V . ; u l- !: r to 11 S '. . . Sit. .1.1.. r. ..:.--! iJCIlll-lU. Chill XtUUlUU. UA TansurncACT AnrBnwNr.MTorTon:fc jB ,pitc of wind owl wcathrc." Al it .-t- a narmLvurvr roe rnc wam.t M ' hIkwi half rwt nine o'clock, company "C," iHrijrim.i: v-- irAw. jacicmiwilm:. ciiiurov. wbdxbsdit mm, JriT ?, I'M Tl lelepr jpS'e In tlv' pnf -jn eernr. r t Umhhi m t.diw oi ex cmlinRrwit jy. A great iW've v. were made cM ti the occattotwl npprar-; .Hhiuntial tln-y ilwirnl. One nrtieie rl tnty lu bfi wnn lir the Annr of the !' JuHee nf " Okl SoJ" a Iwpeful IndirutioH fo,l vnakJ ik iwimr ilipior rrora niy i.imae. Tilm foiim! u unhihy oil- j ef pVo'anl wrailier for tlie bakince ivf iIm j nne of the tunics limn the aruney wi.nhl iiutc in l' imy:runn. Ui"""ltiHil 5n- hUy. The dtixew rerlred to the bdrr nt onec ! WW from ll apporenilr end under OrathaMind-iUltT bwifl.t M nf'the Mi to trltno (lie cavab-y drill, j h wpp'y In mxt nid nAvl rl'-ee by .iiiytlt xwXk trm "bI liwr pr-j To all. the rojiW and perfrct nnm-nrer nf j All lKiulily enjuynl Ihe mml. ihr fw-d w-J VJjburj. Ilrr.k! hurrah! bni ! Ihe trop wrrc exeltn'P. inlerrrtins atnl eumpany, oml ihenccaiinn that wMnl tln-tn rabl XwV the time t uf'5 out your iwlmctlre. ard efioiled mnny reuik "f io-.tiInt. It wa in nil rep"cli the Urt annaD nnd anvil urtUhry. wrprlw end pleai3re. The military rxer- pabhc dinnrr we rv.-r arlihik rT. cf com1 with a desperate but blo.l!t- At frmn lull jnrt Ihree lo fir n'chek. Uiwwtr (iiVRT. Alter as bHimmtnt i fl nii, Bn iiiwriitary fiw. ho. it U 'all hud n-tnrnnl lo Ihr tnwn. Niimbrri' of twewr.theOeult CJtHirttnnmtenctdjppn wwe jrivn, jmn tlieir intrench-1 ut mw rtnrte fr ihetr Ikmii-, but iimxi na, Mnaday k, nud nfwr drcMhtg wte or i hhmk,, nlille uur troopt - relrrateil in pnod ' of tlie younp Wm ihhI semlviifn repaiml lwC3ir.aiywirHd ilil lb? 2ltb nf the BfiW" lo a iiefcbUirinp prnvr, nhere they o Mr. IJinr KiiMxy'it Imlri. "here fm- j!rrnt miMk, by whlofc lime it it exfc. JaW tlrtchoneery eaM IM be wudy to Us peedlrydKnd 4. .. .r7L ', "Ti r ,l. Mr. II. Itab irj , tewl. nor nMu 11. b.7 J itMcpiH own ' ... urimdiate rntow. nver the new roan. wfcu M to be finltW by thr firt nf AnpMt en iJoi'. Se (he adfrrliwmrnt. rHtiACiaonviLLK 0.AUK. Vk? lvilnWlosetournHj;rrpoitolnnnounttdfrom the Hand that, nwii.p to the Jarlmwiile CVMtin of (h Fourth I iK inelrment nesllrtr of (he mnrnVnr. nnd In type lar Ud bwe, All who p-ritelpa. ted Iiod n lujijky time, a msb more gtorl ont Aialwawrjr than tW UKHt ranpmiw nnttclpawd. AVc wlH give a fall trjwt oo Sa'.niky. KrAc AonRxr On ywterAiy mom in?. Iywb Tnoirr. a drlwr on the ts;e j line bvtwoto tliii phtce and Yroka, mei i "J I vlth a UKioat accident. Jle bad est faOl tl itajs at PutEilx. to nn!d tome bap. i.-ape. when thf bor iarted tu run ; Iml J f ran; end saeewded in ealohin Ihe " off-. -vhcol" bone, bat bit bold broke, ana i wii tlirswn u violently undtr or uj . aimt the rtape a (o ry ni:y Iractnre ort leak Lid lfi thipb. Tlie team rau ort, at f 4ip rjcvn, rj1!' lr- i"'v u iiw iwum, nd were Caabv .lopped. vrilhut damapel""', " .' .'. ".J.i- ..Ju n y Ui orniase. at lto,k3.rHow , Crm , two thH lvond I'Ikeiix. e lirard fromUuia lait mht. il wound WM irocd by Dr. Cuhlwell, nf J'ausiix. nnd lieiwaj rutin? a cay ns cirtihl U" i-xpecltxl j tifrfif th eircumalanw. imw wm a i jod. clever mid aceoinmidaiinp dr'ver.. ir, ZZJT1' " HoxriiRKT Maciamk C'Anr.r. lie Jlt.MHctr-A coimpumlrtu of llie LmU llle Journal, wruin from OwIry counly, Ucutucky, p?ak follonf nf Humphrey Maulialr iiiisd.uli in that Kction : Marilmll ha comniitud cruix inMt bor ribli; to Mention, nr tu le rtcordil on the jugrt of b'vinj btory in a Civiliz.il conn try like. IliU. From (tic (ime be mlrred (be hud-irf of itiii tiiate be commciicvd tlie (icuiiuu nf ha onl.n iwuednumetime lut winter, lit; ccinimitted rapine nud murder, nnd liuined hoi.- and (uuk nil th ho- on ii linr nf ma.ch. Jle plun dered huqhc and lonk all he ilrtiml. and lift the itiniJlM cn-n nitliout n knife or (ork to eat with. Jle took nil the bjcou und corn irm divert families that scarcely bad enough fur (Mr own roinumplion. llckillctlood eitizmof Wolfe coanly. without jnjjre or jary; be alio killed one in Owplry, one tlollinn, whom (hey luinc thrre or lour timet jn order tu nuke him iinturvr aueli quraiinna wihey desired li'Ui tuons-vt-r. Wlirn they went lo execute him it ucm KMib-luilcd toknol him, but Ihe cap 1 4 bu pan fail" d In i-xplulr. nnd he lurnctl uvix. mviii? becnu'd nodboot him: bu( iiuut'brr, wi'.b a nunc adamantine heart, "IrppHl furwaril in bis place, and laid, with n uath. " i run (boot bim," end vlint hiai hud while Im'ibu: up bu hamU iniplorinp litem to rrlrasc bun In go end rce bit kind mother cbo ban to often f olaced bim iu 1,'r i I Tbc Fourth at AslilhYirl. The celebration of tlie part lorirtlt at " : AhIod wm a pand sucrc. Arcrpijnp I a kfn-1 tnvWitin from oof Aili'atid friend. at avjMt tiln a. x. wc were welcomed at A-ffii. from tiic najt of tfie 5tfuj to fit! hour it list! rained nlra-st lncr .tn y and, as a concqnencc. a tljniper ra Hi'cwn upon tlie spirits of all, ut the cUnnnv rtrolfet for a plraant time. Ilt. nmnlmumliitg lltcram and moil, wnpntil nnd carriage contiund to arrive brlrwirs in larpe nttmlrrs of rood pair ots. m lioth tun ami of every ape. rC apparently de lirrmiiwdio lave a pUuinus Anniversary ! Orerno Caralrv, Cuptata W'm. Kdlr com- ' nt4 ng. arriMl.ntHl were wJchkwJ wltli thrre tkeM ami lle firin? of cannen. 1 1 ctiwr'"'' rttpnmlfd nitli three chren fnr ' the cittafW Of Aihlaml ; after t!ieli they , prwwil to a GdJ in de rli-iirtiy. Ir I M. ljr tlti tlm tlie cteu.H lo the Iwn. 'xnnbecanto brenk. nmi the bearti of all I Jmotmted. rfnred their br. nwd ffnm ihnce marrhed on lt lo Ablaod quare, where tbt were dtmird. Qwlac l tke lUmimew of Ihe prove In .bitrTke , H.ri and ih.M.1 'MMliUl, the fortber ve. for ll iUy lUulJ be held in the inwn iqaarv. ,. . ... Trni ib awn un imtlHHlwU'lv Irnvli. ltu IHtarlr naif. Bml BIMWrrrd lid - - mtriiU'T lur a jtii v m hhpii ru.t 'm- fanaUy the Munbal. llw Minister, the Or atari and the Glee Club. iv chWf Manlml. linn. J. C Tnlman. . ,he dday cesmloned thereby. It M be. ,nad nary to cbaope, by omiin ponwn. w ..: ,.ulWru ,... -.mv .. esrrebva. 'IV prrumme wai lvre rrutlj oruHw: National Salute by Company " 0," I Trayer Tier. M. A. Willlami. j iJOguriwtilnic m- j".. Headinp "Hilarallon of Independence"' T . l l Xl'llt.n,. j im-i. oi. i inwn"- ; Cons. - Colunbla the Gem of tbs Ocean." I Oration-Gen. K 1 Annk-rate. Knn-IekMnvte Glre Qub. I Oration U.Jbcou. li-q. ,. . ,. , .t. .. r- m... nrallann. .Turnb. K.fl. ! ..- - P. Plnrll.n. T'iHim"Ge Club. ....r, .. . . j Uencdlctlon Iter. M. A. WHImim. j Thi programme wa followed ibmnsh- Ant -n, nnn-r iit iv. .1. jv. n inMini u 1w.,araltea in B cinrwi dtallnct .,, .. . . -n Tv- and ju nn imprcraive manner. H.e Jaok- onvll'e lre Cub Mrwr. II. B. Duntop. Uncl.cork, V.. V. IlussWl and K. V. ScmIum won -ftat bnnori. Jleautiful youns b-1 rn.hl..,ft.ji,aUr nnnlandrd tla-ui In melr nev, national Wr t -K IMuribo, Unum." AVebarc no doubt (by could marry nt Ashland, nnd da well. Tlie oration, by Gn. AppMpole. to such on one oi dellpbU tbe'ear of a patrf ot. JI'mi were the oVp tbouphta of a pate patrol, expressed in fine litngusse. O.Jacobs alio deliverfd a bort, but trn'y eloquent nnd patriotic nddrw, in the CourK of which lie paid a beautiful tribute to tl American Volunttcrs, "whn," be aald, "are, nnd ever hove l"ro, tru- to Frccdnm, their cnuntry nnd their flap.' The exercise nt the alnn.l cluswl wllb the nnj of E Pluribu Unum." Numerous good toaiU had been prepar ed for the occasion, but ns it was then near two o'clock, and most of the nswnbls?e had eaten nolhinp since early morn, nnd It was evident that (he assembly yearned fur awnctbing more f nlistnutial than toasts or Cne seniimml, (he convocallnn adjourned, to the grove for dinner. The mililary were furmtd in double flic, under the direction, man's mother Is tins reprwentative of bis of their officers ; the citnvns formed in fi!c , '!"- MUfurtunn and crime m-Uio lr next In order, and " kecplnp step lo the ricrs Iwtween her nnd Ikt son. While bis music or I lie Union," being played by the mother live, a man has one friend on carlb martial band in front, all marcbed to the who will not dewrt bun when be is needy, provr radi anxious to do bis -or her full llcraff r(u.n flow from n puro founlaiii. duty in the raid about to bo made upon ce ars oi ly at the ocesn of f Icruity the luxuries nti'l raliunti.is in priMpcct While In jtrocr?itm, an nit-tnpt wus hide trt cnont the number nf jvrsntH prrt Hit. anil it trnl tlibs a'ccrtained (liar tin hnmW wnftliriwivnaix anil "ctfii hiindmtJ twn hundred of wliem were tuiltus awl children. I Pw arritinr al me c-ovmiic law . . ... .. . i wrrpbeitKr liMdtd with UrtT npp!h- nf hmtil. rvrry loif nf whirb wn white ; j..Mt mid swrvi, ron( cklckm in rmtt1" profuilMi. rat lxC Imllnl 1mm. swrrl imiif r, r?, preserve, saner. bWk enkr. jiHy-cuke. c'tttrrr-hrrad. Hr.. Hfc. cii tufin- rfum, quantum ttiwrtm (ilMt n llin) " any other inan.H 'IVr wre rmt laliW eiwack In hold the pivxl lhinc prrpmtl. awl UmicIics lwx. rtcrreliTiniht ifrto rrfjiiUhhin to ltr llwir nhnrpnf ttierd'M". With krrn npp-til ami lif'nrty c"l 1mm or alt partook nf lire bmmtk i" profatd'y j evrry Iwillr Irnm the oiram-nrrnKtil nf flie AOiiplW f..rlhe ncra-bm. Nunc In Ihr "" 'Ux' "h"Z, "-i"' ','' ' .. ... , ... . Ihe Kirut IMltle nf (Jlimvlln(iri4h-. Mi-aih fc.riren.vmbh, ivrre jK-rmhlnl In rtaml .mW I,.VM.N nT..iw.Hl-r ..r ll botklo wollfiira nvonil table, bat all wen-1 lntylml4lb'rivm.iiml nhrfH tit at onee rupiilW with rvrrv dehVnry and lv mei'il bv ll-mkrr in nim-iiiiHl ilx- j mnic (hviImI llm In llf pnMy m nf ' ,v datrf"." Tli'we wb HitrmW lb rwriy iipruk nf It in the lili-rt tcrnx nf iru'i'. Tukra tbrHi:haiit. It was the iihmI chv r'mni I'lmrth w Uiv Wp-d t eeiebralt lnec nor iHiyhAm) iUyr. So hinp n uli dvrmitlralim uie nwde, ll- eane ut Mo ertv ami Uhhih v tain in (Ntr hi ml. Thr maulr iJ uur rnih-r will ik-m Hurt Willi I lluJr mtn-! In ll rrliuiuiu inmrit- that vtimu hh(i tnc ni'nu uu iueu vutvvuiii Iudrwn4iicc D.y. The Trip lo Klnranth Lnlto. Colonel Drew, with na c.rt o. miriy oldhT.. memlr of Cn. C . Oregon Coval- j - Z -r-j--- - o U) vMniotJ ,0 lU, :uC4lj0M ofnTu-t. 0m nM xnm at Telman'n place. nll0Te xi9 g Hprinp" ; ftoond. at Lok , rrairic i llliru, Ul llic lliuuiil in irn: hi.t j entvrinp Klamalh IHr Wow the falU. ..,! (I,, rmirli nn tl, nnnrr K'Htnnll. I.-itr. ; .W..M. .-.. ...- ..,-,". . I Tbh) Lake It raid tu be about thirty mil ' Ion? d "' " cn wlJp- ni ' M Bl b npp-ir emi. t-owmiy iy r prmg end. cntirly by rprinp and - " " ; tnow tteak. It 1 imrnmad-d almol en iimm, ulilnli luv their Miurfe in (tic : ,B0 lKaXl- tirely by Inlle rnnr.li, wllb Utile or no (Ilia- ble land on the lower rhl. We were much .lfunnnlBt A,l In tlir nnnwir&iMl nf (hr - 0"""' "r,H" " . '" "Wr9 ,ua .. . .. . .. .t.. , , a uaU. . . , . . . i . for raaok purp.. U a.d to b .Hunted at ,nc npjr end of (be lube, ll-in d.lroo j of relurnins (hniujU Dead Indian I'rnlrle. the Colonel ddd leaving (Ue examlna-, I tlon of lhl lwrllon of the counlry, and the 1 final locnlbm of ,e ,l. for another trip. On the morning of the JTlb wc look the return (r.ll as far as Ihe U-nd iu (he tirer, rirlkins (o (be rigb( at (hlr oint and fol lowing the ridge in n northwenUrly direc tion, reoamprd at the head of a lake, which U (he rource of (he(rtnm entering the Klamath be'ow the falls. The cold springs ruppljlup tbe lake proud o jrit au al (raeklon as (o detain us over Tuwlsy. On (be cvtnlnp of Ihe 29th we camped on Dead Indian l-jairlc. on the 38lb on Grubs prai rie. rsMhlnj; home the next day. The numerous little accidents and funny circumstances of frequent uccuruisc, the rtcital of pioneer o-xperienco and wonder ful ttorles. oulv to he apprcciattd around a ramn.firr. .n'ei-d wilb the noftllj of inoitulalo lire, made our trip n plmsant one, I C. B. Cob Drew and eicort loft on Tuoday Ihe Tib, to cjsplorc the bead of the J&ko and vicinity. A writer beautifully remarks Hint n Grx Grnrrsr: M rati The nrw com mniulrr it the" ArruV nf the IVtnmar. Ihmiph lint fli s.VIy Wiiwn n n rVynb -r vrnihefHiMrrrli iTWiRr prvitY. i it'vvr in ii'dier prftc frVVitV lane Urn" -fro'lyi rkiinwlrd.,iI fl"W-jJr l.e lm. fun-hlj Grfcivf Mrodcfti bntrtlo pmn.ni Amer irnn rwrviit. l rrrtHiintrd n crnVt nl i . " ' .; . . Wt I'iiiiiI, fiomllir lllnclll l nliimma. . lirndiMinic ii .iiiiv. 1P3S. If n-o-ivi-a a i itimniTm n IJ'Met Ncnml l.-uii-iwnl j III me I mm amuutt jn utihutw mh lncitillmr .v-ft'-he h-iptKil ()'i IlielSlh ill Mux. is-fj. lie nyuiii emrnii me irvirc ii S-ciih1 I. HiiiiMiit in (he c-n nf Ti tKOO'JTS orninhiral l'Mciwrm lie piriiHfMhil. miiieuvii'ni I'll" ah ain .Momrirv. iIhtiik: ihr Mrx-cnn war. nud wi pmniliil f-ir kuI oM rnwlnel WV rr-xi liear nf llr rffierr ii n liHirudirr U-iHnil. afti-r tin IkiMIt nf Itn'l Ibtn. rominnmlni a lrifalr in llie fnwuil IVnn-yrnnln IJrrv.' tnrp; nnd fr'iinllint d-le lie Ikk Wvn tth-nilfird with tlie Army nf llie I'ninnMr. b-liHvlnsr with fMi-pUm-Hn bmerrr in I-HIH i rf. inirint; i xiniin- nu.ick nn rmlerrhlHi'C. lhl liem-ral lil the udvanec nf lJrKklin emnd ibrh-hm nn ilif Ml. aim). iIimk-Ii not pmpirty rnpprl. ml. nHiirvtil tlhni,yiiiircr thut wu o' inliwd nn timi d'imirtin iby. Tin rnt-n-iMinli-iii nf the prv have lani'lonnl'y niMikrti n chk nun) fr U- n. Mmde. ami the rrpr'ii nf Inn np-rinr nfTuvra hnvr fncpit-ntty rnmm-iiil'd h' valnr and n-w tnlr irffiirninnrcnf dniy ; but n qiih-t. iniHhiit. iitNl-m'intriitve tnmi. he .n n v. er Tiirntl Ininlf itiln uriiii. nial l-a k'-pt efcnir nf c'iq'liin. U"lirihT he Im Ihr ublliiy In lutmltr i Ijrjr a vr (if lifli n Ihe Army nf Ihr I'nlnmiir. "r tin p-run:il mnvnrtiam In lnpir ihr Inmpt Willi p II rHhire. r-nniinln b" iV'-rrniimil I'pm Wiliamrtni'S In tin- Wltdi-m-m. ll-Kikrr lattnn the Hi!. f filillni: Inn r nf He ArinrfihH 1'i.iiiniar. iiih) vr nrr nlmid hhi t4 wl'l be Wl. iinl Mmib MittU ib vrlop m-xp et d L-nimj ai a t-omnutnh-r. SutiimtHto I MlOH, Mn ii-i o cL. N- ar I.nrtnwn. lir Ib-r. Ilr. lthblle, Ir. ffu, llii.urw, to Mb-n iiiKV Cxvaiit. all or thl entitiiy. Corn. In Jutk-oiivillr. on tin- Mh ulL. to t ir iror3!r. CIkuIw U'llliaiu, udaugbtr At Villmirt'lnr. Jnrp!iliir ennnlv. n (he tlk uli.. tu (bo wifcuf Air. II. T. Uavi', a run. 3DIocl- "ll Jul) Mil. nt Hh reftdeiiov of Mr. lv Mill, inar Srfld HjM-lft--. in (hi onuaty. J mice I.. A Kick; In utxut (be mtyfitb ymr of hhi ae. The JuilgD wa one of the oldert ciltrm of thl alley, baring H-tlU-d on Hear Crtfk In 1S3I, ul.fo he ba roidtd mr tlncc. lie uof highly ititaenied for hi ioc!al quab llie. and uu univt-mallly Iwlurtd an an j honornb! nnd uprlcht man. lie wn a memhrr of the Ihanlkt CI inch, and dhtl In I iir. r":l.iHATS AND CAPS? Ill' mnviui r i uroii v t iiiinvtru wu iui 0(li. by tbe Ur. M. K. Stt-arn. and hit re main! were iudrrrd Jn (he cemelry at Jack louvillo. The funeral urn attindtd bjr a i . . , very IargeoDcourr nrdtlzcn,. On Bmlcrant Crwk. In lbl Valley, on July Mil. Wx. Tai uik. sou of John Taylor; ojh! atiout lMheyKra. lMr-w-nlfTIyr,w"'"T,' ' i NEW 'J'Q-DAyT FIRST EKTEHFRISE TO- JliO.DAY&BQISMIRES 20 ox-ti:ams WANIIM). nlll.OOM wlhr (n hire nbnnt Iwen- (y Ox-Teiinn. (o (ake fir'ulit from Jui-ksonvilSe In Ihnse and inU-nnt-dialc miii'tip camps, by way of ihe new wagon road, winch will lie ready for trams In Iruvel by the "( or August. Fnr further particulars app'r tn II. DLOOM. Uekwinvillr.'jiily 8. J8C3. If SBLLUTG AT COST! HAVING dclcrminMl lo o'n stock of incri'liandise at l'h rc oat our liasnix wi.lt- iu lite next Ineuty day, we (JT.-r (be lame fur sale, a( cost, for cah. TIiow liwlebled lo u by nolo or book account, will rnnfrr a favor by settling the sumo tttlbin the time si-cifiJ nbavp. DUADDUUV Ic WAD1L rbawlr. Ju'y 1. 18C3. J3l. TLlTu-STUATKll DA PKIW llnrwrs 1 Werklt, Fmnk Ic,lic's. Yuuki-e No- (inns, etc., irgalarlr rewivwl nnd fnr ule I tb VAUIKTY BJUItK. JBEADMT & WADE, JAOJ&ONVILI.R. "OTniolownlo cfti XtOtrxll '1lCAI.rM IS- T-. DRY GOODS, cloti-iitg. J SJJOES, FAtfCY GOODS, OiVPS, GROCERIES PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, Tobacco & Scgars, PRODUCE, JlARDWAItK. ULAKSWAni:. QUKHNSWARK. WOODKNWAW, IyISrERS, TOOLS, All nf which will be mM nt low jiriw. fur CASH, or durable JMIODLTH BRADBURY & WIDE AUK NOW KEl'inVlNUA Largo & Well-Selected STOCK OF .Spring & Summer G-OOTJS, NEW STYLES DllESS AND Millinery Good Fancy and Staple 33:ry CS-ooc2js CARPETING, Oil Cloth, "Wall Fapar, 2SIEN AND BOYS' Spring & Summer CLOTHING, AND A150 A Fine AssortntcnX cf Ladies, Men and 3oj Boots and Shoes! OURriHESIXAXDASHLAtf IE013l.Cf4 Will be npplied wllb a Good Asssort' -or- SMPLE m FANCY M Which will be sold at JACKSON VI LIX PItlCES' TiiinTrinmiiir alsiituh at 1 JU1ADDUKV & WADE?. RAN FRANCISCO Woo'.rn MB" ltlnl.-U nrnililrln anil AfHlT lJ'1 at mtADHUKY k WADKJS. STA'nONKUV .V DLANK pOO" at UUADnUltV k VAWi I?INE CIGARS AND TOUACCO 1 at ItAHUL'Jty & WADt TXTOOD AND WILLOW WAl V at JliMlil'UI.Y & WAOh- 1.'r iwnt , , -nri INKTKAKnt ?AMILY GHUfI-IUI ft S ot ,. DUADULiiY &iAU JAa4