiliuin its diinciision.J, unparalleled in ihu history of earth for atrocity and wickedness, has culled its myriad Inula to the biittle-fleld, mid we ure just now in the toils of a fear ful conflict to prevent the dismemberment, if not tfie desttuelion of the best Govern ment on the faeu of thu earth. Myriads of lives, mid over three hundred millions of ti ensure have been expended ill thu Klruuglc und the end is not yet. We mo fully convinced our cause Ih just, mid while its fortunes have been va rious, our ussiiraueu of final success lemains unshaken. The teccut nehievmeuts of our whole tinny enenurage us. Ond is for in ; nnd though we be severely utul justly Iried, lie will vindicate our cause. Wo long for peace ; but wc see no hope for it except in victory over every traitor in nrms, mid the conquest of every ncre of tebcl soil. In a crisis like the present, it is the inorU Folcmti duty of every citizen lo rally to thu support of u cause so trlorious in itself, mill mi vital to the very existcucj of lite nation. Therelore, llemli'cd. 1. That, as members nnd ministers of the Methodist Kphtcnpnl Church, In thu bounds of the Oregon Con ference, we cheerfully renew our vowsj of uncoutpromisimr und uneonditiouul loyalty lo the Uuiled Slates of America, u nation ality we gladly acknowledge, und resolve by God's blc-sing lo maintain. ' 2. That while il is our duty, enforced alike by thu word of God mid book of Discipline, to submit to. mid cooperate with, regularly constituted uiilhoritiiti, tvo ..ill most earnestly enjoin the Fame npon our people, " Putting them in mind to bo subject unto principalities, und powers, to obey niiigistiiitcg, mid to bu ready for good work." .'). That while wo recognize the right of tho people to discus's the measures, of the Government ; at the Fame lima we would counsel, that in thu present critical condition of public tiffiirs, litis right is to be exeici-cd with great foibeiiranee, cau tion nnd prudence-; cheerful obedience i nl her than criticism, lo the duty of lite hour. I. That our pruyers nnd our most ear nest efforts shall not bu withheld from the Government in its labors to crush the re bellion mid re-establish the Union. And we heieby assure the aulhnritiis nt Wash ingiou, mid the m my nnd navy of the country, that we symnuihi.i most pro foundly with their 'noble HlrugglcH utul sacrilici's. Nothing slnill come between us und them. William Roiikiitii, P. M. ST.vr.it. AV. .f. Franklin, David Rwtlkuok, Jail II. WiLnnt. ' Fmi.vn tiik SouriiKit.v Uis.vrt." Gen. Gilmore nl Charleston uppears to be " fir ing thu Southern lirnrt" lo som purpose. Hit is stirring up the South Carolinians by dropping Greek (ire into the lirnrt of their commercial ni'tropolis. The S mth Caro lina lire enters have met ft flic lll'y cannot cat. Fieic.e us t hoy are. it is beyond llieir pnweis of digestion. They uro ordinary sulatnnuders, but il takes the extraordinary kind to chuw up shells filled with such a " villainous compound" ns llmsu contained which Gilmore tossed into the sticets of Churleston. Tlm nest of reb.'l rattlesnakes, has been elf'Clually stirred up. For the men who began this infernal tcbelllon thu lake of fiery brimstone in iho pil of perdi may bo held in reserve, ; but so far us thulr career on this mundane sphere is concern ed, Greek fire is nn nvailnblo ti mi uppro priuto substitute. Greek fire has i aen deney to scorch where it fulls ; it is as tin (pieuchable ns llio pangs of remorse in n guilty breust. It is u " villainous com pound :" like treason, it " sum Hs to heaven." G reck fire, in short, must have bent orlg innlly designed for Charleston. Fancy thu suddenly awakened chivahy, ns tho brill limit but foul-smelling Hrc-bads fell mnoiig them, lenving tliu doomed cily " in n con tinuous ptriMini," holding their noses wilb. an intense disgust I Sac. Union, - A schoolboy being asked by his tencher how ho should flog him replied "If you please, sir, I should like to huvu it upon tlm Italian system Tho heavy strokes upwards and thu light strokes down. ....Mlll.. I ll..-.... - Some ono has discovered that the largest room in the wotld h thu " room fyr iiu-proveuivut."