Semi-111 cckln Sentinel. was ever hml In Jacksonville. The Mipjwr wntcr has ilrivd up oflatc In nrnrljr nil llie Vv I w iifr jly jp i j JlSv roe-i BBBa J2Jrl if wa pollen up In a civic to elicit (be udmlr ntloii or nil who were ro furtutiMo u (u partake oT It. Excitement, plei.urc ami good cli'cr reigned supreme amung the goodly company. Tli.' celebration was, throughout, a grnlt rylnjr uccei. This Ni:w. There will In. limnd under mining camp of lhl region, In conseiuiencc f which these place, lately so llusli with pood times, mint become dull nnd Inactive, nnil many of IIumc who have not been uc cevfiil will leave -In fiict they nru already Hurting for the mountain to prospect. And many ore olo starling for the older mining rumps nnd valley. Kvcry valley NEW TO-DAY KXIIIHlT-nr tho "UcccipH nnd Kx cndltilr of tho County of Douglas, for the fiicul year Hiding .Tulj 1st, 18C3: i iir-Tinn. Am'l rte'U frwn 8. JImiiIIiuu. x-trrwiirr t 22 21 TatMculllei-tfil l.T-fuumnm ui It't nf lull, Am-mnl of tain rnllMtnl j Tmiiuw on mlnt.r I-.OS. Amount f Ixm -"l nA culll J ljr "TilTHB HKCICU'V AND rKRHANKNCT Or YOCH L'.XION. A GoVKtt.MUAT Klltl THE YUIOUS 1.1 mhp.smbi.k.," IliwAiayfon. U0M 1A-l MIMI URU lilt-JUTWIJlPMl MHIUUC .lACIviOXVtl.I.t', OUBdll.V. ?-MltlBA b I'll hf 1 firfJ . telesranblc head. In till runcr. KnMcrn di- i '" olPr any nronikc of vegetation oilier AnnuM ruw wH iwly .. ' . ..... ..l 11,1,1. 1 1 IHlWfllflK, jiieies mini me villi lo iiib iiiill lil'i. I lie mini riir-uiu-ii, is uvn viuuntu unu ' mot Imporlant new ! that the grand land ! '(platted npnn. J and naval attack by General Gilmoru nnd j 1 was much d'agpolntcd In the nppenr- , Admiral Daldsren, wni to have commnord m!Ce f thU country. I find none or the ' on the Utli lnt. Of the .pecdy nmi rllVor-1 lwlraj cmnn ltre ,ial )t,m,!iv tllC pnv, nblo re-ult or Hut nttaok there H no dlvld-, Bwn kn r VaxMem white Ii-oh- l opinion. Gc.i.Ollmore I, without n peer Mnfcn tlie'lMimt f;nelwBni ,verc.,ki... I In the art or nr. Ilery Inj. He It ,,e , (f , , to 1 land. thai. In eight., lioiir after lb tiring ' Wr r,,,,,'u'f n'M' ",,wr'; "",1 , P" t . ; ,orilillr.t iniLCHniMlkil !. rebel com- brauty or iMr .urronmlmL", tl.M cImmI. , J Charier on AbmuiiI of Hw itnJ lUinj (m jut eivl- me jnyr i, i, ABMHUt of t'nbit and (Vmlj fwi fir jirtlfi( Jiiljr 1, t!, Amount f tmy IMtaitt It ju tailng Jnljl.loet Atrt".int f Onwvrjr IJvcii.e fr yeir eeU InsJuljr I, txfc. TU uMUBt of I'.tnlpli, SOT M l,MR M Sill CO I.OW w US CO CI 10 TOM MO CO i:riLNDITUIllW. lV),fOnnlv Jl. Irm .f ('mrnlir UMMd.ln, SIMtiBh (tRHil Cltt4. tAMtv rtMk. i.t tn ...primUr IVl mm ,.f "'. WllJlednokillff l.XMIIe lrt!tcrH Otlt , MwJ ff-dl,l4Hit. . AI'fil'ST 19. ISSlJ!' 'tronsMt ruftmentlnm In Amntei. , llrfr "lwl '"rowfiilly Into u blank nnlnlar- j rrf A"w. ' 7 - - - -.m ' " .r... i uMn There U too lit the of slimle! fff RPVMnMt ' WKNfflSDlY r.U"ilM;. ' - . . ..... 1 ...i it.. , , nhtntnemteffveln iHlvuaJuitMM2mi. cuwc pmin I !....!... a I M4 -.! ! t .t.i. ....- ntul JpHiitJ liLrt iiimmIi f .imj! iih.I c.iid ' MM Iff JuUtM irf tW Krt...r JmmuH again report Dtocb "A""'-: ,"'" ,. '-, "" " 'T' ""! '.T ! ' "7. 7 Jv, ; .TilfciS?! viiiitii.rv m.T in iwiiivii wiwil unu .U'lnvll 11 nnj inn'iru in hit iiitiviui .i inv vuuiihi t gw" """ ., - . gnn, tun! will iftroiv from (IW loovr .Oil wuimIw lilllHrr tn strike lib lyre, the 03;j tw- Wiww, Kit imp.HIM that any rortllt-1 M would mvtnt (they would l wcred 1 T !f uPg?ff l' '. '. ilhra n lontr Maud wllhlu reach or any ww) wotihl mIv be liheblv ttamitd. 1 ' !- ! r. 41 uh mm. ink. . i il.. .-.!., n... : '.,...... !,..".. . ... . ." wrylBBrHiifiwfJiifclitwtfcM, "- """ ......n..... ., ... mnnoi uuriK iiim vaiiey win iirouoca tk- , nun M. .....,.. ........ .l " i jiu, we minK n miv hi ttnuMi uwi inv mu SKUl 4ej III 4l IJM'JI :i:i Al ;u M.I IW H j l'rieiit riiinnrinl Condition. Amount or County Warrant out- Mnminic, nt tho cIimc or tho j ear. n nrvrliiliietl by tho C'noiitr 'Irdur Hook, in the Clerk Omca $ TC-t Comity Fund on hand n ixblbll td by the County Treasurer . 1,001 7j .Surplus cah on hand $ 237(0 Thin plvlng the rurt condition or llw I'mpiiui County l'limtici-", nt lb tlm of tin; d'forvaul. ition, ncerlalui'd by ilinul. taiiiMiii'y cnitntlui! the "inmiey on hanj'1 mid "Wa'rrantu niiilntidlni: " WIIiicm mv hand nnd Olllclal Hlgnaturi thislitdiiy 6r July. Ihiix I.. I.. WILLIAMS. Clerk. BRAiDRY ft WADE" JACKSONVILLE, "CwTlaoloRifvlo tfj IXotcxlI -lIXAIJilU IX- 1'rult a. killnl "Sojrr lUy" bat written it nnothw In UrMtlns lulter. Sm vtbat h Htyi of the Wagee rnwl. ?s:dry goods, CLOTI-IITG, SS BOOTS & SHOES, Hm Uhiirkt Sattmd fat Jhrtvllk, Mr. Wm. Utlttdek, tweher, will eomuMMo a thr month term on MowUiy ne.M. maw i Iim liheUaH MtartH, tW..I r - M... .u. K L.I1 .l mM- i..1.L. . MMI.. v-..f I .1 L.uiiMAr "' WWWBV"'-M P- oiwmw wi iHitiiii v.wvir in irw livifn ui I mVT9 Hg wow mi otr Sumter ami the detwi-1 ,. ,trmr ,vl-- ,. .., u -, lul , h,ih ?utir.f mttnn. ... ...... ..... .,..... ., -. ...-. ..... ,..,,. , - .,,.-1 ui iiBL, br !IOt .o mndy. Sttge-hrudi. liz.iriK ritttle-snnke I'iM I r ! lt.arnnMl, Cuptuln HnrrU bavinpr, rwigrwl tbe Cnp talny or Co. A, 0. V.. either LUsot. White, of Mmpny C, or Lieu', lllneattri, or com pitny I'', iMiir Ailjnlont or the lteplment. will be onIhhI to rill tlM vaosaoy. Cimhim- fervmlly h.I ..urntmu nil iIumi. fiulilit Ikn I.Mur. ' IW.I l,rhl. uTbltM - "! " "" - " -.. , - - --r, - i-r-r- 1, Ti.- iMLH ... iaw, r 1.1 ..fux i.i.i luiir. inMWMHIMt W in tho trade of tliw U "louts" kl "lwttM IMdu" I'M far TrMHiiif TaU Ml Khoat ml city of CnurlettiMi. There nr tumor?, whloh we liUllw. nm t.iftlM.d nf nn IntiAnjIttiM .Ihiiim .... "' "",v - t- ...i. "" ( orth iiiwDaiHinwn. In the eomn,d or the Army of lMI'toM. . ihmM ,w ft 8lwre J 1I..1a La a l.-.B d.MA.a .1 l.A h..Bf .i t ... v.iv .m, .i, wlWum, ,.jr ,ru,.WHni , . ,,,. 1-fi, ,!. ,i i imJl IHl mpm ror no lvln vbjoromly lullowed ! , ? . ... , ., , , i?t!?w,,V "T,, .... Li. . ....i..... .V. r...L i 1 1 now feel warranted In mv ng that when f4 far im m awt iim. up hi prent victory nt GtiyHiirir. Irom. , .,..,,, ....,, iitw iviiriii riHlmit, .... .. .... . . ! II u iMhil.lisluil thl will lm n Mtiiif i itaui ..u. r n. ii.,ik tu&. .. . in i. . . . ... i .. i 'nil me eeiuonee tnnt nil raiiiiei ik. um n. ' ' -" " - -" " " tt -r - ...". -., Ub f Ifci. imllJZn fVr tlMfr 0Zr vl-l that 3I..U 1 M. ik.14. an.7 I l. Urn on with thb wSon rI-lhe, JKaBfKiB-u-6; "IdM mMw.u iirln? hi iwltlnn. aferj,'"l,vHlly. rrelput to Him IhI ,S,,tr,Il ' ',b' I : lT.-Mr.J8.S.illreld, owl Mr. J. Ions awl forced HMrcbw.aml Mtliifr n d h from lb to i2 cent per pound. One I - " ta .. ... . .. .. . . ... . I ..... I..11I. ,1 .!..... .. .1.. 1 ' 1 !.. I.......U. .1 I. ..!-.. -. !"."" " 1. It ruioy. HavBomm IrttortU U WIIB MTCT 1 1""" '" ' uimi iwri minimm, ill Tiuin iw utvii iiiuuiiu iiirwinn in i uii, lumntwiw i lump, i lost :a lllltl ui w, en ; saw mtlnn. Mr KmerMi li Gore, pnve in rome rtn frotMi iaelmi. Ttiey will nt do for peeiervee, fur Iku boy demostroUd tbuL thoy would not keep In n prlntinic ooTce. Cqwaux G. O. V Lieut. Hand with hl kumI or reerull. arrived at Fort Van Houver, W. T.. on the 7lh lint., and all uere mnlwd lulo tervlee, in Co. G, on the tilth. John 1'. Noble bad Iwen commU.ioned Cap tain or Ihi company by Gov. Gilib; but he railed to pttn the lUamlng Hoard, nnd the orgiuizatlon or the company wa there tore cfTecUtl n follow : Henry C. Sma'l. of Lano county, Captain; Wm. M. Hand, Hint Lieutenant; Patrick M'Guire, Second Lteuteiiant, mid Kvenly-lMO diluted men. Our bdt wlhe are ltli Co. G. As Kiiitoiiui. Stiiekt Fmirr. A fipht oc curred In Yreka, on the lSlh, between Nob irt Nixon, or the Journal, and II. K. White, of the L'lum, reiilling In eerlou injury to lth. Nixon klnick White with a club, when the latter quickly itnick the former with a liowli-knlfe In the left tboulder, ipllt ting the arm down almost to the elbow. Nixon fell, and White rprang upon him. Itl.l!h lita tkji1k litj w4 iukmbm.! ..ti.1 ntiiwe t(t" (iii ivrrvw w viiptft itini . which rvHilted In n Rlorlout victory thciu the c.Hinlry bad any rlplit to o.xpcetof lil-n. Mende will do. him nlotte. If ny clmnire I In be made, let Ilallvck, or Cor inth fume, go into retirement. The coun try oun Utter Mrehlm. How mi It mint be to tho Oregon De mocracy to know Hint old Kentucky onoo the home of the "pure patriot" nnd oheri.h d pot or the Chivalry." John C. llreokln rhlgoha given tho "Negro Union Aboli tion" tlflkel iv nnjorlly offlO.UOOl That State It about reconstructed. Dlipttchca or date or I till Imt. are of but little Importance. Gold In New York which k the Inwevt rale of the (euMii Wc ore in receipt (vut. .Salt Iotke City) of- in new m me imnie ni ticiiyniiuiv nnil tlw couflrmatiofl of lite cuptiire of Vick. burg. The hitwt netva U now recelveil by the Kxpre from Salt Ike to Huiinock City. It only rcuulre fiwe day tn brins i it over lb J route from Salt Luke CI I v. A permomiiit Hoe will toon lm winblMietl, ! which will greutly fjcilit.ilu communica-1 lion to tlih region from the teat or war and elMwIicrr- I"aiit. llurritiHy etc.. Kmiitn llor. j imu mm rM fir iuv u4 te Titte! nrmiint WfoBlu-, I t 11 eo 41 "I H) ltd inv kl 00 IAN) It ft) lMfti an w i KG) I WKII MMMM w,uii ItanlpK, l l lJipewUliMM, I I 1'iiiniicial oomlitloii of Douyhu Coiiuty July M, lfi:i. At the ctoM t lb wl Mrtr ! Mlllvwtol. lac Jnlf M. imw r rxnnk at I W. uMc nut . I MEL IW ' llMgU MWl), &a f Wagini llouil iiltii'tliig. A Wagon road meuling nai held at the h-.,l Ow.lln.l Ia.'.I T tl' I !.,!,., ...l.,l Lieut. General In Arkan.1, ha. died 'of de-' C.":t ""I" 0n n' ""h' '"'"" till. IU HlJUIIi:ilUCH. UUI. 4 1 uuil 111 lug chair : U. C. Sesluii, ecretary. The Kb nance Committee reported that the work waprogrewlng finely, all tho heavy grnd low' ha nig ln-eii coinpletnl, and the road llu I. Inil to the Mimuiit or Flounce liock. Amount nr ubcriptlon wa C'.'.HCG IS. or whtchSI.I'Jll 90 had ln.-en collrcltil, leav. Inc a balance unpaid or SI.IUU -.'.'i. or it confluenw with Snake Ilivcr, nnd forty ! "llIc" n"""11" ' a thought Sauo could Iw j imJ ointjr nr )imiiu. mll.irrnm Hinnn..!.- f',i- ,!.,. il, U'IU ! ColIeC,v'' ' CU,, uM ,mt' 8I l0'J U0 : ln ! t'mwtt.&Hiiilr.n.r all lUUIIIIw are pro- mlli." rrom Uannock City, where Ihc alia ' ,iebtdiio for which tho Committee- were M-i f. .ilil um UiUw, tf okm, Walla trail leave Uoiie Hivcr for Uannock nxpomlble. Sl.lftS 18 : making total cxpen-1 r.,'SL"'!ifi.'? ., n . tn, r j ,i. i i Cilyand IWvi.Ic. The .imil of thCl",!;"V. c, ftnrt ' ! "'" "" "" ' " "l. llrum tremem. Letter front ".Soger lloy." Hoiik ClTT, l. T., July 22. 18C3. Ed. SmUntl: Thi juvrnlle cily is It uated upon the left or north bunk of the river who name It bear, forty mile from unltl. star linl IIH I1MU1 lr MkUHC MiMT&t lurMfdr llrt Juijr i. iw,ii ttMSX lliltna M IwMMwImti Jul I, Ijet, J1.JM 1( Ail-I Mnt)r wnhf uutiUikllnf I.IJU l IUUdm ajHlait lkMin Umnljr Jul 1, , t KB HI UTATKIIPOItWIDV.!., I.AS.""- COUNTY OK INIL'OI. I litrahv rrtlf lh U.te la k mi aivt wrtret iUltnmit C ItnMpU on.1 MiwirJInirM fir lli ftKu joir rn.lnx l.t July, l3S,iulur lli IiuiimIiI cumllllull of iMijlu Cuuu l)r at Ihu lilt I lit Ujll lucilllullril. lu olliwu lirr I Iiai litraunlo Mt inv luitvl jk1 oftlcUl Ml, IU. UlbiUy cf Ausuil. A. I). Ivll. , . II.II.IIKAi:ilOIIS', !i4 I CUtkofljti.Co..l)2u, " f fcr A. II. IH.1T, lpui CUik. Tlio (lnimUl cwlltivn f III two rountlr t tli lluit of pmJmtln, ami Ikt flu-uicUl cutullllou of and wa only prevented from killing him i.y ine ipiw iincnereRW o. ';-" town extend tollio,eoflbemIll.nrer. i IV. ".... "",. In .,"... "" ." V.... . t t.u..-. j,. An IcnprwIbU nen.paper conflict had been j wh u u ' - i-" -j;"", 'ZiU . -&" "" jaLB wngetl for n year or more between th illtor. nlileti; with While, had degenerated Into flit by blackguardism of hi cotcnv jHirary. C'nnniiario.v The town edition of the ,StvriM:i, or Saturday lait, conlalned one if thoeitnnoyingrnltake!inblhvtlllform tirne oceur. It wa ttated that ilxtecn Mildleni bad detcned from Co. C. Oregon Cavalry, tince they had went out to the proipectlvc Klamath Tost. ThWcrrorarows from mltapprehenflon of a itatement that lxteen men had dererted from Co. A. Capt. Karri!, in the northern country. Several month, tince, four or five men deserted from Co. C, In't the officer coniidertd them no Ion, m lhy were uch worlhle character that the company I proiilably rid of them. Many or the private in Co.Care mcu or property nnd influence, and, a a body, no men arc more'frastworthy. I. 0. 0. 1. Cki.mjiutio.n. la accordance Kith -the protiou announcement, the Odd Fllovrsyetenlay cclebmtetl tho Annlver ary pr Jackronvllle Lodge No. 10, 1. O. O '.!. The nMiiUrs and tranrJent brother?, clothed in regalia, formed in proce.'.'ion at tho Coort "Honjc, about two o'clock, and ntarclitd through the principal itrecU of the town. The attendance wa not a ktrgo Fort Iloiw. The fort I to be located in ' ululy, and upon the Utl of tho flrt eli tn tit ftvlil.'h ntiinmit t nnml.. 1 ll... nn.. , . ,. ., . . ... . . i ....... ........ ...H.,. ,n ......,x,, .,w ,....n uie viciniiy ot inc loni.iiiiu anil the town and tnniui lor railing thl amoiiul werw di between It nnd the river, which Is about two mile away. A yet, I I only a city In nsnw. The fortsts that are to enter Into it corutruc- All cf wkMi li rp(rillir .ul.mlll-L n. ii. . UKAIIIMHN. Cktk at IhrtMU. Ci . 111.. I'M A. II. I'um, bMiir tMk. Ditl nowlrfirs, AufUit II, 1MB. tion, and the morlur which U to cement it fair proportion, together with the pop ulation that h to inhabit it, all are In the the prospective, in the dim diitanco; the stately tree move a before; tho toll that is to form the gigantic adobe for It foun datlon still briiile with wild rye and sage; the buy multitude that ore to peo ple the embryo cily and Till iu streets with the hum of induitry, iincnritciou or their destiny, still go on enacting the drama nf life on diff:rent field of labor. Yet the first of the few have gone forth, and "Sir; ciimd ut leiij-lh. uud SliUO moru wu tub- Kribed upon the hi. I It was tho unanimous tvltli of the ub- lorllwr that the road ihoiild be nwdo rn. , but after careful iiivcatigniiun, it aiineuriiiic ; plainly that the nc,ary mb-ortptioii , tJmpnua County, Oregon, ut the clo of could berulH'd In no othtr manner, upon a .t . ., iDm UmiHiiin County Ilcjtort. Btalcment of the Financial condition of FANCY GOODS, XX-Ocl-S -OL.3NT33 OA.XS, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, HARDWAltK. UI.ASSW'AItK. tiUKKNSWAUK. U'OODn.NWAl'.K, MINERS' TOOLS, All of nbivti will lie old ut low price, for CASH, or durable I'llODUCK. vole lakeii.05 (hareholder nru't'Ot nnd repre.ent). (a majority of tho paid ub tcrlptloil,) unamimutty decided to mike it a TUl AW, with n Capital Slock or Su.OOO, con.iillng or 2IU harc of iib each, ac cording lo tho article or Incorporation, Ihu protecting tobscribero In Ihu amount already uxpeiulvd. and aecurlug the imino diatu prosecution or tho work tho truitetn were inttrucivil to oiion the book or the the year ending June SO, 1803: KECKIll!). Ca.'Ii on hand, July Hih, 1882, oc- conllng lo tho I rea-urera reports C39 91 rtecoived taxe duo Tor 1880. ... I SO deceived taxe duo fur 18111 100 00 Uecuived taxtn due for lfib2. . . . -1,619 29 deceived law duo for"lBUl-CJ" 288 15 Fee l.iul In County Court 13 1)0 Fee taxed in 1'roUtlo Court 23 20 Company, uud authorized to iuuo Hock to Fers taxed in Circuit Court 18 00 iiU-crlber. i deceive- Ferry Llcen 10 00 Tho iivclion of permanent ofllcera, und I deceived cola from Wilton 2 00 traiiMCttoo of other iiecewary bu-iiifa-s will be ilix)Hil of at a called ineetini!, due no lieu of which the Finance Committee will Jeenu " i their watch word. Already ore ! HivCi through the paper. K. C.S. the energetic proprietor of this clly-that. - is-to-be berulding forth lis name as a w or-, 3J7 "NnPT ST JHi"y thy candidate for the Capital of Idaho. , . DR. P. G. HEARN, Or YreUn, Cnl., XX"!?!.!) respectfully announce There has been about thlrly wagons brought acros the plain this season, princi pally from Iowa and Pikes Peak. They re port having teen a great many small band of Indians on the route, but few of whom MUwainoproHwouiuoo.ou tie puouc mmUt of iigrantg may expected generally were Fu ovtT tl8 route . bd4 flIiey slop 011t lCre the r appearance. T6o exercise at lhe .,.,. , ,, ', ... , , rournioIuwwercoranIertIngcbarac-i''7'1''1 "l " w " ' 1,-r. O.Jacob,, Erq.,delivcred ... .ddre!''"1 M P"ff. 'f hanr . . . should coma nnnn the countrr. Tha bills onOuai-eliownip, secomj Hnioneeivtj'- --t . V warntnted. ver).erd,Mtl.'vlIe'rf .orwltbrapt w-m-g wi.o m.oer. -...u-proeoec.e , jouvllbv Aug, 11. 1863. anc2tr Total cxpcnJIt.irc.,, , .UenttombyltboUrg-lJiudlsnce. ' and..nk!ii.rooyor'tlni leave before win-J' - - - Excerpt receipt, u TIAbaitheT8teg.tittheU.8.HoUlteri'tbeTeUnotsufl3cient traaportMion IniTJtrl0TjOGUAPII AT.BUMH.ot , exnewHti-r , ww tu(tiVpo.of )br mi jdcuwt lha tbttC-tMilrj-tr'bcijippltaiQf IK. Tt-l WIUDUCUX .WAPi, to the citizen of Juckonville and vicinity, that he can bo found ut llerbuld' ofllcv, were disposed to be troublesome. A large j LT'TT.VVV C . VZ branches or hi prolenlion. 't'ct-llt ImerU-d upon Gold, Vulcanite, Amber, Creoli, SI1-. ver and Chcopkuly, Irom ouo to a full tot. IV. 11. Dr. II. will remain in JackMjnvlllo .iwu tveeka uuly. All work lUculttd line Irom Mill. . dvceivtd for one curd of wood... 23 00 2 30 Total amount of receipt J5.CC2 13 KXl'K.SplTUItCS. Appropriation by Coin-inl-.lonur from July 1. 18U2, lo July f, 1803 J53.97C 22 , mm iniereat on couuty warrant... Poll tax refunded by Treasurer Paid tilatc lax (delta- ipieucy) of Iblil Paid Slate tax fur 1802 Paid expre fee on tho amc School Tax transferred to the common Kbool fund Tr,eaurer' pcrceutage for theyear 7 2 00 CD R7 737 C2 31. 3C8 83 -17C .95 iiati w 319 ,2Q BRADBDRY ft WADE AUK NOW HKC'l'IVING A Large & "Well-Selected STOCK OF Spring & Summer C3rOJ3DDS, NEW STYLES DRESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staple Dry cs-oocaus CARPETING, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, MEN AN3J) BOYS' Spring & Summer CLOTI-II3Sre, HATS AND CAPS! AXD ALSO A Flue Assortment of Ladies, Men and Boys' Boots and Shoes ! OIIU'IITOX AND ASULAKD Will be, supplied with a Good AsiaQftinent . -or- STAPLE MD FANCY GOOHSrl Which .will be j JACKSON VI LLU V1UGVM ! FAMILY. ,aR0GKIUF(S, V