Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 26, 1863, Image 2

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U. .!.l'M
hm-Wtcki) Sentinel.
U.viIjnM GnvihU'MiiicT for tiik iviroi.y, ih
IMItNPKIlllAtntK' HWllMijffott.
mil 1 1 1 Mir
JACKitoVirjTn, untSboiv.'
rtJilY fcMimn;1 . august 26, isa
TilR'Nfewir.-'-Advlcea from om- land und
navallbfacii lieforo Charleston give nwur
aticVthat thb'time rapidly draws nigh when
the rttggW -' shra and bars" of the South
urn Cofliplrucy will be torn 'from the his
torji'wnlli'of frt. Sumter, never more to
totoplirc&T'whilc time shall last. Gil
moreVl'afrott guns havo' demolished the
nuUr fcatlj and the main wall, after two
dnj'sUomba'fdhierit was cracked even to
tho-wilcr'scdge nnd crumbling. It was
thewjfhl'that; b' the evening of the Iflth
tho'fbrtwould bo completely reduced. Gil
mofd'WiM satisfied with tho program inndc.
"WUh'teiimtCf Imrmles., Admiral Diifitrrn
1.1 prepared t'o p.nM tho obstructions in the.
liarnw VeVwcon Snmlcr and Moultrie, nnd
t hnV put "the city itself within point-blank
raho if '(lift guns of the impreguablc mon
Lee, under cover of a feint of offensive
operations ngaitt Meade, i repotted to
be-'fuflhrg, buck towards Richmond via
GordofisVflle. From all points tho enemy
are 'contracting their lines, with the nppnr
entinteofibn of massing their forces. The
Tbe-Army of the Potomac, largely rein
forcWy'may' soon be on tho track of I'c'p
rcf.reafib& drmy. Roscerans nnd Burnsidc
will speedily' complete tho destruction of
RragfcV 'demoralized army, should that
lraggW56ia make a stand at Chattanooga.
Tlits-doncl'Kosseati, witn ten thousand cav
nlryjfcill'sWe'dp' through the' very center ol
the Confederacy, breaking up railroad
comfritmicatibiis nnd destroying military
MoreyanffVupplie.1. Grant nnd Sherman
in M&tftsippi, and Banks in Lnuisnna can
hold their departments nnd spare forces
for 'combined nnd successful at tuck on
MoMe.lfl Atnll points wo have nble com
jninderi .' tvho enjoy the full confidence of
their hrhiietf and the country, nnd the good
nnd gloriom work of conquering a pence
iniwt'hirtl will 'go resist less Jy on.
Latmt.--Iiy dispatch of this evening,
wo aVe thfd 'by u N. V. llcmld' dispatch
that" 'Lee is'rcceivmg reinforcement, nnd
f)reitthiHj:fbr'an offensive campaign! On
Ilic'Sofyi'Suiritm guns were silenced, nnd
waHrbaUly'ghutlered, and the rebels were
boon-ticpecforto abandon it.
The Army of the Cumberland had ar
rived' WyrowCljattnnooga, and commenced
nfTi;hvd 'operations against Hrugg'd forces.
Coll fc'lMip mounted Infantry made n
dwtrofctive raid to Grenada, MiW.,burn
cd 57' locomotives, 400 cars, machine shop?,
(Communicated. '
AnVroArt'Mtrx. Who would hot be
proWof the growth 'and enterprise of our
eoiiriry,ryea even' Southern Oregon, with
her vost resources and modern improve.
meriU.f) Wo 'are told by inference that 'a
now nin'i8 about to bo located in this
lovely 'region'. 'The cause, perhaps, arises
fropVfbo'recerit combination fit " Milier'a"
in ihfa'Vnfley. Tho new -mUMa, to be run
by M tlie'Uods who grind slow but fine."
About'fbr'tjf.five pounds of flour and nine
teen of shorts will be given in exchange,
but no bran, it being entirely reduced by
the exceeding' fineness of the grist. These
extraqrdihary inducements can bo 'given,
because of tho very cheap construction of
the mill nnd the simple manner in which it
is rnn. No 'fuel required but gas.
H. B. Parker, Deputy Collector, will bo
in Jacksonville on the 28th und 20th of
.September, in Kerbyvillo on October 2d,
and in Wuldo on October 4th, for the col
lection, qf U. S. Taxes now due. Sec ad-vcrtisement.
Back AoAtN'. Wo" lind the1 pleasure
this week of slinking hands with ,otir, friend
Mrrfrhmes-Twogood, or Lvlum). Iftf had
just retnrnVd.froiift'.RfVisit'to'liis frlendniln'
Chimed nnd MhfiiWh. uiM. WflMbV'f he
liHt'broiigh't with him u ludVns partner of
ins joys, lie Fvems grenwy picuscuTO oe
back ngnin, und says be has lived too long
in this ' In nil of cloudless skies nnd sunny
climes " to appreciate the beauties of u
hlu in the Isorth western Stulcs. Lust
winter, for onec, he indulged in their most
exhilirnting nmusement, sleigh -riding, lie
says, if he ever imagines he wants nnother
slelgh-rido, lie will hitch his horse to n
buggy, wrap himself in buffalo-robes, get
into the buggy, place his bare feet on u
cake of Ice Imported for tho orcnfon, and
drive around tuitll sufficiently (.-xhilirnted.
To a man of- vivid imagination the tiled
would be nbnut the same.
I!o ! ye that havo seizors, bowie-knlvrs,
or axes lo grind, don't trust to self-sharpen-
lug, but go lo tho Arkansas -Mill, over the
way. They havo employed the "Gods who
grind slowly, but very tine." Tho Union
Leaguers intend to employ them to sharpen
their knives for "midnight a'sasBlnntions."
If the "Gods" grind fast enough, tho work
of death will soon commence. Each mem
ber is pledged by a "midnight oath" to as
salnato n "Democrat" nt 'midnight," af
ter which ho is to bo hurried off to Arkan
sas. A pilot who has made his way from
Arkansas under slmllnr circumstances
would lie considered a valuable acquisition
to the League
"Soun Gripus.'' Tho Richmond En
qirtr says that In tho capture of Vleksbtirg
tho Federals havo become possessed of an
elephant on dear terms; that it will require
200,000 Federal soldiers to hold tho river,
and asmmics to be rejoiced that I'cmber
ton's nrmv In released from tho "vaiii nnd
useless'' task of holding VIckshurg, and
can hu used to greater advantage elsew here.
If tho possession of the great Father of
Waters is of no consequence, what havo
they, in tho fnst-cnnlrncling limits of tho
Confederacy, that is worth lighting for.
IIkcovkri.no:. Mr. Louis Tucker, who
had his thigh broken a couple of months
since by n stago accident at I'liumix. is
now nble to walk b round on crutches, lie
takes bis misfortune very philosophically,
und says he will soon bo all right. Hope so
Mr. Ad. Helms, the popular turfman,
who, it will be remembered, had his collar
bono broken a few weeks ago, is very near
" himself ngnin."
The name of n beautiful lake in Califor
nia has been changed from Lako Hlgler to
Lako Taboo. "Taboo," wo nro told, is an
Indian name, nnd signifies "clear water."
" Ulgler" is just tho reverse. To cither n
l'cnusylvaulun or Califoruian, it is suggest
ivo of a dirty, slimy pool of political
Tho Eugeno licvitw of tho 2 2d inst,.
CHjt Of l i nmuN vovi iu win viiii
.Baker, Jackson county, last week." This
is a mistaken statement. Wo havo author
ily to say that not one soldier has deserted
from that Camp in the two months past.
Wo heat" it intimated by several persons
that tho "God" who "grinds Mow" but ilem
folnc for tho Arkunsaw Traveler over tho
way, is uono other than ft-quiro Simpson,
of Butte Creek. Shouldn't wonder.
Mr; Henry Judge Iiob returned from
San Francisco, where has purchased n fine
stock of saddlery and harness, which ho
will soon havo in his store at thin place.
Dhow.nkd. On the 21st instant, n boy
named Kldridgc Tibbctls, of Portland, was
drowned while bathing in tho Willamette,
ncur the city named.
Messrs. T. J. & J. S. Butler intend
starting a weekly paper at Bannock City,
to bo called the Boise News, between tho
1st and lf)th of September.
Sachs D cos. are opening new goods, di
rect from San Francisco, nt tho Branch
Storo at Pliojnlx. Advertisement next is
Messrs. Gianvillo Sears, J. B. Vri3ley
and Wm. Burke, havo the thanks of tho
corp3 of Sentinel printers for fino melons.
Hon. Wm. H. Weeks, Secretary of i
State, of California, died in Sacramento I
on the ICtli inst.
Jiff. Davis Buid in a recent fpoocli that
he ' would sooner combine with hyenas
than Yankees." Quito likely. A fellow
feeling muUeshim woudrou3 kind.
QiinrtK JLerisjcs.
iTo3f.pui.nk County, Augift 20, Ififi.'t.
FA. Sentinel : My purpose today will bo
to lay beforu'those Interested In qdurlz min
ing, a fcwfldca' whVdli may )6 of po'hib
Tho oplnl'bh I have of "the1 Ipueivwhiotf
have been discovered up to tho present time
and worked In the neighborhood 4of 'Apple
gate, Itoguc lliTcr, Gold Hill, etc., Is this :
that they nro fissure veins that Is. that
when the up-throw of tho system of ledges
took place the earth was rent in every di
rection by Ihb volcanic force. Thu true
gold-bearing qunrlz ledges of Southern Ore
gon nro, according to my calculation, Imme
diately west of !( longitude, running north
rind south. These ledges conn; up, it would
seem, nt the point of contact of Ihu trnp
n,nd sedimentary rocks nt a naliii-al opening
in tlicearth's surface. When tho rocktf weru
displaced, nnd removed apart cufllcleut to
admit thoso ledges, as a consequence the
eoiiciifslon wm felt probably for many
mill's. The volcanic crust uf tho earth
swelled up and was rent in every direction ;
openings were made regardless uf polarity,
and theso fisuro were filled with pay-quartz,
but of nchnraoter evidently diflerent from
the true ledge-". (Wo have samples of
quart?: from the Fnterprisc quartz ledge
which Is beyond doubt n true ledge on-j
llruly different from the nbove named.)
These veins, of course, 'ould be tho nar
rowest nt tho bottom, just as they have been
found,1 und of limited depth, hence so many
have proved failures. 1 wither these con
clusions or principles from 'an examination
of various works on quartz mining, com
pared with our ledges.
The Into ledge Is to bo found always nt
tho point of contact of thu volcanic nnd
seduientary locki. A tunnel run nt any
depth, no matter how deep, aiming for tho
centre of thu highest out-crop cutting Ihu
ledgo nt right angle, of course will never
fall of success, for tho deeper you go tho
better the ledgo will be found to bo devel
oped and tho better It will pay. Again : u
true ledgo holds a persistent course, follow
lowing tho parnllellsm of the neighboring
mountain chain, which hero Is nbotit north
and south, bearing n little towards tho east.
Outfldo of the true ledges will bo found
otter ledges running at nil points of the
compnss, having a dip as diverse ns the
course, frequently the hanging walls being
detached and well deliued. Theso ledges,
decrease In power ns they descend, nnd nil
h.ivu the distiugubhtng characteristics that
tho two walls of the ledgo nre of thu same
iinllorm character of rock It may Im trap,
or it may bo sedimentary, it is Immaterial
which. The uniformity of character of
wall rock Indicates only that it is a fluro
vein, thu rock having been rent und filled
and closed up ngnin nt the bottom, making
a V-shaped vein. Theso veins pay flrs-t rate
at the out-cropping, but have not tho "bot
tom." Hence, becauxe n ledgo assays well,
or shows rich In metal at (ho out-crop, it is
no safe indication of true merit, but to tho
mind of experienced miners nnd eminent
iQlncrologists, it is greatly to bo distrusted.
' Why cu-nya differ so widely from practi
cal working result!), wo aro not prepared to
say, tiuco tho gold is not formed ns an ox
ide. It is well known that an assay as u
reputed valluo of a mine, and ns ordlunrlly
mndo by selecting a small cholco piece of
rock, is not to bo relied upon ; and this
may bo the entire secret. Uut wero there
oxides, which llro and fluxes would bo re
quired to reduce to 'metallic form, it might
ful'y explain it. Tho principal indications,
then, it would eccm, which nre to guide
ono in determining thu,. expediency of ex
pending money in prospecting a ledge nre,
the character of the bed-rock, and the posi
tion of thu ledge in relation to them. That
is, whether the ledgo Is at tho point of con
tact of volcanlo nnd sedimentary rock,
or cutircly encased iu either' of them. Thu
ledge Iu the former position will contain
the metal in eulphurets, and metal In thu
latter In metallic form alone, of result prob-
nbly of tho passage through tho bed-rock to
the surface. Iu trap bed-rock wo always
find " pocket 'ledges" in California. Iu
slnto bed-rock wo' find the quartz lying in
lenticular masses, tho metal being in pock
et. Hut at the point of contact of tho trap
and slate, we find tho true ledge, or mother
ledge, of this slate, containing gold alloyed
with 12 per cent, of silver, iu tho form of
lino gold and sulphurets.
It Is a mooted question whether quartz
veins nro tilled from abovo by Infiltration,
or from below by volcanlo injection. Tho
nrticlo ubove shows that tho latter opinion
a 4lwi lititlo TlilJfi tu iiiinsiiitirsnril nn1 !
,,,,.,, ' M.,nn im,i-p,, .1.0 i,.i .1
,ho top0gWphy onho C0lultl7. Tlto Ictlgo
s, as an almost universal rule, to be eought
y for at the out-crop of thu hill, and not iu
tho low-lnnds and iavini'8. Hence wo con
clude that thu ledge Hint if, that the vol
canic force that bring? up the ledge makes)
the hill. To statu the mutter n little differ
ently : supposo.tlmt the ledge Is forced to
the surface, a,'MfeeV'6f 'molten quartz, tulles
In ''length, tlid'stcllitil degenerated tfbuld
force IttlwaWT.'njM Wlhb opening maW
the prcasuro' onclM retrieved, rcsletniuih
once Vvcnkcii'j!l-ftllth'ellorec would ruiji'W
that point, making a bill, leaving a ravine,
of course, nnd in which deep linking would
be required to rench the ledge, and yet it
would bu found cropping on the hill.
This question of topography is n vital
ono In quart, mining, and should not for a
moment be lot Sight of, nnd the more it is
studied nnd apprehended, together with
Ihu chemical character nnd geological posl
t'on of the surrounding rock, the more ccr
lain we nro of successful results to our la
bors. Accompanied with the above. I endeavor
to give you n few Ideas from this locality.
Times are dull Tor this timo or the year.
Tlio complaint if no water or no"oro."
A. II. Mcllwuln's new llro-proff balding, ut
Wnldo. Is about: finished. It Is really nn
ornament to that place. Considerable ex
citement Is manifested in copper. 1 learn
that a L'ood many are out seeking for the
nrticlo. The results nre unknown yet. We
hnvo nil the indications in the world fcr
rich and extensive copper mines here, and
Mmll not feel the leat surprised to hear of
tho discovery of rich copper lodes, very
Tho most extensive underground mining
In this part of thu country Ik carried on nt
Umpire quartz ledge. The ledge Is worked
day and night, ami their mill Is in perpetual
motion. Thu incline shaft they nro sinking
is come hundred feet down from the surface,
and the deeper they go tho belter they lind
the ledgo developed. This ledgo may bo
Kifcly put down us the best developed ledge
ever discovered in this part of the country,
I understand thut tho company havo tiled
their certificate for Incorporation nt tho
State secretary's olllce.
Yours, until tomu other time,
At Willow .Springs, Amr. J0ih. lfitJ'2, by
Itev. M. A. Wilbums, Mr. ItoitKitT M.
STRANd to Miss KVKl.tNK Coi.MKU, ull Of
this county.
' 17. S. Tax Notice.
rfHli:U.NITi:DOTATK.HTA.XK3 fr llicrowitltv
M. uf JACKSON ftiMl JOSKPIIJNti Imvhii; k-couin
linn iiml t"y.vli!.),'m)tn-ii I liiTtilty Riven tli.it thu Col
Inter will Im In uttiilmliicu ut
JiiehumvilU, Mumhtij Sf TutMlaij, Scj't. 28 Sf 29.
KirlijvUlt. Wi, Oft. 2, ami at Wuldo,
Siitunlii!. Otl. XVI, ISliIJ,
to rifrlvA thu Mtiwnml (juiia T,1cimiim.
Tiu-iiix,vur lll ji(4Ui ncitkii thu fjtlown(- uxlrncln
lYi'tn Mitt IJ. 8. KxcNe Uwrr.
"All iicriiiin who Minll nouleet to pv llio tlnllo
Mill w, oir., ih iiftntMilil, uiieV'l m thoni,
to tho Collect.,!- ullhlu Ihu tlmo tprrllleil. lmll lo II
nMu lo imy tun per contain njclltloniil nn tho lunbunt
"fi'C.Mt. Anll) It further nnictml, Tn.it Ifnnv
jicrim or porwrm hh.tll nxcrfL'o or carry en nny
tni'loor Imi'Iih-h hrnlnnOiT nii'iillonoj, fir tlieux
crcMiiK or ourrvliKj on of which trmlo r lui'liicn n
llci'ii-u Ik n-piilrcil hv thU iict, without t.iklliKoiit
Midi llcriuu In Hint liplmir rcijulrinl, n tiho or they
hll. for oviry hiicIi o(rmi.i. rimprclltclv ftrfi-lt n
penalty rqunl to tlirro tlnioi tho miiount of lh iluty
nrmim of monoy iiiijmM formidi llcfiin,micmolntv
thi'mof to the llio of tho L'llltcl Pt.itin, tho ntho'r
iiiulcty to tho iit of tho porron who, If a collector.
cIihII II mt illciiTnr, nml If other thnn 11 rolli-ctor. rIuiII
Hut i?lvo InfiirniiWIiui of the fact wliumby uM for
feiture wiw Incum'il."
N. The rRN (i.tim nrerrlliel liv lnw will lm
rlctilty enforced on nil who fall to y within thu tlmo
Hpocllk'J III tho nbotn notice. I., W. COK
IJ. H. Collector for the Statu of Oregon.
Ofllce of CollncUr of Infl llrv.,
I'urtlmnl. 0n.. Ami;. IJ. lSC-l. nnsltit
TIIK above hotel, situated nt EVANS.
VI LM?, Jacliiinn County, Oregon, near
thu Hojruu ltiver CompauyV briilgo across
Uoriiq Iliver. with a Fine Garden, splen
didly enclosed, and omu laud ndjoininpr.
will be for rent on and after tho t day of
Ootober, 18l!:. The present occupant will
dbposu of Homo lurnlttiio to tho incoming
tenant. ThU is a most favorable opportu
nity for some good man to get Into u good
paying buslntw.
Alwo. thu T'Vault Hn'nch adjoining' said
town, aoo aciVsof fine meadow, lor rent at
thu Kiiue time.
Apply to ThnirinH Cliavnnbr. nonr tbo
August 1 1. 18(i:. niigHlf
THIS undersigned, present owner of thecc
milts, would notify tho public Hint he
has secured tho servlous of au experienced
miller, nnd will furnish tho
Very best article of Flour
In exchange for wheat, at tho following
rates, to-wlt : For each bushel of good
wheat, thirty-Fix pt-uiids of Hour, two
pounds of middlings nnd eight pounds of
Jacksonville, Dec. 25, 18(12. tf
AND wo wnnt money to b.iy our Fall
Goods, and hereby request our friends,
both in town and country, to pav up with
out delay. UVAN, MOUUAN'A; CO,
Aug. 20, 18C3. ang22t8
Tobaccd St Segal's,
All of which will bo sold nt low price,
for CASH, or desirable 'I'itODUCI-;.
Largo t Woll-Selected
Spririg & Summer
Millinery Good
Fancy and Staple
Oil Cloth, . Wall Paper,
& Summer
Fine Assortment of
Ladies, Men and Boys'
B 0 o ts and Slio e s !
our rnLM Ai ashlad
Will be supplied with a Go6d Aortmcut '
Which will bo' Bold nt'
l?INfi TEAS nt