Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 29, 1863, Image 3

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    "Scmi-Ulcekhi 0cntind.
Dm. NoiiTB Cou.vrv. CAf.. The rcgttlnr
coroppnndcnt of the Han Francisco Bulle
tin Huts writes nf polities nnd 'copper !n that
county, under date of July 12th:
A Union Convcntlon.fnr DVl Nortp conn
ty Iihi met clncn the steamer left nnd notnln
imtt'd a full ticket for county nffleer; nnd
tlie "Union" party with tliu Democratic"
liiitul nnd tlio "rlfxlirs of tho people" tall
have had n primary election nnd done this
Kami! thing. Tho candidates of tho Union
party nro ns follow? :
County .Indue, Sherman Steven: Clerk,
Hon Reynolds; Treasurer, J. K. Warren;
Sherllf, 'llenrv Ormaii, Jr.; District Atlor-m-v.
It. K. Adams: AsesMr. G. V. Russell;
Kurvevor. It. K. Hnll: Sunerlntctident of
Iif1Hts fr.hools, H. S. McLellun; Coroner,
J. II. Smith.
Tho eundldntps of the Union party, with
1 1t t; head and tall n foresaid, urn us follows :
County J mine. E. Mason; Clork. I'. J'cv
e'er: TroaMirer. Jl. F. Morris; Shorlir. Geo.
Mori-Nun; Assessor. C. llnlslettd; DNtrlcl
Attorney. K. It. Jones; Coroner. J. i. VA
rliliro; Superintendent of Public Schools,
William A. Himillon.
Tho first la composed of strotip and
licnity Union men, in favor of Histulnliif'
the Government rucrtM'tienlly nnd putting
down the rebellion "Vi fighting. As to
private clmrnelerund 'pergonal popularity,
jyn rarely pec ho good n ticket in these
titnrs, taking it as n whole.
Tho oilier ticket i composed of men
who sity they nrc the best mill strongest of
Union men ; lint their clnol anxiety np
tienri to be nliniit the " rltjlitn. of tho elti
y.eii.i," nnd Ihc subversion of our form of
Government, not by tin rebellion, but by
tlio Administration. They think (or ut
leimt pay) that tho wnv to end the rebellion
N to stop (hihllnt; nnd make compromise.
Home ol them nro privately irood men, nnd
of sonm I know little or nothing.
The bull is now fairly open. ' The vote
will be more nenrly divided here thnn in
itKMt onuntir of tho Stall. Yut will re
rolled that Hrrckiuridjrc in 18(50. nnd Mo
Council in 1 802. curried this county by
decisive majorities, over nil opposite: can
lid.ites. IJut the best judges nirrto in llu;
opinion that the Union pnrly will carry it
ihis year, by not a largo but a decitiive
The Altn Company hnv& sent down 100
ton of oro by the hut two trips of the
Vannma. They now havo their arrange
iiti'tiN so perfect that they can make bar
rels nnd prct oro hauled in ut the rate of
over 100 tons per month. I hey can pot It
Hit us fad its they can lind menus to pet it
nway. They have uliout 400 tons already
out. at the mine.
Since the steamer left n qunrtcr-fnterPfit
of one sham in this mine lias been sold for
Sfi.rtOO rush ; nnd the purchaser win inline,
iliali offered nnd refused Sfi.000 for it.
The Union claim has at last opened n good
payini: vein, and will doubtless soon be
dapping ore. Several new lodes have
been rrciitiy discovered, highly prntnisiiif,'
in nppeariiuce! Dt:r. Noiitb.
Cliusiiic; tlio IlippotamuH in
the Detroit lUvor.
Fr..m tlm Detroit "Krco IVum,' of .limn S1J.
A very o.uitiuc us well as novel ullalr
occurred about six miles down the river, on
Monday afternoon, belli no les than a ver
itable chase of a hippopotamus. It seems
that In the. transit ot tlm circus, now per-
torinlnu here, from liitnuio to tins city, ll
becuinu in c"sary, on uceount of their ex
cossivo weljjht.'to send tho elephants and
tlio hippopotamus on a propeller, and they
worn aecordinuly shipped on board tho s.
li. Hnlihvi'll. On Mnndav afternoon, us the
steamer was nomine this port, a fcouo of
Viva l excitement occurred, which nearly re-
lilted In tlio escapo of the lingo b"hemoth,
or hippopotamus, belonging to G. C. Quick,
and ut present forming one of tho attrac
tions of G. F. Uailey's (uudrtiple clrcu.
The hugo beast was shipped from itutfalo
on board the steamer 8. 1). Caldwell, and as
it was Impossible to got his immense capo
on board, that was sent by land, while his
Kolu-muthsulp, nccompaiiied by All, tho
Egyptian, his captor and keeper, proceeded
by water to Detroit. During tho voyngo
it was noticed that tho animal continually
looked longingly toward tlio water, as
tttougli ho would havo given ono of his cyo
teeth (no trill by the way) for a plnngo
into tho depths of tho lake, and a ramble
nbont lUi unexpired bottom. No ono sup
pirsed. however, that ho would yield to his
umphibiou8 tastes, und, eo uo extra watch
was et upon him.
As tho steamer neared tho city, and when
three miles Mow the Fort, and as All and
everybody ulso were gazing landward, a
crash and then a splash wero heard from
tho sIUo or tho bow towards tho American
rtiore. Everybody trashed to tho rpot. The
jilaco on tho bow where tho hlppota
'nua had been confined was empty. Tho
truth became instantly apparent. The
boast, ttnablo to resist tho temptation, had
burst his bonds and plunged into the river,
resolved on an ecnitatio excursion. The
owner, who was on board, looked tho pic
tuio of despair. $l0.00(j, to s'y nothing
of a' lurgo amount of prospective profits,
had suddenly vamosed. As for All, the
Egyptian keeper, ho was nearly frantic
lie tore his hair and prayed to his strange
gods. In a few moments, however, the
monstrous head of tho huge beast appeared
above tho surfaco of tho water. A general
bout aroso, and All was with difficulty pre
vented from jumping overboard In pursuit
'I' his companion aud beloved pot, while a
lxat was lowered, into which he jumped
and rowed toward tho beast, who swam about
iu nn testacy of delight.
As tho Egyptian commenced calling him
by familliar names, and at tho sound of his
voice the monster 'stopped, looked around.
and seemed to wait for tho bout to near htm
but just as it approached in reaching db
tnncu tho hippntiiinus gave a plunge, and
onco more dissnppeared, leaving a whirl
pool of seething water to mark the spot
where ho had gone down. Nothing wus
seen of him now for a long time, nnd they
wero about giving htm up for lost, when lie
suddenly made his nppoaranco about 11)11
yards olf. but nearer the shore than at first.
All again rowid toward him. calling to him
as before, but again tho beat dodged him.
and dived to the bottom of tho river. All
now made a large circuit with hta boat, in
hopes of taking him by surprise a he camo
up to breathe, but as it nwuro of his inten
tions, the hippopotamus rose n long dis
tance oil, aud looked ut his master cunning
ly, and with an expression which seemed to
say. No you don't." For a third time All
started in pursuit, with a result similar to
that which had attended his other efi'urts to
capture his pet.
When ho went down the third ttmo, Alt
paused, evidently completely nonplussed,
and seemingly overcome by grief and des
pair. In a second, however, ho seized tho
oars nnd rowed towards the steamer. "Try
do tog," ho shouted, as ho camo alongside;
gib inu lu tog I" A largo black mastiff,
which had been trained to sleep In the cage
of the hippopotamus, and for whom ho had
for a long time evinced much atl'ectlou, had
been keeping up a continued howling from
tho time his companion had escaped, was
now loosened, nnd ho Instantly plunged in
to tho river nnd swam after All as ho
moved oil'. In about a minute the hippo
potamus stuck his head out of water, and
on seeing him the dog gave a wild bark und
swam In his direction very rapidly. All
acompauylug iu the boat. At last tho
dog reached the monitor, aud with a series
of barks, commenced swimming round tho
animal, and finally struck out for tlio shore,
the hippopotamus following.
Tho Interest excited by this scene wns
Intense, which continued to increase until
tho dog and hippopotamus reached the
American shore. All was not long alter,
and tho niiimui was no sooner on termjlnna
than the Egypt inn. armed wPh a siunll raw
hide, which ho had taken with him, jumped
on the bench, nnd going up to the animal,
spoke a few words in tlio Egyptian longitv.
gave him a few smart raps over his ponder
ono rump with the rawhide, and drove lipn
without further dilllculty to a place of safe
ty, wheni ho was onco more secured, nnd
tlm proper moans adopted to havu him
brought to this city, where ho now Is, In
fine condition, after his frolic beneath tho
TlIKItt IIot'K is. i.v Dkmm'imgy. A
Vieksburg letter of Juno U.'ld, says:
" Tho prisoners tell various stories about
tho strength ol tho city und the amount or
supplies, but uclcuowledgo tli.it they nro
living on half rations, and many of them
hud tint been out of tho rilU pits for ten
days their rations being carried to them
in the nilit and of course can not speak
very uutheiiticully even were they disponed
to do so. 1 spoke with one of them who
was formerly u merchant in some interior
town in Georgia. I asked hi in if lie earn
estly expected the South to maintain her
position and conquer a recognition ? 'No,'
replied he, I do not ; but wo will prolong
tlm war till after the next Presidential
election, which will result in the triumph
of the pro-slavery party of tlio North, anil
then a recognition of our rights will speed
ily follow.' I tried to convince him that
there wus no 'pro slavery parly In tho
North the men who would luvor a re
cognition formed n small class, not worthy
the iiiiuio of a political party. Eut ho
wloud not believe it. He lirmlv believed
that iu tho ' pro slavery party in the North'
the smith would tlud ner deliverer that
tho North was hopelessly divided that
our soldiery wero dissatisfied with tho con
duct of tho wur, and till that was necessa
ry was to prolong the struggle until their
friends iu the JSorth could comu into pow
er. And he represented, us he said, the
views or tho entire botitii. Utir uoppcr
heads can now see how much their ' frcc
dom of speech and independence of t'e
press' lias aided rebellion how many
precious lives they nro responsible lor
now many months nf bloody wur will
rest upon their licmls."
i .. ! .i , m H n.
An old lawyer wus giving advice to his
son, who was just entering upon the practice
of ins father s profession : " My son," suid
tho counselor, " if you havo a case where
the law is clearly on your side, but justice
seems to be against you, urge upon thejury
the vast iinportutico of sustaining the law.
ll. on the other hand, you uro in doubt
about tho luw but your client's case is
founded iii justice, insist on the necessity of
uuiug jusiiee, iiinugu mo neuvens mil."
IJut, uskeu the son, " how shall I man
age n case where both law und justice are
dead against me?'' ' In that ease, my son,
talk roiiud It, tutu round it."
Wombs im Giiu.h. Women ought to be
of more importance to society thun girls ;
but who does not know thut the case is ex
actly tlio reverse? How many women do
wo know who shrink from society, give
their whole timo to fumily duties, bury
themselves up ut home, und seem to bo of
no other use in the world than to dress their
girls for parties and keep the house in or
der lor their beaux ; Ul course children
grow up with the idea that mother is of
no consequence, and don't know the world.
They an ubrond for their oninious. and
spurn all homo influences.
The following explanation appeared in a
Philadelphia paper of the (Ith ultimo : " In
conseoucucc of tho prize liirlit in .Maryland.
there was no meeting ut tho Democratic
club' rooni'lust night."
Would respectfully announce to
his old friends and customers, nnd tho
public generally, that ho has iu
store and now arriving, a
Large and Well-selected Stock
of goods, which ho will sell
than the
All Drnnds of Tobacco and Cignrs
nnd examine. jy'ifilf
410 mill 418 Clny 8t., Stii. Fmnctsco,
Importers and Dealers
Dry Goods,
Carpets, Oilcloths. Mattings,
For sale in quantities to suit.
junolM fd
Liquors, and Cigars
Sachs bro.'s
Cheap Cash Store,
Than any other House
Call and examine for yourselves.
Jacksonville, June IS, I8C:i. jc'20tf
- iMMirricA'. -
Ulnnk-Hook Manufacturer.
517 Clay und M4k Commercial Ft roots,
between Montgomery and Sausome,
"v22ju. IJindlii of evtry description neatly
executed : Itlnnk Hooks ruled aud Hound to
any desired pattern. 24-,y
Jacksonville Female School)
under tlio superintendence of MRS. J. M.
McCULLV, will open a tlneo months' term,
commencing Monday, August 17, 1863.
Tkiims Ulght dollurs.
Jaclwonvlllo. July 25, 18fi!5. jyWtfl
ut. Wholesale prices by
June IG, 1603.
Corner of Oregon nnd Main StreetB,
HAS ju?t received an addition to his
former largo aud well selected Stock of
Crockery, Mining Tools,
All at Reduced Prices.
ONR and ALL are Invited to fa
vor him with iicuII,ihUco-Ir noth
ing to show unoiK and ll Ih a pletix
tiro to Mill tlirin ut prices to low
that none can complain.
Highest Price Paid for Pro-
duce iu Kxcliuiipc fnrCeoilH.
J)K. 1 4. J. CZAPKAY'S
Prlvalu Mvdltml nnd Surgical InxtUtitc,
KAcuutr.NTO tfir.uir,
tit-low Montgomery, upjHnltu I'.u-Illn Mull 8. S. Co.V
iilllic, Kin Kninclci,
I'Utitlklirtt In 1S.V), lir Hid lYriintirnt Cure nf nil
I'llviitii uml (,'liniiilo 1)1wi-l",
Attuti'llni; and ItiuMimt I'livMrlan,
int. ..'. c.iKAY.M.n.,
Lain In tlm lliiiiulaii lltivnlntluimiv Wur; I'litrf
riiyrli'tim tollin-jnili IUtrimiit of I loin nit: Clilcf
titrrcMn In tlm Military llopltul of I'i-IIi, lltuin
ry; tliut.itu Lfcttirurun DifiworiDniiuOciiUti llrl
n.iry tlr.ui", oml IINo.imm nf Wornon uml (tilliln'i,
(iml lluii'iriiry Mi'Mbrrof lliu 1'1iIIii.K'Iji!iIiiCi1!i'(;)
(if Jlrillclno.
Ut- I'urlliMilariittPiitloii pttit to tlie trt-atinvnt of
PliTitw.H i.f AVciiiini anil (,'lilMrvn.
Ollliii liuun rniiu 0 n. in. to I) p. in.
JCiVl'iiiiiiiiiiiilnitiiinnhirlrtly niiitlilwul.il. JVnin-
neat euro KUiiniiitoiwI nr no li i.v. Coiianluttoni, liy
tuttororotlii'iul"', FliKK. AiMiooi,
1)1(. l,..l.(V.AlKAV,.Snn l'rmicl.co.
To tlxo .aiotocl.
Of nil iINi'ivr', tliu II ret Krmt catio
HplllIRM fiMlll IlllfOt llf Nlllllltt'H I lV4.
i9 In till t'trril Dlri!:u'iiK. Kclf-iiliii.c, m-rvtiiiH ililill
lly, HyplillU In nil Iih Ktiic. ticliiriw. jI-jt. KniMl,
ilhilieti'x, llii" nf tlio kliinuyx uml tii.iilili-r, enorrii
rt.it rliviinritlKin, hcrofiilt, lm in tlm Ikhh-n nrnl
ankK-f, illf.i"oH ut tlio liinpi, tliro.it, mo nmlt'Vii,
utif m ep'Ui tlio IwJy or llnilw, r.uuvr, ilnny, rpllcp
tin fllH, M, Villi' iliinro, niul nil illtixi- nil'lni; fiiun
n ili-nuii'iiiciit nf t In H'Mi.il nr-.m-f, null in iuiiin
iri'inlillntr, u f ineMii'iry, Kwh f Kiwnr, po'it-nit
Mu'iliiiiux, iIIiiiiii'hk of vMuli, with peculiar cKtn ii
pvirlni;lcfiiii) tlio ryo., tun nf l;lit, w:il(i'fillii(i,
tlyxprprtu, liver (lUcfi, iTllplliilM IIhiii llict fuv.
Iiln in tho li.irlt niul lio ul, iViiiiiIo trroiil.i rll !, ntni
.ill Improper illmliui-Kei i.f Uilli k'X'h. It niultiiii
nut fiMm what nuiMi llio iIUcihii oilt;lii:itl, houeWT
lotiKKtmiillnKiirnlHtliMtu tlm nw', reoiery l cer
tain, nml In u uliorti r tlmn Hum u periiiiuiviil euro
ran ln ell'ectel dy unr otluT IumIiih ut, i-vt'ji ufliT llu
ili.-nu lian luillleil tlio MM nf eminent p1i)ilclaiii,
unit re-litej nil tlielr mean if cmi. '1'liu iiuhIIcIii.h
preierllx'il nro plcaxant aiel nltliunt ixlur, entirely
xciretiilito.i'.tiiHliii: nit hlrknciu, unit fiee frnui mercury
unit IhiImiiii. Jtiuinx twenty yeuiit' iinirtirn In Ku-
rnpo, ino Atinntir mutes mm uiiiiornia, i n.ivn re
cneil litiiu tlio jau t of ilcalli iiiitny lliuii.iuiN wlin. In
tlio lint ktii;" of llio itbmo mentliMH.il ill-e.iK", Inui
tx en i;lw'iiiii tmllnliy tlielr pliyxlciunx; ulilch war
runt l:in In proinlNlni; In tlio ullllcteil, vtliu limy pluco
tlieintelve uri'lor my euro, u perfift niul pily cure.
I'llvatc ilUe.ie lire tliu Kle:iU"t enemies tnlieJllli,!
they urn tlm Ilrst cnuio of ciiii-iiniptlun, xcmfnli uml
ninny otlier ilUeu'eii, unit i-lumM lo a lermr lutlm
Iiiiiiiiiii family. A nvniianunt euro U trarcelv ever
ell'ecteil, n iiiujoilly of tlm raaen falling Into tlio
liunils of Incompetent pcrntus, wlin not only fall to
cure the illneute, luit i uln tlio ronxtitutlon, fllllut; tlio
Nyntem lth inuicury, wlilcli, with tho ill.ease, lmt
eim thouiiitervr lulu ti niilil itniininptiitii. lint ulionM
tho illeiuo uml treatment lint cniue ileutli fpeedlly,
uiol tho victim murrle, tho iIUcuko l tiitallej umii
tlio children, who uro born with feelilo conitltiitionn,
ami tliu current of llfo corruptwl by u virun which
letrny (ttclf in ncrofuW. teller, iilcem, eruption,
unit other nlfectloiiK of tho Mu, oyej, thriat uiui
iiim;i, eniuiuni; upon iiieni a uriei uxikienco ut tuner
iiiK. uml coii.li?nlnK tliem to nn curly irravo.
HKI.V-A1IUKB It uuother fonnhUlilo enemy to
health, for lii)tlilnj;elio in thuilrciul cutulogiiu of ill"-
euscH cjiuscH i)iietructlvo n drum iihii tho ytem,
ilruwiiiK lt thtmnuiiilii of victims, lluoiili u fmv yiuirn
of biiirerlnir. to nn untimely cnive. It iletroya the
norroiu Hyhtem, raplilly wastes uwny tlio cuerles of
I lie, caimos mcium uerunceiueni, pinvenm tno proper
ilevelnpmciit of tho gyiitoin, illiimlltlen for luarrluo,
Huclcty, luslne, nml ull earthly liiipjiliici', uml leave
tlm mitfervr wrecked in body unit mind, predUpwed
to comaimpiiou uml a tram or cum more to no tirouu
el thun ile.kth Half. With tho fiillct conliilenee. 1
u-turo tho iint'ortmuitn ilctlin of nlf-alniM' thut
perniauoiit und upoody euro cuu lio nfl'octed, und, with
tho iibandoumviit of ml mm practice, my pntlunt
cuu bo rehtoiod to roliust nnd Vfi:oroun heultti.
Irrcuulurltlo. und nil iIUcilich of male unit feiunlei
uro treated on principle otubllidicd by twenty yenr
piuctlce, und sanctioned by tlioiiamh of tho mott re
markalilo euro. MedlelueH, with full direction,. out
to nny part of the Hlute, Oregon, Nevada uml Wiusli
luptuii I'errltoihw, by patleutH communicutlnK their
yiu)loms by li tter. Iliulnesj corroiomlunco tti Ici
ly coiilHleiilliil. AddieiiM,
I,. J. C.At'K AY, M. ., San Fniiirl-co.
At)1 Tho Doctor ottera freu com-iiltutiou, uml usks
no rumuiiorutiuii unless ho ellcct u cure. je'JOm.'lp
Xutirv ta MuliciilH'r-i to Wagon Itond.
ALL thoso who havo suhscribed money
or other articles for the construction
j of thu It. It. V. & J. 1). Wilson Uoiul, arc
I m-ucstcd to foiwaid ut once, or us t-oon us
pOHsildf, their bulifcriptiouH, The work is
i now prorobbing, und money aud Mipplics
1 tire needed.
JOHN S. LOVK, Prcri.
II. Itt.ooM, SCc'y.
JackHO iville, Juuc 27, '03. jv27tf
i. j. iiYAtf. . .k.'b.moi1.vn. . .Kmvjtitb liiNnK.
Two-story, Fire-proof Brick Store,
Next Door to Express Office,
Arc now iu receipt of a part of their
.Spring' shipment of
New and Fashionnbk1
Bonnets, Monitors, etc.
And will lie constantly receiving, through
out the year, additions to their ttock.
Wi; have now on lmnd an entirely new
stock of
iViillcncry Goods, Trimniin
Hats, Caps and Monitors,
Slippers, Gaiters & Shoes,
Urussolfi I5-iIy nnd JiiKiaEu.
Agricultural Implements,
LIQUORS of choicest quality
Tobacco and Cigars,
Crockery l Glassvare,
Paints, Oils anil Glass,
Mining Implemsxits,
Pntvat Tackle IJIockH,
DUCKS train No. G to OOi,
Almost Every Article Unuabty
Callca for in tliin Place.
ITavint cstnliliHlieil ouelvcs in IfyeU
Ronvillo lor u lo'n term of years, It' in our
lull determination to keep up ut nil r'iwoiih
henceforth a No, 1 stock ol gnoils, uml eo
conduct our huainefH tu? to inukts It for nw
Inttrcst of tho people pf ,tiis Arallt;y to
tftule with hh We will not be outdone ,u
tlio variety of 'our stock, the quality of our
goods, nor can wo he ttnileytold, ivt our en
yufiPincntH uic of the most favorable nutnre.
Cull und see our goods und learn our
be supplied ut n shade over Sun l'lruncfeco
cost aud ghnrt'es.' R. M. CO.