Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 01, 1863, Image 1

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    ygAs &fs&7r
- -.-.tirfssas
cTif aw i' ivuwrvti
Jtnvwtwe. -rw-Ttr-s" r-
iiJiiAl?5jJbBiSf fix "i jb
VOL. VIII NO. .115.
I. 0. 0. J". -J CKMl.NVll.li I.0IKIK No.
)).bddIUTegnIr trivcting? every S.IS"
WAV TlV.'.V.W.otthe XoncHt!l
tUwrt llaum; buildiughet j uOuck.
Jtrotlivr in good -duihtnig rv cordially
MilH lo ttviid. Jan )l. fctnov. N. (i.
fisn. II. Doukh. It. Sv'.v.
VTurea Lodne No, 10, A. F. & A. M.
. HOLD tticlr rejuiW cninrounl-
VWr.-at.oii the Wcdn'Mny Keening" on
Aer preceding the full "moon, in jack-
f.4T!UX, Ot.t(MV
H. RrKr 5rr'v.
mrkgox chai.ti;h no. i,
-o f
V libcltl itregu1arcotnmtiiilealinn on the
Hist l itnln)-1: r, or Kt tr)1 Month
il sojourning (Viiiianiin In cod
rustling we vcif Jiallv invited lu uHend.
C. W.-tiUliKIMI. 1'.
L SriM. ec'v. nVcoi47
(See th I). F. IhmrlL H-cj., ThirJ street,
I Ark"wm,li.lJ ()i:gov. 2f
A-l TiA,V(
W it promptly attend to any b-gal
omoietscvHirnllttd (o tut uic.
.'.ll SlillU(l luitdiHg.
ix-miiTT. jvm o. pay.
vsn solium roiw in-chanckry,
JArtlxiMVItLf. OkICO.V.
AVI practice In I lie fcujirwu mid other
gM of tbU Slate, ilnrili 4. '.
13THL pischce in ili" several Court of
I T the 1-trst Judical Dotrtct. nnd hi the
hpTm.1 Court Ocllr 20. 'tS2
silt practice la all the Courts nffliB Third
JuJicUl ()Itrlft, tkSupri me Court of Ore-
ron.nam lrcxa.wau vtarcnppruinpi
Ueoll'trM. Oct. f.
(loaaiw U lUd A Qfluo)
Jxi;o.NTiixe. Oitecoy.
IVpeclal tteutiou clr n l collection
tun. Nuncio, jf Ct it)
tWka ft fill llnldflic on UrrEoil Vt.
Thtre nil thou Lnotrlog themulref In
ffit.1 to htm. oo note or hook account,
ill pleaxs vail and H'tlle up, or their C-
tutitvfiHV placed for cnUcotioit lu'the
tMi of in attornfT.
Mr old (atrouf will till I find roc, ai rr,
tady to attend to my jjrofmIoual dullif.
JJ2 C. 1863. ?!2''"
tfUltpfraftilc Avtltt,
' prrjorcd to take pictures In c cry rtyle
f the act, with all the Ul mproTtrntnU.
llctarw do not site latirfaclmo. nd
rgM will by made. Call at hU new Cal
"', ou IteMlI. examine 'his jicturia, and
t for your likeoeu.
tfiuuXi'IiuoU. 3l:uiufuciuroc
217 Clay and oM 'Commercial OrtoU,
txtucvn XInutKinoery and baiitouu-,
Vju niixhuir of cvtry drtcriptice neatly
'J'jcmr.j : lil.iul; Jiooi. ruled aud Uouad to
r 1 ir- d patif m. ii t
J)L AN '4i WAJ7l,
B'lrU liulldliiR. cot. 1'iuiit A J'rtU.
rinycK.NT city, uai.
WII.I. JtUod to the RrH'lrIni; t1 I'or
mnltn uT xl (loml Mwiinl to
w!r care with promptnr a mil di'patrh.
loiutieiimeiiu Mjlicitid. Mtrrhutuliiu-re-
l 6i t6rtjkt.
' re'Wnt i.'lty April It JFK1. 10
V Jl. oroodilrlliief lililt lhcfrfli;hl
JiUiKrrfeifA. Hf '
Tin: okecox si:xtim:l.
psA'tn kvkkt w:iPir ano KATcmur.
Itn.MlY I)U.M.IMJi:it, PuhV m it I'rop'r
Pribcntniox One venr. In odvAticr, Fire
Doilarr; Six montlif, Three t)oll.in.
Aiirr-imtiMi One rqtiare tl line
lc). llrt lnmrltnti, Thri IMIur : vnch
olnjticiit iiirr(itn. (Mm Llollrr. A lt
count of flDy -rct nt ulll he itadu to thoM
who adtcrthV) ly tlieyvar.
Ily opplVr'.lr to lf Imager nnd )(aU
Cnrriu i. iu ran learn llial the S nil-u-t').ly
OiiHio StxriMX haii liy far a hrgtr clrcti
Utlon In the coyntir if Southirn Oronti
and Del Nnrtv county. California, than nny
other pprr. Thin lart f hould comnif nil the
SKvnxM.to you tu o superior luvdium fur
I.mt or Ao:.vni. nho are ftuthor!r.el to
tranract any liumiir rotiovnUu thin pa-j
pir. in me name ot ii o puiillfti-r :
I l'. Fihr, lnti l"ranoMo; Wud-worth
.t Knnes Yteka; Ltr iUnry, Alitid; S.
C.lajlor, I'liieiiix; V'. V.'. tunler. Apple
ptte: II. W. IutiUp. tCtlliain'liurj;; John II.
I'rlndle. KV)Tllle: A.ll.McINoIii.Wuhlo;
I!. J. ToiW. Waldo; 'W.. M. Kvans All
hmij Jo1 Thnm. ("Hnyontlllei A. 11.
Flint. RitH-lKirs: Imurlt MoorrM. NiU-ra: J.
1) l.'iuhToHl, Kujrrae City; I'. Chatman.
iiregtMi uiv; i. n. wiiKetlctil. Aiunv;
IteiiJHtnln Cook, Cvmillls J. II. .smith.
(Wcwit -City; ATowt Doolitlle, Happy
iJatcsto Jtiuo 2 Hit.
Xew York. .June 2lih. A fpeclal 1
patch a)i the Kiit MuuttchitH'tli i-avul-ry
lH u hundred nml nxi-oii killed.
MTOHIulol Ulld IMHAIIIJ,', IU til J UtU fjllt at
Aldk-, Virginia.
'IV tiiT fmrn Ilavntirt on I lie 20th.
nitmifur 'a 1'orte It'cn, Iwa iirrirnl. A
nMHt lutd reuvhl ll.ivtiiw, mud to hare
heii lirimtflu liy tne llntwli mail Miwiiu'r
from St. 'FhuirHhi to I'orte (Si, llml tU
AbUiifM wan In Kaiitn Ciue u::d that the
Vamler'.Hlt fit up Meant und tveiit to at-
-tui'k iior. Iltntv finu - 4icI Ik-cu Im-uiiI in
the directlmi fi;anlu Cruz, hut the ciiie
a i.nt learned. 'IVICnulMi tnnil vtetuii
tr Trent a due ut llman.i mi the -lt,
uhin thu hti-t would Lm kuutrn.
Crilc opened at 43f and cloud quiet ul
Admiral Pootccontinurt tofjll. Tlierp
are n Imih-h of liU reenter)', lie U ul
most '4 holly uuccurfloui.
Chicago, June 2lth. The dipalehc
from the F.ml in n-tfurri to lla rtkl com
paljrn in thefilM-naiidoali Valley ure (till
O'lilufl. it Ii iinpouible to tell ba )cl
what to Ulieie il the tnemy'a intention,
.Several opinion up' udvawvd. The Mft
tirobablc H-enu tn lie. llut hf't -chltf oh
Joel U tn riillrct upplie?, ami Uii the vul
ley until the harvet I. now ripening, can lie
1ntkereil, and thotild a Ijvorulile opportu
nity dflVr, to Bilvjiict; on Wathinton.
Vahlntrtnn,tfte'.Mth. DirpalcUMfrom
CirD.liauka hate liei-n received by theWnr
Depart ment, to Iheefieet that after (jirinjr
p'acedhtt ballrric within three Intndred
and Tifiy yard of tl rt liel work eel com.
rr.eiiceil vigorou cannonading, v miniaoii.
edUen. Oaidner tofurrendir. Ofi hit re
fiual. an a'sault mu made li vnr force;,
who pained tMfirlon within fifty tn u
hundred yard nf the work, which they
held. Urn. I'aype w (severely tiwindul.
(Jen, Iljjikj ci()rcin hlaiulf conrUeiit of
Somersft (Ky). Jiine24th.-JrndicatIop
ore that le nu arc cnnceuiraiinr. o
force in llio Cumherlasd MrxiuluiiK, with
the Intention of Invndln? Kentiieky or to
hold our force in chevu tiiojld tlteyut
tempt to enter 'JYnucs&ee,
Gen. Urant lelcgrojibcJ to headciuarters
ai loiiowa :
ICkab or VicKiBOHO.June 18tb Kvcry
Ihiu i progrtfinz wtll lrc. JohntonV
force ure ull at Yotoo Oily, Oiuton mid
Uronnktille. 'It u rtportul limt ll.o ene
my ore on fhort railom. The heallli end
condition of ocr troop ore caalluit.
Carlo. June t!llh. Many thlnsanre Mid
to Lave conipirwl to Induce Ocn Mct'lcr
ivoi)drrmptal;nuibnif 1km Uinu lurdy
oU'dnce of oiiierr. aud in some Infctunwit
iwritiif dljlMilUiioe. Anoilirr plleaed
eaufo, in army drill. i u recent order id
lin urtoi'atin to iiiiiiMiriuin ronimiuo ni:
liie-cnd-t of the ptiMit umpaitiii, thu
hjelliOi.' diatifit.ou. Thi probably
huttim hi mncni1.
Date to June UlitU.
Uarr4',urb',2Itu.- The i Iim Iwc
n Itttrh date of clcilrtnenl all d ty. Xewc
from the CoihIktIhiiJ Valley lmw that the
hIm-Ia ure udvnnciiu: in tliio dirition in
inmr force. No troopi winild be likely
to venture o far fmin their hate of oper
andi! into an enemy count rv without n
force Kifficlent In net on the nfTtw ive. So
fur, no opposition Iuia Kn-n tn'ide to tlu-ir
iiionmiil. The i;1h'Ia ure uonr two miles
from 0rli!c. ndruocip. 'rii, Knipe,
commatxlius ii. force In llio valley, will
prolhtbly Rive Ihfjn lutlte nt lliut point.
Hie reiidi will ihi douht appear in front
of that town to morrow. Our cavalry,
nho fell back as thcnbcls mhanrc-d. hnu'
Inrn miiihle In diKoeer any Inf.inirT n
yet. but there U mi doubt u strong forte
i in rupportin;: distance.
McConr.elM.urp (Pa.), 2-Jth. UmlnfM
Is nt u ftiinili'till, the farmer Ixin nhllL'id
tokeip their korHS concealed tn themoiin
lain. The prospect of teopllip ihn com--Z
Imrvot U very ili'courasinj. The rch
i1 tire oveiruniiSnjr FianLliii rouuty.
Two rebel dewier from n North Cnrn
Ihn reciment, bi-lnninu' to KaoIC enrp.
vame into our line tin uinrnin. Tluv
n-pnrt thut the whole of tlu-ir idiiiiiui)ilcr''
(orre l In lVnnyIroniu. The rebrl nre
In firco at Merccrnburir. ami hue drlvvu
tin pickets In on this ride.
Ijiter -1 p. i!. Rebel Infiinlrv ore re
ported coming up tha mountain from
Metnndiiirj: in lorce. The ro.d ure
bkckiideil but arc poorly defeuded by
lliilllnmrp. 2tth. Liter reliable ac
counts from Fied' rk fMdJ.s.iy there nre
no rebels near then, uod no lurce In the
vsuVr lirvnml Konth Mountain. 'I'lu-r
luivi. inmU no innei'itirnt In L illrrrtloii I
No rep'inentt are eat of lloone-lfun,
which is four miles ucat of fciuutli Moun
Information rrcclvrd nt headq-iarirrs
iocs In i-iHiflrm the previous occoiintii of
u ery lienvy rebl force Mnp lnliul
ley wit of Ihvmtsboro, They were niv
Intf nnrtliwiiril. b'lt it rrm not rxpluim-d
wliellwr lliey were tskilt? Hie (.'hnmbrift
lmr road or the rid lendiuj In Oelttti
linrt. Tm nrli'lerj aoenmpjnvinp iIk
rcbvls Is faid In number tixiy-mx piece.
Vow Yoifc. 25ili. The opinion of (Jew.
Franklin mid Ouch Is, that the iilmU ure
now ndvniieln 'villi r-crlnufi inteiiiloiii on
llnrrichurp. Kviry prcrurallou lui been
made lo receive llu-in.
TinIc Whllmore, whore farm Is near
(JrecneaMto, counted flphleen piece ofirr
lillery, nnd rstiinulcd the colcnm to boSlV
A dirulcli rlatril (JteononV Ktatlon, flte
milts from Carlisle, alalia llut llie rebel
eava'ry went imn I'ayitnllle lull eveniii.
The relw-ls lake all hats, watchf nnd mnn
ey from jiersone, and plunder private pro-K.-rly.
IlarrWiurp. it It.- Th" rebels ore with
in twrnty-flve miles of Ifurri'bcrp, The
enemy's column halted eight mllwlhe other I
side of CarlUle. The authorities-Arc In If I-1
eeraphlc cnmmnnlrntlon, with irnloo's(
Htatinn, two mile from the -rebel pickets.
Their line 10 iihiit Is ery strong. The rr-,
suit of to-morrniv Is looked for with much I
anxiety. A be tile will nndouhltdly bei
fought, or the place evaluated Uforelo-J
mnrrnvr nlshl. 'Kverylhlnp is rpilet in the i
nelxhborhooj ef (jetl)nburg and Hanover'
'Junction. I
I'rederiek ild.). 2(Ii. There Is no
longer tiny doubt that Iho rebels arc in
Mronif force this side of the i'otomau and
marching Into Pennsylvania,
Refttseeii who arrlred this evening from
near ll.e Pennsylvania fine, rtulelhal this
mornliif; at nine o'clock Karly's division of
KweH'a cor)r3pasftl thronh Kmillitbrrr?
on their way In C'liaiiiUrilmr. They bod
with them sixteen pieces nf artillery, two
regiments of cavalry und eleven of Infantry,
in all about eight thousand men (lea.
Rhodes' look the (jrrencavtlc toad hum
llacrttovn. The third division of llie
enemy Is reported tn be tdvandti',' rjiou
Mrrit-rsbari; from Iho direction of Han
cock, Maryland. Kivcll cnrjiinar.d in tier
ton, lie was In JIagrrtonn jctlcrilay.
'I he rilx't army is accomnanled by un Im
uienee wagon train, which would Indicate
u inovei.-uut moio for the purpose of plun
der limn piiyihiiig tlfc. 'J ie rebel evacu
ated Mouth Mountain, Mar)!acd,yrslcrdii,
latin;.' the road inward (ireencaiiV. !
(Vders have been hjum by (lie rebel
roiuinaiiders lo retpect prirale properly in
Maryland, but when they nnne In I'eiin
xylvanu titty hall have unbridled l.ane
to plunder und devpsiaic Thu rfbel oHi
cerv proclaim that It is their intention In
rnarih firvi upon llutmburj; and then on
Philadelphia Thcuooirunizrd and Inex
pvnimv inniha uxi-mbhd forihydefviiiMjof
ihc jiale, Iky o, vll form no ba,cr to
(Lv.r ma eh llirco;;h 'lie Hiate.
New York, June 23lh. Tim H'otWe
dif natch, dated lart tilpht, n: Heuvy
und rapid artillery nud mukelir llrliii;, up
parentiy in the vicinity of tltiiwutlt.' or
Manaa, was lieurd thU ufteeooiiti on Iho
rond froin l-'iiirfar n,inrl If unit. l,i llili
! city, for two hourii. Thenrlillery win ili-
iitneiiy nearu at ilia Aqueduct uriiie, in
The 7iinri' special dlnpateh. dated latl
nluhi, iiys: Inform ition received today
renders It nearly ptwlllve llml llie nhnlenf
Swell's cor tin beti lrniiiferreil inloMn
rvlnnd. Till corisiiiiilieisubniil 2.1XXIU.
Stuirt'scavalrv ranee up nnd doit n the
vitlley. under the t-atteni rhndows of tin
Illne Rnlu'C. lleniMon Ititpe a sharp
lookout fur him, und tlihl tkirmli!ies oc
cur daily.
A r-necml dUpalclt from Yuslilnplnn
ftyt i Infiiruiiition wus reC'iteil )elerilny
Hi.it nil the hiiildiniM reevnlly nreupleil by
our iirmv for slmuuMof mpplii-i", ele.. ul
Aqnla Critk, ere occupii-d by the rek'ls.
nttliiBlnn. June I'.'ilh. A rn-nmini.
nsnee by lien. SinhlV loree tlictnpm th"
impmtaiit Tiiei that the rebel iirmy dors
mil occnpvnny portion of the leinlory ex
tending from Culpi pH-r In Wuiri-nton,
New Iltltlmorc, Wliltu Plains uud Sulun,
llfulon. June '.'."th.Cupt. Hnoir, of the
fi-liooiu'r Karuh l. Slow. repnrlA that he
spoke off I lend, mderdny. llie
sclirwwcr Wistern Lixltt, with n thtk load
of men. put on board by the pirate Tticony.
The WVlern I.lirhl rpnrliij llml Ihe pi
rate destroyed tipwiinls of u dozen vessel
jetrrilay and the day btTurl
Clilenpn, Jimp 2Slh. Carters' official re
port of tlii" cxiilitlon fmin (Ifiierul Hum
Ides, comunind Into KtU Tennes-ee. says :
" stiurk Ihe rnllnnd nt Ij'nolr, d"Atroy.
ins lit" Imek for n con sMcrnhV diAtiinrc
lowurda Kuaxville ; Stole) Crtik bridse,
three hundred iWl lopir; SlrnulHrry tilnln
brUlie. ixicen hundred feet Ion::; Mniy
t'rtvk bridge, threx hundred und twenty
five feet hinj.', were hnrneil. Three pieces
of artillery, two hundred l'ie of nrllllrry
umniuultiou, flrp Undrid prUoners und
n thnuMiid stand of nuilii, were paplurtil
A l.irpu nmmtnt of salt, suzur, fl'iur nud
meal, and one ilteicr works and other
storm iwedrttrojeil.
Wnihlncton. 2rnh. TlieRIelimnnd l)n
palth of Jnne 'I'M conlniu Ihe following :
The Jailnon fd'ii'ioiiMnjs: Tliu I'l
eral cavalry made u dash on our outwxU
near JvlwunU' liepnt jesteray, but found
them loo stroii'.', and retreated across Iho
III); Illuck again.
ficarcely a day pnws without accidents
tn ihe railroad, which beinp Ihe princi
pal means of Iramporlln? aupplien, hat re
tarded General fehntlons' moveinentir.
A ijclal dlipatch lo Iho Miippan,
ihtcd Punolu (M !.). Jnne IrUli, wys:
A hravr force of Yankee cavulry Is inarch
Injr on Kenueona. between that point nnd
Jrrimb. and WuRacej cavalry ure rltreinir
rafis to en the road below Panola, und
cutting rff Johntlon's r-upplles. Another
force Is crosilnp the l.'olihrater near hena
Ida. 'J'hey came from Memphis.
(lenrral Jolmston hai lnurd nrdem
eront'aig full pardon to all deserters la his
Ih-partinent who wi'l rijolu their reglmenU
Joeknon (Mi.) June 20lh (via Mobile,
Jure 21st). iYrnni Just In re-jnirt u hea
vy engagement bet ween Jackson's cavalry
ad Ihe enemy ul Ilhr ll'aek bridge. At
Ihe llu.o ihey lift, lha iimikelry nnd can.
noneding were iiwful.ond lerrlflo firing vruk'
hwird in llie direction of Viiksburg.
Dates ei the 20th.
Xew York, '.Mlli.The Ualtlmor
Amtritan, of yesterday, says there is no
doutt that Jic purpoHt n rcnewril ottiinpl
lo lake Washington by tlio Miirylnml
route, IIwudvNiicu Inlu the Cumberland
is (or forage am) supplies, I In hut tin pur
note of penctrullnjr lo KarrUhiirf.'. It is
lo believed lint Honker will tn day have
a large force In Prrdcrlck, or lx-tween Ihc
enemy and mllimoro and Vahinston
The garrison ut Maryland UlghU forms
tic ru-'hi wmpr oi Jioouer h army, aim it
under his command.
T'po JUrpldt Washington dlipaleh snr
the rebel forro H composed of Kwell'
cirji of 2.1,000. Iingslreet'a d'jimo. A
II. I Ist.as renr nimrd of 18,111)0. JriibinV
;i 000 Richinond Is defended iy p. If.
Hill with 20U0, FfunciV 12,000 nnd n
heaty brigade uiuer wise on Ihe York
Uliir It R. Hen. Curler has w brig
talis nt Hanover Junction, with IfetlllO
ivnundi'd Texnns, ,I.iiI;mhi I'iiiininiuh In
Ivtvt Teniifrkte. nni hu Pegrnin force of
2.(100 winch, wllh Ihoforcoitl Cumbcihend
Hup 14 upectvd lo invade My,
narrlibjrg, 2SIi, -Two ,0'i'oiM M.
Drtrlnp the forenoon, Inst night nnd up to
the present time, long train nf wagons,
tniided with good nnd household fiirnlturv,
entered the city. Partners are Jlxkip In
wnli their liorsis, also n larue tiiimher T
eoiiiru bands of all ncti uud kitr. Tlio
hind column U slowly odvauclng; em
Pmlerlfk (Mil.), 25lh.-Scvcrnl Union
men, who lunr jut arrived from Ilsgcr
tnnil und Hoonboro, My ii rcbej firriif
KMIOOnrnvtdtheie yestenhiy, from WH
li'iunpnrt. It was believed that If'a
ttlmli- army ra croj!ug tit Sliepardtloviii
nnd Yiliiiiaporl. The force which or
rived ut Hngerstunn wus InfUnlry uud ur
A spet-'lal d'snatch to the lltuJtt, dated
Washington, 2Sth, rajs nea from Ihtr
h r's Perry lo-nighl liites that IsV forcr,
or ti greatiT portion of It, evldenttv fob
lowing 1'well's itdviincc Into Mil. nml Pa.
No dhHitinu is shown tn attack our force
ut Harper's Perry or Maryland IU;hts,.
Harrisbiirg. 20th Tim (iiiwnor. bv
authority nf Wur Drpnrtmcnl. wilt lnrt
ii ptnotiimntlon. tn-mnrrnw, rallinif for
.1.011(1 millilla, for Ihrio jcuis, Uif defeivMi
of the Hlutc.
New York, 2filh..
iv York, 2fith. A HarrWiitr;? spec
the llerabl. datrd lnt tJht, ;y t!rf
ial tn tl:
enrmv nrendviiurinpshiwlr nnifotir Irnoji.
tm cutting down tree's nir n nrta roil tur
llcndlnp lha road to Ciertdl-. Iteh-U
siV they will destroy crof li Cliuvt-trlatid
Vuluy nnd hatn nlreadr done no to ton
preat extent. Two rein) (Tieei. vjrta fut-
turetl today. All the ifrinkln snlonni In
lliirrliburg were clotl r,v the Mnyor to
day. (Snnldernblii remtiieeemeiila bate)
been sent Hen. ICnlrV. who will .dofiiHl
what we now bold of Cumberland Valley
A IlirrWiurg dlsaatrh.dsteiTtcno'tloik
Inst night, rovs Ik reN'ls seem to Iismi
come tn n diMil stum), tntr troops ore inl
vantugeniifly poOnl. No report of fight
ing tn night. Te-Jfgraph still open lo ('u
I tie. Kwull'a linuftuiurlrri nre ct Hhip
Phlliilepl.lo.2fiih.-'n.o Tim pultllsli
i it siK-rin1 Irnm HarrrUborg', tMting-ihiil
(Jovernor Cnrlio hai rreelvnl a telegram
from ihe operator at McConx.plvllle, Ma'
Ing tlir-t Ihe nrbt-li, under Jmiklnn. inl-Ti-l
thut ton n. after n tevcro iJiruu-Ji with
soma oT Milroy's inep. Milroy U fripar
In'i tu drivu rebels out buttle rerlaio.
The cxc!lrnnf nt PitUlinrg w nniljiitid
Trocpi nrr helng nrganif raplillr, A
Uur 'Ubiirr h-lrer dm recelvei) Kidavbv
llm PhilueVlrMvift Pu, m;Ii thut Knifli
hai' been relnlorced by several ieglioeuli
on-l ordevtif to rrper Iho fur Ikr advanot of
roick Jl Is admit e-1 thai Hoolier't ormr
U irrprU- M nvn't I.C, tgreLund
Ive wer it Hon erntown on WiUtieHhiv.
Tflth uii fnwncniio winy. Hen. Rhode's tit
vision h n tTliamhersburp. 'flip rbeU
capture?arKMit-t,(rO(!r horses, mm) ore still
inoanllnj: fnfsniry,
Mcutnit '2 th.-Colonel Hilllip., with
800 ruTalry, was alltickeit by 900 lufsntrv
nnd IfXr trrvsby, with -if,-ut nleeet nf trll
lcry,M Ik TiiMabttcfiic. Ttio (Wit a
ttciT. ilUljM lost Mffo hlllrifuiii) tjtnetv
woiir.l-d, I c cut hit way thrwjglt. aii ur
riveil Uxt safe, ,
Xew York, 2CtL.-.Hov. Parker of X.
Y.. Iav kaiied n procltiiuillon, calling upon
cllis'iw to fllf irp milks nf old regiment',
nml IHl up fire new regimcnli of In fin try
iiihI two of cavnlrv, for the war. IIHller
HeU, cW of liookrr't ioff. vat lg iUln
rnott ktil iiluhl, in coivtllullon .with
KcJtcntU, A Hiieelal tn tjie fatl sum titer
U wi alarm In Wunlringlou.
'Ilvi cunlKiilA Hlarkitrmo aivI Curlew
were Ken yeslerdsy off Nantiickel. They
report tk couture ef thlp'Iiaao WeUi by
The Champion from Aiplnwtll hat ar
rived. Newborn advices, nf Ihe 22d. stale, that
dcifrlcr from Yiinnnjort. fay that two
rekl IrfMi dads, wild five Inches, of Iron
nnd eighteen Im-kinf wonrl, nnd thouptlng
heury puns, are about ready to makd u raid
on Ihe blockading fl.-ot. They are. boui
Ilia klw of Ihn first Mcf linae, mvl Uy very
il.Tp u the wtlch mi'l cipi only niftlo
three pr fpor miles an hoijr.
Memphis. 21th, Xtiws frrvn HrautV
nrmy lolhu'JUIIi hai been recflvtd. Tk
virgo U progressing talbfaetorily.
New York, 2flliTlio Creale. from
New Orlrnm I Old, Ims nrrlved, Paier
roulfttn tit nena from Port Hudson, Tli
Rank of Iiumiu nnd lh tati) Uan;had
been cpmjielM to gQ into liquidation,
n..Mn..nniiAn ..r tin v. ...dLi.,iAU i....
the rebel titeamtrs AljibuiiiA and Henrgin
iweront Ilahla coaling, on (Ha l'Jli, 'Clio
iDUlliorltlm had ordmtl theu-tn luaye, hut
J here at iw.tip o vthqh- doloj to.(