Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 18, 1863, Image 2

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    - umtjtrnmtmrnw iwnuiimiiJUUHMHiM ji WMJBMWWWKy y '
mftMMw Jiwhhiww,-.w .
Scmi-lUccklw Sentinel.
41 To Till: WTUttL".' AM) VKHMANII.SCV Ol' YOUlt
iM)isi'i:.' viii.v:.'' Wiishhi'iton.
lAcKso.wiriLtt, oukuo.v.
Tin: NY.ws. Tliu thunder mill lightning
on the plains Iiiih grcnlly Inlcrfercd with
tho transmission of news during tho week
pat. Our latest dates from liiu KaKt nru to
lho l.t1i inst. Tliu predictions of the Cop
pcrhoiuK tluit Hit dnift In Now York would
ni'-ut with ii bloody resistance, have been
Jiilllllcd. On tliu 1.1 Hi ttit! riot Ht ill contin
ued. Port Hudson sut rendered to Hunks
on tho "Hi. Tliu prisoner;! taken nuiulier
12.000. After the capture or Vitdburg,
Sherman hud mi ongrgcmcul. with Johnson.
resulting in defeat to the latter and lo of
2.000 prisoners. W't; have lint lit Cu dellnite
ivjws from Meade's army, and what we lime
is unsatisfactory. Loo has probably sue
ceded in ri'cros-ing lho river, and 1h seek
ing security for his shattered columns lie
liind the entrenchment of Kreilrrieksuurg.
Gttorril'n .Morgan has been making n ih.""
iruetive raid into Ohio ami Indiana, which
will have thecll'ecl of adding not less thiiii
fiO.000 men to the I'liion army. Hi laid
will prove as dlMttrnu to liliu as did Leo's
tolds niiny. "liluo bonnets over the bor
der" have been of vnt beiielil to the I'liion
causo. In the late battles iiud FuiTcuilers,
4 lui t'jtl wit j Itn tn Ijiwt tn iioLniwivu IT 1 1(111
... ii. i i
linn, while our nrinles liavu been increased !
, J. . . , , i ,i , i. i i
lit. ?lnft, ltiiniff ilmil.lfi lli'tt nliimmt It I
J , , ., ; .. ,. .. ..ii the principle.", doctrine nnd conduct o the
reported that till of Morns Maud, near' , ', .,
.,, , , , . . ,, i. , . iCopp"ihead Democracy. Thev have no
Charleston. Is taken, excepting l-ort Way,'. , .. , , r , , .
... ., ., i ii i words ot denuiiu Intioii for rebels in nrms
oner. Altogether tho news is glorious. , . ., r.
.. , , ! i i, i ,i ,i 'uganst the Government. 'Jney have no
Tiio great rebellion is in its death throes, i r , ,,.., .....
'conceptions of tho blnek enorinitv ot (tea-
Tin: Latkst. liy this evenings Mngo ,,,, ,IMll mU.ril r mUm. They inu.-t
wo nre informed that (lie riot was subsiding ' be allowed to preach treason with impunity.
in New York nt noon of the loth, r.nd it 'Wm t.-iiIIi-imoiitB uud encourage dcsci-
. . . . ... . lions.
was thought y eveirn x it would bo entire- .
ly quelled. A riot was prevailing nt Al- A Titt't: Dkmoi,i!at.--.1o1iii Drnugli one
lianv. Federals are erecting liattetiea of. of the oldest nnd nblcsl Democratic leaders
large gutia on Morris Ts'nnd. At '2 o'clock I in t lie State of Ohio, has recently been
on the niL'lit of tho Kith, Morgan's advance, nominated by the Union Convention of
wis nt West Union, Ohio. Gold, on tlio1
lotli, ut New Vork, had fallen lo 'J7.
On tho l.'ilh, tho 'rcidi'ut lsued ii irnc
lamation, setting apart Thursday, tlto filh
day of August, for thanksgiving to Al-
mighty God lor vouchsallng to our cause ;,, Oregon have toP.iy to it ?
groat vlcforlcs by hind and sea, and for jt is w,,rw,v ,u.cessarv for me to tell tills
prayer to Him to subdue tho auger which . vast uudieneehere nsseinblcd, that front the
has produced and so long sustained this, diiy.s-of my bovhood up to this hour, I linve
needles'! and cruel rebellion;'' to give wis-! been ranked with tho political puily known
dom to our inlets, consolation to Hie af-l"s ' 'l? Democracy,' uud tluit Irom my en
llicted, audio lead the whole nation Imck j t"inw lino it until now I have never ; wa
A ., ... . , .. ,T , ... I vet wl in its support or been lalce to it.
to tho ported enjoyment ot Union and Ira- nJ) n v ;u!.,illclion,( ,, ,, tllinirs
tsrunl peace. Amen. pertaining "to tliu general policy of tho
. , country, u Democrat to-day. us 1 ever have
"If posterity condemn me, it will bo bo- been uiid as 1 hope to iciiiain. lJut in a
cause I did not hang John C. Calhoun as a crisis ol this kind, il is n principle of my
traitor. They may condemn mo more for i Deinocrncy that the first great duty every
this than nuyothe'r net of my adu.InUtu- "1m" .ww i", J''8 c1M"ry- Aiiiliilthniial.
i.. i ..ii. . theie is a rrcsident in tho chair to whom
.,,,. -.uiurow-iicivH.,...
" I think the time not unlikely to come ,
v,-hen I shall bo blamed for having mado toot
lew arrests rather than too many." Abra-1
liim Lincoln. .
lfxt.x. Acciuk.nt. The I.ewiston (I. T.)
Aw, or thefc'th savs.ivhile in the act of , V1" ""'"" " H him.
.,',' . . ,. . ,., Uy and by I may have noinethtnif to sav
llriiiat a salute, on the 1-ourth, at Morence,'0wat isr bc-inj- tlono, but nt present I
Mr. V ailing, of Amity, Otkii., was killed, , mvo n0,,w (,, Ht,.r nuinst it. 1 linve
and Charles Ucrmird, of Vrcka, Cal., severe
ly injured.
JJrownttt, The same paper says ti son n
Dr. Newell, aged about two years, was
drowned 011 the 7th, in the mill-race, near
the Indian Agency. ft
The Oregon .Stato Kducatlonnl As'ocia
tion and Teachers' Institute will hold Its
next annual soi-slou at Kiigcno City, on
Wednesday, Au?. 1.5th. A tfeueral Invita
tion is extended to tho Teachers of the State
to attend.
1 1 m
Fiti:.sti ritun. Mr. J. How, nt his new
store, is in regular receipt of tho first fruit
of tho fiC(inn, from California. During the
present week ho received a lot of delicious
peaches. .
Wild Illnckherrics are quite plentiful here
abouts, and parties go gathering them ul
most daily.
Lkhitimatk IIkhixtoi -The fcbelllon mid
mob violence of the l'cacc Copperhead De
mocracy in the city of New York, is but the
f illowitig out of the doctrines they teach,
nnd the principles they advocate. It is but
the spontaneous development of tho sym
pathy fostered in their hearts for the suc
cess of traitors in nrui ngalnst tho Govern
ment. The dulcet sounds of peace full
from their lip, but blood is what, they
mean. Tho legally appointed ollleers of
the Government, in the enforcement of u
law legally pnssed by the Congress of the
United Stales, are beaten to dealh or lorn
to pieces by tho gentle ndvoc.it cm of ti
peace Democracy I No one lias ever dared
to question the constitutionality of that
law, or doubted Its necessity in our nation
al exigencies. And yet these pence advo
cates of a liberty, overriding Constitution
nnd law. have dyed the si reels of the grent
city of New York with human blood, in an
insane attempt to prevent its execution.
Their peace Democracy mean1 bloody oppo
sition to laws legally passed by Congress,
nnd clearly within the scope of its coii'-titu
tionnl powers. From a llerce dniiuiiclntion of
every act of the Government not because
Ihe-e acts wore wrong, but because the mar
plots wished nnd hoped for the success of
this monstrous rebellion to open hostility
to tliesupremiiey of its laws, the transition
is easy ; and this they call liberty of sp -cell
and the liberty of the pros I In New York
city they have rebelled ngiiitist the majesty
of law. drenched tho si reels in blood, nnd
this is called a development of cnii'tituliniiiil
Democracy ! These patrons of pence, these
constitutional Democrats, In the fervor ol
their zeal for the promulgation of their prin
ciple, exhausted the might that sliiinbTcd
In their mm, in a purn.vyMii of painful
rage, In the slaughter of negroes uud the
mangling of olliccis ! The lirst, we suppose,
umirmctt, were foeinen worthy of their chiv
ulriu steel ! " 1'eaee on earth, uud good
will to rtUI,'' enforced by bludgeons, and
supported by mob violence, coinptchciuls
the principles of this glorious parly. One
follows the other ns naturally u rain fol
lows thunder, or night succeed day. Con
tempt for the Government gives no respect
f'' H hiws, or
, .
"his contempt
obedience to its mandates.
pi is the logical con-equeneool
that Hlnte, us a candidate for Governor,
against tho traitor Vallandighain. Ouue
ceptiug (lie nomination, llrougli delivered
1 Ik following sensible and patriotic speech.
What does Hrough'sold Democratic friends
have ever been politically opposed, and
rr w() j ,li(i )0t V0C ytft j rt.0Oj,niz
liim, not ns ilie head of n political lmrlv,
but as tho head of the Government ; uud j
win goon roiilior who is lighting in tlio
raiiK?. it is mv duly to obey him us
Uoin- '
mander-in-cliicf, without lmltiii''
to usk
T : -. 1 1 .1 . .
iniiered irom Air. jiucoiii on many ques
tions, but this is 110 time to cavil. It is not
whether this man's rights or thut man's
rights have been infringed upon, but the
question is, what is tho duty of every mini
to liis country in this crisis? It U first to
put un end to this rebellion, and then when '
hut in ni'fnmidislii'il IT ivo lmvo nnvtlibur I
nut s ni cotnp islnd, il we havo nnj tlm g
tn Cfttflf. Willi llincn innn uf liiwnn n,iil 1.1 I
to settle with these men nt homo and in
power we will take hold of it.
Immknsk Wkstwaiid KMimtATiov. A
letter from Onmliu City, Nebraska, to the
Milwaukee. Mews says":
There tiro nino hundred wagons goincr
through to the mines. Thero also a Gov
erment escort of one hundred cavalry in
company with them. Tho roads ore cov
ered with wagons most of tho time Rome
going to Dike's I'cnk, and others lo Wash
ington Territory, California and Oiegon.
Most of tho teams now tiro ox-teams. A
horse train, consisting of about twelvo hun
dred wagons, is ubout thrco hundred miles
"Democratic" Nominees for
v California.
Tho Fusion Democratic Convention,
which lately assembled in Sacrnmento,
have nominated the following1 named per
Boos for State olllees :
Governor, John U. Downey ; I.iehtennnt
Governor, A. V MelCiuistry. of Tool
umne! tieerelarv of State, S. M. Ilishop.
ofTfliiinm: Gontroller. T. L. Dailies, of
Sononm Stale Treasurer, Thorn. Findley,
of Nevada Clerk of the Supremo Court,
A. U. Ilradl'oiil, of Sun Joaquin ; Attor
ney Geiieial. L. (5. Granger, of Untie;
Members of Congress. . Intesiiles. of
Ynli.i ; Joliu D. Weller, of Alemeda ; John
lligler, Hiicriimeiilo ; Superintendent of
Public lntruetion. Andrew J. Moulder;
Stale llrinler, Derinli llrown ; Surveyor
General, Prist ley Diiuliip; Harbor Com
niissioner, Mieiienl Haves ; Justices of the
.Supreme Court, 11. T. Spragne, of Shasta ;
W T. Wullaee, Santa Clara; II. II.
llniglit.San Frniid.-eo ; J. D. Hall, San
Jo.iqitin ; Tod Robinson, Sacramento.
Tho politeal sentiments of the men who
conlroled the Convention, can bo arrived
at by reading tho following telegraphic
chronicle of one days proceedings :
Robertson said ho would sull'or anylliing.
oven civil war, rather than endure such in
dignities as have been submitted to,
Ihuber said lie was for tho Union, nnd
inclining I hat if slavery can't be establish
ed he wants the Union to be broken up.
Hatch said our tree Government has been
overthrown, and our Constitution made u
foolb.ill by ii vile Abolition faction,
Weller said the outrages commit tnl by
the Adiniristratioii must cease, lie lovid
the Union, but lie loved liberty more. The
Democrats must stick or hang together.
The accursed Abolitionists luivo destroyed
the best Government that ever existed, uud
, unit
il is no tune to iicarrel while the com
enemy is in the liehl.
Mimics said they had met to determine
whether lliev should bo the progenitors nf
slaves, or wlietiier they should roll buck
the tide t lint thteatens to overwhelm all.
The tyrant: unci tvincmhir that if the
Democratic Kaglo has two wings, it nlsn
has InloiH to tear and u beak to dip into
their lu-art!' blood. The Democrats would
water the tiee of liberty with their hearts'
hlotnl,(!) if neces.-aiy." The Administra
tion lias caused great sull'M'iug. Look at
it in the. North, nnd West, nnd, if it were
not liciiMiunhlc, he would say look at the
glorious South.
Diglei'Miul he was glad to near the ex-
prcs-ions t
libeily, wl
res-ions that Democracy would sive civil
intever else ni'ght be lost.
I'Mwards said lie would rather dio thnn
1. ilu'nnlu Ltii.l In. tvnii il rnllini' ilm (linn '
I!.... ;.. r...... ...ill. il... l.,.Kii,,.. V.I,,.;, .in ,
live in ruvor with the Abolition Ailniinis-
tuition. If tho war should continue till J
his sou b wiuies n man, he will miiiI liis '
, , , . . ' I
eon tnj'iin the rebel iiriuy. j
These were main ideas ol tiio spoeclie?,
i .i ii iii. ti t i
d they were all applauded, even l-.d wards'
pronii.se. Nothing was snid niiotit the
war, nothing tiyninst Jefl Davis, nothing
about maintaining the unitv of the coun
try ut nil costs: nil meant, that rnther
than r-ubiuit to arrests, such us those of
Viilliiiidigbnin or ICewen, they would raise
the stiiiulaid of civil war.
" Yi:i:mo.nt." -The stallion owned by
Messrs Munson t .lones, is lieyond nil doubt
the handsomest uud fastest trotting stallion
that ever trod on Oregon soil, lie has
been very profitable to his owners this
season, and, if sullicient names are booked.
" v.,.n.wu. .......- ..v '
uiiliiiis.ul opinion of one of the most itilln-
,. , , . -,,.,. . ., . , ,r ,
cntuil horsemei) in Caliloruiii that " er-,
moiif is the Lest L'cnunil stock horse on thai
.;n i... i-.,.. 1 i,...-.. ...... 1 1. ..!.,.,. i',. i,....n ii..,
" '- ----. ,...-. ,..,.. ....... .... ....
Pacific coast. Our
look to their interest
tliu county.
Ktoclc.iiiUoM fchmild
, by keeping him in
C, ... ., . ,. I
,ami M kktixo. A ramp meet nig tin-!
.l.r il... ....0..:,.0 ..pii... i l.' ri.......i. ...:n
WW ...V. ..,.r,vi.l Wl ...V .w. i,. Ullllll.ll, III .
lie held during the cotuiiit; week, coimueiic
in' on Tlinrsday, in the Over heck Grove.
Hev. I. M. Starr will be insisted in tlio
services liv liuv. ooilwanl. I'lisiiliiiir t
! Khlu
MKr, nun prouiiniy ny oiner divines.
Tho Yrekn Journal, of the 1.1th, was in
double sheet form. It contains a real live,
patriotic speech, delivered in that place on
the -1th, by Iter. J. W. lo-s, of .Stockton.
Tho Journal is doing good nnd effectual
work In n righteous cause.
It Is rumored that Senator Harding late
ly said that, if he wus in Ohio, ho should
vote for VallandlL'liain for finvi.inor Wi
aiiaillllliaui 101 UOIUUOI . l 0
, tI t , f j
Tho Aryux says that Louis Simpson, wiiilo
hauling rails near Watson's l-'ord, on tho
Calipooia, had his leg broken below the
tlio knee, by being thrown from a wagon.
ii 1 m 1 - - .
PftKACiiiNo. Divino Ecrvico will bo
held in the M. Ii. Church to-morrow, at
the usual hour, by Dev. Starr.
. ii.. m
Legal Tender at San Francisco, Mny !10th ,
11 1 1 m 1 ii - m
Tlio Sacramento Negro Minstrels play
to-night at ltyan's new building.
Prrts pays:
We urp no( 'conservative. " We crnsd'cl
tho word from our lexicon. It Ih finitely
"played out '' with ih, or rather wna when
wc happened the ol lier day, to pick op u
pocket ilictioiinry printed in the yenV 17!) I.
and in it we found tliu following doliuition
of the word :
"(.'on-scrvn-tivc Anglo-Snxon, French
nnd Spanish mixed ; adopted bv the Rnvnl
isls ol Franco in 1 TO.'I. Con, for ; scrca,
slavery ; live, to lie."
To lie lor slavey ! The Democrats nrc
welcome to the designation.
Samiio to a Ykndku. Do tater is in
evilnbly bad, or inwornbly ood. D.ire
am no mediocrity in the combinatiru of
de later. J)e exterior muv nppear remark-
nb'y liutesome, while de interior is lolully
negative; but sir, if you wends de urliclo
on your own rcsponsibilly, knowing you to
be ii mini of sagacity in 'till your transla
tions, why sir, wiilmit further eiretimloeit
tion, I take u bushel.
I lunger never saw bad bread.
Nothing dries sooner than a tear.
It isn fuel little known, tluit for the first
five years of our Government tho United
Stales Senate always sat in secret. The
lirst time the doors were thrown open for
public discussion was on the contest us lo
tho right of Albert Gallatin to ti seat in
tiie Seate.
Tho Ladles Faullnry Aid Society of
Portland, have collected and given to the
Sanitary fund. SI. 1(58 "."i.
Q""xMrxmuH3ror3 rnr-Ts n;lr.ijnifm mil jh
I'M Hit Scfdcmcitf.
-n" tiie luMti-r t r tin- ciitu i.riv.M. n.Tixsi.r.v,
H- ilii-M, la itn- I'miniy Cuiirt, r.ir.lncUniiii ii.iintv,
j fclnlii i. On-sMit, .Inly Titih. IN,'!.
'rvlilt.it t ni-ml mmiS-ili-iu th.-ri-r. it u .Tnl.Mi.ti.y
Hi" ('.mr:, tint Wniucui iy, nK r.u, ,i,iy i.r Aiirn-'t
I hi- .liliiiiiii-tiiiloroi i.nit i..'uti Invln lllcil !tl
lii'M, l' il iiwi tnl- ni,l nihil uttfciiii'iit, llli I
IAMI.ir.i:i.r'iX, lli..ii.niliil.i-i.irllnriMr. I
iiyiinicrui iiiii..i.r.ri'ii'iiii,(,.niiiiv.liii.;i'
M.M. UiltTJ'tAX.riMil!.
l).iii'il.liily is. jsr.-i. Jssi
I'M mi I Wc:'s:jMit.
5.V IIik in itti'i'iniiiM-t'ii.iir DAVID A MtlNMii'M,
In tin' ('.unity O'lirt r.u- 1 1..- i-nuitv uf .liu-Ionii,
Miilii uf i);i' in. nl llio.tn'v Titiii, lMi.1."
Tiie Milium. .:nt.ir uf s.il.l itiin Invltij: tlliil Ms
iwlillilt In tin' tlii.il fi'itlciiii-iit iIiitimI". It Iiuiilcr-il
li.v tin- C mil, lint l iilin-il.iv, llii' iili il iv nf Aiin-l
lii'M, lii'M't iiiuiit fir llin wilil Html Kfttliiii(ni. ullh
il, .I.UOII.Mlit! Ailiiiliil.mti.rltiiTi.if.
II,i imli'i'iif l(iia..l.L'.'J'ii!iiiitii.('.iiiiilv .linli;i'.
.liily 1". ISivi. jyist
rrfin n.iv.vnov claim wr.s-Tt im becoum nu
SL ul.livr i.l Inllrll llMliirlillli t'. I:nl i liilln. Si III.. r
mt'l tin linM-roiiii-iit. iwrll ih tn llm iniliHc w-mii--
tu . m t iiii'lim'n.i.ivm.i:st..in. aVion ci .tm
huiiUuMiivt himi-i i i.i-i-m un'tiiiy .-.iiiiiiNhi-.i ;
,.,Vf.'1,; .M'm.VIr l"wV,,, ,,i",'1 mny,' nr"
'liiii"i Willi im lltllii ili-liiy us iiiimiIiI,., u,. lii'icliv if.
! t Hut nit iinmti..n .i.tiuiniii. in tiu rn,,tin,;
""" !" ""; n -i .! ihiui.' im-ir unit .im..i;
IhIu'ii tin null i.r Al i'I.iihv, uiui in i 'ir I'liiln-
u,..ir iim ! t m tuimu-s ft within niiu'iy i.ty "
it iii-, l:
V. -J t', nuiKi'i I, .'., a, T, K iitnl !i wiMt.
7. il S. i un;i. 7 uiui K wi'ir.
T. -'! .s. ni'ivic I, .1, il mi. 7 w(..t.
T.i'i ;s. iiiiiki's -I, ii, il, 7 mill III writ.
T. -Jii f, iiiiiKi-K :i.-J, :.,n, 7 mill lit mt,
V. 'J7 H. nnivH A, :.. 11.7 nml 14 wist.
T. - S. miiM-s r, 11. 7, . IV, l:i mnl tii wt,
T. L"i H. 1 1 1'-4 !!, 4. .'., .!, 7. N. It. ! mnl Ij wu-t.
'V.'-i K. intii.- :i. i, :,, 11, 1 j mnl 1;, m,
T.JII S. i.iiiki' 1- wit.
T. MJ ,s. rmii. .'., r., mi 1 13 .vt.
'J'.Jllfl. i-.mxii 13 wi'-t.
Attn whlrli, wi will ns on tn tlu i'oii.ilinitl(iii
ef i'ilii'rtiiwii.lili., iiniil tliu wlintn hlrill li.ivn Iktii
KnniMlinniKli wltlij iii'i'initnry In nK.rtliisln tliu
C'iiiiiiiiU-I.i!ii'i-iir tlii'llciu'iiil t.n:nl 1)111: .
.101 IN ICiXI.V. lli'sLii-r.
(IKOItdllt:. l!!:i(i(iS, DicWvi-r.
I-iiM Olllfi', lliwtliiii.-,.liily 13, ISiJI; ijl
SUurifpH Suto.
- rariii:i:!:AH...ttiii..imi.'ivriii,A.D.isiii,(iriill.
' i'ln-'iit imi-i .r ilm mhi i.r oichi, r.ir tin)
iiinntyit .l.nliMiii. mlioico mnl .linljiiKiit w.nnn.
ii.-ici tn ravm- iit'(i.i.('oiis,iniiiiiiiMnitiir "Ik-Inh
'fel""''' .'TjiiUV.f SAW .A-"nm
, iln-M. mrihiit .IAMKS IIA.MI.IN. f.r tliu rmiwi v ,.r
""' """ '' ""',,J IIuhkiihI nir luiii.tii. 11ml n'ftv.
w..imir(lltiW-lim. .iiIhiii.Ii 1 lis, .,lh(Al, 37 4N
"' "','. wiiliiiitw-tiit iiu i-i; ri-m. ht mniiii.ti.
1 pllii'l" Willi twnily-Ic mnl iIkIUV iiiu-liliinliiillliH
iioii.irs t?-ii mi-iihi;, iuMi.r unit him nrnnlni; i-.hh
XimMlii-rifiiii', I, W. II. f. HVDi:, Mnilir uf mil
IMIIIIt.V, Will, III' il till. Itftlll n,ll lltlull lllllv Ixtli'il 111-
tt,t, oVl i; uf tiio k.i.i o.m t, m. ti. ,i,,.,;S 'mil jn.i
iiiint iii'111-.ilil.iil'uirf.irn.ili'. f.iriM.ti. tn tlm iiiiii...t
,,,,,,,,, ,,, riUim.,uir ,l.....1,l,ll1,:nlm ,.,
lylliKmi'l Ih'Iiiu' In lliorniiiitymiil Htnlii nfoii-ilil, n
wit: Tin- iiii.IIvMhI iim-liitlf of Dt'ii.ittuu t'liilni .No.
(47) fin ty-Mivni, In timii.hli ,Vu. (Hi) lliliivcllit,
miiiiIi n" r.iiiKM.Vn. (1) nun wi'Ht, In Miilum (ilmul 7)
fi ini'i ri'irii, HiF.iin iimiiwnii nun lUIIL'i1, 1'lilllllllllll;:
yj.i 41-iuiiioiiw. "
Sulii nt tin' Cunt lloii'it iliMir r n.ili Count v, mi
Wciiini.it iy, tliu istti ,i:iV i,r AiiuiiKt, a. d. imki, in-
luii'ii (lit litiiun nt liin hiIikIc a m. unit t'mir
"lii K l'. 51. w. II. S. HVDK, Silii'llir.
.l.id;viiilllo, .Inly is, isiti. JylSSI
Sherift's Sale.
Tirili:iti:AS.iit tlio.lnno'lViin A.D.lSna.of tlio
w Ciiiult fourl.iil' dm Hliiti.nf Oii'xiui, tortile
(iiiinty of .l.tilixiin, 11 Jii...'iiiimiI mnl ilccirif win rin
ili'ii'il In I'.niiriif ll.ll.TWI.lli:. nml iiK-ili!--t II.HA
1.011, inliiiliil-liatoi-i i.r tliu I'wiitu uf .lOSIU'll (I.
Dl I'.S, tiir tliu sum ut'Tvvo tliniis mil two lininlivil mil)
1 iKliti'i'ii nail tin niii'-liuiiilnittlis iIuII.im (sJ-V.'IK In
llKl), wltli Inlrii'il nt nun mnl olii-lnilt' lu-r (till. iir
iiiniilli, tni ila-r Willi llilily-i-i'M'iiiiinl tlility-lh'Kimo
liiiiuiilii'itlli'i iIhIIiim (!" :i3-1iki) cuts mnl iiivruln
l",w," m"l "'''''"'. ""' suiil jmiKnu'iit nml rytn lmvo
mt ,.,. ,,,,,, ,UV(1lu. t l0 twin iifMW ili-ciwi;
Niw u1.r.111 T, : ,,. K h vdi:, .si.wiir r tlm
IA . .1.1 i... . l. r .... ........il...t .!..!.. t
riinnly itt'nicii.ilil, by Wrlnu ut'mi i-.-Erciitlun ilnly l
hiuil, on lliiijiiilini'iit nliiii".iilil,l'y tliu Oloik nt tliu
MiilUiicnlt cunt, win niii'i- im-Mile, run ic-n, tntiiu
IiIsIimI lililitcr, tliu f.illowln;; ili'M'illicil tnu't nr i.ir
eel uf lunil, nml liiiiirnvwiieiiH tliuicnii, lylni; mnl !o
I Hi-: in tliu county of .IiuIvmiu unit sit.itu nt' Oirmi, tn
wltl Ilcliiit vlllnu 1'itn Nn. (Hie (1), twii(-')iiiiil tlncn
01), fltiiati-'l III tliu vlllimo or I'lnwilx, mnl nil Mm;
w.iti'rlntM, lioiiii'lcil mi tliui'iirft li.v wind U cilli'il.s,
.M. Wiiit'n Mill Itiuu, on tliu imi'lli liy .lulin (I, li.il.
(moK'h i.iint, iiMi'iiiiiiiKiiiuiu "iii n.iiK'iii'i.'HMiutii iiiic,
fiiun tlu'i'-irl lniiii'liiryiil'.Miilii .tii-i't, c.it -'Ul Ti'i't,
nil tliu wct, liy tlm fa! Imunil.iry of hiiIiIMiiIii .Sticct,
on the miiiiIi liy Dr. t'uh ell's l.uiil; ulil lim rum.
iiii'inln;; nt tliu ci.t liuiuiilny uf s.il.l Main Slwct
mnl iiiiiniiii'ii.t 'JIS t'i'cl, Itmilil milt Lieu, liiKctliur
with nil mnl singular Hm lii'ii'illt.iiuonls unit iiiiiii-ti-li.iiiccii
tht'iciiiitd lii'IuiiKtiii; uf In nnyul-u iijiiiw'
tnlnliiK. Silent Ihu ('unit lIont' duur of mM county, 011
Tnciliiy, tho IStli il iv uf August, A. D. Imiii, lntuciii
tliu liuiii'ii uf iilnu n'cliK'k, a. M., nml I'oui- uVIih k l'. m,
W. U.S. 11VDK, Mhwlir.
Dated Jacluomlllc, July IK, lbiM. JylS.St
Not a "(Jonskrvativk." Sua
mmmmm 4 )
X7lxcloavlo to Hotail
-iriMt.KlM IX-
Tobacco & Scgars,
All of which will be Hold nt low prices,
for CASH, or desirable PltODUCM.
0 lErflTH?
hiWQmbi ( Wiwh
Large c Well-Selected
& Summer
Biillineiy Good
Fancy and Staple
Oil Cloth, "Wall Paper,
Spring & Slimmer
Fine Assortment uf
Ladies, Mey and Boys'
Boots and Shoes !
!,,.. , .. , ,., , . . ..
i ill be supplied with a Good Asssortmcnt
Which will bo sold nt
II t
AN FRANCISCO Woolen Mills.
Ulatikets, Overshirls and Army Cloth,.