mmHWmy$rmMV"mam,wi'fNc Y wwtfrt jrr u j,T"Wyt Wirf4rf,WollfcttoIi,$ r 'I te. ""-ifr Mwwo PB I gagiw I I I I MM II m III I ' Semi-tiJcckhi Sentinel. "ToyiiUBPncvcv .ixn tkiimaniincy ok youii Un'IOK, A GOVKIIXMKXT roll THK WIIOI.K W t,'UMPXXR utl.K.'' Washington. JACIOWflTit.K, OltKtlO.Y. MTUBDAY EVENING, JULY 25, 1803. The Rrcnt drninn of IJunclu I'ninV Cub In" in being phtyed with pront biiccwu, at tho Willamette Thent-r, rorlluud. Thi pcoplo of Ploruuce, Idaho Terrrltnry. have contributed $ I, '11)0 to tho Sunllury CommicMon. TDK Yrtkn Journal f l!ni 2d cays Mr. .1. B. 8. roup w.ll lu th -re in n Tow days for the purpono or enmm 'nciug operation) un tl.e Oregon telegraph llnu from Yrctcn. The wire is now on t'to way from beluw. John Moxllc uml Joint 1. Anderson, wee Mvercly Injun il nt Port Ludlow, W. T., on July 4 tb, by tliu premature di'clmrgi! of n cminou which tiny were m-'-'stlii;; to lond. Andcrfon tiled on tho following tiny. 8umciKNT rcliiriiH have been received to nhovy that Geni'iru 13. Colo, copperhead, lias been elected UepiTHcnlntivu to CoiigruM' from Washington Territory. The remit of tho election is iv burning disgrace to thnt Territory. Hmr.R Mkktin.i.- Rev. Wm. Robert', agent of the America.) Dibit! Society, will deliver an nddrift on lie Camp ground, to rn wrow, (San I iy) ufiiM-noim. at 2 o'clock. The friend of die Hible CWuure respect fully invito I In be present. I. 0. 0. i Cki.kkuatio.v. Tho Odd Fellows or Jai'K'flniiville design celebrating Uie th'id miniver'nry wince the institution of tluir L dj; on tin: 18th proximo. The order of exerc'Hea cun be seen in the adver tising cnliiuiu. m i . .M Ah nn evidence Hint Gen. Leo expected to hold his heiidqutirtci'S in I'diicylvtiulu until be dictated term of pence, the fact Ih Muted that tho wives or ruhul officer went to the Sulphur Spring, near CnrlMe, with all their Imnd-boxcH mid Saratoga trunks. How un gallant In the lciiuylrciiy gcrboreu" to disturb them I " Light vv." The horir.on begins to light up," cays T'Vault, when thu Rinoke of battle clenmnwiiy "from the battle Held 'it Gettysburg," and it Ih discovered, iih ho ayfl, that ' our lost, that ie tho l'Vderal, was greater than the rebel." The woda "rebel and " Fedeinl" Bhonld "veldently bo trans poxed, for purely to hiinnno n. patriot in T' Vault, could not tlud consolation in the fact tfut our Iosm" was greater than that of our euuinle. Oh I no. A Vkrv Wki.oomi: 1'rkknt. Wcliave receiveil front Mrn. .f. LiiigeiiMtiT a pho tograpii likenesfls of her t-on, James Ling enfetter, Captain of Co. JJ. Col. U.ikerV California Regiment. Ho fell u sacrifice to the caine ho ho dearly loved, on Oct. 8th, 18G3, while on picket duty before Wuslungion, on the Dei by road. He is the only citizen of Jacksonville who is known to have fallen in the war. of his many friends who fondly remember tho young patriot hero, can procure u copy of tho likeness by calling on .Mr. rotor Hritt, photograph artist. I ! -' m !! II I ! A very Fad nccident occurred nt Mil vMukio, Oregon, on tlio 11th Inst. While Mr. David Moll wns in tlio net of shoot ing a weneel, tiisgnn went off prematurely. A little giil came running to Sir. Moll, in quiring if lie hud shot tlifc wc;iel, when she came upon the dend body of her young brother, lying in the path, and Mr. Moll was then first apprised of the effect of his shot, by her crying ont, '01i ! you liavo 'lot Johnny." Ths poor boy had been compietly hidden from Mr. Moll by the tall fern, nnd was Ftrurk by thirteen shots in the head nnd fuce, killing him instantly. The deceased was named Johu Scott, and wa near leu yewji of uc, Thk Nkwh Good iicwa still contlnucf tocrowd upon us. TliollmttaortLpM:p.ill edCoiifeatTAoy arc fast b.olng coiilritotcd,' (and its power waning. Te mo.ithor July ItMM al... Am Imii rt to 1 1 1 ft n nC tI!lttu In rtitt gallant defender, and of dtscotnlltiiro and mill to the rebel hotIs. 'Leo, the 'boneted Napoleon of the rebel army, has been driven from Pennsylvania, with the irreparable lo of one-third of his veteran army. Vickburg surrendered to the immortal U. S. Grant, and Port Hudson lo thu mack erel catching" plow-hoy of Massachusetts ; and wo may hope to learn, before the month empire, that Charleston, thu loul nest ol double dyed traitors, has fcticcumbcd to the united cllbrtH of our land and naval forced. Surely the nation may give thanks and re joice. The dispatches in to-dny'H paper tell ii" that thu riotoin uprising of tho New York ' Democracy" has been effectually quelled after terrible havoc to thu rioters and con siderable lon to tho Statu troops. Tho ring- 1 ader.ii Southern spy, has been ni rested and will propably bo hanged. Thu supremacy of the law will bo asserted in New York city, and the draft rigidly enforced. Holh llie Federal arniiea are in Virginia Leu re treating and Meado apparently pressing nf ler him. Jeff. Davis lias again called out nil whitea between the ages of 18 and 4f, but will they come ?' Aa was generally predicted, guerrilla Morgan's raid resulted in the despersion nnd capture of almost his entire nrniy. lint 2)00 of his large force Imvo ns yet escaped. Yazoo city, Missis- Hippi. has been captured mid la now occu pied by the Federals. Tho rebels abandon ed Jnckon, nt which place Is General Sher man's headquarter'. Nalches is held by Federal Gen. Knusom. Thu rebols will soon bo effectually driven from the great valley of the Mississippi. We have creditable reports that n great I nttle by laud and sea had been cinuineneed nt Charleston. With tho fall of Charles ton, thu long prayed for timii will soon come" when Ilia cruel was Is over." Gold in New Yoik, on tho morning of the 22t), was quoted nt $1.23 lower than it has been in thu nix months past. We received no news last night. Caxyox Ctrv. The Mountainter. of the 19th, says : Numleis of persons who have been carrii d off by tho Uolso and Owyhee excitements have returned to Canyon City, mid say the mines in that vicinity promise quite as well as llioso that led them away, llusiiiefs nt Canyon City is fair, mid every thing moving along quietly uud prosper oucly. A Good Snowixn. The Otcgonian say. that the exhibit of the financial aliliirs of Mtilnomah county, for thu year ending July 1st, 18G.'i, filiows n balance in the county treasury unappropriated of SI I. 8G7 09. IlwIdcH thLs there urc SJ.OOO tuxes yet to be collected. At Denieiu, California, on the 17tli Inst., a soldier named Glcukofl', who attempted lo rob nnd murder another poldier last Feb rti.iry, uud then deserted, wus shot, in nc corduuee with n sentence ol Court Martial. Kev. A. (J. Kdinunds, of tho Uiiiversn list Ghurch, and editor of the " lleruld of Reform," nt Kugene City, will prcueh in the Court Ifoup, to morrow, nt 11 o'clock. Coi'i' Killing de fenceless mill innocent negroe?, beeuuse they urc tumble to protect themselves. "Charge! Chester, Charge !" Tlio weather has been Intensely hot for the last three day?, tho thermometer, in cool plaees, ranging from 90 to 101 degrees. "0, for a rctrrat in soma wl wIMcinvM, Some boundless continuity uf h1i.u1." TKn Tuts. Dellow. in late number of his Souliern Review, says on tho now or der of things to grow out of tho rebellion if It succeeded : " Tho real civilization of n country Is in its aristocracy. Tho masses nro molded into soldiers ami nrtl.ans by intellect, just in matter and thu elements of nature arc made into telecrnphs nud steam engines. The poor, who labor nil day, nro too tired at night to study books. If you rnnkt thuni learned, they soon forget all that is not necessary in tho common transactions of life. To make an aristocrat in tho future wo must sacrlllcn n thousand paupers. Yet by nil means wo must make them, make them permanent, too, by laws of entail nud prim ogeniture. Tho right to govern resides in a very small minority ; the dutj to obey is Inhoritrd in the great masses of mankind. A II government begins with usurpation, and is continued by force. There is noth ing to which the South entertains s great a illsliku ns universal sullrage. wltonovor forolgnt'i-fl stitllo together In inrgo number, thoru universal suflYttgo will exist." Let the professors of Democracy, and for eigners supporting the robe! cuuo, ntudy the picture. Union Song of the Colt. Hall, brightest banner that floats on the galel , Flag of the country of Wnshingfon. hall! lied aro thy stripes with ,thc blood of tho brarn. ' Hrlght nro thy at nrs na tho mm on the wavo ' wrnpi in mv loinsnrctnrnopesoi nu:viiur, IJauner of Washington I blessings on time I Mountain-tops mlnglo tho sky with their snow ; Prairies lln smiling In sunshine below : III vers, n broad ns tho sen, In their pilde, Itorder thine Kmplrcs. but do not divide ; Niagara's voice fnr nutnnlhctns the sea Land of Sublimity, blessings on thee I Hope or the World I on thly mtsston sublime When thou didst burst on the pathway of time, Millions from darkness nnd bondnire awoke; Music wn born when Liberty spoke ; Millions to conic yet shtll join in the glee ; Land of tho pilgrim's hope, blessings on thee! Traitors shall p'-rish nnd treason shall full : Kingdoms and thrones in their glory grow into I Thou shall live on, nnd thy pcoplo shall own Loyalty's sweet, where each heart la tby throne ; Union nnd FitiiKnow Ihinr-herllngo be : Country of Washington t blessings on thec . Kaisino NiofiKns. As n jolly agricul turist tonka ul hid yearlings of young beeves, tho kindly overseer, lolling ln his saddle, pointed with his whip to the glist ening fat ribs i.ud corpulent paunches ol his wnnly-hciidctl flock. ' Therc'a not a plantation in the State," quotli tic, "can .how such it lot of young niggers. The wuv to get them rigid is not to work the mothers too hard when they ore near their I inn.' ; to givu them plenty to cut. unit not to send them to the field too soon." lie told inc the increase was about five per cent, per uiinum. The children were quite suflicienlly clad, ran about round us. pat ted thu hot sen, fell our legs, tried to climb up on llie Htirrup, and twinkled their b'uck and ochrey eyes nt Massn Seal. Some were exceedingly fair; and Mr. Sent, ob serving that my eyes followed these, mur mured Humclhing about the overseers before Mr. Hmnside'ri time bing ruiher it bad tut. Me talked about their color nnd complex ion quite op -nly ; nor did it seem to strike him that tiieru was tiny particular turpi tude in tlio while man who bad left Ills off spring ns slaves on the plantation. A tall, well-built lad of some nine or len years itood by me, looking curinuly iiitoiny face. What is your name?" said I. ' George," lie replied. " Do you know how to rend or write?' lie evidently did not und-rslanil llie question. " Do you un to church or chapel ?" A dubious shake of the head. " Did yon ever hear of our Saviour?" A I this point Mr. Cent inter pn.ed. and said. "I think we had belter goon, us the sun is getting hot," nud so we rode gently through thu little ones; and win n we had got some distance he said rattier apologetically, ' Wu dmi'l think it right lo put such thing.' into their heiitls so young, it only disturbs their minds nnd leads them astray." Now, in this one quarter lliero were no less timii 80 children, pome 12 nud some 14 yen ia of iige. No tduealion no God ; "their wliolo life food mid play, to strength en their muscles nnd fit them for llie work of n slave. "And when they die?" Well," said Mr. Seal, " they nro burled in that field there by their own people, nnd some of them have a sort of prayer over them, I believe." Tho overseer, it Is cer tain, had no fastidious notions about slave rv ; it was to hint tlio right tiling in the right place, mid his .vimmuni bonum was n high price for sugar, a pood crop, und it healihy plantation. Nay. I am sure I would not wrong him if I said he could sec no impropriety in running a good car go of regular black slaves, who might clear the great baekwood and swampy un dergrowth, which was now exhausting the energies of his field hands, in the nlni'iice of Irish nuvvies. II twell's "Diary Noitli tnul South. Ciiaw.kjto.n. The Jioston Journal, of May 2"ilh, quotes the following from u let ter written by n Foldier on Folly Island, Charleston hurbor, who intimated that the rebel forts are to be reduced by a regulur siege : Folly Island, which we hold, rnn9 along the coast from Sloiio Inlet north, und is only separated from Morris Inland by n narrow stream, which nt low tide is almost fordable. The island is about eight miles long unit n mile uml it hall wide, and com mands Mnrr.s Island, and on which wo can plant batteries thai, with the aid of the uuuboats. we can shell thu rebels rfi" of Morris Island in eight bouts time; mid once in possession of Mori is Island, we have Cumming's Point, on which we can plant siege gnus with which wc can batter down Fort Sumter thu sand hills being pei feet protection from t'-e shot und fchell ol Forts Sumter mid Moultrie. Anmi'1'.M.Y Ahkksts. Grant has reduced himself in thu estimation of thu copperheads ns low us Ihirusidc, by tho arbitrary arrest of Pembtfton and 27,000 other Democrats nt Vieksburg. Tho Constitution gives the right to every citizen to bear arms. Grant violated this plain constitution tl privilege bv depriving it whole army of Democrats of all their nrnii. Tho Democracy of the free States won't stand this unconstitutional way of abridging tho liberties of the peo ple -sco if they do. -Nevada Truiueript. - .TherflrttMiya : It would n0t he two generations under Abqlltion rule' till oir jwrple. or thepiler nnlfl rcmniMt of lliein, tsrouM bo,,rttn'tii gi Wild and halted In the wilderness a race of canabal savages. England nnd France havo been nn l?r ' nb- oiition nut!" ror several general on, mm arc considered tolerably lame, well eh'd and averse to "canabal" practices. N w Knglaud has tested ' nhnlttlon rule a lo g time, yet was nblnto furnish even llie Soti'li with clothing nnd school books from her su perabundance, and her people weru nevi r known to eat anybody, except when they devoured Charles Dickens mid .TefT. Davis with kindness. Still, if tho Hrprm Is stiro that " abolition rule" will make us naked " cannbnta" in two generations, perhaps we had better go into the slavc'brecdlng nnd whisky drinking busines, mid elect Demo crats to ofllcc. Mnrysvillo Appeal, i i ii ' TiiKft'amcrMost a Taylor, brought twenty nine religeute, whoso future field ot work will lm In Oregon. Washington Territory, nnd Vancouver I land. Fmirbot of the In dies. Sisters of Jem and Mary, proceed to Portland ; reven Sisters of Charity go lo Vancouver, W. T. : and eight Sl-tcra or St. Ann will join the house of the Order In Vic toria. They nrc nil from Montreal. NEW TO-DAY GREAT BARGAINS! HI. A. BRENTANO Would respectfully announce to his old friends and customers, nnd tho public generally, thnt ho tins iu store and now arriving, a Largo and Well-selected Stock of goods, which he will sell than the Alt Drnnds of Tobncco nnd Cigars ntGUHATLY W5DUCED l'JtlCES. Call nnd examine. jy'-'fltf JnckHouvillc Female School, und'T (lie superintendence of MltS. J. M. McCULLY. will opn a threo mouths' term, commencing Monday, Auguat 17, 1803. Tkkmh Ten dollars. Jacknnvlllo. July 2fi. 1803. jy2:itd Adminlfttrntor's Notice. WTOTICKIftierotiyRlrcn that tlio untlon-fgnail Um IM luen duly uppuiiituil, by the County Court r Jo Hupliino county, Ou'koii, Mliiilnt'lrntori.r thu oituto f THOMAS It. I.AWHON, ilurnuvl, Into ut wild mutity und Ktiitu ; thnt till imnioii' hnvlni; cliilm. itpilmt tlio unUitonro rvurtKltiire!nttliriu wltlitn onojoir Horn tlili (bite, to tlm uii'lumlgm-d, itiiiilulK(iiitnr,iit lil rvildoncv, on Itoj-ua Itlrrr, .limojililmirniintv, tlio-K'- THOMAS CIlOMON, Atfm'r. Dntcl .Inly '.'.MS(i:i. Jyiy.SI. Good Quartz Mlnern Wanted IJIIVK Oil SIX A No. 1 QUAIIT. MI.VKII8 will . Ilii'l luunvdlatii umployniotit nt tlie Kutorpi li t'unrtz Cuiupiuy'a l.!;e, JHp1ilno county. Tlio very IiIrIicU wki ri imlil, but nun need to uii ply except IIkmo who uudciitniid tho work thorough ly, Apply at tho Knturprlau Quuiu Mill, or to X. A. lll.lli.NEIt. Althou'u Creek, July 15, 1803.-July 'JiMf. 1. O. O. F. CELEUKATION OK TIIK THIRD ANNIVERSARY OK JACKSONVILLE LODGE No. 10, OH TIIK 18th Day of August. 18G3. Jacksonville Lodge ha determined to com memorate the third anuiven-nry sincu its in stallation. The members of the Lnd";c, and truuMciit and visiting brothers will meet nt thu Hall, nt I o'clock of uhovo mentioned day. At half pat one they will foim in procession, under direction of tho Mar-lml of the Day, mid, preceded by thu Jackal ville Drass Hand, will march up California street, where the citizens general Iy are re quested to join tho iirocchslnn, which will l lien proceed to the Court House, where thu following e.Nercif-cs will be hud : 1st Music by tlio Uund. 2d--Oneiiiiiu Ode. ad -Prayer by tho Chaplain. 1th Music by the Hand. 5th Oration by O. Jucobs, Esq. Mil Music by the Hand. 7tb Toasts : 1st, regular sentiments ; 2d, volunteer hcutlmcuts. fith -Music . pongs, etc. All Lodges und members in good stand ing invited to participate, nnd tho public invited to attend. pit- A HALL will bo given In tho even ing, at tho United States Hotel. G. H. Doititm, Hkxkv Duncan, E. V. ItussKM., John M', II. Deni.ixoku. Jas. M. Surro.v. Couiinittco of Arrangements. Jacksonville July 21. 18tia. A GRAND BALL. tlll bo glvt'iint tho U. S. IIUTKIi, JACKSONVILLE, o tiis i:km.u or Thu 18th ot August in commemoration of tho ad minlvereary of Jacksonville Lodge No. 10. 1. O. 0. !. All are respectfully invited to attend. MANACKItH. Geo. B. Dorris, J. M. Sutton. JncUsonrillo; Eher Emery, Ashland ; Jno. M'Coy, Appio gate; C. Sehtellliu, Kock Point; J. Fred, l'taiilz, Crescent City, Cab: John Fullurtoii, HonelulVg; David Luwtoii, J. I. Smith, Yreka. TiokQts flvo dollars. jy25 HoBittni.R.- mmm & wade, JACKSONVILLE, -DKAI.KIU IN- DRY GOODS, CLOTHiisra, BOOTS & SIIOKS, EAJfGY GOODS, xx.a.-x'ei JO.-DUX3 cu&j&m, GROCERIES, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Tobacco & Segars, PRODUCE, JIARDWAKK. GLASSWARE. QUEKNSWARK. WOODEN Wf AUK, MINERS' TOOLS, All r wliieh wilt he sold nt low prices, for (JASII.oriliral)le l'UODUCE. BRADBURY & WADE ARE NOW RECEIVING A Large & Well-Selected STOCK OP Spring & Summer NEW STYLES DRESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staple CARPETING, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, MEN AND BOYS' Spring & Summer CLOTI-IIISTG, HATS AND CAPS! AND ALSO A Fine Aftsortmcnt of Ladies, Men and Boys' Boots and Shoes ! OUR P1I(II AM) ASH LAM) Will be supplied with n Good Assortment -or- STAPLE MD FANCY GOODS Which will be sold at JACKSONVILLE PRICES. PIIOTOURAI'II ALBUMS at HUADRURY & WAUE'ff. SAN FRANCISCO Woolen Milln. RlunlteK OverMiirls und Army Cloth, nt HRADRURY& WADES. STATIONERY & IJLANK R00lv3 nt URADIJURY & WADES. FS INK CIGARS AND TOW A COO IJRADHURY& WADES. ws 001) AND WILLOW WARE RRADHURY& WADE'S. llNETEASut J DRAPDURY & WADE'S. ?AMILY GROCERIES nt V JiRADRURY k WADE'S. 1 i. . i niiltff TtKUSSXWTemm:".