'Ms-a- ttrtittel. sr.TT7-7-ratr.rrBTiMi-nrtrri E'j?2!?11? 85 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2G, 18G3. VOL. VIII-jNO. 62. a I) c (Qtojium I. O, (). p. Jacksonville Lodge . ! i... 1. 1 ii. ........ i .......... ,- .W. u lli'l'ir iivjiniiii fiii'vi- 5S2L. Iiitj mi VrlilfiY lif Dm llr.t G' U iUI rfCr imitlf Iti ivuti liiiiitlli iimiI .... Tvv5sl.,v' K-'iltititny (ifAarJi Intervt-nlnir ; K v Le&SS week, nt tlit Mrtwinlc Hull, ut J o'clitk p. y, DrothcM lit guoitotaiultmt nin Invlluil tu!tliMi.l. . . Wil. HAY, N. a. Sii.h J, J).vr, K. Roc jr. Vi iHtci).. .):ii. SI. Hut tun. Henry DnnllnRer and lou. II. Ifciirl. Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M. A HOLD their regular communl- "jjrcntiotiH tliu Wednesday Evenings on Nor preceding tho full moon, iu jack- KO.VVII.I.U, OIIKHOX. ALKX. MARTIN, W.M. ft. ht.oom. Sec'i. OUEUON C1IAPTEK NO. i O F ROYAL. AllCII MASONS, j. i gkso x villi:, ouhvo.y, Will hold Its regular communications on the I'lt-st Mutiirilit)-Kvr. oflOvei-j- Month. All sojourning Companions in Rood Handing uru curdlnllv Invited to attend. G.W.GREER, IF. P. ' L Paoiis. Sec.'y. di'c8:47 -U. Wit. DOUTItlTT. JAMII.S l. KAY. DOUTHITT &, FAY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AND SOLICITOUS IN CHANCERY, J ACKSnxVIM.K. OlIKfltIS, Will pructlfc lii tins Supniin; uud oilier Courts or thin state. March 4. ;:t. R. B.MORFORD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JaCK'KOXVIM.K, Oil KAON, "HLL nructlea In tins several Courts of V (lie First Judical District, und In tho Supreme (Joint. Ocloher 21). ?t!2. B. F."DbWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JaKICSOXVU.I.K, OltKflOX. Will practice in nil tho ConrtH oT tho Third Judicial District, tho Supremo Court or Ore gon, mid in Yrckn, Cnl. War Scrip prompt ly colleelcil. Oct. 18. J. GASTON, (SureoMor to Itecd A llnnlun) ATTORN 33 Y AT LAW. JaCK'SONVIU.K, OltKllO.V. Kspccinl attention given to collection cnr.es. June 1(1. IHiW. 40 Q. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Olllcc nt liU Hvxlilcnce on Oregon ,Nt. JACKriONVII.I.K, OltKOU.V. Where nil those knowing themselves In dulged to him. on uolu or book nccount, will pleuo cull und settle up, or their nc count will be placed lor collection iu the bunds or my attorney. My old utroirs will still And me, ?. readv to attend to my professional duties. May li. IHli!!. inuylilf PETER BRITT. lMiotoKiupIilc Artist, Is prepared to take pictures in every stylo of the art, with ull the lain improvements. If Pictures do not give Futfuctinn. no charges will be piade. Call ut.liU new Gal lery, on tho hill, exumiuc IiIh pictures, und sit for your likeness. DUGAN & WALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Jlrlrk llullillitp. Cor. Front Putrteta. CRESCENT OITY, CAL. "1X71 LL attend to the Receiving nnd For Vf unnlinir of nil Goods entrusted to their care, with promptness nnd dispatch. I Consignments solicited. Merchandise re- J .itt.Ml mi ulnrnfiv VVI "I, ' '' fimsi.uiit f!llw Anrll 11. 1fifi! IT. ' N. IJ.-No jjoodf delivered nntil tho fremiti nnl clinrpPH nro pid. D. it W. J. ROW, DBAI.KIl IN CIUAUS. TOBACCO, FRKSII FRUITS, STATIONERY, CONFEC TIONERY. FIREWORKS. ETC., Ktixt door to Urndbnry Watte. Jhavojiift opened a now store nnd Ftock ed It with a choice vnricty of the above mentioned articles, uud oiler them for mtlo t tho lowct living prioea. Tho best of cigarn nnd chewing tobacco will bo kept constantly on hand. Those- desiring any nrtiolo In my line will tavo money by kIv 1X mo n call. J. ROW. Jaek"onvlllo. July 1, '63. jlltf riJAJSTRAI'ED TAPERS- Ilarpprs Wt'i'klj, Fiauk Leslie'?, Yankee No lions, etc., retjulurly reeeived nnd for pulo lo r pu ORE. 'nt tho VARIETY STi 1)ACK-SADDLES constuully on hand my llnrncss nnd Saddlery cstulilisli ucat. 15 JIENRY 'JUDGE. TUB OREGON SENTINEL. liXVl'.U KVKKY WKIlNKPIIAT AMI HATCItDAY. IIKNRY OENMNOEIt, Pub'r mill PropV SutwcntiTiox Ono year. In advance, Five Dollnrx; Six tnontlic, Three Dollart. AnvKitTiHiMi One mitnro (10 linen or lc.). Ili-flt liiHcrilon, Three I)ollar : eneh Mibcqucnt insertion. One Dollar. A dis count of tll'ty percent will be made to those who mlvertNe by Iheyenr. ttj" Legal Tendon recclvcil t cuirr lit rate. advertTsers. By application to PofUmnfder nnd Mall Ciirrli'iH. you ciiii learn that tho Semi-weekly Oiikiiox Skxtixki. Iiiih by fur n larger clieu latiou iu tliu counties of Southern Oregon and Del Norte county, California, than any other paper. This fact Miould commend the Skntinki. to you w w mipetior medium for advertising. Liht ok AdKXTH, who nre uutliorized to train-act nuy business concerning this pa per. In the name of the publisher : L. P. Fisher, San Francisco; Wad-worth t ItnyncN, Yieka; Kber Kmry, Ashland: S. 0. Taylor. Plinsnix; W. W. Fowler. Apple irate; It. 8. Duiilap. Williamsburg: John II. I'riudle. Kerby ville: A. II. McIKaln. Waldo: It. J. FoiJ.es, Waldo; W.r.. M. Kvans. All house: Joel Thorn, Cnnyouville; A. It. Flint. liOMibiir: Is.iac R. Moore.s, Salem: J. II. Underwood, Kujiene Cltv: F. Charman. OruKtn City; I). W. Wakelleld, Allmuv; Heujamlii Cook, Corvallis; J. II. Smith. Crescent City; Albert Doollttlo, Happy Camp. BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. TKI.K(IIUI'lir.l) TO YIIKKA KOIt TIIK HKSVINKU J)ntc to August 21st. Fortress Monroe, Aug.. 1 Dili Desert cm who left Richmond ten days njjo report that most of the fortifications urouml R'cli inond liuve no guns mounted, and they say nnnii to mount. Tho rebel forces nro very limited in number in nnd around the city, (jcn. Jenkins commands iu the city. Five hundred men nro sometimes there, nnd sometimes in North Carolina. General Wise wim nc.ir Richmond, but did not have more than eight hundred innn in his command. Memphis Aiinr.. 17th. Vicksburgr nil vices to Aiiiiust lfith liuvo been received. Rebel cavalry continue to scour tho coun try nronnd Jackson (Miss.), compelling every citizen capable of bearing iirins into the rebel service. Adjutant fjlcn. Thomas nrrived nt Vicks burg on August ;I4th. His business is supposed to bo;lho organization of color ed troops. A gentleman who has just arrived from Mobile says Gen. Johnston has assumed command there, and has thrown twenty thousand troops into tho city. New York, Aug., 21st. Tho UemU't special dispatch says : A lady reached here to-duy from Richmond, who states that the utmost destitution exists among the middle nnd lower classes of people. Sho had a pass from the rebels on account of her be nii; the wife of an EniHishnian who has been protected from thu druft by the Drit ih Consul. The Times' dispatch soya private infor mation received to-day agrees with our own iiircniiy teiegrapneit, tn.it t."e a nrmy Is daily decrensiutr in strength the num ber ol desertions from it outnumbering tho conscripts daily joining it. At no previ ous period of the war him there been so great a disposition manifested to desert from it. Tho soldiers unite in declaring that iiinC'tcntlm of thoso now deserting Lee make for their respecttive homes, in steud of coming this way. They also say that tho feeling that thu rebel caua U lost is universal in the icbel Army of Virginia. Washington, Aug., 20th. Prominent officers serving before Charleston express themcelves iu private letters received hero to-day us earnestly hopelul of the results of the combined naval and military opera tions, but do not mention any time for the reduction of Sumter, as promised by the enthusiastic correspondents. The work be in:? heavy, und requiring tho utmost rkill and caution, they, with n full appreciation of the difficulties of the proposed attack, refrain from exciting speculations of no immediate und complete victory. Nor is u speedy result of such a character anticipa ted by gentlemen in Wusliington who are best acquainted with the plans of tho com manding officers. Cincinnati, August 2 1st .Returns from ull but nine counties in Kentucky inuku Dramlette over 50,000 ahead. LcAvonwortli, Aug., 2lM. About six o'clock this morning the guerrilla chief Quanlroll, with a foiec 800 strong, crossed from Missouri into Kuusas, ucur Gaiduer, sixty milen below here, and immediately started for Lawrence, nrrived there ut lour o'clock this morning. Me posted a guard around tho city, so that the citizen could not escape, and with the remainder of his command pillaged stores, shooting citizens uud llriug houses. A gentleman who man u (,'ed to escape by secreting himself "In a cornliehl near the town reports that ho swum the river nt right o'clock. On reach ing the bluiP, this side, he hud n plain view of the city, uhich wus then a sheet ol Haines. From what he saw, he thinks the loss will roach two millions, uud by this time is perhaps much more, us they seemed determined to destroy everything that would burn. Wocuuiiot leurii that uiiy resistance was made, the citizens being ta ken by surprise, the first alarm being the crackling (lames and shout of the rcbcN. Gen. Jiimes IP Lane was in the city, uud it is feared has fullen into the hands of the ItuerrilliiH. A hire iiumh;r of Union troops liuvo been sent iu pursuit of the rebels, but with what success has not yet been learned. Cincinnati. Auir., 21st. Tho Uttselte Ins private advices from the Army of the Cumberland to Ait".. 17ih. A movement was in progress. The public may soon look for important news from East Tennes see. The Nichvillo Union ol Annual lfith states that Gov. Jnhnsnu und his private Secretary. Col. Drownint;, have returned from a viil of several days to the front. The Governor's trip extended to Fayette ville. a short dNtutice from Huntsville. AN abam.i. The Union says thu army is in motion, and very prnhuhlv will tuko pos- I sescsion of Chattanonirii without resistance. Kefuirees report that liniirgiuirmy m mnv lug iu the direction of Atlanta, uud that his force is greatly weakened and discour aged. We cherish u strong hope that by tho lirst of September we will have posses sion of nil of glorious Enst Tennessee, There is no power in the Southern Confed eracy equal to resisting the great urmy which on its march to Chattanooga. Louisville, Anjy., 21st. Nothing U known positively as to the mova meutH nt Roseerani' urmy, except it is in an eusterly direction uud supposed to be destined fur Chattanooga. It is presumed that Ilurn side's forces, which ure now on the move, will act iu conjunction with those of Rose crnus -nntl will, it is thought, sweep through Eastern Tennessee nnd occupy it. Sending army news from Tennessee is for bidden ut present. Nothing will bo known of the present movement until tho object shall have been accomplished. Negro rej? intents are being rapidly oriruni.ed iu Rose cruns' department. Already some fivo or six rcsrimeuts arc well under way ut Nash ville, Winchester and Tulmhouiu. Jackson. (Miss.). Aug.. 18th. Tho Fed- I eral cavulry from Ynzon City readied Do mini Station, on the Mississippi Central Hailroud. captured a train, 'ut the tele graph wires uud did serious damage to the railroad northward. It is apprehended that tho Yankees nre carrying two engines mid truius northward from Viodeu, uud that a heavy raid is coming south ward from Memphis und Chut leston road. Washington, 2 1st. Advices from Head quartern, Army of Potomac, say there is no chanco or indications of u change of posi tion. Advices say that rebel forces around Culpepper have been reduced to A. P. Hill's command. Lnngstreet's and Ewell's have moved southward, probably to Fredericks burg. Washington, 20th. Prominent oftlcer-, serving before Charleston, express them elves, in private letters received here to day, uh earnestly hopeful of results of the combined naval ami military operations, but don't mention any time for the red not Ion of Sumter, ns promised by cnllui-iastlu oonvMiniidcnts, tho work being heavy, and requiring tho utmost kill uud caution. They uppreclatu tho difficulties of the pro posed attack, mid refrain trom exciting spec ulations of nn Immediate and coiiplete vic tory; nor speedy results of such a-oharaolcr as mo anticipated by tho gentlemen in Washington, who nro unacquainted with the plans of commanding officers. Now York, 21st. A letter from Charles ton says that during tho bombardment .Monday night, engineer Ileuj. II. Porter, of tl(o new Ironsides, was enabled to reach the obstructions between forts Moultrie and Sumter, and spent fully half an hour on them, thoroughly Investigating their char acter. Admiral Dahlgrcn declared himself highly gratilied at the information thus ob tained, saying that, ho now knew all hu wanted to know. Tho information obtain ed is of course kept secret, but will bo taken ndvuutngo of iu n few days by the Admiral. Thu engineer had been endeav oring to make thesu observations lor bever ul flights, and finally succeeded. Norfolk, 21st. Tho Richmond HV.iV eon tains tho following: Charleston, 20lll.- During thu last tsvo days wo have been closely CJuUucd to itcudy, continuum uud deafening bombardment of Sumter, from Parrot guns on Morris Island. Their lire begins to tell on Sumter, which replies at long Intervals. Tho defence of the harbor depends mainly on that fort, but should It bn battered down, the harbor may still bo held. Gov. llouhan ha Issued a proclama tion, urging thu removal of non-combatants from thu city as soon ns possible. Tho two htindred-nouuder Parrot cuns of thu enemy nru too much for the walls of isomptcr. anil tliu lort only replies at Inter vals. It has been determined to defend the city street by street and house by house, ns long us a lout of earth Is left. New York. 21st. The World's dispatch lo day, soys Xavy Department has received fiiriher ail vices from Clnirloston conliriua tory of ihoo already published. Tho dis patches received tire withheld from pruden tial motives. Gilmnru eoinplaim of tho pernicious ell'ecls produced by tho publica tion or .any correspondence iu his lines, and requests that no more bo allowed. Cincinnati!. 2pth. South Dank or Ken tucky, nt Cawllus, was robbed at an early hour this morning, by sixteen men In uni form, who represented themselves as belong ing to tho rebel cavalry. Tho amount of money stolen was $100.01)0 In gold and sil ver, uud 3:i0,000 In paper. Returns from Alabama elections show Wall elected over Shorter for Governor. Curry has been beaten fur Congress by C. K. Critlkshauks. Memphis 17th. New Orleans advices to the II til have been received. The health of thu city is only fair. There nro numerous eases of yellow fever at Quarantine. Vlcksburg advices to the 1Mb, say the news Is iiuluipnrtnnt. Tim rebel cavalry continue to scour the country around Jack sou, compelling every citizen capable of bearing arms to enter tho rebel service. Gentleman just arrived from Mobile, says Joo John-ton has arrived and commands thcic, uud has thrown 20,000 troops into the city. Washington. 2th. The following Is tho languugo of Gen. Hnlleck to Federal agent for exchaugo of prisoners : "It Is di rected that Immediately on receiving offi cial or authentio Information of tho execu tion of Captains Sawyer and Flyiin, you will proceed to hang W. II. F. Leu, uud other rebel officers, designated as herein ulinvii illrentnil. und that vnn lintll'v nnd US- -ure Robert Old that the Government of the United States will pioceeil lo retaliate for every b.ulurous violation of tho laws of war." .Memphis, l.'ilh. The 17th nrmy corpi is the only one now nt Vlcksburg. Tho health of tho troops is becoming seriously Impuired. A species of intermittent fever prevails, and thu mortality list Is Increasing. Sherman's army corp is encamped near tho Hlg Ulack, on Hear and Clear Creeks. Portions of tho lleot nro scattered along tho Mississippi, from New Orleans to Cairo. Tho navigation of the river is still uninter rupted by guerrillas. None of tho Richmond paper of Satur day icfer to tho execution of Captains Saw yer nnd Flvnn. which was to take place on Friday, and It Is very probably postponed. There Is little danger of its being carried nut, so long us Gens. W. II. F. Lee and Wilder are held as hostage. San Francisco, 2lst. Legal Tenders SOaSl. Dates to the 231. Philadelphia. 2Sd.A letter, da'ed tho 18th, on llig-shlp l)inmoro. oil' Charles ton, says tho attack on Sampler commenced day beforo veslerday morning, by slego guns of GmJ. Gilmore. At six o'clock Dnhlgrcn p'oqeeded on board Welmuktii, and with ll.o Ironsides and entire monitor fleet, attacked batteries Wagner and Gregg, with great fury, completely slleuolug Wag ner nnd almost silencing Gregg. The wood en gunboats, seven iu number, nNo joined In tho assault, and enabled all tho shore bat teries to pour their shot and shell Into Sum ter. At ten o'clock, tho Admiral changed his flag to thu Pa-sale, and, with tho IV Innupiv tirnmx'ili'il H-ltlilll 1 .-1011 Vlirils of Sumter, and shelled tho soa wall with Iho rilled guns of tho-'o vessels, lor niiout an hour, with marked effect. Sumter fired about fifty return shots, doing no damage to tho vessels, while Iho walls of Sumter were badly scarred. Captain John Rogers, or tho Cats-kill, went within 100 yards of tho benoh lu front of battery Wagner; after firing a number of shots, a shot from Wag ner broke through tho vessel, nnd a piece of the Interior lining struck Rogers, killing him instantly, us well as a paymaster, who was standing by his side. These were thu only casualties on laiul or water, during six hours' engagement. Thu damage done to Sumter by thu siege guns of Gilmore, is visible without glasses. Tho rebels had erected a false wall oppofcilo our batteries. It extended to within ten feet of thu top of thu wall, and was forty feet high and ten feet thick. This wall Is now a mass of riilin whilst: tlm nlil wull Is broken full of deep holes. Tho parapet is crushed and ragged, anil inu uortuwesc wan is guppeu mill ei-ue.keil down almost lo the water's edge. The Inn bor and Stouo liver are tilled with torpedoes. About a dozen of them have been Us hid up In Stono. One explod ed under the Patnp-xo, raising ber a, foot out of liu water, but- doing no damage. No damage was dona to any of the vovaI.s i during the fight. Tho Admiral nnd 'the ol flcers nro confident or tho ability of the monitors to butler down Snmter. He K however, Inclined to save them 'for tho heuvv work required after Sumter railroad, M The army reduce the fort, lf possible. Tho licet, with the exception of -the We liawken and Nnhnnt. rotired nt two p. m. They were required to keep Wagner aiilcl.' and prevent removing of guns. ThcVhoro batteries continued firing nil the afternoon nnd night, with good effect. Tho butteries nro still at work this morning,. tbo 10th. The Wehawknu nnd Patapseo arc alatlqni'l , in such a position as to be able ( to, keep Wagner und Gregg silent.' When the A'r-' kausas left, the fleet were at their moorings. Gilmore announces that tho work thunifar has been entirely satisfactory, and Out Sumler has been damaged greatly. Tpo los of Capt. Rogers Is much rcRrettcapy tho Admiral. When the Arkansas icftal seven o'clock, on tho morning of tho lOtli, huge volumes of smoke arose from -Sumter, from the burning of cotton. Officers of tho Arkansas believe tho fort .was cap lured, silenced or entirely destioycd by noon. Her guns repliod feebly to onr. Gregg was entirely silenced. Wagner .idlll held out. Tho bomlnrdmontof WodnoKlay innrniiiir. 10th. continued ns nirinatfy ai ever. The Ironsides nnd five monitors, and the shore batteries being engaged. Refugees from Savannah report that there is nearly a famine In that city. Philadelphia, 2M. Uy tho Arkansas, .tho Navy Department received dispatches con firming tlie above. New York. 22d. The tkntld hai the fol lowing: Headquarters. Army of tho Poto- man, 21st. Information from different sources leads to tho belief that the rnbals ( are leaving our front, nnd going to Rich mond. Deserters from Loo's arnv ,ajy movements of troops toward Frcdcrjqkr burg was only a ruo lo cover Lee's real object, which was to lend his troop ikiViUi ward by way of Gordonsville. .Day .before yesterday, large bodies of rebel cavalry marched towards tho Rappahannock, and crosed at separate fords. Driving In,qu"r pickets, they came boldly out In Ight.pf our lines, nnd deployed in line lino oftlo order. All the corps nlong tho river wefc put under arms immediately, in which' po sition they remained until morning, when tho enemy had withdrawn. A cavalry Jte conniovsanco was then innde, which went nn far ns Culpepper, but found no enemy; they on the contrary obtained such Infor mation as leads to tho belief (hat th.o yvhqlo rebel force hud left in tlic direction of Gor donsville. A comploto panto prevails in Rlohtrond In obtain greenbacks. Many dealers twill take no other money for their good. Tho Enquirer pitches Into tho .lew peculiarities rough shod, mid classes Ilenjamin, 8ccrv tary of State, as of that kind. Tho Army of tho Cumberland has match ed to Chhttanooga In three divisions. Chicago. 22d. A Washington corres pondent of tho Cincinnati Gasette says Gen. Itosuncraulz has been authorized to mount Iho whole of his division; to armthem with Sharpu's or somo other quality of cavabry carbine, and to add to the mounted force thus raised, a body of from 300 to 000 rcg ular cavalry. Tho odvantno to be .gained by this arrangement, cannot be over evti mated. Louisville, 22d. Tho Nuhvlllc Union ' says information, or a rellablo character, confirms tho previously published reports of tho demoralization or Hragg's army. Ten nesseeaus nro especially averse to partici pating any further In tho war. ', There Is t great deal of suffering and destitution in north Alabama, poo pi being confined to a very Fcnrco supply of flour and vegetables for food. Meat Is not toJbo had except in tho smallest quantities,' and tho prospects for Iho coming winter aro dark and dismal. Unless relief is afTaxdcd the poor, hundreds must starve. i m - ' CONTKDP.KATK RECOGNITION BY PrANCR. Paris correspondence of tho London Tel egraph of date ICth July pays : We hear .to day, nnd from sources usually to bo trashed, of preparation made by the War Minister for Portland ? you nsk. No, with a view to the recognition of the Sonth. Is it po&siblo thnt the French nre really go ing to establish ' diggings" nftor ull ? I al most hesitated to send this report, though I am told I may do so with safely. . They arrest folks for hurrahing for JefT. Davis "sometimes. An Irishman who hail enough " mountain dew" on board to m'ako him noisy, was perambulating the streets tho other day: and asserting his indepen dence of all the Governments in the world, exclaimed : "It's mesolf that's u robel !" (Just then he espied nn officer a few yards from him, nnd ho finished his pentence, ' " from the Soulh of Ireland, bo jubers !', -.. ..... . i...B.-... .wmm Why is a darkey with " no hair on the top of his head," like a candidate i'or n club who 1ms been lejected by its members? D'.'cuuse he's a black bald iudividual 1