T.ir-'zr; rfFSiV k Scmi-tUcckhi Sentinel. From Coquillo River. Coqutu.r. ItiVEK, Coo? Co.. Osn., 1 July 8, 18(iB. f Mr. vWfor: As the rentiers of your I n f lercttnp ntnl loyal joiinitil tniiy desire to rlicnr nf the patriotic demonstrations or lliu j.'Oc (1 puoplu of Coos county, I lake inuclt Vlcnsure !u Miylng, Unit tliu celebration in votiiiiu'iiiorntlon of tliu returning minivemi ry of tliu freedom of our imtion, pui-d oil' very creditably to tlnniM;lvM nml tliu no ble cause which they eo ardently advocate. Tliu Orators of tlic Pity, hh h'-fore remarked in your pnper, were 1). Iluvmnii nml Tim?. 4 1). Winchester, K'qs. Tim former nuiurd penki'i mI'Iit coininuntlnjr upon tliu origin will cause of tliu win of Independence, nml our p:it Imppy und prosperous condition us ii nation, then guvo n description ol llm ill-fit rise of Fcctwlon.willi its pernicious oU'eots upon our own dearly loved country, nml llnnlly c1oed by urging tliein to bear in tnlnd the dying injunctions of tlieir pu f riot, plri',1, to no their united lnlluencu for tliulr struggling lnud, mid ever to mlvoculu 1lii preservation of our imtioiiiil Union, as tliu linI: or tlieir future happiness and pros perity m n united people. Tliu second spi'itk er commenced by ml vtrl iiijc to tliu Charles ton Convention us tliu direct lilrth of tliu horrid features of disintegration, mid liy varnlup Ills nudleiicu never to deceit tlieir (iovcrtiint.'iit. tliu iialladluin of tlieir liber tlc. lnt to cling to it with undying attach ment, and after pasliig.nn eloquent eulogy upon tliu patriots in tliu Held, alluded in very severe language to those- sympathiz ing with traitor.'' in arms, mid eln-cd hy ad dressing lii." rt-ninrks to tliu youth in his lire-i.'iico, wlioin hu ndiiioiiis-hcd to liewaru of tliu lnnd-marks set for their giiid.tiic.", nnd to preserve frwli in tlieir heart the evei'lie-ting words of Washington and ills illiistiioiis compeers. JJolli speeches weru significant mid to tho point, nml received tliu iipphuiM! of tliu imilluncu u Hire mark of their indorse ment. Tho cereiuonles of tliu day clo-'ed v.Hh tliu nsceu-lou of u very liaiubjoniu hal loon. So closed the Fourth of July in Coos county. A I'.viov Anvmwn:. The following is the closing paragraph or nn eloquent mid patriotic .ieecli. recent ly delivered by Miw Dickenson, in 1'iiili tlelphin : Men of tho North, tiroyou strong enough to die? Do you recognizo tliu iuiuien-ily ol this contest so that you arc ready to fuller until sulli-rimr slm'l puss, into deatli ? Jlcineinber Lyon, lighting so lone as there, was n hand to grasp n idle, wield it sword or point u cannon, mid who believed Unit llio cause wiii worth dying for as long as there wan u life to In: oHernl up. Do you hv through tho smnko nml iliini1 of thin contest Winlhrop. younir mid bravo, u no ble, iimnly life, cat uwny! Kllsworth, young nml bravo. (1 ndiing out for it mo inent, the Hag twisted about him, mid then Gripping with his blood? lleineinber I . leer, marching ill blood nml fl.mn against lull's ISlulV. n living monument to nil eoui Jul' tiinu of fii mo. honor and self-snerilieo. And South Carolina, Faeied with Mitch, ell's, dying facu looking out from it. Ap plause. Men, too, falling thick n I lie dust at Autietmu, nnd Kerry, rushing for ward und fulling nt Cliancellnmville, bo lilies two hundred thnuunl other lives, as brave, us strong, iih earnest, unrccord''d, r Hl'ied up. The long line passes in solemn nrniy, mid lifting up its faeo to Cod cries out," Avenge, avenge, nvengc u, 0 Lord (Sod !" nml dropping hi hand on vou he waits for your answer. M en of the North ! your weak regret is wnstuof yearn. Arise iiud pay to freedom and to them the debt 'by following where they led tho way. T Applause. u ' i , Tub Misrouiii Gl'kuuim.as. Tho vicin jty of L?banon, Lacledo county (Mo.), has Ja'tely been tho scene of soino horrible uf lairs. Says tho Allot correspondent : The larmcrs having entrapped a band of horse thieves some Minn ngo, formed themselves into a band of Union Hangers, peaiched out the guerrillas and killed eight of them in ono night. Since then the guerrillas liavo been making war nn tho farmers, ns "well ns on tho Union troops, mid the latter, retaliating, tho result has been that when ever n collision has occuied, no prisoners have been taken, or wounded men left on tliu field. The Union troop have killed probaoly twenty straggling hushwbnckers, within a fow weeks, and in this indiscrimi nate slaughter, it is not at nil improbable that innocent blood has been shed. On tho .10th ult., guerrillas entered tho house if Mr. Wilson, eight miles from Lebanon, and murdered him in his bed They went to the house of ono Sherwood, took him out of his bed, tied him to n tree nnd then j shot hint several times, Tho excitement caused by tlisto outrages is intense, mid tho ' usual cultivation ol tho soil has been sus pended, while tho farmers arc hunting guer rillas. The some troublous sfato of r.ll'.ilrs prevails to les oxtcut in some of the North Missouri couutifg." FIRST ENTERPRISE TO- J10.D&U08IW 20 OX-TEAMS WANTKI). IT 1JL00M wishes to hire nbout Iwrn- t ly ux-ieniiH, to uiKi' neigui irom .Ineksniivillu to lloise nnd intermediate mining camps, by way of the new wagon mad, which will bu ready for tennis to travel by the 1st of August. For further particulars apply to If. 15L00.M. .Jacksonville. July 8. IPliX tf "SELLING AT COST! nA VI N(l determined to eloe out our stock of merchandise nt I'hiuuix with in the next twenty days, wu olll-r thosaniu for sale, at cost, for cash. Thoe indebted to us by note or book account, will rotifer n favor by settling tliu paint! within the time speciuYil above. UUADIiUUV.t WA1IK. PhfOtiix; July 1. IHti.'l. JyHid. J. .HOW, UKAI.DIt IX CIOAUS, TOBACCO. FIIKSII FHUITS. HTATIO.VKHY. CONK HO TJONKKY. J'MIIKWOIMCS. KTC, r.'.xi Oooe (o Ili'Mitlmry i Wuile. Ilmvo just opened a new store nnd stock ed it with a choice variety of the above mentioned articles, mid oiler I hem for Mile at tliu !o'ct living prices. The best of cigars nml chewing lolcicco will bu kept cinifliintly on hand. TIiiko ileiiing any artieli! in my liuu will mvu inonev bv giv ing in" a call. .I.'KOW. Jack-on vlllc. July 1. '(V.. .i"tl KEN)ALL & BOLT, mv:i.?mi:s to M.D. MOnniS AND WM.XAN'CKK, 1C rlij'vJlle, lokt'Xilillic C'.Kinty, Oii. rwMti: t'Nin:i:st(i.i:ii u.wrxo prnt'iiAPiut .11 Hie rill IP' IllldV-l vt .M.ll. .IV)l!ltt.",iill.liiMi tlir liilciv't. I' Wll.l.l AM NA.M'KK, . I' Hit' linn ( NAM'i;t;.V IIOI.T, wmilil ltil h-4hh'II'mII,- liiT'iin Iluit'll'..'4 til' Ki'iti,v llli' unit viclnltv llnit llie.v Imw iu.'n;.'l Hi" two llitn. Iiilo out', iiinlrr lli ii.iiihi i.l' "Kt.XHAM. .V ll'll.T."i!iliii( l.ii-!ni' in t!i.' ImlM ln r.nm'il.v "ii ii.'..l liv Nii',lii' .'; il.tr, wluie llit'.v Inli'ii'l tit Ki'i'p ii Ki'iur.il iivui tniviit of UJIY (JOOPS. UltOfKUIKS. J'ltO VISIONS, A1INKHS' TOOLS. KM., ICTC. wnr.I'l iiirt-t rnN'ifiilly i.iiiHt tliv rltl.'ii" nf Ui'lI'VVilln lll, Vtnilll.V til ;It' III lUllll lii'l'i'lc Iiiin'liiKini'l'i'ulii'ic, All j;ihkI.U'Ii)cU'iI la tin- lrlnlly fic'iif cliurso. DAVID K I.MIA I.I., .IOII.N lllll.T. K.'ll..vlll..,.liin'JI, P.l. Jylnill MINER'S SALOON PIXTUEES AT Till- uudei'.-l-jiied would oltir for sale, nt miction, in Jacksonville, on Saturday, (ho 'J.'ith liiit., his entire stuck of liquors, furniture, etc., for cash. JOHN NOLAND. July l.l. 18li:i. .iylo-3t HEIMSTREET'S Inimitttbla Httiv Ecstoralivo. rr is not a mi:. Hut restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying tho capillary tubes with nat ural sustenance, impaired by nj,'u or dis ease. All iwit.iiitttiuviis ilyti are composed of lunar ctiiiflie. destroying tliu vitality and beauty of the hair, nml ntl'ord of thenielves no dressing, lleiiustreet's iniiuiiablu col oring not only restores hair to its natural color by mi e.sy proec.v., but gives the hair a promote its growth, prevents its fallinir oil', eradicates the daudriilf. mid imparts health anil pleasnutncKs to tho head. It has stood tliu test of time, being tho original liair-coloriiitf, and is constantly increasing in faVor, l.'-ed by both jieiitleinen and la dies. It is sold by all respectable, dealers, or can lie procured' by them of I). S. J1auni:s, Proprietor, New York. Two sizes, f,l)c. and $1. eow21y Smith & Davis, of PortlnndLAj:ents. N 0T10H TO WIIoTllT m7w"cON' cern. All persons knowing them selves indebted to tliu undersigned, either by note or book account, are untitled to pay tliu same, without delay, to Mr. J. M. Sutton, Deputy Sherlir, uuil thereby save themelves costs. M. JlOSHXlitillG. Jacksonville, June 10th, lSt!!). Uw DE JSTTISTBY DR. P. G. HBARN, Of Yiekn, Gal., WOULD respectfully announco to tho ulti.eus of Jacksonvlllu and vicinity, that hu can be found at Ncuhur's old corner, opposite, the United States Hotel, where hu is prepared to operato in all tliu various urunclicri ot bis profession, leein tuserteu upon fjold, Vulcanite, Amber, Creolito, Sil ver and Cheophibty, trnm onu to a full eut. N.ll. Dr. IT. viU voniuiii in Jacksonville twenty days only, All work warranted. Jacksonville, June a, 18Ca. j'ncCtf CHEAP FOR CASH MAX MULLER, AT Tim BRICK STORE, Comer of Oregon nnd M'uin Streets, Jacksonville, HAS just received an addition to his former large and well selected Stock of FANOY, STAPLE & SUMMER DEYGOODS SOOTS AND SHOES, Groceries, Liquors, Cutlery, Crockery, Mining Tools, All at Reduced Prices. ONR and ALL arc invited to fa vor him with a call, as It cost tioth hit; to show L'ootR and It is a pleas ure to sell them at prices to low that none can complain. Highest VvSco Ptiitl for Pro duct1 iti K.vcCiuiigc i'ot'Cooris. ciO". ICiaZ- j;:3B.5a:Zl!f.'ii- "TOTICR J. II. Clmlleu will hear of 1. Hiini'tliiii'.' to his udvautii,')' by ad-dres-inj,' Allen F. Fartihaiii. of lliu A.-'hlainl Mills. JaekMiii county, Oregon. The (iMtn Aije plea-e copy, mid send bill to the Si'.ntiski. otlicc. Jutu-'JIt. IWill. je'.Mwl OPPOSITION is Tin:- LIEEOETSABE. BUY ALL YOUR DRY GOODS, OZotatoLiza.: BOOTS & SHOES, GEOOEKEES, Liquors, and Cigars AT Sachs bro:s Cheap Cash Store, AS THEY AKE DETEIWIIKKIJ TO 11 Cl3LH223C Than any oilier ISoiise HOUSE IN JACKSONVILLE. Call and examine- for yoiirgclvc.-1. SAOilS BRO.'S. Jacksonville, June 18, lSi'.. je'JOtf Notice tu KulirtcrllK'i-u to M'i.f;oii Uoii.t. ALL thoo who have suberil)ed money or other articliK for tliu construction of tho 11. H. V. it J. I). W'ajjou Uond, are requested to forward at once, or as soon as possible, tlieir subscription". Tliu work is now progressing, and money and Kiipplies tire needed. J0nXS.I.0VE,rres. IT. Ur.ooM, See'v. Jacksoaville, June 27, 'Gi. je27tf people's wmmm mm JJNE, CONXECTIXG CALIFORNIA and 1VEWY0KK VIA NICARAGUA. The fast mid favorite double-engine Steadier MOSES TAYIiOlt, J. II. DLKTIIIW CO.MMANDKIl, Will dispatched for San Juan Del Stir, at !) o'clock a. m., on riltJltSD.VY, JUt.Y !W, IStllt, Connecting nt Greytowil with tliu splen did Steamship ForNKW VOIMC. This routu is 7oO miles shorter tlinn by I'mmniu. (jri'iit reduction lit rates of pa"nge. A man of experlenuu will bu sent on each fteani'.T to take charge of the baage and ofiailie-' who may be traveling alone. For further information applv to J. K. KOHRUTS. Ajri-iit, No. -107 Washington st.. San Franei-co. jiie'.'ltd Opposite the 1'ost Ollloe. WKJllTMili&TlilRDIlT, St't'CKSSOliS TO FKAlK EJAKlTCUj'SIats, Caps and TSonitors, ijr, .u..i its cm,- .st., Mm. I'Viikm ,., Importers and Dealers in FOREIGN & DOMESTIC Drj Goods, i'ju'pis, (lileloilis, MaUings, VIIOLSTKIlV GOODS, ANI) PAPER HANGINGS, l'or sale in (pinnlitics to suit. Junel! I id )!J. J,. J. CZAPKAV'S J'llvnle .i!(tlrnl nn. I Siii'Ieal Institute, s5rnMKTnSriii.r.T, ll.-l.iw JlonlKoiiii-n. .iii-..-.f I'M.-ItU' Mult S. S. C.i.V iilil'.', mm I'nnu-ii-rii, I'.-tiil.U-lM'-l In ls.M, t'.-r llio IVriii.iiii-nt C'iiiv r nil I'rlviili- mill Climiili' I1-.m", AM) Till: MM'HMIS.siO.V OK IJIACKJIKY. (If lilt lll-'l-..--l, till- llll !"''t .-sll.. -IH'lll.-:4 Iinlil lnvlri't i-f S.itltti-'n I IW-.. cji'fi'iiii .not viii:x a ci'iti: is (!r.itATi:i:ii " III till f.'i'H't llir.ilK.-4, SVIf.:i!ll-, IH'I Vnitt ik-liil- liy. HvphlllH iii nil u ctiip"., ftilctiir.-s pli-.it, Kinvi'i, iliiil-cl.-n, ili-.vin-4.if tin- Miiii-,m ii'i-l lil'i.Mi'r, iii.-iiti-till lli'Mllil'UNm, ri-liifnl.i, -.illH III tliu Ihiii-i) mill miMi", .ll.-.'4 nf lliu limy, tlintit, mi-it mill i-ii", iiIii-ih iimiii tin- lly ur IiiiiIh. ntwvr, .Iri'i"..!', .-jiIIiik-tie tit', St, IiiiV iluii-c, mill nil .ll-.M'.-n iiiMiu fn'in ii .li-riiiiK.-iiii'iit of tln-f.-Mial iirpui-i, miiIi iih iiiii'ihih tn-iiililiii, In--. f iiii'iiiniy, In-, nf iviucr, k.-ii. .il It.'llt.lU-M', tlillllll--.-" .'I lllllll, Willi M llll.lf H)MltH H. pf.u lllj,' Iu-ClIi- Hu- i-icr, In-. tiffl(,lit, liil,ifilllii-, ilvi-x'il.i, lin-r iINcim'-, i iiiillnii uMti tlie fii'.-, jmIii In tli.' lurk nml lii-nil, I'iiiimKi Irt.-.uiil uili.--', iiini nil liiipnii-r .lU'li.trp". nf ImiIi m-.v.-4. It iu.it t.-i s llllt fll'lll NVll.lt l-l.ll-l' III!' tllr.'.IK.I oilln.iti'il, liuwi-i. r iii);Ktaii'lln;;nrc1.'itiii Hu tlic t-ii-.-, n-civiy U fir liiin, ninl lint lioit.-r llm.' tlinn a i.'iiii'iiii'iit inn-.-nn li. (-ifi-.-i.il l,v iinv ..tli.-r tiivitiii.-iit, .-v.-ititfi.-r tlm ilNciiMi li.i luillli-il tin. i-lilll of t-iiiliK-lit I'll vl lull", ninl n-Niril nil lli.-lr nu-iiii. nf euro, Tim m.-iiu-iiii-. iii-M-rit.-i in-.' I'liii-iiil nml nitlii-iit i-lm4, rnllnly if.-titl'li', iMiilnj. iniot. kiii'4i'l iiiii fin- fmin m.-irtity nii'l I'.iUuit, liuiiii-,- tm-iity yciix' ininllin in tin iiim', llm Atliiitin.Si.it." nii-l I'lilll'iriil.i, i Ii.ii.i i,-4-t'li.-il fiMin liii'Juui. f tli-tilli many iIiiiiiiihN wliu, in tli l.e-t htiiKi-rnf llm lilxiin iiii-iiIIhikhI i!ii-.im-, ii.nl I'ii-ii ;;li-n iii tiiillnl'.v tln-lr plivrk-lnin; ulilili w.ir limt nut la ii.iiiiI-Iii to llio iillll.'t.il, wlui in ii- ii('ii Iu-iiim-Im-4 niiili-r my rnrc, n ji.-lf.vt ninl nn-.-ily cine. I'lliiit.iill-.-.i-.iu.i tli.igr.-.it.-i-l i-iu'inlin tnlii'iillli,ii4 tli.-yni.' llm HlM .nii-.i.if ..ti-iiiiiiitloii, rrinfiil.i i.:it inmiy iilli.-i'.liM'.iM'i-, ninl t-Uimlil In- u li-iiin- tutlm liininiii f.tmlly. A pcnuum-nt eniv l kmiv.-I.v i-v.-r cll'i-rliil. u inujiirlty nf llm c.i-i-4 fitllii; lutu tlm li.iiiili nf IiH-iiiiii.-tiiit i.-i-wiii4, iin imt ..ill v fill tu ciiic tlioilliii-iii..-, Imt iiiln tliu.-iuirtltutiiiii, lillia llm i,Vrt.-ni ultli iiiitiviuy, mIiK-Ii, ivitli tlm illsi-.ixs, li.-ii.t-cim llu'hiillcici-liUnii riiiUlciiiiMiiil'iiii. llnl liniiM tlix .li-i.-.iMi nml tii-.itincnt imt iiui-.ii .li-atli njii-.-illly, nml tlm victim mni'iii-4, tlm iII-c;imi N ciit.illoil iiiini tlmchllilruii, wlui mi- Imin wllli fi-clilo I'.iiirtltnttol, nml llm. -tin out uf life .'iriiiitii liy n lun ulii.li Ix-tray llM-lf In M-infiil... ti-tti-r, ilk-civ, i'iitiliuii4, nml uilii-r nlU-ctiiiiii nf llm t-KIn, cy.-i', tluiMt ninl liiiiK, .-nliilllnj; iiioii tli.-m n lnlrl'i'lli-nroi'f nilli-i-ins, mill ci'ii'Inliit,' tlu-iii til mi t-.uly rimic. SI'.l.l'-Alll'.Si; Is tin-it Im-i- I'm nil. I.iMo tin my to li.-.tltli, tin- untiling t-l-.t In tlm i Ire, ill cat.ili'Ktm nt i!li- C.I4H4 fllltrl Mllll-lllll-tlVll II lll'.llll Itpull lm Yrtl-llt, ilniuln.-,' its tlmii-iiiil4.if ilctlnix, UiiiiiikIi a fciv; jinn of MttlVtiiiK. tnmi iiiitimcly p-itvc. It lU-Miny llm ii'ivnii4 NV-.tcni, iniiiilty M.istt'4 umiy tlm .-m-inles nf life, c.ttM'i iiii-iitiil .li'iiiiiKclii.-iit, lil.-vciitl tlm pioiicf ' .t i r .1... .,... n,... .nn. . i- !.i... him. ii'jnm ill i'i tin' 1.111 in, iifijiKiiiin-. lui mill I i.ii , ncli-ty, Iiti4liii'4, nml nil. -nt llilyli.iln-.4, nml Knu". tin. iilTi'ii-rivi.-cl;.'il In limlv ninl miiiil, ii.-iliiiiii4ii tiic.iuiiliniit Inn nml ii I niln of ill4 mm n to In, ilr.-iul- j .i tll.lll llc.ltll itll'lf. Willi till' I'lllll-rt ('.Illlill.'IIC.-, I litxrimn tlm tiiifiirluiiiito liitlin nf ht-lf-iiiiiiro tlnit ii J n-nii;nunt nml Kp.-c.ly cure .-.in lm .-lfi-rt.il, nml, ivitli tlm iili.imliiiiiiii'iit of inlnmi4 iii-,tcticc4, my jutii'ttl cm lit-ii-i-tutcil In inliiiit tmil vigorous li.-itltli, ' I irciiliii itl.y, iiii.I nil iliMt-i-CH uf mitli-smnl fcmnlci tiro tii-.ilcii on jiiiii.'lil.-4 oKtiililMit'tl liy twenty y.iiiH I jitnctici-, ninl Mtic tioiii-il liy tlmiii-.tinl4 of tliu iikwI re I miitliiililu (UI04. Mtiilicitii'X, Willi full illi'K'tloiix.t-ciit tnmiy tint nf tlm Stntc, Oi.i;in, SuvmV ami M'li.li liiCtnii TcfiltiiiK-i, liy p.illniils ciiiutiiiailnitin tlt.-ir fyiiiitniiiN liy Intl. r. llii.lncMi i-oiivxjMimli-iico Miki ty cuiiliilciitinl. Aililrcrn, I,. .1. C.Al'KAV, 51. 1)., Sail Vi'iinrlixM. I'.a Tlie Ilix. tor cllctrt fii-u t'.iiiiiiltiiliini, nml ii-Kh 110 l'l-IIIIIK't.ltiu l(4 0 cil'ccK it villi-. Ji-'JOinllp Alti'!iilltiim'l It.-ft-ti-nt I'livli'Iiiit, nn. i...i.(';ai'kav. m. i.. I'ite in tlie Itimimil.m lEi-viilmli.ti'iiv Wir; 'li!i-r I'Ii.vkI.Iiii tullii'L'-iili It.-irliiinit .r II-nviiN: Clili-l' S-'iirpH-ii to tliu 'lllitniy ln.iiil..' I'i .lit, IIiiiim l.v; tin' Ii'" l.i-.-li:it-i'im IM-i-.-.-i -r tin- ?.-iil. 'r. I u.iry Oritiii4. 'iii'l lii-.n-.ul W .mtt-n n.i-l Clill-lii'n, nii-l II-'ii -n.ry .Mciiitiornr llio l'lill.i-Milii t Cull.tre t-r M.iliriin1. ! I'.irti.'uliiriiltPiitloii kiI'I In tlic tiTiitiiiciit of W.l'llM'K llf Mlllll.-llllllll t'llllllll II. Ollil'l' Ill-aiC I'lMIII Ull. III. IllH . III. i:, I'l'iiiiiiiinkiiil-'ii-Kliiclly iiniii'l-'iiil.il. I'.'ini.'i-im-iiI iiiii'ioiMiiuiti'K'l or iiii i-.iv. ('iuiitt.itluii, liv ktt.-l-..r.'llii'ivli', l-'i;i:i: A.l.lrr. III!. l..,l.(V.Al'KAV,."'iiii I'liiml-tii. 1'. J. 11VAS. . .K. 8. MOKOAN. . .KDWAttD 1IINPK. RYAN, MOitGAN & CO., Two-story, Fire-proof Brick Store, Next Door to Express Office, Arc now in receipt of n part of tlieir Spring shipment of Xew and Fashionable DRY GOODS AXD CLOTHING HATS AND CAPS, Bonnets, Monitors, etc. And will be constantly receiving, through out the year, tidditions to tlieir stock. Vc have now on hntiil an entirely new stock of FAXCJV AND STAl'LB DRY GOODS, Millencry dlooils, Trimiiiliigs (JIULS AND HOYS' ; CLOTI tlNCJ- & BOOTS. i ijaidiss' ; Slippers, Gaiters St Shoes, JijiKoI-; :-ily ami ingrain ur.so TOW-LINEN CARPET FOIl JMNI.VG KOO.MS. IX KVKllV VAUIKTV. Agricultural implements, EROEM AMD STEEL, WJIKKIilJAHKOWS, OK ALL KINDS; LKiUttllS of choicest eiualKy Tobacco and Cigars, Crockery & Glassware, FINE JAPAN TEAS, DRUGS 8s MEDICINES Paints, (His awl Glass, Mining Zmple m ents, COOPIUIS Si CARrKXTKUS' TOOLS Patent Tiujklc Itloclc-i, VOWDKIS, TX KliGS AND CANS, CAPS, LHA1) AND SHOTj KEROSINE LAMPS, MTHROPiS, DUCKS from No. (J to 0000, AND, IN FACT, Almost Kverj' Article Usually C'uUuri for in this Place. ITfivincr established ourselves in .Taelv sonvillo for a long term of years, it is our full ilL'tcriuiiiatinii to keep up tit all sensoiu lieuei'lbrth a No. 1 stock ot .'noils, and so coiiduet our liusiiuss as to niiiko it lor ilia interest of tliu pcojilu of tliis 'Valley to trmlo with us. We will not bu outdone in tho variety of our stock, tlie quality of oiu good3, nor can wo bo undersold, us our en gagements n 10 of the most favorable luilute. Cull uml Bic our goods and learn our prices. RYAN, MORGAN & CO. N. H. COUNTHY STORKS will bo supplied at u Rlindo over San Franc'coj cost uml charges. It. .M. & CO.