Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 11, 1863, Image 1

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    wm vu .!
ps rrra-a.A a.
VOL. Vlir NO. 4H,
i iinnwri nwutn w
I. 0. 0. F. 'ACMOM.tl.K LoisUK S0.
to Ml'lli regular rurellnxs eviry SAT-
unit' .t.a.w, t u iiun;c Hall
4tril(uw! building), ut .i o'clock.
D-..t'n.r in xmh! Mnndiug are uird'alty
-ite.1 to atti ml, J f. i, SiiTti.v N. G.
tin H. Ih,t;iu-. It. Str.
Vtrrcn Lodg Ko, 10, A, F. & A. M.
A HOr.U their rrwlar cummunl
jjri"iiiioii Ibe Weduce.liy Paenlugsun
'VW priAillngl'uf lull tuoont lu jack-
ir. t'j oov. Stc'v.
oki.co.n ciiaiti:u xo.-t.
v -avo.v 17.;.:. ojuxux,
! Laid itrrgulor communication on the
I1M Mil niitajr K r. ir Ilrt r J- Mouth.
Ill sojourning Cuam.tnliMtx In . euot)
Mrting are cordially luvlted to attend.
!. W.OREER. II. P.
LS.-tt. SpeV. decSilT
!'& a.ih II. K. Powell. Km-. Third street.
JjtrKfoxriij.ie. Ormjov. 29
V? i promptly Hltv.'id tunny legal
1l.'Ii-s ciiiintttt d to his care.
i &iituul LuiMina.
J trK.NVUJ r, Qnr.on.'t.
. L .
tT.inr. jams d. rv.
-l.T t.v g-r,
JAfi:oxrii,t.K. OarGo.v,
' pnefc In the Supr-ma und other
- tiT Una Slate. Nitrcb -03.
Jaik).viu.k, OllSUOK,
'IIX i-ractire In Use several Courts of
'I t'ae First Judical DlslKel. anil In it,
i ( (mrU Octols r 20. '62.
Jfl KAOM'IM.f, OtiMJW,
pr' tief in nil the Court' of the Third
." i'Uriut, tie .Snprvim. Court of Ore-
"i u irika.tui. vi ur scrip prompt
fW td. Oct. IB.
JAI-kUNVII.I.K. Okkqak.
&!c -I attention irirun tt collection
Juki 10. 1W.X U
'ysuman am) suroeon.
't bt IU lUil.lincT oil Ur-n tit.
Ja kaoxwu.k. OrjuiuK.
rf 1 1 Ik wo )jioIi llinh"!. In-
'-( iiiin. on nott) or bouk Kfeuuat,
) ..ail Mia tviiitf ud. or tLuIriiO
..Mit! jiUc.J for col!(Ctluu lu tlio
my nit"rii'-y.
"!' KtMM will tlll And tnr.funr.
uuii-ndlo uijr proIeMioiiul dutit",
tft I hi, I, jniifcr
I'iiotusiuiiliic Aitltf,
fT'- d to tk p clurei In virrr ttylo
! ft. !tb ull tlio Into ImprorvWiit
rti a U'J nut gne aii.fuctlon. no
'.. I Up iiwdif. Cull at Jil niw Gl
Mlbll. rxatoiiie b! picture, aud
. J0"r Kkuno.
- PBAlTICAt. -
1'Al'EU RULER, und
'BlcRoub. fifanufactiiror.
V ' !y and 5 i Coiumircial aln-tU,
-tefn Mntitumrry ai.d Kiniiue,
SAN KitAX'fiisrn.
. tlnduijj of cr.ry dcxriptlon neatly
-- . uiauK hook ruieu noa uouixt lo
2?rI imltrii. 2-t-y
Tim oukcon si:ntim:l.
wrr.ii i.vt:i:r wKtwuuir am svivbiut.
UUAItV DCM.l.-cur.lt, Ib'r i.tt Prop'r
rnscMirriiix Ohp tear. In adtftncc.Tltr
DuiUr; Six tiionlb, llirtf Dollarn.
Ani.UTtn.vo tiiiu Kiuntc (lu linn or
1i"). llrt liiH-rlloii, TLrt Dolliifi : cncli
tatr-ijuniit InKrllun. line Iollr. A dis
count r flOy ixTernt will Us nude lo thou
who iln tlloliy llu'Vrnr.
43T Up Ttoer trrWtiJ t carrrat rltf.
Dy plIcatlon tn I'onmoMcru nml )!nll
Ontrltr. .iu rftti liani ilwi ibe.Sc uil-wc kly
Uiiwmx 5ictiM:i. In by lir a brsr elrcu
latlwi In tls canttv i.f Sonthtrn Orrpon
nwl Ucl Norl ciKinty, Califurhiu, than any
iilhrr iMix-r. TIiI 1 jsl houlil counnpinl tin-
Skntinkl to you a a pvdor lacdluu fur
Lwt or Auiflsw, nbo are authorised to
tranract any bitmnrx concrrnln; thin pa
jcr, in inn irainc u ins pnuiirnvr :
It. T. Fifhir, ?nn l'raneltco; 'ndnorlh
.V Rayno, Yukaj HUt Emrv, Abland S.
0. TaIor, Tlicpnlx; W. W. Kunlir. AppU-cati-i
IL ri. Dunljp, Willlam'l.urj;; John It.
i'rlndlf. Krrbyrlllr: A. II. JlcIWaln. Waldo:
It. J. Koi hi , Waldo; 'Va. M. Kvan, Alt
linnw: Jwl Thorn. Canyonvllle; A. It
I'llni, ItoHiliunrj tfa,v It. Moorrs, Salcmi J
It. Uiidcrwond, Ku(.'rno City; I'. Chnrman.
OrvRim City; II.. W. Wakcllcld. Albany;
liciijamlii Uiok, Corvnlll; J. II. bmltli
Crofciut City; .tlUrt Duolitllf, Ilappj
Cum p.
KoitriT MonrK. ad. P.irlnnwiutli pa,j
t"cn. jiisl rriviriti, wy tlmt ifltuliV InKir.
nutlon hn Uvti ri'Cvhitl Inr Unit ll.o ip. t on.i,,,.
lurn of North Cur.ilini to ll.e Union, is ' 0'r,ci.n,
nu enm wuii'ti nwy w dally lookiil tut.
Iutsvllli, MuVilcht. Ctli A minor hm
Uin ptvvulvilt all eHiiliiir of tin- npprnnrb
of Mmcan'a fur erf. Thfyiro Kiottisl
ut llanVntown lliin mouiiv, and at Ship
p.mUton it thl nltrinoon. .Mnrganli force
l oliimtltil ut 2,000 tn -1,000 strong. Tin
NuOiifilli' train, due brio this trcnina nt
tlx o'rltirk, wa llirimn i.fT tbii Hack, 3
mikf fain the eily, by jjucrrill.iM.
The Unlaw ln. from NVv Otk-utm. with
ilatu lo .inly li, buf arrivul. The Imin
luciilcutH of tlio I'oltHft lirvolt
In Ibi nollMi cnnrruonilrncr nf tin
Pji! .Viw tbi' lullnuini; iiullccf
tenm on Hie Imlllc rivM are r.-niiit.
At Olrfcic nlHint ten iiiIIm Iroiii Ih
mxxlof Cubiotanku. ttbero the battle or
ALiy flth took plnci', we found Wlmilckl.
Ilir rtilcr of tbo utair, lyln? wonndnl. A
ball In! Mriick htm In Ihfliinil.butliiippllp
imiy viirraii ttuy imu ir Ilw fcnlp Willi
mil fratlurlilir the rhull. Ho ilewrilHil Hie
oaiuenx imvinff i.cen iremi inlmiwy n u-rr,
Aninrmn all nrcouiili the tulliyi Bml r.l
Interval ufa ft w nilnukf t Ilw ItuMnna
wire more like it tluod of lead than a mere
Hifwcr of bullet.
To the nuuilnr of nlnitit flgbt Imndrrd
mrii inu iiiiMimu pourul ucroM tlio moat
luiumriil til i'.irt lluilnor.cotitiimr. Ilu'(nl prclnly the center point In tbo bend
ri-M Ufurti M in'rrfiint Rntiki' comitiunl-l"f Hie liow, at.d teinnorarllv tccmlril the
canon mm Atw OrlvuiH, bare failul.
UL'tiAN & VAL.L,
k"unuinp, Cor, Front it PttfTtt.
M attend to the Recidvlnj; and Kor
MdiB r all Cood cMruotud tn
' rf, Willi tirnnintiiiii fliiil illm.i.li
MiUiieiita boltc led. Min-baudltf 'nv
Uvtty. April 11, 1SC3. J5
Ao joodidblivi:fi uil befrelbt
art paid. I), i, 'X,
nitonM-tutu to uti:A roc. tiik guvriMit.?
Dntei toJtilyfltU.
Ni-w Yutk, Ctb. Fortrc Monroe uVc
"f the 4ilt. my t.Vn. Oetty ii u Ions ")
Irnm the Whitn llotue, nn the I'uinimVy.
onimamiy M-miin) in prnwixr. nils cor
iitpineliiit inri ibut while a mull (urn
muJe u feint to adranre on RicJiiiinthl
(Jtn. J)ix wnt u bay furro In owither all
nction whidi will nuke a Humiii)'' bluu
at Ijv' annv. It liai ilelrord tin
lirldirra nf the a. Central HuiIiluiI orer
Snath Anna, preventing the traapurta
lioo of reiulsrctincntt to U r.
rhlladrlnli'n. .Tiilr Ctli. I)Ipnlth from
be Army of the I'utoinac (ay th Union
forcif froni ( 'umbel Ihdi). iirc.tiilvunein?
from UuinlKfljnd to ktr.fco nbvU n-ur.
A fpt-cwl clatctl -lib, from Ruppjban
uock, u) Dii' army i ntur Ibu ilvir
Rultlmnrr f perial to IlemU ar 8.-
000 pnmei have united, aixl (Ji-mrnt
Soliri.uk I or del cd to pajurc fur 'J0.00C
(Jon, Couch appiara to baro formed
jorelion with .Uniite, smI weir rapturin;
uln) uluuliirrin the urej b jiI. by ici
inetilf. It'umt e defeat to Ux; but
total rout.
It (Hin qnllr lin.pvf'b' tor tho army
tn c lo WiJlbiuikpuit in lh priKint lilni.
tHle i,t water, in Ibr ruin lul ii't'lil Iw
twolltti ll river to a i.iiiir l.eiubt liter,
ever. It i julir fjfe lo miv that Ie will
not tuoeeid in pclM);' one f.alf of Ida army
aerths uithoul the uiocl uiioc iutcrruji-l;on.
Wmlilnsinn, Gtli. TIw Star thla even
tpj inysr U'r (rain by ilipaicht riceivcd
Hilt inoriiliu at iM-adquurleir. Mmt the lan
lujrdof llii: in.iny niirhid Williaiiui'orl,
ivilli the iiialti at my lollmvin;'. and atlerapt
rl a crcsfici. 'out loutid the I'oloinac vn
loo bili lor fording.
IlarrUburu-, Ctli. 'Ilie nuthorithn Iirrr
are in rciaMu over the ner.i rtivived to
day. The Potomac ban riten fix feet with
in the lat 48 tmurf, which mutt nwjinlv
detrny ull ll.e fmdi. Thrrr ure no lir:d;if
ultiiin ttrikin ' distance of Ixvs army, uud
all meuiif of relreat niu.t bo cut olT
A difpalcli received to-day by Oencral
Condi tote that (Jeneral tJrrs with a
forte .0? I'itumfilon'i ravaliy. Iud ud rn
pocemrnl to dv at I'uyoUvllle, Jn whicli
thy took 4.000 proner. Urneral Ure?jr
look an interior road und odvunecd in ibe
direction i Ormicaitlif. The ilililla on
der (jcu. Smith utu iu loppurling ditlubrt
A perffn rrprrwntln lilnuelf at ring-
ireuif aoji. uinerut waa csptund near
Jligemlowii on I'rlJjy and arrived to-day.
lie tatrA tlmt Intrret and x both
oppoK-d I lie ioV4Jion if 3J.1.. and I'u.. fear
iitti it would be disastrous, but Daria would
n t lteu and eavo order, iir(iinii-ii)'' to
Hul 30,000 reiufoK-ctncots under Ucaurc-
I'hiladelpbla, Joly Cih.-Tlie Worhtn
ton cjarualt at!mated at OtHyK
bur lliut Lee bad lot wji to mtrrruy
morning July Sih, by diwrtioq alure
crowin the IVtotnac, an 8ftegate pf (J,
000 mtu.
Cairo. Flh. Kloamrr Silnr J,evi arrived
from bcluvr. At thrre o'clock on thr morn
Iiir of the -Ctli. I'rlce and Mrm.tliikr, ttilh
1S.000 men. made n furioiii attar!t on If 1 1-t-nn,
Ark., wbcro Cloni-rnl Prentice wai t n
truichid with .-, 0tK Ilbnotf and Mifourl
troiw. The fljht lattid some Lours, und
the little pirrlxm mtlutaltitd Id grt.utd
bravi ly and fiire-nrnlly. I'rtMiitly a force
of about l.tiQJ rcbclA luuud an iiiimiico lo
our woikinnd went in to occupy ll-lcmu
Tbry were quickly closed In on by onr
Weiitrn Imyf, and marly wirvman cap
tund, killed or woundtd. Follow Ins up
tblf uce with rapidity, l'riee und the n
malnlns force were driven off with comld
tralile Ion. Tim stenmer tirouulil up 76C
reUI prlwinvrs. captured la the tight, amouf
thrin CO lino oQctrs.
S4n FnncJen. Julr filh. )fesngr ree'd
T" tnrlay, from Stunto'i. Secretary of
War. ceiiDnn the nevra of ib cupturu of
Ilarrli-burc flh.-Ce'i. CotwJi hai re
celvHl Inform. lion thai Lve would ocrtipy
and hold Maryland Within until I la army
Kvuiu ci 0-4 inr ruiumac
llnltlmore, "tb. Oen. Kwcll dlel today
two nnlea from Paneylowii, from wounds
rwftlvwl at (lettysbiir.
rrdiriki-burs,ih. The Iron brldRo l
m ni-nrly dotroyu) it will bo linoraellea
bio Tor retreating r-M. I'oitlnna of the
relxl unny pi'sed llirouph South Moniilaln.
The pontoon aro all ill stray.), and Kill
patrick I after the rt lli shai ply. 1 he en
emy Is r ported to havo built a brldne
ueroia tho I'otomno alrave Mary sport if w
thi-Ir main force may vsoape.
New York. 7tli. A special to the Ttmti
from Oettysb.ir yesluday. say repurtx
from fiont aro rhecrlnx- )ne force aro
clipe on the enemy. Important resulia are
pecltU Ly nlelJt. (.recca senilis rriiort
Hie rebels KIng to (.reciiCMtlo Instead of
('hnibrrburjr. 1 be robl' am abuadanlni;
their wou'ndtil nloii); the line of relreat.
ottkers aa well tu private. Yvstcrday'
IJaliiwor.) yMenii sura vvry ainlluble
man In Ilaltlmure and Vttlilnj;ton wn be
ion hurrltil tn lUllivk, to lutvretipt Le'g
flying and cleniomliird troop-. Anolbw
lotllu In looked tor today, wh'.ib will l
I'ollsh rainn. ( ll the IrlL u&eii. Wnllimr.
! M commvidcd . Ih lluvians mad an on
slaught, pouring n flank fire, nud fmm uns
on Au.trinii lerrllnry. Thus the Polish po.
slllon una artullnl from every sldr. and
but for tho cxtianidlnary bratry ofltsdi
ftiidcnmiist have been iffictimfly cntrlul.
An nfllccr who wa preN-nt at the battle of
Pralirlcksburff amirvs: ma that lhr firo ou
llinlili.y waiiiiro luaiyn thit.
Wylerynkl, Ihe-utiainaii.'' as llm com
minder of the In.nrgent Cosstcki Is called,
foimed Ma sixty men in the side whluh,
ruriniii the bac nf the ciinp. si pernlea the
Itiisslan and Austrlhii tirrltnilcs. and made
a splendid eharrfe between tho InnirRtnt
from the liuvlan wood, mid the Ilurslau
from the Austrian woods. The cavalry
was not stopped by lh marsh, but In the
face of lira jihus planbil on the olhrr sldu,
rod boldly Into It. The RiiasUn jjunnerH
seein this at one took to flight, mid' Imd
not the rivalry Ifc-am hnpeleisly entail
kltd In llie minti the tn ruiu tnlelit l.avn
, been eaptun-iL Six of the Insurgent Coa-
mcki nu ueau.aua tue "atlanuu" uai
Where the fight was lU holiest, n priest,
nulnvwJris. ra!Jnjc the crosa aloft, put him
self at the head of a dwiH-rato bund Mid
llireir hlmnlfon the densn maseaof Iho
( Wtitm'mu. Rtnnr or Unuttiit.iMi.
Aielililslmp Much , In n ireenl nddn-M
to the eiti7.-ni of New Yutk, nry happily
wl :
" Cne of the rousliliittnnnl prlvllegr t-i
wbeli I refer lint ll.e Cnnslitutlmi Itself
inakia priiviriou fur. fur n wfi-lj'.valvi1 lor
litis tiiiuicrniis. people U. l!mt evwy fun,
jeur it if iK-rftcily cunsiitiiiliiniil In mak.'
a revolution cn'tiiiy. qui. tly liy tic volni
inite-ponpk. Thrit i mir ciHiailliitlnriail
privilep'. The nihrr ta Inti-rltnl 'Iri tU
imlureiifllie jitsopleiif the tiovcrtwiii-nt- -that
Is i he rijht nf irmniMlnir. ILiuirl
er J U yim elect n man to nilniiiiii.il r lint
(Juvirnnii-nl, In less than elghUvii nionllii
von nm very eorrv fur wliut vmi have ilmn
uml viiii biive a rftiht locriiinliV.nnd t bent
nrc niily three yinM ni'ir tn wait, when
yon run make n revolution, when von r,i
tli row aside the ret Hint love b.in In pou
er, and try lo get n Ulier M iii llntfr iili.
the in. t lime. 'Hint Imf ln-n the rut'.
I li.tve K.-tn n prrnt mijurliy of our pte'
ilenlf ehcteil und I never new an exception
to that rule. Thcrifore it If lhAt Iher.
In no enuutry lu Iho world thtl can Mrlv
lie rompirid lo tin; Am-'rirnti IC-publlca''
under the Aiueiiean Cnmtiuil'in. 'It h
itst for 111 if icajon. Vol thai Kialli.lnw n
don't claim the right of p,rnml!!ni tw,
but iliry havo not Ihe rrinedy every four
veuif. They cannot chunffo their ruhts.
Here it In n privilepu and conslutIoiM.1
riuht. Even lliouch yon voteil f(r tl
Inciimbt'iit for Ibe hlehest f.nlee, you ran
cruinble. Hut. fin Ihrr than tlmt. yn.l ini-t
wait until l.if time if (ml, iindihin L'it
nnoilier and a boiler man in Ills place.
That if the remedy."
Haiivkst I'noH'w-rsi tv tiii: Eiar.- -Tin
uKraillturul ucwf fioiii the unoat ,Slatr
hnnwesiecilly iiiiireslinR nts) ImoOrlun'.
nnd tUro h promise of abundant crnin
tliroubnut the country, pirticuturly In llm
tuiii growing ngloiif. in renin.) 'vaunt.
Ualisorskl, a boy of sevnntren. rmhliiir
iiiHniy mrnnrii, nut i.uu low liy A bullrt
uhklt struck blm nn Iho Jnw. Iladly, but
not mortally uoiimlid, h Maa tuft Irinjr on
the cround, when some liunhu sold crt 1U
palcliMlilm with Iho Layout I, lilllnir his
mouth will, earth to drown hU cries. 1 had
dlnul with thi p ior fellow two d.y Wore,
and little thought when I Ivlt Iho camp 1
should in'vir see h'm more.
Two oMcira of ihe Insurfcctlonary army,
nun.d l.oranw and Il-ioioove. wbo Iihh
Just a-rivMl In Purls, publish a stall merit of
ino nirooMica commitiiiii ty tbo Itusniaii
tiild'.rif in Poland, aud add some hit of ev
idence tn show Ihe inanuir la which Pruwla
aid Ihe Cxar, Tbey iy :
At the battle nf. Noma WIis, a body of
Run mis pursil by our column took rt-fiiKii
on PruaUii lirrltory they no clevoM of
BRiraunitlon, and could tint lnue nlfeied ri
slttauce for any lenulb of lime. Tim Pru
si a n autliurttlrra bdlcled Iho Itii'slati sol-dU-rs
o.i their luhahltaiits, u Unqint took
plaee in bonorof them, and tndayf ullr
they Hire couduclu! to the froiillria, ftitinll-
enemy. In one of these fhnrgvi onns ' ui'I'jJitltsua Moalticr Inlcrfirctl with Iho
unt'l he now bat double f-t's army, 'fit.')'
bt on tli If side of Hue from 9.fMl to 10.0WI
prUoni rs. To Ihla tiumher should lie add. d
tfnuud-d. diKrtir. and ttrnL-cleis. ukoin.
it (''reported, "re ativady U-lu i;alberui
up by liuntirxl'. Ibe rUl losj In killed
nnd nounded will not probably exceed 12.
Out) or 13,u:i9, whUsh will twell the total
on in Inr lo some 25,000. one third cf the
men L?o Lronsbt ortr Ihe Potoicse. Of
lirlwmers. we lest none. cxe-pt u few o'lleerf
fyecanled otf wllbhiin, Thrsf thpusnud
of onr men he piroUd. but the pr.role U In
elQcletit uiidi-r teimi of the cartel, became
Mead rsfuvd lu ORrin to It, Ic then tent
them to Couch, uho did sictpt.
Ifarrlfborg, 7lh Rebel Army It now
csueeutiutinx nfur Williamspnrt. Renoiti
dale heavy artillery Urln if beard, wl.tlli
er fkirnrhin to fid position, or a serl.
oui enaiteuiHit if not known. 'Hie final
uuddccioirr bittle nf the campaign will no
doubt take placo there.
New Yoik. 7th llernlJ'i dispatch.
Inst nlslit saya the rt M irnnb.iat, Drairon.
cutnedown James river with a !j'' nf
truce, nlth yiee Pntuutit tjuveni and
Commifsloner Ould on board. 'Jlny rep-riaeutt-d
they bad important letters fiorn
Uavif to lincoiu, nod riqiievtexl fr mission
(o procctd to U'ushlnKlon in Iho Dic-ron
to iiritent them In person, Ailinlal f-o
having no authority tell graphed to Wush
melon, j'jsptcisi wuuinri metiinx wuf
called I Ma inoroin' lo consider Ihe niftier.
No dr&siojn wai arrived at, sod the Uuui
net adjourned till to morrov, Ja wf in
structed to find out If ppwb-e Ihe object
of the msion. Mi an wii!o the lug fumed
round and ete.imed up the river, The
President Iidd dicided that he cauuctgruul
them an intirvicw.
Kai Frencifco, 8lh. A private meswipe
received here to day, from Sluutoo coufirmi
Ilie rupture pi Yfcksburg. A number of
private dlfpotctiei to tliat tlT cl lave bevn
io reiaie. iue very rauw iron.H ninoii wir
previously detold of ummuoillon found
ll.ieiKlui, Milely oniiifc tn Ihilr iltlt to
Ibe Prussian trrntory, well tupplled with
ponder and tlot.
Moreover, the PruUn fi antler br!tllni;
with cannon, the Prussian p(it-iiiekeu situ-ale-,
live bundled yarda rtpait. the pirrlton
tng of all Ibe villager Ixirdetliijioii Polaud.
ure n pretty sure proof of tho operation of
tlm convention co.icludul on Ihehili of lb
tuary )ast bitHien JtuiuiA and 1'ruu.U,
pluutin of corn, but wheat, oai, anil ryu
isrunilK a heavy vlehl. In New Jersey
the wheat ami main cropt prniuW to ,.i
very large, opcciallv in the central couu.
lit of Sonuifv-i. iluiilerdoii, Middhytx,
ISurlinglcii, Monuioutli and Me;crr, In
which ll.o aggregate productlnq tn pant
yrurslias tquulcd that of any dletrfcti of
similar cxtuit In the country. 'In th-i
toiilhtrn tier of tounliet n laro yield of
fruit, especially of ja-ocheit uud oppl.e, H
antlcipaied, In e)y Y.nk, wbeol looU
well, and other crojH pr'iilj fair. (Jen
(rally sMal;lii!r, the wheat harvest fa Maty
land will be fair, and tin ra it every indi
esition of un nbiiudaiire ol fruit. The ylohl
of fruit in .Michigan Hill be specially large,
und wheat, on the tvliu!e, if excellent. Im
St. Jom'iIi oounly jH-piermlnt has been e
Iwuivcly pliinml, the jleld from which,
hut yeur, re.il ml g;i7,000. In Illinois th-
wUat l'iijuiIi iiver lookixl bvltr'. uud
corn him! fiii.tf are full of piomlfA Whom
In Indiana look tin.-, and thsrtf will Uj n i
mil lo the gran; peuehcwill also vlrM n
generous hnrvitl. In Inwn I vervlhlnu' i
Uiually sail. factory. In Kunwif grata and
wheat are highly praiM-d, am) tho farmcrw
Imvo been rncouragi ) to cuttivatu niaro
extlbfively the latelv adoptid slnpK rot
Ion. Iu Kcntiieiy thru brut cron If 'prom
Islu'. A Ia liaiiou Utter ri tlmt farm
er ure In goiiil spir.if, "iXKctipu: t;iiry
I're:A80.vuv " I'recm.ifoory," tal.
Rnjamin Franklin, " I admit," tut Il c
crclf. It liai sacielt peculiar to 1 1 self, but
nf what lo lliey prfucifsMlly vonifft T 'IVy
consist of slgui und toktns, which ure con
ferred after doe course nf Instruction and
examination; tbey aro of no small value;
they speak a universal language, and are it
passport to ihe support of the wlwo worjd.
They cannot be ht so long ut memory re
tains its poHer. Ix-t Ihe poiMifur of them
bj extirpalri), thipwricked, or iinpritdned,
lethimbu stripped of eterv tlilnir helms
. . . I. . ..' I r- .-...-.,, ..,,..-..-.,.--. -. .. ..-, -
in Ilie world, still lliejc crcdentlulf rvmaln, ulmir. In Ihe ufscmb'y nf ll.e lord, on tlm
specif I of grain In abundance." (f frtlil,
me yield in liconvn is likely to bi l.rt'o.
An ANric.tr Iiv Hrrmv A cry cu
rluiif lovo Mury is lolil by sevctul .aiicti-iit
writ, ra nK Clin I'Virvad. u neerelary In
Uharlemf eiie, and n daughter of tbil em
peror. The fecrelury fell in InVit with ili-i
jirlucc-if, who at length ll'irid'liliii tn vis
it her, One ivlnu-ia mylit ho tayel
very late, and lu tha iimmuIIiiio a deep
fliuw had fttlhn. If ho lit, hlf fiioluwrkl
would lu dbxrved, uud yet tn tliy woul I
expose linn to il.iner. At Imgth lh
princeff refolved tn carr lilm oh In r bel
la u iieighlHiriiu liousc, which slio did. It
lifppened, however, that fiom the wlndov
nf liu bedroom the emperor saw iho whijki
asd arc available to u( n circumslancef
may require. 'I he good (fiict which Ihey
preiduceil nrc eslablijlnd by Inconleitible
lf,.l. tl ..t.A.U 'I'li.m Ii..., a. .,,.&. I .1... ..,.
lifted hand of the uYsirnyer j they have
sofuued the aspiration nf the tyrant ; they
have subdued lh,u raiifnr n malevolence,
and broken down thi barrier df political
aninuifity and welioiul ullenotiou. On
the Held of bittle. In tl,a toliluilti of ll.e
uncultivated fortst, or lo the buy haunls
Of tl ciovvdej oilr, tbeyjiavo nnilp niui
o( niwt,l.oslis feelings, unl tlie tnobt ill
yertifled conditions, rush to the aid of each
other with special joy audsittlsfaolinii that
iney riavu been able io niuru relief to u
brother y7o,"
It U fnrtnimte fur fnrlntie tli-it slie U
blind, else she might bl'isb to bebuld llid
fools she patron! f.
following day, w lien Ivirvml and hisduigl.
ter wero pretcnl, bo utiud what ought !
be dnno lo a man who compelled it king -
daugliier lo carry biin on her shoulders,
ihrpii.! fioit and snow, in the middle of u
Hluter'f night, Tbey uu-wired iat Im
wu worthy of death. Thn loveVf wcr
alnrmed, but the emperor, u JilreHiiiii; K 'lr.
vail, said i
Iladnt ihoii luvrd my daughter, thou
fhouidst Jiavu come In (nu thou urt wor
thy of denih. but I nive thio tuo lives.
Take thy fair purler In marriage) fear (Sod,
nou uve oue piiotber. "
' '
Che Koran suagejiif a beautiful thouxhti
" Angela in lb gravu will nol quelon tbe.t
n w w amnuiii qi wfaitn mm im iors
bvllbid thro, but wlia) gooi (bed thou ua
iloiie (n Ilia wurliHo entitle $w 9 a m
uroiPfj the IKficd,