Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 22, 1863, Image 1

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t... .--i.'wVa.iarrv-ox.-y?r-rTTC'SasjftiiJU'. .,-wrtrjrt-i,nrCT,!.Trjt.iLgj,i -iijRjg..t-.r,yy-:r3?..iJlIiiCM jciiji.i
VOL. VIII no; f.2.
."' '
I. 0. 0. p. Jaoksonvii.u: Lomit: No.
10, holds Its regular meetings every SAT-
UUD AY A'IX7A'r7,utUiu MiimiiiIo Hull
(Court House building), lit, ri o'clock.
Ilrolhota in good standing nro cnidlully
invited lo iiiU'iid. .Jap. M. Surrox, N. G.
iM. Pt.r.ms. It. Sco'y.
Warren Lodge No, 10, A. F. & A. M,
A HOLD their regular comtnunl-
jrculloiis Hit; Wednesday livening on
Vnr preceding the lull moon, Hijack-
am:::, martin, w. m.
H.'Hi.oom. iSVc'.
oiti3;o chapter no. i,
IIOYAI, arch masons,
JAVIiSOX 17,,:. OllKGON,
Will hold its regular communications on the
i'lral Siiliirtlny Kvi'. ofKvt'ty Month.
All sojourning Companions in jjood
funding uru cordially Invited lo itltend.
(;. W. GRKKR, II. L.
L. Sai'iis. Seo'y. (Iec8:47
Office with II. F. Dowoll. Kj., Third sired,
.lACICflONVll.I.K. OlIKOOS. 20
AT XSk."VtT,
Will promptly ntlend louny legal
business committed to his cure.
Office in Sentinel huiMiiig,
.Jacksonvii.u:, Oiikijon.
i). vm. imirriiirr. jamkm ii. 1'ay.
.Tacksonviit.i:. Oiikook,
"Will practice in the Supremo mid oilier
Ourls of this Slate. March I. 'Oil.
Jackson vn.f.K, Oiikoos,
" 7 ILL practice in the several Courts of
V? the First Judical
District, und In the
ftiprciw1 Court.
October 20. (!2.
.Ja'i.'.sonvii.i.k, Okccon.
Will practice In nit the Court of the Tilled
Judicial District, the Supreme Court of Ore
iron, und in Yruka, Cul. War Scrip prompt
1v collected. Oct. IS.
(.Saci-ciwr U) Kctit A (Inaton)
Hspeclul utteutlou aivcii to collection
rasw, .Junu 10, ltfli:!. -lit
OJIU-o r.t III Ufnlilcnce on Oregon SS.
tf.nc80.vv.!.K. Or.Kco:;.
Whero nil those knowing themselves in
debit d lo him. on uotu or book account,
will pleii-o call and K'ttle up, or their nc
ruuni will lie pluced lor collection lit the
hand of my ultoruev.
My old alrnus will Mill lind me, mrer,
ready loal tend to my professional duties.
.Muy i, I Mm. mnyli'f
lIioCogcu)J.c Artist,
! prepared to take pictures in every stylo
of the art. with all thu late improvements.
If Pictures do not give utti-factlon. no
charge?, will be made. Call at his new Cil
lery. n the hill, examine his picture., mid
s.lt 'for your likune-i.
- I'UAfTH'AJ-. -
Jllnnlt-Koolt Mani'acf:ir?r.
oI7 Clay mid 5M Commercial streets,
betwec'u Mnntgoineiy and Sansoine,
It 'W3- UliidiiiK' of I'Vtry description neatly
"iweiiiid : JUank IJooks ruled and ISouml to
iiiy de.ir'd putlern. ':-v
J) I CJ A N ii VA t L,
IliU'U nnllitliur, Cor. Ti-ont Vcti'vcta.
attend to the Iteeeivin'' and For-
V V ward
dlnjr of all Roods eutvited lo
thi'ir earn, with proiimtness and dh-pntch.
Coiioi;;uiiieiits uolicltcd. Meiclmialite re-
f'lved Oil .tM'HJC.
Oefconl Cltv. Anvil 11. 18W. LI
N. U.-Noyood-'dellvercc" 'lntil the freight
an J elm yes are paid.
D. & Y.
lll?Mtr UI3MilNC.'I?K, X'utt'r nml Proii'r
SitusoniiTiox One year. In ndvancc,Five
DoIIsuh; SIv tnontli!', Three dollar?.
AiiVKitTiiiixn One Ktimre (10 linen or
le.x.), llrct insertion, Tlireu Dollars : ench
siibseqiieuc Insertion. One Oollur. A dis
count of fifty percent wilt he made to those
who ndvei iNe by the year.
4X3T t.iV.ftl rcmler rucolvt'tl nt eiirrunt ratoi.
Uy application to l'(iilina'tcr nnd Mail
CarrieiM. yon can lenrii that tlieSeiuNweekly
Oiituiox Sksti.ki. Iin by far ii larger circu
lation In the count let of Soutliern Oregon
and Del Norte county. California, than any
other pupi'r. Tills fact sliould commend the
Skm'i.nki. to you an a Hiijierior niediuiu lor
I.jkt ok AtiKNVrt, wlio nro nutlior!ed to
transact any busiuesH concernlnt; thin pa
per, In the tintiii! of the puhlMtcr :
I,. 1 Flfliur, San Kmnclsco; U'nlworth
& I'ayncH, Yieka; KIht Knirv, Asldand; S.
C. Taylor, IMnijiiixj V. W. Fowler. Apple
(;ate;It. S. Duuliip. Wllliani'liur;;; John 11.
I'rindle, Kerbvville; A. II. Melkaln, Waldo;
It.. J. Foihe.x, Waldo; V.f,. M. Fvuus, Alt
house; .(ol Thorn, CanyouviHe; A. K.
Flint, RoM'liiirf;; Isanc It. Mooren, .Salem; J.
It. Undervvoiid, Kup;ne City; F. Charmnii,
Oregon City; I). W. Wnkelleld, Albiiuy;
lleiijiuniu Cook, Corvallis; .J. II. Smith.
Credent City; Albert Uonlittle, Happy
t.miujmuNU,mjuiu.ttu XMJtioiiiimaxmnji.irrt
Now York via Younkeiv. .July loth. The
mob has not yet ceased, allhou.uh to-day will
prnbiibly wI(U"fS the end. Tliei'o Is no iloubt
that a vastly l.irjier nuiuber were onpip'd
in it yct-.lciiay, than on Monday. All lui'jre
niniuiliielorli'" have ceased work, mid the
dock mid sh!p-ynid sii"peudiil. 'Ihu ob
ject of the riotvr-s ycftorday was undoubted
ly plunder. At noon yesterday, the rioters
turned out about A. ODD strong, and at lucked
lint Union steam works on ihu comer ol
2Ui street, at 2 o'clock, II.OIIO police ar
rived, and llio iloters were In possession of
tlm buldinj;s. They liecitinu ill sperat", and
o-siiled the police, who killed 1 1 of tlieiu.
Four moro were killed and a number wound
ed by jumping front INI story windows. Ye.
tttrday morning the mob visited tliu tesi
lenei!of Col. O'llryau. of lh" llth New
Yoilc vidunleers. who tendeiul llieir ser
vices to aid in suppressing the riot, A foice
of three hundred police hero charged the
uioli mid drove the rioter Into the bouses,
the policemen then clntrgcd them all over
the buildings, felling tlieiu with club. De
tachments of llth regiment reached the
scene, and aided in dUpersing (lie mob.
The mob lived every hou-o nt the foot of
I 2d street, eiuly in the morning, then (he
rioters.asseiiibhd on atli avenue, at the St.
Nicholas, and bioke theglas u;ue windows.
t:c. They made an onslaught on the negro
dwellings on :t.1lli ! reel- but loriim.itely,
the negroes had been removal to the station
hou-e but were repuUcd, mid Dually dis
persed, by the military.
New York, .July 1ilh. I! o'clock t i. The
gneral Impivssiou in that the tint is over.
Thu Mayor has ioncd u proclamation mi
i.ouuuiui: lhat the riot has partially sub-1-ded,
mid that the remainder of the mob now
only peel: plunder, mid calls upon thu citi
zens lor patrols.
New York Ifilh. Severn! clolMng and
hat stores, and private lesidence.s were bro
ken open and s.ickcd lnxt night. Thu mob
on Stuteu Island sacked the Lyceum, mid
attacked the Marine Hospital, and carried
oil .11)0 muskets with ammunition. The
rioters last night visited several houses of
ill famu on (irecnocli street, burned mid
gutted another, and killed one man. Thu
police quickly bent oil' the I'lilllans. Thede
pot nt VnudcrblllK binding. Stated Maud.
WitH burned, und toinu drinking houses gut
t'd. A perfect reign of tenor iiievulus. No
private building have been molested.
Albtny, July Kith. Yesterday morning
:i()l) or 100 workmen from Keusellier and
Albany railroad works, marched through
the btreets, stopped In Iront of thu Lund 01
lice, which they stoned and gutted, destroy
ing nil thu prop-fly within. They visited
the jail, forced it'openaud teleased all the
prisoners. The arsenal and Pruvoit Mar
ehnls otlice are blronjjly giuuded.
Columbus. ICy.. July ISth.-Oen. Pillow
is reported at Macedonia. 1.1 miles touth of
Paris. Tennessee, with ti.000 rebel troops,
one half of whom mo mounted. A large
tiumbev near Columbus uro reported mov
ing towards Union city.
Washington, July liilh. Tho Richmond
K&imintr of to-day 'has Ihu following :
Charleston. July Kith. Nothing new
Hlnee yesterday. Tho enemy are engaged
In cdithl'ii'iing batteries lor largo guns on
Morris Wand, being aided by live Monitors.
Their wooden gunboats nro firing on Jorts
Wagoner and Gregg, on the north end of
of the iilas.d. Signed Uoauregurd.
Cincinnati,. Inly Kith At 2 o'clock last
night Morgans advance reched Wcet Union,
Anams county. 10 miles liom llm river.
His scouts readied the river oppoite Mays
ville this morning, but were driven back by
the gunboats.
New York, July Ilith. Gold has fallen
to 127. Mnrket.s dull; no business being
dune of iinporliiuce.
It has pleaded Almighty God. lo hearken
to I lie supplications and prayers of an ulll ot
ed people, mid to vouchnilu to Ihu uiiny
and navy of the United Slates.victory on land
mid sea, so signal and eli'ectivu as to fur
nish reiiMiimblu ground for augmented con
lldenco dial the Union or these Slates will
be sustained, llieir Constitution preserved,
mid llieir peace and prnxp-rlty permanently
restored. Hut these vieloric have been tic
corded, not without sacrillees of life, limb,
health and liberty euiluri d by the brave, loy
al and pntriollccitlxens. While nllhctiou In
every part of the country follows In the
iraliiof these fearful bereavements, it is
meet and right lo recognize mid confess the
presence of tho Almighty Father, und the
power of Ills hand, equally, in these tri
umphs and Mirrows. Now. thereloie, be it
known, that I do appoint Thursday the 8th
day of August next lo be observed as a day
for mutual Ihniiksulviug, praise and prayer,
mid I Invite thu people of the United Slates
to ii"cmhlu on that occasion, in their cus
tomary places of wor.-hip, und in the f'oim
approved by their own consciences, render
I ho homae dim (o tin Divine Majesty, for
the wonderful thing He hath done in our
lulinn- behull and invoke thu influence of
His holy spirit lo subdue Hie niiaer which
has produexl mid so long Misliiiued llus
neulless and cruel rebellion ; lo change the
hearts of thu insurgents', guide thu councils
of the good willi wivloni ndequale to so
grenl u national emergency, mid to visit
with tender care anil eoii.-ol'itiou through
out the length mid breadth of the laud, nil
those who (hrouuh llie vielsiludes of bat
tles and sieges, hnvo been brought lo stiller
In mind, body or estate, and Ibially to lead
the whole mulou Ihrouuh the path of re
P'lilance mid suhml-sion to Divine will,
luck lo perfect enjoyment of Union and
fruteunl peace. In wilues whereof, I have
hereunto set my liaiid. and ciusid thu seal
of the Untied Sluli s lo be ulll.vd. Done at
the city of Washington, on the l.llh day of
July, iii Iheycir of our !,oid, 18i!!l. and of
Independence of llio United Slates, the Srtth.
Uy W. II. SiiWAiti), Seo'y of State.
. ... ,...
The Patriot Meagher in Coun
cil. On Juno 18. in New York, some two hun
dred of the friend or Thomas F. Meagher,
mot ul the Astor House, to present him with
a gold medal, upon which nro Inscribed thu
mimes of all the battles in which the Irish
llrigadu was outraged. General Meagher,
in his remarks upon this occasion, tald in
conclusion :
'It Is belter that the tiwei iliould bo
multiplied, and trade should stand still,
that commerce should be parnll.isl or limp
lnz'lv along -lhat multitudes should pet Mi
on the llelil Willi llieir country snug poinieu
to the sun and Hie glory of lltti maityr's:
that gayety should put on muurnlng ; that
luxury sliould not down upon its knees and
beg a'cnist ; Hint the bittern mid cormo
rant should usurp the wiire-linno and pal
ace, mid the f..te of Tyre uud Itunlheck be
its visitation. Itctter all thin a thoii'imd
tlnien than that thu people fop tho saku of
having a glut of foielgu Importations, of
beiiitr corpulent and nt ease, sliould at Ihu
bidding of craven or audacious demagogues,
clamor lor mm Insist upon u pence wnicu
would annihilate their sovereignty, closing
their history with the crime of suicide and
an irrevocable sentence of inevitable dis
isrnco. Shall this bo ro ' Shall the prayer.s
of the wicked prevail? Shall a b;vu con
spiracy, with the hymn of the angels on its
lip, and the craft of thu serpent at its coio,
prove superior to ihu laws, the nnny, tho
Inspiration of llio land? Heaven forbid 1
Against a peac-i s fcamlalnns-, there is not
a survivor of llio Irish Jirlgado who will not
Indignantly, with intensu scorn, with the
fiercest Impetuosity, protest ; in reprobation
of such n peace, every soldier in thu nnny
of thu Mississippi, every foid'nr Last or
West, under arms for Ihu Union, will H't his
teetli mid bring his bayonet to thu charge.
Talk to tho returned regiments, and see if
I hey do not to a man, scout thu opprobri
ous proposition eomo of the noisiest i f
which were among thu very first to incltu
tho Demoeranv to arms mid urge tho war.
Piocecd still further Intel I ogntu Ihu heroic
dead ; let tho orator of our day. in whoso
heart burns tho desire to be enrolled nmong
the saviors of tiio Republic, appeal to tho
slmdes of Mount Vernon ; to the ancient
walls that witnessed tho signing of the, "Dec
laration ;" lo tho tomb in tho garden of tho
lb nulla:, e ; to thu granite cliffs cf Mic-si-clius-etts,'nnd
to the confusion of the tiai
loi. ; invoke the illustrious men to whosu
puritv and greutnes of soul nmid.iod N in
debted for t'-o (.viii'ples of llii. common
wealth. Last of nil, listen to the adjura
tions of the thousands, who, wl'hiu the last
two years, have been laid lo rest In tho har
ness of buttle on the Holds, which their he
roism has made inngnitlecnlly famous, and
whose graves. unNcrlbed though they be.
the llrcs of Heaven by night and by day
inaiiilain for Hie chivalry of the Republic a
perpetual guard. We are conjured never
to mike pencil with Hie armed enemies of
tliu United States never to confer with
tliein for an instant as parties- to any settle
ment or compromise ; never to desist an in
stant from Hie prosecution of thu war with
the relentless vigor with which Andrew
Jackson would have pressed it ; never I un
til Hie image of Liberty, now ascending the
dome of tho Capital, shall for the perma
nent happiness of Ameiica stretch forth the
protecting hand, mid dispense its benignant
rays wherever, until tliu outburst of the re
bellion, the creed, the laws, Hie dominion
tliu harmony, the wisdom. Ihu pmver. Hie
congregated splciuulors of one miliou, one
Constitution mid one ling prevailed.''
Hatiiku I'nt.vrm -The following
logue we lind in Harper's Weekly:
1 lately dined in company with one of
those inane young gentlemen who, us
Theodore Winthrnp snjs in "Cecil
Drtcnie," praie slavery mid think they arc
nrilocratic. The young gentleman went
on for some time, when Mrs. said to
him politely :
' If you sympnthizo with the rebels, why
don't you go uud join them 1"
" ,' Mniliiine? I assure you I am per
fect iy loyal?"
" Why, certainly ; only I slaml by tin
Government, not by the Administration."
' So Vnllaudigliiini says."
" I mean I am no Abolitionist."
" So Rrooks says."
"That i. 1 nm 'ufmid we arc alienating
the South."
" So Tom Seymour say.."
" la oilier words, I mn u, Union man,
but 1 don't think (he war can restore it."
" So Toucey says."
" Hut, my JearMailaine. the war is un
constitutionally carried on.''
" So (Jeo. Ticknor Curtis says."
" I mean that one liberties are in dan
ger." So Fernando Vood says."
" Well, but isn't tho war" fratricidal."
" So Hen Wood Fays."
" Come, then, isn't it hopeless?"
" So tliu Loudon Time says."
' Yes, my dear Mnduine, but what on
earth do you say?"
I say that whoever slnnd nguinst the
Adnrnistratiou in this wur stands ngiiiust
the Goverincnt 1 say lhat whoever is
ulraiil of alienating tho South is nfiaid ofi
" !;
irritating u snake (hat has ulrcadv stun
hill). 1 say Hint whoever thinks that I
(Miiuoi lestore thu Union docs not know
that Union is the mou irrcsistuhlc instinct
of the American people. I sav that who-
ever says the war is unconstitutionally
carried lin is in danger of being split by
the teniK'St in which he is trying to split
hah. I say that whoever says our liber
ties uro imperiled by the Government uud
not by the rebellion, works mid prays for
the sneers of tho rebellion nnd the annihi
lation o nil civil liberty ami order, i say
that whoever calls the war fratricidal has
no moie conception of national honor than
lottery dealers are said to have of honesty.
I say'tlmt whoever considers tho cause of
the Uu te.l .Suites hopeless hates that caiiso
in his hem t, nnd is it terly ignorant of tho
character ol the p'jop'o and of the facts of
the situ ition. 'Flint is wuat I say, nml
that's whit every truly American man mid
woman suys anil believes."
The young gentleman made no reply, but
tho iie.u day. nt thu club, he imid to u
friend, " 1 dined yesterday at Mrs. .
What an awful Abolitionists she is !"
While General Jenkins was in lingers
town ho exhibited many traltu which it is
to be hoped are characteristic of tho man.
An incident will illustrate. About noon
yesterday, a Lieutenant with five men. wear
ing tiiu uniform of Union soldiers, oiept out
of'rome of the houses of the town, where
they had been hidden, and delivered them
selvoi up. When they appeared before
General Jenkins the following conversation
occurred :
Jenkins Halloa ! who nro you, nnd
where did you come from?
Lieutenant Wo belong to thu Union ar
my, or did belong to It, but wo don't want
to light any longer ngalnst our Southern
brethren ; so when our forces left hero we
stayed behind, uud to-day wu canto out to
so wneu our juice icii neiu we
bo parou d.
.lonkuis-v. tint (tut you roy nuoui .-piitii-
ern brethren ?"' Uy , if 1 thought I had
a tweufy-llllh cousin who was e.s whlte-liv-eiered
as jou are, I would kill him and nt
him up in' my bavn-ymd to make shec-p own
llietr lambs, t li uow you now wo piuoiu
' i
and crowd cauio bauk highly ple.iW with
Jenl.iu's mode of paiollng cowuuU
such pukes a vou are. You're too d-n i ""ere tliey were sent io repel tnu invasion,
niiseiubli' to bo paroled iu milnary style. I to cut the Tribune ofl'ienind murder u few
So Miyiiig, ho onlcred a detail oi six men iiioll'.'iiiiveu'.rro.y. Union, Virginia 67 1
mid a sergeant (,good luMy fellows with j - -- .
thick boots 'who paioled tliu leoreaiit Fid-, Tiik order pui porting lo come from Pres
crals to the west (punter of thu town, where hlont Lincoln to tlie United States Mar.sluil.
tl.c narolllug process ceased, mid the detail i to taku noession of tliu New Almedau
Ksi.aiu.iku. The Yirginia City Daily
Union comes to us in t lie lorm of a double
shiet clglit page, lurgc sdze. Wusltou
must be a flourishing country, and accord
ing lo the Union Virginia City Is tlunliuvil
to be Some. Rend what it says, for the
beauty ol its lauguiie, if nothing mure:
Get iiboaid lor Rceso River, Salt Luke.
Pike's Peak, St. Louis uud New York !
Through to St. Louis iu sixty hours by the
Lightning Kx press J Ivavcs Virginia,
every day at 4 1. M breakfast at Austin ;
supper ul Salt Lake Oily, where passengers
can (tike sleeping eats on Hie niglit cxpitss".
or sit up und viw the magnificent (scenery
of the Rocky mountains tty moonlight ;
arriving in "Denver City for breakfast.
Cars there connect with Hie Eastern Divis
ion, reaching ihu Missouri river curly next
morning, in lime for passengers to tnko
ihroiiu'li 1 1 ii ins for (Jliicii'.'o, Oiueiiiuuti,
Philadelphia uud New Yoilc.
How do you like u ? you whose thoughts
swilter Hum the lightning hover fondly
over homes hidden away in Kuslern Val
leys. And yet we expect to print every
line of it in an advertisement in the Vir
ginia Union before tliu 2Slh ol June, 1870.
Then the roar of railcms will sing the paean
of empire over our ciiy of a hundred thou
sand inhabitants, us their iron feet go paw
ing out upon (he great plain, with the
morning sun glittering on their burdens.
And scaicely a soul will wonder at it ; or
if they wonder, will growl, because " tho-u
confounded express t ruins chargu so much
for freight, that Shiewsliury oysters me
too costly for daily lunching purposed."
This is not a fancy picture Tho giant
of progrc-s is marching both Kast mid
West, uud where his iron feet nro planted
their prints remain immovable us the ever
lasting hill.
Tim Fi'ruitK. TIiosj who aro Copper
heads now nnd lots of tliein nro being
made in the Hist should think of the cler
mil disgrace it will bring upon them und
theirs, and repent at once. Harper's IVeik
iy RiivH :
" When tliu war is over, l lie public will
probably be npt to scan rath.'r closely the
recoid which public m mi made for litem
selves while it was raging. At tiiat time
protests ugiinst being classed us a koiii -tlnns
Copperhead will abound. The men
who ure now noi-eles ujuinst tho atrocious
despotism of Lincoln will iheiicall Heaven
to witness that they were loyal supporters
of the Government." For it will then Ik us
odious to have been false to thu country in
' ber hour of greatest peril as it was eighty
j Revolution. Already there ure indications
that public seninneni is being formed in
! this direction. Kven iiiuong persons no:
overl'rieiidly to Iho Government, liekct-ol-leave'
men from Fort Lafayette are begin
ning to be shunned. Pretty soon the pub
lic will make no distinction between a ras
cal who is sent to State Prison for burgla
ry, nnd a traitor who ii sent to Fort War
ren for treason. And the sl'gma will
stick. Our children will be brought up in
holy hoi ror or traitors, uud thu tinro will
enine when innocent creatures, now unborn
or iiutii infant, will ho pursued through
life with thu bitter und utibarab'u taunt
lhat, in thu days of tho Great Rebellion,
theii father was a Copperhead 1"
Tho infatuated dupes of Fernando Wood
nnd other Pence Democrats were giving
New York ciiy n lively idtn of Copier
headisin reduced to practice. This
fearful exhibition of the tendencies of Cop
perlieiidisin will serve to break the partisan
spell that has lured many well meaning
citizens Irom the path ol duty into tiie
camp of hypocritical demagogues and rev
oliuionists. iliii'ywlh Appeal.
For months wo 'have apprehended jtiRt
pueli woik ns this mob has been enacting
in Now York ciiy. It in tho legitimate
f.'iiit of tlie teaching. of Fernando Wood,
the most infamous traitor uud audacious
scoundrel on thiscoutineut. Stocliton huh
pendent. Three thousand of the ignorant followers
of Fernando Wood and Vullandighain,
banded together, have undertaken to bum.
murder, nnd destroy, like so many infuria
ted demons us they nre. Wo nre sor-
i ry lhat Iho demagogues who incited thes"
i tm'ooio io commit mu on n aires coiuo noi
! people- to commit the ouUagcs c
! ,;iifl'cr in their btead. I 'lemtoru;
il JCntei-
-f'I0 Ictritimatc fruits of " Ponce Deinoo-
racy" huvo appeared iu New Yoik iu arm
ed resistanco to the enrolling ollicers, bv a
icowardlv mob, who ton!; advantage of tho
absence of tho city troops in Pennsylvania,
.i - . . " . t
mbio', turns out to bj a huav. So savs the