Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, August 01, 1863, Image 1

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    I) re jim
; Lru3ttrtrriztc.T'n.zz!Z3u2z:
J. O. O. I--Jiic!ison ville Lodge
EWw i In-J ntl I'rlil IV lif thi fllu
XA Jfef'Vs wiot; lii etch moiitli, ami on
iiVill Stilimliy ufovli Intoi veiling
, -i "WlfCS? week, nt tha Miumilc Hull, nt
8 o'clock p. u, llrollicrs In guoJ nUMillte; nro Invited
lotitloml. WJI, HAY, N. 0.
Saw .1. IHr, It. Sro'y.
TiiMtcin. ,W, m. Sutton, Henry DonlltiRcr nnd
Ocj.11. Durrit.
Warron lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
A HOLD tliclr regular communi-
f'rcntlons tin! Wednesday Kveningson
vNor preceding the full union, in jack-
HO.NMI.I.i:, (iHKCd.V.
U. Ib.nmt, Scr.'i.
Oregon chapter no. 4,
.. O F --
"Will hold its regular commitnieulious on Hie
First Saturday Eve. ofKveiy fltonlli.
All sojourning Ctnmtiliis in good
t.iidiiig are cordially invited to attend.
o. w.muim, if. i
L. Sawis. Scc'y. dec8:-17
:. wit. houtiiitt. jami: n. fay.
Will practice in tliu Supremo nud oilier
Courts of lliin Stale. Murcli -I. Till.
Jackko.vvii.i.k, Oiikwi.v,
WILL practice in lilt! several Courts of
tin1 First Judical District, nud in the
Supremo Court. October '20. '(i2.
Will practice In nil the Courls of the Third
Judicial District, the Supreme Couvt of Ore
gon, and in Yiokn, Cal. War tfciip prompt
ly collected. Out. 18.
(SuceoMor to Hccul A Clinton)
J acksox vu.i.k, Ouuno.v.
Fspeciul attention given to collection
CttSCS. JuUl! 10, ISti.'l. 40
Of lieu nt hi Ucjilririit'it on Oregon .St.
Where all those knowing themselves In
debted to liiin. on iiotn or hook nccoiiut,
v 1 1 1 plcuo cull and ml lie up, or their ac
count will be pineal lor collection in thu
hands of my nttorncv.
My old pillions will Mill find me, utner,
ready to attend to my professional duties.
May li, Hiiilt. inavdlf
Photographic Artiut,
I prepared to take pictures In every slylo
f the art, witli all the Into improvements.
If Pictuics do not give satisfaction, no
dmrgos will be made. Call at Ills new Gal
lery, on tlm Mil, examine hid picture, and
s-lt for vour likonie-s.
Hi-irk lliillilln, Cor. Front & F afreets.
WILL attend to tlio Receiving and For
warding of all Goods enl rusted to
their earn, with promptness) and dispatch.
Consignments solicited. Merchandise re
ceived on stnrnge.
I Yea-cut City. April 11. ISfiS. l.
N. li.-No good. delivered until the freight
nn 1 chin ges are paid. J), k W.
J. .ROW,
r'uxt ttoor to Uriutbnry & "Wntlo.
Iliavtijust opened a new ntoro nnd Ktock
id it with a choice, variety of the above
liuiutioned nrtiuli.'H, and ollUr them for ealo
nt the lowest living prices. Tim best of
cigars and chewing tobacco will lie kept
constantly on hand. Those desiring any
artiolu in my lino will mvu inoney lv Hiv
ing nu n call. J. l6V.
Jael;onrllle. July l.fiX jlltf
.1 Wecklj, .Fran!; LeslieV, Yankeo No
tioiw, etc., regularly received and for fiiIo
r .tho VA Rll'VI'Y STORM.
'pAOK-SADDLKS constantly on hand
i nv Jlnnvcsa and Rtiihllerv'pftuliliMi
.vut. 15 JIKNKY'JUUOK.
IIKNUY OKMil.VaiCIt. Pnb'r mill Pron'r
St'iwciiiiTlox One year, in advance, Five
Dollar.; Six months, Tluee Dollars.
AnviiisTiHixo One Kjuare (10 lines, or
less), llrst insertion, Tluce Dollars; each
subsequent insertion. One Dollar. A dis
count of llfly percent will be made to those
who adveiliM' by tin; year.
43" Lcgil Tenders rccclvoil nt current ratei.
Uy application to l'oslmaMerrf nnd Mail
Carriers, you can learn that tlieSemi-weeklv
Oiikiiox .Si:xtim:i. lias by far larger circu
lation in the counties, of Southern Oregon
and Del Nortu county. California, than any
oilier paper. This fact should commend the
Siixtixki. to you uh n superior medium for
List op Aokxts. who nro authorized to
tram-act any business concerning thin pa
gate; it. S. Duulap. Willlam'burg; John It.
I'rlnillp. Kerbyvillo; A. It. Mvlknlii, Waldo;
It. J. Foibes, Waldo; W.r.. M. Kvnus, All
house; Joel Thorn, Canyonville; A. It.
Flint, Roscburg: Isaac It. Moorcs, Salem: J.
IJ. Underwood, Kugeiie Cilv; F. Clianuaii,
Oregon City; I). W. Wakeileld, Allmuv;
lleiijamlu Cook, Corvallis; J. II. Stnilii.
Credent City; Albert Doolittlc, ilapjiy
jmmniTaroa.m a imuiumuua i u ix'-j. im
TKi.K(ii:.vrin:i)To yiii:ka kou tiik biintixki-
Dates to July 71 li.
New York, 127th, MnyorOpcdyke vctord
(lie ordinance pui-scd last week' to piy con
hcripts three hundred dullard, on ground
of illegality.
Uy tho Roanoko we hnvo date? from lln
vnun to tlio lOth. It appears thai a council
of notables declared Mexico Ihrouuh them
an empire, and have proclaimed .Mn.Miillliaii
of Austria, emperor. Should hu decline,
they implore tho French Ktnpcror to select
a person in whom ho lm lull coundeuce to
occupy thu throne. A proclamation was
Immediately made public, and a cornier
potul to Vera Crux, whence it was tent by
a French steamer to Havana.
A larsro firo took p'neo in St. Domingo
In the early part of tlm mouth, difclroyiiig
$f00,000 worth or property.
Kent ml Kuullsli steamers. Fanny. Alien
and Alabama hud arrived at Havana with
cotton from Mobile. An extensive lire took
unco at Havana, on tlio 'JL'd nit., destroy
ngS'300,000 worth or fiigar.
Tlio Post's special dNputcli from Wash
ington says, relurned prisoners from Rich
mond sluto Unit within tweutv-four hours
after tlio Issulnc of Jen". IUviV Cnncrlt
tlnn l'roclamntion, v.-hohale conscription
commenced. Ills believed that a general
exchange of prisoners will kooii bu tilVcted.
Chicago, 27ili. Memphis dates to tlio
2.1d. say mof-t of Hragg's army Is at Chatta
nooga, nud that that place is being fortilied.
Reliable neus in regard to movements o
Leo's and Mendu's armies is meagre. Dis
patches received from lieadquarleis nt lial
tlmoro. i-ayn the enemy disappeared from
our front. Our cavalry were near Charlo
ton Friday, nnd scouts were out In advance
in every direction, and no uigaa of the ene
my. Headquarters. Army of Potomac. Front
Royal, ITMh. Wo engaged tlio enemy yes
terday. This inoniiiiL' he appears to have
withdrawn, and hits whole urmy is In re
treat. Washington. 27th. On tim 2'.M. Hill's
corp took possession of Chester Gup. Our
cavalry attempted to drive him out, but
lulled. Wo however held him in check un
til he was reinforced by LongMreet, when
together they camo through (ho gap. and
nre now probably at Culpepper. Jiwoll'a
corp was nt Shurpsburg.
Now York. 27th. Sterling firm ut l.'lll.la
1I0J, Gold closed (-toady ut 127.. Rank
statement i-liows decreas-e in lonnsof 10,001)
(ioiiar.s; decrenso in specie, 5:10,0110; In
crcasio of depoiite, $tM,000.
Washington, 27lh. Gon. Ranlcs' onioinl
dispatch, announcing thu capture ot'l'ort
llud'on, eay.s lie captured lb) pitcefe of licavy
nrtillery, a" complete b.itt('y inoitutliig !U
pieces of rilled nrtillery, u good tupply of
projectiles for lino and heavy guns, and
15,001) pounds. Hero lightulug beeaine so
were could get nothing turther. San
FruucUco Operator.
Intes to .Tu5s' Jl'Mtt, j
AYiuiiington.27tli.A iINpateh receiv-i
ed by tlio Nuvy Department snv.s nn the
night of the lfitli, n huge wile ulieel steam- J
er wliilu trying to run into Cliarhlon, wast
einised by the Canauiliiiruu and other out-1
side, lilockudcrs. Hho wns (luallv headed
oil and driven on bhore. SIm was firvil by I
her crew uud is uuw a total wreck. ' i
per, in me name oi me puonsner :
Ti. 1. Kislier, San Francisco; Wnd-wortl
it Raynes, Yreka; Klmr Kmrv, Ashland; S
(?. Tiivlnr. PltiiMilr- V. W. Knuli.i. Am.ln
Rielimond i1ipa tchts of this morning
contains the following :
Morton, Miss.. 2-llii. The enemy evneua
led Jackson yiMcnlny. Col. Witt Adam's
dialled In and capllireil a few Mrnuglers,
Canton lias also been eviieuated. (J runt's
entire army has trone to Vieksliurtr.
Cliaileslon, 'i'llh, i) l M. Tlm bom
bardmeiit was renewed early ilil.s morning
witli iiipid uud conlinnons firing until u
Hag of I nice went down at 9 o'clock. The
attack wua renewed iiirain this evening,
tlio enemy occasionally firing nt Cuuiininus
Point. Sumter replying lieavily. Tlm fir
ing is still going on. Otir ciwnnllies this
morning were three killul and six wounded.
Charleslon, 'iolli. Regulnr liriiig IVoiu
Ft. Sumter nud battery Wagner nt the
Yankees on Morris Island was kept up all
uiht uud continued nil day. The Yankee;;
occasionally replyimr from their Imtleries
on Morris Island. The monitors uud the
Ironsides lying on the outside took no pail.
The Yankees haw I wo ballerieR on Mor
rm Island uud hnvo Mreiiglheucd their po
sition. Another monitor arrived to day, making
six in all.
PliilniWpIiln. July 28l!t.-Tltc WnWns
ton Star says, liit rvcnftiif. the 22d, while
the .'Id nnd filh army corps were lying nt
I hu month or MtiuueiH Gap, this Vide, in
formation wn.s received that Lotiir.strect
was Pending a brigade ol his. corps forward
in order to pesse.s.s liiuiself of the Gap.
Gen. Spinelc eotnnianding llie Mxcelsior
lirig.idi! witli fiflO men. wns ordered lorwnrd,
The conimaniling Oeneial piippoed the
rebels to bo only n small forcii boidering
tin crest of the hill one mile Ironi the Gap,
between it nnd Front Royal, it was there
fore Fiipposcd that this brigado would be
sufficient, to seal tor the enemy. About a
quarter of a mile from the crest of the hill
was a fctonewall, uud behind this; was a
Mrmnr rebel force. Oen. Spinck nt once
took obeervntions, nnd after pointing out
to (lie rcirimrnlul coiiiinnnder.s work they
would have to perform, ordered his gallant
hriirnde forward, 1 lie rebels quickly fhtl
from the hill uud took relugc behind (he
stonewall. Our little foico pushed on to
thu wall when from In hind it rushed a
whole hriuade or Georgian, nnd I wo log
Intents of North Carolina Sharpshooter, all
tinner commr.iid of General Anderson.
Our trnop.s heeded them not, but amid a
shouer of rifii' und artillery balls, in front
and Hank, pushed forward und with bayo
nets drove the rebels from their position,
and sent them scampprinir over the Held.
The rebel loss was not less than filltl killed,
wounded ami missing. We. had no nrtil
lery, tho rebels hnd six piece.'. That uijihl
our soldiers hivoeiied. and next morning
marched iulo Front Royal. In this Ihilil,
in the opinion of military men. the rebels
outnumbered us six to one but they ap
peared to ue completely lagged out.
Memphis, l!(5Mi. Reports say that Pom
berton nnd slnir. with sonm officers, have
gone to Richmond, but his army is scat
tered in every dircciion. Pcniberlon said
it would bu impossible to keep them to
gether. The rebels nro forcing everybody into
the ranks, both Jews and Gentiles.
The oxcileiiient is intense. Tlio bulk of
Johnson's army is reported nt Martin. 20
miles from Jackson. His army Is esti
mated nt .10.(100.
Cairo. 27th. Yicksburp (Intra to the
20th hnvo been received. Refine evacua
ting Jncksnii, tho rebels set tho city on
fiie. and our forces completed tho coVll.i
urution. reducing the eilv to nhes. It is
thought Johnson Marled for Toinbigb'-e
Sherman is letuiniug fiom pursuit, no t be
ing prepared for a long eninpuiirn. Among
llie prisoners canlurcd at Jackson vere a
number of Yicksbnrg paroled pris
oners. Gen. Sherman ordered three of
tlicm to be shot.
Kix(;i.aki;'s1,i:iisoxai.Aiti:ai:axci:. King
lake, better known as thu author of "Fo
then." is a small, slender -nan, with pale,
thin face, blue eyes nud bloudo hair, iiuido
more htrikiug by thu conlrn-t of Ida black
dress. Simple, elegant, quiet and unobtru
sive in his manner, reserved almost to iiu
passiveuess, the first, impression which hu
makes Is Hint of a cold, uniutellcctunl man
of tho world. His eyes, bowever, I soon
noticed, are of that peculiar blue, which
burns, under excitement, with an Intense
while heal. A man with such oyes always
iiosscssca character uud unflinching courage.
Ivinglake is said to lie one of tho braveit
men In England. Although accompanying
the army in llio Crimea only us an obscrvir.
ho was tho Hrt man over tlio Alma river.
Tliosu who know him best. 1 remarked, e.v
preed t Iiu highest e.-l!maie of his abililic'.
1 had tho pleasure of sonio eouvei-atiou
with him, uud found tbut his quiet exterior
covered, at leant, a great ileal of ripe
know lulgc. itiytirtl 'Jvtir,
- You're my idle,'' us tlw qu'ftsYnl bus
Laud tuid to his l.izy wife.
A iOO-iomu!er in Act ion.
ffrom tlm "Alia Crttirornl.V' of .liil vJOtli.l
I!v tlio Overland mail wo have details of
the late eiurat'eiueiit between the rebel non
descript Atlanta nud the monitor Weohuwk
en, in Warsaw Sound, in which the former,
alter live shots, hauled down the rebel bunt
ing and surrendered. The Atlanta, former
ly called tin Flugal. wih a very foimtdablo
craft more, formidable! than the Morriinar.
after which she was modelled. The rebels
have been laboring to perfect her for the
Inst two years, and in doing so, it is esti
muled, expended over a million of dollars.
Tin hull and machinery were FngdMi, of
the staunch maku '"or which that people are
remarkable. She was roofed in like the
Merriniac. and covered with -1.1-lneh iron
platen. She carried, we also learn from the
descriptions that have recently been pub
lish al. four Rrook guns, two six-inch and
Iwo seven-inch, and a how gun weighing
over Ifl thousand pound. Shu has a cut
water In the shape or an imnieno slcelsaw,
with monster teeth; outside of that an iron
frame willi a lnrpdo attached, for damag
ing vessels; and above an bon booui-liku
piece, for peiietintiug anything on which
she might vim.
She was in all respects a much move for
midabli! vesM'l than thu Merriniac ever wa.
The rebels expected the most cxtr.iordlury
achievements IVoiu her. It Is staled that
when she sailed down the Savannah river
for Hie purpose of engaging nnd capturing
the Wechawken. she was followed by two
wooden gunboats lilted with ladies and
other excur.-ionists, who were to witness the
light, it having been arranged that one of
the gunboats should tow the Wechawken
up to Savannah; then the Atlanta was to
go to Oxsnbaw, capture a gunboat, lake
some batteries, entrap tlio Forly-seveulli
Js'ow York, and leave a force there to hold
Hie batteries. Next she was going to
Charleston, and co-operating by signal with
somu rebel boats, annihilate the blockade,
after which she wns to pay her rct-peels to
the Port Royal squadron.
Now, afler ail this preparation, mark llio
result? We give it in the terse languimo
or Admiral Dupont, In his report to the
Secretary of llie Navy :
'The Weoliawk'.'ti. Capt. Jolin Rogers, at
oncu engaged her. tiring in all live shot',
three A subsequent examination establish
ed that llio Almoin had been si ruck four
times. -Kiia Ai.ta.J of wliloli took effect,
penetrating her armor, nud killing or
wounding llie crews of Iwo guns. Two or
three of tho pilots were iiIk badly wounded,
ami (lie pilot house broken up, whereupon
the vessel grounded, nud Immediately sur
rendered." The engagement lasted precisely llRccn
minute. Two of the balls fired by the
Weeiiawken were tOU-pnuiidcr. Thu re
s'.ills are slated as follows :
On examination it was found the enemy
had been struck four times; first, on the in
clined side by a lo-luch cone shot, which,
although llrei'l at an angle of .10 degrees with
her keel, broke In the armor and wood back
ing, strewing the deck witli splinters, pros
trating about forty men by the concussion,
ami wounding several by broken pieces of
armor and splinters. One man has since
died. The second shot (1 1-inch solid)
struck the edge of llie ovei hanging knuckle,
doing no damage except bteaking a platu
or two. The third shot (J.Viuch coned)
struck the ton of the pilot house knocking
it oil', wounding Iwo pilot and stunning
thu men at the wheel. The fourth shut
(supposed to be nn 1 1-Inch) t-truulc a port
stopper in the center, breaking it in two,
ami shattering it very much, driving, many
fragments in through tho port."
In a scientific point of view, thts engage
ment is of tho highest importance, Ju llio
light between tho original Monitor nud .Mer
riiunc. tho former was not furnished with
guns of the calibre which Mr. Kricssou had
demanded. The conscqiiciicu wns the Mer
rimiiu was not very seriously injured, and
returned to her berth at Portsmouth. Thu
monitors are now well supplied witli the
iiiiiiH'ti"o guns 100-poitnders for which
they wero designed, and tho result in the
engugcinen; above referred to, was the cap.
turo of a craft more formidable than the
Merriniac, in thu short spaeo of n quarter
of an hour. Captain Hrictson has abandon
ed the old principle of a largo number of
small gnus nud broadsides, flu built the
monitors to carry two, four uud six guns
only, nueordiug to thu number of the tur
rets. Of the wisdom of this arrangement,
we htvvo the most convincing proofs in the
cno of the light with thu Atlanta. In calm
wnleis it is possible that the great iron
steam-hip of llie KnglUh thu gigantic
Warrior would inn bo able to hold out
against tho '100-pounders of thu Wechawk
en longer than the lobel win did in War
saw Sound. Her plating U only -M Inches
Qu.'.ti: Coitjti:r-T. Some music tencher
oncu wrote that thu ' art of playing the
violin require!, tho nicest perception nnd
the mo$t sensibility of any art in the known
world." Upon which an editor comments
in tlio following maimer: "Tim tut of
publishing a newspaper and unking it pay,
and ut the same time making it plea1'
everybody, beute fitldlin' higher than a kite. I
" He content with what you have,'' ic- llio J
jut taid to the trap when he kit lib tail in it
aacaaaan ms 4
Tlitinksgiving Proc&stmntJion.
It has pleaded Almighty God, to hearken
to the supplications nnd prayers of nn uflliut
cd people, nnd to vouchsnfu to the army
mill navy of Hie United Slate.,victory on land
nud sea, so signal nnd effective as to fur
nish rcas-oiinhlo ground for augmented con
lldeiieu Hint the Union of the-e Slates will
be sustained, their Constitution preserved,
und their peace nnd prosperity permanently
restored. Rut these victorielnive been ac
corded; not without sacrlllces of life, limb,
health and liberty, endured bv the brave, loy
al and patriotic cifKen". While aluiction in
every pint of thu country follows In the
train of these fearful bereavements, it Is
meet and right to recognise" nud confess thu
presence of the Almighty Father, and tho
power of His hand, equally, in these tri
umphs mill sorrows. Now, therefore, be it
known, that I do appoint Thursday the tith
day of August next to bu observed ns a ilnv
for tnnluni thanksgiving, praise and prayei,
and I invite the people of the United States
to assemble on that occasion, in their cus
tomary places of worship, and In thu form
approved by their own consciences, render
llio homage due to tlir Dlviuu Majesty, for
tilt1 wonderful tilings lie luilii done in our
nation's behalf, and invoke thu influence of
Hi holy spirit to subdue thu linger which
has produced and so long sustained this
needless and cruel rebellion ; to change tho
hearts of the Insurgents, gu do the council'
of the good willi wisdom adequate to n
great a national emergency, and to vIkII
witli tender cure nnd coiisolnliou through
out the length and breadth of the laud, all
thoo who through the vicisiltules of bat
tles and sieges, have been brought to sutler
in mind, body or estate, and liiially to lead
thu whole nation, through the path of n
penlnuce uud submbsiou to Uivitio will,
back to perfect enjoyment of Union and
fraternal pence. In willies wlieicof, I have
hereunto set my hand, and ciused the mil
of the United States to be alllxed. Done ut
the city of Wivbinglon. on thu loth day of
July, in Hie year of our Laid, ISliU, anil of
Independence of Hie United States, thu t'SMi.
I5y W. II. Skwaiip, Sic'y of State.
1 I - I
ins Piiciii.iAiiiTins. Almost at any time one
cm sco a small but compactly-built man of
about -l." years of age, walking through thu
camps. lie moves with his shoulders
thrown a little forward of tho perpendicu
lar, his left hand In I hu pocket of his panta
loons, nil uiilighb'd cigur In his mouth, Ins
eves thrown straight forward, which, from
the har.o of abstraction that veils them, uud
a countenance dmwu info furrows of
thought, would seem to ind'eate that he i
intensely prcoeupicd. Tho soldiers observe
him coining, and. rising to their feet, gather
on cacli side of the way to s,eu him puss
lliey do not salute him. they only watch
hlni curiously, with a certain sort or famil
iar reverence. His abstract nir Is not so
great, whllu he thus moves along, as to pre
vent his seeing everything without appar
ently looking at It; you will sco lliis in thu
fact, Hint however denm thu crowd in which
you stand, if you are an acquaintance, Ids
eye will for an instant rest on yours with a
glance of recollection, and with it n gravu
nod of recognition. A plain blue suit, with
out scarf, sword or trappings of any Fort,
save Hie double-slurred shoulder-strap un
indifferently good "Kossuth" hat. with the
top haltered in close to hi Load; full beard,
of a cross between "light" and Miiiilyj" i.
square cut face, whose lines and contour Ju
dical) cxtremu endurance nud determina
tion, complete the external appearance of
this small man, as one sees him passing
slowly along, turning and chewing restless
ly Hit) end of his ttnlightcd cigar.
His countenance. In rest, his tho rigid
immobility of cast iron; und while this in
dicates tliu unyielding tenacity of r. bull
dog, one lind only In his grey cycH tho
smiles nnd other eviib'tieea of the posK.'
hloii of tluxo softer train of t'.'iid'-'rness seeu
upon tho lips and over the entire faces of
ordinary people. On hnrnoback he lo.es all
uwkwurihif-s which distinguishes him on
foot. Urect and graceful, lie seems a por
tion of his steed, without which the etfeet
would bo lncnmpl"ti'. lie held In early
days the reputation of being tlio best rider
in the Academy, and uq seems to have loit
uoue of his excellence in tills rtvpect.
A Si.vnut.Aii Si'i:cr.ci,s: j.v Hatti.k.
At the battle of Stone River, while tho
men wero lying behind a crest wailing, a
brace of wild turkey?, so piralyaed with
fright that they wjro incapable of flying,
ran between the linc3 und endeavored to
hido among the men. Rut the frenzy
anions' the turkeys was not so touching iw
tho exquisite fright of the bird? and rab.
bits. When tlio roar of battle rushed
through the cedur thickets, flocks of litlM
birds fluttered uud circled above llio fteM
in a slate of utter bcwildeinent, and scorei
of rabbits fled for protection to iur in it
lying down in line on the left, ne-ilmg u
d'er their cons an-) crcepiu.; under Hu.r
legs in n state of n'ter d str.ion n. 'I'e
hopped over tlio field liko toads, and m
peil'wlly tamed by fright as lioii'clioH
puts. OAkers witnessed it, remarking it
us one of the in ist eurioui rpjctaoles tvu
tevn upon a battle fiv'.d.