l)e (Dtogim etttitiel "MIXaKnLIcrvr-jr - ci-trn.lzn'sxxinz -CTiKiiLfta.-jiygTOttW-: 'i'i.rrerTTyaCTz-irrVrarre 85 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1803. VOL. VIII NO. 54. I. (). (). f Jacksonville; Lodge r' ..jjg.' ' -- NO. lUliuMiilUrupiliirincuN 4!TJLfl!f i " JaSLl. I'irs " 1'rU'iy uf tho IliNt JkJ JfsP Ir-Ii wi-ok In oicli itimitli, and on wU5CVt5SiilJI Siluiiliy-i.fciirh itilui vrninv; --j'v Vs35 we,k' l tl11' Miwotilc Hull, at lo'ch-ck r. m. ItruihcM tu good ftnihlluc tiro Inrllnl toiittn,l. WM. KAY, N. U. Kn.w J. Dat, It. fec'y. Ttmteo. Jiu. M. Sutton, Henry Dnnlltiffcr ntid Oc. II. DiinlK. Warren Lodge No, 10, A, F. &A.M. A HOLD tliolr regular communt- ,iQrcutionK tlto Wednesday KvotihiKstui rnv preceding ilie full moon, in jack- KONVll.l.K, OltKUOX. A MX MARTIN, W.M. If. Mi.oom. Scr.'i. OIIHUON CHAPTER NO. 1, O F IJOVAL. AUCII MASONS, JACKSONVILLE. OIKOOX, Will hold its regular communications on the First Nattmfuy 15 ve. ofKvery Month. All sojourning Companions in good rtntiding uro cordially invited to attend. U. W. GREER, H. I'. L. Sachs. See.'y. dceS:-i7 I. WM. DOirnilTT. JAMKS It. KAY. DOUTHITT & FAY, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AN' I) SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, JAi:ictofiNvu,.K. Outyio,v, Will practice in liiu Supnnin and oilier Oourtsjot' this Stale. March 4. 'ft.'!. "r7b.morfor.d, ATTOKNliY AT LAW, Jackson vim.:, Oiikoon, W ILL ptacticc in llit several Coitrtn of tlu Flist Judical DNfrict. and in the Supreme Court. October 20. '02. B. F. DOWELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, jACKSONVtr.C.K, OllKOON'. Will practice In all tho Courts or tho Third Judicial District, tho Supremo Court of Ore Kon.nud in Yroka,Cul. Wur Scrip prompt l.v collected. K;t. 18. J. GASTON, (Rucciwnr to Yteml A (lantun) ATTORNEY AT LAW. Jacksoxvii.i.k, Okkuok. Kspcclul attention given to collection -ascs. June 10. IKl!:i. 40 G. W. GREER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office at hi ltviAUcncft on Ori-gcn Kt. J..CKrtO.NVCM.K, OltKflON. Whore all those knowing themselves In--duhtcd to him. on nolo or Untie account, will plcao call and settle up, or their ac count Will be placed lor coUeutiou lit the hands of my attorney. My old patrons will still find jrc,mw, ix-uoy iu tmciiu iu my proit-ssiouui tunics. May '. Mill. imiylilf PETER BRITT. Photographic Artist, 3 prepared to take pictures in every style of the art, with all thu late improvements. If Picture do not give Ftutlhlaetiou. no charges will Ih ninth'. Call at his new Gal lery, on tho hill, examine his pictures, and hit tor your likeness. DUG AN Si. WAf JL, IORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, llrlck Mulhtliig, Cur. Front & F atretic ORESCENT CITY, CAL. WILL attend to the Receiving mid For warding of all Goods entrusted to their care, with pvoHtptnowj and Ait-patch. wOUMgumonts soiiclteu. jiicrcuaiiuisu re ceived on storage. Crescent City. April 11', ISfill. l.r N. Il.-No goods delivered until rlto freight an I charges are paid. 1). it W. J. ROW, IIKAI.KIt I.N cigars, tobacco, fresh fruits, stationery. confec- tjonery. fireworks. etc., t-xt dour to liriulliiuy Si WtMlu. Ihnvojiist opened a new storo and Ftock id It with a I'holco variety of tho ahove mentioned articles, uufl offer them for sale nt tho lowe.-t living prices. The host of cigars mul chewing 'tobacco will bo kept eonstantly on hand. Those dealing any article in my lino will tuvo money by k!v- Iiil' me a'call. J. uow. Jaekon vi lie. July l.'ti.S. jlltf J'fJATSTRATEID PAPERS Harpers Weeklj, FruiilLeslie'n, Vnkco No- ilons, etc., regularly received und for Rale at the VARIETY STORE. 'HACK-SADDLES constantly on hand I my Harness and Saddlcrv rstuhlisli oii'iit. JO JifiXUY 'JUDGE. . THE OUEGON SENTINEL KSUi:i KVKIIY WKDNKSDAY ANIt MA'I UttllA V. IlKMtY OKNMNUKlt, Pub'r mill I'rop'r Sniscmfriox One year. In advance, Five Dollars; Kix months, Three Dollars. AnvKKTisiNu One Minute (It) lines or les), Urst insertion, Tinee Dollars; each Kubcrii!nt Insertion. One Dollar. A dis count of llfty percent will be made to lkoe who advertise- by tin-year. d li;t Tciidom rrcolvcil ut current rutoi. advertTsers. Uy npplicntion to 1'oslmn.etcfs and Mail Carriers, you ran learn that the Semi-weekly Okkcio.v Si:vnxi:r. lias by far a larger circu lation in tho eoiiutie.s of ."NHitliuru Oregon mid Del Not lu county. California, than any oilier paper. This lact should commend the Skntinki. to you us a Atiperiur medium fur advertisliii'. Liht op Aoknth, who arc authorized to transact any business concerning this pa per, in the name of the publisher : I. V. Kislier, San Francisco; Wadcworth it Haynes, Yteka; Fber Ktnrv, Ashland; S. C. Taylor, I'lncnix; V. W. Fowler. Apple gate; It. S. Duiilap, Williamsburg; John It. I'rindle. Kerbyvlllo; A. II. MclKnln. Waldo; It. J. F !.es, Waldo; W.r,. M. Fvans. Alt house; Joel Thorn, Canyonville; A. IS. Mint, Uo-cburg: Isaac K. Moore.s, Salem; J. IJ. Underwood, Kugeue (Jilv; F. Cliannan. Oregon City; I). V. Wakelleld, Allinnvj Ilenjamiu Cook, Corvallis; J. II. Smith. Crescent City; Albert Doolittle, Happy Camp. imaBnBBBBHM BY OVERLAND TELEGRAPH. TKI.KOIIAI'IIKII TO YltKK.V KOIt Tilt! SKNTINKI. Dates to July iiza, Wahint!lnn, 2'.'d. Tint following has been received from ( I rant: Vlcksburg, 18th.To General Ualleck: JolitiMtn evacuated Jaelcson an tho night of tho Illth. All rebels in full retreat. Sher man says most of Johnson's nnny must per ish from heat and lack of water. They luvu to a great extent deserted, and are t-ortlcliig through Mississippi. (Signed) Oiiant. Cincinnati, 22d. Morgan, with about nut) men, encamped near McArllmr's tov.-n, Clinton county. Iat night, at half-past ttvo o'clock this inoininir was lu live milei of Athens, on CiuciiiKati road. Morgan passed through At'iens title morn ing, eloi-ely purHiil by our forces- Ills In tention peems to bo to gain a point on the Ohio river above iniuhnat navigation, and ernss to Virginia. Authorities liavo made arrangements to eitectnally checkmatu und capture him and lib followers. New Yurtc. 22d. A letter from Ilose crau's army, dated 1-1 1 la. reports army again in motion. Tho enemy's rear has been shelled, bnt no lighting had occurred. The nppear e.wlted, throwing away large quan tities of arms, ammunition nu clothing as they retreated. Their force is estimated ut 4,00S. Colro, 22d. The UtraUV correspondent says Faragut's boats started down tho river with (ho hitcnli' n of leaving the Miss. They aro destined for a new field of opera tionprobably Mobile. Washington, 22d. Tho h'tpuhUran lias tho following; From best information it ap peals Lee's army Is near Winchester, whllo our army is in such a poMliou as to corn poll the rebel Oeueral, holding his po-itlon lo gather supplies, from the crops of (ho valley, or with aid of reinforcements give but He lo the army of the I'otnmau at diwul vantage. Our army Is ready to light him, and anxious, rather than return to another campaign In the districts of Virginia, which have been thoroughly devastated by war. New York, 2.Id.-Tho Trilmnr'a Harpers Ferry letter .of 21st says, the main body of our army is 20 miles south of IJerlin.wit'h no present nppearnuco of forward movement. It Is not Imprnlmblo that they will return to llerlln. Lees nnny Iks between Martins lmrg and Winchester -, his pickets occupy fho Fotomae river from Cherry Run. l:t miles wtt of Martinsbwrg, down to Harpers Ferry. On Friday night they drovo in our pickets at the Ferry. They aro in force, too, at ShepartUtown, Martinsburg and 'ChurleMown. Washington. 2:id. Tho ofllclnl statement of total amount of public debt, July 1st, is Sl,W7,.'ltit5. Latest unofficial Intelligence leaves the two armies ncrofs tho Potomac watching each other., tho rebels on tho west, and tho Federals on 'the east eldo-of thollluo Uidgo. Nev,- York, 2Ud. The Creole arrived from XT,... i t.i i . . . .i. ii-.i. rei.. New OileaitH with dates to tho Kith. '1 he Ura fays Col. Chlckeriug Provost Marshal at l'prt Hudson, sent u largo number of prNonsrs to New OileaitH, Including all com missioned ollicera u'lto weru not paroled. Loiters state that UJtdg. Gen. Wellzel and Dudley 'Uudergtwor, loft 1'ort Hudson on the evening of tho !th, and went to Doualtl houville fit clean out rebel batteries near there. When a few miles from theie, tho Thirtieth Massachusetts regiment, being In advance, was sudenly attacked, and lot) men were killed and 'wounded, and three field pieces were captured. Every effort will be made by Cleneral Hanks to recapture llrashear City and Ope lousas. At last accounts the enemy wcro report ed lo have fallen back to lluyou Lafourche. An expedition was also said to have gone by the river to Alexandria. Tho gunboat Sitato was sunk In tho Miss issippi lu u collision with tlto gunboat An ton in. Expedition squadron off Galveston des troyed three schooners, with :il)U bales of cotton in Gulvcslon l!uy. New York. 22d. Sterling lower and dull. I:i7.ai:i8. Gold unsettled, opening at 2."J advancing to 2(i. declining to 21, and closed ipuet at 2tl. Dates to JulySiM. Cincinnati. iMtli. Shortly after Mortrnn crowd the .Muskingum, he was attacked bv Col. Hall with two pieces of artillery, lft rebeN were killed. :in! several wouinleil. Ho finally escaped via Cuiiiberliiud, Ouru soy count v, which place ho left nt 7 last night. This morning ho crossed the Cen tral & Ohio Railroad nt Campbell. He is so closely pursued by Gen. Shackelford that ho had no timu lo do any ilnmxgo be yond lntrnin;r tho depot and up some trains. At 0 o'clock this morning he reached Vji-liinftnn, where he did consid erable damage. Shuckclford was close al ter him. A cavalry cxned'tinn from Chnrleslon, Va cut tho Vu it Tenn., Railroad, ut Wyihevillo and eapiured the place nfler a severe light, und look 120 prisoners. .'I pie ces of artillery, 701) stand of nrms. Our loss (i.r killed und wounded. Our troops were lire ut ly citizens from houses, hence tho town wiin destroyed. The expedi tion reached Furoi villi. Western Vn..yiv terdny, after a hard march of .'100 miles. When Inst heard from Morgan wa nt Winchester 12 miles northeast of Cum bridge moving to winds Stubensvillc. Fortress Monroe, 2-ttli. Tho Richmond Whip says u Federal cavalry raid from Newborn, reached Rocky Mound on the Wilmington und Welilou Railroad, on the 'JOih, und destroyed two miles of the truck and burned the bridge over Neuo river, cutting oil communication for some weeks. Washington, 21th. It is dollnntely as certained that Ix-c's main army is nt, or near Winchester, and Iiub made no general advance. Clilcngrt. 2.ri(li, List night's dispatches says Gen. Meade's army hud ulready at turn ed an ndvanlngcou? position, und will force Lee lo a decisive buttle north of the Rap pahannock. Gen. Meade has cut L"e's applies. Direct communication between Washington and the Army of Potomac has been opened. A special to th" 'rilmnc gives nil vices from Fortress Monroe to Inst evening. No ilelinate or trustworthy intelligence has been receiecd at that place im to operations about Charleston. Ollieial Information from the licet reports mutters progressing favorably; So fur wo huvo gained each day. Thu reduction of Fort Wagoner nnil Sumter was consitlerrd certain. Tho great est confidence- was felt in I lie plans of (Jen. Gilmoro und Admiral Dahlgren, and tho ultimata capturo of Charleston wus un doubted New York, 24th.-Gold 120. Cincinnati, 20tli. A detachment of tho 9th Michigan cavalry forced Morgan to an engagement, near Salmesvllle. After nn hour's lighting lint rebels lied In thu direc tion of New Lisbon. At three r. m. they wero overtaken and captured. In tho morn ing's engagement, from twenty to thirty r'bel were killed, fifty wounded, and two hundred taken prisoners. Wo captured 100 horses and ISO fetaml of arms. Frankfort (Kv.). Crittenden dle4 this Ihreo o'clock, from 2ftli. lion. John J. morning at half past general debility, aged 77 years. Tho llbrarv and private and political pa pers of Jell". Davie wew captured at Jack sou, Mississippi, Leavenworth, Kansas. 2filh. A severe fight took place nt Elk Creek, on tho Kith, between 2 WOO Federals, with twelve guns, under rommaml of Gen, Kluiit. and 5,000 rebels, under Cooper, which resulted In thn total rout -of the rebels, with a lies of (10 . 1.I1I..A ntk ... 1...1 .....I Iin ..l, .......... - unit "I. i ninnnii-ii tuni imi iiu.-iiiii'ir. !lWj ., . ,.,,, ,.,, ,,,..' . ,,, Our W-U) MU'' WI IUIIVI4 tli ! J llUUItUVUt New York. 2tllh. Letters from Winches 1er, Tenmeo, rif tho Htli. say Ilitntsviilo was captured, with HBO prisoners and 12, 001) hot ses and mules, 'by (Jen. Stanley. llragg's armv is reported to be reduced by lesortlim to 18,fcW) or 20.000. Vi'asliington. Sftth. IJichmond pnpei contain tho following: -Churlcton, liith. The ironsides, with live mouitics -and live gun inert ir boats, assisted by two land bat teries, fired all day yesterday ut Fort Ma gruder. After II hours, tho'enemy assault ed Magrutler repeatedly. Our people fought tho enemy bravely, ami repulsed their at tacks with great slaughter. (Signed) llK.untKOAiui. Charleston, 22d. Tho enemy have com menced shelling again. Our 1o8 on the Rlfli was IfiO killed and wounded. Tho enemy's loss, Including prisoners, was nbout 2,000. Nearly 800 men were burled under u flag of truce. Tho gunboat Potomac, which supported tho left wing grounded and rebel batteries opened on her, llring lll'ly shots, thirly-uiiio of which look elfoet. She then limited oil" and opened on tho rebels and put them to llight. Details or tho charge on the 22d made nn Ft. Magruder was most desperate by Gen. Sharp's brigade. Scaicely a Held or lino oflicer ecaped being wounded, and many wero killed. New York, 27lh.--Tho Roanoke from Havana has arrived with dates from Vera Crux lo the l.'llh. Mexico was declared an empire on the IK) Hi tilt. Maximilian, of Austria, will be declared Emperor ir ho will accept, if not, Napoleon is to select u sover eigli. Yrekn, 27d. Private- dispatches say the Federals were repulsed nt Fort Magruder on Hie 22d, with loss of 1,300 men. Memphis. 21st; Gen. Hurllmrt'fi Fcouts, who arrived today from Okalona (Miss.), bring Mobile papers of .Inly 17th, con taining leading editorials fiom Charleston paperi", 'vhidt Pay that the. possession of Morris Island by thu Federals mm In the fate of Charleston, and call upon their forces lo drive the Yankees oil ut that point or thu bayonet, or, if that fails, to make Charleston u Soritgosfiu, und burn the city us a last resort. They blamo Jell" Davis for not leaving troops enough to de feud the place, Correspondence from llragg's and John ston's armies depict thewi its destitute and greatly demoralized. They say it only re: mains to mukc thu host terms possible. Tho scouts report that tho majority of thn planters me anxious for I lie Union troops to maintain possesion of the coun try, becauso .leu". Duvis' conscription. Great consternation is reported as prevail, ing throughout thu whole Southern coun try. New York July 1st. 'Hie trot to-day between Pnlchen mid Itittlvr. being the sixth and lust of iliefcries, refill led in favor of Patelien, who won both two-mile heats. Timc-ltfC and fisOl. Timo or tho llrst mile In the first heat was 2:22. Ciikav Pt.rusL'ttB. Did you ever study the cheapness of some pleasures ? nsk some excellent writer. Do you know how little it takes to make a multitude happy t Such trifles uru penny, u word, or a smile, do tho work. There ure two or three boys passing ulong-rgivo them each a chestnut, mid how smiling they look ? they will not hu cross for some time. A poor widow lives in the neighborhood, who is the mother of a half dozen children ; send them half a peek of sweet apples, mul Ihey will be hap py. A child hus lost his arrow the world to him nnd ho mourns sadly ; help him find ii. or make him another, and how quickly will thu sunshine play upon his so ber face. A boy has as much its he can do lo pile up a load or wood : assist him a few moments, or speak a peasant word to him, and he forgets his toil, nnd works away without minding it. Your upprcnlicu hus broke a mug. or cut the vest too large, or slightly injured n piece of work. Say, "you scoundrel," and he feels misoruhk ; but re mark, " I am sorry" nnd hu will try to do butter. You employ n man pay him cheerfully, and speak n pleasant word to him, and ho leuvcs your house witli a con tented heart, to light up his own hearth with pmiles of gladness. As you pas? alone the street, you meet a Ihmiliar face say, "Good morning," ns though you felt huppy, ann it will work udmirably in tho heart or yonr neighbor. Pleasure U cheap tVho will not Jjeslow it liberally? Jf there nro smiles, sunshino und llowuro nil nlmnt ns, let us not grasp -them in u misers list ami lock them up in our hearts. No. Rather let us take them and scatter them about us, in the cot of tho window, among tho groups of children in tho erowded market where men of business congregate, in our families, nnd everywhere. Wo can make tho wietclied happy, the discontented cheerful, tho afllicled resigned, at un exceedingly icheap rule. Wiio will refuse to-do it.? "Huvo vou nnv limb-horn hotmcta?" in. quiiedia ver modest miss of a shop-keeper. Any what?" "Any limb-horn bminefs ?' "Ah ! you mean leg-horn hotmets ?" The young lady was brought to bv proper rebtomtiws. The Sit'sc of Vicltslmi'g by Moonlight. A Vicksburg correspondent given thn following inteicstlng ncecount ol (tenerul (Jranl'M nppcratintm against Vleksbrj: Lot us climb tho parapet und sea- the. ttiego by moonlight. In front of us, beyond the enomy'u works, bnt hidden from us, lfH the city of Vicksburg. 1tok cureltillr. and you can distinguish the spires of thu Court House nnd two or three chrhes. Tho rebels had n signal station oo tin former when wu came, but our hIicIIb made it too warm for them, and they withdrew. The morliirs arc playing to-night, nnd they arc well win ih seeing. We watch a mo ment, nnd in thu direction ol Yoting'.s Point, beyond the city, suddenly up shoots n flash of light, nod in u moment tho pou dermis shell, with its fn.-c glowing und sparkling, rires slowly from behind the bluff; up, up it goes, ns though mounting to the zenith ; over it comes towards u. down through its llight trajectory into the oily, and explodes with it siiock that jars the ground for miles There uro women and tender children where those shells falls but war is war Sherman's eight-inch monsters are grumbling fur nwuy oil th right. Nearer, McPhersonV, too, are playing wu can even see tho cnunnnior beside them ut each flash. Ours will bit open at midnight ; llien there will be mns iu to your hearts content. Meanwhile let us go to thu front. A hundred yards to thu right of whom wo are now we enter u deep trench. Following this ns it winds down around the hill wo reach thu opening of it cave or mine. The air within is dump nnd close, like that of a vault. CandleM are burning dimly nt intervals, nnd we, hear thu hum of voices f.tr within nnd out or sight. Wi proceed und presently inert two men carrying a barrow of earth, for our boys an ut work night nod day. Thi is thu main approach on this part of th line. Finally wo reach tho moonlight again, and emerge into a wide deep trench, cut across thu line f the coverrd wuy. This is open and filled with troops, who prottet tho working party. A heavv parapet of cotton bales und earth is built k the fide towards tho enemy, nnd we must mount them lo look over. We ant now within sociable distance of the chival ry. Thoso iii"!! lying on the ground twen ty or thirty yards from us tire our boys, our advanco'pickolfl. but that gray fellow with tho bright musket which glistens no. it few steps beyond, is u lieb." long-haircil nnd hot-blooded, one of Willi's famous Texas Iegion n bull dog to fight, you may be sure. Now jump down mid enter tho mouth of the other mine, winch lends toward the salient of the enemy's works. Stumbling along wu reach thu end, where the men ate digging. The candle burns very dimly, the air is almost stilling. Never wind ; let m watch theut. See tlmt slender, bright-looking fellow twing ing the pick. Grrr.t beaded drop of per spiration trickle down his face ; there is not a dry thread in his tnarso gray fihirts but no mutter, the pick swings, und nt inch stroke slices down sis inches of th tough subsoil of tho Mississippi That fellow was " Jim," once a tender-handed, smooth-faced, nice young man. whoso live ry stable, billiard n'ntl cegur bills were a soro trial to his worthy governor. Jltr. Fays that he used to wear gloves and store cloths, und that the girls called him good looking ; but that's played out now . he U going for Uncle Sam. Hut wo return to tho fresh air. L'tok over tho parapet again toward the turret, where wu caw the. rebel picket. Do you r.eo tho little gray mounds which eover tho hill side w Illicit ly ? ten. twenty, thirty you can count on u few Fqnaro rods. Ah, my friend, thia is sacred ground you uro looking upon. Theru our boys charged-; thero they wore slain in heaps ; but they pressed tin and leaped into tho ditch. They climbed tho parapet nnd rolled back into eternity. Others followed them.'; their Hug was plant ed, nnd they sprang over to meet their cer tain death. An hour passed, und ono re lumed. Tho rest were dead. A Sknriiii.k Uki.kuuatiox. The town of Kensington, Conn., celebratedtho Fourth of July by dedicating a liansome monu ment, on which wete inscribed the uanie of nil tho volunteers which the town has furnished for the war. tho battles in which they have borco i part, and a list of tho deaths which havo occurred amoug the number whilein -service. The nge of a young lady isiiiow express ed according to 'the present ittyle of skirls, by saying that eighteen springs have passed o'verdtur dieud'! l-loK't put your watch under your pillow u kui. should never sleep upon his watch. When people are crazy to marry they attach no consequence to consequences!.