Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 18, 1863, Image 1

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:-.Wvip-i -fr- 01
!1)M4irl r-V T . .
ntrjrMrivmtri n -nr-iwnf ! t -ts
V ar -farr3Trr.'- s,ww a tttt f r jm , i mm i g:n k -n rjttEJ I r
unr nrr.fwtw 'oo jr !'
(m I
It 0. 0. F. .lAOKSOXVlM.K LoHUK N.
JO. holds its regular meetings every SAT-
rttJAV JiWiXLYa, nt lm Masonic Hall
(Court IIousu building), at 8 o'clock.
Jlrothcrs in ixxl standing are cordially
invited to attend. ,lAs. M. Sunnx, N. G.
(J km. Ji. Dointis. It. Sec'y.
Warren Lodo No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
A HOLD their regular commiini-
C SrCUtiollH till! WodllOSllllV KvOllillgSOII
preceding till! lull 11)1)011, III JACK
IF. Ilt.noM. Si:c'ii.
O F -
Will hold its regular comtiMiilc!i.iniis an the
Fli-M WiiJiiiduy live. uriOvcry .Month.
Ail sojourning Companions in good
Huntllng uru cordially invited Id attend.
g. w. jiii-:ku, ii. i
L. S.inis. Peo'v. !cc8:47
Onico wilh H. F. Dnwull. K-i., Thiid ulrect,
iTapkkonvim.k. Oiikoox. 21)
orange jacobs,
attokxky and couxsklou
Will promptly attend to any legal
lmsino.s commit ted lo his care.
OJjUc in Sentinel tAig.
Jackson vir.i.i:. Oiikijox.
At. w.i. imiTiiirr. jamiw u. tay.
Will practice In thu Supremo itnd oilier
Courts of this State. March I. li:i.
iJacksonvim.k, Oihkion,
TJLL practice In tln several Courts of
thu Fli-t .Jiiillctil District, mill In thu
Supreme Court. October JO. '(i2.
Jackson vn.i.i:, Oiikoon.
Will practice in nil tliu Courts ortlio Third
Judicial District, the Supremo Court of Ore
gon, uuil in Yrcku, Cal. Wur Scrip prompt
ly collected. Oct. IK.
(Siim-ii- In lli-ril ,t (!:i-1m)
Jacksonvu.i.k. Oukoon.
Ipeciul attention given to collection
CUH'S. Juno 10, KSCII. -ill
OJIU-u nt III lit itldiiuc nit Ori'Kuii HU
Jackhoxvii.j.i:, Ouku.v.
Wlit'ronll tliot'i! lcnowiiifj tlioiiiMjlvrfi In
1o1iI(mI to liiui, on uoto tv liook auuouut,
will pluiwo call nm. wttlt! "up, or tliclr au
count will lie placid tor collection in tliu
hamls of my ntlouu'V.
My old I'titrous will rtHI f.iul mo, m tvtr,
rcnily toatlt'iul to my prulcioual ilulli;s.
May (i, 18!i!t. maylilf
Pliotornpliic Artist,
.Ts pri'parril to laku pictures in owry Ftylvi
of (lit) art, witli all tliu lata iinpiovcinciils.
JI' Pictures do not givu N4li.-raction. no
iclmrges will bo ninde. Call nt Ills new Oal
lery, on tint hill, exaiuiuu hiss pictures, and
JtYor your likuuesH. p
- I'ltAirriOAf. -
rAl'KIUlULKU, nnd
lilaiilt-UooK Maniil'iictui'er.
517 Clny nnd Iilt Commerciivl stroots,
between Monttroinory and Siuisomu.
jcs WndiiiK of uv ry description neatly
execiitt'd ; lllauk Hooks ruled and Uouud to
mny desired pattern. 2-l:y
ililck Uullillii, Cor. Front & F streets.
WILL attend to the Receiving anfl For
wardliiR of all Goods eutrustiM to
tlielr care, witii ronvtitiiess and dispatcli,
Consigniuwitti iKillcited. Mercliaudiso re
ceived on storage.
Crescent City. April 11, 1 J3fi:i. 15
N. I).-No gooflmlullvcred uutil tliofi-oiglit
nJ cliargeti are paid. p. & V.
IIKMIV DKM.IMil'.U, Puli'r mill lniji'r
SnisctillTioN' One year, in advance, Five
Dollars; Six months, Three Dollars.
AI)Vki;ti.hi.ii Oiiu Miuare (It) line or
less), Hist insertion, Tlirei! Dollars : oaeli
subsequent insertion. One Dollar. A dis
count of lifty percent will be made to tliose
who ndvei (No by the year.
3' l.i'i;.tl TciiiIits iiwlvi'il nt cnrri'iit nilct.
Ily application to l,ottnii'tcr. nnd Mnll
Curriers, you can learn that tin; Semi-weekly
Oiikiiox .Skxtixci, has by far n larger clrcu-
laitou in (lie counties o Sotitiieni Oregon
and Del Xortu county, Callforuiu, Hum any
other paper. This lact should comment the
Si'.ntinki. to you as a superior medium for
List ok Aukxto. who are authorlod to
transact any business concerning this pa
per, in the iiaitm of the publisher :
L. 1. Fisher. San Kraiiulsco; Vailworlli
it Ilavnes, Yieka; Kber Hmrv, Ashland; S.
C. Taylor, rii.cuix; W. V.'. Kowler, Apple
gate; It. S. Duiilap. William5burg; Jobu I!.
Prliullc. Kerbvville; A. II. MelUaln, Waldo;
H.J. l'oi hey, Waldo; W.n. M. Eviuii, Alt
house; Joel Thorn, Canyouville; A. I!.
Flint, Koseburg; Isaac It. Moorex, Salem; J.
I). Uiiderwoud, l'ugeuu Cilv; F. Cliarman,
Oregon Oily; I). W. Wakelleld, Albany;
Deiijamlu Cook, Coivallis; J. II. Smith,
Crescent City; Albert Doolittle, Uajipy
tki.kouai'jikd to yiu'.ka roil tiu: hkntinki.
TndinnHK)lis, 1 1th. The rebels captured
Salem, lud.. this morning, hurniiur the de
pot of the Louisville & Chicago It. K.,ntid
took ;"(K) home guards prisone rt. A pris
oner escaped ami reached Keynmnr this
evening, flu says Morgan's force is 7,000
with It! pieces of artillery. Ilu left litis
uflcrunnu, moving eastward, supposed for
the purpose of attaclciitg t lit. Indianapolis
& Louisville railroad, at Vienna or .Sey
mour. 4,.ri00 1'Vderul cavnlry lelt at noon
in close pursuit. They weru but filteen
iiiiles in the rear ol the enemy, (jovernor
.Morton issued nn order suspending nil bus
iness until lurlliir ordeifl. (Jen. C'airiug
ton litis ussuiiitil coiiiiuaiul of the Indiana
niillitia, and hua already usstgncd a large
number of companies to ivirititeuts. mid
brigades. At least :",)00 will have report
ed for duty by lo-iuoirow morning.
Yicksburg, -Itli. It i.s admitted by nil
that thu rebels iiiiuio a gallant delenee.
The terms are understood to mean u com
pliment by (Jen. (J runt to their luuvery.
YicVstntrg was badly damaged by ulielis,
hardly a house escaping.
IJciidquarters, Army of I'otomae, 1.1th.
To-luy our right pressed forward on
Itooiisboro mid Jlngeistoivii. We occupy
Ilagerhiowu. Tliu eneoiy eonsistwl of oav
airy, and made u desperate resistance un
til ihey fell back towards Willuini'port.
The rebels are throwing up entrenchments.
Iteturns from the Sergeant (jencml gives
list of rebel losses hit on the field and in
oar hands, as 10.000 killed and buried by
our troops, 3,001) prisoners, and 12,000
Cincinnati. -Tulv Mth. -Morgnn's forces
crossed Dig Miami last night, at Vienna,
and burned the bridge behind tlicm, pass
ing through Arlington and Sprinlield.
They crossed the Hamilton fi Dayton It.
It., at (ileudale, this morning, bearing to
ward Camp l)ciii)is.oii.
The Commercial saya that thcro was nn
nrrival last night direct from Itosectaus
headquarters. The main body of Itrngg's
army had retrenttd from C'lmtluiiooga to
Atlanta, Ga. ltosecruus has taken -1,000
Washington, Mth. Wo havo Viclcs
burg advices to the 8th. (iraut had finish.
ed paroling prisoners. They uuinhcml
111,27V. Immediately ufter the surrender
of 'Yicksburg, Hhernmn moved in the di
rection of TJig ltlack with u largo m my.
On the following day ho met Johnson
druwnup in line of battle. A sanguinary
engagement took place, resulting in John
son's defeat, and the capture of 2,000 pris
oners. Gen. Frank Ulair is reported to
bu iu possession of Jackson.
A rumor is hi circulation that Port
Hudson surrendered to liauks on the 7lh.
New York, 1.1th. Last evening 1,800
men formed n mob, which is leporled to
have increased to ;,000. It stems to have
been a preconcerted plan of lesislnuco to
tiio conscription. At ten o'clock last
night the crowd rushed into tho enrollment
quarters, seized the books and papers, nnd
soou after waids burned the building. To-
lire went to the rescue, and Superintend
ent Kennedy was badly wounded. A sold
ier belonging to the Provost Guard was
beaten to death, another was torn to pieces
and thrown into a ditch. Mayor Opdyke
has issued a proclamation against the
(ien. Wool has taken steps to quell the
Chicago. Mill. Telegraph from "Vow
York still interrupted, but we received the
following by railroad :
About 10 o'clock last evening n crowd
gathered nrotind the Tribune oflico and
commenced yelling. A few men attacked
and gutted the publication oflico. but were
dispersed by tliu police nfler firing a lew
shots. Kvcrv negro that had been seen by
the mob was cither murdered or cruelly
beaten. Twenty were killed.
Information by railroad this r. m says
the riot is still miring. Gov. Sjeyiuour has
telegraphed to Albany lor all the niillitia
that can be raised. It is reported thu ri
oters havo torn up the Hudson It. H. track.
Albany. Mth. Thu editor or N. Y. AW
iii' I'o'l says a large body of rioters today
visited the largo manufacturing establish
ments, forcing the laborers to join them,
and forbidding the loading of ships, etc.,
etc. I'p lo this tiuio several houses Imvu
been meked. including Mayor ("pidykes.
Cnnihgratlons are bieomlug momentarily.
The mob seems to be divided into separate
crowd', they are bent on plunder, pillage
and roberry. The moichiiut have held meet
ings, about (wo hundred havo marched up
lirouilwnv toentoll themselves u a speulal
police. There has been several collisions
with the military in which the rioters were
worded. Delnehmonts of troop'!, with two
pieces of ordinance. Ilreil on the rioters this
morning. Three rounds o blank cartridces
were tiled from the cannon and the mob dis
persed, threatening to soou eomo back with
arms. A company of artillery was stoned
on Pitts street, when the Lieutenant ordered
the company to lire, which tin v did, killing
scleral, ami the rest. lied. All the stores
down town aru closed. The armories, arsenal.-
and public buildings aru fully garri
soned. Tim mob is (piito dense in City Hall
Paik; when Governor Seymour ad-dre-sed
them, statin:; ho had sent his Ad
jutant General to Washington to reipiest
that the draft bo slopped, and Implored
the crowd to respect properly and person,
and the stale of things would be made sat
isfactory. All thu iiiimibii-ses and hor.-u
cars liiive stopped running, under Ih reals ot
the mob. Tho mob took piwi-ioii of a ten
ant block on Kith street this morning, but
were driven out by iiilautry. who shot and
killed several. An all'iay between a de
tachment n( marines and a body of i inters
look place on Delaware street 'during the
alteruooii. and resulted In threo of thu hit
ter being killed mid six wounded.
New York. 1 Ith. It Is understood that
Mayor Ojiedyko has du'oguted all ueees.-ary
power to uetiu thu city to Governor Sey
mour. Iu Ynrkvllli nnd Harlem the rioters are
demolbhlug houses. Tho Provost Martial
has been notified Mom Washington to sus
pend the draft.
All telegraphic communication east nnd
west stopped. Iho mob having torn down lliu
lines ami threatening the lives of those tent
out lo repair thorn.
The day so far has been n horrible one.
Then) was a fearful riot on Second Avenue,
this afternoon, in which thu military charged
and fired several times on the mob, killing
l."i and wounding several. Colonel O'ltrleii
was captured by the lleuds and beaten to a
jelly and then hung to a lump post, at the
corner of !( Mh street and -d avenue. The
building, in which were muuo 'JO armed riot
ers, was sin rounded by the police and only
onu door left for exit. F.vcry rioter as ho
appeared at the door was beaten to Iho
ground by tho police. 'Iho mob weru also
defeated by tho police and regulars on 5th
aveuuu between JSlh and -18th streets.
New York, Mth, evening. Tho Triluiic
and TinuS ollicesaro barieaded to-night and
have a heavy police foreo around them.
In (rout of tho T'dhm oillce there Is a small
cannon. Tho mob, this i m., got ns far
down as Fulton Ferry, visiting several ves
sels compelling the workmen on buttt d to
join them,
Wa-hinirton, 1 Itli. lleasniiton.s cavalry
entered U'illiuiiiripurt this morning and cap
tured a number of prisoners. Leo had sent
over nb his plunder and trains, lie crusted
on a pontoon bridgu at Falling AVater.
Cincinnati, 1 Mh. Morgan crossed Llttlu
Mlaum between Loveland and Camp Deui
son today. They burned o0 government
wagoiw at Loveland passed in a southerly
direcctiun. Since entering Indiana, Morgan
has cut seven roads, but the damages have
been rehired,
Cincinnati, July lath. -Morgan reached
Georgetown at midnight. Uu is pretty
well iicmmed iu, and his chances for escape
aru slim. Gunboats and a largo loreu lelt
for up river yesterday morning, to dispute
his ciosslug. The Ohio river Is too high to
Headquarters. Army Potomac, I Mh.
8::t(l p. m. To Halleck : We have captured
.130 prisoners iu addition to thoso icported
(ticuoushj. Gen. Pettigrow, of rebel army,
was killed this morning. His body Iain
our hands.
Chicago, l.'ilh. An olTlcial report says
that Port Hudson was captured on thu Sill,
with 12,01111 prisoners. No particulars.
Memphis, lJJIh. Reports from Army of
Viekshurg aro all favorable. .Sherman Is
in pursuit of .fohuston, wilh a good pros
peel or destroying his uiiny.
Gen. Dodge, at Corinth, reports that he
ha routed tliu rebels under Forest, killing
ami capturing many. Gen. Hiirlbuts cav
alry scouts report Colby, with 1.000 men
and four cannon, at Coldwarler Station.
New York, loth.- The riot hns not yet
ceased. U Is thought that to-day, however,
it will probably bo suppressed.
- ,
Additional War News.
We clip tho following interesting and
important news from the telegraphic col
urns of (ho daily Kacramento Union, of
date July 1.1th.
Chicago, 1 1th. The following interesting
rebel .statement of the battle of Gettys
burg 1ms been received :
" Murtinsburg, (5th. On Saturday night
our center fell back, drawing the enemy
from their works' Generals Kwell anil
Loustrecl Hanked thu enemy nnd gained
the heights. Yesterday the enemy were
routed. Lee captured -10,000 prisoners."
The Richmond JCnnuirer of July 8lh ac
knowledges a loss of ten thousand in the
battle, nnd says the Yankee army, estima
ted at a hiindied and seventy live thousand
men, was badly whipped and forty thou
sand prisoners taken.
The Ditpntch of July 8lh contains a
leader on the battle of Gettysburg, mid
says : " We led well assured that (ien. Lee.
I alter lie lias met thu enemy iu a pitchcil
battle, has inflicted u terrible defeat upon
. them." The Dnjutlth alludes to a tele
graphic di.qiatch iiiiuoiincimr that a great
I battle had been fought on .Sunday last.
July full, in which the Yankees were
I whipped with u loss of sixty thousand men,
, and winds up wilh the lollowiug : " We
i already begin to see glimpses of peace, if
telegram proves hall true ; but let us have
no peace which we don't dictate ourselves."
Xewbern, (X. ('.), !)th.-The Legisla
tare is now in session acting on financial
matters. The Haleigh lltghler (rebel
prim) in referring to this extra session,
says there is misehiel brewing which " bodes
no irood" to the confederate cause, mid the
history of that legislature does not war
rant us in anticipating uryihiug but mis
chief at its bunds. Members from Castle
county have come out in favor of the Con
stitution mid the Union. Tho Wilmington
Journal says other members intend advoca
ting thu same cause.
Washington, lOlh. The Surgeon Gen
oral lias official intelligence that in tho De
partment of the Gulf tlie ratio of siifiering
from malarious discuses mid death bat ween
the white mid colored soldiers is about
eleven white to one colored.
Chicago, 20th. Later details of the
Union movement now progressing iu North
Carolina have been received by way of
Fortress Monroe. The dissatisfaction with
thu rebel Government is increasing daily,
and overtures to Major Geo. Foster in
crease in boldness. Not long since the
Ividcigli Slttiitliml contained an able article,
believed to have been written by r. A.
Graham, taking the strongest grounds
ugaitist the right of secession and advoca
ting tho duty of tho Federal Government
to defend its own existence by force when
secession threatens it. The artielu denies
that any just cause exists for tliu present
rebellion, and asserts that any Statu now
claimed us belonging to tho so-called Con
federacy can withdraw from it at will.
The same paper, in another article, openly
favors peace by reconstructing the Union,
or by seperating, if resolved upon by a
Convention of nil tho Slates. The Stnwl
nnl also congratulates Itev. H. W. Graves,
on his acquittal on thu charge of treason,
nnd republishes with commendation an ar
ticle which was made a pretext for ids ar
rest by the rebel authorities.
New York, 11th. Sterling dull at
M5,i ; Gold closed quiet at 31.1'Wiyi ' ;
Government stocks firm.
Xashville, 10th. Citizens from Frank
tin and Spring Hill (Tenn.) report that
tho country north of the Tennessee river is
filled with deserters from Itrngg's army,
mostly Teiinesecnns. The number estima
ted at from ten to fifteen thousand. They
refused to leave Tennessee. Jtoseenuis'
urmy letaiim its position on the linuofKlk
river. Tho campaign is virtually ended.
TtiK PUJittKxuFjR or vicKsnvnn.
Court House, Yicksburg. dth. Yicks
burg surrendered this morning, after a siege
of forty-seven days, terminating iu nego
tiations lasting twenty-four hours. Gener
als Grant mid Pembertoii hud an interview
yesterday afternoon. The lat note of
Peinbcrton, accepting the prollercd terms'
of Grunt, was tint received till nine o'clock
A. M. today, when Gen. Mel'hurson re
ceived the lormal surrender of the city.
Thu terms allow the officers mid men to Iu
paroled here the former to ictain their
side in mis, horses and personal property.
They will be escorted beyond our lines and
furnished with three days' rations from our
stores. Gen. Logan's division marched in
to the city nt eleven, mid at noon Lieut.
Col. Strong hoisted the stars and stripes
over thu Court House. Gen. Logan is
appointed commander of the post. Wu
have taken over twenty-seven thousand
prisoners, besides four thousand nou-com-imtutits,
onu hundred and two field pieces,
thirty siege gnus, fifty thousand stand of
arms, ammunition, locomotives and cars, a
few stores, eighty-seven Btands of colors.
Among the prisoners arc Lieut. Gen. Pent
berlon, Maj. Generals Stevenson. Smith,
Forney mid Drown, fourteen Itrignilieis
mid about one. hundred mid thirty Colonels.
There nre fifty-six hundred men in the hos
pital, half of whom arc wounded. Only
fifteen tlmus-ind of the garrison me report
ed able for duty. Their provision was al
most exhausted, and for four days they hail
been eating mule llesh. Of ammunition
for heavy guns they Inula fair supply, but
of field uminnnilon they were short. Light
caps to a man was nil they had left. Sugar,
molases mid rice were till they had of sup
plies with u little uugroitnd corn. Thu
capitulation was caused by destitution,
physical prostration, hastened perhaps by
lliu expectation that our forces would
storm the works today. It is admit led by
all that thu rebels made a gallant defense,
mid the terms nre understood to menu a
compliment, by Gen. Grant to their bra
very. Vicksliurg wuh much damaged by
shells hardly a house, escaping damage.
Our troops treated the lute enemy with
great friendliness. On both sides there is
a feeling of great relief from tho severe
hardship and suffering of the siege. Thu
Fourth of July has never been celebrated
so strongly and earnestly.
Viekshurg. f)th. Yesterday nnd to-day
all passed oil' wilh remarkably quiet and
good feeling. Thu weather is fearfully
warm. Nineteen General officers have been
paroled. Two or three days will rmss be
fore thu prisoners are scut out to their dis
tillation which is reported tohuTuladcga,
(A'u.) Many of them uru anxious not to
be paroled, but wish to take the oath of alle
giance, quit the rebel service and proceed
North. Several women and children wero
killed mid injured during the siege. Hun
dreds of houses occupied by tho side and
wounded had been constantly exposed to
shells. About 'J,")00 persons have been
killed inside tho works since the siego be
gan. The labor performed on tho fortifi
cations by both sides is prodigious. The
weight of our artillery has knocked most ot
their works to nudist iiigiii.-hablu pieces.
There were about 1.1100 women nnd chil
dren iu I Iio city during the bombardment,
who wero for the most part of tho time ob
liged to live in caves, of which there nre
several hundred. Thu citizens havo not
been allowed to draw rations from tho
army supplies, except in cases of destitu
tion, The prices of food hud been enor
mous. 1'ivu dollars n pound for beef wm
charged ; for flour, one dollar a pound ; a
high price was charged for mule meat.
The latest advice from thu interior rep
resent Johnston as retreating rapidly and
Sherman in hot puisuit. 1teinforeemcut3
nre moving to Sherman. Oilers of assis
tance Imvu been dispatched to Gen. Hunks.
It is conjectured that thu condition of tho
Port Hudson garrison is similar to that of
Yicksburg a week since. Its fall mny bo
announced at any hour. The general opin
ion here, both iu tho rebel army and our
own, is that the rebellion in tho 'et is at
an end, or at Icaet reduced to iusiguificunt
New York. Oth Speciil dispatches say
Mint Generals Grant and Meado have been
promoted tho former to bo a Maj. Gener
al and the latter a lJrigmiier General it)
the regular army.
Washington. 11th. Gen. Prentiss' ofil
cial dispatch relating to the fight nt Hele
na (Ark.), July lth. says: Wo ciicoun
lend Iho enemy 15.000 strong, and whip
ped them handsomely. We took twelva
hundred stand of arms and two stand of
colors. The enemy's loss is twenty-fivo
hundred j ours was not over ono hundred
and fifty.
" I Tow do you get along with your
Arithmetic?" asked a father of his littlo
" Oh, father !" exolnimed tho delighted
youngster, ' I've ciphered through addi
tion, partition. snlstraetioii, distraction,
abomination, justification, hallucination,
durnution uud amputation."