Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 22, 1863, Image 1

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JiiiBiJiiMiJi ica.-7eLi---tC!inMmr
rcxtaxegE3gir.3'aKa.ri'yjrgiekit 'iv.uiiu.vio jttj
uml jjiaararae
trnmim um
i. (). O. r.JacItsonvilSo Lodge
liigt en I'rlil.iy df thu lint
ilV.Vvftk' M U.iftmtl'iO lit nflMi llttt-VMtkliirf
-t. . ni-i iti ") ""."
P,.,' IrO Wl!'jl, Ht HlO MlMOIlIC Hltll, lit
S oV1ixk v. si. Ilruilicrit lu good ilntnlliiKnio Itrrltcd
tuntti-wl. WM. HAY. .V. (J.
sim .1. Dt, n. Scc'i.
TriHtrw. .Tifi. M. Fiitton, Henry Jlcntlnccr miJ
ico. It. l)irM.
Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
j HOLD tlinir regular communl-
s)iCcn'onH lno W'''lUP,lliy I'vonlngsoti
Wir preceding thu full moon, in jack-
If. TJi.odm. SccUf.
o p -ROYAL
JAOKSON ril.LE, Olil'.GOX,
Will hold Its regular communications on Uio
l-'lrst Matmdny 13vc. of JSvwy Month.
All Fiijoiit'tilntr Companions In Rood
Handing uru cordially Invited lo attend.
(J. W, C'HlilOU, II . l
L. Sa:us. Soc'v. dcc8:-17
ti. wm. noirriirrr. .tami-m i. i-ay.
Jackson-vim.!-:, Oiikco.v,
Will practice in Uio Supremo mid oilier
knurls of this Stale. Aim-till -1. MW.
WILL practice In (Ik? several Courts of
tins First Judical DNtriut. and in thu
nprenie Court. October 20. Mia.
" B. F. DOW ELL,
J.:icso.svhj.k, OnncoN.
Will practice in nil (Jiu Courts or tlio Third
Judicial District, the Supremo Court of Ore
gon, mid in Yrokn,Cal. Win- Scrip prompt
ly cidlecled. Oct. 18.
(diiccwor to llccd & (1.h(o;i)
Mpcc!al attention given to collodion
'cncs. Jhiio It), lHli.'J. 40
Oiilcc lit llli lti'ti:ti:nro on Orrguit St.
Ja:khonvii.i,k, Oi:i:io.v.
Whore nil those knowing themselves in
debtcd to him. on noto or hook ujcount,
will ploao cull mid sutllu up. or their nc
count will be placed for collection in thu
hands of my attorney.
My old patrons will still find mo, a ever,
ready to attend to my professional duties.
May l, IBM. timvlitf
Photographic Artist,
3i prepared to lako picturoy in uvery ptylo
of thu ml, wltli till thu Into improvements.
If I'icturcsi do not glvo mtlsliicllon, no
clmi'ices will ho inndu. CH ut hin now Gnl
l"iy. on thu hill. c::timino his plctmcs, mid
hit for your liltuiuw.
T.rUli llulli!liiv, Cor. Front 6; F Directs.
WILL attend to tho Rccolvlnpr nnd For
wuidinp: of nil Goods eutrustrd to
their envo, with .promntnesd and dispatch.
ConMmncntR solicited. Merchandise re
c'lved on ctomgo.
Crescent City, April 11, 18G3. IS
N. B.-Nfo poodsdtdlverei until thofreight
nul charges uropnld. 1). & W.
Kvxi tlour to IJrmtljary A AVnilc.
Ihnve jiiRt oponcd a new (Ttnro mid Ftock
cd It with n choice variety of tho abovo
juoutloncd artioles. nnd oirer them for salo
at tho lowest living-price?. Tho lmst of
flRars and cliowinj? tohacco will lie kept
constantly on hand. Tlio.u fleering any
nrtielo in my lino will tavo nioiie- hy lv
JMp nmn call. J.'llOVT.
JacksojivHle, July 1, Ml.'l. jlltr
tl Weeklj, .Finnk LeslioV, Ynnkco No
tions, etc. Acgulurly received nnd for salo
ut tho
'.HACK-SADDLES constantly on hand
X niyjinrcew and. Saddlery establish
fluent. fMa HKX'iiY .rnnmy
"" t 'IH - .. w . V W - V t
HENRY UTSMilKUISlt, Pub'r mid ProitV
SciMcnttTiov One yenr. In advance, Five
uoiitim; fei.v nioutlir), in roe DoIIui-h.
AnvKuvitfLvti One Fiiunro (10 lines or
less), lirwt insertion, Three Dollars ; cneh
pub.iictit- Incertlon. One Dollar. A dis
count of lll'ly percent will be made to those
who udvi'iliFo by the year.
C3" lcg-.il Tcudorn rncctwitl nt enrrcat rules.
lly application to Tostmafltei-M nnd Jfnll
Cnrrieit). you can Irani that thu.Sniil-wcekly
Oiikiio.v Si:vi'iNi:r. has by far a larger circu
lation lu thu counties of Southern Oregon
and Del Norto county. California, llian any
other paper. Tills fact t-honld commend the
Skntimx to you ns n superior medium for
List op Aokxts, who aro, authorized to
traiiMict any buslucps conccrnlne; this pa
per, in tho unniti of thu publisher :
L. P. Kii'her, San KnincUcn; Wadvorlh
A Raynes, Yreka; Kber Kmry, Afhlaud; S.
C. Taylor. IMircnl.v; S'. AV. Fowler, Apple
gate; II. H. Dunbip. WilllamMmrg; Jolin It.
I'rludlo. Kerbyvlllu; A. I. MoIKnin, Waldo;
U.J. Forbes, Waldo j W.r.. M. Kvans, Alt
house; Joel Thorn. Cnnvonvllle: A. It.
Flint, Roscburg; Iano U. Moorw, Faluin; J.
II. Underwood, L'ugeno City; I'. Chnrnian,
Oregon City; D. W. Wakullcld, Albanv;
Ilenjamin Cook, Corvallls; J. IT. .Smith,
Credent City; Albert Doolitlle, lluppy
Tr.i.Koiunir.n to vihik.i ion tiik akntinku
J)alc9 to August lOlli.
Netvburn, N. (., l.'Jth. A meeting of
the citi.ens of North Carolina, roprercnt
iug cvt-ry county in tho first nnd second
Congressional districts, and n portion of
the third, was held nt Washington, N. ().,
on thu 11 Ih. Resolution.-) wore udopted
sympathising with the great conservative
party of the Slate, declaring that tho en
ergelii! prosecution of thu war in this De
partment i.i the only means by which the
Union sentiment in the interior can bo
made useful in restoring her to tho Union;
iiImj miking Covcrnmcut for reinforcements
for this purpose; accusing the Coufedernte
Government of cruelty and ptifidy towards
North Carolina; declaring her puoplo ab
solved from any farther obligation to Fits
tain it ; placing thu responsibility of thu
destruction of slavery on Jeff Davis nnd
his ri-llow-cniispirntni-j; expressing belief
that North Carolina will find nmplo com
pensation in fieo labor for the present in
convenience of emancipation ; rejoicing nt
Union victories in Kentucky elections, the
ability of thu Administration in conduct of
tho war, nnd especially in the sound nation
al currency organized by the Secrctury of
tho Treasury.
Cairo, 17th. In a reconnoisnneo recent
ly madu from Natchez, to Wuodvillo, the
capital of WilkeiHon county, forty mileo
distant, mid connected by railroad with
St. Francisville, near Rayon Sara, the ex
pedition destroyed five locamolives. nnd
and fifty five passenger cars, together with
a rebel cotton (uctnrv and cotton manufac
ture?, valued nt 82(10,000. This destruc
tion of railway facilities will prove n very
serious blow to the rebels, while other ml
vantages, hardly less important to our
arms, must result from the opening of thu.
Small-western country, which this expedi
tion has shown practicable.
Newborn, 1"3. A letter dated Holla,
lias a verry nblo nrticle, four columns in
length, donounciug thu treachery of Con
federate measures, shoiing thu fdlency of
their promises, the idlu success of their ef
forts, stilting that portions only of the five
original States remain in tho hands of thu
Confederates, uud proposing to cloth N.
0. in her sovereign capacity, to make im
mediate overturn to tho North for peace.
Throe fourths of the rebel prisoners con
fined here deuirc to take the oath of alle
giance, so they can remain within our lines.
At daylight, Friday, tho l-llli. our bat
teries on Morris Island opened fire, which
lasted an hour or two, when they ceased.
The monitor-! did not fire a shot. As soon
ns tho batteries ceased firing, tho monitors
put up awnings. No explanation i3 given
for this movement. Our informant says
during the short engagement he saw sever
Bliots Btriku Sumter, causing brick nnd mor
tar to fly profusely. One of our officers
who left Moiris Istand on Friday, speaks
confidently of our prospects.
Cuiro, 17th. Admiral Fortcr notifies
the public that gunboats are now stationed
on the Mississippi, oil thu way to New Or
leans, whero there is any danger of being
molested by puarillas ; vessela therefore
uwu iiih jvu.i u.r u cuiivuj .
Albany, 17th. Information has been'
received of destruction by lire of Hirst's
Shoddy Mill, nt Choosac, burning to death
several female operatives. The flames
spread with fenrful rapidity, nrtl the only
means of escape left the girls were the win
dows. Some of them were so terror strick
cned ns to abandon themselves ip their fate,
and perish in the building; n,Jrsfell from
the window into the fire; many were bad
ly injured by jumping to the ground.
Twenty-five were missing, fifteen of whom
were reported burned to death.
New York, 17th. Advices received
from Liverpool to tho lJth, nnd Queens
town to tho Tali. The London lUvicto,
heretofore ono of tho strongest advocates
of Secessionists in England, looks upon the
recent Federal victories ns n death-blow to
the cause of the South. Speakers in the
Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, on the
2d, expressed tho opinion that the Amer
ican war was not far from its close. Jus.
Spence, the notorious secession udvocate,
held the same view. The London Tiniti
expresses the belief that the Government
will have ctiniiirli on its hands to rnlorco
the draft, nnd evidently hopes that the nr
my cannot be reinforced by conscripts, and
that therefore the invasion of the South
mnst come lo on. end. TJic Star looks up
on rventH in n different light, and says the
Union forcss nre turning to iiccoutitrecent
victories, by pushing forward nt every
point their extended lines.
New York. VOth, 10.. a.m. Tho or
ihli special dispatch sa)(i, last week one of
our scouts crossed the river at U. S. ford,
and took dinner with onio rebels upon the
Ohancelorvillo battle ground. A large
gnng of negroes was employed getting out
timbers for the construction of the defenses.
Reports nre in circulation among reheU to
the efieet that U. S. anil. Dunks fords were
to be bridged, so as to enable Lee to make
n rapid nttnek on Humphreys nnd Fairfax,
thereby cutting off our communication
with Washington, tind forcing us to tt
tack him. Whether such u movement in
still in contemplation by thu enemy is not
certain, but is generally believed by milita
ry critics that Lcc will avail himself of the
opportunity now tiflordcd by thu decimated
condition of our nrmy to make a desperate
effort for tho destruction of the Army of
the Potomac. It Is not ut till improbable
that the rebels will attack us, nnd wo may
have another struggle upon the placo of
Manussas nud Dull Run.
Affairs at Centerville remain quiet.
General King, who has been scutching en
ergeticly for Mosely, ut length Mieceeded
in discovering him beyond Rlue Ridge.
That notorious guerilla chief is in the Shen
andoah valley, where he has been joined by
Whites gang. Our cavalry nre close upon
them. Unless unusual -good fortune attend
them they cannot evade us. The Tribune'
Washington special dispatch states tli.it
it is understood that importunt dispatches.
Rhowing the complicity of thu Governor of
.New j one nnd others with the rioters,
lias been received by thu nulhoiilicH.
There it is thought that Gov. Seymour
will nut persist in following the mistaken
ennrso into which ho wus beguiled by
Wood's party.
Tho flag-ship Gilmnre, ofl' Chnrleslnn,
lfith, has arrived : Since- Monday last
events here have been rather monotonous.
We have been exchanging shell and hnt
with thu rebels night and day with but lit
tie ilumuge to either side. Tho enemy's
object was to retain Gen. Gilmore's siego
works, but they were all prepared several
.lays ago. Tho intention to open on tho
l.'lili win abandoned on account of some
deficiency ns to tho quality of tho nrmy
ammunition, nud owing to the serious in
disposition of General Gilmore. Ho is.
however, much better, nnd the opening of
the heavy siege works will commence ut
duylight to-morrow. Tho shore batteries,
in getting tho range- of guns yesterday and
tho day before, knocked l luce holes in the
wulls nt blunter. A Henerul impression
prevails that tho lebels nru evacuating
Sumter, and will blow it up ns soon ns
the assault commences. Out of nearly
thirty guns with purapcts, ten days ago,
but six now remains, nnd most of those in
the casemates have had previously disap
peared. Tho ribels have erected works
n mi'u long on James Island, though but
low guns nre mounted. It is supposed that
the destination of Sumter's guns is to these
works. Oar picket boats around Sumter
report great activity every night, with
schooners, steamers, etc.
The weather Is fine, with a very calm sea.
Moon Is favorablo for operations. The sun
is hot, but wo hevo a cood deck brcczo. with
occasional thunder showers. Kvcrything is
now in readiness on sea and shore. All are
looking forward to the work of to-morrow
as-certain of Kiiccess, Reinforcements con
linuo to arrlvo dally, and there is quite u
largo army now on thu Inland. On Wednes
day night tho rebels fired on our works with
R.ftpa aa cannister.
op in the uight and
Tho monitors went
opened ou Wngnvr,
Tho rebel guiis wero soon silenced. The
Indications arc that the rebels will depend
principally on their obstructions and Inter
ior llii-s of defoin-c. In tho attack to-morrow,
the Iroffclud will engage Wagner nnd
keep her stlj-ncVd, whilst thu monitors and
churo batterlys engage Sumter. The wooden
tliiet nud mortar boat" will eiigogu Moultrie.
It will bo a grand aifalr. Thu rebel works
on James Island iudlcatu nn attempt on
their part to drive Gilmore. off thu Maud,
or to so annoy him ns lo iuterfeta with his
siege of Sumter.
t Chicago 10th. A Fpeclal Washington
diFinleh My General lo-encrans mission
to Washington is u cuinpletu success.
New York, lflth. The estnbislmient
known us New York Tatturj-cls was burn
ed yesterday afternoon. A number of lire
men were injured, and '2't horses were burn
ed. Loss S-J0.0U0, the fire is supposed lo
be the work of an incendiary and a por
tion of n general scheme by rioteis on ac
count of the approaching draft.
In viow of the draft, which commenced
to-day. Gov. Seymour yesterday ii-suod n
proclamation, counseling obedience to the
laws. He says "Whilu I believe it would
have been u wise uud humane policy to
have procured a judicial decision with re
gard to the constitutionality of the Con
script Act, yet, failing to do'this in no de
gree justifies any violent opositiou. It is
mi net of Congress, which, until it is set
aside, must lu obeyed." Hu warns people
thul the only opposition that can be allow
ed, is an appeal to courts. In event of nnv
riotous proceedings, vigorous nnd eff't'tive
measures to Eiippresj them will be used.
Washington. 12. A report of the opera
tions f tin) Army of the Tennessee, from
the day Gen. (J rant assumed permanent
command nf tho expedition against Vleks
burg. until thu (uriender or that place. lr.
published in the (hj'tcittl (,'nzrlte lo-day. He
my it is a striking feature, ho far ns'his ob-K-rvation
goe.-i. of the present volunteer sys
tem or tLc United Stales, that there is noth
ing that men are called upon to do, i-vstem-allu
or professional, that accomplished
adepts cannot be found for the duly requir
ed. S)CakiU!r of thu nSKihtnnnn ikm'iImi-iwI In-
thu navy, says : ' I cannot close my report
without expressing my thnnkluIueM lor mv
good fortune in being placed In co-operation
With Olllcei-S of tllO IIIIVV v.-lni nnrm,l,.l
to every move that seemed to the interest
of our arms their hearty and energetic sup
port." Admiral Porter, ho adds and every
efficient officer under him, have shown the
greatest readiness in their co-operation, no
matter what was to bo done or what risk
was to be taken Without their prompt
and cordial hiipport my movements would
have been much einbairassed. if not wholly
Washington. Aug.. l.'llh. Gen. Grant's
report, after acknowledging thu co-operation
of thu navy, concludes as follows : The
result of this campaign lias been the defeat
of thu enemy in live battles, outsdu of Vieks
burg. thu occupation of Jackson, Capital of
the SUlo; capture of Vicksburg with lis
garriHin nud munition? of war; a low to
thu enemy of HT.Ulli) prisoners, among whom
weru 111 teen general officers, and at least 10.
0U0 killed and wounded, umong tho killed
being Generals Tracy. Tilghumu and Green,
hundred-!, perhaps thous.ius, of otragglcrs,
who cm nuvur bo collected or reorganized.
Our lo?s in tho battles rnav hu summed up
tin I'jllows: Port Gib-on-killed, RIO;
wounded. "IN; missing, ft. Fourteen-mile
Creek skirmish killed -l ; wounded. -1 ;
missing, none. Raymond killed, CO, wound
ed, :il ; mifsing, :v. Jackson killed, -JO ;
wounded, 2J0 ; missing (!. Chapioii Hills
killed, '12li ; wounded, 1.812 ; missing 180.
Uluck Railroad Urldge killed, 20 ; wound
ed. :i,(il)S ; missing. iUKJ. Total kilkd, 1,
2J2 ; wounded, 7,205 ; missing, oil". Of
thu wounded many nru but slightly wound
ed, and continued on duty ; many more re
quire but a few days or weeks for recovery.
Not more than half of thu wouuded are
prciuuucutly disabled.
Thk National Fii.vn(ts. Ono of the
b"st evidences of the confidence of the peo
ple in the Government U found in the con
tinued subscriptions to tho Five-Twenty
loan. jJuringnU tho recent excitements
these subscriptions have steadily continued,
nnd since the victories ut Vicksburg and
elsewhere, tho sales have been enormous,
teaching, July 2 1st, in New York, for in
stance. $1,281,500. Tim liien who have
labored to discredit this loan nmong Unpeople-
Imvo but n poor recompense for all
their toils.
"What nbominnblo lies we aro told!" ex
claimed an uncombed and uncomely New
burn damsel of forty-Uvo summers, nsUnrn
sldu's gallant boys wero filing past. "Why.
they Fiid tho Yankees woto after beauty and
booty, but they have not touched mo yet!"
And sho lifted up her voice and wept that
tho had been so deceived.
A Youtiikui, Majoii Gi:.ni:iui,. Frank J.
llorrou, of Iowa, Is tho youngest Major Gen
eral In, tho -.United Stules aumy. He is only
20 yews of uge, but his bravery, efilcioney
and success are worthy of inaturer wars.
Cauioatuiib. There Is a species of humor,
peculiarly American, which consists In gro
tesque hyperbole, tho earicnturo of soniti
fact which expresses it better than a. faith
ful portrait would do. Snmo peoplo tub'
the snake nnd kill It when they want to
show it to lie, but the lively Ynnkco humor
ist catches It by the tall ns it p:iscs, and
stretches it into ludicrous proportions, n
actors in pantomimes do tlin tails of
those famous ductile dragons which so ns
touish and delight the children.
Instances of this wild and extravagant,
humor uru as common as proverb-. Kvery
body ha heard of tho weather which wiw
so cold that the mercury went nut of sight,
nnd which, no doubt, would hnvc been u
great denl colder, If the thcimometer had
been long enough. A similar exaggeration
was that of n young man who took calomel
on n morning so cold that the mercury ran
right down Into his boots. And speaking
of boots reminds us of n stage driver, win
uoro such large ones that hu had to use the
forks of the road us a boot-jack.
The following passages nre Illustration;
Tho man out West whoso legs nre so long
that hu has to go down cellar to tie his shoe-.
The man who Is so large that he has to go
out of doors lo turn over. The man who
snored so loud that he had to sleep over lu
the next street lo keep from awakening him
self. The man whose noso is so long that
hu has to step forward three paces to reach
tho end or it. Thu man who was so largo
and heavy that his shadow killed n little
hoy when it fell on him. Tho man who wa
to'l'at that his shadow left n greasy trail
along the road ni hu walked along; uud the
in-iii who was so thin that he did not cat
any shadow ut nil. And among these de
serves to rank the horse who ran so fa-t
around the ring Hint the spectators could
only see one continual circular horse; to
gether with that other more famous racer
that, ran so swiftly round tho arena that ho
nearly caught up with himself, and could
sue his own tail just before him.
A fireman once related on adventure lu
which he found himself In u rich saloon, sur
rounded by wealth and lino company.
"I didn't know myself until I felt In my
pockets and found 'em empty.''
Some one inferred that he was customa
rily short of funds.
"That's so," said ho, '-If steamboats wer
selling for two cents apiece I huveu'l
money lo buy a gangway plank.''
Wu once heard a person tell of a fright
he had from a big dog.
'I lost flesh," satd he. "nt tho rate of ten
pounds n minute, till tho owner came nud
called him oil-."
Along with this wo may placo the story
or a man who. in consequence of a fright,
ran so fast nud so far, that when hu stopped
it was more than twenty minutes before hN
shadow enmu up with him. Hu was proba
bly watched by thu man whoso dickey was
so high that ho had to climb ti fence to
seu it.
A Riuvn Woman-. A lady living in
the west portion tf Tehama county, arrest
ed a horse thief on Tuesday lust, unaided
and alone. The thief called lit her house fur
something to eat, which was provided af
ter which lie went to the orrul and select
ed a fine hor?c and made off with it. The
lady saddled up a horsu nnd with a shot
gun gave chute. When within hailing dis
tance she ordered the rascal to surrender,
which ho did unconditionally. She march
ed him back, called on some of the neigh
bors, related the circumstances, uiul several
of them volunteered to nceompany him to
Red I'luir. The days of romance' and nil
venture uio not yet passed, ns tho above
circumstance will verify. The public tiro
entitled to the name of this lady, though
modesty might causo her to object to its
appearing in print. Mrs. Lacoclc is
strong Union lady, which accounts foitic
whnt for her bravery. Itcd liluff liukpciu
Tho following is from u soldier's letter;
You remember tho words of Collingwood
at Trafalgar, raying with enthusiasm, nmid
the cracking of timbers nnd the roar of
battle.," What would Nelson give to be
here J" a remark which I never compre
hended till 1 stood upon a battle-field and
heard the roar of thu conflict. What ani
mals men arc! The bugle blast, sharp,
clear, ringing the charge, stiis men ami
horses alike. They leap they understand
that it is a charge nerves thrill, muscles
becomes rigid. Men in a Cavalry chargo
are changed to devils, tiding demouiac
steeds. -Exhaust language and terms ex
pressive of the feelings of men nnd ani
mals in n Cavalry churgo und yon will I'uti
to convey a ti uo idea of the reality.
The nienlbers of the Missouri State Con
vention now in Fession ut Jefferson City,
are classified as follows : Copperheuds. 26;
Conservatives, 'lf ; Rebels, U.; nud Rndi-t-als,
18. Tho Radieals.and Conservatives
are emancipationists -the iformer being in
favor of Abolishing shivery nt onoe, und
the latter lean towards the plan of Presi
dent Lincoln, which is to break cp the in
btitutiou graduully.