--.....iwrffM T"T" TT" emfeiel e rM0ti JCi Xf&jj . - V : . t '" . Li! IliL .a..JtaafL. - 4- a'-.. itrexr.TrxTK3rrr J.--.T i-3E3C3a-.narn rrtmrrnJvt wi istaarrw vesftrxr srLiaLu-ruaftwiawtsLst-jti-ijErar csrty r-LT' ."mit tiriayytj:rgj: f ,-,- I ttrwpum 85 PER ANNUM, INJVDVANCK JACKSONVILLE, SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 1863. VOL. VIII ISO. 63. I. O. (). J Jacksonville Lodge ,N0. 10 lioliH (In rejzul'ir im-ct- iM Jv).-. itifCrt on Jii'iiiy m uia him l'"5f . Vii-rSV 7-- d .I....I... ..f ..,,.!, I....'.-. ...,!.... TlWr'.Jir i '. jr. ""'-J " - I....JI lllllill) S o'clock i. m. Iinittipn In irooit ftiiinlliijf run InyltcJ toBHcml. WM. JIAY, N 11. .yiui J. Mr, It. Fee'y. Tnnteo.1. .1. !. iftttton, Henry IV'.nllnjur ami t!oi.JI. l)Dfr!i. Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M. A HOLD their regular communl- gycutlons tliu Wednesday Evenings on Vor preceding the full moon, In jack- KuNVII.l.ti, OltKtlO.V. AMJX. MARTIN, W.M. II. Hmiom. Sec' i. ori:;on CHAPTER NO. .J, - o F -HOY AI- ARCH MASONS, jackson vii.i.ti. onnaos'. Will hold Its regular coinmuiiical ions on tlio first Mntnnlny Kvt. otKvvvy Mouth. All sojonrnlntr Companions In good Mantling uruconliiiHy invited to attend. G. V. GREER, It. I L. Saoiis. Scc'y. (kc8:17 ti. w. imirriiiTT. jamks w. kay. DOUTHITT & FAY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS i AT Xj-A-TW, AND SOLICITORS IX CHANCERY, JAf.'KSONVIl.t.K, OttKOO.V, Will prnctfeu in tho Supremo mid oIIht Court of tli i Slate. March 4. 'OX R.B. MORFORD, ATTOJLINI3Y AT LAW, .1 aoksonviux, Orkuon, WflM' pructlru In the several Court" of T the Fiit Jrvdicul DNtvIct. mid In the Supreme Court. October 'JO. H,'l, B., DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jacksonviw.k, (Vswiio.v. Will prnctice In nil tho ('ourts of tlio Third Judicial District, tlio Sitcnno Court of Ore Kim, mill in Yroka, Cut. War Scrip prompt ly collected. Oct. 1. "j. GASTON, (awicfisngr to Uot A- (lirtton) ATTOIINKY AT LAW. Jai'k.sonvii.!.k,Ori:iion. Especial attention given to collection cu-cs.i .Tnim 10, 181!?;. 41) G. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND SCRGK0N. Olltcn nt Ills Il-llcttcMii Oregon ht. JAnrtio.Nvii.iiK, Orixiok. Wliiiro nil tlio.Ju ktmwiiiK IIiciiihs1vp8 In vlclitud to liltn. on uutti or .book iivcomit, will pli'iiiu cull und hultlo up, or tlii'lr nc fount will bo piuct'd for collection iu thu liuncN of iJiyMtonii'V. My old i-utrons will etlll And rr.n, as o, Tfiufy touttwid to my ptolVHsiomil dutw.-. .Mnv li, I MX iTiitvlitf PETER BRITT, lMiotoKi'nphic Artist, 1h pri'pnrtd to tnko picturt'8 In wi-ry ftylo of tin.1 urt, with nil thu Into improvcmcutH. If l'iuturi'H do not givo FntUf&ctlon. no KiiiirgcH will lie miidu. Cull ut IiIh iiuw'GiiI lury, on tin; hill, t'.viiinlna his "picturon, mid Ml "for vnur llkonip. DU6AN & WALL, T0RWARDIN6 ND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 'Ilrlrfc Ilullitlii, Cor. Front ilt Fatreet. (JRKSCKNT CITY, OAIi. WIIJj attend to the Kccolvlii? nnd For wnrdiiiK f "U Otnd entrusted to their euro, with promptness nnd ilipputch. CouMKiunents solicited. Merch&nilieu re- culvi'il on ctoinRe. Cri'HJont City. April 11, 18fi3. 15 N. IJ.-No Koode delivered until the freight inJ rlmryoB mo pnliK P. & ', J. ROW, DKAI.KIt (S CKIAIIS, TOUAOCO, FUKSll PllUrrS, STATIONKRY, GWVKO- TJONKRY, FIREWORKS. ETC., TSiftt Uoor iu UrntlUmy & AVartu. Ilmvn jijHt opened u now ftoro nnd Ftock wl it with a olioico variety of tlio nhove inentioned artioloy, mid offer them for mlo tit tlio lowest living prices. The host p( uiKnra nnd ehewiiiK toimcco will ho kept oiisUntiy ,on Imud. Thoso desiring any tirticlu in mv line will eavo isuniiy hy glv iHg mo n cull. J.'KOW. Jacksonville. July 1.JB3. jlltf rLLUSTRA'l 20 PAPERS Kiirpfrs I. Weekly Frank Leslie'?. Ynnlcee No niotis, etc., regularly iwdvi'rt nnd for sa'lo t the VARIKTY STORK. TJACICSADDLKS cnnnluntly on ham JL my Harness nnd Suilillcrr estuhlish. uK'o-t,, 1 i JIEXRY JUDOK. THE OltJOX SKNTliXEL. I.SSV'KII KVKKY WK.IlXKiWAY AND HATUIIDAY. IIKNKY I)KHN(3KIt, PubV nnd Prop'r SniiscitifNo.v One year, in advance, Five DoIIhih; Six months, Three DoIIiuh. AnvKiiTirtiMJ Onu Miuare (10 lines or less). tlrt insertion, Thren Dnllnrs ; each niibxequent Insertion. One Dollar. A dis count of fifty percent will he iniulu to those who wlverltst' liy theyenr. ftil- Litat TcnilcM rucelvnJ ut currant rule. ADVERTISERS. Hy application to Postmasters mid Mail Carriers, you can learn that thu Semi-weekly Oisi:iion Skxtixiii. has liv far a lamer circu- lalioii in Hie counties of Southern Oregon nnd Del Nortu county, California, than any other paper. This fact should commend life Skmim:i. toyou hh u superior medium for advertising. List ok Aiiknts, wlio nrc uutliorlzed to transact nuy huslueis concerning thU pa per, in tlio uninu of the publisher : li. 1. Fisher, fc'nu Fritiicisno; Wndsworth it Hivynes. Vroka; Klier Kiurv, Ashland; S. C. Taylor, Fhicnix; V. W. Fowler. Apple gate; It. H..I)uul:ip, Williamburg; John It. I'rinille. K'erby ville; A. 11. MclUuiu. Waldo; U.J. Foihes. W'rW'o: 'V.r,. M. ICvtins. Alt- houso; Jnel Thorn, Canyonvilli'; A. K. Flint, Ro-'i'liiirg; isaito li. Moore.i, Salem: J. H. Uuilerwood, Kngeuo City; F. Charmnii. Oregon City; D. W. Wrtkufleld, AHi.tny; Ilenjnmin Cook, Corvulll.-; J. II. Smith. Creiceut City; Albert Doolillle, Happy Camp. BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. TKi.Kr.KAriicn to yiikka koh tiik skxtinku DntcHto August AlitU. Memphis, 'JOih. Oenerul Hurlbert star ted mi expedition Ironi Lagrange. TVon.. on the Illlili inl., miller comuiaiid of Lieut. (l. Pliillip?, of the Ninth Illinois mount ed infantry, nnd readied (J rnnada on the I7th, and "driving (.Sen. Slieiman (rebel) with '2W0 men and three pieces of artil lery, from that place. They then destroyed ,17 locomotive?, and upward'; of '100 car., depot buikiing, machine and blocks, with shops. A large (juuiitily of ordinance and stores were captured, together with fifty railroad men, and u number of other priso no if. New Voile. 2-tlli. Tlio lkrahh' ppr eiul pays. I-ec has been receiving reinforce mints for thu p.ist week, nnd is evidently preparing to attack us. Our scouts icpnrt the i.'iH-My making another campaign, which coutemplate.'i n movement similar to that of August first. Deserters corroborate this rntelligunce. "New York, X. 0., 22. Rebel newspa pers in this part of thu State clamor loudly for thu FttRpriwsinn of tlio R.ileigh 6Vim- dard, thu nflicial paper, which cif lato bids iii'iiiince to i.ivis nun me ucMriiciivci in tlio Houihern (Jonfedi'raey. The llolton (Tenn.) Journal, speaking of lirngg's army, sayu we don't know itn jiresent strength. lint taking the present statu In considera tion of 'well known adroitness and sagacity of his untugonisu Tlrngg will f.ud his posi tion most huicardoiis nnd perplexing, un less greater energy is shown than now cuem's to exist. It is uppareut that Rosecrnns iiilends n (Link upon both sides, und will no doubt throw another division into KaM Tenn., by way of Sparta, nix! thus com pel! Hragg's force to fall back to Atlunta. Fortrw Monrnn, 2'lth. Tlio etfamer Ma pel lnf, Irons oil' Charleston, Thursday, 20th, arrived. When she left Sumter's guns were silenced. Several -breaches had been made in 'tins walls. Tlieru was no doubt that rcbt-ta would foou abandon it. The monitors ero elose under the walls of Wagner, and by uid of ehtirpshnoters, guns of batteries were nearly cileuceS. MempliU 21st. The "Oity of ATmllson was blown up, nt Vicksbnrg, Wednesday, 111, while loading nmuuiuiiiou nt tlio levee. About GO lives weru lost. Thu explosion was caused by the- careless 'Imudliug of per cushion shells by u luborer. Tho division of thn Army or the Oimi bcrlmid was before (?hiillanoo!ra. Aul' 1i. . .. .- , -j . und opened firo on tho city. Daring the. forenoon the enemy suilereil from ilf guns, mostly small, doing little damage. Our fire was very destructive, nnd every bat tery which opened fire on us win disabled. Thu enemy's works on tho river are reported to bo very strong, with parapets no less thun 18 feet high. Several water batter ies on a level with tho river weru discover ed. 'Out' H'.earner moored in fiont of thucitv wk5 distioyed by u?,nnd an other disabled. An utlempt to ruin a pontoon bridgu'iif 17 bouts wa fnistruted by the enemj's sharp, shooiers. h is reporied that there are two rebel oivimoih at Lhattnuooga, niiu one ulou the railroad towurds Bridgeport. Contrubuuds report that Jobustou bus ju- perseded TJin'jg. Manv pnroled men of I Viuberton's urmy tire arriving in our lines. They say his command can never bo got together nguin. The rebel right nnd left can not co-operate, on account of the im practicability of common roads. Lenvanwortb, 23d. Up to this morning 128 bodies were hurried nt Liureiice. Many of them were so disfigured ns to pre vent, recognition. (Jitir.ciu are continually pacing between this placo und Laurence, and their details of l he scenes that occur red in the streets of the doomed city tiro sickening and heiirl-rending. Thn last nc counts we have of Quuulrell is to Saturday night, at which time ho win being closely pursued by Lane, whose force was constant ly being increased by farmers who were flocking to him with aims. It is his de termination lo follow Q'lnntrcll into Mis souri, and if the gatt!r is disbanded to hunt them down like i obiter. One of their number who was captured gave the name, of fifty of the gang. The people of Jack son counly, who arc well known here, and have always been considered good Union men, and the lust informed citizens of Laurence, are of the opinion that Qtirtn trell's troops me mainly composed of pa roled prisoners of Pentberton's command and soniu from Pricvs army, from tho fact that they are munli sunburned Iu appear ance from being long iu service. New Yoik,2flh.--A special dispatch this morning from Washington contains but lit lie news : A Morris Island letter, of lSlh. to tin1 Ilcxiltl, states that thu uppearaiiee of tho gorge wall of Sumter is not like that presented by Fort Pulaski on the evening of the lirs't duys fire. From thirty to forty large holes could be counted on the face of tliu works. Tint baricade.s of brick covering thu magazines and sand traverses have been H-ricusly damaged. Three days of such work will bring down Sumter or tho head of its defenders. Fortress Monroe. 24th. Richmond Whiff of 21st says the loss of Vicksburg and failure of Gettysburg arc tho two events of the year which seems to render highly probable a long and almost inter minable conlinuanco of tho war. Apart from victories which wo may achieve on the field, there arc but two means of coun teracting the baneful efl'icls of these events and bringing hostilities to an early close. Thoi! are events forcing intervention or a determined opposition by thu conservative masses of the Xortli to the ubolitiou fac tion who have control of thu (joverument at Washington. A long protracted war will prove n great evil wholely unmixed with uoml, for the longer thu war coutin iich the more thoroughly exasperated the Southern heart will become with the whole Yankee race und Yankee institutions. We want the uid of Franco. Wo are able to nay for it ; let us do it. We shall then have peace, or a power to work sweet re venge on our foul foe. The Richmond tfru nlnul says; from the region of the Uup pnhaunock there seems to be growing an expectation Hint iv collision between the two nnnies is thawing near. All accounts concur in representing our (rebel) urmy to be iu the very best condition. Fortn"? Monroe, 21. General Letcher Imp ordered the rebel 'General Assembly of Yirginhi, elected in May last, to wet at Richmond, in extra session, on the T.th of September, -for the.purposo of devising means for thu public dofoiwe. ITo says it will n quire extraordinary exertiivwi on their part lo meet the advancing large lev ies of additional Federal troops. The steamer Oity of lllehmniul, from oft Charleston, Tuesijay noon, brings the fol lowing intelligence : Fort Sumter's flig wus sliot nway on Thurtidny. On Friday thu bombardment was constantly kept up. Hie whole south end or tho lort wag demol ished almost to the luse. On TYiday morning nino breaches were discovered. Wagoner. (reg und other batteries fired nt short intervals; An expedition was be ing fitted out to silence Jumea Island bat teries. Tio Ttichmond Sentinel of to-dny hni the following important dispatches fiom Charleston, of date 221 : Tho fire of ene my's laud batteries has been kept up on Sumler, und more guns have been dis mounted. Thero is also a heavy fire uga'mr.t Wugeucr anil Gregg from the fleet anil land. Gilmore's ilemnnd for tho surrender of Sumter nnd Mori is '-JhIuik, with n threat to phell Ohrrleston in four lioum nfter the delivery of tho papers nt Fort 'Wegener, was received nnd returned this morning, ijteauregnrd in reply, charges iiihumnnity and violation of tho laws of war ngniim Gilmore. nnd affirm that if the ofieneo is repeated he will employ vigorous measures of retalliation. Up to this time the threat to shell tin? city had not been executed. ChaiJcston, 2.U -On Saturday CIO slots bud becu flrcd at SumW, 4iy of which struck Inside or outside. The east wall is scaled and battered, und thu pnru pet under the wall is ruined. Thu north west wall tun arches have fallen in, nnd the guns me all dismounted. Lund but teries opened from south und north, and on Sunday, tho monitors on the cast nnd west, coming close up. The fire is vtry damag ing. The shot swept through the fort, and the shot wounded several officers, including Col. Rliett coin'ng. He is ordered to hold on until relieved or the place taken. Col. Gailortl of Wngcner is killed, unit several wounded. Twenty-three vessels arc inside the harbor, including Hie Ironsides. Gil more sent notice on Sunday. that nt 11 o'clock to-morrow ho would open on Charleston, in tliu meantime iioiicombnt cuts could leuve. Chattunnoga. 22d. The Yankee? conr incnecd shelling Chuttunongu yesterday without giving notice ol their intention. All is quiet today. Chicago, 2 5 ill. Gold this nitcmoon on ly 12'- Dates to the Gt h. Fortress Monroe. 2(!lh. Richmond paper; have the following, dated Wilmington iMlh: " Veslenlay morning the frigate Minnesota and six gunboats boniiianUil J'ort Iwshcr. at New Inlet, N. C. wticru stunner Ilebo grounded. Kiieiav attempted to laud, but were repuR'il. Iking reinforced, they fi nally destroyed tho goods lauded from tho steamer, anil fired her. We held the works last evening." Norfolk. Yn.. 2Tth. The IMohmonil lit aminer, of to-day, has been received. It contains Charleston dispatches to tho 'Jtth, which say last night (Sunday 'Jlfd), all '.' o'clock, the enemy opemd lire on thucitv, firing lll'leeii 8-inch I'nrrot guns. Non-com-batautb are leaving iu u continuum stream. New York. 20th.- A letter dated off Charleston, Saturday, Th, mys sevcial de serters were picked up last night by the Mon tauk. They report tho rebels ns preparing to uhniidou Siimtur, und say they have been taking guns from it ever since the attack In April, which demonstrated tlnir inubili ty to hold it. Thero are now not more than six or eight guns in the fort, the remainder being "quukcrs" (imitation). New York. 2r,lh--From Army of Potomac 2fltli ; Rebel pickets called yesterday ncro.vi the Rappahannock that Fort Suin)itcr had been taken by our forces. Tho position of the rebel in my in now somewhat thus : Kwcll lies near Orange Court Houso, A. P. Hill near Rapidau Sta tion; liougstreet stretches from u. S. Ford to Fredericksburg; pickets on tho Rappa hannock are now to Port Royal ; Leo has his heailipiarters about two miles beyond Ornngo Coilit Ilou.'-e, on the (iordouhvllle Railroad. Prisoners nnd deserters continue lo report dUalfectlon in the rebel mniy. Two wholu companies had dcH'.rted from the Eighth Georgia regiment. They report that Stewart had been relieved from the command of thu cavalry, and Gen. Hood appointed in hW Mead. Tho lltrahl's special from V.'ushlngton says C. I'M ward Lnster. Cletk iu tho War Department, was arrested last Monday at Harper's Ferry, with important dispatches In Ins poseN.ion, intended for the enory. He wtii suspected of having Jjccji iu com munication with tho rel'i.'ls for some time, und litii doubtless given them much vuluuble information, Gen. (illinnreluii demanded tho surrender of Charleston. Tho demand hero Ik believed to be ImM'd on his succors iu reaching thu city with tint Parrott gnus. Returns from 100 counties in Kentucky give Iirmulette, Union candidate, for Gov ernor, f)0,U!)2 majority. New York, 2Gih. The steamer Consti tution, from Hilton 'Head, S. 0'.. with dates to the 2,'M, passed Charleston Ilcr ut half-pint 5 in the afternoon of (he same day. 'I he bombardment was then going on with great energy. Tho firing wus very rapid. The lust report from Morris Island was that 'Fort Sumter had not res ponded to out guns for two days. New York, 50th. In latitude 37 nnd longitude 71 u negro wai picked up in ti bout belonging to tho U. 8. Iliig Rain bridge, He stated that on tho 26th, during u violent galo, tho brig foundered, uud all on board weru lost but himself. Kansas City. 25th. It Is reported that Majs. Rlmit nnd Thatcher overtook u com pxny of guerrillas, In Lafayette county, uud killed thirty. A detachment from Lex ington also met t; company of guerrillas, new Pleasant Hill, on Saturday, killed 6ov eu und recoveted u considerable quantity of goods, taken front Luwercnce. 'Draftkd. In lioston both of Edward Everett's sons have been drafted und are going to servo iu person. Tho father says that he shall do thn same if drufied, pre ferring to do so rather thau luruifcb u hub slitute or pay SHOO. It is odd, but ti tie, that tho first apple was eaten by the first pair. APKAtns at VtcKsiiURtt. A correspon dent writing from Vicksburg, under dum of July 14th, says: The obvere side of the greut fcene thni. was witnessed here on the 4th wiih to hnvu been seen jeslerihty morning. The busi ness of paroling the prisoners having been finished they were inarched nut of thu lines.. About 9 o'clock the procession started out, on the Jackson road, and us si-en from the cupola of thu Court House, reminded one. both in color and its tortuous wiiullngn. of a monster copperhead snake. The men moved nlong without spirit or energy, and were, in appearance, quite tho untipodes of tin idenl soldier. At a point some miles from the fortifl eitt'ons the road brunches to the right, the branch being the toad to Warrenton. which is some seventeen miles: below Vicks burg, on the river. When this place was reached, thu Second Texim Infantry refit' ed to go any further, and without "bolting, turned off from thp Jackson road, lenvitiL' the three field officers to represent their regiments iu the parole cum p. As all were without urtiis there wus no wuy of Hopping them, und they coolly took their own courcO in spito of threuts and expos tulation.'. The Confederacy was played out, they said ; they wanted" to go home and were determined to do so. Most of the Third nnd Twenty-sixth Louisiana, ttnd Sixlh Missouri followed them. They tiro now nt Warrenton with hundred? of oiheis from Texus and other Southwestern States, nnd mo availing themselves of every opportunity to cross the river, A horrible discovery has just been made on the rebel line of fort ilico't ions. Quite :i number of men have been engaged in re pairing the rebel fort that wus... blown up on the night of the .'Id instuiit. In the course of their ojK!rations they have ex humed sixty or eighty dead bodies found buried in tfie ruins of the fort. Jt seems while our miners were nt work making nn entry into tho side of the hill that was crowned by the rebel fori, a strong work ing party of rebels wero ret to work sink ing it counter mine within the fort. This party, consisting, it is said, of more than u hundred men. were in the mine when ours exploded, and those of them who were not killed outright were buried nlive. Home of the exhumed bodies are terrible lacera ted mid mangled, while others have wot ti murk or bruiso upon them. Two headf, one that of u negro, have been dug up. They were completely severed from the bodies, the lutter not having yet been found The bodies urt found iu ulmost every eon ceivablo position fowe standing erect, others sitting or lying, und in one iustuncc a body wus head 'downward a if it had been caught in that piwilion by the crumb ling earth while fulling headlong into the pit below. A Cam. run Mahtiai. Law ovku thu Whom: Coxhuokhaoy. The Richmond AV quxrfr of lfith July says : There tiro much more than 1 00,000 men in the Confederacy who have hired sub-di-tutcs for scrvlci. They have pnld for them from $:0l) to Sit.OOO. mid have up to this time avoided tho rinks of bit tin, nnd te-ed their timo in eruwing rich. Now, do those men ostimnto tbn value of their country's Irecdom, cacti ot them at his janti or $:s,0Un: When tlmt sum Iikh been paid, is nil ihnt they over owed to their nutivo land dls- churKcd -forovcr? Are -they willing to in- vest just so much to rescuo their children from vitsMxlago to tho Tttnkeo nation? WIH they not bid u little higher? If not, wo must have tho levy en ninsso, and take them all. Then let uuvbndy visit the neighbor hood of General Winder's office. Jt i.s choked with crowds of cowardly wretches, calling themselves iforelgnern German who wero buWoo glr.rt to got out from un der tho tutelage of their grand dukes und serene hluhuesses Irishmen who lone k renounced with a malediction their allegi ance to Queen Victoria all crushing on another in tho rnco to Miow "protections" from thoso very queens mid serene high nesses, and so fly from tho land thut shel lered them In its utmost porll. We cannot estimate tho number of such men iu thu whole Confederaoy, but certainly they would make a .corps d'armeo. All thiwo points, which ore here only touched upon tho strengthening of our military organiza tion, tho application of martial law to tint wholo country, as in n, stale of.siego thu nbsolute control of nil tradintr (especially trading In drink), ns within military lines tho abolition of substitution, exemptions and foreign protections tho material en largement of tho .President's power to ro viso elections of officers, mid to make ap pointments and get rid of incompetent of ficers these things form too large and mo mentous a sulrjcct to bo disposed of in uu article. For to-day wo only deslro to excite reflection upon them, .. , Among the killed ut tho battle of Get tyshurg was a Chinamen known under tin Yunlee name of" John Tommy." Ho had Lecu in service from tho opening of tuj war.